// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: core.cpp
// Contents: Cert Server Core implementation
// History: 25-Jul-96 vich created
#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <esent.h>
#include "cscom.h"
#include "csprop.h"
#include "cspolicy.h"
#include "ciinit.h"
#include "csdisp.h"
#include "csldap.h"
#include "cainfop.h"
#include "elog.h"
#include "certlog.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define __dwFILE__ __dwFILE_CERTSRV_CORE_CPP__
#define DBG_COMTEST_CONST const
SERVERCALLBACKS ServerCallBacks = { PropCIGetProperty, PropCISetProperty, PropCIGetExtension, PropCISetExtension, PropCIEnumSetup, PropCIEnumNext, PropCIEnumClose, };
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; WCHAR g_wszSharedFolder[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR g_wszSanitizedName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *g_pwszSanitizedDSName; WCHAR g_wszCommonName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR g_wszPolicyDCName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD g_cwcPolicyDCName = ARRAYSIZE(g_wszPolicyDCName); WCHAR g_wszParentConfig[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR *g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains = NULL; WCHAR *g_pwszzSubjectTemplate = NULL; WCHAR *g_pwszServerName = NULL;
WCHAR const g_wszRegValidityPeriodString[] = wszREGVALIDITYPERIODSTRING; WCHAR const g_wszRegValidityPeriodCount[] = wszREGVALIDITYPERIODCOUNT;
WCHAR const g_wszRegCAXchgValidityPeriodString[] = wszREGCAXCHGVALIDITYPERIODSTRING; WCHAR const g_wszRegCAXchgValidityPeriodCount[] = wszREGCAXCHGVALIDITYPERIODCOUNT; WCHAR const g_wszRegCAXchgOverlapPeriodString[] = wszREGCAXCHGOVERLAPPERIODSTRING; WCHAR const g_wszRegCAXchgOverlapPeriodCount[] = wszREGCAXCHGOVERLAPPERIODCOUNT; WCHAR const g_wszRegCAXchgCertHash[] = wszREGCAXCHGCERTHASH;
WCHAR const g_wszRegSubjectTemplate[] = wszREGSUBJECTTEMPLATE; WCHAR const g_wszRegKeyConfigPath[] = wszREGKEYCONFIGPATH; WCHAR const g_wszRegDirectory[] = wszREGDIRECTORY; WCHAR const g_wszRegActive[] = wszREGACTIVE; WCHAR const g_wszRegEnabled[] = wszREGENABLED; WCHAR const g_wszRegPolicyFlags[] = wszREGPOLICYFLAGS; WCHAR const g_wszCertSrvServiceName[] = wszSERVICE_NAME; WCHAR const g_wszRegCertEnrollCompatible[] = wszREGCERTENROLLCOMPATIBLE; WCHAR const g_wszRegEnforceX500NameLengths[] = wszREGENFORCEX500NAMELENGTHS; WCHAR const g_wszRegForceTeletex[] = wszREGFORCETELETEX; WCHAR const g_wszRegClockSkewMinutes[] = wszREGCLOCKSKEWMINUTES; WCHAR const g_wszRegViewAgeMinutes[] = wszREGVIEWAGEMINUTES; WCHAR const g_wszRegViewIdleMinutes[] = wszREGVIEWIDLEMINUTES; WCHAR const g_wszRegLogLevel[] = wszREGLOGLEVEL; WCHAR const g_wszRegHighSerial[] = wszREGHIGHSERIAL; WCHAR const g_wszRegMaxIncomingMessageSize[] = wszREGMAXINCOMINGMESSAGESIZE; WCHAR const g_wszRegMaxIncomingAllocSize[] = wszREGMAXINCOMINGALLOCSIZE;
BOOL g_fUseDS = FALSE; BOOL g_fServerUpgraded = FALSE; DWORD g_InterfaceFlags = IF_DEFAULT; HRESULT g_hrJetVersionStoreOutOfMemory;
// Name properties:
WCHAR const g_wszPropDistinguishedName[] = wszPROPDISTINGUISHEDNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropRawName[] = wszPROPRAWNAME;
WCHAR const g_wszPropCountry[] = wszPROPCOUNTRY; WCHAR const g_wszPropOrganization[] = wszPROPORGANIZATION; WCHAR const g_wszPropOrgUnit[] = wszPROPORGUNIT; WCHAR const g_wszPropCommonName[] = wszPROPCOMMONNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropLocality[] = wszPROPLOCALITY; WCHAR const g_wszPropState[] = wszPROPSTATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropTitle[] = wszPROPTITLE; WCHAR const g_wszPropGivenName[] = wszPROPGIVENNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropInitials[] = wszPROPINITIALS; WCHAR const g_wszPropSurName[] = wszPROPSURNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropDomainComponent[] = wszPROPDOMAINCOMPONENT; WCHAR const g_wszPropEMail[] = wszPROPEMAIL; WCHAR const g_wszPropStreetAddress[] = wszPROPSTREETADDRESS; WCHAR const g_wszPropUnstructuredAddress[] = wszPROPUNSTRUCTUREDADDRESS; WCHAR const g_wszPropUnstructuredName[] = wszPROPUNSTRUCTUREDNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropDeviceSerialNumber[] = wszPROPDEVICESERIALNUMBER;
// Subject Name properties:
WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectDot[] = wszPROPSUBJECTDOT; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectDistinguishedName[] = wszPROPSUBJECTDISTINGUISHEDNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectRawName[] = wszPROPSUBJECTRAWNAME;
WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectCountry[] = wszPROPSUBJECTCOUNTRY; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectOrganization[] = wszPROPSUBJECTORGANIZATION; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectOrgUnit[] = wszPROPSUBJECTORGUNIT; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectCommonName[] = wszPROPSUBJECTCOMMONNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectLocality[] = wszPROPSUBJECTLOCALITY; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectState[] = wszPROPSUBJECTSTATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectTitle[] = wszPROPSUBJECTTITLE; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectGivenName[] = wszPROPSUBJECTGIVENNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectInitials[] = wszPROPSUBJECTINITIALS; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectSurName[] = wszPROPSUBJECTSURNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectDomainComponent[] = wszPROPSUBJECTDOMAINCOMPONENT; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectEMail[] = wszPROPSUBJECTEMAIL; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectStreetAddress[] = wszPROPSUBJECTSTREETADDRESS; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectUnstructuredAddress[] = wszPROPSUBJECTUNSTRUCTUREDADDRESS; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectUnstructuredName[] = wszPROPSUBJECTUNSTRUCTUREDNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropSubjectDeviceSerialNumber[] = wszPROPSUBJECTDEVICESERIALNUMBER;
// Issuer Name properties:
WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerDot[] = wszPROPISSUERDOT; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerDistinguishedName[] = wszPROPISSUERDISTINGUISHEDNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerRawName[] = wszPROPISSUERRAWNAME;
WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerCountry[] = wszPROPISSUERCOUNTRY; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerOrganization[] = wszPROPISSUERORGANIZATION; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerOrgUnit[] = wszPROPISSUERORGUNIT; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerCommonName[] = wszPROPISSUERCOMMONNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerLocality[] = wszPROPISSUERLOCALITY; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerState[] = wszPROPISSUERSTATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerTitle[] = wszPROPISSUERTITLE; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerGivenName[] = wszPROPISSUERGIVENNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerInitials[] = wszPROPISSUERINITIALS; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerSurName[] = wszPROPISSUERSURNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerDomainComponent[] = wszPROPISSUERDOMAINCOMPONENT; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerEMail[] = wszPROPISSUEREMAIL; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerStreetAddress[] = wszPROPISSUERSTREETADDRESS; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerUnstructuredAddress[] = wszPROPISSUERUNSTRUCTUREDADDRESS; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerUnstructuredName[] = wszPROPISSUERUNSTRUCTUREDNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropIssuerDeviceSerialNumber[] = wszPROPISSUERDEVICESERIALNUMBER;
// Request properties:
WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRequestID[] = wszPROPREQUESTREQUESTID; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRawRequest[] = wszPROPREQUESTRAWREQUEST; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRawArchivedKey[] = wszPROPREQUESTRAWARCHIVEDKEY; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestKeyRecoveryHashes[] = wszPROPREQUESTKEYRECOVERYHASHES; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRawOldCertificate[] = wszPROPREQUESTRAWOLDCERTIFICATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestAttributes[] = wszPROPREQUESTATTRIBUTES; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestType[] = wszPROPREQUESTTYPE; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestFlags[] = wszPROPREQUESTFLAGS; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestStatusCode[] = wszPROPREQUESTSTATUSCODE; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestDisposition[] = wszPROPREQUESTDISPOSITION; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestDispositionMessage[] = wszPROPREQUESTDISPOSITIONMESSAGE; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestSubmittedWhen[] = wszPROPREQUESTSUBMITTEDWHEN; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestResolvedWhen[] = wszPROPREQUESTRESOLVEDWHEN; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRevokedWhen[] = wszPROPREQUESTREVOKEDWHEN; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRevokedEffectiveWhen[] = wszPROPREQUESTREVOKEDEFFECTIVEWHEN; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestRevokedReason[] = wszPROPREQUESTREVOKEDREASON; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequesterName[] = wszPROPREQUESTERNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropCallerName[] = wszPROPCALLERNAME; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestOSVersion[] = wszPROPREQUESTOSVERSION; WCHAR const g_wszPropRequestCSPProvider[] = wszPROPREQUESTCSPPROVIDER; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Request attribute properties:
WCHAR const g_wszPropChallenge[] = wszPROPCHALLENGE; WCHAR const g_wszPropExpectedChallenge[] = wszPROPEXPECTEDCHALLENGE;
// Certificate properties:
WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateRequestID[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATEREQUESTID; WCHAR const g_wszPropRawCertificate[] = wszPROPRAWCERTIFICATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateHash[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATEHASH; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateSerialNumber[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATESERIALNUMBER; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateIssuerNameID[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATEISSUERNAMEID; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateNotBeforeDate[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATENOTBEFOREDATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateNotAfterDate[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATENOTAFTERDATE; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateSubjectKeyIdentifier[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATESUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateRawPublicKey[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATERAWPUBLICKEY; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificatePublicKeyLength[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATEPUBLICKEYLENGTH; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificatePublicKeyAlgorithm[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATEPUBLICKEYALGORITHM; WCHAR const g_wszPropCertificateRawPublicKeyAlgorithmParameters[] = wszPROPCERTIFICATERAWPUBLICKEYALGORITHMPARAMETERS;
// Strings loaded from the resource file:
WCHAR const *g_pwszRequestedBy; WCHAR const *g_pwszDeniedBy; WCHAR const *g_pwszPublishedBy; WCHAR const *g_pwszPolicyDeniedRequest; WCHAR const *g_pwszIssued; WCHAR const *g_pwszUnderSubmission; WCHAR const *g_pwszCertConstructionError; WCHAR const *g_pwszRequestParsingError; WCHAR const *g_pwszRequestSigError; WCHAR const *g_pwszKeyArchivalError; WCHAR const *g_pwszArchiveSigningKeyError;
WCHAR const *g_pwszRevokedBy; WCHAR const *g_pwszUnrevokedBy; WCHAR const *g_pwszResubmittedBy; WCHAR const *g_pwszPrintfCertRequestDisposition; WCHAR const *g_pwszUnknownSubject; WCHAR const *g_pwszIntermediateCAStore; WCHAR const *g_pwszPublishError; WCHAR const *g_pwszYes; WCHAR const *g_pwszNo; WCHAR const *g_pwszInvalidIssuancePolicies; WCHAR const *g_pwszInvalidApplicationPolicies;
LPWSTR g_wszzSecuredAttributes = NULL;
LPCWSTR g_wszzSecuredAttributesDefault = wszzDEFAULTSIGNEDATTRIBUTES;
typedef struct _STRINGINITMAP { int idResource; WCHAR const **ppwszResource; } STRINGINITMAP;
STRINGINITMAP g_aStringInitStrings[] = { { IDS_REVOKEDBY, &g_pwszRevokedBy }, { IDS_UNREVOKEDBY, &g_pwszUnrevokedBy }, { IDS_RESUBMITTEDBY, &g_pwszResubmittedBy }, { IDS_REQUESTEDBY, &g_pwszRequestedBy }, { IDS_DENIEDBY, &g_pwszDeniedBy }, { IDS_PUBLISHEDBY, &g_pwszPublishedBy }, { IDS_POLICYDENIED, &g_pwszPolicyDeniedRequest }, { IDS_ISSUED, &g_pwszIssued }, { IDS_CERTCONSTRUCTIONERROR, &g_pwszCertConstructionError }, { IDS_REQUESTPARSEERROR, &g_pwszRequestParsingError }, { IDS_REQUESTSIGERROR, &g_pwszRequestSigError }, { IDS_KEYARCHIVALERROR, &g_pwszKeyArchivalError }, { IDS_ARCHIVESIGNINGKEYERROR, &g_pwszArchiveSigningKeyError }, { IDS_UNDERSUBMISSION, &g_pwszUnderSubmission }, { IDS_PRINTFCERTREQUESTDISPOSITION, &g_pwszPrintfCertRequestDisposition }, { IDS_UNKNOWNSUBJECT, &g_pwszUnknownSubject }, { IDS_INTERMEDIATECASTORE, &g_pwszIntermediateCAStore }, { IDS_PUBLISHERROR, &g_pwszPublishError }, { IDS_YES, &g_pwszYes }, { IDS_NO, &g_pwszNo }, { IDS_ALLOW, &g_pwszAuditResources[0] }, { IDS_DENY, &g_pwszAuditResources[1] }, { IDS_CAADMIN, &g_pwszAuditResources[2] }, { IDS_OFFICER, &g_pwszAuditResources[3] }, { IDS_READ, &g_pwszAuditResources[4] }, { IDS_ENROLL, &g_pwszAuditResources[5] }, { IDS_INVALIDISSUANCEPOLICIES, &g_pwszInvalidIssuancePolicies }, { IDS_INVALIDAPPLICATIONPOLICIES, &g_pwszInvalidApplicationPolicies }, };
HANDLE *g_rgDSCache = NULL; DWORD g_cDSCacheCur; BOOL g_fcritsecDSCache = FALSE; CRITICAL_SECTION g_critsecDSCache;
// Check if retriever is requester or subject of the cert being retrieved
HRESULT coreCheckRetrieveAccessRight( ICertDBRow *prow, IN WCHAR const *pcwszUserName) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszRequesterName = NULL; WCHAR *pwszCallerName = NULL;
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequesterName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszRequesterName); if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY != hr) { _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty RequesterName"); }
if (S_OK != hr || NULL == pwszRequesterName || 0 != mylstrcmpiL(pcwszUserName, pwszRequesterName)) { hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropCallerName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszCallerName); if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY != hr) { _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty CallerName"); }
if (S_OK != hr || NULL == pwszCallerName || 0 != mylstrcmpiL(pcwszUserName, pwszCallerName)) { CAuditEvent audit(0, g_dwAuditFilter);
hr = audit.AccessCheck( CA_ACCESS_ALLREADROLES, audit.m_gcNoAuditSuccess | audit.m_gcNoAuditFailure); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AccessCheck"); } } hr = S_OK;
error: LOCAL_FREE(pwszRequesterName); LOCAL_FREE(pwszCallerName); return hr; }
HRESULT coreDSInitCache() { HRESULT hr; hr = S_OK; __try { InitializeCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache); g_fcritsecDSCache = TRUE; } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "InitializeCriticalSection");
g_rgDSCache = (HANDLE *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, g_dwSessionCount * sizeof(g_rgDSCache[0])); if (NULL == g_rgDSCache) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } g_cDSCacheCur = 0; hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
*phDS = NULL; *pfCached = TRUE;
EnterCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache); if (0 != g_cDSCacheCur) { hDS = g_rgDSCache[--g_cDSCacheCur]; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache);
if (NULL == hDS) { *pfCached = FALSE; hr = DsBind(NULL, NULL, &hDS); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "DsBind"); } } *phDS = hDS; hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
DWORD coreDSUnbindWorker( OPTIONAL IN OUT VOID *pvparms) { HANDLE hDS = (HANDLE) pvparms;
DsUnBind(&hDS); return(0); }
VOID coreDSUnbind( IN HANDLE hDS, IN BOOL fSynchronous) { HRESULT hr; HANDLE hThread = NULL; DWORD ThreadId;
if (NULL != hDS) { if (!fSynchronous) { hThread = CreateThread( NULL, // lpThreadAttributes (Security Attr)
0, // dwStackSize
coreDSUnbindWorker, hDS, // lpParameter
0, // dwCreationFlags
&ThreadId); if (NULL == hThread) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError(hr, "CreateThread"); } } if (NULL == hThread) { coreDSUnbindWorker(hDS); } }
if (NULL != hThread) { CloseHandle(hThread); } }
VOID coreDSEmptyCache( IN BOOL fSynchronous) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache); while (0 != g_cDSCacheCur) { coreDSUnbind(g_rgDSCache[--g_cDSCacheCur], fSynchronous); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache); }
VOID coreDSReleaseHandle( IN HANDLE hDS) { // only cache g_dwSessionCount DS handles. They're all equivalent,
// so if the one being released won't fit in the array, toss it.
EnterCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache); CSASSERT(0 != g_dwSessionCount); if (g_cDSCacheCur < g_dwSessionCount) { g_rgDSCache[g_cDSCacheCur++] = hDS; hDS = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache);
if (NULL != hDS) { coreDSUnbind(hDS, TRUE); } }
typedef struct _LDAPCACHE { _LDAPCACHE *plcNext; WCHAR *pwszDomainDns; LDAP *pld; } LDAPCACHE;
typedef struct _FORESTLDAPCACHE { LDAPCACHE *plc; DWORD clc; WCHAR *pwszDomainDns; BOOL fcritsec; CRITICAL_SECTION critsec; } FORESTLDAPCACHE;
FORESTLDAPCACHE *g_rgForestLdapCache = NULL; DWORD g_cForestLdapCache = 0;
g_cForestLdapCache = 1; // local Forest
if (NULL != g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains) { for ( pwsz = g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains; L'\0' != *pwsz; pwsz += wcslen(pwsz) + 1) { g_cForestLdapCache++; } } g_rgForestLdapCache = (FORESTLDAPCACHE *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, g_cForestLdapCache * sizeof(g_rgForestLdapCache[0])); if (NULL == g_rgForestLdapCache) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
pwsz = g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains; pflcEnd = &g_rgForestLdapCache[g_cForestLdapCache]; for (pflc = g_rgForestLdapCache; pflc < pflcEnd; pflc++) { if (pflc > g_rgForestLdapCache) { pflc->pwszDomainDns = pwsz; pwsz += wcslen(pwsz) + 1; } hr = S_OK; __try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pflc->critsec); pflc->fcritsec = TRUE; } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "InitializeCriticalSection"); } hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
VOID coreLdapUnbind( IN OUT LDAPCACHE *plc) { if (NULL != plc->pld) { ldap_unbind(plc->pld); plc->pld = NULL; } if (NULL != plc->pwszDomainDns) { LocalFree(plc->pwszDomainDns); plc->pwszDomainDns = NULL; } LocalFree(plc); }
VOID coreLdapFreeCache() { if (NULL != g_rgForestLdapCache) { FORESTLDAPCACHE *pflcEnd = &g_rgForestLdapCache[g_cForestLdapCache]; FORESTLDAPCACHE *pflc; for (pflc = g_rgForestLdapCache; pflc < pflcEnd; pflc++) { if (pflc->fcritsec) { LDAPCACHE *plc;
while (NULL != pflc->plc) { plc = pflc->plc; pflc->plc = plc->plcNext; plc->plcNext = NULL; coreLdapUnbind(plc); }
DeleteCriticalSection(&pflc->critsec); pflc->fcritsec = FALSE; } } LocalFree(g_rgForestLdapCache); g_rgForestLdapCache = NULL; } }
HRESULT coreLdapGetCachedHandle( IN DWORD iForest, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDomainDns, OUT WCHAR const **ppwszDomainDns, OUT LDAPCACHE **pplc) { HRESULT hr; FORESTLDAPCACHE *pflc = NULL; BOOL fCritSecEntered = FALSE; LDAPCACHE *plc; LDAPCACHE **pplcPrev;
*ppwszDomainDns = NULL; *pplc = NULL;
if (NULL == g_rgForestLdapCache || iForest >= g_cForestLdapCache) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "g_rgForestLdapCache"); } pflc = &g_rgForestLdapCache[iForest]; *ppwszDomainDns = pflc->pwszDomainDns;
EnterCriticalSection(&pflc->critsec); fCritSecEntered = TRUE;
pplcPrev = &pflc->plc; for (plc = pflc->plc; ; plc = plc->plcNext) { if (NULL == plc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); _JumpError2(hr, error, "pflc->plc", hr); } if (NULL == pwszDomainDns || 0 == mylstrcmpiL(plc->pwszDomainDns, pwszDomainDns)) { break; } pplcPrev = &plc->plcNext; } *pplcPrev = plc->plcNext; plc->plcNext = NULL; *pplc = plc; CSASSERT(0 < pflc->clc); pflc->clc--; hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != pflc && fCritSecEntered) { LeaveCriticalSection(&pflc->critsec); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreLdapBindHandle( IN WCHAR const *pwszDomainDns, OUT LDAPCACHE **pplc) { HRESULT hr; LDAPCACHE *plc = NULL;
plc = (LDAPCACHE *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(*plc)); if (NULL == plc) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } CSASSERT(NULL != pwszDomainDns);
hr = myDupString(pwszDomainDns, &plc->pwszDomainDns); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString");
hr = myRobustLdapBindEx( 0, // dwFlags1
LDAP_VERSION2, // uVersion
pwszDomainDns, // pwszDomainName
&plc->pld, // ppld
NULL); // ppwszForestDNSName
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRobustLdapBindEx");
*pplc = plc; plc = NULL; hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != plc) { coreLdapUnbind(plc); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreLdapGetHandle( IN DWORD iForest, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDomainDns, // NULL for 0 < iForest
OUT LDAPCACHE **pplc, OUT BOOL *pfCached) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *pwszForestDomainDns;
CSASSERT(NULL != pplc); *pplc = NULL; *pfCached = TRUE;
hr = coreLdapGetCachedHandle( iForest, pwszDomainDns, &pwszForestDomainDns, pplc); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintError(hr, "coreGetLdapCache"); *pfCached = FALSE; if (NULL == pwszDomainDns) { CSASSERT(0 < iForest); if (NULL == pwszForestDomainDns) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; _JumpError(hr, error, "pwszForestDomainDns NULL"); } pwszDomainDns = pwszForestDomainDns; } hr = coreLdapBindHandle(pwszDomainDns, pplc); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreBindLdapHandle"); } hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
VOID coreLdapReleaseHandle( IN DWORD iForest, IN LDAPCACHE *plc) { if (NULL != g_rgForestLdapCache && iForest < g_cForestLdapCache) { FORESTLDAPCACHE *pflc = &g_rgForestLdapCache[iForest];
if (pflc->fcritsec) { EnterCriticalSection(&pflc->critsec); plc->plcNext = pflc->plc; pflc->plc = plc; pflc->clc++; LeaveCriticalSection(&pflc->critsec); plc = NULL; } } if (NULL != plc) { coreLdapUnbind(plc); } }
HRESULT myAddDomainName( IN WCHAR const *pwszSamName, OUT WCHAR **ppwszSamName, // *ppwszSamName is NULL if unchanged
OUT WCHAR const **ppwszUserName) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *pwszUserName; WCHAR wszDomain[MAX_PATH];
*ppwszSamName = NULL; *ppwszUserName = NULL;
if (L'\0' == *pwszSamName) { hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; // can't have a zero length name
_JumpError(hr, error, "zero length name"); }
// See if it includes a domain name.
pwszUserName = wcschr(pwszSamName, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwszUserName) { DWORD cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszDomain); WCHAR *pwsz;
// There was no domain portion, so assume part of the current domain.
if (GetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible, wszDomain, &cwc)) { // Fix NULL termination bug
if (0 != cwc) { cwc--; } wszDomain[cwc] = L'\0'; pwsz = wcschr(wszDomain, L'\\'); if (NULL != pwsz) { pwsz++; wcsncpy(pwsz, pwszSamName, ARRAYSIZE(wszDomain) - cwc);
hr = myDupString(wszDomain, ppwszSamName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString");
pwszSamName = *ppwszSamName; } } } pwszUserName = wcschr(pwszSamName, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwszUserName) { pwszUserName = pwszSamName; } else { pwszUserName++; } *ppwszUserName = pwszUserName; hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT coreGetDNFromSamName( IN WCHAR const *pwszSamName, OUT WCHAR **ppwszDN) { HRESULT hr; HANDLE hDS = NULL; DS_NAME_RESULT *pNameResults = NULL;
CSASSERT(NULL != ppwszDN); *ppwszDN = NULL;
for (;;) { BOOL fCached;
if (NULL != hDS) { coreDSUnbind(hDS, FALSE); hDS = NULL; coreDSEmptyCache(FALSE); } hr = coreDSGetHandle(&hDS, &fCached); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreGetDSHandle");
// Got a connection. Crack the name:
hr = DsCrackNames( hDS, DS_NAME_NO_FLAGS, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME, DS_FQDN_1779_NAME, 1, // one name
&pwszSamName, // one name (IN)
&pNameResults); // OUT
if (S_OK != hr) { // It's probably not worth flushing the DS cache only when certain
// errors are detected.
hr = myHError(hr); if (fCached) { _PrintError(hr, "DsCrackNames"); continue; } _JumpError(hr, error, "DsCrackNames"); } if (1 > pNameResults->cItems || DS_NAME_NO_ERROR != pNameResults->rItems[0].status) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO); _JumpError(hr, error, "DsCrackNames result"); } break; } hr = myDupString(pNameResults->rItems[0].pName, ppwszDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString");
error: if (NULL != pNameResults) { DsFreeNameResult(pNameResults); } if (NULL != hDS) { coreDSReleaseHandle(hDS); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName( IN BOOL fDeleteUserDNOnly, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszSamName, IN LONG Context, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR const **ppwszDN) // do NOT free!
hr = ComGetClientInfo(Context, dwComContextIndex, &pComContext); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ComGetClientInfo");
if (fDeleteUserDNOnly) { if (NULL != pComContext->pwszUserDN) { LocalFree(pComContext->pwszUserDN); pComContext->pwszUserDN = NULL; } } else { if (NULL == pComContext->pwszUserDN) { hr = coreGetDNFromSamName(pwszSamName, &pComContext->pwszUserDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreGetDNFromSamName"); } } if (NULL != ppwszDN) { *ppwszDN = pComContext->pwszUserDN; } hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT CoreSetComContextUserDN( IN DWORD dwRequestId, IN LONG Context, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR const **ppwszDN) // do NOT free!
{ HRESULT hr; ICertDBRow *prow = NULL; WCHAR *pwszSamName = NULL; WCHAR *pwszSamNamePatched = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszUserName;
hr = g_pCertDB->OpenRow( PROPOPEN_READONLY | PROPTABLE_REQCERT, dwRequestId, NULL, &prow); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "OpenRow");
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequesterName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszSamName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty");
hr = myAddDomainName(pwszSamName, &pwszSamNamePatched, &pwszUserName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myAddDomainName");
hr = coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName( FALSE, // fDeleteUserDNOnly
NULL != pwszSamNamePatched? pwszSamNamePatched : pwszSamName, Context, dwComContextIndex, ppwszDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName");
error: if (NULL != pwszSamName) { LocalFree(pwszSamName); } if (NULL != pwszSamNamePatched) { LocalFree(pwszSamNamePatched); } if (NULL != prow) { prow->Release(); } return(hr); }
HRESULT CoreSetArchivedKey( IN OUT CERTSRV_COM_CONTEXT *pComContext) { HRESULT hr; ICertDBRow *prow = NULL; DWORD cb;
hr = g_pCertDB->OpenRow( PROPOPEN_READONLY | PROPTABLE_REQCERT, pComContext->RequestId, NULL, &prow); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "OpenRow");
cb = 0; hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestRawArchivedKey, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cb, NULL); if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY != hr) { _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty");
if (0 < cb) { pComContext->dwFlags |= CCCF_KEYARCHIVED; } } pComContext->dwFlags |= CCCF_KEYARCHIVEDSET; hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != prow) { prow->Release(); } return(hr); }
DWORD g_PolicyFlags;
HRESULT CoreSetDisposition( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN DWORD Disposition) { HRESULT hr;
hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestDisposition, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, sizeof(Disposition), (BYTE const *) &Disposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(disposition)");
error: return(hr); }
DWORD coreRegGetTimePeriod( IN HKEY hkeyCN, IN WCHAR const *pwszRegPeriodCount, IN WCHAR const *pwszRegPeriodString, OUT enum ENUM_PERIOD *penumPeriod, OUT LONG *plCount) { HRESULT hr; LONG lCount; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbValue; cbValue = sizeof(lCount); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, pwszRegPeriodCount, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &lCount, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(lCount) == cbValue) { WCHAR awcPeriod[10]; cbValue = sizeof(awcPeriod); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, pwszRegPeriodString, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) awcPeriod, &cbValue); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) == hr) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { hr = S_OK; } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx"); } else { if (REG_SZ != dwType || sizeof(awcPeriod) <= cbValue) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "time period string", pwszRegPeriodString); } hr = myTranslatePeriodUnits( awcPeriod, lCount, penumPeriod, plCount); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myTranslatePeriodUnits"); } } error: return(hr); }
// Converts a REG_SZ Subject template into a double null terminated REG_MULTI_SZ type string
DWORD coreConvertSubjectTemplate( OUT WCHAR* pwszz, IN WCHAR* pwszTemplate, IN DWORD cwc) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszToken; WCHAR *pwszRemain = pwszTemplate; WCHAR *pwszzNew = pwszz; DWORD cwszzNew = 0; BOOL fSplit;
for (;;) { pwszToken = PKCSSplitToken(&pwszRemain, wszNAMESEPARATORDEFAULT, &fSplit); if (NULL == pwszToken) { *pwszzNew = L'\0'; break; } cwszzNew += (1 + wcslen(pwszToken)) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (cwszzNew > cwc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); _JumpError(hr, error, "overflow"); } wcscpy(pwszzNew, pwszToken); pwszzNew = wcschr(pwszzNew, L'\0'); pwszzNew++; } hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT coreReadRegStringValue( IN HKEY hkey, IN WCHAR const *pwszName, OUT WCHAR **ppwszzValue) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cb; DWORD cwc; DWORD dwType; WCHAR *pwszzValue = NULL; *ppwszzValue = NULL; cb = 0; cwc = 0; for (;;) { hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, pwszName, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) pwszzValue, &cb); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx", pwszName); } if (NULL != pwszzValue) { pwszzValue[cwc] = L'\0'; pwszzValue[cwc + 1] = L'\0'; break; } if (REG_SZ != dwType && REG_MULTI_SZ != dwType) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx: value type"); } cwc = (cb + sizeof(WCHAR) - 1) & ~(sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); pwszzValue = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (cwc + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszzValue) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } } *ppwszzValue = pwszzValue; pwszzValue = NULL; hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != pwszzValue) { LocalFree(pwszzValue); } return(hr); }
HRESULT CoreInit( IN BOOL fAuditEnabled) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyConfig = NULL; HKEY hkeyCN = NULL; BYTE abbuf[MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)]; WCHAR awcTemplate[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbbuf; DWORD dwType; WCHAR *pwsz; DWORD dw, dwCASetupStatus; BOOL fLogError = TRUE; DWORD LogMsg = MSG_BAD_REGISTRY; WCHAR const *pwszLog = NULL; WCHAR *pwszHighSerial = NULL; int i; DWORD cbValue; DWORD dwEnabled; CAuditEvent AuditSettings; WCHAR *pwszFullRequestFileName = NULL; hr = myGetMachineDnsName(&g_pwszServerName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetMachineDnsName"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g_aStringInitStrings); i++) { WCHAR const *pwszT; pwszT = myLoadResourceString(g_aStringInitStrings[i].idResource); if (NULL == pwszT) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "myLoadResourceString"); } *g_aStringInitStrings[i].ppwszResource = pwszT; } g_hrJetVersionStoreOutOfMemory = myJetHResult(JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory);
hr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_wszRegKeyConfigPath, 0, // dwReserved
KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_EXECUTE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegOpenKeyEx(Config)"); cbbuf = sizeof(abbuf); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyConfig, g_wszRegDirectory, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, abbuf, &cbbuf); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); } if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) != hr) { _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx(Base)"); if (REG_SZ != dwType) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx(Base)"); } if (sizeof(abbuf) < cbbuf) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx(Base)"); } CopyMemory(g_wszSharedFolder, abbuf, cbbuf); } DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTSRVI, "Shared Folder = '%ws'\n", g_wszSharedFolder));
cbbuf = sizeof(g_dwSessionCount); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyConfig, wszREGDBSESSIONCOUNT, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &g_dwSessionCount, &cbbuf); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintErrorStr(hr, "RegQueryValueEx", wszREGDBSESSIONCOUNT); g_dwSessionCount = DBSESSIONCOUNTDEFAULT; } if (DBSESSIONCOUNTMIN > g_dwSessionCount) { g_dwSessionCount = DBSESSIONCOUNTMIN; } if (DBSESSIONCOUNTMAX < g_dwSessionCount) { g_dwSessionCount = DBSESSIONCOUNTMAX; }
// Find out the name of the active CA(s)
g_wszSanitizedName[0] = L'\0'; cbbuf = sizeof(g_wszSanitizedName); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyConfig, g_wszRegActive, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) g_wszSanitizedName, &cbbuf); if ((HRESULT) ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == hr) { #define szForgotSetup "\n\nDid you forget to setup the Cert Server?\n\n\n"
CONSOLEPRINT0((MAXDWORD, szForgotSetup)); } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx(Base)"); if (REG_SZ != dwType && REG_MULTI_SZ != dwType) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx: value type"); } g_wszSanitizedName[cbbuf / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; if (REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { i = wcslen(g_wszSanitizedName); if (L'\0' != g_wszSanitizedName[i + 1]) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx: multiple Active CAs"); } } DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTSRVI, "Active CA (Sanitized Name) = '%ws'\n", g_wszSanitizedName)); pwszLog = g_wszSanitizedName;
hr = mySanitizedNameToDSName(g_wszSanitizedName, &g_pwszSanitizedDSName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizedNameToDSName"); hr = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyConfig, g_wszSanitizedName, 0, // dwReserved
KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_EXECUTE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyCN); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegOpenKeyEx"); } cbValue = sizeof(g_wszCommonName) - 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGCOMMONNAME, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)g_wszCommonName, &cbValue); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegOpenKeyEx"); } if (REG_SZ != dwType) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "Couldn't find CA common name"); } g_wszCommonName[cbValue / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0';
pwszLog = g_wszCommonName; cbValue = sizeof(dwEnabled); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegEnabled, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dwEnabled, &cbValue); if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx"); } if (REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dwEnabled) == cbValue && 0 == dwEnabled) { DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTSRVI, "CN = '%ws' DISABLED!\n", g_wszSanitizedName)); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx: Active CA DISABLED!"); } DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTSRVI, "CN = '%ws': Enabled\n", g_wszSanitizedName)); // to check machine setup status
hr = GetSetupStatus(NULL, &dw); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetSetupStatus"); if (!(SETUP_SERVER_FLAG & dw)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); _JumpError(hr, error, "Server installation was not complete"); } if (SETUP_SERVER_UPGRADED_FLAG & dw) { g_fServerUpgraded = TRUE; DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTSRV, "CoreInit: read SETUP_SERVER_UPGRADED_FLAG\n")); } // check per ca
hr = GetSetupStatus(g_wszSanitizedName, &dwCASetupStatus); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetSetupStatus");
dw = dwCASetupStatus; if (SETUP_SUSPEND_FLAG & dw) { LogMsg = MSG_E_INCOMPLETE_HIERARCHY; hr = myGetCARegFileNameTemplate( wszREGREQUESTFILENAME, g_pwszServerName, g_wszSanitizedName, 0, 0, &pwszFullRequestFileName); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "myGetCARegFileNameTemplate wszREGREQUESTFILENAME", g_wszSanitizedName);
pwszLog = pwszFullRequestFileName;
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND); _JumpError(hr, error, "Hierarchy setup incomplete"); } if (!(SETUP_SERVER_FLAG & dw)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); _JumpError(hr, error, "Server installation was not complete"); } if (SETUP_FORCECRL_FLAG & dw) { // Don't clear SETUP_FORCECRL_FLAG until CRLs successfully generated
hr = myDeleteCertRegValue( g_wszSanitizedName, NULL, NULL, wszREGCRLNEXTPUBLISH); _PrintIfErrorStr2( hr, "myDeleteCertRegValue", wszREGCRLNEXTPUBLISH, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); }
// update the CA DS object with the server type flags
if (SETUP_UPDATE_CAOBJECT_SVRTYPE & dw) { hr = SetCAObjectFlags( g_fAdvancedServer? CA_FLAG_CA_SERVERTYPE_ADVANCED : 0); _PrintIfError(hr, "SetCAObjectFlags"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = SetSetupStatus( g_wszSanitizedName, SETUP_UPDATE_CAOBJECT_SVRTYPE, FALSE); _PrintIfError(hr, "SetSetupStatus"); } } hr = coreReadRegStringValue( hkeyCN, wszREGALTERNATEPUBLISHDOMAINS, &g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains); _PrintIfError2( hr, "coreReadRegStringValue", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); coreDSInitCache(); coreLdapInitCache(); cbValue = sizeof(g_PolicyFlags); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegPolicyFlags, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &g_PolicyFlags, &cbValue); if (S_OK != hr || REG_DWORD != dwType || sizeof(g_PolicyFlags) != cbValue) { g_PolicyFlags = 0; }
cbValue = sizeof(awcTemplate); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegSubjectTemplate, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) awcTemplate, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && (REG_SZ == dwType || REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) && sizeof(WCHAR) < cbValue && L'\0' != awcTemplate[0]) { if (L'\0' != awcTemplate[cbValue/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] || (REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType && L'\0' != awcTemplate[cbValue/sizeof(WCHAR) - 2]) || sizeof(awcTemplate) < cbValue) { LogMsg = MSG_E_REG_BAD_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "Bad Subject Template length/termination"); } pwsz = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbValue + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL != pwsz) { if (dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ) { CopyMemory(pwsz, awcTemplate, cbValue); } else { hr = coreConvertSubjectTemplate(pwsz, awcTemplate, cbValue); if (S_OK != hr) { LocalFree(pwsz); } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreConvertSubjectTemplate"); } g_pwszzSubjectTemplate = pwsz; } } cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegCertEnrollCompatible, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_fCertEnrollCompatible = dw? TRUE : FALSE; } cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegEnforceX500NameLengths, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_fEnforceRDNNameLengths = dw? TRUE : FALSE; }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGCRLEDITFLAGS, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_CRLEditFlags = dw; }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGKRAFLAGS, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_KRAFlags = dw; }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGKRACERTCOUNT, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_cKRACertsRoundRobin = dw; } hr = coreRegGetTimePeriod( hkeyCN, g_wszRegValidityPeriodCount, g_wszRegValidityPeriodString, &g_enumValidityPeriod, &g_lValidityPeriodCount); if (S_OK != hr) { LogMsg = MSG_E_REG_BAD_CERT_PERIOD; _JumpError(hr, error, "Bad Registry ValidityPeriod"); }
hr = coreRegGetTimePeriod( hkeyCN, g_wszRegCAXchgValidityPeriodCount, g_wszRegCAXchgValidityPeriodString, &g_enumCAXchgValidityPeriod, &g_lCAXchgValidityPeriodCount); _PrintIfError(hr, "Bad Registry CA Xchg Validity Period");
hr = coreRegGetTimePeriod( hkeyCN, g_wszRegCAXchgOverlapPeriodCount, g_wszRegCAXchgOverlapPeriodString, &g_enumCAXchgOverlapPeriod, &g_lCAXchgOverlapPeriodCount); _PrintIfError(hr, "Bad Registry CA Xchg Overlap Period");
hr = PKCSUpdateXchgValidityPeriods(NULL); _PrintIfError(hr, "PKCSUpdateXchgValidityPeriods");
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegForceTeletex, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { switch (ENUM_TELETEX_MASK & dw) { case ENUM_TELETEX_OFF: case ENUM_TELETEX_ON: g_fForceTeletex = (enum ENUM_FORCETELETEX) (ENUM_TELETEX_MASK & dw); break; default: g_fForceTeletex = ENUM_TELETEX_AUTO; break; } if (ENUM_TELETEX_UTF8 & dw) { *(DWORD *) &g_fForceTeletex |= ENUM_TELETEX_UTF8; } } cbValue = sizeof(g_CAType); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGCATYPE, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) &g_CAType, &cbValue); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx");
cbValue = sizeof(g_fUseDS); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGCAUSEDS, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) &g_fUseDS, &cbValue); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx");
cbValue = sizeof(g_wszParentConfig) - 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGPARENTCAMACHINE, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) g_wszParentConfig, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_SZ == dwType) { g_wszParentConfig[cbValue / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; pwsz = &g_wszParentConfig[wcslen(g_wszParentConfig)];
*pwsz++ = L'\\'; *pwsz = L'\0';
cbValue = sizeof(g_wszParentConfig) - (SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pwsz, g_wszParentConfig) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGPARENTCANAME, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) pwsz, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_SZ == dwType) { pwsz[cbValue / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; } else { g_wszParentConfig[0] = L'\0'; } } else { g_wszParentConfig[0] = L'\0'; }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegClockSkewMinutes, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_dwClockSkewMinutes = dw; } cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegViewAgeMinutes, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_dwViewAgeMinutes = dw; } cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegViewIdleMinutes, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_dwViewIdleMinutes = dw; } cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegMaxIncomingMessageSize, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_cbMaxIncomingMessageSize = dw; }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegMaxIncomingAllocSize, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_cbMaxIncomingAllocSize = dw; }
// load CRL globals
hr = CRLInit(g_wszSanitizedName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CRLInitializeGlobals"); cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegLogLevel, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_dwLogLevel = dw; }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, g_wszRegHighSerial, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr) { if (REG_DWORD == dwType) { if (sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_dwHighSerial = dw; } } else if (REG_SZ == dwType) { hr = coreReadRegStringValue( hkeyCN, g_wszRegHighSerial, &pwszHighSerial); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreReadRegStringValue");
hr = WszToMultiByteInteger( FALSE, pwszHighSerial, &g_cbHighSerial, &g_pbHighSerial); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WszToMultiByteInteger"); } }
cbValue = sizeof(dw); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCN, wszREGINTERFACEFLAGS, NULL, // lpdwReserved
&dwType, (BYTE *) &dw, &cbValue); if (S_OK == hr && REG_DWORD == dwType && sizeof(dw) == cbValue) { g_InterfaceFlags = dw; }
hr = g_CASD.Initialize(g_wszSanitizedName); if(S_OK!=hr) { LogMsg = MSG_BAD_PERMISSIONS; _JumpError(hr, error, "CProtectedSecurityDescriptor::Initialize"); }
// Security has changed while certsrv was stopped. We need to update security on
// DS & service to make sure they are in sync with the CA permissions
if(dwCASetupStatus & SETUP_SECURITY_CHANGED) { hr = g_CASD.MapAndSetDaclOnObjects(g_fUseDS?true:false); _PrintIfError(hr, "CProtectedSecurityDescriptor::MapAndSetDaclOnObjects");
// clear the flag only if successful
if(S_OK==hr) { hr = SetSetupStatus(g_wszSanitizedName, SETUP_SECURITY_CHANGED, FALSE); _PrintIfError(hr, "SetSetupStatus SETUP_SECURITY_CHANGED FALSE"); } }
// Functionality available only on advanced server:
// - restricted officers
// - enforce role separation
if (g_fAdvancedServer) { hr = g_OfficerRightsSD.Initialize(g_wszSanitizedName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CProtectedSecurityDescriptor::Initialize");
hr = AuditSettings.RoleSeparationFlagLoad(g_wszSanitizedName); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) != hr) { _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::RoleSeparationFlagLoad"); }
hr = AuditSettings.LoadFilter(g_wszSanitizedName); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) != hr) { _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::LoadFilter"); }
if (fAuditEnabled) { g_dwAuditFilter = AuditSettings.GetFilter(); }
if (NULL != g_pwszzSubjectTemplate) { hr = PKCSSetSubjectTemplate(g_pwszzSubjectTemplate); if (S_OK != hr) { LogMsg = MSG_E_REG_BAD_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE; pwszLog = g_wszSanitizedName; _JumpError(hr, error, "PKCSSetSubjectTemplate"); } } hr = PKCSSetup(g_wszCommonName, g_wszSanitizedName); if (S_OK != hr) { fLogError = FALSE; // PKCSSetup logs a specific error
_JumpError(hr, error, "PKCSSetup"); } hr = CertificateInterfaceInit( &ServerCallBacks, sizeof(ServerCallBacks)); if (S_OK != hr) { LogMsg = MSG_CERTIF_MISMATCH; _JumpError(hr, error, "CertificateInterfaceInit"); }
hr = ComInit(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ComInit");
hr = RequestInitCAPropertyInfo(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RequestInitCAPropertyInfo");
// We must have a policy module to continue.
hr = PolicyInit(g_wszCommonName, g_wszSanitizedName); if (S_OK != hr) { LogMsg = MSG_NO_POLICY; _JumpError(hr, error, "PolicyInit"); } CSASSERT(g_fEnablePolicy); // On error, silently leave exit module(s) disabled.
hr = ExitInit(g_wszCommonName, g_wszSanitizedName); _PrintIfError(hr, "ExitInit"); hr = myGetCertRegMultiStrValue( g_wszSanitizedName, NULL, NULL, wszSECUREDATTRIBUTES, &g_wszzSecuredAttributes); if (S_OK != hr) { // Force defaults
g_wszzSecuredAttributes = (LPWSTR)g_wszzSecuredAttributesDefault; }
if (g_fServerUpgraded) { DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTSRV, "CoreInit: clearing SETUP_SERVER_UPGRADED_FLAG\n"));
hr = SetSetupStatus(NULL, SETUP_SERVER_UPGRADED_FLAG, FALSE); _PrintIfError(hr, "SetSetupStatus"); } fLogError = FALSE; error: if (fLogError) { LogEventString(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, LogMsg, pwszLog); } if (NULL != pwszFullRequestFileName) { LocalFree(pwszFullRequestFileName); } if (NULL != pwszHighSerial) { LocalFree(pwszHighSerial); } if (NULL != hkeyCN) { RegCloseKey(hkeyCN); } if (NULL != hkeyConfig) { RegCloseKey(hkeyConfig); } if (S_OK != hr) { CoreTerminate(); g_CASD.Uninitialize(); g_OfficerRightsSD.Uninitialize(); } return(hr); }
VOID CoreTerminate(VOID) { if (g_fcritsecDSCache) { coreDSEmptyCache(TRUE); DeleteCriticalSection(&g_critsecDSCache); g_fcritsecDSCache = FALSE; } if (NULL != g_rgDSCache) { LocalFree(g_rgDSCache); g_rgDSCache = NULL; } coreLdapFreeCache(); DBShutDown(FALSE); ComShutDown(); PKCSTerminate(); CRLTerminate(); if (NULL != g_pwszServerName) { LocalFree(g_pwszServerName); g_pwszServerName = NULL; } if (NULL != g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains) { LocalFree(g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains); g_pwszzAlternatePublishDomains = NULL; } if (NULL != g_pwszzSubjectTemplate) { LocalFree(g_pwszzSubjectTemplate); g_pwszzSubjectTemplate = NULL; } if (NULL != g_pwszSanitizedDSName) { LocalFree(g_pwszSanitizedDSName); g_pwszSanitizedDSName = NULL; } if (NULL != g_pbHighSerial) { LocalFree(g_pbHighSerial); g_pbHighSerial = NULL; }
// free only if it points to memory that isn't the default static buffer
if (NULL != g_wszzSecuredAttributes && g_wszzSecuredAttributes != g_wszzSecuredAttributesDefault) { LocalFree(g_wszzSecuredAttributes); g_wszzSecuredAttributes = NULL; } }
HRESULT CoreSetRequestDispositionFields( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN DWORD ErrCode, IN DWORD Disposition, IN WCHAR const *pwszDisposition) { HRESULT hr;
hr = CoreSetDisposition(prow, Disposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoreSetDisposition");
hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestStatusCode, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, sizeof(ErrCode), (BYTE const *) &ErrCode); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(status code)");
if (NULL != pwszDisposition) { hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestDispositionMessage, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, MAXDWORD, (BYTE const *) pwszDisposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(disposition message)"); }
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT coreFindOldArchivedKey( IN OUT CERTSRV_RESULT_CONTEXT *pResult) { HRESULT hr; ICertDBRow *prow = NULL;
if (NULL != pResult->strRenewalCertHash && NULL == pResult->pbArchivedKey && NULL == pResult->pwszKRAHashes) { hr = g_pCertDB->OpenRow( PROPOPEN_READONLY | PROPTABLE_REQCERT | PROPOPEN_CERTHASH, 0, // RequestId
pResult->strRenewalCertHash, &prow); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenRow", pResult->strRenewalCertHash);
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequestRawArchivedKey, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, &pResult->cbArchivedKey, (BYTE **) &pResult->pbArchivedKey); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty");
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequestKeyRecoveryHashes, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pResult->pwszKRAHashes); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty"); } hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != prow) { prow->Release(); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreCreateRequest( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN WCHAR const *pwszUserName, IN DWORD cbRequest, IN BYTE const *pbRequest, IN WCHAR const *pwszAttributes, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, OUT ICertDBRow **pprow, // may return non-NULL on error
IN OUT CERTSRV_RESULT_CONTEXT *pResult) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwRequestFlags; DWORD cb; WCHAR *pwszAttrAlloc = NULL; ICertDBRow *prow = NULL; hr = g_pCertDB->OpenRow(PROPTABLE_REQCERT, 0, NULL, pprow); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "OpenRow"); prow = *pprow; hr = PropSetRequestTimeProperty(prow, g_wszPropRequestSubmittedWhen); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PropSetRequestTimeProperty"); hr = CoreSetDisposition(prow, DB_DISP_ACTIVE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoreSetDisposition"); hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestType, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, sizeof(dwFlags), (BYTE const *) &dwFlags); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(type)"); if (L'\0' != *pwszUserName) { hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequesterName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, MAXDWORD, (BYTE const *) pwszUserName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(requester)");
hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropCallerName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, MAXDWORD, (BYTE const *) pwszUserName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(caller)"); } if (NULL != pwszAttributes && L'\0' != *pwszAttributes) { WCHAR const *pwszAttrSave = pwszAttributes; if (wcslen(pwszAttrSave) > CCH_DBMAXTEXT_ATTRSTRING) { DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTSRV, "coreCreateRequest: truncating Attributes %u -> %u chars\n", wcslen(pwszAttrSave), CCH_DBMAXTEXT_ATTRSTRING));
hr = myDupString(pwszAttrSave, &pwszAttrAlloc); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString");
pwszAttrAlloc[CCH_DBMAXTEXT_ATTRSTRING] = L'\0'; pwszAttrSave = pwszAttrAlloc; } hr = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestAttributes, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, MAXDWORD, (BYTE const *) pwszAttrSave); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetProperty(attrib)"); } hr = PropParseRequest(prow, dwFlags, cbRequest, pbRequest, pResult); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PropParseRequest");
hr = PKCSParseAttributes( prow, pwszAttributes, FALSE, FALSE, PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSParseAttributes");
hr = coreFindOldArchivedKey(pResult); _PrintIfError(hr, "coreFindOldArchivedKey");
hr = prow->CopyRequestNames(); // after parsing request attributes!
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CopyRequestNames"); hr = PKCSVerifyChallengeString(prow); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSVerifyChallengeString");
cb = sizeof(dwRequestFlags); hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestFlags, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cb, (BYTE *) &dwRequestFlags); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetProperty");
if (CR_FLG_ENROLLONBEHALFOF & dwRequestFlags) { hr = coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName( TRUE, // fDeleteUserDNOnly
NULL, // pwszSamName
0, // Context
dwComContextIndex, NULL); // pwszDN
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName"); } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != pwszAttrAlloc) { LocalFree(pwszAttrAlloc); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreFetchCertificate( IN ICertDBRow *prow, OUT CERTTRANSBLOB *pctbCert) // CoTaskMem*
{ HRESULT hr; DWORD cbProp; pctbCert->pb = NULL; cbProp = 0; hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRawCertificate, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, NULL, &cbProp, NULL); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetProperty(raw cert size)"); pctbCert->pb = (BYTE *) CoTaskMemAlloc(cbProp); if (NULL == pctbCert->pb) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CoTaskMemAlloc(raw cert)"); } hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRawCertificate, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, NULL, &cbProp, pctbCert->pb); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetProperty(raw cert)"); error: if (S_OK != hr && NULL != pctbCert->pb) { CoTaskMemFree(pctbCert->pb); pctbCert->pb = NULL; } pctbCert->cb = cbProp; return(hr); }
HRESULT coreRetrievePending( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN BOOL fIncludeCRLs, OUT WCHAR **ppwszDisposition, // LocalAlloc
{ HRESULT hr; DWORD cbProp; WCHAR *pwszDisposition = NULL; DWORD Disposition; HRESULT hrRequest; BOOL fIssued;
*ppwszDisposition = NULL; *ppCAContext = NULL; cbProp = sizeof(Disposition); hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestDisposition, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cbProp, (BYTE *) &Disposition); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetProperty(disposition)");
cbProp = sizeof(hrRequest); hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestStatusCode, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cbProp, (BYTE *) &hrRequest); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetProperty(status code)");
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequestDispositionMessage, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszDisposition); _PrintIfError2(hr, "PKCSGetProperty", CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY);
fIssued = FALSE; switch (Disposition) { FILETIME FileTime;
case DB_DISP_ACTIVE: case DB_DISP_PENDING: *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION; break;
case DB_DISP_ISSUED: case DB_DISP_CA_CERT: case DB_DISP_CA_CERT_CHAIN: hr = CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY; if (DB_DISP_CA_CERT == Disposition && IsRootCA(g_CAType)) { cbProp = sizeof(FileTime); hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestRevokedEffectiveWhen, PROPTYPE_DATE | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cbProp, (BYTE *) &FileTime); } if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY == hr) { *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_ISSUED; fIssued = TRUE; break; } // FALLTHROUGH
case DB_DISP_REVOKED: *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_REVOKED; fIssued = TRUE; break;
case DB_DISP_ERROR: *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_ERROR; break;
case DB_DISP_DENIED: *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_DENIED; if (FAILED(hrRequest)) { *pResult->pdwDisposition = hrRequest; } break;
default: *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE; break; } if (fIssued) { BOOL fErrorLogged = FALSE;
hr = coreFetchCertificate(prow, pResult->pctbCert); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreFetchCertificate");
CSASSERT(NULL != pResult->pctbCert && NULL != pResult->pctbCert->pb); hr = PKCSCreateCertificate( prow, Disposition, fIncludeCRLs, FALSE, // fCrossCert
NULL, // use default signing CACTX
&fErrorLogged, ppCAContext, NULL, // ppwszDispositionCreateCert
if (S_OK != hr) { if (CERTLOG_ERROR <= g_dwLogLevel) { LogEventHResult( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_E_CANNOT_BUILD_CERT_OR_CHAIN, hr); } _JumpError(hr, error, "PKCSCreateCertificate"); } } *ppwszDisposition = pwszDisposition; pwszDisposition = NULL; hr = S_OK;
error: if (S_OK != hr && NULL != pResult->pctbCert->pb) { CoTaskMemFree(pResult->pctbCert->pb); pResult->pctbCert->pb = NULL; } if (NULL != pwszDisposition) { LocalFree(pwszDisposition); } return(hr); }
VOID CoreLogRequestStatus( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN DWORD LogMsg, IN DWORD ErrCode, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDisposition) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszSubject = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszSubject2; WCHAR wszRequestId[cwcDWORDSPRINTF]; WCHAR awchr[cwcHRESULTSTRING]; WORD cString = 0; WCHAR const *apwsz[4]; DWORD ReqId; DWORD infotype = EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; WCHAR const *pwszMessageText = NULL; DWORD LogMsg2; prow->GetRowId(&ReqId); wsprintf(wszRequestId, L"%u", ReqId); apwsz[cString++] = wszRequestId;
LogMsg2 = LogMsg; switch (LogMsg) { case MSG_DN_CERT_ISSUED: LogMsg2 = MSG_DN_CERT_ISSUED_WITH_INFO; break;
} pwszMessageText = myGetErrorMessageText(ErrCode, TRUE); if (NULL == pwszMessageText) { pwszMessageText = myHResultToStringRaw(awchr, ErrCode); } apwsz[cString++] = pwszMessageText; } hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropSubjectDistinguishedName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszSubject); if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY == hr) { hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropSubjectDistinguishedName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszSubject); } if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY == hr) { hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequesterName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszSubject); } pwszSubject2 = pwszSubject; if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintError(hr, "GetProperty(DN/Requester)"); pwszSubject2 = g_pwszUnknownSubject; } apwsz[cString++] = pwszSubject2; if (NULL != pwszDisposition) { LogMsg = LogMsg2; apwsz[cString++] = pwszDisposition; } if (CERTLOG_VERBOSE <= g_dwLogLevel || (EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE == infotype && CERTLOG_WARNING <= g_dwLogLevel) || (EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE == infotype && CERTLOG_ERROR <= g_dwLogLevel)) { LogEvent(infotype, LogMsg, cString, apwsz); }
#if 0 == i386
# define IOBUNALIGNED(pf) ((sizeof(WCHAR) - 1) & (DWORD) (ULONG_PTR) (pf)->_ptr)
# define ALIGNIOB(pf) \
{ \ if (IOBUNALIGNED(pf)) \ { \ fflush(pf); /* fails when running as a service */ \ } \ if (IOBUNALIGNED(pf)) \ { \ fprintf(pf, " "); \ fflush(pf); \ } \ } #else
# define ALIGNIOB(pf)
{ BOOL fRetried = FALSE; for (;;) { ALIGNIOB(stdout); __try { wprintf( // L"\nCertSrv Request %u: rc=%x: %ws: %ws '%ws'\n"
g_pwszPrintfCertRequestDisposition, ReqId, ErrCode, NULL != pwszMessageText? pwszMessageText : L"", NULL != pwszDisposition? pwszDisposition : L"", pwszSubject); hr = S_OK; } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } #pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant
if (S_OK == hr || fRetried || !IOBUNALIGNED(stdout)) #pragma warning(pop)
{ break; } ALIGNIOB(stdout); fRetried = TRUE; } } if (NULL != pwszMessageText && awchr != pwszMessageText) { LocalFree(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszMessageText)); } if (NULL != pwszSubject) { LocalFree(pwszSubject); } }
WCHAR * CoreBuildDispositionString( OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDispositionBase, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszUserName, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDispositionDetail, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDispositionDetail2, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszBy, IN HRESULT hrFail, IN BOOL fPublishError) { DWORD cwc = 0; WCHAR *pwsz = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszMessageText = NULL; WCHAR awchr[cwcHRESULTSTRING];
if (NULL == pwszUserName) { pwszUserName = L""; } if (NULL != pwszDispositionBase) { cwc += wcslen(pwszDispositionBase) + wcslen(pwszUserName); } if (NULL != pwszDispositionDetail) { if (0 != cwc) { cwc += 2; // spaces
} cwc += wcslen(pwszDispositionDetail); } if (NULL != pwszDispositionDetail2) { if (0 != cwc) { cwc += 2; // spaces
} cwc += wcslen(pwszDispositionDetail2); } if (NULL != pwszBy) { if (0 != cwc) { cwc += 2; // spaces
} cwc += wcslen(pwszBy) + wcslen(pwszUserName); } if (S_OK != hrFail) { pwszMessageText = myGetErrorMessageText(hrFail, TRUE); if (NULL == pwszMessageText) { pwszMessageText = myHResultToStringRaw(awchr, hrFail); } if (0 != cwc) { cwc += 2; // spaces
} if (fPublishError) { cwc += wcslen(g_pwszPublishError); cwc += 2; // spaces
} cwc += wcslen(pwszMessageText); } if (0 != cwc) { pwsz = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (cwc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL != pwsz) { pwsz[0] = L'\0'; if (NULL != pwszDispositionBase) { wsprintf(pwsz, pwszDispositionBase, pwszUserName); } if (NULL != pwszDispositionDetail) { if (L'\0' != pwsz[0]) { wcscat(pwsz, L" "); } wcscat(pwsz, pwszDispositionDetail); } if (NULL != pwszDispositionDetail2) { if (L'\0' != pwsz[0]) { wcscat(pwsz, L" "); } wcscat(pwsz, pwszDispositionDetail2); } if (NULL != pwszBy) { if (L'\0' != pwsz[0]) { wcscat(pwsz, L" "); } wsprintf(&pwsz[wcslen(pwsz)], pwszBy, pwszUserName); } if (S_OK != hrFail) { if (L'\0' != pwsz[0] && L'\n' != pwsz[wcslen(pwsz) - 1]) { wcscat(pwsz, L" "); } if (fPublishError) { wcscat(pwsz, g_pwszPublishError); wcscat(pwsz, L" "); } wcscat(pwsz, pwszMessageText); } } CSASSERT(wcslen(pwsz) <= cwc); }
if (NULL != pwszMessageText && awchr != pwszMessageText) { LocalFree(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszMessageText)); } return(pwsz); }
VOID coreLogPublishError( IN DWORD RequestId, IN LDAP *pld, IN WCHAR const *pwszDN, IN BOOL fDelete, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszError, IN HRESULT hrPublish) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *apwsz[6]; WORD cpwsz; WCHAR wszRequestId[cwcDWORDSPRINTF]; WCHAR awchr[cwcHRESULTSTRING]; WCHAR const *pwszMessageText = NULL; WCHAR *pwszHostName = NULL; DWORD LogMsg;
wsprintf(wszRequestId, L"%u", RequestId); if (NULL != pld) { myLdapGetDSHostName(pld, &pwszHostName); } pwszMessageText = myGetErrorMessageText(hrPublish, TRUE); if (NULL == pwszMessageText) { pwszMessageText = myHResultToStringRaw(awchr, hrPublish); } cpwsz = 0; apwsz[cpwsz++] = wszRequestId; apwsz[cpwsz++] = pwszDN; apwsz[cpwsz++] = pwszMessageText;
LogMsg = fDelete? MSG_E_CERT_DELETION : MSG_E_CERT_PUBLICATION; if (NULL != pwszHostName) { LogMsg = fDelete? MSG_E_CERT_DELETION_HOST_NAME : MSG_E_CERT_PUBLICATION_HOST_NAME; } else { pwszHostName = L""; } apwsz[cpwsz++] = pwszHostName; apwsz[cpwsz++] = NULL != pwszError? L"\n" : L""; apwsz[cpwsz++] = NULL != pwszError? pwszError : L""; CSASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(apwsz) >= cpwsz);
if (CERTLOG_WARNING <= g_dwLogLevel) { hr = LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, LogMsg, cpwsz, apwsz); _PrintIfError(hr, "LogEvent"); }
if (NULL != pwszMessageText && awchr != pwszMessageText) { LocalFree(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszMessageText)); } }
HRESULT corePublishKRACertificate( IN DWORD RequestId, IN CERT_CONTEXT const *pcc) { HRESULT hr; LDAP *pld = NULL; HCERTSTORE hStore = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; WCHAR *pwszError = NULL;
hr = myRobustLdapBindEx( 0, // dwFlags1
LDAP_VERSION2, // uVersion
NULL, // pwszDomainName
&pld, NULL); // ppwszForestDNSName
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRobustLdapBindEx");
CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszKRA_CERTSTORE); if (NULL == hStore) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "CertOpenStore", wszKRA_CERTSTORE); }
// It's a new cert. CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS is faster.
if (!CertAddCertificateContextToStore( hStore, pcc, CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS, NULL)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CertAddCertificateContextToStore"); }
hr = myLdapPublishCertToDS( pld, pcc, g_pwszKRAPublishURL, wszDSKRACERTATTRIBUTE, LPC_KRAOBJECT, FALSE, // fDelete
&dwDisposition, &pwszError); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myLdapPublishCertToDS");
error: if (S_OK != hr) { coreLogPublishError( RequestId, pld, g_pwszKRAPublishURL, FALSE, // fDelete
pwszError, hr); } if (NULL != pwszError) { LocalFree(pwszError); } if (NULL != hStore) { CertCloseStore(hStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG); } if (NULL != pld) { ldap_unbind(pld); } return(hr); }
HRESULT CorePublishCrossCertificate( IN DWORD RequestId, IN CERT_CONTEXT const *pcc, IN BOOL fCreateDSObject, IN BOOL fDelete) { HRESULT hr; LDAP *pld = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; WCHAR *pwszError = NULL; CAutoLPWSTR pwszCN; CAutoLPWSTR pwszSanitizedCN; CAutoLPWSTR pwszDSSanitizedCN; CAutoLPWSTR pwszDN; CAutoLPWSTR pwszSubject; WCHAR const *pwszFormatDN = L"ldap:///CN=%ws%ws"; WCHAR *pwcRelDN;
hr = myGetCommonName(&pcc->pCertInfo->Subject, TRUE, &pwszCN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetCommonName");
hr = mySanitizeName(pwszCN, &pwszSanitizedCN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizeName");
hr = mySanitizedNameToDSName(pwszSanitizedCN, &pwszDSSanitizedCN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizedNameToDSName");
if (NULL == g_pwszAIACrossCertPublishURL) { // Actually, something went wrong with pkcsExpandURL!
hr = ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX; _JumpError(hr, error, "g_pwszAIACrossCertPublishURL"); } pwcRelDN = wcschr(g_pwszAIACrossCertPublishURL, L','); if (NULL == pwcRelDN) { // Actually, something went wrong with pkcsExpandURL!
hr = ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX; _JumpError(hr, error, "g_pwszAIACrossCertPublishURL"); } pwszDN = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(pwszFormatDN) + wcslen(pwszDSSanitizedCN) + wcslen(pwcRelDN)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszDN == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } wsprintf(pwszDN, pwszFormatDN, pwszDSSanitizedCN, pwcRelDN);
hr = myRobustLdapBindEx( 0, // dwFlags1
LDAP_VERSION2, // uVersion
NULL, // pwszDomainName
&pld, NULL); // ppwszForestDNSName
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRobustLdapBindEx");
hr = myLdapPublishCertToDS( pld, pcc, pwszDN, wszDSCROSSCERTPAIRATTRIBUTE, LPC_CAOBJECT | (fCreateDSObject? LPC_CREATEOBJECT : 0), fDelete, &dwDisposition, &pwszError); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintErrorStr(hr, "myLdapPublishCertToDS", pwszDN); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr && IsRootCA(g_CAType)) { if (NULL != pwszError) { LocalFree(pwszError); pwszError = NULL; } hr = S_OK; } } _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "myLdapPublishCertToDS", pwszDN);
if (!fDelete) { hr = myCertNameToStr( X509_ASN_ENCODING, &pcc->pCertInfo->Subject, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, //| CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG,
&pwszSubject); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myCertNameToStr");
hr = myLDAPSetStringAttribute( pld, pwszDN, CA_PROP_CERT_DN, pwszSubject, &dwDisposition, &pwszError); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "myLDAPSetStringAttribute", pwszDN); } hr = S_OK;
error: if (S_OK != hr) { coreLogPublishError(RequestId, pld, pwszDN, fDelete, pwszError, hr); } if (NULL != pwszError) { LocalFree(pwszError); } if (NULL != pld) { ldap_unbind(pld); } return(hr); }
#define wszCONTACTFILTER L"(&(&(objectCategory=contact)(objectClass=contact))(mail=%s))"
HRESULT coreGetDNFromEMailName( IN LDAP *pld, IN WCHAR const *pwszEMailName, OUT WCHAR **ppwszDN, OUT DWORD *pdwDisposition, OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR **ppwszError) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cres; LDAP_TIMEVAL timeval; LDAPMessage *pmsg = NULL; LDAPMessage *pres; WCHAR *apwszAttrs[2]; WCHAR **ppwszValues = NULL; CAutoLPWSTR pwszFilter; CAutoBSTR strDomainDN;
pwszFilter = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*(wcslen(wszCONTACTFILTER)+wcslen(pwszEMailName))); _JumpIfAllocFailed(pwszFilter, error);
wsprintf(pwszFilter, wszCONTACTFILTER, pwszEMailName);
hr = myGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, &strDomainDN, NULL); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetAuthoritativeDomainDn");
*ppwszDN = NULL; *pdwDisposition = LDAP_OTHER; if (NULL != ppwszError) { *ppwszError = NULL; } apwszAttrs[0] = wszDSDNATTRIBUTE; apwszAttrs[1] = NULL;
timeval.tv_sec = csecLDAPTIMEOUT; timeval.tv_usec = 0;
hr = ldap_search_st( pld, // ld
strDomainDN, // base
pwszFilter, // filter
apwszAttrs, // attrs
FALSE, // attrsonly
&timeval, // timeout
&pmsg); // res
if (S_OK != hr) { *pdwDisposition = hr; hr = myHLdapError(pld, hr, ppwszError); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "ldap_search_st", pwszFilter); } hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND); cres = ldap_count_entries(pld, pmsg); if (0 == cres) { _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_count_entries"); } pres = ldap_first_entry(pld, pmsg); if (NULL == pres) { _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_first_entry"); } ppwszValues = ldap_get_values(pld, pres, wszDSDNATTRIBUTE); if (NULL == ppwszValues || NULL == ppwszValues[0]) { _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_get_values"); } hr = myDupString(ppwszValues[0], ppwszDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString");
*pdwDisposition = LDAP_SUCCESS;
error: if (NULL != ppwszValues) { ldap_value_free(ppwszValues); } if (NULL != pmsg) { ldap_msgfree(pmsg); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreGetEMailNameFromDN( IN LDAP *pld, IN WCHAR const *pwszDN, OUT WCHAR **ppwszEMailName, OUT DWORD *pdwDisposition, OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR **ppwszError) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cres; LDAP_TIMEVAL timeval; LDAPMessage *pmsg = NULL; LDAPMessage *pres; WCHAR *apwszAttrs[2]; WCHAR **ppwszValues = NULL;
*pdwDisposition = LDAP_OTHER; if (NULL != ppwszError) { *ppwszError = NULL; } apwszAttrs[0] = wszDSMAILATTRIBUTE; apwszAttrs[1] = NULL;
timeval.tv_sec = csecLDAPTIMEOUT; timeval.tv_usec = 0;
hr = ldap_search_st( pld, // ld
const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszDN), // base
NULL, // filter
apwszAttrs, // attrs
FALSE, // attrsonly
&timeval, // timeout
&pmsg); // res
if (S_OK != hr) { *pdwDisposition = hr; hr = myHLdapError(pld, hr, ppwszError); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "ldap_search_st", pwszDN); } hr = CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY; cres = ldap_count_entries(pld, pmsg); if (0 == cres) { _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_count_entries"); } pres = ldap_first_entry(pld, pmsg); if (NULL == pres) { _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_first_entry"); } ppwszValues = ldap_get_values(pld, pres, wszDSMAILATTRIBUTE); if (NULL == ppwszValues || NULL == ppwszValues[0]) { _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_get_values"); } hr = myDupString(ppwszValues[0], ppwszEMailName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString");
*pdwDisposition = LDAP_SUCCESS;
error: if (NULL != ppwszValues) { ldap_value_free(ppwszValues); } if (NULL != pmsg) { ldap_msgfree(pmsg); } return(hr); }
HRESULT corePublishCertToForest( IN DWORD iForest, IN DWORD RequestId, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDomainDns, // NULL for 0 < iForest
OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDN, // NULL for 0 < iForest
OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszEMailName, // NULL for 0 == iForest
IN CERT_CONTEXT const *pcc, IN DWORD dwObjectType, // LPC_*
OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR **ppwszEMailName) // NULL for 0 < iForest
{ HRESULT hr; LDAPCACHE *plc = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; WCHAR *pwszContactDN = NULL; WCHAR *pwszError = NULL; if (NULL != ppwszEMailName) { *ppwszEMailName = NULL; } hr = S_OK; __try { for (;;) { BOOL fCached;
if (NULL != pwszError) { LocalFree(pwszError); pwszError = NULL; } if (NULL != plc) { coreLdapUnbind(plc); plc = NULL; //coreLdapEmptyCache(iForest);
} hr = coreLdapGetHandle(iForest, pwszDomainDns, &plc, &fCached); _LeaveIfError(hr, "coreLdapGetHandle");
if (NULL != pwszEMailName) { CSASSERT(NULL == pwszDN); hr = coreGetDNFromEMailName( plc->pld, pwszEMailName, &pwszContactDN, &dwDisposition, &pwszError); _PrintIfErrorStr( hr, fCached? "coreGetDNFromEMailName(cached)" : "coreGetDNFromEMailName(noncached)", pwszDN); if (!fCached || !myLdapRebindRequired(dwDisposition, plc->pld)) { _LeaveIfError(hr, "myLdapPublishCertToDS"); } if (S_OK == hr) { pwszDN = pwszContactDN; } }
hr = myLdapPublishCertToDS( plc->pld, pcc, pwszDN, wszDSUSERCERTATTRIBUTE, dwObjectType, // LPC_*
FALSE, // fDelete
&dwDisposition, &pwszError); if (S_OK == hr) { break; } _PrintErrorStr( hr, fCached? "myLdapPublishCertToDS(cached)" : "myLdapPublishCertToDS(noncached)", pwszDN); if (!fCached || !myLdapRebindRequired(dwDisposition, plc->pld)) { _LeaveError(hr, "myLdapPublishCertToDS"); } } if (NULL != ppwszEMailName) { hr = coreGetEMailNameFromDN( plc->pld, pwszDN, ppwszEMailName, &dwDisposition, &pwszError); _PrintIfErrorStr(hr, "coreGetEMailNameFromDN", pwszDN); } } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _PrintError(hr, "Exception"); }
if (S_OK != hr) { coreLogPublishError( RequestId, NULL != plc? plc->pld : NULL, pwszDN, FALSE, // fDelete
pwszError, hr); } if (NULL != plc) { coreLdapReleaseHandle(iForest, plc); } if (NULL != pwszContactDN) { LocalFree(pwszContactDN); } if (NULL != pwszError) { LocalFree(pwszError); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreGetDomainDnsNameFromDN( IN WCHAR const *pwszDN, OUT WCHAR **ppwszDomainDns) { HRESULT hr; DS_NAME_RESULT *pNameResults = NULL; WCHAR const *pwc; DWORD cwc;
CSASSERT(NULL != ppwszDomainDns); *ppwszDomainDns = NULL;
hr = DsCrackNames( NULL, // hDS
&pwszDN, // one name (IN)
&pNameResults); // OUT
if (S_OK != hr) { hr = myHError(hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "DsCrackNames"); } if (1 > pNameResults->cItems || DS_NAME_NO_ERROR != pNameResults->rItems[0].status) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO); _JumpError(hr, error, "DsCrackNames result"); } pwc = wcschr(pNameResults->rItems[0].pName, L'/'); if (NULL == pwc) { cwc = wcslen(pNameResults->rItems[0].pName); } else { cwc = SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pwc, pNameResults->rItems[0].pName); } *ppwszDomainDns = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (cwc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == *ppwszDomainDns) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } CopyMemory( *ppwszDomainDns, pNameResults->rItems[0].pName, cwc * sizeof(WCHAR)); (*ppwszDomainDns)[cwc] = L'\0';
error: if (NULL != pNameResults) { DsFreeNameResult(pNameResults); } return(hr); }
HRESULT corePublishUserCertificate( IN DWORD RequestId, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, IN WCHAR const *pwszSamName, IN CERT_CONTEXT const *pcc, IN DWORD dwObjectType) // LPC_*
{ HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszSamNamePatched = NULL; WCHAR *pwszDomainDns = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszUserName; WCHAR const *pwszDN; WCHAR *pwszEMailName = NULL; DWORD i;
hr = myAddDomainName(pwszSamName, &pwszSamNamePatched, &pwszUserName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myAddDomainName");
if (NULL != pwszSamNamePatched) { pwszSamName = pwszSamNamePatched; } hr = coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName( FALSE, // fDeleteUserDNOnly
pwszSamName, 0, // Context
dwComContextIndex, &pwszDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreGetComContextUserDNFromSamName");
hr = coreGetDomainDnsNameFromDN(pwszDN, &pwszDomainDns); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreGetDomainDnsNameFromDN");
// For the domestic forest, pass the User object's native domain and DN,
// and collect the EMail name (if any alternate forests were specified).
hr = corePublishCertToForest( 0, // iForest
RequestId, pwszDomainDns, pwszDN, NULL, // pwszEMailName
pcc, dwObjectType, // LPC_*
1 < g_cForestLdapCache? &pwszEMailName : NULL); _PrintIfError(hr, "corePublishCertToForest");
// For alternate forests, pass a NULL domain, the Contact object's EMail
// name, and do not collect the EMail name.
for (i = 1; i < g_cForestLdapCache; i++) { if (NULL == pwszEMailName) { break; // EMail name needed to publish to alternate Forests
} hr = corePublishCertToForest( i, // iForest
RequestId, NULL, // pwszDomainDns
NULL, // pwszDN
pwszEMailName, pcc, dwObjectType, // LPC_*
NULL); // ppwszEMailName
_PrintIfError(hr, "corePublishCertToForest"); }
error: if (NULL != pwszEMailName) { LocalFree(pwszEMailName); } if (NULL != pwszDomainDns) { LocalFree(pwszDomainDns); } if (NULL != pwszSamNamePatched) { LocalFree(pwszSamNamePatched); } return(hr); }
HRESULT CorePublishCertificate( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cbProp; DWORD RequestId; DWORD GeneralFlags; DWORD EnrollmentFlags; DWORD cbCert; BYTE *pbCert = NULL; CERT_CONTEXT const *pcc = NULL; WCHAR *pwszSamName = NULL; prow->GetRowId(&RequestId);
cbProp = sizeof(EnrollmentFlags); hr = prow->GetProperty( wszPROPCERTIFICATEENROLLMENTFLAGS, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, NULL, &cbProp, (BYTE *) &EnrollmentFlags); _PrintIfError2(hr, "GetProperty", CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY); if (S_OK != hr) { EnrollmentFlags = 0; }
if (0 == ((CT_FLAG_PUBLISH_TO_DS | CT_FLAG_PUBLISH_TO_KRA_CONTAINER) & EnrollmentFlags)) { hr = S_OK; goto error; }
cbProp = sizeof(GeneralFlags); hr = prow->GetProperty( wszPROPCERTIFICATEGENERALFLAGS, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, NULL, &cbProp, (BYTE *) &GeneralFlags); _PrintIfError2(hr, "GetProperty", CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY); if (S_OK != hr) { GeneralFlags = 0; }
// Get the name of the user or machine
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRequesterName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszSamName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty");
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, g_wszPropRawCertificate, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, &cbCert, &pbCert); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSGetProperty(raw cert)");
pcc = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING, pbCert, cbCert); if (NULL == pcc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "CertCreateCertificateContext"); }
hr = S_OK; if (CT_FLAG_PUBLISH_TO_DS & EnrollmentFlags) { if (CT_FLAG_IS_CROSS_CA & GeneralFlags) { hr = CorePublishCrossCertificate( RequestId, pcc, TRUE, // fCreateDSObject
FALSE); // fDelete
_PrintIfError(hr, "CorePublishCrossCertificate"); // DS object if necessary
} else { hr = corePublishUserCertificate( RequestId, dwComContextIndex, pwszSamName, pcc, (CT_FLAG_MACHINE_TYPE & GeneralFlags)? LPC_MACHINEOBJECT : LPC_USEROBJECT); _PrintIfError(hr, "corePublishUserCertificate"); } }
if (CT_FLAG_PUBLISH_TO_KRA_CONTAINER & EnrollmentFlags) { HRESULT hr2; hr2 = corePublishKRACertificate(RequestId, pcc); _PrintIfError(hr2, "corePublishKRACertificate"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CorePublishCertificate");
error: if (NULL != pwszSamName) { LocalFree(pwszSamName); } if (NULL != pcc) { CertFreeCertificateContext(pcc); } if (NULL != pbCert) { LocalFree(pbCert); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreAcceptRequest( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN BOOL fIncludeCRLs, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, OUT BOOL *pfErrorLogged, OUT CACTX **ppCAContext, IN OUT CERTSRV_RESULT_CONTEXT *pResult, // CoTaskMem*
OUT WCHAR **ppwszDispositionCreateCert, OUT HRESULT *phrPublish) { HRESULT hr;
*ppCAContext = NULL; *ppwszDispositionCreateCert = NULL; *phrPublish = S_OK;
// Force Cert creation:
CSASSERT(NULL == pResult->pctbCert || NULL == pResult->pctbCert->pb);
hr = CoreValidateRequestId(prow, DB_DISP_ACTIVE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoreValidateRequestId");
hr = PKCSCreateCertificate( prow, DB_DISP_ACTIVE, fIncludeCRLs, FALSE, // fAllowCASubject
NULL, // use default signing CACTX
pfErrorLogged, ppCAContext, ppwszDispositionCreateCert, pResult); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSCreateCertificate");
*phrPublish = CorePublishCertificate(prow, dwComContextIndex); _PrintIfError(*phrPublish, "CorePublishCertificate"); if (S_OK != *phrPublish) { hr = PKCSSetRequestFlags(prow, TRUE, CR_FLG_PUBLISHERROR); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSSetRequestFlags"); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr);
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT coreVerifyRequest( IN OUT ICertDBRow **pprow, IN DWORD OpRequest, IN BOOL fIncludeCRLs, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszUserName, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, OUT DWORD *pReqId, OUT LONG *pExitEvent, OUT WCHAR **ppwszDisposition, // LocalAlloc
{ HRESULT hr; HRESULT hr2; HRESULT hrRequest = S_OK; HRESULT hrPublish = S_OK; DWORD VerifyStatus; DWORD DBDisposition; BOOL fResolved; LONG ExitEvent; BOOL fPending; BOOL fSubmit; BOOL fRetrieve; BOOL fDenied; BOOL fUpdateDisposition = FALSE; WCHAR *pwszDispositionCreateCert = NULL;
WCHAR *pwszDispositionRetrieved = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszDispositionBase = NULL; WCHAR *pwszDispositionDetail = NULL; WCHAR *pwszDisposition = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszBy = NULL;
DWORD LogMsg = MSG_E_PROCESS_REQUEST_FAILED; BOOL fErrorLogged = FALSE; DWORD ReqId; ICertDBRow *prow = *pprow; prow->GetRowId(&ReqId); *ppCAContext = NULL; *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_ERROR; DBDisposition = DB_DISP_ERROR; *ppwszDisposition = NULL; ExitEvent = EXITEVENT_INVALID; fSubmit = CR_IN_NEW == OpRequest || CR_IN_RESUBMIT == OpRequest; fPending = CR_IN_DENY == OpRequest || CR_IN_RESUBMIT == OpRequest; fRetrieve = CR_IN_RETRIEVE == OpRequest; #if DBG_COMTEST
if (fSubmit && fComTest && !ComTest((LONG) ReqId)) { _PrintError(0, "ComTest"); } #endif
if (fRetrieve) { hr = coreCheckRetrieveAccessRight( prow, pwszUserName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreCheckRetrieveAccessRight");
hr = coreRetrievePending( prow, fIncludeCRLs, &pwszDispositionRetrieved, ppCAContext, pResult); // CoTaskMem*
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreRetrievePending");
pwszDispositionBase = pwszDispositionRetrieved; ExitEvent = EXITEVENT_CERTRETRIEVEPENDING; } else { // If the current status is expected to be pending, verify that now,
// and make the request active.
// If it was already marked active, then something went wrong last time
// we processed the request (out of disk space?), and we can try to
// pick up where we left off, by resubmitting or denying the request.
if (fPending) { hr = CoreValidateRequestId(prow, DB_DISP_PENDING); if (CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS == hr) { hr = CoreValidateRequestId(prow, DB_DISP_ACTIVE); } if (CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS == hr && fSubmit) { hr = CoreValidateRequestId(prow, DB_DISP_DENIED); if (S_OK == hr) { DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTSRV, "Resubmit failed request %u\n", ReqId)); pResult->dwResultFlags |= CRCF_PREVIOUSLYDENIED; if (CRCF_FAILDENIEDREQUEST & pResult->dwResultFlags) { hr = CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS; } } } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoreValidateRequestId");
hr = CoreSetDisposition(prow, DB_DISP_ACTIVE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoreSetDisposition"); } fUpdateDisposition = TRUE; if (fSubmit) { if (fPending) { pwszBy = g_pwszResubmittedBy;
hr = PKCSSetServerProperties( prow, NULL, // use default signing CACTX
NULL, // pftNotBefore
NULL, // pftNotAfter
g_lValidityPeriodCount, g_enumValidityPeriod); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PKCSSetServerProperties"); }
hr = prow->CommitTransaction(TRUE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CommitTransaction");
prow->Release(); prow = NULL; *pprow = NULL;
hr = PolicyVerifyRequest( g_wszCommonName, ReqId, g_PolicyFlags, CR_IN_NEW == OpRequest, CR_IN_NEW == OpRequest? pResult : NULL, dwComContextIndex, &pwszDispositionDetail, &VerifyStatus); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintError(hr, "PolicyVerifyRequest"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = myHError(hr); } } VerifyStatus = hr; }
hr = g_pCertDB->OpenRow(PROPTABLE_REQCERT, ReqId, NULL, &prow); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "OpenRow");
CSASSERT(NULL != prow); *pprow = prow; } else // else we're denying the request!
{ VerifyStatus = VR_INSTANT_BAD; }
fResolved = FALSE; fDenied = FALSE; switch (VerifyStatus) { case VR_PENDING: hr = S_OK; DBDisposition = DB_DISP_PENDING; ExitEvent = EXITEVENT_CERTPENDING; LogMsg = MSG_DN_CERT_PENDING; *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION; pwszDispositionBase = g_pwszUnderSubmission; break;
case VR_INSTANT_OK: hr = coreAcceptRequest( prow, fIncludeCRLs, dwComContextIndex, &fErrorLogged, ppCAContext, pResult, &pwszDispositionCreateCert, &hrPublish); if (S_OK != hr) { CSASSERT(FAILED(hr)); _PrintError(hr, "coreAcceptRequest"); pwszDispositionBase = g_pwszCertConstructionError; VerifyStatus = hr; hr = S_OK; fDenied = TRUE; } else { fResolved = TRUE; DBDisposition = DB_DISP_ISSUED; ExitEvent = EXITEVENT_CERTISSUED; LogMsg = MSG_DN_CERT_ISSUED; *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_ISSUED; pwszDispositionBase = g_pwszIssued; } break;
default: if (SUCCEEDED(VerifyStatus)) { CSASSERT( VerifyStatus == VR_PENDING || VerifyStatus == VR_INSTANT_OK || VerifyStatus == VR_INSTANT_BAD); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _JumpError(hr, error, "VerifyStatus"); } // FALLTHROUGH
case VR_INSTANT_BAD: hr = CoreValidateRequestId(prow, DB_DISP_ACTIVE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoreValidateRequestId");
fDenied = TRUE; break; } if (fDenied) { fResolved = TRUE; DBDisposition = DB_DISP_DENIED; ExitEvent = EXITEVENT_CERTDENIED;
*pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_DENIED; if (FAILED(VerifyStatus)) { *pResult->pdwDisposition = VerifyStatus; hrRequest = VerifyStatus; }
if (fSubmit) { if (NULL == pwszDispositionBase) { pwszDispositionBase = g_pwszPolicyDeniedRequest; } LogMsg = MSG_DN_CERT_DENIED; } else { pwszDispositionBase = g_pwszDeniedBy; LogMsg = MSG_DN_CERT_ADMIN_DENIED; } } if (fResolved) { hr = PropSetRequestTimeProperty(prow, g_wszPropRequestResolvedWhen); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "PropSetRequestTimeProperty"); } } error: *pReqId = ReqId; *pExitEvent = ExitEvent; // If we verified or denied the request, set the status & disposition
// Build the full disposition string
pwszDisposition = CoreBuildDispositionString( pwszDispositionBase, pwszUserName, pwszDispositionDetail, pwszDispositionCreateCert, pwszBy, hrPublish, TRUE);
if (NULL != pwszDispositionDetail) { LocalFree(pwszDispositionDetail); }
if (S_OK == hrRequest && S_OK != hr) { hrRequest = hr; } if (fUpdateDisposition && NULL != prow) { hr2 = CoreSetRequestDispositionFields( prow, hrRequest, DBDisposition, pwszDisposition); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } }
if (!fErrorLogged && NULL != prow && (fUpdateDisposition || S_OK != hr)) { CoreLogRequestStatus(prow, LogMsg, hrRequest, pwszDisposition); }
if (NULL != ppwszDisposition) { *ppwszDisposition = pwszDisposition; } else if (NULL != pwszDisposition) { LocalFree(pwszDisposition); } if (NULL != pwszDispositionRetrieved) { LocalFree(pwszDispositionRetrieved); } if (NULL != pwszDispositionCreateCert) { LocalFree(pwszDispositionCreateCert); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreAuditAddStringProperty( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN WCHAR const *pwszPropName, IN CertSrv::CAuditEvent *pevent) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *pwszLogValue = L""; WCHAR *pwszPropValue = NULL;
hr = PKCSGetProperty( prow, pwszPropName, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_CERTIFICATE, NULL, (BYTE **) &pwszPropValue); _PrintIfErrorStr2(hr, "PKCSGetProperty", pwszPropName, CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY); if (S_OK == hr) { pwszLogValue = pwszPropValue; } hr = pevent->AddData(pwszLogValue); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
error: if (NULL != pwszPropValue) { LocalFree(pwszPropValue); } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreAuditRequestDisposition( OPTIONAL IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN DWORD ReqId, IN WCHAR const *pwszUserName, IN WCHAR const *pwszAttributes, IN DWORD dwDisposition) { HRESULT hr;
CertSrv::CAuditEvent audit(0, g_dwAuditFilter);
hr = audit.AddData(ReqId); // %1 request ID
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
hr = audit.AddData(pwszUserName); // %2 requester
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
hr = audit.AddData(pwszAttributes); // %3 attributes
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
hr = audit.AddData(dwDisposition); // %4 disposition
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
if (NULL != prow) { hr = coreAuditAddStringProperty( prow, g_wszPropCertificateSubjectKeyIdentifier, &audit); // %5 SKI
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreAuditAddStringProperty");
hr = coreAuditAddStringProperty( prow, g_wszPropSubjectDistinguishedName, &audit); // %6 Subject
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreAuditAddStringProperty"); } else // we need to guarantee the same number of audit params
{ hr = audit.AddData(L""); // %5 SKI
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "");
hr = audit.AddData(L""); // %6 Subject
_JumpIfError(hr, error, ""); }
switch (dwDisposition) { case CR_DISP_ISSUED: audit.SetEventID(SE_AUDITID_CERTSRV_REQUESTAPPROVED); hr = audit.Report(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::Report");
case CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION: audit.SetEventID(SE_AUDITID_CERTSRV_REQUESTPENDING); hr = audit.Report(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::Report");
case CR_DISP_DENIED: // fail over
default: audit.SetEventID(SE_AUDITID_CERTSRV_REQUESTDENIED); hr = audit.Report(false); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::Report"); break;
} CSASSERT(S_OK == hr);
error: return(hr); }
HRESULT coreValidateMessageSize( IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pwszUser, IN DWORD cbRequest) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (cbRequest > g_cbMaxIncomingMessageSize) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MESSAGE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE);
if (CERTLOG_VERBOSE <= g_dwLogLevel) { LogEventStringHResult( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_E_POSSIBLE_DENIAL_OF_SERVICE_ATTACK, NULL != pwszUser? pwszUser : g_pwszUnknownSubject, hr); } } return(hr); }
HRESULT coreInitRequest( IN DWORD dwFlags, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszUserName, IN DWORD cbRequest, OPTIONAL IN BYTE const *pbRequest, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszAttributes, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszSerialNumber, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, OUT DWORD *pOpRequest, OUT ICertDBRow **pprow, // may return non-NULL on error
OUT WCHAR **ppwszDisposition, IN OUT CERTSRV_RESULT_CONTEXT *pResult) { HRESULT hr; *pprow = NULL; *ppwszDisposition = NULL;
// for Denial-of-Service reasons, don't do anything with a too-long message
hr = coreValidateMessageSize(pwszUserName, cbRequest); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreValidateMessageSize");
// Called in several cases:
// - CR_IN_NEW: Create a new request and return error/pending/etc &
// possibly the cert:
// NULL != pbRequest && NULL != pResult->pctbCert, etc.
// - CR_IN_DENY: Deny a pending request:
// NULL == pbRequest && NULL == pResult->pctbCert, etc.
// - CR_IN_RESUBMIT: Resubmit a pending request and return hr/pending/etc.
// NULL == pbRequest && NULL == pResult->pctbCert, etc.
// - CR_IN_RETRIEVE: Retrieve a cert for a processed request and return
// error/pending/etc & possibly the cert:
// NULL == pbRequest && NULL != pResult->pctbCert, etc.
*pOpRequest = (CR_IN_COREMASK & dwFlags); switch (*pOpRequest) { // Process a new request:
case CR_IN_NEW: CSASSERT(NULL != pwszUserName); CSASSERT(0 != cbRequest); CSASSERT(NULL != pbRequest);
CSASSERT(0 == *pResult->pdwRequestId); *pResult->pdwRequestId = 0;
hr = coreCreateRequest( ~CR_IN_COREMASK & dwFlags, pwszUserName, cbRequest, pbRequest, pwszAttributes, dwComContextIndex, pprow, pResult); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "coreCreateRequest");
(*pprow)->GetRowId(pResult->pdwRequestId); { CertSrv::CAuditEvent audit(SE_AUDITID_CERTSRV_NEWREQUEST, g_dwAuditFilter);
hr = audit.AddData(*pResult->pdwRequestId); // %1 request ID
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
hr = audit.AddData(pwszUserName); // %2 requester
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
hr = audit.AddData(pwszAttributes); // %3 attributes
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::AddData");
hr = audit.Report(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAuditEvent::Report"); } break;
// Deny a request:
// Resubmit a request:
case CR_IN_DENY: case CR_IN_RESUBMIT: break;
// Retrieve a cert:
case CR_IN_RETRIEVE: break;
default: CSASSERT(*pOpRequest != *pOpRequest); break; } if (CR_IN_NEW != *pOpRequest) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (0 != cbRequest || NULL != pbRequest) { _JumpError(hr, error, "unexpected request"); } if ((0 != *pResult->pdwRequestId) ^ (NULL == pwszSerialNumber)) { _JumpError(hr, error, "expected RequestId or SerialNumber"); }
// RetrievePending by RequestId OR SerialNumber in pwszSerialNumber
hr = g_pCertDB->OpenRow( PROPTABLE_REQCERT, *pResult->pdwRequestId, pwszSerialNumber, pprow); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "OpenRow"); } hr = S_OK;
error: if (S_OK != hr) { HRESULT hr2; hr2 = myDupString( (CRCF_SIGNATUREERROR & pResult->dwResultFlags)? g_pwszRequestSigError : ((CRCF_ARCHIVESIGNINGKEYERROR & pResult->dwResultFlags)? g_pwszArchiveSigningKeyError : ((CRCF_KEYARCHIVALERROR & pResult->dwResultFlags)? g_pwszKeyArchivalError : g_pwszRequestParsingError)), ppwszDisposition); _PrintIfError(hr2, "myDupString");
if (NULL != pResult->pwszExtendedErrorInfo) { hr2 = myAppendString( pResult->pwszExtendedErrorInfo, L" ", ppwszDisposition); _PrintIfError(hr2, "myAppendString"); }
if (NULL != *pprow) { hr2 = CoreSetRequestDispositionFields( *pprow, hr, DB_DISP_ERROR, *ppwszDisposition); _PrintIfError(hr2, "CoreSetRequestDispositionFields"); CoreLogRequestStatus( *pprow, MSG_E_PROCESS_REQUEST_FAILED, hr, *ppwszDisposition); } } return(hr); }
HRESULT CoreProcessRequest( IN DWORD dwFlags, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszUserName, IN DWORD cbRequest, OPTIONAL IN BYTE const *pbRequest, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszAttributes, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszSerialNumber, IN DWORD dwComContextIndex, IN DWORD dwRequestId, OUT CERTSRV_RESULT_CONTEXT *pResult) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hr2; WCHAR *pwszDisposition = NULL; DWORD OpRequest; ICertDBRow *prow = NULL; DWORD ReqId; LONG ExitEvent = EXITEVENT_INVALID; BOOL fCoInitialized = FALSE; CACTX *pCAContext; BOOL fCommitted = FALSE; CSASSERT(NULL != pResult->pdwRequestId); CSASSERT(NULL != pResult->pdwDisposition);
if (MAXDWORD == dwRequestId) { dwRequestId = 0; } *pResult->pdwRequestId = dwRequestId; *pResult->pdwDisposition = CR_DISP_ERROR; OpRequest = CR_IN_RETRIEVE; ReqId = 0; hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, GetCertsrvComThreadingModel()); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitializeEx"); } fCoInitialized = TRUE;
hr = coreInitRequest( dwFlags, pwszUserName, cbRequest, pbRequest, pwszAttributes, pwszSerialNumber, dwComContextIndex, &OpRequest, &prow, &pwszDisposition, pResult); _PrintIfError(hr, "coreInitRequest");
pCAContext = NULL; if (S_OK == hr) { CSASSERT(NULL == pwszDisposition); // error string only
if (CR_IN_NEW != OpRequest) { DWORD cb; DWORD dw; cb = sizeof(dw); hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestType, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cb, (BYTE *) &dw); if (S_OK == hr) { dwFlags |= (CR_IN_CRLS & dw); } } hr = coreVerifyRequest( &prow, OpRequest, 0 != (CR_IN_CRLS & dwFlags), pwszUserName, dwComContextIndex, &ReqId, &ExitEvent, &pwszDisposition, &pCAContext, pResult); // CoTaskMem
_PrintIfError(hr, "coreVerifyRequest"); } else { WCHAR *pwszDisposition2 = CoreBuildDispositionString( pwszDisposition, NULL, // pwszUserName
NULL, // pwszDispositionDetail
NULL, // pwszDispositionDetail2
NULL, // pwszBy
hr, FALSE); if (NULL != pwszDisposition2) { if (NULL != pwszDisposition) { LocalFree(pwszDisposition); } pwszDisposition = pwszDisposition2; } }
if (NULL != pResult->pctbFullResponse) { BYTE const *pbCert = NULL; DWORD cbCert = 0; if (NULL != pResult->pctbCert && NULL != pResult->pctbCert->pb) { pbCert = pResult->pctbCert->pb; cbCert = pResult->pctbCert->cb; } CSASSERT(NULL == pResult->pctbFullResponse->pb); hr2 = PKCSEncodeFullResponse( prow, pResult, hr, pwszDisposition, pCAContext, pbCert, // pbCertLeaf
cbCert, // cbCertLeaf
0 != (CR_IN_CRLS & dwFlags), &pResult->pctbFullResponse->pb, // CoTaskMem*
&pResult->pctbFullResponse->cb); _PrintIfError(hr2, "PKCSEncodeFullResponse"); if (S_OK == hr && (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) != hr2 || IsWhistler())) { hr = hr2; } }
if (!((CRCF_FAILDENIEDREQUEST & pResult->dwResultFlags) && (CRCF_PREVIOUSLYDENIED & pResult->dwResultFlags))) { hr2 = coreAuditRequestDisposition( prow, ReqId, pwszUserName, pwszAttributes, *pResult->pdwDisposition); _PrintIfError(hr2, "coreAuditRequestDisposition"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } if (NULL != pwszDisposition && NULL != pResult->pctbDispositionMessage) { DWORD cbAlloc = (wcslen(pwszDisposition) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); BYTE *pbAlloc;
pbAlloc = (BYTE *) CoTaskMemAlloc(cbAlloc); if (NULL != pbAlloc) { CopyMemory(pbAlloc, pwszDisposition, cbAlloc); pResult->pctbDispositionMessage->pb = pbAlloc; pResult->pctbDispositionMessage->cb = cbAlloc; } } if (NULL != prow) { BOOL fSave;
if (S_OK != hr) { hr2 = PropSetRequestTimeProperty(prow, g_wszPropRequestResolvedWhen); _PrintIfError(hr2, "PropSetRequestTimeProperty"); }
fSave = FALSE; switch (*pResult->pdwDisposition) { case CR_DISP_ISSUED: case CR_DISP_ISSUED_OUT_OF_BAND: case CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION: fSave = TRUE; break;
default: if (KRAF_SAVEBADREQUESTKEY & g_KRAFlags) { fSave = TRUE; } break; } if (fSave) { if (NULL != pResult->pbArchivedKey) { hr2 = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestRawArchivedKey, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, pResult->cbArchivedKey, pResult->pbArchivedKey); _PrintIfError(hr2, "SetProperty(ArchivedKey)"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
hr2 = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestKeyRecoveryHashes, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, MAXDWORD, (BYTE const *) pResult->pwszKRAHashes); _PrintIfError(hr2, "SetProperty(KRAHashes)"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } } else if (CR_IN_DENY == OpRequest || CR_IN_RESUBMIT == OpRequest) { BYTE b = 0;
hr2 = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestRawArchivedKey, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, 0, &b); // to avoid E_POINTER errors
_PrintIfError(hr2, "SetProperty(ArchivedKey)"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
hr2 = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestKeyRecoveryHashes, PROPTYPE_STRING | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, 0, NULL); _PrintIfError(hr2, "SetProperty(KRAHashes)"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } if (pResult->fRequestSavedWithoutKey && (KRAF_SAVEBADREQUESTKEY & g_KRAFlags)) { fSave = FALSE; switch (*pResult->pdwDisposition) { case CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE: case CR_DISP_ERROR: case CR_DISP_DENIED: fSave = TRUE; break;
default: if (S_OK != hr) { fSave = TRUE; } break; } if (fSave) { hr2 = prow->SetProperty( g_wszPropRequestRawRequest, PROPTYPE_BINARY | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, cbRequest, pbRequest); _PrintIfError(hr2, "SetProperty(request)"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } }
hr2 = prow->CommitTransaction(TRUE); _PrintIfError(hr2, "CommitTransaction"); fCommitted = S_OK == hr2; if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } error: // If the request exists, clean up the DB
if (NULL != prow) { if (S_OK != hr && !fCommitted) { hr2 = prow->CommitTransaction(FALSE); _PrintIfError(hr2, "CommitTransaction"); } prow->Release(); } if (EXITEVENT_INVALID != ExitEvent) { CSASSERT(fCoInitialized); ExitNotify( ExitEvent, ReqId, CR_IN_NEW == OpRequest? pResult : NULL, dwComContextIndex); } if (fCoInitialized) { CoUninitialize(); } if (S_OK != hr) { WCHAR const *pwszMsg;
pwszMsg = myGetErrorMessageText(hr, TRUE); if (NULL != pwszMsg) { CONSOLEPRINT1((DBG_SS_CERTSRV, "%ws\n", pwszMsg)); LocalFree(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszMsg)); } } if (NULL != pwszDisposition) { LocalFree(pwszDisposition); }
// Hide the failed HRESULT in the returned Disposition.
// This allows the encoded Full response and disposition message to be
// returned via DCOM or RPC. Returning S_OK != hr defeats this mechanism.
if (FAILED(hr) && (CR_DISP_ERROR == *pResult->pdwDisposition || CR_DISP_DENIED == *pResult->pdwDisposition)) { *pResult->pdwDisposition = hr; hr = S_OK; } { #define wszFORMATREQUESTID L"RequestId=%u"
hr2 = hr; if (S_OK == hr2 && FAILED(*pResult->pdwDisposition)) { hr2 = *pResult->pdwDisposition; } if (S_OK != hr2) { wsprintf(wszRequestId, wszFORMATREQUESTID, *pResult->pdwRequestId); _PrintErrorStr(hr2, "CoreProcessRequest", wszRequestId); } } return(hr); }
HRESULT CoreValidateRequestId( IN ICertDBRow *prow, IN DWORD ExpectedDisposition) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cbProp; DWORD Disposition; cbProp = sizeof(Disposition); hr = prow->GetProperty( g_wszPropRequestDisposition, PROPTYPE_LONG | PROPCALLER_SERVER | PROPTABLE_REQUEST, NULL, &cbProp, (BYTE *) &Disposition); _PrintIfError(hr, "GetProperty"); if (S_OK != hr || sizeof(Disposition) != cbProp) { hr = CERTSRV_E_NO_REQUEST; } else if (Disposition != ExpectedDisposition) { hr = CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS; } return(hr); }
HRESULT SetCAObjectFlags( IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HCAINFO hCAInfo = NULL; DWORD dwCAFlags;
hr = CAFindByName( g_pwszSanitizedDSName, NULL, CA_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM | CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED, &hCAInfo); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAFindByName");
hr = CAGetCAFlags(hCAInfo, &dwCAFlags); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCAFlags");
dwCAFlags |= dwFlags;
hr = CASetCAFlags(hCAInfo, dwCAFlags); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CASetCAFlags");
hr = CAUpdateCA(hCAInfo); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAUpdateCA");
error: if (NULL != hCAInfo) { CACloseCA(hCAInfo); } return(hr); }