* File: capsctl.cpp * * capability control object implementations * * * Revision History: * * 10/10/96 mikeg created * 06/24/97 mikev - Added T.120 capability to serialized caps and simcaps (interim hack until a * T120 resolver is implemented) * - Retired ResolveEncodeFormat(Audio,Video) and implemented a data-independent * resolution algorithm and exposed method ResolveFormats(). Added support * routines ResolvePermutations(), TestSimultaneousCaps() and * AreSimcaps(). */
#include "precomp.h"
UINT g_AudioPacketDurationMs = AUDIO_PACKET_DURATION_LONG; // preferred packet duration
BOOL g_fRegAudioPacketDuration = FALSE; // AudioPacketDurationMs from registry
PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS CapsCtl::pAdvertisedSets=NULL; DWORD CapsCtl::dwConSpeed = 0; UINT CapsCtl::uStaticGlobalRefCount=0; UINT CapsCtl::uAdvertizedSize=0; extern HRESULT WINAPI CreateMediaCapability(REFGUID, LPIH323MediaCap *);
LPIH323MediaCap CapsCtl::FindHostForID(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID id) { if(pAudCaps && pAudCaps->IsHostForCapID(id)) { return (pAudCaps); } else if (pVidCaps && pVidCaps->IsHostForCapID(id)) { return (pVidCaps); } return NULL; }
LPIH323MediaCap CapsCtl::FindHostForMediaType(PCC_TERMCAP pCapability) { if(pCapability->DataType == H245_DATA_AUDIO) { return (pAudCaps); } else if(pCapability->DataType == H245_DATA_VIDEO) { return (pVidCaps); } return NULL; }
LPIH323MediaCap CapsCtl::FindHostForMediaGuid(LPGUID pMediaGuid) {
if(MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO == *pMediaGuid) { return (pVidCaps); } else if(MEDIA_TYPE_H323AUDIO == *pMediaGuid) { return (pAudCaps); } else return NULL; }
ULONG CapsCtl::AddRef() { uRef++; return uRef; }
ULONG CapsCtl::Release() { uRef--; if(uRef == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return uRef; }
STDMETHODIMP CapsCtl::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject) { // this breaks the rules for the official COM QueryInterface because
// the interfaces that are queried for are not necessarily real COM
// interfaces. The reflexive property of QueryInterface would be broken in
// that case.
HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if(!ppvObject) return hr; *ppvObject = 0; if(iid == IID_IDualPubCap)// satisfy symmetric property of QI
{ *ppvObject = (IDualPubCap *)this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if(iid == IID_IAppAudioCap ) { if(pAudCaps) { return pAudCaps->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } } else if(iid == IID_IAppVidCap ) { if(pVidCaps) { return pVidCaps->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } } return hr; }
CapsCtl::CapsCtl () : uRef(1), pVidCaps(NULL), pAudCaps(NULL), pACapsBuf(NULL), pVCapsBuf(NULL), dwNumInUse(0), bAudioPublicize(TRUE), bVideoPublicize(TRUE), bT120Publicize(TRUE), m_localT120cap(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT), m_remoteT120cap(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT), m_remoteT120bitrate(0), m_pAudTermCaps(NULL), m_pVidTermCaps(NULL), pSetIDs(NULL), pRemAdvSets(NULL) { uStaticGlobalRefCount++; }
CapsCtl::~CapsCtl () {
if (pACapsBuf) { MemFree (pACapsBuf); } if (pVCapsBuf) { MemFree (pVCapsBuf); }
if (pAudCaps) { pAudCaps->Release(); }
if (pVidCaps) { pVidCaps->Release(); } uStaticGlobalRefCount--; if (uStaticGlobalRefCount == 0) { //Free up the sim. caps array
if (pAdvertisedSets) { while (pAdvertisedSets->wLength) { //wLength is Zero based
MemFree ((VOID *)pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[--pAdvertisedSets->wLength]); } MemFree ((VOID *)pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray); pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray = NULL; MemFree ((void *) pAdvertisedSets); pAdvertisedSets=NULL; dwNumInUse=0; } }
//And the remote array
if (pRemAdvSets) { while (pRemAdvSets->wLength) { MemFree ((VOID *)pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[--pRemAdvSets->wLength]); } MemFree ((void *) pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray); pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray = NULL; MemFree ((void *) pRemAdvSets); pRemAdvSets=NULL; } MemFree (pSetIDs); pSetIDs=NULL; }
BOOL CapsCtl::Init() { HRESULT hrLast; int iBase = 1;
if (g_capFlags & CAPFLAGS_AV_STREAMS) { hrLast = ::CreateMediaCapability(MEDIA_TYPE_H323AUDIO, &pAudCaps); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) { goto InitDone; } }
if (g_capFlags & CAPFLAGS_AV_STREAMS) { hrLast = ::CreateMediaCapability(MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO, &pVidCaps); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) { goto InitDone; } }
if (pAudCaps) { // Base the capability IDs beginning at 1 (zero is an invalid capability ID!)
pAudCaps->SetCapIDBase(iBase); iBase += pAudCaps->GetNumCaps(); }
if (pVidCaps) { pVidCaps->SetCapIDBase(iBase); iBase += pVidCaps->GetNumCaps(); }
InitDone: m_localT120cap = iBase; return TRUE; } HRESULT CapsCtl::ReInitialize() { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; int iBase = 1;
if (pAudCaps && !pAudCaps->ReInit()) { hr = CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto EXIT; }
if (pVidCaps && !pVidCaps->ReInit()) { hr = CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto EXIT; }
// Base the capability IDs beginning at 1 (zero is an invalid capability ID!)
if (pAudCaps) { pAudCaps->SetCapIDBase(iBase); iBase += pAudCaps->GetNumCaps(); }
if (pVidCaps) { pVidCaps->SetCapIDBase(iBase); iBase += pVidCaps->GetNumCaps(); }
m_localT120cap = iBase;
EXIT: return hr; }
const char szNMProdNum[] = "Microsoft\256 NetMeeting(TM)\0"; const char szNM20VerNum[] = "Version 2.0\0";
HRESULT CapsCtl::AddRemoteDecodeCaps(PCC_TERMCAPLIST pTermCapList,PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS pTermCapDescriptors, PCC_VENDORINFO pVendorInfo) { FX_ENTRY("CapsCtl::AddRemoteDecodeCaps"); HRESULT hr; void *pData=NULL; UINT uSize,x,y,z;
//WLength is # of capabilities, not structure length
WORD wNDesc; LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap; if(!pTermCapList && !pTermCapDescriptors) // additional capability descriptors may be added
{ // at any time
return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } // Check for NM version 2.0
m_fNM20 = FALSE; ASSERT(pVendorInfo); if (pVendorInfo->bCountryCode == USA_H221_COUNTRY_CODE && pVendorInfo->wManufacturerCode == MICROSOFT_H_221_MFG_CODE && pVendorInfo->pProductNumber && pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber && pVendorInfo->pProductNumber->wOctetStringLength == sizeof(szNMProdNum) && pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber->wOctetStringLength == sizeof(szNM20VerNum) && memcmp(pVendorInfo->pProductNumber->pOctetString, szNMProdNum, sizeof(szNMProdNum)) == 0 && memcmp(pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber->pOctetString, szNM20VerNum, sizeof(szNM20VerNum)) == 0 ) { m_fNM20 = TRUE; }
// cleanup old term caps if term caps are being added and old caps exist
if (pAudCaps) pAudCaps->FlushRemoteCaps(); if (pVidCaps) pVidCaps->FlushRemoteCaps(); m_remoteT120cap = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; // note there is no T120 cap resolver and
// this CapsCtl holds exactly one local and remote T120 cap
// Copy pTermcapDescriptors to a local copy, (and free any old one)
if (pRemAdvSets) { while (pRemAdvSets->wLength) { //0 based
MemFree ((VOID *)pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[--pRemAdvSets->wLength]); }
MemFree ((VOID *)pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray); pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray = NULL; MemFree ((VOID *)pRemAdvSets); pRemAdvSets=NULL;
//Ok, walk through the PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS list, first, allocate memory for the Master PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS
//structure, then each simcap, and the altcaps therin, then copy the data.
//How many Descriptors?
if (!(pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray=((H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)MemAlloc (sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T*)*pTermCapDescriptors->wLength))) ) { return CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; }
//Once per descriptor...
for (x=0;x < pTermCapDescriptors->wLength;x++) { //Allocate memory for the descriptor entry
if (!(pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]=(H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)MemAlloc (sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T)))) { return CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; }
//BUGBUG for beta 2 Copy en masse.
memcpy (pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x],pTermCapDescriptors->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x],sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T));
/* post beta 2?
//Copy the capability ID
pRemAdvSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x].CapID=pTermCapDescriptors[x].CapID //Walk the simcaps, then altcaps and copy entries */
for (wNDesc=0;wNDesc <pTermCapList->wLength;wNDesc++) { pData=NULL; pMediaCap = FindHostForMediaType(pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc]); if(!pMediaCap) { // special case: there is no T120 resolver. THIS IS A TEMPORARY
// SITUATION. We cannot track bitrate limits on multiple T120 capability
// instances because of this. As of now, we (NetMeeting) do not advertise
// more than one T.120 capability.
//This code will keep the last T.120 capability encountered.
if(((pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc])->DataType == H245_DATA_DATA) && ((pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc])->Cap.H245Dat_T120.application.choice == DACy_applctn_t120_chosen) && ((pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc])->Cap.H245Dat_T120.application.u.DACy_applctn_t120.choice == separateLANStack_chosen)) { // it's data data
m_remoteT120cap = (pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc])->CapId; m_remoteT120bitrate = (pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc])->Cap.H245Dat_T120.maxBitRate; } // continue;
// handled it in-line
} else if(pMediaCap->IsCapabilityRecognized(pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc])) { hr = pMediaCap->AddRemoteDecodeFormat(pTermCapList->pTermCapArray[wNDesc]); #ifdef DEBUG
if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:AddRemoteDecodeFormat returned 0x%08lx\r\n",_fx_, hr)); } #endif // DEBUG
} } return (hrSuccess); }
HRESULT CapsCtl::CreateCapList(PCC_TERMCAPLIST *ppCapBuf, PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS *ppCombinations) { PCC_TERMCAPLIST pTermCapList = NULL, pTermListAud=NULL, pTermListVid=NULL; PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS pCombinations = NULL; UINT uCount = 0, uSize = 0, uT120Size = 0; HRESULT hr; WORD wc; UINT x=0,y=0,z=0,uNumAud=0,uNumVid=0; H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *pTotCaps, **ppThisDescriptor; PPCC_TERMCAP ppCCThisTermCap; PCC_TERMCAP pCCT120Cap = NULL;
uCount = GetNumCaps(TRUE);
ASSERT((NULL == m_pAudTermCaps) && (NULL == m_pVidTermCaps)); // calc size of CC_TERMCAPLIST header + CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS + array of PCC_TERMCAP
// allocate mem for the master CC_TERMCAPLIST, including the array of pointers to all CC_TERMCAPs
uSize = sizeof(CC_TERMCAPLIST) + sizeof (CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS) + (uCount * sizeof(PCC_TERMCAP)); if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) { uSize += sizeof(CC_TERMCAP); }
pTermCapList = (PCC_TERMCAPLIST)MemAlloc(uSize); if(pTermCapList == NULL) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_EXIT; } // divide up the buffer, CC_TERMCAPLIST first, followed by array of PCC_TERMCAP.
// The array of PCC_TERMCAP follows fixed size CC_TERMCAPLIST structure and the fixed size
// CC_TERMCAP structure that holds the one T.120 cap.
if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) { pCCT120Cap = (PCC_TERMCAP)(((BYTE *)pTermCapList) + sizeof(CC_TERMCAPLIST)); ppCCThisTermCap = (PPCC_TERMCAP) (((BYTE *)pTermCapList) + sizeof(CC_TERMCAPLIST) + sizeof(CC_TERMCAP)); } else ppCCThisTermCap = (PPCC_TERMCAP) (((BYTE *)pTermCapList) + sizeof(CC_TERMCAPLIST)); // allocate mem for the simultaneous caps
// get size of cached advertised sets if it exists and more than one media
// type is enabled for publication
if(bAudioPublicize && bVideoPublicize && pAdvertisedSets) { // use size of cached buffer
uSize = uAdvertizedSize; } else if (pAdvertisedSets) { // This case needs to be fixed. If media types are disabled, the simultaneous capability
// descriptors in pAdvertisedSets should be rebuilt at that time. There should be no need to test
// if(bAudioPublicize && bVideoPublicize && pAdvertisedSets)
// calculate size of capability descriptors and simultaneous capability structures.
#pragma message ("Figure out the size this needs to be...")
if (uSize) { pCombinations = (PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)MemAlloc(uSize); // skip the CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS, which has a variable length array of (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *) following it
// the total size of that glob is uSimCapsSize
// The actual array of [H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *] follows the CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS structure
// anchor the pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray to this point.
if(pCombinations == NULL) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_EXIT; } ppThisDescriptor = pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)((BYTE *)pCombinations + sizeof(CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)); // the first H245_TOTCAPDESC_T follows the array of [H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *]
pTotCaps = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)((BYTE *)ppThisDescriptor + pCombinations->wLength*sizeof(H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **));
if(pAudCaps && bAudioPublicize) { hr=pAudCaps->CreateCapList((LPVOID *)&pTermListAud); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto ERROR_EXIT; ASSERT(pTermListAud != NULL); } if(pVidCaps && bVideoPublicize) { hr=pVidCaps->CreateCapList((LPVOID *)&pTermListVid); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto ERROR_EXIT; ASSERT(pTermListVid != NULL); } } else { pCombinations = NULL; }
// fix pointers in the master caps list
// Now need to fixup the CC_TERMCAPLIST to refer to the individual capabilities
// Anchor the CC_TERMCAPLIST member pTermCapArray at the array of PCC_TERMCAP, and
// start partying on the array.
pTermCapList->wLength =0; pTermCapList->pTermCapArray = ppCCThisTermCap;
if(pCCT120Cap) { *ppCCThisTermCap++ = pCCT120Cap; // set T120 capability parameters
pCCT120Cap->DataType = H245_DATA_DATA; pCCT120Cap->ClientType = H245_CLIENT_DAT_T120; pCCT120Cap->Dir = H245_CAPDIR_LCLRXTX; pCCT120Cap->Cap.H245Dat_T120.application.choice = DACy_applctn_t120_chosen; pCCT120Cap->Cap.H245Dat_T120.application.u.DACy_applctn_t120.choice= separateLANStack_chosen; pCCT120Cap->Cap.H245Dat_T120.maxBitRate = dwConSpeed;
pCCT120Cap->CapId = (H245_CAPID_T)m_localT120cap; pTermCapList->wLength++; } if(pAudCaps && pTermListAud) { for(wc = 0; wc < pTermListAud->wLength; wc++) { // copy the array of "pointers to CC_TERMCAP"
*ppCCThisTermCap++ = pTermListAud->pTermCapArray[wc]; pTermCapList->wLength++; } } if(pVidCaps && pTermListVid) { for(wc = 0; wc < pTermListVid->wLength; wc++) { // copy the array of "pointers to CC_TERMCAP"
*ppCCThisTermCap++ = pTermListVid->pTermCapArray[wc]; pTermCapList->wLength++; }
} // fixup the simultaneous capability descriptors
// Create a default set if necessary
if(bAudioPublicize && bVideoPublicize && pAdvertisedSets) { pCombinations->wLength = pAdvertisedSets->wLength; // point pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray past the header (CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)
pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)((BYTE *)pCombinations + sizeof(CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)); // the first H245_TOTCAPDESC_T follows the array of [H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *]
pTotCaps = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)((BYTE *)pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray + pAdvertisedSets->wLength*sizeof(H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)); for(x = 0; x < pAdvertisedSets->wLength; x++) { // write into the array of descriptor pointers. pointer[x] = this one
pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x] = pTotCaps; pTotCaps->CapDescId= pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDescId; pTotCaps->CapDesc.Length=pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.Length; for(y = 0; y < pTotCaps->CapDesc.Length;y++) { //Copy the length field.
pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[y].Length= pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[y].Length;
for(z=0; z < pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[y].Length; z++) { pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[y].AltCaps[z] = pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[y].AltCaps[z]; } } pTotCaps++; } } else if (pAdvertisedSets) { // descriptors in pAdvertisedSets should be rebuilt at that time. There should be no need to test
// if(bAudioPublicize && bVideoPublicize && pAdvertisedSets)
// HACK - put all audio or video caps in one AltCaps[], the T.120 cap in another AltCaps[]
// and put both of those in one single capability descriptor (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T)
// This hack will not extend past the assumption of one audio channel, one video channel, and
// one T.120 channel. If arbitrary media is supported, or multiple audio channels are supported,
// this code will be wrong
pCombinations->wLength=1; // point pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray past the header (CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)
pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)((BYTE *)pCombinations + sizeof(CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)); // the first H245_TOTCAPDESC_T follows the array of [H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *]
pTotCaps = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)((BYTE *)pCombinations->pTermCapDescriptorArray + pAdvertisedSets->wLength*sizeof(H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)); pTotCaps->CapDescId=(H245_CAPDESCID_T)x; pTotCaps->CapDesc.Length=0; if(pTermListAud) { uNumAud = min(pTermListAud->wLength, H245_MAX_ALTCAPS); pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[x].Length=(unsigned short)uNumAud; for(y = 0; y<uNumAud;y++) { pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[x].AltCaps[y] = pTermListAud->pTermCapArray[y]->CapId; } x++; pTotCaps->CapDesc.Length++; }
if(pTermListVid && pTermListVid->wLength) { uNumVid = min(pTermListVid->wLength, H245_MAX_ALTCAPS); pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[x].Length=(unsigned short)uNumVid; for(y = 0; y<uNumVid;y++) { pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[x].AltCaps[y] = pTermListVid->pTermCapArray[y]->CapId; } x++; pTotCaps->CapDesc.Length++; } // the T.120 cap
if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) { pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[x].Length=1; pTotCaps->CapDesc.SimCapArray[x].AltCaps[0] = (H245_CAPID_T)m_localT120cap; pTotCaps->CapDesc.Length++; } // write into the array of descriptor pointers. pointer[x] = this one
*ppThisDescriptor = pTotCaps; } m_pVidTermCaps = pTermListVid; m_pAudTermCaps = pTermListAud; *ppCapBuf = pTermCapList; *ppCombinations = pCombinations; return hrSuccess; ERROR_EXIT: m_pAudTermCaps = NULL; m_pVidTermCaps = NULL; if(pTermCapList) MemFree(pTermCapList); if(pCombinations) MemFree(pCombinations);
if(pAudCaps && pTermListAud) { hr=pAudCaps->DeleteCapList(pTermListAud); } if(pVidCaps && pTermListVid) { hr=pVidCaps->DeleteCapList(pTermListVid); } return hr; }
HRESULT CapsCtl::DeleteCapList(PCC_TERMCAPLIST pCapBuf, PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS pCombinations) { MemFree(pCapBuf); MemFree(pCombinations); if(m_pAudTermCaps && pAudCaps) { pAudCaps->DeleteCapList(m_pAudTermCaps); } if(m_pVidTermCaps) { pVidCaps->DeleteCapList(m_pVidTermCaps); } m_pAudTermCaps = NULL; m_pVidTermCaps = NULL; return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT CapsCtl::GetEncodeParams(LPVOID pBufOut, UINT uBufSize,LPVOID pLocalParams, UINT uLocalSize,DWORD idRemote, DWORD idLocal) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForID(idLocal); if(!pMediaCap) return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM;
// Adjust audio packetization depending on call scenario
// unless there is an overriding registry setting
if (pMediaCap == pAudCaps) { VIDEO_FORMAT_ID vidLocal=INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT, vidRemote=INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; VIDEO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS vidParams; CC_TERMCAP vidCaps; UINT audioPacketLength; // modify the audio packetization parameters based on local bandwidth
// and presence of video
audioPacketLength = AUDIO_PACKET_DURATION_LONG; // the registry setting overrides, if it is present
if (g_fRegAudioPacketDuration) audioPacketLength = g_AudioPacketDurationMs; else if (!m_fNM20) // dont try smaller packets for NM20 because it cant handle them
{ if (pVidCaps && pVidCaps->ResolveEncodeFormat(&vidLocal,&vidRemote) == S_OK && (pVidCaps->GetEncodeParams(&vidCaps,sizeof(vidCaps), &vidParams, sizeof(vidParams), vidRemote, vidLocal) == S_OK)) { // we may potentially send video
if (vidParams.ns_params.maxBitRate*100 > BW_ISDN_BITS) audioPacketLength = AUDIO_PACKET_DURATION_SHORT; } else { // no video
// since we dont know the actual connection bandwidth we use
// the local user setting.
// Note: if the remote is on a slow-speed net and the local is on a LAN
// we may end up with an inappropriate setting.
if (dwConSpeed > BW_288KBS_BITS) audioPacketLength = AUDIO_PACKET_DURATION_SHORT; else if (dwConSpeed > BW_144KBS_BITS) audioPacketLength = AUDIO_PACKET_DURATION_MEDIUM; } } // Setting the AudioPacketDurationMs affects the subsequent GetEncodeParams call
pMediaCap->SetAudioPacketDuration(audioPacketLength); } return pMediaCap->GetEncodeParams (pBufOut,uBufSize, pLocalParams, uLocalSize,idRemote,idLocal); }
HRESULT CapsCtl::GetPublicDecodeParams(LPVOID pBufOut, UINT uBufSize, VIDEO_FORMAT_ID id) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForID(id); if(!pMediaCap) return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; return pMediaCap->GetPublicDecodeParams (pBufOut,uBufSize,id); }
HRESULT CapsCtl::GetDecodeParams(PCC_RX_CHANNEL_REQUEST_CALLBACK_PARAMS pChannelParams,DWORD * pFormatID, LPVOID lpvBuf, UINT uBufSize) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForMediaType(pChannelParams->pChannelCapability); if(!pMediaCap) return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; return pMediaCap->GetDecodeParams (pChannelParams,pFormatID,lpvBuf,uBufSize); }
HRESULT CapsCtl::ResolveToLocalFormat(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatIDLocal, MEDIA_FORMAT_ID * pFormatIDRemote) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForID(FormatIDLocal); if(!pMediaCap) return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; return pMediaCap->ResolveToLocalFormat (FormatIDLocal,pFormatIDRemote);
} UINT CapsCtl::GetSimCapBufSize (BOOL bRxCaps) { UINT uSize;
// get size of cached advertised sets if it exists and more than one media
// type is enabled for publication
if(bAudioPublicize && bVideoPublicize && pAdvertisedSets) { // use size of cached buffer
uSize = uAdvertizedSize; } else { // calculate size of capability descriptors and simultaneous capability structures.
#pragma message ("Figure out the size this needs to be...")
UINT CapsCtl::GetNumCaps(BOOL bRXCaps) { UINT u=0; if(pAudCaps && bAudioPublicize) { u = pAudCaps->GetNumCaps(bRXCaps); } if(pVidCaps && bVideoPublicize) { u += pVidCaps->GetNumCaps(bRXCaps); } if(bT120Publicize) u++; return u; }
UINT CapsCtl::GetLocalSendParamSize(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID dwID) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForID(dwID); if(!pMediaCap) return 0; return (pMediaCap->GetLocalSendParamSize(dwID)); } UINT CapsCtl::GetLocalRecvParamSize(PCC_TERMCAP pCapability) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForMediaType(pCapability); if(!pMediaCap) return 0; return (pMediaCap->GetLocalRecvParamSize(pCapability)); }
STDMETHODIMP CapsCtl::GetEncodeFormatDetails(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID, VOID **ppFormat, UINT *puSize) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForID(FormatID); if(!pMediaCap) { *ppFormat = NULL; *puSize = 0; return E_INVALIDARG; } return pMediaCap->GetEncodeFormatDetails (FormatID, ppFormat, puSize); }
STDMETHODIMP CapsCtl::GetDecodeFormatDetails(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID, VOID **ppFormat, UINT *puSize) { LPIH323MediaCap pMediaCap = FindHostForID(FormatID); if(!pMediaCap) { *ppFormat = NULL; *puSize = 0; return E_INVALIDARG; } return pMediaCap->GetDecodeFormatDetails (FormatID, ppFormat, puSize); }
// EnableMediaType controls whether or not capabilities for that media type
// are publicized. In a general implementation (next version?) w/ arbitrary
// number of media types, each of the media capability objects would keep
// track of their own state. This version of Capsctl tracks h323 audio and
// video only
HRESULT CapsCtl::EnableMediaType(BOOL bEnable, LPGUID pGuid) { if(!pGuid) return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; if(*pGuid == MEDIA_TYPE_H323AUDIO) { bAudioPublicize = bEnable; } else if (*pGuid == MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO) { bVideoPublicize = bEnable; } else { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } return hrSuccess; } //
// Build the PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS list that we will advertise.
// puAudioFormatList/puVideoFormatList MUST BE sorted by preference!
HRESULT CapsCtl::AddCombinedEntry (MEDIA_FORMAT_ID *puAudioFormatList,UINT uAudNumEntries,MEDIA_FORMAT_ID *puVideoFormatList, UINT uVidNumEntries,DWORD *pIDOut) { static USHORT dwLastIDUsed; DWORD x,y; BOOL bAllEnabled=TRUE,bRecv,bSend; unsigned short Length =0; *pIDOut= (ULONG )CCO_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; //Validate the Input
if ((!puAudioFormatList && uAudNumEntries > 0 ) || (!puVideoFormatList && uVidNumEntries > 0 ) || (uVidNumEntries == 0 && uAudNumEntries == 0 )) { //What error code should we return here?
for (x=0;x<uAudNumEntries;x++) { ASSERT(pAudCaps); pAudCaps->IsFormatEnabled (puAudioFormatList[x],&bRecv,&bSend); bAllEnabled &= bRecv;
} for (x=0;x<uVidNumEntries;x++) { ASSERT(pVidCaps); pVidCaps->IsFormatEnabled (puAudioFormatList[x],&bRecv,&bSend); bAllEnabled &= bRecv; }
if (!bAllEnabled) { return CCO_E_INVALID_PARAM; }
if (uAudNumEntries > H245_MAX_ALTCAPS || uVidNumEntries > H245_MAX_ALTCAPS) { DEBUGMSG (1,("WARNING: Exceeding callcontrol limits!! \r\n")); return CCO_E_INVALID_PARAM; }
//If this is the first call, allocate space
if (!pAdvertisedSets){ pAdvertisedSets=(PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)MemAlloc (sizeof (CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS)); if (!pAdvertisedSets){ //Error code?
return CCO_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; } uAdvertizedSize = sizeof (CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS);
//Allocate space of NUM_SIMCAP_SETS
pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray=(H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **) MemAlloc (sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)*NUM_SIMCAP_SETS); if (!pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray) { //Error code?
//Update the indicies
uAdvertizedSize += sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)*NUM_SIMCAP_SETS; dwNumInUse=NUM_SIMCAP_SETS; pAdvertisedSets->wLength=0; }
//Find an Index to use.
for (x=0;x<pAdvertisedSets->wLength;x++){ if (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x] == NULL){ break; } }
//Did we find space, or do we need a new one?
if (x >= dwNumInUse) { //Increment the number in use
PVOID pTempTermCapDescriptorArray = NULL; pTempTermCapDescriptorArray = MemReAlloc (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray,sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)*(dwNumInUse));
if(pTempTermCapDescriptorArray) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray = (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T **)pTempTermCapDescriptorArray; } else { return CCO_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; }
uAdvertizedSize += (sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)*(dwNumInUse))+sizeof (CC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS); //Index is 0 based, point at the new entry
x=dwNumInUse-1; }
//x is now the element we are using. Allocate space for a TermCapDescriptorArray
pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]=(H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *)MemAlloc (sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T)); if (!pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]){ return CCO_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; } uAdvertizedSize += sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T); //Need to update the SetID. (start at 1)...
pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDescId=++dwLastIDUsed; //Set the # of sets
if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) Length++; if(uVidNumEntries) Length++; if(uAudNumEntries) Length++; pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.Length= Length;
//Copy the Audio into SimCapArray[0], Video into SimCapArray[1] (if both)
if ((uVidNumEntries > 0 && uAudNumEntries > 0)) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[0].Length=(unsigned short)uAudNumEntries; pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[1].Length=(unsigned short)uVidNumEntries; if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[2].Length=1; //Copy the format IDs
for (y=0;y<uAudNumEntries;y++) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[0].AltCaps[y]=(USHORT)puAudioFormatList[y]; } for (y=0;y<uVidNumEntries;y++) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[1].AltCaps[y]=(USHORT)puVideoFormatList[y]; } if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[2].AltCaps[0]= (H245_CAPID_T)m_localT120cap;
} else { if (uAudNumEntries > 0) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[0].Length=(unsigned short)uAudNumEntries; if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[1].Length=1; //Copy Audio only
for (y=0;y<uAudNumEntries;y++) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[0].AltCaps[y]=(USHORT)puAudioFormatList[y]; } if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[1].AltCaps[0]= (H245_CAPID_T)m_localT120cap;
} else { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[0].Length=(unsigned short)uVidNumEntries; if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[1].Length=1;
//copy video entries
for (y=0;y<uVidNumEntries;y++) { pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[0].AltCaps[y]=(USHORT)puVideoFormatList[y]; } if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) && bT120Publicize) pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[1].AltCaps[0]= (H245_CAPID_T)m_localT120cap; } }
//Need to update the wLength
pAdvertisedSets->wLength++; *pIDOut=dwLastIDUsed;
return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT CapsCtl::RemoveCombinedEntry (DWORD ID) {
if (!pAdvertisedSets) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; }
for (x=0;x<dwNumInUse;x++) { if (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]) {
if (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]->CapDescId == ID) { //Found the one to remove
MemFree ((VOID *)pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]); uAdvertizedSize -= sizeof (H245_TOTCAPDESC_T *); if (x != (dwNumInUse -1)) { //Not the last one, swap the two pointers
pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]=pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[dwNumInUse-1]; pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[dwNumInUse-1]=NULL; }
//Decrement the number in use, and set the wLengthField
dwNumInUse--; pAdvertisedSets->wLength--; return hrSuccess; } } }
//Shouldn't get here, unless it was not found.
return CAPS_E_NOCAPS; }
// Given a sized list of capability IDs (pointer to array of H245_CAPID_T)
// and a sized list of alternate capabilities (AltCaps) within a single simultaneous
// capability set, (pointer to an array of pointers to H245_SIMCAP_T)
// Determine if the entire list of capability IDs can simultaneously coexist
// with respect to the given set of AltCaps.
BOOL CapsCtl::AreSimCaps( H245_CAPID_T* pIDArray, UINT uIDArraySize, H245_SIMCAP_T **ppAltCapArray,UINT uAltCapArraySize) { UINT i, u; SHORT j; BOOL bSim; H245_SIMCAP_T *pAltCapEntry, *pFirstAltCapEntry;
// If there are fewer AltCaps than capabilities, doom is obvious. Don't bother searching.
if(uAltCapArraySize < uIDArraySize) return FALSE; // find an altcaps entry containing the first ID in the list
for (i=0;i<uAltCapArraySize;i++) { pAltCapEntry = *(ppAltCapArray+i); // scan this altcaps entry for a matching ID
for(j=0;j<pAltCapEntry->Length;j++) { if(*pIDArray == pAltCapEntry->AltCaps[j]) { // found a spot for this capability!
if(uIDArraySize ==1) return TRUE; // Done! all the capabilities have been found to coexist
// Otherwise, look for the next capability in the *remaining* AltCaps
// *This* AltCaps contains the capability we were looking for
// So, we "used up" this AltCaps and can't select from it anymore
// Pack the array of H245_SIMCAP_T pointers in place so that
// "used" entries are at the beginning and "unused" at the end
// (a la shell sort swap pointers)
if(i != 0) // if not already the same, swap
{ pFirstAltCapEntry = *ppAltCapArray; *ppAltCapArray = pAltCapEntry; *(ppAltCapArray+i) = pFirstAltCapEntry; } // continue the quest using the remaining capabilities
// and the remaining AltCaps
bSim = AreSimCaps(pIDArray + 1, uIDArraySize - 1, ppAltCapArray + 1, uAltCapArraySize - 1); if(bSim) { return bSim;// success
} else // why not? Either a fit does not exist (common), or the altcaps contain
// an odd pattern of multiple instances of some capability IDs, and another
// search order *might* fit. Do not blindly try all permutations of search
// order.
{ // If it failed simply because the recently grabbed slot in the altcaps
// (the one in *(ppAltCapArray+i)) could have been needed by subsequent
// capability IDs, give this one up and look for another instance.
// If not, we know for sure that the n! approach will not yield
// fruit and can be avoided.
for(u=1;(bSim == FALSE)&&(u<uAltCapArraySize);u++) { for(j=0;(bSim == FALSE)&&(j<pAltCapEntry->Length);j++) { // another capability needed the altcaps we grabbed ?
if(*(pIDArray+u) == pAltCapEntry->AltCaps[j]) { bSim=TRUE; break; // look no more here, bail to try again because a fit *might* exist
} } } if(bSim) // going to continue searching - Swap pointers back if they were swapped above
{ if(i != 0) // if not the same, swap back
{ *ppAltCapArray = *(ppAltCapArray+i); *(ppAltCapArray+i) = pAltCapEntry; } break; // next i
} else // don't waste CPU - a fit does not exist
{ return bSim; } } } } } return FALSE; }
// Given a sized list of capability IDs (pointer to array of H245_CAPID_T)
// and a list of simultaneous capabilities, try each simultaneous capability
// and determine if the entire list of capability IDs can simultaneously coexist.
BOOL CapsCtl::TestSimultaneousCaps(H245_CAPID_T* pIDArray, UINT uIDArraySize, PCC_TERMCAPDESCRIPTORS pTermCaps) { int iSimSet, iAltSet; BOOL bResolved = FALSE; H245_SIMCAP_T * pAltCapArray[H245_MAX_SIMCAPS]; if (!pAdvertisedSets) return(TRUE);
// try each independent local SimCaps set (each descriptor) until success
for (iSimSet=0; (bResolved == FALSE) && (iSimSet < pTermCaps->wLength);iSimSet++) { // EXTRA STEP:
// Build a sortable representation of the AltCaps set. This step will not be necessary if
// and when we change the native representation of a capability descriptor to a variable
// length list of pointers to AltCaps. In the meantime, we know that there are no more
// than H245_MAX_SIMCAPS AltCaps in this SimCaps. This is imposed by the 2 dimensional
// arrays of hardcoded size forced upon us by CALLCONT.DLL.
for (iAltSet=0;iAltSet < pTermCaps->pTermCapDescriptorArray[iSimSet]->CapDesc.Length;iAltSet++) { pAltCapArray[iAltSet] = &pTermCaps->pTermCapDescriptorArray[iSimSet]->CapDesc.SimCapArray[iAltSet]; } // do the work
bResolved = AreSimCaps(pIDArray, uIDArraySize, (H245_SIMCAP_T **)pAltCapArray, MAKELONG(pTermCaps->pTermCapDescriptorArray[iSimSet]->CapDesc.Length, 0)); }
return bResolved; }
// Function: CapsCtl::ResolvePermutations(PRES_CONTEXT pResContext, UINT uNumFixedColumns)
// This functions as both a combination generator and a validation mechanism for the
// combinations it generates.
// Given a pointer to a resolution context and the number of fixed (i.e. not permutable,
// if "permutable" is even a real word) columns, generate one combination at a time.
// Try each combination until a working combination is found or until all combinations
// have been tried.
// The resolution context structure contains a variable number of columns of variable
// length media format ID lists. Each column tracks its current index. When this
// function returns TRUE, the winning combination is indicated by the current column
// indices.
// The caller can control which combinations are tried first by arranging the columns
// in descending importance.
// Incremental searches can be performed without redundant comparisons by adding 1 format
// at a time to a column, arranging the column order so that the appended column is
// first, and "fixing" that one column at the newly added format. For example,
// some calling function could force evaluations on a round-robin column basis by
// calling this function inside a loop which does the following:
// 1 - adds one format at a time to the rightmost column and sets the current index
// of that column to the new entry
// 2 - rotates the column order so that the rightmost column is now the leftmost
// 3 - fixing the new leftmost column before calling this function again
// The result will be that only the permutations which contain the newly added format
// will be generated.
BOOL CapsCtl::ResolvePermutations(PRES_CONTEXT pResContext, UINT uNumFixedColumns) { RES_PAIR *pResolvedPair; BOOL bResolved = FALSE; UINT i, uColumns; UINT uPairIndex;
// converge on one combination in the permutation
if(uNumFixedColumns != pResContext->uColumns) { RES_PAIR_LIST *pThisColumn; // take the first non-fixed column, make that column fixed and
// iterate on it (loop through indices), and try each sub-permutation
// of remaining columns. (until success or all permutations tried)
pThisColumn = *(pResContext->ppPairLists+uNumFixedColumns); for (i=0; (bResolved == FALSE) && (i<pThisColumn->uSize); i++) { pThisColumn->uCurrentIndex = i; bResolved = ResolvePermutations(pResContext, uNumFixedColumns+1); } return bResolved; } else { // Bottomed out on the final column. Test the viability of this combination
// Build array of local IDs that contians the combination and test the
// combination against local simultaneous capabilities, then against
// remote simultaneous capabilities
// NOTE: be sure to skip empty columns (which represent unresolvable
// or unsupported/nonexistent media types or unsupported additional
// instances of media types)
for(i=0, uColumns=0;i<pResContext->uColumns;i++) { if(((*pResContext->ppPairLists)+i)->uSize) { // get index (row #) for this column
uPairIndex = ((*pResContext->ppPairLists)+i)->uCurrentIndex; // get the row
pResolvedPair = ((*pResContext->ppPairLists)+i)->pResolvedPairs+uPairIndex; // add the ID to the array
*(pResContext->pIDScratch+uColumns) = (H245_CAPID_T)pResolvedPair->idPublicLocal; uColumns++; } // else empty column
} // Determine if this combination can exist simultaneously
if(TestSimultaneousCaps(pResContext->pIDScratch, uColumns, pResContext->pTermCapsLocal)) { // now test remote
// build array of remote IDs and test those against remote
// simultaneous capabilities
for(i=0, uColumns=0;i<pResContext->uColumns;i++) { if(((*pResContext->ppPairLists)+i)->uSize) { // get index (row #) for this column
uPairIndex = ((*pResContext->ppPairLists)+i)->uCurrentIndex; // get the row
pResolvedPair = ((*pResContext->ppPairLists)+i)->pResolvedPairs+uPairIndex; // add the ID to the array
*(pResContext->pIDScratch+uColumns) =(H245_CAPID_T) pResolvedPair->idRemote; uColumns++; } // else empty column
} bResolved = TestSimultaneousCaps(pResContext->pIDScratch, uColumns, pResContext->pTermCapsRemote); } return bResolved; // if(bResolved == TRUE)
// The resolved combination of pairs is indicated by the current indices
// of **ppPairList;
} }
// Given a counted list of desired instances of media, produce an output array of
// resolved media format IDs which correspond to the input media type IDs.
// This function returns success if at least one media instance is resolved.
// When an instance of media is unresolveable, the output corresponding to that
// instance contains the value INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT for local and remote media
// format IDs.
// The input is treated as being in preferential order: permutations of the latter
// media type instance are varied first. If all permutations do not yield success,
// then one media type instance at a time is removed from the end.
HRESULT CapsCtl::ResolveFormats (LPGUID pMediaGuidArray, UINT uNumMedia, PRES_PAIR pResOutput) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; PRES_PAIR_LIST pResColumnArray = NULL; PRES_PAIR_LIST *ppPairLists; RES_PAIR *pResPair; PRES_CONTEXT pResContext; LPIH323MediaCap pMediaResolver; UINT i; UINT uMaxFormats = 0; UINT uFixedColumns =0; UINT uFailedMediaCount = 0; BOOL bResolved = FALSE; RES_PAIR UnresolvedPair = {INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT, INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT, INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT}; // create a context structure for the resolution
pResContext = (PRES_CONTEXT)MemAlloc(sizeof(RES_CONTEXT)+ (uNumMedia*sizeof(H245_CAPID_T))); if(!pResContext) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } // initialize resolution context
pResContext->uColumns = 0; pResContext->pIDScratch = (H245_CAPID_T*)(pResContext+1); pResContext->pTermCapsLocal = pAdvertisedSets; pResContext->pTermCapsRemote = pRemAdvSets;
// allocate array of RES_PAIR_LIST (one per column/media type) and
// array of pointers to same
pResColumnArray = (PRES_PAIR_LIST)MemAlloc((sizeof(RES_PAIR_LIST) * uNumMedia) + (sizeof(PRES_PAIR_LIST) * uNumMedia)); if(!pResColumnArray) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } pResContext->ppPairLists = ppPairLists = (PRES_PAIR_LIST*)(pResColumnArray+uNumMedia); // build columns of media capabilities
for(i=0;i<uNumMedia;i++) { // build array of pointers to RES_PAIR_LIST
*(ppPairLists+i) = pResColumnArray+i; // initialize RES_PAIR_LIST members
(pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs = NULL; (pResColumnArray+i)->uSize =0; (pResColumnArray+i)->uCurrentIndex = 0;
// Get resolver for this media. Special case: there is no T120 resolver.
// T120 caps are handled right here in this object
if(MEDIA_TYPE_H323_T120 == *(pMediaGuidArray+i)) { pMediaResolver = NULL; if((m_localT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) &&(m_remoteT120cap != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) ) { (pResColumnArray+i)->uSize =1; uMaxFormats = 1; // only one T.120 cap
pResPair = (pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs = (RES_PAIR *)MemAlloc(uMaxFormats * sizeof(RES_PAIR)); if(!pResPair) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } //
pResPair->idLocal = m_localT120cap; pResPair->idRemote = m_remoteT120cap; pResPair->idPublicLocal = pResPair->idLocal; } } else { pMediaResolver = FindHostForMediaGuid(pMediaGuidArray+i); } pResContext->uColumns++; (pResColumnArray+i)->pMediaResolver = pMediaResolver; if(pMediaResolver) { uMaxFormats = pMediaResolver->GetNumCaps(FALSE); // get transmit format count
if(uMaxFormats) { pResPair = (pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs = (RES_PAIR *)MemAlloc(uMaxFormats * sizeof(RES_PAIR)); if(!pResPair) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } // resolve the best choice for each media type (gotta start somewhere)
pResPair->idLocal = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; pResPair->idRemote = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; hr=pMediaResolver->ResolveEncodeFormat (&pResPair->idLocal,&pResPair->idRemote); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if((hr == CAPS_W_NO_MORE_FORMATS) || (hr == CAPS_E_NOMATCH) || (hr == CAPS_E_NOCAPS)) { // No resolved format for this media type. Remove this "column"
(pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs = NULL; MemFree(pResPair); (pResColumnArray+i)->uSize =0;
hr = hrSuccess; } else { goto ERROR_OUT; } } else { // this column has one resolved format
pResPair->idPublicLocal = pMediaResolver->GetPublicID(pResPair->idLocal); (pResColumnArray+i)->uSize =1; } } // else // No formats exist for this media type. this "column" has zero size
} }
// Special case test simultaneous caps for the most preferred combination:
uFixedColumns = pResContext->uColumns; // << make all columns fixed
bResolved = ResolvePermutations(pResContext, uFixedColumns);
// if the single most preferred combination can't be used, need to handle
// the general case and try permutations until a workable combination is found
while(!bResolved) { // make one column at a time permutable, starting with the least-critical media
// type. (e.g. it would be typical for the last column to be video because
// audio+data are more important. Then we try less and less
// preferable video formats before doing anything that would degrade the audio)
if(uFixedColumns > 0) // if not already at the end of the rope...
{ uFixedColumns--; // make another column permutable
} else { // wow - tried all permutations and still no luck ......
// nuke the least important remaining media type (e.g. try it w/o video)
if(pResContext->uColumns <= 1) // already down to one media type?
{ hr = CAPS_E_NOMATCH; goto ERROR_OUT; } // Remove the end column (representing the least important media type)
// and try it with the remaining columns
uFixedColumns = --pResContext->uColumns; // one less column
// set the formats of the nuked column to the unresolved state
(pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->uSize =0; (pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->uCurrentIndex =0; pResPair = (pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->pResolvedPairs; if (NULL != pResPair) { pResPair->idLocal = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; pResPair->idRemote = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; pResPair->idPublicLocal = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; }
uFailedMediaCount++; // track the nuking of a column to avoid
// redundantly grabbing all the formats again
// ... would not be here if all permutations
// had not been tried!
// reset the combination indices
for(i=0;i<uFixedColumns;i++) { (pResColumnArray+i)->uCurrentIndex = 0; } } // get the rest of the formats for the last known fixed column, make that column
// permutable, etc.
pMediaResolver = (pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->pMediaResolver; if(!pMediaResolver || ((pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->uSize ==0)) { continue; // this media type has no further possibility
if(uFailedMediaCount ==0) // If all of the possible resolved pairs
// have not yet been obtained, get them!
{ // get resolved pair IDs for every mutual format of this media type
// first: get pointer to array of pair IDs, then use ResolveEncodeFormat()
// to fill up the array
pResPair = (pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->pResolvedPairs; // Get total # of formats less the one that was already obtained
uMaxFormats = pMediaResolver->GetNumCaps(FALSE) -1; while(uMaxFormats--) // never exceed the # of remaining local formats...
{ RES_PAIR *pResPairNext; // recall that ResolveEncodeFormat parameters are I/O - the input
// is the local ID of the last resolved mutual format. (remote id
// is ignored as input). Fixup the input.
pResPairNext = pResPair+1; // start where the previous resolve stopped
pResPairNext->idLocal = pResPair->idLocal; // not necessary, ignored ->>> pResPairNext->idRemote = pResPair->idRemote
pResPair = pResPairNext; hr=pMediaResolver->ResolveEncodeFormat (&pResPair->idLocal,&pResPair->idRemote); if((hr == CAPS_W_NO_MORE_FORMATS) || (hr == CAPS_E_NOMATCH)) // got all of the formats, but not an error
{ // this is likely when less than 100% of local formats have a remote match
hr = hrSuccess; break; } if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto ERROR_OUT;
// get the public ID of the local format (it's *usually* the same, but not always)
pResPair->idPublicLocal = pMediaResolver->GetPublicID(pResPair->idLocal); // this column has another format - count it!
(pResColumnArray+uFixedColumns)->uSize++; } } // now try the new permutations
bResolved = ResolvePermutations(pResContext, uFixedColumns); } if(bResolved) { // spew the output
for(i=0;i<uNumMedia;i++) { if((pResColumnArray+i)->uSize) { pResPair = (pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs + (pResColumnArray+i)->uCurrentIndex; } else { pResPair = &UnresolvedPair;
} *(pResOutput+i) = *pResPair; } } else { // if there was some error, preserve that error code,
if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) // otherwise the error is....
ERROR_OUT: // well, the success case falls out here too
if(pResColumnArray) { for(i=0;i<uNumMedia;i++) { if((pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs) MemFree((pResColumnArray+i)->pResolvedPairs); } MemFree(pResColumnArray); } if(pResContext) { MemFree(pResContext); } return hr; }
HRESULT CapsCtl::ResetCombinedEntries (void) { DWORD x;
if (pAdvertisedSets) { for (x = 0; x < pAdvertisedSets->wLength; x++) { if (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]) { MemFree (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray[x]); } } MemFree (pAdvertisedSets->pTermCapDescriptorArray);
pAdvertisedSets->wLength=0; MemFree (pAdvertisedSets); pAdvertisedSets = NULL; }
if (pSetIDs) { MemFree(pSetIDs); pSetIDs = NULL; }
dwNumInUse=0; uAdvertizedSize=0;
return hrSuccess; }