// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998
// File: pkiasn1.h
// Contents: PKI ASN.1 support functions.
// APIs: PkiAsn1ErrToHr
// PkiAsn1Encode
// PkiAsn1FreeEncoded
// PkiAsn1Encode2
// PkiAsn1Decode
// PkiAsn1Decode2
// PkiAsn1FreeDecoded
// PkiAsn1SetEncodingRule
// PkiAsn1GetEncodingRule
// PkiAsn1EncodedOidToDotVal
// PkiAsn1FreeDotVal
// PkiAsn1DotValToEncodedOid
// PkiAsn1FreeEncodedOid
// PkiAsn1ReverseBytes
// PkiAsn1EncodeInfo
// PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfo
// PkiAsn1FreeInfo
// PkiAsn1EncodeInfoEx
// PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfo
// PkiAsn1AllocStructInfoEx
// PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfoEx
// PkiAsn1ToObjectIdentifier
// PkiAsn1FromObjectIdentifier
// History: 23-Oct-98 philh created
#ifndef __PKIASN1_H__
#define __PKIASN1_H__
#include <msber.h>
#include <msasn1.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Convert Asn1 error to a HRESULT.
__inline HRESULT WINAPI PkiAsn1ErrToHr(ASN1error_e Asn1Err) { if (0 > Asn1Err) return CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR + (-Asn1Err -1000); else return CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR + 0x100 + (Asn1Err -1000); }
// Asn1 Encode function. The encoded output is allocated and must be freed
// by calling PkiAsn1FreeEncoded().
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Encode( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded );
// Free encoded output returned by PkiAsn1Encode().
__inline void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeEncoded( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN void *pvEncoded ) { if (pvEncoded) ASN1_FreeEncoded(pEnc, pvEncoded); }
// Asn1 Encode function. The encoded output isn't allocated.
// If pbEncoded is NULL, does a length only calculation.
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Encode2( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, OUT OPTIONAL BYTE *pbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded );
// Asn1 Decode function. The allocated, decoded structure, **pvAsn1Info, must
// be freed by calling PkiAsn1FreeDecoded().
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Decode( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, OUT void **ppvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded );
// Asn1 Decode function. The allocated, decoded structure, **pvAsn1Info, must
// be freed by calling PkiAsn1FreeDecoded().
// For a successful decode, *ppbEncoded is advanced
// past the decoded bytes and *pcbDecoded is decremented by the number
// of decoded bytes.
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Decode2( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, OUT void **ppvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded );
// Free decoded structure returned by PkiAsn1Decode() or PkiAsn1Decode2().
__inline void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeDecoded( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id ) { if (pvAsn1Info) ASN1_FreeDecoded(pDec, pvAsn1Info, id); }
// Asn1 Set/Get encoding rule functions
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1SetEncodingRule( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1encodingrule_e eRule );
ASN1encodingrule_e WINAPI PkiAsn1GetEncodingRule( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc );
// Asn1 EncodedOid To/From DotVal functions
__inline LPSTR WINAPI PkiAsn1EncodedOidToDotVal( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN ASN1encodedOID_t *pEncodedOid ) { LPSTR pszDotVal = NULL; if (ASN1BEREoid2DotVal(pDec, pEncodedOid, &pszDotVal)) return pszDotVal; else return NULL; }
__inline void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeDotVal( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN LPSTR pszDotVal ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDec);
if (pszDotVal) ASN1Free(pszDotVal); }
// Returns nonzero for success
__inline int WINAPI PkiAsn1DotValToEncodedOid( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN LPSTR pszDotVal, OUT ASN1encodedOID_t *pEncodedOid ) { return ASN1BERDotVal2Eoid(pEnc, pszDotVal, pEncodedOid); }
__inline void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeEncodedOid( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1encodedOID_t *pEncodedOid ) { if (pEncodedOid->value) ASN1_FreeEncoded(pEnc, pEncodedOid->value); }
// Reverses a buffer of bytes in place
void WINAPI PkiAsn1ReverseBytes( IN OUT PBYTE pbIn, IN DWORD cbIn );
// Encode an ASN1 formatted info structure
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1EncodeInfo( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN void *pvAsn1Info, OUT OPTIONAL BYTE *pbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded );
// Decode into an allocated, ASN1 formatted info structure
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfo( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT void **ppvAsn1Info );
// Free an allocated, ASN1 formatted info structure
__inline void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeInfo( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN void *pvAsn1Info ) { if (pvAsn1Info) ASN1_FreeDecoded(pDec, pvAsn1Info, id); }
// Encode an ASN1 formatted info structure.
// If CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set, allocate memory for pbEncoded and
// return *((BYTE **) pvEncoded) = pbAllocEncoded. Otherwise,
// pvEncoded points to byte array to be updated.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1EncodeInfoEx( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_ENCODE_PARA pEncodePara, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded );
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_PKI_ASN1_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK)( IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra );
// Call the callback to convert the ASN1 structure into the 'C' structure.
// If CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set allocate memory for the 'C'
// structure and call the callback initially to get the length and then
// a second time to update the allocated 'C' structure.
// Allocated structure is returned:
// *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pvAllocStructInfo
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1AllocStructInfoEx( IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, IN PFN_PKI_ASN1_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK pfnDecodeExCallback, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo );
// Decode the ASN1 formatted info structure and call the callback
// function to convert the ASN1 structure to the 'C' structure.
// If CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set allocate memory for the 'C'
// structure and call the callback initially to get the length and then
// a second time to update the allocated 'C' structure.
// Allocated structure is returned:
// *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pvAllocStructInfo
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfoEx( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, IN PFN_PKI_ASN1_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK pfnDecodeExCallback, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo );
// Convert the ascii string ("1.2.9999") to ASN1's Object Identifier
// represented as an array of unsigned longs.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1ToObjectIdentifier( IN LPCSTR pszObjId, IN OUT ASN1uint16_t *pCount, OUT ASN1uint32_t rgulValue[] );
// Convert from OSS's Object Identifier represented as an array of
// unsigned longs to an ascii string ("1.2.9999").
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1FromObjectIdentifier( IN ASN1uint16_t Count, IN ASN1uint32_t rgulValue[], OUT LPSTR pszObjId, IN OUT DWORD *pcbObjId );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // Balance extern "C" above