// File: vidwiz.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include "dcap.h"
#include "vidinout.h"
#include "vidwiz.h"
#include "confcpl.h"
static HINSTANCE g_hDcapLib;
// implementations in DCAP32.DLL
static FFCD DLL_FindFirstCaptureDevice = NULL; static FFCDBI DLL_FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex = NULL; static GNCD DLL_GetNumCaptureDevices = NULL;
// Defined in wizard.cpp
extern UINT_PTR GetPageBeforeVideoWiz(); extern UINT_PTR GetPageAfterVideo();
// index number of the user's selection on the combo box
static int g_nCurrentSelection = 0;
// set to true only if the user hit's back or next
static BOOL g_bCurrentValid = FALSE;
// was the user prompted to select a video device
static BOOL g_bPrompted = FALSE;
static char *BuildCaptureDeviceInfoString(FINDCAPTUREDEVICE *pCaptureDeviceInfo, char *szOut);
BOOL InitVidWiz() {
// initialize locals
g_hDcapLib = NULL; DLL_FindFirstCaptureDevice = NULL; DLL_FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex = NULL; DLL_GetNumCaptureDevices = NULL; g_nCurrentSelection = 0; g_bCurrentValid = FALSE; g_bPrompted = FALSE;
g_hDcapLib = NmLoadLibrary("dcap32.dll",FALSE); if (g_hDcapLib == NULL) return FALSE; DLL_FindFirstCaptureDevice = (FFCD)GetProcAddress(g_hDcapLib, "FindFirstCaptureDevice"); DLL_FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex = (FFCDBI)GetProcAddress(g_hDcapLib, "FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex"); DLL_GetNumCaptureDevices = (GNCD)GetProcAddress(g_hDcapLib, "GetNumCaptureDevices");
return TRUE; }
// returns TRUE if the capture device id in the registry corresponds with
// the driver description string.
static BOOL IsVideoRegistryValid() { RegEntry re(VIDEO_KEY); char szDriverDesc[200]; char *szDriverDescReg; int numVideoDevices, nID; FINDCAPTUREDEVICE CaptureDeviceInfo; BOOL fRet;
// just in case InitVidWiz wasn't called
if (NULL == g_hDcapLib) return FALSE;
numVideoDevices = DLL_GetNumCaptureDevices();
// no video devices and no registry entry is valid
if ((numVideoDevices == 0) && (nID == -1)) { return TRUE; }
if ((numVideoDevices == 0) && (nID != -1)) { return FALSE; }
// TRUE == (numVideoDevice >= 1)
// installed video devices but no registry entry is invalid
if (nID == -1) { return FALSE; }
CaptureDeviceInfo.dwSize = sizeof(FINDCAPTUREDEVICE); fRet = DLL_FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex(&CaptureDeviceInfo, nID);
if (fRet == FALSE) { return FALSE; }
BuildCaptureDeviceInfoString(&CaptureDeviceInfo, szDriverDesc);
if (0 == lstrcmp(szDriverDescReg, szDriverDesc)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL UnInitVidWiz() { if (g_hDcapLib) FreeLibrary(g_hDcapLib);
g_hDcapLib = NULL;
return TRUE; }
static char *BuildCaptureDeviceInfoString(FINDCAPTUREDEVICE *pCaptureDeviceInfo, char *szOut) { if (pCaptureDeviceInfo->szDeviceDescription[0] != '\0') { lstrcpy(szOut, pCaptureDeviceInfo->szDeviceDescription); } else { lstrcpy(szOut, pCaptureDeviceInfo->szDeviceName); }
if (pCaptureDeviceInfo->szDeviceVersion[0] != '\0') { lstrcat(szOut, _T(", ")); lstrcat(szOut, pCaptureDeviceInfo->szDeviceVersion); } return szOut; }
void UpdateVidConfigRegistry() { FINDCAPTUREDEVICE CaptureDeviceInfo, *CaptureDevTable; RegEntry re(VIDEO_KEY); BOOL bRet; char strNameDesc[MAX_CAPDEV_NAME+MAX_CAPDEV_VERSION]; int numVideoDevices, index, enum_index;
// just in case InitVidWiz wasn't called
if (NULL == g_hDcapLib) return;
numVideoDevices = DLL_GetNumCaptureDevices();
// no devices - delete the registry entries
if (numVideoDevices == 0) { re.DeleteValue(REGVAL_CAPTUREDEVICEID); re.DeleteValue(REGVAL_CAPTUREDEVICENAME); return; }
// build a table of all the devices
CaptureDevTable = (FINDCAPTUREDEVICE *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, numVideoDevices*sizeof(FINDCAPTUREDEVICE));
if (NULL == CaptureDevTable) { ERROR_OUT(("UpdateVidConfigRegistry: Out of memory")); return; }
index = 0; for (enum_index=0; enum_index < MAXVIDEODRIVERS; enum_index++) { CaptureDevTable[index].dwSize = sizeof(FINDCAPTUREDEVICE); bRet = DLL_FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex(&CaptureDevTable[index], enum_index); if (bRet == TRUE) index++; if (index == numVideoDevices) break; }
if (index != numVideoDevices) { ERROR_OUT(("UpdateVidConfigReg: Device Enumeration Failure")); LocalFree(CaptureDevTable); return; }
// if only one capture device:
// don't bother to see if the previous entry was valid
// just update the registry with the current default
if (numVideoDevices == 1) { BuildCaptureDeviceInfoString(&CaptureDevTable[0], strNameDesc); re.SetValue(REGVAL_CAPTUREDEVICEID, CaptureDevTable[0].nDeviceIndex); re.SetValue(REGVAL_CAPTUREDEVICENAME, strNameDesc); LocalFree(CaptureDevTable); return; }
// TRUE == (numVideoDevices >= 2)
// user wasn't prompted - he must of had a valid registry to start with
if (g_bPrompted == FALSE) { LocalFree(CaptureDevTable); return; }
// the user pressed CANCEL during setup
if (g_bCurrentValid == FALSE) { if (IsVideoRegistryValid() == TRUE) { LocalFree(CaptureDevTable); return; } else g_nCurrentSelection = 0; }
CaptureDeviceInfo = CaptureDevTable[g_nCurrentSelection];
BuildCaptureDeviceInfoString(&CaptureDeviceInfo, strNameDesc); re.SetValue(REGVAL_CAPTUREDEVICEID, CaptureDeviceInfo.nDeviceIndex); re.SetValue(REGVAL_CAPTUREDEVICENAME, strNameDesc);
return; }
// if <= 1 video capture device, return false
// if 2 or more video devices and the Wizard is in force mode, return true
// if 2 or more video devices and a MATCHING registry entry, return false
// otherwise something is fishy - return true
BOOL NeedVideoPropPage(BOOL fForce) { // just in case InitVidWiz wasn't called
if (NULL == g_hDcapLib) return FALSE;
// check the system policies for sending video
if (_Module.IsSDKCallerRTC() || SysPol::NoVideoSend()) { WARNING_OUT(("Video is disabled by system policies key\r\n")); return FALSE; }
// count how many devices we have
int numCaptureDevices = DLL_GetNumCaptureDevices(); if (numCaptureDevices <= 1) { return FALSE; }
// TRUE == (numCaptureDevice >= 2)
if (fForce) { g_bPrompted = TRUE; return TRUE; }
if (IsVideoRegistryValid() == TRUE) { return FALSE; }
g_bPrompted = TRUE; return TRUE; }
// Message handler for property page
INT_PTR APIENTRY VidWizDlg(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwndCB; // handle to the dialog box
int index; char szDriverNameDesc[MAX_CAPDEV_NAME+MAX_CAPDEV_VERSION]; static LONG_PTR button_mask; FINDCAPTUREDEVICE CaptureDeviceInfo; hwndCB = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_VWCOMBO);
switch(message) { case(WM_INITDIALOG) : button_mask = ((PROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam)->lParam; if (g_hDcapLib == NULL) break; for (index = 0; index < MAXVIDEODRIVERS; index++) { CaptureDeviceInfo.dwSize = sizeof(FINDCAPTUREDEVICE); if (DLL_FindFirstCaptureDeviceByIndex(&CaptureDeviceInfo, index)) { BuildCaptureDeviceInfoString(&CaptureDeviceInfo, szDriverNameDesc); ComboBox_AddString(hwndCB, szDriverNameDesc); } } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCB, g_nCurrentSelection); break;
case(WM_NOTIFY) : switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) { case PSN_WIZBACK: { UINT_PTR iPrev = GetPageBeforeVideoWiz(); ASSERT( iPrev ); ::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iPrev); g_bCurrentValid = TRUE; return TRUE; }
case PSN_WIZNEXT: { UINT_PTR iNext = GetPageAfterVideo(); ASSERT( iNext ); ::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, iNext); g_bCurrentValid = TRUE; return TRUE; }
case PSN_WIZFINISH: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); g_bCurrentValid = TRUE; break;
case PSN_SETACTIVE: if (g_fSilentWizard) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg), (button_mask & PSWIZB_NEXT) ? PSBTN_NEXT : PSBTN_FINISH); } else { PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), button_mask); } break;
case PSN_RESET: // psn_reset get's received even if user presses
// cancel on another dialog.
g_bCurrentValid = FALSE; break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
// combox box messages get sent here.
// only one we need is when the user selects something
case(WM_COMMAND) : if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { g_nCurrentSelection = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndCB); break; } else { return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE;