* FileName: delegation.h * Author: RuiM * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corp. * * Description: * Simple API to either turn on or off a computer's * delegation trust flag through ldap. -*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
BOOL TrustComputerForDelegationW( IN LPWSTR lpComputerName, IN BOOL OnOff );
BOOL TrustComputerForDelegationA( IN LPSTR lpComputerName, IN BOOL OnOff );
Routine Description:
This API turns on or off the computer delegation trust value in the domain. The computer name is passed in, and the operation is performed through the ldap provider.
lpComputerName - computer name to turn on off the delegation trust.
OnOff - boolean to specify whether to turn on or off the delegation trust.
Return Value:
TRUE if the operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
#ifdef LDAP_CLIENT_DEFINED /* need to have included <winldap.h>
to use these related functions-- these are underlying functions for the delegation trust. */
BOOL SetAccountControlFlagsA( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPSTR DomainName, IN LPSTR SamAccountName, IN ULONG AccountControlFlags );
BOOL SetAccountControlFlagsW( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPWSTR DomainName, IN LPWSTR SamAccountName, IN ULONG AccountControlFlags );
BOOL QueryAccountControlFlagsA( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPSTR DomainName, // ignored
IN LPSTR SamAccountName, OUT PULONG pulControlFlags );
BOOL QueryAccountControlFlagsW( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPWSTR DomainName, // ignored
IN LPWSTR SamAccountName, OUT PULONG pulControlFlags );
BOOL LdapQueryUlongAttributeA( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPSTR DomainName, // ignored
IN LPSTR SamAccountName, IN LPSTR AttributeName, OUT PULONG pulAttributeContents ); BOOL LdapQueryUlongAttributeW( IN OPTIONAL PLDAP pLdap, IN OPTIONAL LPWSTR DomainName, // ignored
IN LPWSTR SamAccountName, IN LPWSTR AttributeName, OUT PULONG pulAttributeContents ); #endif
#ifdef UNICODE
#define QueryAccountControlFlags QueryAccountControlFlagsW
#define SetAccountControlFlags SetAccountControlFlagsW
#define TrustComputerForDelegation TrustComputerForDelegationW
#define LdapQueryUlongAttribute LdapQueryUlongAttributeW
#else // ANSI
#define QueryAccountControlFlags QueryAccountControlFlagsA
#define SetAccountControlFlags SetAccountControlFlagsA
#define TrustComputerForDelegation TrustComputerForDelegationA
#define LdapQueryUlongAttribute LdapQueryUlongAttributeA
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif