#include "precomp.h"
DEBUG_FILEZONE(ZONE_T120_T123PSTN); /* hash.cpp
* * Copyright (c) 1996 by Microsoft Corporation * * Written by: Christos Tsollis * * Revisions: * * Abstract: * * This is the implementation of a dictionary data structure. * */
#define MyMalloc(size) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, (size))
#define MyFree(ptr) LocalFree ((HLOCAL) (ptr))
#define Max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* Function: Constructor
* * Parameters: * num_of_buckets: Number of buckets in the dictionary * dtype: Dictionary type * * Return value: * None */
DictionaryClass::DictionaryClass (ULONG num_of_buckets, DictionaryType dtype) : Type (dtype), NumOfExternItems (0) { DWORD i; PDICTIONARY_ITEM p; // Goes through the initially allocated dictionary items to initialize the stack
NumOfBuckets = Max (num_of_buckets, DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS);
/* Allocate the space needed for the dictionary */ dwNormalSize = NumOfBuckets * (4 * sizeof (PDICTIONARY_ITEM) + 3 * sizeof (DICTIONARY_ITEM)); Buckets = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM *) MyMalloc (dwNormalSize); if (Buckets == NULL) return;
/* Initialize the Buckets */ for (i = 0; i < NumOfBuckets; i++) Buckets[i] = NULL;
// Initialize the class iterator
pCurrent = NULL;
/* Initialize the Dictionary items array.
* This is a stack of pointers to the real dictionary items. The stack is initialized with * the addresses of the dictionary items */
ItemArray = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM *) ((PBYTE) Buckets + NumOfBuckets * sizeof (PDICTIONARY_ITEM)); ItemCount = 3 * NumOfBuckets;
p = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM) (ItemArray + ItemCount); for (i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) ItemArray[i] = p++; }
/* Function: Copy Constructor
* * Parameters: * original: The original dictionary to make a copy of * * Return value: * None * * Note: * This copy constructor will work ONLY for DWORD_DICTIONARY dictionaries. * It will NOT work for the string dictionary types. */
DictionaryClass::DictionaryClass (const DictionaryClass& original) { DWORD i; PDICTIONARY_ITEM p, q, r;
NumOfBuckets = original.NumOfBuckets; Type = original.Type; NumOfExternItems = original.NumOfExternItems;
// Allocate the space needed for the dictionary
dwNormalSize = original.dwNormalSize; Buckets = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM *) MyMalloc (dwNormalSize); if (Buckets == NULL) return;
// Initialize the class iterator
pCurrent = NULL;
/* Initialize the Dictionary items array */ ItemArray = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM *) ((PBYTE) Buckets + NumOfBuckets * sizeof (PDICTIONARY_ITEM)); ItemCount = 3 * NumOfBuckets;
// Traverse the whole original hash sturcture to create the copy
// p: goes through the original items
// q: goes through current instance's items and initializes them
// r: remembers the previous item in the new instance so that its "next" field could be set
q = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM) (ItemArray + ItemCount); for (q--, i = 0; i < NumOfBuckets; i++) { for (r = NULL, p = original.Buckets[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next) { // Check if there are unused items in the current dictionary
if (ItemCount <= 0) { q = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM) MyMalloc (sizeof (DICTIONARY_ITEM)); if (q == NULL) break; } else { ItemCount--; q++; }
q->value = p->value; q->key = p->key; if (p == original.Buckets[i]) Buckets[i] = q; else r->next = q; r = q; }
// Set the "next" field for the last item in the bucket
if (r == NULL) Buckets[i] = NULL; else r->next = NULL; }
// Initialize the rest of the ItemArray array
for (i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) ItemArray[i] = q++;
/* Function: Destructor
* * Parameters: * None. * * Return value: * None * */
DictionaryClass::~DictionaryClass () { DWORD i; DWORD_PTR dwOffset; // Offset of the dictionary item. If the offset does not indicate
// that the item is from the initially allocated array, it has to
// be freed.
if (Buckets != NULL) {
// Go through the buckets to free the non-native items
for (i = 0; i < NumOfBuckets; i++) for (p = Buckets[i]; p != NULL; ) { if (Type >= STRING_DICTIONARY) MyFree (p->key); dwOffset = (PBYTE) p - (PBYTE) Buckets; if (dwOffset < dwNormalSize) p = p->next; else { // if the item was not allocated in the initialization, we should free it.
q = p; p = p->next; MyFree (q); } } MyFree (Buckets); Buckets = NULL; } }
/* Function: hashFunction
* * Parameters: * key: The key value * * Return value: * An integer in the range [0..NumOfBuckets-1] that indicates the bucket used for the "key". * */
DWORD DictionaryClass::hashFunction (DWORD_PTR key) { if (Type >= STRING_DICTIONARY) return (*((unsigned char *) key) % NumOfBuckets); return (DWORD)(key % NumOfBuckets); }
/* Function: LengthStrcmp
* * Parameters: * DictionaryKey: Pointer to dictionary storage that keeps a length-sensitive string (which * is a length followed by a string of that length. * ChallengeKey: Pointer to the length-sensitive key that is compared with the "DictionaryKey" * length: The length of the "ChallengeKey" string * * Return value: * 0 if the "DictionaryKey" and "ChallengeKey" strings are the same. 1, otherwise. * * Note: * This function is only used for dictionaries of type LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY. */
int DictionaryClass::LengthStrcmp (DWORD_PTR DictionaryKey, DWORD_PTR ChallengeKey, ULONG length) { ULONG i; char *pDictionaryChar; // Goes through the dictionary key string
char *pChallengeChar; // Goes through the challenge string
// Compare the lengths first
if (length != * (ULONG *) DictionaryKey) return 1;
// Now, compare the strings themselves
pDictionaryChar = (char *) (DictionaryKey + sizeof (ULONG)); pChallengeChar = (char *) ChallengeKey; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) if (*pDictionaryChar++ != *pChallengeChar++) return 1;
return 0; }
/* Function: insert
* Inserts (key, value) pair in the dictionary * * Parameters: * new_key: The new key that has to be inserted in the dictionary * new_value: The value associated with the "new_key" * length: Used only for LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY dictionaries; specifies the length of the new key * * Return value: * TRUE, if the operation succeeds, FALSE, otherwise. * * Note: * If the "new_key" is already in the dictionary, the (new_key, new_value) pair is NOT * inserted (the dictionary remains the same), and the return value is TRUE. */
BOOL DictionaryClass::insert (DWORD_PTR new_key, DWORD_PTR new_value, ULONG length) { PDICTIONARY_ITEM pNewItem; // Points to the allocated new dictionary item
PDICTIONARY_ITEM p; // Goes through the bucket for the "new_key", searching for "new_key"
DWORD hash_val; // The bucket ID for "new_key"
BOOL bIsNative = TRUE; // TRUE, if the new allocated dictionary item is from the cache, FALSE otherwise
if (Buckets == NULL) return FALSE;
// Find if the item is already in the bucket, and if it's not, where it will get added.
p = Buckets[hash_val = hashFunction (new_key)];
ASSERT (hash_val < NumOfBuckets);
if (p != NULL) { switch (Type) { case STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length == 0); for (; lstrcmp ((LPCTSTR) p->key, (LPCTSTR) new_key) && p->next != NULL; p = p->next); if (0 == lstrcmp ((LPCTSTR) p->key, (LPCTSTR) new_key)) { // the key already exists; no need to add it
return TRUE; } break; case LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length > 0); for (; LengthStrcmp (p->key, new_key, length) && p->next != NULL; p = p->next); if (0 == LengthStrcmp (p->key, new_key, length)) { // the key already exists; no need to add it
return TRUE; } break; default: ASSERT (length == 0); for (; p->key != new_key && p->next != NULL; p = p->next); if (p->key == new_key) { // the key already exists; no need to add it
return TRUE; } break; } }
// Allocate the new item
if (ItemCount > 0) pNewItem = ItemArray[--ItemCount]; // from the cache
else { // the cache is empty, we have to malloc the new item
pNewItem = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM) MyMalloc (sizeof (DICTIONARY_ITEM)); if (pNewItem == NULL) return FALSE; bIsNative = FALSE; NumOfExternItems++; }
ASSERT (pNewItem != NULL);
// Fill in the "key" field of the new item
switch (Type) { case STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length == 0); pNewItem->key = (DWORD_PTR) MyMalloc ((lstrlen ((LPCTSTR) new_key) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pNewItem->key == (DWORD) NULL) { if (bIsNative == FALSE) { // We have to free the allocated hash item
MyFree (pNewItem); NumOfExternItems--; } else ItemCount++; return FALSE; } lstrcpy ((LPTSTR) pNewItem->key, (LPCTSTR) new_key); break;
case LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length > 0); pNewItem->key = (DWORD_PTR) MyMalloc (sizeof (ULONG) + length * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (pNewItem->key == (DWORD) NULL) { if (bIsNative == FALSE) { // We have to free the allocated hash item
MyFree (pNewItem); NumOfExternItems--; } else ItemCount++; return FALSE; } * ((ULONG *) (pNewItem->key)) = length; memcpy ((void *) (pNewItem->key + sizeof (ULONG)), (void *) new_key, length * sizeof (TCHAR)); break;
default: ASSERT (length == 0); pNewItem->key = new_key; break; }
// Fill in the rest of the fields of the new item
pNewItem->value = new_value; pNewItem->next = NULL;
// Insert the item in its bucket
if (p == NULL) { Buckets[hash_val] = pNewItem; return TRUE; } p->next = pNewItem;
return TRUE; }
/* Function: remove
* Removes (key, value) pair from the dictionary * * Parameters: * Key: The key that has to be removed from the dictionary * length: Used only for LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY dictionaries; specifies the length of the "Key" * * Return value: * None. * */
void DictionaryClass::remove (DWORD_PTR Key, ULONG length) { PDICTIONARY_ITEM p, q; // They go through the dictionary items in "Key"'s bucket.
// p: points to the current dictionary item in the bucket
// q: points to the previous item
DWORD hash_val; // The bucket ID for "Key"
if (Buckets == NULL) return;
// Find the item in the dictionary
p = Buckets [hash_val = hashFunction (Key)];
ASSERT (hash_val < NumOfBuckets);
switch (Type) { case STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length == 0); for (q = NULL; p != NULL && lstrcmp ((LPCTSTR) p->key, (LPCTSTR) Key); q = p, p = p->next) ; break;
case LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length > 0); for (q = NULL; p != NULL && LengthStrcmp (p->key, Key, length); q = p, p = p->next) ; break;
default: ASSERT (length == 0); for (q = NULL; p != NULL && p->key != Key; q = p, p = p->next); break; }
// Remove the item
if (p == NULL) return;
if (q == NULL) Buckets[hash_val] = p->next; else q->next = p->next;
// Free the item found
if (Type >= STRING_DICTIONARY) MyFree (p->key); hash_val = (DWORD)((PBYTE) p - (PBYTE) Buckets); if (hash_val < dwNormalSize) ItemArray[ItemCount++] = p; else { MyFree (p); NumOfExternItems--; } }
/* Function: find
* Looks up the key in the dictionary * * Parameters * Key: The key to lookup * pValue: Pointer to receive the value associated with "Key" * It can be NULL, if we just try to find whether "Key" is in the dictionary * length: Used only for LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY dictionaries; specifies the length of "Key" * * Return value: * FALSE, if "Key" is not found in the dictionary * TRUE, otherwise. */
BOOL DictionaryClass::find (DWORD_PTR Key, PDWORD_PTR pValue, ULONG length) { PDICTIONARY_ITEM p; // Goes through the dictionary items in "Key"'s bucket.
if (Buckets == NULL) { if (pValue != NULL) *pValue = 0; return FALSE; }
// Find the item in the dictionary
p = Buckets [hashFunction (Key)];
switch (Type) { case STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length == 0); for (; p != NULL && lstrcmp ((LPCTSTR) p->key, (LPCTSTR) Key); p = p->next) ; break;
case LENGTH_STRING_DICTIONARY: ASSERT (length > 0); for (; p != NULL && LengthStrcmp (p->key, Key, length); p = p->next) ; break;
default: ASSERT (length == 0); for (; p != NULL && p->key != Key; p = p->next); break; }
if (p == NULL) { // we did not find the "Key"
if (pValue != NULL) *pValue = 0; return FALSE; }
// "Key" was found
if (pValue != NULL) *pValue = p->value; return TRUE;
/* Function: iterate
* Iterates through the items of a dictionary. It remembers where it has * stopped during the last call and starts from there. * * Parameters * pValue: Pointer to DWORD that will hold the next value from the dictionary. * It can be NULL. * pKey: Pointer to DWORD or unsigned short value to receive the key associated with the value. * It can be NULL. * * Return value: * FALSE, when we reach the end of the dictionary * TRUE, otherwise. Then, *pKey and *pValue are valid * */
BOOL DictionaryClass::iterate (PDWORD_PTR pValue, PDWORD_PTR pKey) {
if (Buckets == NULL) return FALSE;
if (pCurrent == NULL) // start from the 1st item in the dictionary
pCurrent = Buckets[ulCurrentBucket = 0]; else pCurrent = pCurrent->next;
// Advance "pCurrent" until it's not NULL, or we reach the end of the dictionary.
for (; ulCurrentBucket < NumOfBuckets; pCurrent = Buckets[++ulCurrentBucket]) { if (pCurrent != NULL) { // we found the next item
if (pKey) *pKey = pCurrent->key; if (pValue) *pValue = pCurrent->value; return TRUE; } }
pCurrent = NULL; return FALSE; }
/* Function: isEmpty
* * Parameters * None. * * Return value: * TRUE, if the dictionary is empty. FALSE, otherwise. * */
BOOL DictionaryClass::isEmpty (void) { DWORD i;
if (Buckets == NULL) return TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < NumOfBuckets; i++) if (Buckets[i] != NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
/* Function: clear
* Clears up the dictionary. No (key, value) pairs are left in the dictionary. * * Parameters: * None. * * Return value: * None. * */
void DictionaryClass::clear (void) {
DWORD i; // Goes through the "Buckets" array
DWORD_PTR dwOffset; // The offset of a dictionary item is used to determine
// whether it's a native item (that needs to be returned to the cache),
// or not (and needs to be freed).
PDICTIONARY_ITEM p, q; // Go through the items in a bucket
if (Buckets != NULL) { // Go through the buckets to free the non-native items
for (i = 0; i < NumOfBuckets; i++) { for (p = Buckets[i]; p != NULL; ) { if (Type >= STRING_DICTIONARY) MyFree (p->key);
// Compute the offset of the current dictionary item
dwOffset = (PBYTE) p - (PBYTE) Buckets; if (dwOffset < dwNormalSize) p = p->next; else { // if the item was not allocated in the initialization, we should free it.
q = p; p = p->next; MyFree (q); } } Buckets[i] = NULL; }
// Initialize the class iterator
pCurrent = NULL;
/* Initialize the Dictionary items array */ ItemCount = 3 * NumOfBuckets; p = (PDICTIONARY_ITEM) (ItemArray + ItemCount); for (i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) ItemArray[i] = p++;
NumOfExternItems = 0; } }