// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: certmsg.cpp
// File: certmsg.cpp
// Contents: message display APIs
// History: 11/97 xtan
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// Application Includes
#include "setupids.h"
#include "certmsg.h"
extern FNLOGMESSAGEBOX *g_pfnLogMessagBox;
// Throw up a dialog with the format "<Prefix><UserMsg><SysErrorMsg>".
// <Prefix> is basically "An error was detected...run the
// wizard again..." and is prepended if CMB_REPEATWIZPREFIX
// is specified.
// <UserMsg> is specified by dwMsgId and can contain "%1" which
// will be replaced with pwszCustomMsg. if dwMsgId is 0,
// pwszCustomMsg is used instead.
// <SysErrorMsg> is the system message for hrCode. It can be
// suppressed if CMB_NOERRFROMSYS is specified.
int CertMessageBox( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN BOOL fUnattended, IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwMsgId, IN HRESULT hrCode, IN UINT uType, IN OPTIONAL const WCHAR * pwszCustomMsg) { HRESULT hr; int nMsgBoxRetVal = -1; DWORD nMsgChars = 0; WCHAR szEmergency[36];
// variables that must be cleaned up
WCHAR * pwszTitle = NULL; WCHAR * pwszPrefix = NULL; WCHAR * pwszUserMsg = NULL; WCHAR * pwszExpandedUserMsg = NULL; WCHAR const *pwszSysMsg = NULL; WCHAR * pwszFinalMsg = NULL;
// mask off CMB defines
// load title
hr=myLoadRCString(hInstance, IDS_MSG_TITLE, &pwszTitle); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myLoadRCString");
// load the "this wizard will need to be run again" prefix, if necessary
if (fRepeatWizPrefix) { hr=myLoadRCString(hInstance, IDS_ERR_REPEATWIZPREFIX, &pwszPrefix); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myLoadRCString"); nMsgChars+=wcslen(pwszPrefix); }
// get the system message for this error, if necessary
if (!fNoErrFromSys) { pwszSysMsg = myGetErrorMessageText1(hrCode, TRUE, pwszCustomMsg); nMsgChars += wcslen(pwszSysMsg) + 1; }
if (0!=dwMsgId) { // load requested message from resource
hr=myLoadRCString(hInstance, dwMsgId, &pwszUserMsg); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myLoadRCString");
// perform substitution if necessary
if (NULL==pwszCustomMsg) { // no substitution necessary
CSASSERT(NULL==wcsstr(pwszUserMsg, L"%1")); // were we expecting a substitution?
} else { // perform a substitution
CSASSERT(NULL!=wcsstr(pwszUserMsg, L"%1")); // were we not expecting a substitution?
if (!FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | // flags
0, // message id
0, // language id
reinterpret_cast<WCHAR *>(&pwszExpandedUserMsg), // output buffer
0, // min size
reinterpret_cast<va_list *>( const_cast<WCHAR **>(&pwszCustomMsg)))) // pointer to array of pointers
{ hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "FormatMessage"); }
// use the expanded message instead of the unexpanded message
LocalFree(pwszUserMsg); pwszUserMsg=pwszExpandedUserMsg; pwszExpandedUserMsg = NULL; }
} else if (NULL != pwszCustomMsg) {
// use pwszCustomMsg instead
CSASSERT(NULL!=pwszCustomMsg); pwszUserMsg=const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszCustomMsg); } else { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "Invalid NULL param"); }
// allocate buffer to hold everything
pwszFinalMsg=(WCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, (nMsgChars+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszFinalMsg) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
// build the message
if (NULL!=pwszPrefix) { wcscat(pwszFinalMsg, pwszPrefix); } wcscat(pwszFinalMsg, pwszUserMsg); if (NULL!=pwszSysMsg) { wcscat(pwszFinalMsg, L" "); wcscat(pwszFinalMsg, pwszSysMsg); } CSASSERT(wcslen(pwszFinalMsg) <= nMsgChars);
// finally show message
DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIB, "MessageBox: %ws: %ws\n", pwszTitle, pwszFinalMsg)); if (NULL != g_pfnLogMessagBox) { (*g_pfnLogMessagBox)(hrCode, dwMsgId, pwszTitle, pwszFinalMsg); } if (fUnattended) { nMsgBoxRetVal = IDYES; } else { nMsgBoxRetVal=MessageBox(hWnd, pwszFinalMsg, pwszTitle, uType | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } if (NULL != g_pfnLogMessagBox) { _snwprintf(szEmergency, ARRAYSIZE(szEmergency), L"%d", nMsgBoxRetVal); (*g_pfnLogMessagBox)(S_OK, dwMsgId, pwszTitle, szEmergency); }
// skip error handling
goto done;
error: // we had an error, but we really need to show something
// build a non-localized desperation dialog: "Fatal: 0xNNNNNNNN MsgId:0xNNNNNNNN"
_snwprintf(szEmergency, ARRAYSIZE(szEmergency), L"Fatal: 0x%8X MsgId: 0x%8X", hr, dwMsgId); DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIB, "EmergencyMessageBox: %ws\n", szEmergency)); if (NULL != g_pfnLogMessagBox) { (*g_pfnLogMessagBox)(hrCode, dwMsgId, L"EmergencyMessageBox", szEmergency); } if (!fUnattended) { // The message box with these flags is guaranteed to display
MessageBox(hWnd, szEmergency, NULL, MB_ICONHAND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL); }
done: if (NULL!=pwszTitle) { LocalFree(pwszTitle); } if (NULL!=pwszPrefix) { LocalFree(pwszPrefix); } if (NULL!=pwszUserMsg && pwszUserMsg!=pwszCustomMsg) { LocalFree(pwszUserMsg); } if (NULL!=pwszExpandedUserMsg) { LocalFree(pwszExpandedUserMsg); } if (NULL!=pwszSysMsg) { LocalFree(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszSysMsg)); } if (NULL!=pwszFinalMsg) { LocalFree(pwszFinalMsg); }
return nMsgBoxRetVal; }
// Throw up a dialog with the format "<UserMsg>".
// <UserMsg> is specified by dwMsgId and can contain "%1" which
// will be replaced with pwszCustomMsg.
int CertInfoMessageBox( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN BOOL fUnattended, IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwMsgId, IN OPTIONAL const WCHAR * pwszCustomMsg) { return CertMessageBox( hInstance, fUnattended, hWnd, dwMsgId, 0, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | CMB_NOERRFROMSYS, pwszCustomMsg); }
// Throw up a dialog with the format "<Prefix><UserMsg><SysErrorMsg>".
// <Prefix> is basically "An error was detected...run the
// wizard again..." .
// <UserMsg> is specified by dwMsgId and can contain "%1" which
// will be replaced with pwszCustomMsg.
// <SysErrorMsg> is the system message for hrCode.
int CertErrorMessageBox( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN BOOL fUnattended, IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwMsgId, IN HRESULT hrCode, IN OPTIONAL const WCHAR * pwszCustomMsg) { return CertMessageBox( hInstance, fUnattended, hWnd, dwMsgId, hrCode, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | CMB_REPEATWIZPREFIX, pwszCustomMsg); }
// Throw up a dialog with the format "<UserMsg><SysErrorMsg>".
// <UserMsg> is specified by dwMsgId and can contain "%1" which
// will be replaced with pwszCustomMsg.
// <SysErrorMsg> is the system message for hrCode. It is
// suppressed if a successful hrCode is specified.
int CertWarningMessageBox( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN BOOL fUnattended, IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwMsgId, IN HRESULT hrCode, IN OPTIONAL const WCHAR * pwszCustomMsg) { UINT uType=MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING;
if (SUCCEEDED(hrCode)) { uType |= CMB_NOERRFROMSYS; }
return CertMessageBox( hInstance, fUnattended, hWnd, dwMsgId, hrCode, uType, pwszCustomMsg); }