* File: connobj.cpp * * implementation of Microsoft Network Audio connection object. * * * * Revision History: * * 05/05/96 mikev created * 08/04/96 philf added support for video * 09/22/96 mikev dual call control protocols (H.323 & MSICCP) * 10/14/96 mikev multiple channel support, property I/F */
#include "precomp.h"
#include "ctrlh323.h"
#include "strutil.h"
CREQ_RESPONSETYPE CConnection::FilterConnectionRequest( LPIControlChannel lpControlChannel, P_APP_CALL_SETUP_DATA pAppData) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::FilterConnectionRequest"); CREQ_RESPONSETYPE cr; // validate lpControlChannel - this implementation sets it inside
// GetAcceptingObject()
if(m_pControlChannel != lpControlChannel) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:bad param:my pChan:0x%08lX, param pChan:0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, m_pControlChannel, lpControlChannel)); hrLast = CADV_E_INVALID_PARAM; return CRR_ERROR; } m_ConnectionState = CLS_Alerting; cr = m_pH323CallControl->FilterConnectionRequest(this, pAppData); switch (cr) { case CRR_ASYNC: // m_ConnectionState = CLS_Alerting; // stays in this state
break; case CRR_ACCEPT: m_ConnectionState = CLS_Connecting; break;
// set summary codes in reject cases
case CRR_BUSY: m_ConnectionState = CLS_Idle; SummaryCode(CCR_LOCAL_BUSY); break; case CRR_SECURITY_DENIED: m_ConnectionState = CLS_Idle; SummaryCode(CCR_LOCAL_SECURITY_DENIED); break; default: case CRR_REJECT: m_ConnectionState = CLS_Idle; SummaryCode(CCR_LOCAL_REJECT); break; } return(cr); }
HRESULT CConnection::FindAcceptingObject(LPIControlChannel *lplpAcceptingObject, LPVOID lpvConfID) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::FindAcceptingObject"); HRESULT hr = H323CC_E_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND; ULONG ulCount, uNumConnections; CConnection **ppConnections = NULL;; LPIControlChannel pCtlChan; CConnection *pConnection;
if(!lplpAcceptingObject) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:null lplpAcceptingObject\r\n",_fx_)); return CADV_E_INVALID_PARAM; } // zero out the output param
*lplpAcceptingObject = NULL; hr = m_pH323CallControl->GetNumConnections(&uNumConnections); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto EXIT; if(!uNumConnections) { // initialized value hr = H323CC_E_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND;
goto EXIT; } ppConnections = (CConnection **)MemAlloc(uNumConnections * (sizeof(IH323Endpoint * *))); if(!ppConnections) { hr = H323CC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto EXIT; } // get list of connections and query each one for matching conference ID
hr = m_pH323CallControl->GetConnobjArray(ppConnections, uNumConnections * (sizeof(IH323Endpoint * *))); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto EXIT; for(ulCount=0;ulCount <uNumConnections;ulCount++) { pConnection = ppConnections[ulCount]; if(pConnection && (pCtlChan = pConnection->GetControlChannel()) && pCtlChan->IsAcceptingConference(lpvConfID)) { *lplpAcceptingObject = pCtlChan; hr = hrSuccess; break; } }
EXIT: if(ppConnections) MemFree(ppConnections);
return hr;
HRESULT CConnection::GetAcceptingObject(LPIControlChannel *lplpAcceptingObject, LPGUID pPID) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::GetAcceptingObject"); HRESULT hr; CConnection *pNewConnection; if(!lplpAcceptingObject) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:null lplpAcceptingObject\r\n",_fx_)); return CADV_E_INVALID_PARAM; } // zero out the output param
*lplpAcceptingObject = NULL; // create a connection object to accept the connection
hr = m_pH323CallControl->CreateConnection(&pNewConnection, *pPID); if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *lplpAcceptingObject = pNewConnection->GetControlChannel(); } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:CreateConnection failed, hr=0x%08lx\r\n",_fx_, hr)); } return hr; }
// This is called by a comm channel. It is only called by a channel that is being
// opened, and only if that channel is not already associated with a control channel.
HRESULT CConnection::AddCommChannel (ICtrlCommChan *pChan) { GUID mid; if(!m_fCapsReady) { ASSERT(0); hrLast = CONN_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; // need better error to indicate why
// (connection is not yet in a state to take new channels)
goto EXIT; } // re-initialize channel
hrLast = pChan->GetMediaType(&mid); ASSERT(m_pH323ConfAdvise != NULL); if(!pChan->Init(&mid, m_pH323ConfAdvise, TRUE)) { hrLast = CONN_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto EXIT; }
// non error case continues here
if(m_pControlChannel) { m_ChannelList.AddTail(pChan); pChan->AddRef(); hrLast = m_pControlChannel->AddChannel(pChan, m_pCapObject); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) goto EXIT; } EXIT: return hrLast; }
HRESULT CConnection::CreateCommChannel(LPGUID pMediaGuid, ICommChannel **ppICommChannel, BOOL fSend) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::CreateCommChannel"); ICommChannel *pICommChannel = NULL; ICtrlCommChan *pICtrlCommChannel = NULL; if(!pMediaGuid || !ppICommChannel) { hrLast = CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM; goto EXIT; }
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE if(*pMediaGuid == MEDIA_TYPE_H323_T120) { if(!(pICommChannel = (ICommChannel *)new ImpT120Chan)) { hrLast = CONN_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto EXIT; } } else if(!(pICommChannel = (ICommChannel *)new ImpICommChan)) { hrLast = CONN_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto EXIT; } hrLast = pICommChannel->QueryInterface(IID_ICtrlCommChannel, (void **)&pICtrlCommChannel); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) { goto EXIT; }
ASSERT(m_pH323ConfAdvise != NULL); if(!pICtrlCommChannel->Init(pMediaGuid, m_pH323ConfAdvise, fSend)) { hrLast = CONN_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto EXIT; }
// it's created via this connection, now associate it and this connection
if(m_pControlChannel) { m_ChannelList.AddTail(pICtrlCommChannel); hrLast = m_pControlChannel->AddChannel(pICtrlCommChannel, m_pCapObject); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) goto EXIT; }
// in success case, the calling function gets the ICommChannel reference, and this
// object gets the ICtrlCommChan reference
*ppICommChannel = pICommChannel; pICommChannel = NULL; pICtrlCommChannel = NULL;
EXIT: if(pICommChannel) pICommChannel->Release(); if(pICtrlCommChannel) pICtrlCommChannel->Release(); return hrLast; }
HRESULT CConnection:: ResolveFormats (LPGUID pMediaGuidArray, UINT uNumMedia, PRES_PAIR pResOutput) { ASSERT(NULL !=m_pCapObject); return (m_pCapObject->ResolveFormats(pMediaGuidArray, uNumMedia, pResOutput)); }
HRESULT CConnection::GetVersionInfo(PCC_VENDORINFO *ppLocalVendorInfo, PCC_VENDORINFO *ppRemoteVendorInfo) { if(!m_pControlChannel) return CONN_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; return (m_pControlChannel->GetVersionInfo(ppLocalVendorInfo, ppRemoteVendorInfo)); }
VOID CConnection ::ReleaseAllChannels() { ICtrlCommChan *pChan = NULL; while (!m_ChannelList.IsEmpty()) { pChan = (ICtrlCommChan *) m_ChannelList.RemoveHead(); if(pChan) { pChan->Release(); pChan = NULL; } } }
// Implementation of IConfAdvise::OnControlEvent
// CAUTION: because Release() can be called by the registered event handler,
// any code path that accesses class instance data after a call to m_pH323ConfAdvise->CallEvent
// must AddRef() before the call, and Release() after all class instance data access
// is done. The DoControlNotification() helper method does this, but beware of
// cases where data is touched after a call to DoControlNotification();
HRESULT CConnection::OnControlEvent(DWORD dwEvent, LPVOID lpvData, LPIControlChannel lpControlObject) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::OnControlEvent"); DWORD dwStatus; BOOL fPost = FALSE; HRESULT hr=hrSuccess;
AddRef(); switch(dwEvent) { case CCEV_RINGING: fPost = TRUE; dwStatus = CONNECTION_PROCEEDING; break; case CCEV_CONNECTED: fPost = TRUE; dwStatus = CONNECTION_CONNECTED; NewUserInfo((LPCTRL_USER_INFO)lpvData); break; case CCEV_CALLER_ID: NewUserInfo((LPCTRL_USER_INFO)lpvData); break; case CCEV_CAPABILITIES_READY: m_fCapsReady = TRUE; break;
case CCEV_CHANNEL_REQUEST: // another channel (besides the channels supplied by EnumChannels()) is being
// requested - we can't handle arbitrary channels yet.
ERRORMESSAGE(("%s, not handling CCEV_CHANNEL_REQUEST \r\n",_fx_)); hr = CADV_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; break; case CCEV_DISCONNECTING: //in the future architecture, this event will be the opportunity to
//cleanup channels
if(lpvData) { // keep summary code
SummaryCode((HRESULT) *((HRESULT *)lpvData)); } Disconnect(CCR_UNKNOWN); // IConnect doesn't yet define a "disconnecting" event, so don't propagate it
break; case CCEV_REMOTE_DISCONNECTING: if(lpvData) { SummaryCode((HRESULT) *((HRESULT *)lpvData)); } // do notification before calling back into Disconnect, so the event
// notifications are posted in the correct order. This is one of
// the cases where Ref count protection is required.
AddRef(); DoControlNotification(CONNECTION_RECEIVED_DISCONNECT); // opportunity to cleanup channels
Disconnect(CCR_UNKNOWN); Release(); break; case CCEV_DISCONNECTED: fPost = TRUE; m_ConnectionState = CLS_Idle; dwStatus = CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED; if(lpvData) { SummaryCode((HRESULT) *((HRESULT *)lpvData)); } break; case CCEV_ALL_CHANNELS_READY: // all *mandatory* channels are open, but not necessarily
// all channels
m_ConnectionState = CLS_Inuse; dwStatus = CONNECTION_READY; fPost = TRUE; break; case CCEV_ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE: if(lpvData) { // known problem is that control channel has already
// disconnected and may have notified of the disconnect first.
// This could be fixed, but it's not an issue because an incomplete
// accept is not made known to the UI, therefore the summary code
// is dust anyway.
SummaryCode((HRESULT) *((HRESULT *)lpvData)); } if(lpControlObject && (m_pControlChannel == lpControlObject)) { // remove interest in control channel events, then nuke it
m_pControlChannel->DeInit((IConfAdvise *) this); m_pControlChannel->Release(); } m_pControlChannel = NULL; if(m_pH323CallControl) { m_pH323CallControl->RemoveConnection(this); } Release(); // release self - this is by design
break; case CCEV_CALL_INCOMPLETE: hr = OnCallIncomplete(lpControlObject, (lpvData)? ((DWORD) *((DWORD *)lpvData)) :0); goto out; break;
} if(fPost) DoControlNotification(dwStatus);
out: Release(); return hr; }
HRESULT CConnection::OnCallIncomplete (LPIControlChannel lpControlObject, HRESULT hIncompleteCode) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::OnCallIncomplete "); // check the reason for incomplete call attempt (busy? rejected? nobody home?
HRESULT hSummary; CloseAllChannels();
// map the protocol-specific (h.323, msiccp, sip, etc) code to the
// connection interface code
// test for gatekeeper admission reject
if(CUSTOM_FACILITY(hIncompleteCode) == FACILITY_GKIADMISSION) { // pass GK codes through intact
hSummary = hIncompleteCode; } else { switch (hIncompleteCode) { case CCCI_GK_NO_RESOURCES: hSummary = CCR_GK_NO_RESOURCES; break; case CCCI_BUSY: hSummary = CCR_REMOTE_BUSY; break; case CCCI_SECURITY_DENIED: hSummary = CCR_REMOTE_SECURITY_DENIED; break; case CCCI_NO_ANSWER_TIMEOUT: hSummary = CCR_NO_ANSWER_TIMEOUT; break; case CCCI_REJECTED: hSummary = CCR_REMOTE_REJECTED; break; case CCCI_REMOTE_ERROR: hSummary = CCR_REMOTE_SYSTEM_ERROR; break; case CCCI_LOCAL_ERROR: hSummary = CCR_LOCAL_SYSTEM_ERROR; break; case CCCI_INCOMPATIBLE: hSummary = CCR_LOCAL_PROTOCOL_ERROR; break; case CCCI_UNKNOWN: hSummary = CCR_UNKNOWN; default: hSummary = CCR_UNKNOWN; break; } }
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CONN,("%s: incomplete code = 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hIncompleteCode)); SummaryCode(hSummary); return hrLast; }
VOID CConnection::NewUserInfo(LPCTRL_USER_INFO lpNewUserInfo) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::NewUserInfo"); if(!lpNewUserInfo || !lpNewUserInfo->dwCallerIDSize || !lpNewUserInfo->lpvCallerIDData) return;
if(m_pUserInfo) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CONN,("%s:uninitialized m_pUserInfo (0x%08lX) or multiple notification \r\n", _fx_, m_pUserInfo )); //
if(!IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)m_pUserInfo, m_pUserInfo->dwCallerIDSize + sizeof(CTRL_USER_INFO))) { // chances are it *is* a multiple notification and not an uninitialized
// variable. Ther may be some control channel protocols that *update* user
// information after connection or accepting, but that is pure speculation.
// the typical case is that caller ID is available before accepting, and
// it is resupplied in the subsequent "connected" notification. We're not
// wasting time realloc'ing and recopying it.
return; } // else fallout and overwrite it
} // copy the structure and caller ID data
m_pUserInfo = (LPCTRL_USER_INFO)MemAlloc(lpNewUserInfo->dwCallerIDSize + sizeof(CTRL_USER_INFO)); if(m_pUserInfo) { m_pUserInfo->lpvRemoteProtocolInfo = NULL; // nothing touchess this later, but being safe anyway
m_pUserInfo->lpvLocalProtocolInfo = NULL; m_pUserInfo->dwCallerIDSize = lpNewUserInfo->dwCallerIDSize; // point past the structure
m_pUserInfo->lpvCallerIDData = ((BYTE *)m_pUserInfo) + sizeof(CTRL_USER_INFO); memcpy(m_pUserInfo->lpvCallerIDData, lpNewUserInfo->lpvCallerIDData, m_pUserInfo->dwCallerIDSize); } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:allocation of m_pUserInfo failed\r\n",_fx_)); } }
// Utility function for passing control channel events to the registered handler
// This is callable only by the control channel code running in the same thread
// as that which created the connection.
VOID CConnection::DoControlNotification(DWORD dwStatus) { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::DoControlNotification"); // issue notification to registered entity
if(m_pH323ConfAdvise) { AddRef(); // protect ourselves from calls back into methods that
// wind up in Release().
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CONN,("%s:issuing notification 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, dwStatus)); m_pH323ConfAdvise->CallEvent((IH323Endpoint *)&m_ImpConnection, dwStatus); Release();
} }
CConnection::CConnection() :m_pH323CallControl(NULL), hrLast(hrSuccess), next(NULL), m_fCapsReady(FALSE), m_ConnectionState(CLS_Idle), m_pH323ConfAdvise(NULL), m_pUserInfo(NULL), m_pControlChannel(NULL), m_pCapObject(NULL), m_hSummaryCode(hrSuccess), uRef(1) { m_ImpConnection.Init(this); }
CConnection::~CConnection() { ReleaseAllChannels(); if(m_pH323CallControl) m_pH323CallControl->RemoveConnection(this); if(m_pCapObject) m_pCapObject->Release(); // we really don't allocate much
if(m_pUserInfo) MemFree(m_pUserInfo); }
HRESULT CConnection::Init(CH323CallControl *pH323CallControl, GUID PIDofProtocolType) { FX_ENTRY(("CConnection::Init")); hrLast = hrSuccess; BOOL bAdvertise; m_pH323CallControl = pH323CallControl; GUID mid;
if(!pH323CallControl) return CCO_E_INVALID_PARAM; if(m_pControlChannel) { ASSERT(0); // don't cleanup in this case
return CONN_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } if(PIDofProtocolType != PID_H323) { hrLast = CONN_E_INIT_FAILED; goto ERROR_CLEANUP; } DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE if(!(m_pControlChannel = (LPIControlChannel) new CH323Ctrl)) { hrLast = CONN_E_INIT_FAILED; goto ERROR_CLEANUP; }
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE if(!m_pCapObject && !(m_pCapObject = new CapsCtl())) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:cannot create capability resolver\r\n",_fx_)); hrLast = CONN_E_INIT_FAILED; goto ERROR_CLEANUP;; } if(!m_pCapObject->Init()) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:cannot init capability resolver\r\n",_fx_)); hrLast = CONN_E_INIT_FAILED; goto ERROR_CLEANUP; }
bAdvertise = ((g_capFlags & CAPFLAGS_AV_STREAMS) != 0); mid = MEDIA_TYPE_H323AUDIO; hrLast = m_pCapObject->EnableMediaType(bAdvertise, &mid); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) goto ERROR_CLEANUP;
bAdvertise = ((g_capFlags & CAPFLAGS_AV_STREAMS) != 0); mid = MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO; hrLast = m_pCapObject->EnableMediaType(bAdvertise, &mid); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) goto ERROR_CLEANUP;
hrLast = m_pControlChannel->Init((IConfAdvise *) this); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) goto ERROR_CLEANUP;
return hrLast;
ERROR_CLEANUP: ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:ERROR_CLEANUP\r\n",_fx_)); if(m_pControlChannel) m_pControlChannel->Release(); if(m_pCapObject) m_pCapObject->Release(); m_pControlChannel = NULL; m_pCapObject = NULL;
return hrLast; }
BOOL CConnection::ListenOn(PORT port) { if(!m_pControlChannel) { hrLast = H323CC_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto EXIT; } hrLast = m_pControlChannel->ListenOn(port); EXIT: return((HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast))?TRUE:FALSE); }
// start the asynchronous stuff that will instantiate a control channel
HRESULT CConnection::PlaceCall (BOOL bUseGKResolution, PSOCKADDR_IN pCallAddr, P_H323ALIASLIST pDestinationAliases, P_H323ALIASLIST pExtraAliases, LPCWSTR pCalledPartyNumber, P_APP_CALL_SETUP_DATA pAppData) { if(m_ConnectionState != CLS_Idle) return CONN_E_NOT_IDLE; m_fCapsReady = FALSE; // reset summary code
m_hSummaryCode = CCR_INVALID_REASON;
hrLast = m_pH323CallControl->GetGKCallPermission(); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) { m_hSummaryCode = hrLast; return hrLast; } hrLast = m_pControlChannel->PlaceCall (bUseGKResolution, pCallAddr, pDestinationAliases, pExtraAliases, pCalledPartyNumber, pAppData); if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) m_ConnectionState = CLS_Connecting; return hrLast; }
HRESULT CConnection::AcceptRejectConnection(CREQ_RESPONSETYPE Response) { if(Response == CRR_ACCEPT) { m_ConnectionState = CLS_Connecting; m_fCapsReady = FALSE; // reset summary code
m_hSummaryCode = CCR_INVALID_REASON; } return m_pControlChannel->AsyncAcceptRejectCall(Response); }
HRESULT CConnection::SetAdviseInterface(IH323ConfAdvise *pH323ConfAdvise) { ASSERT(pH323ConfAdvise != NULL); if(!pH323ConfAdvise) { return CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } m_pH323ConfAdvise = pH323ConfAdvise; //EXIT:
return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT CConnection::ClearAdviseInterface() { m_pH323ConfAdvise = NULL; return hrSuccess; }
// LOOKLOOK - the H323 control channel needs to get the combined cap object
// implementation of IConfAdvise::GetCapResolver()
HRESULT CConnection::GetCapResolver(LPVOID *lplpCapObject, GUID CapType) { if(!lplpCapObject) return CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
if(!m_pH323CallControl || !m_pCapObject) return CONN_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; if(CapType == OID_CAP_ACM_TO_H323) { *lplpCapObject = m_pCapObject; } else { return CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT CConnection::GetState(ConnectStateType *pState) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; if(!pState) { hResult = CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM; goto EXIT; } *pState = m_ConnectionState; EXIT: return hResult; }
// IConfAdvise::GetUserDisplayName()
LPWSTR CConnection::GetUserDisplayName() { if(!m_pH323CallControl) return NULL; return m_pH323CallControl->GetUserDisplayName(); } PCC_ALIASITEM CConnection::GetUserDisplayAlias() { if(!m_pH323CallControl) return NULL; return m_pH323CallControl->GetUserDisplayAlias(); } PCC_ALIASNAMES CConnection:: GetUserAliases() { if(!m_pH323CallControl) return NULL; return m_pH323CallControl->GetUserAliases(); } HRESULT CConnection::GetLocalPort(PORT *lpPort) { if(!m_pControlChannel) return CONN_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; return m_pControlChannel->GetLocalPort(lpPort); } HRESULT CConnection::GetRemoteUserName(LPWSTR lpwszName, UINT uSize) { if(!lpwszName) { hrLast = MakeResult(CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM); goto EXIT; } if(!m_pUserInfo) { // LOOKLOOK - need CONN_E_UNAVAILABLE or something
hrLast = MakeResult(CONN_E_INVALID_PARAM); goto EXIT; } LStrCpyNW((LPWSTR)lpwszName,(LPWSTR)m_pUserInfo->lpvCallerIDData, uSize); hrLast = hrSuccess; EXIT: return hrLast; } HRESULT CConnection::GetRemoteUserAddr(PSOCKADDR_IN psinUser) { PSOCKADDR_IN psin = NULL; if(!m_pControlChannel) return CONN_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; if(psinUser) { // get ptr to address, then copy it
hrLast = m_pControlChannel->GetRemoteAddress(&psin); if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast) && psin) { *psinUser = *psin; } } else { hrLast = H323CC_E_INVALID_PARAM; } //EXIT:
return hrLast; }
HRESULT CConnection ::Disconnect() { SummaryCode(CCR_LOCAL_DISCONNECT); Disconnect(CCR_LOCAL_DISCONNECT); return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT CConnection::CloseAllChannels() { ICtrlCommChan *pChan = NULL; HRESULT hr; // temp return value so error code does not get overwritten
FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::CloseAllChannels");
// This doesn't actually cause channel close PDU's to be sent. It only
// shuts off all streams associated with all channels.
while (!m_ChannelList.IsEmpty()) { pChan = (ICtrlCommChan *) m_ChannelList.RemoveHead(); if(pChan) { hr = pChan->OnChannelClose(CHANNEL_CLOSED); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) hrLast = hr; hr = pChan->EndControlSession(); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) hrLast = hr; pChan->Release(); } } return hrLast; }
VOID CConnection::Disconnect(DWORD dwResponse) { AddRef(); // prevent releasing while handling disconnect events
if(!m_pControlChannel) { m_ConnectionState = CLS_Idle; goto EXIT; }
if((m_ConnectionState == CLS_Disconnecting) || (m_ConnectionState == CLS_Idle)) { goto EXIT; } m_ConnectionState = CLS_Disconnecting;
// CloseAllChannels() forces the action that would be taken when all
// channels are closed via call control. Anal channel cleanup is not
// implemented on disconnect- CloseAllChannels() turns off all streaming,
// then we just end the session. It takes too long to go through the
// protocol overhead of closing & acking channel close, and it's legal in
// H.323 to end the session. Ending the session implies channel closure
// for all channels.
CloseAllChannels(); // this call can result in callbacks to the UI, which can result in
// calls back in, which results in releasing the object. If we're
// about to go in, we need to be sure we can get back out, so AddRef()
m_pControlChannel->AddRef(); m_pControlChannel->Disconnect(dwResponse); m_pControlChannel->Release(); EXIT: Release(); }
STDMETHODIMP CConnection::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject) {
HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if(!ppvObject) return hr; *ppvObject = 0; if((iid == IID_IPhoneConnection) || (iid == IID_IUnknown)) // satisfy symmetric property of QI
{ *ppvObject = this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if(iid == IID_IConfAdvise) { *ppvObject = (IConfAdvise *)this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if((iid == IID_IAppAudioCap ) && m_pCapObject) { ASSERT(0); hr = m_pCapObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } else if((iid == IID_IAppVidCap ) && m_pCapObject) { /// ASSERT(0); CVideoProp still uses this
hr = m_pCapObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } else if((iid == IID_IDualPubCap) && m_pCapObject) { ASSERT(0); hr = m_pCapObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } return (hr); }
ULONG CConnection::AddRef() { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::AddRef"); uRef++; DEBUGMSG(ZONE_REFCOUNT,("%s:(0x%08lX)->AddRef() uRef = 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, this, uRef )); return uRef; }
ULONG CConnection::Release() { FX_ENTRY ("CConnection::Release"); uRef--; if(uRef == 0) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CONN,("%s:(0x%08lX)->Releasing in state:%d\r\n",_fx_, this, m_ConnectionState)); // remove our interest in the control channel
if(m_pControlChannel) { hrLast = m_pControlChannel->DeInit((IConfAdvise *) this); m_pControlChannel->Release(); } // m_pControlChannel = NULL;
delete this; return 0; } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_REFCOUNT,("%s:(0x%08lX)->Release() uRef = 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, this, uRef )); return uRef; }
STDMETHODIMP CConnection::GetSummaryCode(VOID) { return m_hSummaryCode; } VOID CConnection::SummaryCode(HRESULT hCode) { // assign code only if it has not yet been assigned
if(m_hSummaryCode != CCR_INVALID_REASON) return; m_hSummaryCode = hCode; }