// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1992 - 1996
// File: bndcache.cxx
// Contents: Binding cache for Kerberos Package
// History: 13-August-1996 Created MikeSw
#include <kerb.hxx>
#include <kerbp.h>
// Function: KerbInitBindingCache
// Synopsis: Initializes the binding cache
// Effects: allocates a resources
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS on success, other error codes on failure
// Notes:
NTSTATUS KerbInitBindingCache( VOID ) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = KerbInitializeList( &KerbBindingCache, BINDING_CACHE_LOCK_ENUM ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
KerberosBindingCacheInitialized = TRUE;
Cleanup: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KerbFreeList( &KerbBindingCache ); } return(Status); }
// Function: KerbCleanupBindingCache
// Synopsis: Frees the binding cache
// Effects:
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: none
// Notes:
VOID KerbCleanupBindingCache( BOOLEAN FreeList ) { PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY CacheEntry;
if (KerberosBindingCacheInitialized) { KerbLockList(&KerbBindingCache);
// Go through the list of bindings and dereference them all
while (!IsListEmpty(&KerbBindingCache.List)) { CacheEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( KerbBindingCache.List.Flink, KERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY, ListEntry.Next );
DsysAssert( CacheEntry != NULL );
KerbReferenceListEntry( &KerbBindingCache, &CacheEntry->ListEntry, TRUE );
KerbDereferenceBindingCacheEntry(CacheEntry); }
// If we want to free the list, orphan the lock, and free the list
// otherwise, proceed on w/ the "fresh" cache.
if ( FreeList ) { KerbFreeList(&KerbBindingCache); } else { KerbUnlockList(&KerbBindingCache); }
} }
// Function: KerbDereferenceBindingCacheEntry
// Synopsis: Dereferences a binding cache entry
// Effects: Dereferences the binding cache entry to make it go away
// when it is no longer being used.
// Arguments: decrements reference count and delets cache entry if it goes
// to zero
// Requires: BindingCacheEntry - The binding cache entry to dereference.
// Returns: none
// Notes:
VOID KerbDereferenceBindingCacheEntry( IN PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY BindingCacheEntry ) { if (KerbDereferenceListEntry( &BindingCacheEntry->ListEntry, &KerbBindingCache ) ) { KerbFreeBindingCacheEntry(BindingCacheEntry); } }
// Function: KerbReferenceBindingCacheEntry
// Synopsis: References a binding cache entry
// Effects: Increments the reference count on the binding cache entry
// Arguments: BindingCacheEntry - binding cache entry to reference
// Requires: The binding cache must be locked
// Returns: none
// Notes:
VOID KerbReferenceBindingCacheEntry( IN PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY BindingCacheEntry, IN BOOLEAN RemoveFromList ) { KerbLockList(&KerbBindingCache);
KerbReferenceListEntry( &KerbBindingCache, &BindingCacheEntry->ListEntry, RemoveFromList );
KerbUnlockList(&KerbBindingCache); }
// Function: KerbLocateBindingCacheEntry
// Synopsis: References a binding cache entry by name
// Effects: Increments the reference count on the binding cache entry
// Arguments: RealmName - Contains the name of the realm for which to
// obtain a binding handle.
// DesiredFlags - Flags desired for binding, such as PDC required
// RemoveFromList - Remove cache entry from cache when found.
// Requires:
// Returns: The referenced cache entry or NULL if it was not found.
// Notes: If an invalid entry is found it may be dereferenced
if (DesiredFlags == 0) { DesiredFlags = KERB_NO_DC_FLAGS; }
// Go through the binding cache looking for the correct entry
for (ListEntry = KerbBindingCache.List.Flink ; ListEntry != &KerbBindingCache.List ; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) { CacheEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, KERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY, ListEntry.Next);
DsysAssert( CacheEntry != NULL );
if ( RtlEqualUnicodeString( &CacheEntry->RealmName, RealmName,TRUE ) && ((DesiredFlags & CacheEntry->Flags) == DesiredFlags)) { Found = TRUE;
// Check to see if we should stop using this entry
if (!RemoveFromList) { TimeStamp CurrentTime, Timeout; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((PFILETIME) &CurrentTime );
if ((CacheEntry->DcFlags & DS_CLOSEST_FLAG) == 0) { Timeout = KerbGlobalFarKdcTimeout; } else { Timeout = KerbGlobalNearKdcTimeout; } if (KerbGetTime(CacheEntry->DiscoveryTime) + KerbGetTime(Timeout) < KerbGetTime(CurrentTime)) { //
// This entry has timed out - it is not close by and we
// don't want to use it for too long, or its time to check
// for a close DC again.
// Note: This will have the sideeffect of checking for a new PDC
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "Purging KDC cache entry Realm: %wZ, Addr: %wZ, DcFlags %x\n", &CacheEntry->RealmName, &CacheEntry->KdcAddress, CacheEntry->DcFlags ));
RemoveFromList = TRUE; Found = FALSE; } #if DBG
else {
D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "**Using** KDC cache entry Realm: %wZ, Addr: %wZ, DcFlags %x\n", &CacheEntry->RealmName, &CacheEntry->KdcAddress, CacheEntry->DcFlags )); if ((CacheEntry->DcFlags & DS_CLOSEST_FLAG) == DS_CLOSEST_FLAG) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "CLOSE DC ")); } else { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "FAR DC ")); }
if ((CacheEntry->DcFlags & DS_PDC_FLAG) == DS_PDC_FLAG) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "-- ** PDC **\n")); } else { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "-- BDC\n")); } }
#endif //dbg
KerbReferenceBindingCacheEntry( CacheEntry, RemoveFromList );
// If we aren't returning this, dereference it now
if (!Found) { KerbDereferenceBindingCacheEntry( CacheEntry ); }
break; } }
if (!Found) { CacheEntry = NULL; }
KerbUnlockList(&KerbBindingCache); return(CacheEntry); }
// Function: KerbFreeBindingCacheEntry
// Synopsis: Frees memory associated with a binding cache entry
// Effects:
// Arguments: BindingCacheEntry - The cache entry to free. It must be
// unlinked.
// Requires:
// Returns: none
// Notes:
VOID KerbFreeBindingCacheEntry( IN PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY BindingCacheEntry ) { KerbFreeString(&BindingCacheEntry->RealmName); KerbFreeString(&BindingCacheEntry->KdcAddress);
KerbFree(BindingCacheEntry); }
// Function: KerbInsertBinding
// Synopsis: Inserts a binding into the binding cache
// Effects: bumps reference count on binding
// Arguments: CacheEntry - Cache entry to insert
// Requires:
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS always
// Notes:
NTSTATUS KerbInsertBinding( IN PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY CacheEntry ) { IF_DEBUG(DISABLE_BND_CACHE) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "KerbInsertBinding binding cache disabled\n")); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } KerbInsertListEntry( &CacheEntry->ListEntry, &KerbBindingCache );
// Function: KerbCacheBinding
// Synopsis: Caches a binding in the binding cache
// Effects: creates a cache entry.
// Arguments: RealmName - The realm name of the KDC the binding is to.
// KdcAddress - address of the KDC
// AddressType - Type of address, from DsGetDCName flags
// Flags - These were the desired flags that we asked for
// DcFlags - These are the flags the dc has
// CacheFlags - Special meaning so we don't use the locator bits
// CacheEntry - Receives the new binding cache entry, referenced
// Requires:
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS on success, other error codes on failure
// Notes: Locks the binding cache for write access while adding
// the cache entry. Removes a cache entry for the same domain
// before adding this one.
NTSTATUS KerbCacheBinding( IN PUNICODE_STRING RealmName, IN PUNICODE_STRING KdcAddress, IN ULONG AddressType, IN ULONG Flags, IN ULONG DcFlags, IN ULONG CacheFlags, OUT PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY * NewCacheEntry ) { PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY CacheEntry = NULL; PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY OldCacheEntry = NULL; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG DesiredFlags = KERB_NO_DC_FLAGS; D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "Adding Binding Cache Entry - %wZ : %wZ, DcFlags %x CacheFlags %x\n", RealmName, KdcAddress, DcFlags, CacheFlags ));
Flags &= ~DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY; //not a valid flag
// If we requested a PDC, and this is a PDC, then cache it
// as a PDC. Otherwise, we just got lucky, and we'll use
// the PDC naturally.
if ((Flags == DS_PDC_REQUIRED) && ((DcFlags & DS_PDC_FLAG) == DS_PDC_FLAG)) { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "Caching as PDC\n")); DesiredFlags = DS_PDC_REQUIRED; } else { D_DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_BND_CACHE, "Caching as BDC\n")); Flags &= ~DS_PDC_REQUIRED; // clear the flag.
DcFlags &= ~DS_PDC_FLAG;
*NewCacheEntry = NULL;
CacheEntry = (PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY) KerbAllocate(sizeof(KERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY)); if (CacheEntry == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Cleanup; }
KerbInitializeListEntry( &CacheEntry->ListEntry );
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((PFILETIME) &CacheEntry->DiscoveryTime );
Status = KerbDuplicateString( &CacheEntry->RealmName, RealmName ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
Status = KerbDuplicateString( &CacheEntry->KdcAddress, KdcAddress ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
CacheEntry->AddressType = AddressType; CacheEntry->Flags = ((Flags == 0) ? KERB_NO_DC_FLAGS : Flags); CacheEntry->DcFlags = DcFlags; CacheEntry->CacheFlags = CacheFlags;
// Before we insert this binding we want to remove any
// previous instances of bindings to the same realm.
OldCacheEntry = KerbLocateBindingCacheEntry( RealmName, DesiredFlags, // only hammer on PDC entries
TRUE // remove from cache
if (OldCacheEntry != NULL) { KerbDereferenceBindingCacheEntry( OldCacheEntry ); }
// Insert the cache entry into the cache
Status = KerbInsertBinding( CacheEntry );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
*NewCacheEntry = CacheEntry;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (NULL != CacheEntry) { KerbFreeBindingCacheEntry(CacheEntry); } }
// Function: KerbRemoveBindingCacheEntry
// Synopsis: removes an entry from the binding cache
// Effects:
// Arguments: CacheEntry - entry to remove
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID KerbRemoveBindingCacheEntry( IN PKERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY CacheEntry ) { KerbLockList(&KerbBindingCache);
KerbReferenceBindingCacheEntry( CacheEntry, TRUE );
KerbDereferenceBindingCacheEntry( CacheEntry );
KerbUnlockList(&KerbBindingCache); }