// FILE : swnt_pk.h //
// AUTHOR : //
// HISTORY : //
// Apr 19 1995 larrys Cleanup //
// Oct 27 1995 rajeshk RandSeed Stuff added hUID to PKCS2Encrypt //
// //
// Copyright (C) 1993 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved //
#ifndef __SWNT_PK_H__
#define __SWNT_PK_H__
#include <delayimp.h>
#include <pstore.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#define GetNextAlignedValue(c, alignment) ((c + alignment) & ~(alignment - 1))
#define GetPtrAlignedSize(cb) (GetNextAlignedValue(cb, sizeof(ULONG_PTR)))
#define NTPK_USE_SIG 0
#define NTPK_USE_EXCH 1
#define PKCS_BLOCKTYPE_1 1
#define PKCS_BLOCKTYPE_2 2
// Function : EncryptAndDecryptWithRSAKey
// Description : This function creates a buffer and then encrypts that with
// the passed in private key and decrypts with the passed in
// public key. The function is used for FIPS 140-1 compliance
// to make sure that newly generated/imported keys work and
// in the self test during DLL initialization.
extern DWORD EncryptAndDecryptWithRSAKey( IN BYTE *pbRSAPub, IN BYTE *pbRSAPriv, IN BOOL fSigKey, IN BOOL fEncryptCheck, IN BOOL fHardCodedKey);
extern DWORD ReGenKey( HCRYPTPROV hUser, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwWhichKey, HCRYPTKEY *phKey, DWORD bits);
extern BOOL CheckDataLenForRSAEncrypt( IN DWORD cbMod, // length of the modulus
IN DWORD cbData, // length of the data
IN DWORD dwFlags); // flags
// do the modular exponentiation calculation M^PubKey mod N
extern DWORD RSAPublicEncrypt( IN PEXPO_OFFLOAD_STRUCT pOffloadInfo, IN BSAFE_PUB_KEY *pBSPubKey, IN BYTE *pbInput, IN BYTE *pbOutput);
// do the modular exponentiation calculation M^PrivKey Exponent mod N
extern DWORD RSAPrivateDecrypt( IN PEXPO_OFFLOAD_STRUCT pOffloadInfo, IN BSAFE_PRV_KEY *pBSPrivKey, IN BYTE *pbInput, IN BYTE *pbOutput);
/************************************************************************/ /* RSAEncrypt performs a RSA encryption. */ /************************************************************************/ extern DWORD RSAEncrypt( IN PNTAGUserList pTmpUser, IN BSAFE_PUB_KEY *pBSPubKey, IN BYTE *pbPlaintext, IN DWORD cbPlaintext, IN BYTE *pbParams, IN DWORD cbParams, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT BYTE *pbOut);
/************************************************************************/ /* RSADecrypt performs a RSA decryption. */ /************************************************************************/ extern DWORD RSADecrypt( IN PNTAGUserList pTmpUser, IN BSAFE_PRV_KEY *pBSPrivKey, IN CONST BYTE *pbBlob, IN DWORD cbBlob, IN BYTE *pbParams, IN DWORD cbParams, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT BYTE **ppbPlaintext, OUT DWORD *pcbPlaintext);
// Routine : DerivePublicFromPrivate
// Description : Derive the public RSA key from the private RSA key. This is
// done and the resulting public key is placed in the appropriate
// place in the context pointer (pTmpUser).
extern DWORD DerivePublicFromPrivate( IN PNTAGUserList pUser, IN BOOL fSigKey);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif // __SWNT_PK_H__