#include "precomp.h"
// Update Packager
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// UP_FlowControl()
// Checks if we've switched between slow and fast throughput
void ASHost::UP_FlowControl(UINT newBufferSize) { DebugEntry(ASHost::UP_FlowControl);
if (newBufferSize > (LARGE_ORDER_PACKET_SIZE / 2)) { if (m_upfUseSmallPackets) { m_upfUseSmallPackets = FALSE; TRACE_OUT(("UP_FlowControl: FAST; use large packets")); } } else { if (!m_upfUseSmallPackets) { m_upfUseSmallPackets = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("UP_FlowControl: SLOW; use small packets")); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::UP_FlowControl); }
// UP_Periodic()
// Called periodically, to send graphical updates as orders and/or screen
// data.
void ASHost::UP_Periodic(UINT currentTime) { BOOL fSendSD = FALSE; BOOL fSendOrders = FALSE; UINT tmpTime; UINT timeSinceOrders; UINT timeSinceSD; UINT timeSinceTrying;
// This is a
// performance critical part of the scheduling so we apply some
// heuristics to try and keep the overheads down.
// 1.If there was no back pressure last time then we check the
// rate of accumulation of screendata over the last period.
// If it was high then we apply a time slice to the sending
// of screendata.
// 2.If the rate of order accumulation was also high then we
// apply a timeslice to the order accumulation as well, just
// to avoid too high a CPU overhead trying to send orders
// when we will eventually fail to keep up. We keep this
// time period low because the objective is simply to avoid
// sending hundreds of packets containing few orders each.
// (On the other hand, we want to send the single textout
// following a keystoke ASAP so we must not timeslice all the
// time.)
// 3.If neither orders nor screendata is piling up quickly then
// we do a full send immediately.
// 4.If there was back pressure on the last send then we still
// send orders, but always on the time slice, independent of
// the order accumulation rate.
// Note that we cannot sample the accumulation rates for every
// pass because the app doing the drawing may be interrupted by
// us for a few hundred milliseconds. Therefore we only sample
// the bounds every VOLUME_SAMPLE milliseconds.
timeSinceSD = currentTime - m_upLastSDTime; timeSinceOrders = currentTime - m_upLastOrdersTime; timeSinceTrying = currentTime - m_upLastTrialTime;
// Sample the accumulation rates.
m_upSDAccum += BA_QueryAccumulation(); m_upOrdersAccum += OA_QueryOrderAccum();
// Sample the throughput over the last period to see whether we
// can operate in rapid respose mode or whether we should
// timeslice.
if (timeSinceTrying > DCS_VOLUME_SAMPLE) { //
// Take the newly accumulated deltas.
m_upDeltaSD = m_upSDAccum; m_upDeltaOrders = m_upOrdersAccum;
// Store time of last retrieval.
m_upLastTrialTime = currentTime;
// Reset the running totals.
m_upSDAccum = 0; m_upOrdersAccum = 0; }
// If we are way out of line then send updates. Not that this
// will reset the update timer independent of whether the send
// works or not, so that we don't enter this arm continually
// when we time out but are in a back pressure situation
// The long stop timer is there to catch apps that keep a
// continual flow of orders/SD at above the suppression rate.
// We want to tune our heuristics to avoid this, but if it
// happens than we must send the data eventually. The problem
// is that this objective clashes with the scenario of the user
// paging down twenty times, where our most efficient approach
// is to let him run and snapshot the SD at the end, rather
// than every PERIOD_LONG milliseconds. (A screen snapshot
// will stop the host for a second!).
if (timeSinceSD > DCS_SD_UPDATE_LONG_PERIOD) { fSendSD = TRUE; } else { //
// We only disregard our time slicing if the rate of orders
// and screendata is low enough to warrant it. If the rate
// is too high then hold off so that we can do some packet
// consolidation. If we had no back pressure last time or
// the screendata rate is now low enough then try sending
// SD as well as orders.
// The order threshold is measured in number of orders over
// the period. Screendata is measured in the total area
// accumulated (prior to any spoiling).
if (!m_upBackPressure) { if (m_upDeltaOrders < DCS_ORDERS_TURNOFF_FREQUENCY) { fSendOrders = TRUE; if (m_upDeltaSD < DCS_BOUNDS_TURNOFF_RATE) { if ((timeSinceSD < DCS_SD_UPDATE_SHORT_PERIOD) && (m_upDeltaSD > DCS_BOUNDS_IMMEDIATE_RATE)) { fSendSD = FALSE; } else { fSendSD = TRUE; } } } }
// Even in a back pressure situation we try and send orders
// periodically to keep current. If we overflow the order
// buffer then we will constrain the buffer size to prevent
// sending too many non-productive orders. (But we dont
// turn orders off because we still want the user to see
// things happening.) Generally we send orders immediately,
// provided the rate of accumulation is within the limits.
// This test is to time slice orders if they are being
// generated at a high rate. The constant must be
// reasonably small otherwise we force the order buffer to
// overflow and order processing will be turned off.
if (!fSendSD && !fSendOrders) { if (timeSinceOrders > DCS_ORDER_UPDATE_PERIOD) { fSendOrders = TRUE; } } }
// Now we can go ahead and try sending! First look to see if
// we can do both screendata and orders
if (fSendSD) { //
// Indicate no back pressure (even if this send is
// triggered by a timout our initial assumption is no back
// pressure). Back pressure will be reinstated by
// SendUpdates if necessary.
m_upBackPressure = FALSE; UPSendUpdates();
// Sending screendata can take a long time. It messes up
// our heuristics unless we adjust for it.
tmpTime = GetTickCount(); timeSinceTrying -= (tmpTime - currentTime); m_pShare->m_dcsLastScheduleTime = tmpTime; m_upLastSDTime = tmpTime; m_upLastOrdersTime = tmpTime; } else { if (fSendOrders) { //
// Either the update rate is too high or we are
// experiencing back pressure so just send the orders
// and not the screendata. This is because we want to
// avoid entering screendata mode as a result of order
// back pressure for as long as we can. The screendata
// will come later, when things have settled down a bit
m_upLastOrdersTime = currentTime; m_upBackPressure = TRUE; if (!UPSendUpdates()) { //
// This is the only real action so leave all the
// tracing separate for cleanliness. If there are
// orders in transit then everything is fine. If none
// are sent for a while then we want to break out of
// our SD back pressure wait. This is because we are
// only sampling the flow rates every DCS_VOLUME_SAMPLE msecs,
// but we dont want to have to wait that long to flush the SD.
// We cannot increase the flow sample rate because then
// it becomes too erratic because of system scheduling.
m_upBackPressure = FALSE; UPSendUpdates(); m_upLastSDTime = currentTime; } } }
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::UP_Periodic); }
// UPSendUpdates()
// Actually tries to allocate and send orders + screen data. What it does
// depends on
// * Presence of back-pressure due to previous send failures
// * How much screen data & orders there are
// * Whether we're in serious spoiling mode and can't keep up
// * What packet size to send
// Returns:
// # of packets sent
UINT ASHost::UPSendUpdates(void) { BOOL synced; BOOL ordersSent; UINT numPackets = 0;
// If we actually have updates to send then try to send a sync token.
if ((OA_GetTotalOrderListBytes() > 0) || (m_sdgcLossy != 0) || (m_baNumRects > 0)) { synced = UP_MaybeSendSyncToken();
// Only send updates if we have sent the sync token succesfully.
if (synced) { //
// There is no outstanding sync token waiting to be sent, so we
// can send the orders and screen data updates.
// Send accumulated orders. If this call fails (probably out
// of memory) then don't send any other updates - we'll try
// sending the whole lot later. The orders MUST be sent before
// the screen data.
if (PM_MaybeSendPalettePacket()) { ordersSent = UPSendOrders(&numPackets); if (!ordersSent) { m_upBackPressure = TRUE; } else { //
// Orders sent OK so go for the screendata, provided
// the caller wants us to.
if (!m_upBackPressure) { //
// We may now try and send screen data. However,
// we need to be careful not to do this too
// frequently, because DC-Share is now being
// scheduled to send as soon as network buffers
// become available. On the other hand, some
// apps respond to keystrokes with screendata so
// we cannot just slow it down!
// The approach is to have SendScreenDataArea
// return the amount of data sent, together with
// an indication as to whether we hit back pressure
// We return these to dcsapi which has control of
// when we are scheduled and passes the paramaters
// in again
TRACE_OUT(( "Sending SD")); SDG_SendScreenDataArea(&m_upBackPressure, &numPackets); } else { //
// We sent the orders OK an so we must reset
// the back pressure indicator even though we
// were asked not to send screendata
TRACE_OUT(( "Orders sent and BP relieved")); m_upBackPressure = FALSE; } } } } } else { m_upBackPressure = FALSE; }
DebugExitDWORD(ASHost::UPSendUpdates, numPackets); return(numPackets); }
// UP_MaybeSendSyncToken()
BOOL ASHost::UP_MaybeSendSyncToken(void) { PUPSPACKET pUPSPacket; #ifdef _DEBUG
UINT sentSize; #endif // _DEBUG
// Check to see if we should send a sync token.
if (m_upfSyncTokenRequired) { //
// The sync packet consists of an updates packets as far as the end
// of the header.
pUPSPacket = (PUPSPACKET)m_pShare->SC_AllocPkt(PROT_STR_UPDATES, g_s20BroadcastID, sizeof(UPSPACKET)); if (!pUPSPacket) { //
// We will try again later.
TRACE_OUT(("Failed to alloc UP sync packet")); } else { //
// Fill in the packet contents.
pUPSPacket->header.header.data.dataType = DT_UP; pUPSPacket->header.updateType = UPD_SYNC;
// Now send the packet to the remote application.
if (m_pShare->m_scfViewSelf) m_pShare->UP_ReceivedPacket(m_pShare->m_pasLocal, &(pUPSPacket->header.header));
#ifdef _DEBUG
sentSize = #endif // _DEBUG
m_pShare->DCS_CompressAndSendPacket(PROT_STR_UPDATES, g_s20BroadcastID, &(pUPSPacket->header.header), sizeof(*pUPSPacket));
TRACE_OUT(("UP SYNC packet size: %08d, sent %08d", sizeof(*pUPSPacket), sentSize));
// The sync packet was successfully sent.
m_upfSyncTokenRequired = FALSE; } }
DebugExitBOOL(ASHost::UP_MaybeSendSyncToken, (!m_upfSyncTokenRequired)); return(!m_upfSyncTokenRequired); }
// UPSendOrders(..)
// Sends all accumulated orders.
// Returns:
// TRUE if all orders successfully sent
// FALSE if send failed (e.g. if unable to allocate network packet)
BOOL ASHost::UPSendOrders(UINT * pcPackets) { PORDPACKET pPacket = NULL; UINT cbOrderBytes; UINT cbOrderBytesRemaining; UINT cbPacketSize; BOOL rc = TRUE; #ifdef _DEBUG
UINT sentSize; #endif // _DEBUG
// Find out how many bytes of orders there are in the Order List.
cbOrderBytesRemaining = UPFetchOrdersIntoBuffer(NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Process any orders on the list.
if (cbOrderBytesRemaining > 0) { TRACE_OUT(( "%u order bytes to fetch", cbOrderBytesRemaining));
// Keep sending packets while there are some orders to do.
while (cbOrderBytesRemaining > 0) { UINT cbMax; //
// Make sure the order size does not exceed the max packet
// size.
cbPacketSize = min(cbOrderBytesRemaining, (cbMax - sizeof(ORDPACKET) + 1));
// Allocate a packet to send the data in.
pPacket = (PORDPACKET)m_pShare->SC_AllocPkt(PROT_STR_UPDATES, g_s20BroadcastID, sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbPacketSize - 1); if (!pPacket) { //
// Failed to allocate a packet. We skip out immediately -
// we'll try again later.
TRACE_OUT(("Failed to alloc UP order packet, size %u", sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbPacketSize - 1)); rc = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
// Transfer as many orders into the packet as will fit.
cbOrderBytes = cbPacketSize; cbOrderBytesRemaining = UPFetchOrdersIntoBuffer( pPacket->data, &pPacket->cOrders, &cbOrderBytes);
TRACE_OUT(( "%u bytes fetched into %u byte pkt. %u remain.", cbOrderBytes, cbPacketSize, cbOrderBytesRemaining));
// If no order bytes were transferred then try again with a
// Large Order Packet.
if (cbOrderBytes == 0) { //
// We need to use a larger packet to transfer the
// orders into. (The first order must be a very large
// order such as a large bitmap cache update).
// cbOrderBytesRemaining may not accurate if there are
// any MemBlt orders in the order heap. This is
// because we may have to insert a color table order
// and / or a bitmap bits order before the MemBlt.
// To avoid getting into an infinite loop if there is
// only a MemBlt remaining but we actually have to send
// a color table and / or a bitmap bits order
// (cbOrderBytesRemaining would never get set high
// enough to allow us to send the color table / bitmap
// bits order), make the buffer at least large enough
// to hold the largest amount of data required for all
// the parts of a MemBlt.
// The maximum number of bytes required to send a MemBlt order. This is
// The size of the largest possible color table order
// + the size of the largest possible bitmap bits order
// + the size of the largest MemBlt order.
cbPacketSize = sizeof(BMC_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER) + (256 * sizeof(TSHR_RGBQUAD)) + sizeof(BMC_BITMAP_BITS_ORDER_R2) + sizeof(MEM3BLT_R2_ORDER) + MP_CACHE_CELLSIZE(MP_LARGE_TILE_WIDTH, MP_LARGE_TILE_HEIGHT, m_usrSendingBPP); cbPacketSize = max(cbPacketSize, cbOrderBytesRemaining);
if (cbPacketSize > (UINT)(LARGE_ORDER_PACKET_SIZE - sizeof(ORDPACKET) + 1)) { TRACE_OUT(("Too many order bytes for large packet(%d)", cbOrderBytesRemaining)); cbPacketSize = LARGE_ORDER_PACKET_SIZE - sizeof(ORDPACKET) + 1; }
pPacket = (PORDPACKET)m_pShare->SC_AllocPkt(PROT_STR_UPDATES, g_s20BroadcastID, sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbPacketSize - 1); if (!pPacket) { TRACE_OUT(("Failed to alloc UP order packet, size %u", sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbPacketSize - 1)); rc = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
// Transfer as many orders into the packet as will
// fit.
cbOrderBytes = cbPacketSize; cbOrderBytesRemaining = UPFetchOrdersIntoBuffer( pPacket->data, &pPacket->cOrders, &cbOrderBytes );
// If no orders were transferred then something has
// gone wrong. Probably flow control kicked in or
// a dekstop switch occurred.
// Return failure now!
// Hopefully things will sort themselves out later
// or we will resort to sending updates as screen
// data once the order accumulation heap becomes
// full.
if (cbOrderBytes == 0) { WARNING_OUT(("No orders fetched into %u byte packet, %u bytes left", cbPacketSize, cbOrderBytesRemaining)); S20_FreeDataPkt(&(pPacket->header.header)); rc = FALSE; DC_QUIT; } }
// Fill in the packet header.
pPacket->header.header.data.dataType = DT_UP; pPacket->header.updateType = UPD_ORDERS; pPacket->sendBPP = (TSHR_UINT16)m_usrSendingBPP;
// If encoding is switched on, update the data size to reflect
// it with encoded orders
if (m_pShare->m_oefOE2EncodingOn) { pPacket->header.header.dataLength = sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbOrderBytes - 1 - sizeof(S20DATAPACKET) + sizeof(DATAPACKETHEADER); }
// Now send it.
if (m_pShare->m_scfViewSelf) m_pShare->UP_ReceivedPacket(m_pShare->m_pasLocal, &(pPacket->header.header));
#ifdef _DEBUG
sentSize = #endif // _DEBUG
m_pShare->DCS_CompressAndSendPacket(PROT_STR_UPDATES, g_s20BroadcastID, &(pPacket->header.header), sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbOrderBytes - 1);
TRACE_OUT(("UP ORDERS packet size: %08d, sent %08d", sizeof(ORDPACKET) + cbOrderBytes - 1, sentSize));
++(*pcPackets); } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(ASHost::UPSendOrders, rc); return(rc); }
// UPFetchOrdersIntoBuffer(..)
// Encodes orders from the Order List and copies them into the supplied
// buffer, then frees up the memory of each order copied.
// Orders are copied until the buffer is full or there are no more orders.
// Returns:
// The number of order bytes that were NOT returned.
// i.e. 0 if all orders were returned.
// A simple way to find out the total number of order bytes
// in the Order List is to call the function with a buffer length
// of zero.
// *pcbBufferSize is updated to contain the total number of bytes
// returned.
UINT ASHost::UPFetchOrdersIntoBuffer ( LPBYTE pBuffer, LPTSHR_UINT16 pcOrders, LPUINT pcbBufferSize ) { LPINT_ORDER pListOrder; LPINT_ORDER pCurrentOrder; UINT cbFreeBytesInBuffer; UINT cOrdersCopied; LPBYTE pDst; UINT cbOrderSize; UINT ulRemainingOrderBytes; BOOL processingMemBlt;
// Make a quick exit if the Order List length is being queried.
if ( (pcbBufferSize == NULL) || (*pcbBufferSize == 0) ) { goto fetch_orders_exit; }
// Initialize the buffer pointer and size.
pDst = pBuffer; cbFreeBytesInBuffer = *pcbBufferSize;
// Keep a count of the number of orders we copy.
cOrdersCopied = 0;
// Return as many orders as possible.
pListOrder = OA_GetFirstListOrder(); TRACE_OUT(( "First order: 0x%08x", pListOrder)); while (pListOrder != NULL) { if (pListOrder->OrderHeader.Common.fOrderFlags & OF_INTERNAL) { //
// This is an internal order. Currently SBC is the only
// component to use internal orders, so get SBC to process it.
// Internal order must not get sent over the wire, so skip on
// to the next order
pListOrder = OA_RemoveListOrder(pListOrder); continue; }
if (ORDER_IS_MEMBLT(pListOrder) || ORDER_IS_MEM3BLT(pListOrder)) { //
// This is a MEMBLT or a MEM3BLT so we have to do some extra
// processing... This function returns us a pointer to the
// next order which should be sent - this will often not be the
// MEMBLT, but a color table order or a bitmap bits order.
if (!SBC_ProcessMemBltOrder(pListOrder, &pCurrentOrder)) { //
// This can fail if
// * we're low on memory
// * we changed from 8BPP to 24BPP sending, because
// somebody left the share, and we have queued up
// SBC orders that we can no longer process.
TRACE_OUT(("Failed to process SBC order, fall back to SDG")); pListOrder = OA_RemoveListOrder(pListOrder); continue; }
processingMemBlt = TRUE; } else { //
// This isn't a MEMBLT or a MEM3BLT - just set pCurrentOrder to
// be pListOrder
pCurrentOrder = pListOrder; processingMemBlt = FALSE; }
if (m_pShare->m_oefOE2EncodingOn) { //
// Encoding is switched on.
// Encode the order into the next free space in the buffer
cbOrderSize = OE2_EncodeOrder( pCurrentOrder, pDst, (TSHR_UINT16)cbFreeBytesInBuffer ); TRACE_OUT(( "Encoded size, %u bytes", cbOrderSize)); } else { //
// Copy the order into the buffer.
cbOrderSize = COM_ORDER_SIZE( ((LPCOM_ORDER)(&(pCurrentOrder->OrderHeader.Common))));
if (cbOrderSize <= cbFreeBytesInBuffer) { memcpy(pDst, (LPCOM_ORDER)(&(pCurrentOrder->OrderHeader.Common)), cbOrderSize); } else { //
// No room for this order in this packet.
cbOrderSize = 0; } }
// Check whether the order was copied into the buffer.
if (cbOrderSize == 0) { //
// The order was too big to fit in this buffer.
// Exit the loop - this order will go in the next packet.
break; }
// Update the buffer pointer past the encoded order.
pDst += cbOrderSize; cbFreeBytesInBuffer -= cbOrderSize; cOrdersCopied++;
if (processingMemBlt) { //
// If we are processing a MEMBLT order, we have to notify SBC
// that we've dealt with it successfully so that it returns us
// a different order next time.
SBC_OrderSentNotification(pCurrentOrder); }
if (pCurrentOrder == pListOrder) { //
// We successfully copied the order into the buffer - on to the
// next one UNLESS we haven't processed the last one we picked
// out of the order list i.e. pCurrentOrder is not the same as
// pListOrder. This will happen if we just processed a color
// table order or a bitmap bits order returned from
// SBC_ProcessMemBltOrder (if we processed the MEMBLT itself,
// we can safely move on to the next order).
pListOrder = OA_RemoveListOrder(pListOrder); } }
// Fill in the packet header.
if (pcOrders != NULL) { *pcOrders = (TSHR_UINT16)cOrdersCopied; }
// Update the buffer size to indicate how much data we have
// written.
*pcbBufferSize -= cbFreeBytesInBuffer;
TRACE_OUT(( "Returned %d orders in %d bytes", cOrdersCopied, *pcbBufferSize));
fetch_orders_exit: //
// Return the number of bytes still to be processed
ulRemainingOrderBytes = OA_GetTotalOrderListBytes();
DebugExitDWORD(ASHost::UPFetchOrdersIntoBuffer, ulRemainingOrderBytes); return(ulRemainingOrderBytes); }
// UP_ReceivePacket()
void ASShare::UP_ReceivedPacket ( ASPerson * pasPerson, PS20DATAPACKET pPacket ) { PUPPACKETHEADER pUPPacket;
if (!pasPerson->m_pView) { //
// Updates for parties which we don't recognise as hosts are just
// discarded.
// NOTE:
// 2.0 Win95 does not have HET, where we kick off sharing/unsharing.
// But it did have TT, and the packet type/messages were defined
// cleverly for HET so that 2.0 Win95 works the same. When they
// start to share, we get a PT_TT packet with a non-zero count.
// The difference really is that the number is apps for Win95 2.0
// and HWNDs for everybody else.
WARNING_OUT(("UP_ReceivedUpdates: Ignoring updates from person [%d] not hosting", pasPerson->mcsID));
pUPPacket = (PUPPACKETHEADER)pPacket; switch (pUPPacket->updateType) { case UPD_SCREEN_DATA: SDP_ReceivedPacket(pasPerson, pPacket); break;
case UPD_ORDERS: OD_ReceivedPacket(pasPerson, pPacket); break;
case UPD_PALETTE: PM_ReceivedPacket(pasPerson, pPacket); break;
case UPD_SYNC: //
// We need to reset our INCOMING decoding info since the sender
// resets his OUTGOING encoding info for a sync.
// NOTE:
// We do not need to reset INCOMING data for
// PM -- the host won't send us old palette references
// RBC -- the host won't send us old bitmap references.
// Even though it would be nice to delete the existing
// bitmaps, recreating the cache is a hassle.
// CM -- the host won't send us old cursor references
// SSI -- the host won't send us old savebits references
default: ERROR_OUT(("Unknown UP packet type %u from [%d]", pUPPacket->updateType, pasPerson->mcsID)); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::UP_ReceivedPacket); }