// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991 - 1992
// File: utils.cxx
// Contents: utilities
// History: LZhu Feb 1, 2002 Created
// Notes:
#ifdef WIN32_CHICAGO
#endif // WIN32_CHICAGO
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <samrpc.h>
#include <samisrv.h>
#include <lsarpc.h>
#include <lsaisrv.h>
#include <lsaitf.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
} #include <kerbcomm.h>
#include <kerberr.h>
#include <kerbcon.h>
#include <midles.h>
#include <authen.hxx>
#include <kerberos.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include <fileno.h>
#include <pac.hxx>
#include <utils.hxx>
// Function: KerbUnpackErrorData
// Synopsis: This routine unpacks error information from a KERB_ERROR message
// Effects:
// Arguments: Unpacked error data. Returns extended error to
// be freed using KerbFreeData with KERB_EXT_ERROR_PDU
// Requires:
// Returns: KERB_ERROR
// Notes:
KERBERR KerbUnpackErrorData( IN OUT PKERB_ERROR ErrorMessage, IN OUT PKERB_EXT_ERROR * ExtendedError ) { KERBERR KerbErr = KDC_ERR_NONE;
TYPED_DATA_Element* TypedDataElem = NULL;
TYPED_DATA_Element* ErrorData = NULL; KERB_ERROR_METHOD_DATA* ErrorMethodData = NULL;
UCHAR* ExtErrTemp = NULL; // need to free it
UCHAR* ExtErr = NULL; ULONG ExtErrSize = 0;
*ExtendedError = NULL;
if ((ErrorMessage->bit_mask & error_data_present) == 0) { KerbErr = (KRB_ERR_GENERIC); goto Cleanup; }
KerbErr = KerbUnpackData( ErrorMessage->error_data.value, ErrorMessage->error_data.length, TYPED_DATA_PDU, (VOID**) &ErrorData );
if (!KERB_SUCCESS(KerbErr)) { //
// we do not use error method data from kdc any more, but need to watch
// for those slipped into clients with ServicePacks
DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "KerbUnpackData failed to unpack typed data, trying error method data\n"));
KerbErr = KerbUnpackData( ErrorMessage->error_data.value, ErrorMessage->error_data.length, KERB_ERROR_METHOD_DATA_PDU, (VOID**) &ErrorMethodData );
if (!KERB_SUCCESS(KerbErr)) { goto Cleanup; }
if ((ErrorMethodData->bit_mask & data_value_present) && (KERB_ERR_TYPE_EXTENDED == ErrorMethodData->data_type) && ErrorMethodData->data_value.length >= sizeof(KERB_EXT_ERROR)) { //
// pack the raw data
KerbErr = KerbPackData( ErrorMethodData->data_value.value, KERB_EXT_ERROR_PDU, &ExtErrSize, &ExtErrTemp ); if (!KERB_SUCCESS(KerbErr)) { goto Cleanup; }
ExtErr = ExtErrTemp; } } else { TypedDataElem = TypedDataListFind(ErrorData, TD_EXTENDED_ERROR); if (TypedDataElem) { ExtErrSize = TypedDataElem->value.data_value.length; ExtErr = TypedDataElem->value.data_value.value; }
if ((KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN == ErrorMessage->error_code) && (NULL != TypedDataListFind(ErrorData, TD_MUST_USE_USER2USER))) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "KerbUnpackData remap KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN to KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER\n"));
ErrorMessage->error_code = KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER; } }
if (ExtErr && ExtErrSize) { KerbErr = KerbUnpackData( ExtErr, ExtErrSize, KERB_EXT_ERROR_PDU, (VOID**)ExtendedError ); if (!KERB_SUCCESS(KerbErr)) { goto Cleanup; } }
if (*ExtendedError) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "KerbUnpackErrorData received failure from kdc %#x KLIN(%#x) NTSTATUS(%#x)\n", ErrorMessage->error_code, (*ExtendedError)->klininfo, (*ExtendedError)->status)); }
if (NULL != ErrorMethodData) { KerbFreeData(KERB_ERROR_METHOD_DATA_PDU, ErrorMethodData); }
if (NULL != ErrorData) { KerbFreeData(TYPED_DATA_PDU, ErrorData); }
if (NULL != ExtErrTemp) { MIDL_user_free(ExtErrTemp); }
return (KerbErr); }
// Function: TypedDataListFind
// Synopsis: find a kerb typed data from a type data list
// Effects: none
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: TYPED_DATA_Element that is found, NULL otherwise
// Notes:
TYPED_DATA_Element* TypedDataListFind( IN OPTIONAL TYPED_DATA_Element* InputDataList, IN LONG Type ) { for (TYPED_DATA_Element* p = InputDataList; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->value.data_type == Type) { return p; } }
return NULL; }
// Function: TypedDataListPushFront
// Synopsis: Insert a kerb typed data to a type data list
// Effects: none
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: KERBERR
// Notes:
KERBERR TypedDataListPushFront( IN OPTIONAL TYPED_DATA_Element* InputDataList, IN KERB_TYPED_DATA* Data, OUT ULONG* OutputDataListSize, OUT UCHAR** OutputDataList ) { KERBERR KerbErr = KDC_ERR_NONE;
TYPED_DATA_Element TypedDataElem = {0}; TYPED_DATA_Element* TypedDataList = &TypedDataElem;
TypedDataElem.value = *Data; TypedDataElem.next = InputDataList;
KerbErr = KerbPackData( &TypedDataList, TYPED_DATA_PDU, OutputDataListSize, OutputDataList );
if (!KERB_SUCCESS(KerbErr)) { D_DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "KdcGetTicket faild to pack error data as typed data %#x\n", KLIN(FILENO, __LINE__))); goto Cleanup; }
return KerbErr; }
// Function: PackUnicodeStringAsUnicodeStringZ
// Synopsis: Pack a unicode string as null-terminated
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID PackUnicodeStringAsUnicodeStringZ( IN UNICODE_STRING* pString, IN OUT WCHAR** ppWhere, OUT UNICODE_STRING* pDestString ) { RtlCopyMemory(*ppWhere, pString->Buffer, pString->Length); pDestString->Buffer = *ppWhere;
pDestString->Length = pString->Length; pDestString->MaximumLength = pString->Length + sizeof(WCHAR);
*ppWhere += pDestString->MaximumLength / sizeof(WCHAR);
// add unicode NULL
pDestString->Buffer[(pDestString->MaximumLength / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1] = UNICODE_NULL; }
// Function: PackS4UDelegationInformation
// Synopsis: Pack S4U DelegationInformation
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS PackS4UDelegationInformation( IN OPTIONAL PS4U_DELEGATION_INFO DelegationInfo, OUT PS4U_DELEGATION_INFO* NewDelegationInfo ) { ULONG NewDelegationInfoSize = 0; WCHAR* Where = NULL;
*NewDelegationInfo = NULL; if (DelegationInfo) { NewDelegationInfoSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(sizeof(S4U_DELEGATION_INFO), ALIGN_QUAD) + ROUND_UP_COUNT(DelegationInfo->S4U2proxyTarget.Length + sizeof(WCHAR), ALIGN_QUAD);
if (DelegationInfo->TransitedListSize) { NewDelegationInfoSize += ROUND_UP_COUNT(NewDelegationInfoSize, ALIGN_QUAD);
for (ULONG i = 0; i < DelegationInfo->TransitedListSize; i++) { NewDelegationInfoSize += ROUND_UP_COUNT(sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), ALIGN_QUAD) + ROUND_UP_COUNT(DelegationInfo->S4UTransitedServices[i].Length + sizeof(WCHAR), ALIGN_QUAD); } }
*NewDelegationInfo = (PS4U_DELEGATION_INFO) MIDL_user_allocate(NewDelegationInfoSize);
if (NULL == *NewDelegationInfo) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
RtlZeroMemory(*NewDelegationInfo, NewDelegationInfoSize); Where = (WCHAR*) (*NewDelegationInfo + 1); PackUnicodeStringAsUnicodeStringZ(&DelegationInfo->S4U2proxyTarget, &Where, &(*NewDelegationInfo)->S4U2proxyTarget);
(*NewDelegationInfo)->TransitedListSize = DelegationInfo->TransitedListSize; (*NewDelegationInfo)->S4UTransitedServices = (UNICODE_STRING*) ROUND_UP_POINTER(Where, ALIGN_QUAD); Where = (WCHAR*) ((*NewDelegationInfo)->S4UTransitedServices + DelegationInfo->TransitedListSize);
for (ULONG j = 0; j < DelegationInfo->TransitedListSize; j++) { PackUnicodeStringAsUnicodeStringZ( &DelegationInfo->S4UTransitedServices[j], &Where, &(*NewDelegationInfo)->S4UTransitedServices[j] ); } }
// Function: PackS4UDelegationInformation
// Synopsis: Pack S4U DelegationInformation
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS UnmarshalS4UDelegationInformation( IN ULONG DelegInfoMarshalledSize, IN OPTIONAL BYTE* DelegInfoMarshalled, OUT PS4U_DELEGATION_INFO* S4UDelegationInfo ) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = PAC_UnmarshallS4UDelegationInfo( &RawDelegInfo, DelegInfoMarshalled, DelegInfoMarshalledSize );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "KdcUpdateAndValidateS4UProxyPAC failed to unmarshall S4U delgation info %#x\n", Status)); goto Cleanup; }
Status = PackS4UDelegationInformation( RawDelegInfo, S4UDelegationInfo ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "KdcUpdateAndValidateS4UProxyPAC: PackS4UDelegationInformation failed - %#x\n", Status)); goto Cleanup; }
if (RawDelegInfo != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(RawDelegInfo); }
return Status; }
// Function: KerbMapStatusToKerbError
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
KERBERR KerbMapStatusToKerbError( IN LONG Status ) { KERBERR KerbError = KRB_ERR_GENERIC; switch (Status) { case SEC_E_ETYPE_NOT_SUPP: KerbError = KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOTSUPP; break; case SEC_E_OK: KerbError = KDC_ERR_NONE; break; default: KerbError = KRB_ERR_GENERIC; break; } return KerbError; }