/*****************************************************************************/ /* Let's bring the videoStream functions back from the dead, and rename them */ /* in a way consistent with the waveIn and waveOut APIs. */ /* This will allow us to create a VideoPacket class VERY similar to the */ /* AudioPacket class. And we will be talking directly to the capture driver */ /* which is much more straightforward than the stuff that is available today.*/ /*****************************************************************************/
#pragma pack(1) /* Assume byte packing throughout */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */ #endif /* __cplusplus */
videoIn and videoOut Constants ****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 10 | MAXVIDEODRIVERS | Maximum number of video input capture drivers. * * @const WAVE_MAPPER | VIDEO_MAPPER | Arbitrary video driver. * * @const WAVE_FORMAT_PCM | VIDEO_FORMAT_DEFAULT | Default video format. * * @const 16 | NUM_4BIT_ENTRIES | Number of entries in a 4bit palette. * * @const 256 | NUM_8BIT_ENTRIES | Number of entries in an 8bit palette. * ****************************************************************************/ #define MAXVIDEODRIVERS 10
#define NUM_4BIT_ENTRIES 16
#define NUM_8BIT_ENTRIES 256
videoIn and videoOut Macros ****************************************************************************/ // WIDTHBYTES takes number of bits in a scan line and rounds up to nearest word.
#define WIDTHBYTES(bits) (((bits) + 31) / 32 * 4)
videoIn and videoOut Data Types ****************************************************************************/ DECLARE_HANDLE(HVIDEOIN); // generic handle
Callback Capture Messages ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPMSG * * @msg VIM_OPEN | This message is sent to a video capture input callback function when * a video capture input device is opened. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Currently unused. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m MM_VIM_OPEN> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPMSG * * @msg MM_VIM_OPEN | This message is sent to a window when a video capture input * device is opened. * * @parm WORD | wParam | Specifies a handle to the video capture input device * that was opened. * * @parm LONG | lParam | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m VIM_OPEN> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPMSG * * @msg VIM_CLOSE | This message is sent to a video capture input callback function when * a video capture input device is closed. The device handle is no longer * valid once this message has been sent. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Currently unused. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m MM_VIM_CLOSE> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPMSG * * @msg MM_VIM_CLOSE | This message is sent to a window when a video capture input * device is closed. The device handle is no longer valid once this message * has been sent. * * @parm WORD | wParam | Specifies a handle to the video capture input device * that was closed. * * @parm LONG | lParam | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m VIM_CLOSE> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPMSG * * @msg VIM_DATA | This message is sent to a video capture input callback function when * video data is present in the input buffer and the buffer is being * returned to the application. The message can be sent either when the * buffer is full, or after the <f videoInReset> function is called. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Specifies a far pointer to a <t VIDEOINOUTHDR> structure * identifying the buffer containing the video data. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @comm The returned buffer may not be full. Use the * <e VIDEOINOUTHDR.dwBytesUsed> * field of the <t VIDEOINOUTHDR> structure specified by <p dwParam1> to * determine the number of valid bytes into the returned buffer. * * @xref <m MM_VIM_DATA> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPMSG * * @msg MM_VIM_DATA | This message is sent to a window when video data is * present in the input buffer and the buffer is being returned to the * application. The message can be sent either when the buffer is full, or * after the <f videoInReset> function is called. * * @parm WORD | wParam | Specifies a handle to the video capture input device * that received the video data. * * @parm LONG | lParam | Specifies a far pointer to a <t VIDEOINOUTHDR> structure * identifying the buffer containing the video data. * * @rdesc None * * @comm The returned buffer may not be full. Use the * <e VIDEOINOUTHDR.dwBytesUsed> * field of the <t VIDEOINOUTHDR> structure specified by <p lParam> to * determine the number of valid bytes into the returned buffer. * * @xref <m VIM_DATA> ****************************************************************************/
Callback Playback Messages ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYMSG * * @msg VOM_OPEN | This message is sent to a video output callback function when * a video output device is opened. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Currently unused. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m MM_VOM_OPEN> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYMSG * * @msg MM_VOM_OPEN | This message is sent to a window when a video output * device is opened. * * @parm WORD | wParam | Specifies a handle to the video output device * that was opened. * * @parm LONG | lParam | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m VOM_OPEN> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYMSG * * @msg VOM_CLOSE | This message is sent to a video output callback function when * a video output device is closed. The device handle is no longer * valid once this message has been sent. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Currently unused. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m MM_VOM_CLOSE> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYMSG * * @msg MM_VOM_CLOSE | This message is sent to a window when a video output * device is closed. The device handle is no longer valid once this message * has been sent. * * @parm WORD | wParam | Specifies a handle to the video output device * that was closed. * * @parm LONG | lParam | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m VOM_CLOSE> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYMSG * * @msg VOM_DONE | This message is sent to a video output callback function when * the specified output buffer is being returned to * the application. Buffers are returned to the application when * they have been played back, or as the result of a call to <f videoOutReset>. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Specifies a far pointer to a <t VIDEOINOUTHDR> structure * identifying the buffer. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Currently unused. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m MM_VOM_DONE> ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYMSG * * @msg MM_VOM_DONE | This message is sent to a window when * the specified output buffer is being returned to * the application. Buffers are returned to the application when * they have been played, or as the result of a call to <f videoOutReset>. * * @parm WORD | wParam | Specifies a handle to the video output device * that played the buffer. * * @parm LONG | lParam | Specifies a far pointer to a <t VIDEOINOUTHDR> structure * identifying the buffer. * * @rdesc None * * @xref <m VOM_DONE> ****************************************************************************/
videoIn and videoOut Structures ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPSTRUCTENUM * * @struct VIDEOFORMATEX | The <t VIDEOFORMATEX> structure defines the format used to * capture video data and settings for the capture device. * * @field DWORD | dwFormatTag | Specifies the video format type (FOURCC code). * * @field DWORD | nSamplesPerSec | Specifies the sample rate, in frames per second. * * @field DWORD | nAvgBytesPerSec | Specifies the average data-transfer rate, in bytes per second. * * @field DWORD | nMinBytesPerSec | Specifies the minimum data-transfer rate, in bytes per second. * * @field DWORD | nMaxBytesPerSec | Specifies the maximum data-transfer rate, in bytes per second. * * @field DWORD | nBlockAlign | Specifies the block alignment, in bytes. * * @field DWORD | wBitsPerSample | Specifies the bits per sample for the wFormatTag format type. * * @field DWORD | dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame | Specifies the requested frame rate, in microseconds. * * @field DWORD | dwPercentDropForError | Specifies the maximum allowable percentage of dropped frames during capture. * * @field DWORD | dwNumVideoRequested | This specifies the maximum number of video buffers to allocate. * * @field DWORD | dwSupportTSTradeOff | Specifies the usage of temporal/spatial trade off. * * @field BOOL | bLive | Specifies if the preview is to be allowed. * * @field HWND | hWndParent | Specifies handle of the parent window. * * @field DWORD | dwFormatSize | Specifies the size of the actual video format. * * @field DWORD | bih.biSize | Specifies the number of bytes required by the spatial information. * * @field LONG | bih.biWidth | Specifies the width of the bitmap, in pixels. * * @field LONG | bih.biHeight | Specifies the height of the bitmap, in pixels. * * @field WORD | bih.biPlanes | Specifies the number of planes for the target device. * * @field WORD | bih.biBitCount | Specifies the number of bits per pixel. * * @field DWORD | bih.biCompression | Specifies the type of compression. * * @field DWORD | bih.biSizeImage | Specifies the size, in bytes, of the image. * * @field LONG | bih.biXPelsPerMeter | Specifies the horizontal resolution, in pixels per meter, of the target device for the bitmap. * * @field LONG | bih.biYPelsPerMeter | Specifies the vertical resolution, in pixels per meter, of the target device for the bitmap. * * @field DWORD | bih.biClrUsed | Specifies the number of color indices in the color table that are actually used by the bitmap. * * @field DWORD | bih.biClrImportant | Specifies the number of color indices that are considered important for displaying the bitmap. * * @field DWORD | bmiColors[256] | Specifies an array of 256 RGBQUADs. * * @type PVIDEOFORMATEX | Pointer to a <t VIDEOFORMATEX> structure. * ****************************************************************************/
#define BMIH_SLOP 256+32
#define BMIH_SLOP_BYTES (256+32)*4
typedef struct videoformatex_tag { // Wave format compatibility fields
DWORD dwFormatTag; DWORD nSamplesPerSec; DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec; DWORD nMinBytesPerSec; DWORD nMaxBytesPerSec; DWORD nBlockAlign; DWORD wBitsPerSample; // Temporal fields
DWORD dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame; DWORD dwPercentDropForError; DWORD dwNumVideoRequested; DWORD dwSupportTSTradeOff; BOOL bLive; // Spatial fields
DWORD dwFormatSize; BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; DWORD bihSLOP[BMIH_SLOP]; // bmiColors = &bih + bih.biSize
// RGBQUAD bmiColors[256];
* @doc EXTERNAL CAPSTRUCTENUM * * @struct VIDEOINCAPS | The <t VIDEOINCAPS> structure describes the * capabilities of a video capture input device. * * @field TCHAR | szDeviceName[80] | Specifies the device name. * * @field TCHAR | szDeviceVersion[80] | Specifies the device version. * * @field DWORD | dwImageSize | Specifies which standard image sizes are supported. * The supported sizes are specified with a logical OR of the following * flags: * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_40_30 | 40x30 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_80_60 | 80x30 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_120_90 | 120x90 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_160_120 | 160x120 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_200_150 | 200x150 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_240_180 | 240x180 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_280_210 | 280x210 pixels * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_320_240 | 320x240 pixels * * @field DWORD | dwNumColors | Specifies what number of colors are supported. * The supported number of colors are specified with a logical OR of the following * flags: * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_16 | 16 colors * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_256 | 256 colors * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_65536 | 65536 colors * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_16777216 | 16777216 colors * * @field DWORD | dwStreamingMode | Specifies the preferred streaming mode. * The supported mode is either one of the following * flags: * @flag STREAMING_PREFER_STREAMING | Real streaming * @flag STREAMING_PREFER_FRAME_GRAB | Single frame grabbing * * @field DWORD | dwDialogs | Specifies the dialogs that we shoud enable\disable. * The supported dialogs are specified with a logical OR of the following * flags: * @flag FORMAT_DLG_ON | Enable video format dialog * @flag FORMAT_DLG_OFF | Disable video format dialog * @flag SOURCE_DLG_ON | Enable source dialog * @flag SOURCE_DLG_OFF | Disable source dialog * * @field RGBQUAD | bmi4bitColors[16] | Specifies a 16 color palette. * * @field RGBQUAD | bmi8bitColors[256] | Specifies a 256 color palette. * * @type PVIDEOINCAPS | Pointer to a <t VIDEOINCAPS> structure. * * @devnote We could allocate the memory space required by the palettes dynamically. * But since the VIDEOINCAPS structure are only created on the stack of a couple of * VCM functions, why bother. * * @xref <f videoInGetDevCaps> ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct videoincaps_tag { TCHAR szDeviceName[80]; TCHAR szDeviceVersion[80]; DWORD dwImageSize; DWORD dwNumColors; DWORD dwStreamingMode; DWORD dwDialogs; DWORD dwFlags; RGBQUAD bmi4bitColors[NUM_4BIT_ENTRIES]; RGBQUAD bmi8bitColors[NUM_8BIT_ENTRIES]; } VIDEOINCAPS, *PVIDEOINCAPS;
#define VICF_4BIT_TABLE 1 // set in dwFlags, if bmi4bitColors is valid
#define VICF_8BIT_TABLE 2 // set in dwFlags, if bmi8bitColors is valid
* @doc EXTERNAL PLAYSTRUCTENUM * * @struct VIDEOOUTCAPS | The <t VIDEOOUTCAPS> structure describes the * capabilities of a video output device. * * @field DWORD | dwFormats | Specifies which standard formats are supported. * The supported formats are specified with a logical OR of the following * flags: * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_04 | 4-bit palettized * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_08 | 8-bit palettized * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_16 | 16-bit * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_24 | 24-bit * @flag VIDEO_FORMAT_SP | Driver supplies palettes * * @type PVIDEOOUTCAPS | Pointer to a <t VIDEOOUTCAPS> structure. * * @xref <f videoOutGetDevCaps> ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct videooutcaps_tag { DWORD dwFormats; } VIDEOOUTCAPS, *PVIDEOOUTCAPS;
// dwFlags field of VIDEOINOUTHDR
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 0x00000001 | VHDR_DONE | Data is done. * * @const 0x00000002 | VHDR_PREPARED | Data is prepared. * * @const 0x00000004 | VHDR_INQUEUE | Data is in queue. * ****************************************************************************/ #define VHDR_DONE 0x00000001 /* Done bit */
#define VHDR_PREPARED 0x00000002 /* Set if this header has been prepared */
#define VHDR_INQUEUE 0x00000004 /* Reserved for driver */
#define VHDR_KEYFRAME 0x00000008 /* Key Frame */
#define VHDR_VALID 0x0000000F /* valid flags */ /* ;Internal */
// dwImageSize of VIDEOINCAPS
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 27 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_IMAGE_SIZE | Number of video input sizes used by the device. * * @const 0x00000001 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_40_30 | Video input device uses 40x30 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000002 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_64_48 | Video input device uses 64x48 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000004 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_80_60 | Video input device uses 80x60 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000008 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_96_64 | Video input device uses 96x64 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000010 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_112_80 | Video input device uses 112x80 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000020 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_120_90 | Video input device uses 120x90 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000040 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_128_96 | Video input device uses 128x96 (SQCIF) pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000080 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_144_112 | Video input device uses 144x112 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000100 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_160_120 | Video input device uses 160x120 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000200 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_160_128 | Video input device uses 160x128 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000400 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_176_144 | Video input device uses 176x144 (QCIF) pixel frames. * * @const 0x00000800 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_192_160 | Video input device uses 192x160 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00001000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_200_150 | Video input device uses 200x150 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00002000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_208_176 | Video input device uses 208x176 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00004000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_224_192 | Video input device uses 224x192 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00008000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_240_180 | Video input device uses 240x180 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00010000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_240_208 | Video input device uses 240x208 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00020000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_256_224 | Video input device uses 256x224 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00040000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_272_240 | Video input device uses 272x240 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00080000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_280_210 | Video input device uses 280x210 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00100000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_288_256 | Video input device uses 288x256 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00200000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_304_272 | Video input device uses 304x272 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00400000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_320_240 | Video input device uses 320x240 pixel frames. * * @const 0x00800000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_320_288 | Video input device uses 320x288 pixel frames. * * @const 0x01000000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_336_288 | Video input device uses 336x288 pixel frames. * * @const 0x02000000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_352_288 | Video input device uses 352x288 (CIF) pixel frames. * * @const 0x04000000 | VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_640_480 | Video input device uses 640x480 pixel frames. * ****************************************************************************/ #define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_IMAGE_SIZE 27
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_40_30 0x00000001
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_64_48 0x00000002
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_80_60 0x00000004
#if !defined(_ALPHA_) && defined(USE_BILINEAR_MSH26X)
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_80_64 0x00000008
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_96_64 0x00000008
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_112_80 0x00000010
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_120_90 0x00000020
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_128_96 0x00000040
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_144_112 0x00000080
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_160_120 0x00000100
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_160_128 0x00000200
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_176_144 0x00000400
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_192_160 0x00000800
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_200_150 0x00001000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_208_176 0x00002000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_224_192 0x00004000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_240_180 0x00008000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_240_208 0x00010000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_256_224 0x00020000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_272_240 0x00040000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_280_210 0x00080000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_288_256 0x00100000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_304_272 0x00200000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_320_240 0x00400000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_320_288 0x00800000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_336_288 0x01000000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_352_288 0x02000000
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_IMAGE_SIZE_640_480 0x04000000
// dwNumColors of VIDEOINCAPS
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 0x00000001 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_16 | Video input device uses 16 colors. * * @const 0x00000002 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_256 | Video input device uses 256 colors. * * @const 0x00000004 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_65536 | Video input device uses 65536 colors. * * @const 0x00000008 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_16777216 | Video input device uses 16777216 colors. * * @const 0x00000010 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_YVU9 | Video input device uses the YVU9 compressed format. * * @const 0x00000020 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_I420 | Video input device uses the I420 compressed format. * * @const 0x00000040 | VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_IYUV | Video input device uses the IYUV compressed format. * ****************************************************************************/ #define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_16 0x00000001
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_256 0x00000002
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_65536 0x00000004
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_16777216 0x00000008
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_YVU9 0x00000010
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_I420 0x00000020
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_NUM_COLORS_YUY2 0x00000080
// dwDialogs of VIDEOINCAPS
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 0x00000000 | FORMAT_DLG_OFF | Disable video format dialog. * * @const 0x00000000 | SOURCE_DLG_OFF | Disable source dialog. * * @const 0x00000001 | FORMAT_DLG_ON | Enable video format dialog. * * @const 0x00000002 | SOURCE_DLG_ON | Enable source dialog. * ****************************************************************************/ #define FORMAT_DLG_OFF 0x00000000
#define SOURCE_DLG_OFF 0x00000000
#define FORMAT_DLG_ON 0x00000001
#define SOURCE_DLG_ON 0x00000002
// dwFormats of VIDEOOUTCAPS
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 0x00000001 | VIDEO_FORMAT_04 | Video output device supports 4bit DIBs * * @const 0x00000002 | VIDEO_FORMAT_08 | Video output device supports 8bit DIBs * * @const 0x00000004 | VIDEO_FORMAT_16 | Video output device supports 16bit DIBs * * @const 0x00000008 | VIDEO_FORMAT_24 | Video output device supports 24bit DIBs * * @const 0x00000008 | VIDEO_FORMAT_32 | Video output device supports 32bit DIBs * ****************************************************************************/ #define VIDEO_FORMAT_04 0x00000001
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_08 0x00000002
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_16 0x00000004
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_24 0x00000008
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_32 0x00000010
Error Return Values ****************************************************************************/
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const WAVERR_BASE | VIDEOERR_BASE | Base for video errors. * * @const (VIDEOERR_BASE + 0) | VIDEOERR_BADFORMAT | Unsupported video format. * * @const (VIDEOERR_BASE + 1) | VIDEOERR_INQUEUE | Header is already or still queued. * * @const (VIDEOERR_BASE + 2) | VIDEOERR_UNPREPARED | Header is not prepared. * * @const (VIDEOERR_BASE + 3) | VIDEOERR_NONSPECIFIC | Non specific error. * * @const (VIDEOERR_BASE + 3) | VIDEOERR_LASTERROR | Last video error in range. * ****************************************************************************/ #define VIDEOERR_BASE WAVERR_BASE /* base for video errors */
#define VIDEOERR_BADFORMAT (VIDEOERR_BASE + 0) /* unsupported video format */
#define VIDEOERR_INQUEUE (VIDEOERR_BASE + 1) /* header is already queued */
#define VIDEOERR_UNPREPARED (VIDEOERR_BASE + 2) /* header not prepared */
#define VIDEOERR_NONSPECIFIC (VIDEOERR_BASE + 3) /* non specific */
#define VIDEOERR_LASTERROR (VIDEOERR_BASE + 3) /* last error in range */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* End of extern "C" { */ #endif /* __cplusplus */
#pragma pack() /* Revert to default packing */
#endif /* _INC_VIDEOINOUT */