#include "precomp.h"
#ifndef OLDSTUFF
extern IRTP *g_pIRTP; #endif
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::StandbyInit(LPGUID lpMID, LPIH323PubCap pCapObject, IMediaChannel* pMediaStreamSend) { if((!lpMID) || (!pCapObject)) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; m_MediaID = *lpMID; bIsSendDirection = TRUE; m_pMediaStream = pMediaStreamSend; m_pMediaStream->AddRef(); // keeps a cap object ref
pCapObject->AddRef(); m_pCapObject = pCapObject; return hrSuccess; }
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject) { // this breaks the rules for the official COM QueryInterface because
// the interfaces that are queried for are not necessarily real COM
// interfaces. The reflexive property of QueryInterface would be broken in
// that case.
HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if(!ppvObject) return hr; *ppvObject = 0; if(iid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppvObject = this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if((iid == IID_ICommChannel)) { *ppvObject = (ICommChannel *)this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if((iid == IID_ICtrlCommChannel)) { *ppvObject = (ICtrlCommChan *)this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if((iid == IID_IStreamSignal)) { *ppvObject = (IStreamSignal *)this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } else if((iid == IID_IAppAudioCap ) && m_pCapObject) { hr = m_pCapObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } else if((iid == IID_IAppVidCap ) && m_pCapObject) { hr = m_pCapObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } else if((iid == IID_IDualPubCap) && m_pCapObject) { hr = m_pCapObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } else if(iid == IID_IVideoRender) { hr=hrSuccess; if(!m_pMediaStream && m_pH323ConfAdvise) { hr = m_pH323ConfAdvise->GetMediaChannel(&m_MediaID, bIsSendDirection, &m_pMediaStream); } if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } } else if(iid == IID_IVideoChannel) { hr=hrSuccess; if(!m_pMediaStream && m_pH323ConfAdvise) { hr = m_pH323ConfAdvise->GetMediaChannel(&m_MediaID, bIsSendDirection, &m_pMediaStream); } if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(iid, ppvObject); } } return (hr); }
ULONG ImpICommChan::AddRef() { m_uRef++; DEBUGMSG(ZONE_REFCOUNT,("ImpICommChan::AddRef:(0x%08lX)->AddRef() m_uRef = 0x%08lX\r\n",this, m_uRef )); return m_uRef; }
ULONG ImpICommChan::Release() { m_uRef--; if(m_uRef == 0) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_REFCOUNT,("ImpICommChan::Release:(0x%08lX)->Releasing\r\n", this)); delete this; return 0; } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_REFCOUNT,("ImpICommChan::Release:(0x%08lX)->Release() m_uRef = 0x%08lX\r\n",this, m_uRef )); return m_uRef; } }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::GetMediaType(LPGUID pGuid) { if(!pGuid) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; *pGuid = m_MediaID; return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::IsChannelOpen(BOOL *pbOpen) { if(!pbOpen) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; *pbOpen = (IsComchOpen()) ? TRUE:FALSE; return hrSuccess; }
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::GetProperty(DWORD prop, PVOID pBuf, LPUINT pcbBuf) { #define CHECKSIZE(type) if(*pcbBuf != sizeof(type)) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
#define OUTPROP(type) *(type *)pBuf
if(!pBuf || !pcbBuf) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; switch (prop) {
case PROP_TS_TRADEOFF: CHECKSIZE(DWORD); OUTPROP(DWORD) = m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff; break; case PROP_REMOTE_TS_CAPABLE: CHECKSIZE(BOOL); OUTPROP(BOOL) = m_bPublicizeTSTradeoff; break; case PROP_CHANNEL_ENABLED: CHECKSIZE(BOOL); OUTPROP(BOOL) = (m_dwFlags & COMCH_ENABLED )? TRUE:FALSE; break; case PROP_LOCAL_FORMAT_ID: CHECKSIZE(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID); OUTPROP(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID) = m_LocalFmt; break; case PROP_REMOTE_FORMAT_ID: CHECKSIZE(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID); OUTPROP(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID) = m_RemoteFmt; break; case PROP_REMOTE_PAUSED: CHECKSIZE(BOOL); OUTPROP(BOOL) = (IsStreamingRemote())? FALSE:TRUE; break; case PROP_LOCAL_PAUSE_RECV: case PROP_LOCAL_PAUSE_SEND: CHECKSIZE(BOOL); OUTPROP(BOOL) = IsPausedLocal(); break; case PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_ON: CHECKSIZE(BOOL); OUTPROP(BOOL) = IsStreamingStandby(); break; case PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_STANDBY: CHECKSIZE(BOOL); OUTPROP(BOOL) = IsConfigStandby(); break; default: if(m_pMediaStream) { // we don't recognize this property, pass to media control
return m_pMediaStream->GetProperty(prop, pBuf, (LPUINT)pcbBuf); } else return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; break; } return hrSuccess; }
// Some properties are not writeable by client code. CtrlChanSetProperty allows setting of
// those properties. This method is *not* exposed in ICommChannel
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::CtrlChanSetProperty(DWORD prop, PVOID pBuf, DWORD cbBuf) { FX_ENTRY("ImpICommChan::CtrlChanSetProperty"); BOOL bTemp; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; if(!pBuf || !pBuf || !cbBuf) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
#define CHECKSIZEIN(type) if(cbBuf != sizeof(type)) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
#define INPROP(type) *(type *)pBuf
switch (prop) { case PROP_TS_TRADEOFF_IND: // remote sender changed T/S tradeoff of what it is
if(bIsSendDirection) // sending (valid for receive channels only)
return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff = INPROP(DWORD); if(m_pH323ConfAdvise && m_pCtlChan) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:issuing notification 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, CHANNEL_VIDEO_TS_TRADEOFF)); m_pH323ConfAdvise->ChannelEvent(this, m_pCtlChan->GetIConnIF(), CHANNEL_VIDEO_TS_TRADEOFF); } break;
case PROP_REMOTE_FORMAT_ID: CHECKSIZEIN(DWORD); m_RemoteFmt = INPROP(DWORD); break; case PROP_REMOTE_TS_CAPABLE: // only valid for receive channels
if(bIsSendDirection) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; else { CHECKSIZEIN(BOOL); m_bPublicizeTSTradeoff = INPROP(BOOL); DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:remote TS tradeoff cap %d\r\n", _fx_, m_bPublicizeTSTradeoff)); } break; default: return SetProperty(prop, pBuf, cbBuf); break; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::Preview(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idLocalFormat, IMediaChannel * pMediaStream) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; FX_ENTRY("ImpICommChan::Preview"); SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::Preview"); LPVOID lpvFormatDetails; UINT uFormatSize; if(!bIsSendDirection) { hr = CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; goto EXIT; } if(NULL == pMediaStream) { // preview off
if(IsStreamingStandby()) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)transition to preview OFF\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv"));
//turn preview off.
// if network side is paused or closed, stop all streaming
if(!IsComchOpen() || !IsStreamingNet()) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)stopping local stream\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); // Stop the stream, but DO NOT UNCONFIGURE becase we want to
// be able to start later
hr = m_pMediaStream->Stop(); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)Stop() returned 0x%08lx\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", hr)); } SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::Preview - stopped"); LocalStreamFlagOff(); } // else just need to turn off flag
StandbyFlagOff(); } else DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s) no change (%s)\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", "OFF")); } else { // preview on
ASSERT(m_pCapObject); if(idLocalFormat == INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { hr = CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; goto EXIT; }
ASSERT(!(m_pMediaStream && (m_pMediaStream != pMediaStream)));
if (m_pMediaStream == NULL) { m_pMediaStream = pMediaStream; m_pMediaStream->AddRef(); } if(!IsStreamingStandby()) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)transition to preview ON\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); // turn preview on.
if(!IsStreamingLocal()) { ASSERT(!IsStreamingNet()); if(IsComchOpen()) { // if the channel is open, local streaming should only be off
// if the network side of the channel is paused.
} else {
// ensure that the stream does not come up with network send enabled
// (!!!!! override default stream behavior !!!!!)
BOOL bPause = TRUE; hr = m_pMediaStream->SetProperty( (bIsSendDirection)? PROP_PAUSE_SEND:PROP_PAUSE_RECV, &bPause, sizeof(bPause)); // get format info for the specified format
m_pCapObject->GetEncodeFormatDetails(idLocalFormat, &lpvFormatDetails, &uFormatSize);
// fire up the local stream
// this is now a two step process
hr = m_pMediaStream->Configure((BYTE*)lpvFormatDetails, uFormatSize, NULL, 0, (IUnknown*)(ImpICommChan *)this); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: m_pMediaStream->Configure returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); goto EXIT; }
m_pMediaStream->SetNetworkInterface(NULL); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: m_pMediaStream->SetNetworkInterface returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); goto EXIT; }
SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::Preview - config'd for preview"); } // Start the stream
hr = m_pMediaStream->Start(); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: m_pMediaStream->Start returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); goto EXIT; } SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::Preview - started preview");
LocalStreamFlagOn(); } // else // just need to set flag to make preview sticky
StandbyFlagOn(); } else DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s) no change (%s)\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", "ON")); }
EXIT: return hr; } STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::PauseNetworkStream(BOOL fPause) { if(fPause) LocalPauseFlagOn(); else LocalPauseFlagOff(); return PauseNet(fPause, FALSE);
BOOL ImpICommChan::IsNetworkStreamPaused(VOID) { return IsPausedLocal(); }
BOOL ImpICommChan::IsRemotePaused(VOID) { return (IsStreamingRemote())? FALSE:TRUE; }
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::PauseNet(BOOL bPause, BOOL bRemoteInitiated) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
// issue notification
if(bRemoteInitiated) { // keep track of remote state
if(bPause) RemoteStreamFlagOff(); else RemoteStreamFlagOn(); if(!IsNotificationSupressed()) { if(m_pH323ConfAdvise && m_pCtlChan) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:issuing %s notification \r\n",_fx_, (bPause)?"pause":"un-pause")); m_pH323ConfAdvise->ChannelEvent(this, m_pCtlChan->GetIConnIF(), (bPause)? CHANNEL_REMOTE_PAUSE_ON: CHANNEL_REMOTE_PAUSE_OFF); } else DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:not issuing %s notification: m_pH323ConfAdvise: 0x%08lX, m_pCtlChan:0x%08lX \r\n" ,_fx_, (bPause)?"pause":"un-pause", m_pH323ConfAdvise,m_pCtlChan)); } } if(bPause && IsStreamingNet()) { ASSERT(IsComchOpen()); // deactivate the channel
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)transition to pause\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv" ));
if(!bRemoteInitiated) { // locally initiated, so signal remote
if(bIsSendDirection) { DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:signaling pause of %s channel\r\n", _fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv" )); // signal remote
MiscellaneousIndication mi; mi.type.choice = logicalChannelInactive_chosen; hr = m_pCtlChan->MiscChannelIndication(this, &mi); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s) CC_Mute returned 0x%08lx\r\n", _fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", hr)); hr = hrSuccess; // don't care about signaling error, act normal
} } } //
hr = m_pMediaStream->SetProperty( (bIsSendDirection)? PROP_PAUSE_SEND:PROP_PAUSE_RECV, &bPause, sizeof(bPause)); NetworkStreamFlagOff(); // LOOKLOOK - can't stop receive streams because they can't be restarted
// check this with GeorgeJ
// if(!IsStreamingStandby()) // need local stream for anything?
if(!IsStreamingStandby() && bIsSendDirection) // need local stream for anything?
{ DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)stopping local stream\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); // can shut off local streaming now
hr = m_pMediaStream->Stop(); LocalStreamFlagOff(); } } else if(!bPause && !IsStreamingNet()) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)transition to unpause\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv"));
if(IsComchOpen()) { // activate the channel
if(!bRemoteInitiated) { // locally initiated, so signal remote
if(bIsSendDirection) { DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:signaling UNpause of %s channel\r\n", _fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv" )); // signal remote
MiscellaneousIndication mi; mi.type.choice = logicalChannelActive_chosen; hr = m_pCtlChan->MiscChannelIndication(this, &mi); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s) CC_UnMute returned 0x%08lx\r\n", _fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", hr)); hr = hrSuccess; // don't care about signaling error, act normal
} } } else { // remotely initiated OR special case first time channel is unpaused
// after opening
AllowNotifications(); // stop supressing notifications
} if(!IsPausedLocal()) { // MUST ensure unpaused state before starting stream ????
hr = m_pMediaStream->SetProperty( (bIsSendDirection)? PROP_PAUSE_SEND:PROP_PAUSE_RECV, &bPause, sizeof(bPause)); // check local streaming state, start it if needed
if(!IsStreamingLocal()) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)starting local stream\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); // need to startup stream
hr = m_pMediaStream->Start(); LocalStreamFlagOn(); } else { if(bIsSendDirection) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)already streaming locally\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv" )); DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)RESTARTING local stream\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); // This is temporary until it is possible to start the
// network side of a running stream
hr = m_pMediaStream->Stop(); hr = m_pMediaStream->Start(); } } NetworkStreamFlagOn();
// if this is a receive video channel, make the sender send an I-frame now
if(!bIsSendDirection && (GetTickCount() > (m_dwLastUpdateTick + MIN_IFRAME_REQ_TICKS))) { if((MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO == m_MediaID)) { MiscellaneousCommand *pmc = (MiscellaneousCommand *) MemAlloc(sizeof(MiscellaneousCommand));
if(NULL != pmc) { // pmc.logicalChannelNumber = ?; ** call control fills this in **
pmc->type.choice = videoFastUpdatePicture_chosen; // do the control channel signaling for THIS channel
hr = m_pCtlChan->MiscChannelCommand(this, pmc); MemFree(pmc); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } m_dwLastUpdateTick = GetTickCount(); } } } else ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:(%s) Not open: bPause=%d, streaming=%d\r\n", _fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", bPause, IsStreamingNet()));
} else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:(%s) bPause=%d, streaming=%d\r\n", _fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv", bPause, IsStreamingNet())); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::SetProperty(DWORD prop, PVOID pBuf, UINT cbBuf) { FX_ENTRY("ImpICommChan::SetProperty"); BOOL bTemp; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; if(!pBuf || !pBuf || !cbBuf) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
#define CHECKSIZEIN(type) if(cbBuf != sizeof(type)) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
#define INPROP(type) *(type *)pBuf
#define SetMediaProperty() \
if(m_pMediaStream) \ {return m_pMediaStream->SetProperty(prop, pBuf, cbBuf); } \ else hr = CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; switch (prop) { // (read only) case PROP_REMOTE_FORMAT_ID:
// (read only) case PROP_LOCAL_FORMAT_ID:
// (read only) case PROP_REMOTE_TS_CAPABLE:
case PROP_TS_TRADEOFF: CHECKSIZEIN(DWORD); if(bIsSendDirection) // set local T/S tradeoff, then signal remote
{ // scale value - input is 0-31, (lower number = higher quality and lower frame rate)
m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff = INPROP(DWORD); DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:TS tradeoff (tx) %d\r\n", _fx_, m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff));
// change our compression
if (m_pMediaStream) { hr = m_pMediaStream->SetProperty(PROP_VIDEO_IMAGE_QUALITY, &m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff, sizeof (m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff)); } if(m_bPublicizeTSTradeoff && m_pCtlChan) // check our own capability and if in a call
{ // we said we supported TS tradeoff, so we have to signal our
// new value
MiscellaneousIndication mi; // mi.logicalChannelNumber = ?; ** call control fills this in **
mi.type.choice = MIn_tp_vdTmprlSptlTrdOff_chosen; mi.type.u.MIn_tp_vdTmprlSptlTrdOff = LOWORD(m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff); // do the control channel signaling for THIS channel
hr = m_pCtlChan->MiscChannelIndication(this, &mi); } } else // signal remote to change its T/S tradoff of its send channel
{ m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff = INPROP(DWORD); DEBUGMSG (ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:TS tradeoff (rx) %d\r\n", _fx_, m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff));
if(m_bPublicizeTSTradeoff && m_pCtlChan)// check remote's TS capability
{ MiscellaneousCommand *pmc = (MiscellaneousCommand *) MemAlloc(sizeof(MiscellaneousCommand));
if(NULL != pmc) { // pmc.logicalChannelNumber = ?; ** call control fills this in **
pmc->type.choice = MCd_tp_vdTmprlSptlTrdOff_chosen; pmc->type.u.MCd_tp_vdTmprlSptlTrdOff = LOWORD(m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff); hr = m_pCtlChan->MiscChannelCommand(this, pmc); MemFree(pmc); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else // remote said it does not support TS tradeoff
return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } break; case PROP_CHANNEL_ENABLED: CHECKSIZEIN(BOOL); if(INPROP(BOOL)) { m_dwFlags |= COMCH_ENABLED; } else { m_dwFlags &= ~COMCH_ENABLED; } break; //
// Media streaming properties
case PROP_LOCAL_PAUSE_RECV: case PROP_LOCAL_PAUSE_SEND: CHECKSIZEIN(BOOL); bTemp = INPROP(BOOL); if(bTemp) LocalPauseFlagOn(); else LocalPauseFlagOff(); hr = PauseNet(bTemp, FALSE); break;
// SetMediaProperty();
// break;
case PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_ON: ASSERT(0); break; case PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_STANDBY: CHECKSIZEIN(BOOL); bTemp = INPROP(BOOL); if(bTemp) StandbyConfigFlagOn(); else StandbyConfigFlagOff(); break; default: // we don't recognize this property, pass to media control
if(m_pMediaStream) { return m_pMediaStream->SetProperty(prop, pBuf, cbBuf); } else hr = CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; break; } return hr; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::EnableOpen(BOOL bEnable) { if(bEnable) { m_dwFlags |= COMCH_ENABLED; } else { m_dwFlags &= ~COMCH_ENABLED; } return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::GetLocalParams(LPVOID lpvChannelParams, UINT uBufSize) { if(!lpvChannelParams || !pLocalParams || !uBufSize) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; if(uBufSize < uLocalParamSize) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; memcpy(lpvChannelParams, pLocalParams, uLocalParamSize); return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::ConfigureStream(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idLocalFormat) { FX_ENTRY("ImpICommChan::ConfigureStream"); HRESULT hr; ASSERT(m_pRTPChan && m_pCapObject);
LPVOID lpvFormatGoo; UINT uFormatGooSize; IUnknown *pUnknown=NULL; // get format info for Configure()
if(bIsSendDirection) { m_pCapObject->GetEncodeFormatDetails(idLocalFormat, &lpvFormatGoo, &uFormatGooSize); } else { m_pCapObject->GetDecodeFormatDetails(idLocalFormat, &lpvFormatGoo, &uFormatGooSize); } hr = m_pMediaStream->Configure((BYTE*)lpvFormatGoo, uFormatGooSize, (BYTE*)pLocalParams, uLocalParamSize, (IUnknown*)(ImpICommChan *)this); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Configure returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); }
// SetNetworkInterface expects an IUnknown pointer
// the IUnknown wil be QI'd for either an IRTPSend or an IRTPRecv
// interface. The IUnknown should be free'd by the caller.
if (m_pRTPChan) { m_pRTPChan->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnknown); ASSERT(pUnknown); }
hr = m_pMediaStream->SetNetworkInterface(pUnknown); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: SetNetworkInterface returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); } if (pUnknown) { pUnknown->Release(); }
return hr; } HRESULT ImpICommChan::ConfigureCapability(LPVOID lpvRemoteChannelParams, UINT uRemoteParamSize, LPVOID lpvLocalParams, UINT uGivenLocalParamSize) { HRESULT hr= hrSuccess; if(!lpvRemoteChannelParams) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; if(pRemoteParams) { MemFree(pRemoteParams); pRemoteParams = NULL; }
// if uParamSize ==0, it means that the memory that lpvRemoteChannelParams points to
// is being supplied
if(uRemoteParamSize) { pRemoteParams = MemAlloc(uRemoteParamSize); if(pRemoteParams) { memcpy(pRemoteParams, lpvRemoteChannelParams, uRemoteParamSize); } } else pRemoteParams = lpvRemoteChannelParams; if(lpvLocalParams) { // memory for local parameters is always supplied by the caller
if (!uGivenLocalParamSize) { hr = CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; goto EXIT; } if(pLocalParams) { MemFree(pLocalParams); // not needed pLocalParams= NULL;
} uLocalParamSize = uGivenLocalParamSize; pLocalParams = lpvLocalParams;
} EXIT: return hr; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::OnChannelClose(DWORD dwStatus) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; FX_ENTRY("ImpICommChan::OnChannelClose"); BOOL fCloseAction = FALSE;
m_dwFlags &= ~COMCH_OPEN_PENDING; switch(dwStatus) { case CHANNEL_CLOSED: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:closing (%s)\r\n" ,_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); if(IsComchOpen()) { fCloseAction = TRUE; m_dwFlags &= ~COMCH_OPEN; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: %d notification when not open (%s)\r\n", _fx_, dwStatus,(bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); } break; //case CHANNEL_REJECTED:
default: break; } // clear general purpose channel handle
dwhChannel = 0; // LOOKLOOK **** RIGHT HERE ***
// ** need to notify the UI of the channel event ON_CLOSING so that the last
// frame can be grabbed for rendering (a still picture is better than a black window)
// Now check preview state
if(IsStreamingStandby() && bIsSendDirection ) { if (m_pMediaStream != NULL) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:transition back to preview\r\n" ,_fx_)); // need to stop sending and reconfigure for preview
// make sure send is paused
DWORD dwProp = TRUE; hr = m_pMediaStream->SetProperty (PROP_PAUSE_SEND,&dwProp, sizeof(dwProp)); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: m_pMediaStream->SetProperty returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); // do what now?
NetworkStreamFlagOff(); hr = m_pMediaStream->Stop(); LocalStreamFlagOff(); StandbyFlagOff(); ASSERT(hr == S_OK); } else { NetworkStreamFlagOff(); LocalStreamFlagOff(); } if(fCloseAction) { // Cleanup RTP session. This is a NOP if the opposite direction is still open.
if (m_pRTPChan) { m_pRTPChan->Release(); m_pRTPChan = NULL; } } } else // not previewing
{ //
// Stop the media stream
if (m_pMediaStream) { hr = m_pMediaStream->Stop(); // probably not necessary
ASSERT(hr == S_OK); // implement "capture device standby": don't unconfigure if
// the standby flag is set and it is a send stream.
if(!IsConfigStandby() || !bIsSendDirection) { if(!bIsSendDirection) // keep send stream reference until *this* object is released
{ m_pMediaStream->Release(); m_pMediaStream = NULL; } } } SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::OnChannelClose - stream stopped");
if(fCloseAction) { // Cleanup RTP session. This is a NOP if the opposite direction is still open.
if (m_pRTPChan) { m_pRTPChan->Release(); m_pRTPChan = NULL; } } StreamFlagsOff(); }// end if not previewing
if(m_pH323ConfAdvise && m_pCtlChan) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:issuing notification 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, dwStatus)); m_pH323ConfAdvise->ChannelEvent(this, m_pCtlChan->GetIConnIF(), dwStatus); }
return hr; } HRESULT ImpICommChan::OnChannelOpening() { ASSERT((m_dwFlags & COMCH_OPEN_PENDING) ==0); m_dwFlags |= COMCH_OPEN_PENDING; return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::OnChannelOpen(DWORD dwStatus) { HRESULT hr; BOOL bConfigured = FALSE, bNewStream = FALSE; // these bools make error cleanup cleaner
SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::OnChannelOpen"); // the open is no longer pending, regardless of success or failure
m_dwFlags &= ~COMCH_OPEN_PENDING; m_dwLastUpdateTick = 0; // reset tick count of last I-frame request so that one
// will be requested
if(IsComchOpen()) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: %d notification when open (%s)\r\n", _fx_, dwStatus, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); } switch(dwStatus) { case CHANNEL_OPEN: m_dwFlags |= (COMCH_OPEN | COMCH_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION); break; default: dwStatus = CHANNEL_OPEN_ERROR; // fall through to notification
case CHANNEL_REJECTED: case CHANNEL_NO_CAPABILITY: goto NOTIFICATION; break; } // The channel is open as far as call control is concerned.
// if previewing, the stream already exists. We don't want another, nor do we
// want to tear it down at channel close time or in error cases
if(!m_pMediaStream) { ASSERT(!IsStreamingLocal() &&m_pH323ConfAdvise); // can't be streaming without a stream
bNewStream = TRUE; // Associate the media streaming endpoint with this channel
// see above
hr = m_pH323ConfAdvise->GetMediaChannel(&m_MediaID, bIsSendDirection, &m_pMediaStream); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: m_pH323ConfAdvise->GetMediaChannel returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); goto ERROR_NOTIFICATION; } } if(IsStreamingLocal()) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:(%s)transition:preview -> send\r\n",_fx_, (bIsSendDirection)?"send":"recv")); // need to stop stream while configuring ( ***** check w/ RichP ******)
hr = m_pMediaStream->Stop(); LocalStreamFlagOff(); }
// notify upper layers of channel open now
if(m_pH323ConfAdvise && m_pCtlChan) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:issuing CHANNEL_OPEN notification\r\n",_fx_)); m_pH323ConfAdvise->ChannelEvent(this, m_pCtlChan->GetIConnIF(), dwStatus); }
dwStatus = CHANNEL_ACTIVE; // new status! notification is posted below
// get format info for Configure()
hr = ConfigureStream(m_LocalFmt); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Configure returned 0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, hr)); goto ERROR_NOTIFICATION; } SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::OnChannelOpen - configured stream"); bConfigured = TRUE; // turn on flow to the network
// SupressNotification() // pre-initialized above in both CHANNEL_OPEN_xxx cases
PauseNet(FALSE, TRUE); // unpause,
//dwStatus = CHANNEL_ACTIVE;
SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::OnChannelOpen - unpaused"); NOTIFICATION: if(m_pH323ConfAdvise && m_pCtlChan) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:issuing notification 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, dwStatus)); m_pH323ConfAdvise->ChannelEvent(this, m_pCtlChan->GetIConnIF(), dwStatus); } else DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s: *** not issuing notification 0x%08lX m_pH323ConfAdvise: 0x%08lX, m_pCtlChan:0x%08lX \r\n" ,_fx_, dwStatus,m_pH323ConfAdvise,m_pCtlChan)); SHOW_OBJ_ETIME("ImpICommChan::OnChannelOpen - done ");
return hr; ERROR_NOTIFICATION: dwStatus = CHANNEL_OPEN_ERROR; if(m_pMediaStream) { if(bNewStream) // was the media stream just created?
{ m_pMediaStream->Release(); m_pMediaStream = NULL; } } if(m_pH323ConfAdvise && m_pCtlChan) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s:issuing notification 0x%08lX\r\n",_fx_, dwStatus)); m_pH323ConfAdvise->ChannelEvent(this, m_pCtlChan->GetIConnIF(), dwStatus); } else DEBUGMSG(ZONE_COMMCHAN,("%s: *** not issuing notification 0x%08lX m_pH323ConfAdvise: 0x%08lX, m_pCtlChan:0x%08lX \r\n" ,_fx_, dwStatus,m_pH323ConfAdvise,m_pCtlChan)); // close the channel.
if(m_pCtlChan) { // close channel, but hr already contains the relevant return code
m_pCtlChan->CloseChannel(this); } return hr; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::Open(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idLocalFormat, IH323Endpoint *pConnection) { HRESULT hr; MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idRemoteFormat; IConfAdvise * pConfAdvise = NULL; if((m_dwFlags & COMCH_OPEN_PENDING) || IsComchOpen() || (idLocalFormat == INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) || !pConnection) return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM;
if(!m_pCtlChan) // this channel is not part of a call
{ hr = pConnection->QueryInterface(IID_IConfAdvise, (void **)&pConfAdvise); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto EXIT; hr = pConfAdvise->AddCommChannel(this); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto EXIT; ASSERT(m_pCtlChan && m_pCapObject); } hr = m_pCapObject->ResolveToLocalFormat(idLocalFormat, &idRemoteFormat); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto EXIT; // start the control channel stuff needed to open the channel
hr = m_pCtlChan->OpenChannel((ICtrlCommChan*)this, m_pCapObject, idLocalFormat, idRemoteFormat); EXIT: if(pConfAdvise) pConfAdvise->Release(); return hr; } HRESULT ImpICommChan::Close() { HRESULT hr = CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; if(!IsComchOpen() || !m_pCtlChan) goto EXIT; if(!bIsSendDirection) goto EXIT; hr = m_pCtlChan->CloseChannel(this);
EXIT: return hr; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::BeginControlSession(IControlChannel *pCtlChan, LPIH323PubCap pCapObject) { // this channel is now "in a call".
// LOOKLOOK - it might help to notify (ICommChannel notifications to client)
// that the channel is part of a call now.
ASSERT((m_pCtlChan == NULL) && pCtlChan && pCapObject); if(m_pCapObject) { m_pCapObject->Release(); } m_pCtlChan = pCtlChan; m_pCapObject = pCapObject; m_pCapObject->AddRef(); return hrSuccess; } HRESULT ImpICommChan::EndControlSession() { // this channel is no longer "in a call".
m_pCtlChan = NULL; return hrSuccess; }
BOOL ImpICommChan::SelectPorts(LPIControlChannel pCtlChannel) { // create the RTP channel
HRESULT hr; PSOCKADDR_IN psin=NULL; pCtlChannel->GetLocalAddress(&psin);
PORT savedPort = psin->sin_port; if (!m_pRTPChan) { UINT sessFlags = bIsSendDirection ? SESSIONF_SEND : SESSIONF_RECV; UINT sessId; GUID mediaGuid; GetMediaType(&mediaGuid); if (mediaGuid == MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO) { sessFlags |= SESSIONF_VIDEO; sessId = 2; } else { sessId = 1; sessFlags |= SESSIONF_AUDIO; } psin->sin_port = 0; // zero port forces RTP to choose a port
hr = g_pIRTP->OpenSession(sessId, sessFlags, (BYTE *)psin, sizeof(PSOCKADDR_IN), &m_pRTPChan); } else hr = m_pRTPChan->SetLocalAddress((BYTE *)psin,sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); psin->sin_port = savedPort;
return hr==S_OK; }
// get the address and port of the base port that was selected by SelectPorts().
// in this typical implementation, that is the address/port of the RTCP channel
PSOCKADDR_IN ImpICommChan::GetLocalAddress() { #ifdef OLDSTUFF
return m_pRTPChan ? m_pRTPChan->GetChannelDescription()->pLocalAddr : NULL; #else
const BYTE *pAddr; UINT cbAddr; HRESULT hr; hr = m_pRTPChan->GetLocalAddress(&pAddr, &cbAddr); return (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? (PSOCKADDR_IN) pAddr : NULL; #endif
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::GetRemoteAddress(PSOCKADDR_IN pAddrOutput) { HRESULT hr; if (!pAddrOutput) { return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } const BYTE *pAddr; UINT cbAddr; hr = m_pRTPChan->GetRemoteRTPAddress(&pAddr, &cbAddr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(cbAddr == sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); *pAddrOutput = *((PSOCKADDR_IN) pAddr); } return hrSuccess; }
UINT ImpICommChan::Reset() { UINT uret; ASSERT(!IsComchOpen()); if (m_pRTPChan) { uret = m_pRTPChan->Release(); m_pRTPChan = NULL; } else uret = 0; return uret; } PORT ImpICommChan::GetLocalRTPPort() { #ifdef OLDSTUFF
return (m_pRTPChan ? ntohs(m_pRTPChan->GetChannelDescription()->pLocalAddr->sin_port) : 0); #else
const BYTE *pAddr; UINT cbAddr; HRESULT hr; hr = m_pRTPChan->GetLocalAddress(&pAddr, &cbAddr); return (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? ntohs(((PSOCKADDR_IN) pAddr)->sin_port) : 0; #endif
PORT ImpICommChan::GetLocalRTCPPort() { #ifdef OLDSTUFF
return (m_pRTPChan ? ntohs(m_pRTPChan->GetChannelDescription()->pLocalRTCPAddr->sin_port) : 0); #else
const BYTE *pAddr; UINT cbAddr; HRESULT hr; hr = m_pRTPChan->GetLocalAddress(&pAddr, &cbAddr); return (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? ntohs(((PSOCKADDR_IN) pAddr)->sin_port)+1 : 0; #endif
HRESULT ImpICommChan::AcceptRemoteRTCPAddress(PSOCKADDR_IN pSinC) { HRESULT hr; #ifdef OLDSTUFF
if (!m_pRTPChan) { RTPCHANNELDESC chanDesc = {0}; GetMediaType(&chanDesc.mediaId); chanDesc.pRemoteRTCPAddr = pSinC; hr = CreateRTPChannel(&chanDesc, &m_pRTPChan); } else hr = m_pRTPChan->SetRemoteAddresses(NULL,pSinC); #else
hr = m_pRTPChan->SetRemoteRTCPAddress((BYTE *)pSinC, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); #endif
return hr; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::AcceptRemoteAddress(PSOCKADDR_IN pSinD) { HRESULT hr; hr = m_pRTPChan->SetRemoteRTPAddress((BYTE *)pSinD, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); return hr; }
HRESULT ImpICommChan::SetAdviseInterface(IH323ConfAdvise *pH323ConfAdvise) { if (!pH323ConfAdvise) { return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } m_pH323ConfAdvise = pH323ConfAdvise; return hrSuccess; } STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::PictureUpdateRequest() { FX_ENTRY ("ImpICommChan::PictureUpdateRequest"); HRESULT hr; if (!m_pCtlChan) { return CHAN_E_NOT_OPEN; } if(bIsSendDirection || (MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO != m_MediaID)) { return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } // issue miscellaneous command for picture update
MiscellaneousCommand *pmc = (MiscellaneousCommand *) MemAlloc(sizeof(MiscellaneousCommand));
if(NULL != pmc) { // pmc.logicalChannelNumber = ?; ** call control fills this in **
pmc->type.choice = videoFastUpdatePicture_chosen; // do the control channel signaling for THIS channel
hr = m_pCtlChan->MiscChannelCommand(this, pmc);
// record the tick count of this command
m_dwLastUpdateTick = GetTickCount(); MemFree(pmc); pmc = NULL; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP ImpICommChan::GetVersionInfo( PCC_VENDORINFO *ppLocalVendorInfo, PCC_VENDORINFO *ppRemoteVendorInfo) { FX_ENTRY ("ImpICommChan::GetVersionInfo"); if (!m_pCtlChan) { return CHAN_E_INVALID_PARAM; } return m_pCtlChan->GetVersionInfo(ppLocalVendorInfo, ppRemoteVendorInfo); }
ImpICommChan::ImpICommChan () :pRemoteParams(NULL), m_pMediaStream(NULL), pLocalParams(NULL), uLocalParamSize(0), m_pCtlChan(NULL), m_pH323ConfAdvise(NULL), m_pCapObject(NULL), m_dwFlags(0), dwhChannel(0), m_LocalFmt(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT), m_RemoteFmt(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT), m_TemporalSpatialTradeoff(0), // default to highest resolution
m_bPublicizeTSTradeoff(FALSE), m_uRef(1) { ZeroMemory(&m_MediaID, sizeof(m_MediaID)); }
ImpICommChan::~ImpICommChan () { if(pRemoteParams) MemFree(pRemoteParams); if(pLocalParams) MemFree(pLocalParams); if(m_pMediaStream) { m_pMediaStream->Stop(); // probably not necessary
m_pMediaStream->Release(); m_pMediaStream = NULL; } if(m_pCapObject) m_pCapObject->Release(); }