// AuthMM.h : Declaration of CAuthMM class which implements
// our WMI class Nsp_MMAuthSettings
// Copyright (c)1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Original Create Date: 3/8/2001
// Original Author: shawnwu
#pragma once
#include "globals.h"
#include "IPSecBase.h"
Class description Naming:
CAuthMM stands for Main Mode Authentication Method. Base class: CIPSecBase, because it is a class representing a WMI object - its WMI class name is Nsp_MMAuthSettings Purpose of class:
(1) Nsp_MMAuthSettings is the WMI class for SPD's MM_AUTH_METHODS. Design:
(1) it implements IIPSecObjectImpl.
(2) Since there is one authentication method class, we don't need another layer of common class. As a result, this class is much bigger so that it can handle (2.1) Allocation/Deallocation. (2.2) Rollback support. (2.3) All creation/remove semantics.
(1) Other than rollback, we probably will never directly use this class. All its use is driven by IIPSecObjectImpl.
(2) When you need to rollback all previously added main mode authentication methods, just call Rollback.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAuthMM : public CIPSecBase { protected: CAuthMM(){} virtual ~CAuthMM(){}
// IIPSecObjectImpl methods:
STDMETHOD(QueryInstance) ( IN LPCWSTR pszQuery, IN IWbemContext * pCtx, IN IWbemObjectSink * pSink );
STDMETHOD(DeleteInstance) ( IN IWbemContext * pCtx, IN IWbemObjectSink * pSink );
STDMETHOD(PutInstance) ( IN IWbemClassObject * pInst, IN IWbemContext * pCtx, IN IWbemObjectSink * pSink );
STDMETHOD(GetInstance) ( IN IWbemContext * pCtx, IN IWbemObjectSink * pSink );
static HRESULT Rollback( IN IWbemServices * pNamespace, IN LPCWSTR pszRollbackToken, IN bool bClearAll );
static HRESULT ClearAllAuthMethods ( IN IWbemServices * pNamespace );
HRESULT CreateWbemObjFromMMAuthMethods ( IN PMM_AUTH_METHODS pMMAuth, OUT IWbemClassObject ** ppObj );
HRESULT GetMMAuthMethodsFromWbemObj ( IN IWbemClassObject * pInst, OUT PMM_AUTH_METHODS * ppMMAuth, OUT bool * pbPreExist );
HRESULT UpdateAuthInfos ( IN OUT bool * pPreExist, IN VARIANT * pVarMethods, IN VARIANT * pVarInfos, IN OUT PMM_AUTH_METHODS pAuthMethods );
static HRESULT AllocAuthMethods( IN DWORD dwNumInfos, OUT PMM_AUTH_METHODS * ppMMAuth );
static HRESULT AllocAuthInfos( IN DWORD dwNumInfos, OUT PIPSEC_MM_AUTH_INFO * ppAuthInfos );
static void FreeAuthMethods( IN OUT PMM_AUTH_METHODS * ppMMAuth, IN bool bPreExist );
static void FreeAuthInfos( IN DWORD dwNumInfos, IN OUT PIPSEC_MM_AUTH_INFO * ppAuthInfos );
static HRESULT AddAuthMethods( IN bool bPreExist, IN PMM_AUTH_METHODS pMMAuth );
static HRESULT DeleteAuthMethods( IN GUID gMMAuthID );
HRESULT OnAfterAddMMAuthMethods( IN GUID gMethodID ); };