// BitmapObj.CPP
// Bitmap objects:
// Copyright Microsoft 1998-
#include "precomp.h"
#include "NMWbObj.h"
BitmapObj::BitmapObj (BitmapCreatePDU * pbitmapCreatePDU) { ResetAttrib(); SetType(bitmapCreatePDU_chosen); SetPenThickness(0); SetMyWorkspace(NULL); m_lpTransparencyMask = NULL; m_lpbiImage = NULL; m_lpBitMask = NULL; m_hSaveBitmap = NULL; m_hOldBitmap = NULL; m_hIcon = NULL; m_fMoreToFollow = TRUE;
// Created remotely, not selected, not editing or deleting.
ClearCreationFlags(); ClearSelectionFlags(); ClearEditionFlags(); ClearDeletionFlags();
if(pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapFormatHeader.choice != bitmapHeaderNonStandard_chosen) { ERROR_OUT(("Only Handle uncompresed bitmaps")); return; }
UINT workspaceHandle; UINT planeID; m_ToolType = GetBitmapDestinationAddress(&pbitmapCreatePDU->destinationAddress, &workspaceHandle, &planeID); SetWorkspaceHandle(workspaceHandle); SetPlaneID(planeID);
// Get bitmap attributes
if(pbitmapCreatePDU->bit_mask & BitmapCreatePDU_attributes_present) { GetBitmapAttrib(pbitmapCreatePDU->attributes); }
// Get bitmap anchor point
if(pbitmapCreatePDU->bit_mask & BitmapCreatePDU_anchorPoint_present) {
SetAnchorPoint(pbitmapCreatePDU->anchorPoint.xCoordinate, pbitmapCreatePDU->anchorPoint.yCoordinate); }
// Get bitmap size
m_bitmapSize.x = pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapSize.width; m_bitmapSize.y = pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapSize.height;
RECT rect; rect.top = pbitmapCreatePDU->anchorPoint.yCoordinate; rect.left = pbitmapCreatePDU->anchorPoint.xCoordinate; rect.bottom = pbitmapCreatePDU->anchorPoint.yCoordinate + m_bitmapSize.y; rect.right = pbitmapCreatePDU->anchorPoint.xCoordinate + m_bitmapSize.x; SetRect(&rect);
// Get bitmap region of interest
if(pbitmapCreatePDU->bit_mask & bitmapRegionOfInterest_present) { m_bitmapRegionOfInterest.left = pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapRegionOfInterest.upperLeft.xCoordinate; m_bitmapRegionOfInterest.top = pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapRegionOfInterest.upperLeft.yCoordinate; m_bitmapRegionOfInterest.right = pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapRegionOfInterest.lowerRight.xCoordinate; m_bitmapRegionOfInterest.bottom = pbitmapCreatePDU->bitmapRegionOfInterest.lowerRight.yCoordinate; }
// Get the bitmap pixel aspect ration
m_pixelAspectRatio = pbitmapCreatePDU->pixelAspectRatio.choice;
if(pbitmapCreatePDU->bit_mask & BitmapCreatePDU_scaling_present) { m_scaling.x = pbitmapCreatePDU->scaling.xCoordinate; m_scaling.y = pbitmapCreatePDU->scaling.yCoordinate; }
// Non standard bitmap
if((pbitmapCreatePDU->bit_mask & BitmapCreatePDU_nonStandardParameters_present) && pbitmapCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.nonStandardIdentifier.choice == h221nonStandard_chosen) {
m_bitmapData.m_length = pbitmapCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.length; m_lpbiImage = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)::GlobalAlloc(GPTR, m_bitmapData.m_length); memcpy(m_lpbiImage, // pColor is now pointing to the begining of the bitmap bits
pbitmapCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.value, m_bitmapData.m_length); }
m_fMoreToFollow = pbitmapCreatePDU->moreToFollow;
// Create a memory DC compatible with the display
m_hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
// If this is a remote pointer
if(m_ToolType == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) { CreateColoredIcon(0, m_lpbiImage, m_lpTransparencyMask); CreateSaveBitmap(); }
void BitmapObj::Continue (BitmapCreateContinuePDU * pbitmapCreateContinuePDU) { //
// Get the continuation bitmap data
BYTE * pNewBitmapBuffer = NULL; ULONG length = 0; BYTE* pSentBuff;
// Allocate a buffer for the previous data and the one we just got, copy the old data in the new buffer
if(pbitmapCreateContinuePDU->bit_mask == BitmapCreateContinuePDU_nonStandardParameters_present) { length = pbitmapCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.length; pSentBuff = pbitmapCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.value; } else { return; }
// Copy the old data
pNewBitmapBuffer = (BYTE *)::GlobalAlloc(GPTR, m_bitmapData.m_length + length); if(pNewBitmapBuffer == NULL) { TRACE_DEBUG(("Could not allocate memory size = %d)", m_bitmapData.m_length + length)); return; } memcpy(pNewBitmapBuffer, m_lpbiImage, m_bitmapData.m_length);
TRACE_DEBUG(("BitmapObj::Continue length = %d moreToFollow = %d)", length, pbitmapCreateContinuePDU->moreToFollow));
// Copy the new data
memcpy(pNewBitmapBuffer + m_bitmapData.m_length, pSentBuff, length);
// delete the old buffer
// Update bitmap data info
m_lpbiImage = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)pNewBitmapBuffer; m_bitmapData.m_length += length; m_lpbiImage->biSizeImage += length;
m_fMoreToFollow = pbitmapCreateContinuePDU->moreToFollow; }
BitmapObj::BitmapObj (UINT toolType) {
SetType(bitmapCreatePDU_chosen); ResetAttrib(); SetOwnerID(g_MyMemberID); SetMyWorkspace(NULL); m_ToolType = toolType; m_lpTransparencyMask = NULL; m_lpbiImage = NULL; m_lpBitMask = NULL; m_hSaveBitmap = NULL; m_hOldBitmap = NULL; m_fMoreToFollow = FALSE;
// Created locally, not selected, not editing or deleting.
CreatedLocally(); ClearSelectionFlags(); ClearEditionFlags(); ClearDeletionFlags();
// Set it to 0 so it boundsRect == rect
RECT rect; ::SetRectEmpty(&rect); SetRect(&rect);
SetWorkspaceHandle(g_pCurrentWorkspace == NULL ? 0 : g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetWorkspaceHandle()); SetPlaneID(1);
SetViewState(unselected_chosen); SetZOrder(front); SetAnchorPoint(0,0);
if(m_ToolType == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) { // We haven't yet created our mem DC
m_hSaveBitmap = NULL; m_hOldBitmap = NULL;
// Set the bounding rectangle of the object
rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); rect.bottom = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); SetRect(&rect); }
// Show that we do not have an icon for drawing yet
m_hIcon = NULL;
// Create a memory DC compatible with the display
m_hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
BitmapObj::~BitmapObj( void ) { RemoveObjectFromResendList(this); RemoveObjectFromRequestHandleList(this); if(GetMyWorkspace() != NULL && WasDeletedLocally()) { OnObjectDelete(); } ::GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)m_lpbiImage);
DeleteSavedBitmap(); if (m_hMemDC != NULL) { ::DeleteDC(m_hMemDC); m_hMemDC = NULL; }
if(g_pMain && g_pMain->m_pLocalRemotePointer == this) { GetAnchorPoint(&g_pMain->m_localRemotePointerPosition); g_pMain->m_pLocalRemotePointer = NULL; g_pMain->m_TB.PopUp(IDM_REMOTE); }
if(m_lpTransparencyMask) { delete m_lpTransparencyMask; m_lpTransparencyMask = NULL; }
if(m_hIcon) { ::DestroyIcon(m_hIcon); }
void BitmapObj::BitmapEditObj (BitmapEditPDU * pbitmapEditPDU ) { RECT rect; POSITION pos; POINT anchorPoint; LONG deltaX = 0; LONG deltaY = 0;
TRACE_MSG(("bitmapHandle = %d", pbitmapEditPDU->bitmapHandle ));
// Was edited remotely
// Read attributes
if(pbitmapEditPDU->bit_mask & BitmapEditPDU_attributeEdits_present) { GetBitmapAttrib((PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes)pbitmapEditPDU->attributeEdits); }
// Change the anchor point
GetAnchorPoint(&anchorPoint); if(pbitmapEditPDU->bit_mask & BitmapEditPDU_anchorPointEdit_present) {
TRACE_DEBUG(("Old anchor point (%d,%d)", anchorPoint.x, anchorPoint.y)); TRACE_DEBUG(("New anchor point (%d,%d)", pbitmapEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.xCoordinate, pbitmapEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.yCoordinate)); //
// Get the delta from previous anchor point
deltaX = pbitmapEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.xCoordinate - anchorPoint.x; deltaY = pbitmapEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.yCoordinate - anchorPoint.y; TRACE_DEBUG(("Delta (%d,%d)", deltaX , deltaY));
// Was edited remotely
// Set new anchor point
anchorPoint.x = pbitmapEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.xCoordinate; anchorPoint.y = pbitmapEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.yCoordinate; SetAnchorPoint(anchorPoint.x, anchorPoint.y);
GetRect(&rect); ::OffsetRect(&rect, deltaX, deltaY); SetRect(&rect); }
// if(pbitmapEditPDU->bit_mask & BitmapEditPDU_nonStandardParameters_present)
// {
// ; // Do the non Standard Edit PDU NYI
// }
if(HasAnchorPointChanged()) { g_pDraw->EraseInitialDrawFinal(0 - deltaX,0 - deltaY, FALSE, (T126Obj*)this); GetBoundsRect(&rect); g_pDraw->InvalidateSurfaceRect(&rect,TRUE); } else if(HasZOrderChanged()) { if(GetZOrder() == front) { g_pDraw->BringToTopSelection(FALSE, this); } else { g_pDraw->SendToBackSelection(FALSE, this); }
} //
// If it just select/unselected it
else if(HasViewStateChanged()) { } else { Draw(); }
// Reset all the attributes
void BitmapObj::GetBitmapAttrib(PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes pAttribPDU) {
PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes attributes; attributes = (PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes)pAttribPDU; while(attributes) { switch(attributes->value.choice) {
case(BitmapAttribute_viewState_chosen): {
if((attributes->value.u.viewState).choice != nonStandardViewState_chosen) { SetViewState(attributes->value.u.viewState.choice); //
// If the other node is selecting the drawing or unselecting
if(attributes->value.u.viewState.choice == selected_chosen) { SelectedRemotely(); } else if(attributes->value.u.viewState.choice == unselected_chosen) { ClearSelectionFlags(); }
TRACE_MSG(("Attribute viewState %d", attributes->value.u.viewState.choice)); } else { // Do the non Standard view state
; } break; }
case(BitmapAttribute_zOrder_chosen): { SetZOrder(attributes->value.u.zOrder); TRACE_MSG(("Attribute zOrder %d", attributes->value.u.zOrder)); break; }
case(BitmapAttribute_transparencyMask_chosen): { TRACE_MSG(("Attribute transparencyMask")); if(attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.choice == uncompressed_chosen) { m_SizeOfTransparencyMask = attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.u.uncompressed.length; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_lpTransparencyMask = new BYTE[m_SizeOfTransparencyMask];
memcpy(m_lpTransparencyMask, attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.u.uncompressed.value, m_SizeOfTransparencyMask);
// Asn wants it top bottom left right
// BYTE swapByte;
// for (UINT i=0; i <m_SizeOfTransparencyMask ; i++)
// {
// swapByte = attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.u.uncompressed.value[i];
// m_lpTransparencyMask [i] = ~(((swapByte >> 4) & 0x0f) | ((swapByte << 4)));
// }
} break; } case(DrawingAttribute_nonStandardAttribute_chosen): { break; // NYI
default: WARNING_OUT(("Invalid attributes choice")); break; }
attributes = attributes->next; } }
void BitmapObj::CreateNonStandard24BitBitmap(BitmapCreatePDU * pBitmapCreatePDU) { pBitmapCreatePDU->bit_mask |= BitmapCreatePDU_nonStandardParameters_present;
// Create the bitmpa header because it is not optional
pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapFormatHeader.choice = bitmapHeaderNonStandard_chosen; pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapFormatHeader.u.bitmapHeaderNonStandard.nonStandardIdentifier.choice = bitmapHeaderNonStandard_chosen; CreateNonStandardPDU(&pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapFormatHeader.u.bitmapHeaderNonStandard, NonStandard24BitBitmapID); pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapFormatHeader.u.bitmapHeaderNonStandard.data.length = 0; pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapFormatHeader.u.bitmapHeaderNonStandard.data.value = NULL;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pBitmapCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters = new BitmapCreatePDU_nonStandardParameters; pBitmapCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->next = NULL; CreateNonStandardPDU(&pBitmapCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->value, NonStandard24BitBitmapID); }
void BitmapObj::CreateBitmapCreatePDU(CWBOBLIST * pCreatePDUList) {
if(m_lpbiImage == NULL) { TRACE_MSG(("We dont have a bitmap structure to sent")); return; }
SIPDU *sipdu = NULL; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE sipdu = (SIPDU *) new BYTE[sizeof(SIPDU)]; if(!sipdu) { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to create sipdu")); ::PostMessage(g_pMain->m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); return; }
// This is the first bitmap create pdu
sipdu->choice = bitmapCreatePDU_chosen; BitmapCreatePDU *pCreatePDU = &sipdu->u.bitmapCreatePDU;
pCreatePDU->bit_mask = 0; pCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters = NULL;
// Pass the bitmap Handle
pCreatePDU->bitmapHandle = GetThisObjectHandle();
// Pass the destination adress
if( m_ToolType == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) { pCreatePDU->destinationAddress.choice = softCopyPointerPlane_chosen; pCreatePDU->destinationAddress.u.softCopyPointerPlane.workspaceHandle = GetMyWorkspace()->GetWorkspaceHandle(); } else { pCreatePDU->destinationAddress.choice = BitmapDestinationAddress_softCopyImagePlane_chosen; pCreatePDU->destinationAddress.u.softCopyImagePlane.workspaceHandle = GetMyWorkspace()->GetWorkspaceHandle(); pCreatePDU->destinationAddress.u.softCopyImagePlane.plane = (DataPlaneID)GetPlaneID(); }
// Pass the bitmap attributes
pCreatePDU->bit_mask |=BitmapCreatePDU_attributes_present; SetBitmapAttrib(&pCreatePDU->attributes);
// Pass the anchor point
pCreatePDU->bit_mask |=BitmapCreatePDU_anchorPoint_present; POINT point; GetAnchorPoint(&point); pCreatePDU->anchorPoint.xCoordinate = point.x; pCreatePDU->anchorPoint.yCoordinate = point.y;
// Pass the bitmap size
pCreatePDU->bitmapSize.width = m_bitmapSize.x; pCreatePDU->bitmapSize.height = m_bitmapSize.y;
// Pass bitmap region of interest
pCreatePDU->bit_mask |=bitmapRegionOfInterest_present; BitmapRegion bitmapRegionOfInterest;
// Pass pixel aspect ratio
pCreatePDU->pixelAspectRatio.choice = PixelAspectRatio_square_chosen;
// Pass scaling factor
// pCreatePDU->bit_mask |=BitmapCreatePDU_scaling_present;
// pCreatePDU->scaling.xCoordinate = 0;
// pCreatePDU->scaling.yCoordinate = 0;
// Pass check points
// pCreatePDU->bit_mask |=checkpoints_present;
// pCreatePDU->checkpoints;
// JOSEF If we want > 8 have to recalculate to 24
LPSTR pDIB_bits; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi8 = m_lpbiImage; HDC hdc = NULL; HBITMAP hbmp = NULL; DWORD sizeOfBmpData = 0;
if(!g_pNMWBOBJ->CanDo24BitBitmaps()) { hdc = GetDC(NULL); BITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmih; if(lpbi8->biBitCount > MAX_BITS_PERPIXEL) { lpbmih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); lpbmih.biWidth = lpbi8->biWidth; lpbmih.biHeight = lpbi8->biHeight; lpbmih.biPlanes = 1; lpbmih.biBitCount = MAX_BITS_PERPIXEL; lpbmih.biCompression = lpbi8->biCompression; lpbmih.biSizeImage = lpbi8->biSizeImage; lpbmih.biXPelsPerMeter = lpbi8->biXPelsPerMeter; lpbmih.biYPelsPerMeter = lpbi8->biYPelsPerMeter; lpbmih.biClrUsed = lpbi8->biClrUsed; lpbmih.biClrImportant = lpbi8->biClrImportant; hbmp = CreateDIBitmap(hdc, &lpbmih, CBM_INIT, DIB_Bits(lpbi8),(LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi8, DIB_RGB_COLORS); lpbi8 = DIB_FromBitmap(hbmp, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); } }
if(lpbi8 == NULL) { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to convert bitmap")); ::PostMessage(g_pMain->m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); delete [] sipdu; return; }
pDIB_bits = (LPSTR)lpbi8; sizeOfBmpData = DIB_TotalLength(lpbi8);
// Sending data
BOOL bMoreToFollow = FALSE; DWORD length = sizeOfBmpData; pCreatePDU->bitmapData.bit_mask = 0; if(sizeOfBmpData > MAX_BITMAP_DATA) { length = MAX_BITMAP_DATA; bMoreToFollow = TRUE; } pCreatePDU->moreToFollow = (ASN1bool_t)bMoreToFollow; //
// Pass the bitmap info
pCreatePDU->bit_mask |= BitmapCreatePDU_nonStandardParameters_present; CreateNonStandard24BitBitmap(&sipdu->u.bitmapCreatePDU); pCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.length = length; pCreatePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.value = (ASN1octet_t *)pDIB_bits;
// We are not passing it into the data field
pCreatePDU->bitmapData.bit_mask = 0; pCreatePDU->bitmapData.data.length = 1;
pCreatePDUList->AddTail(sipdu); BitmapCreateContinuePDU * pCreateContinuePDU; while(bMoreToFollow) { //
// Advance the pointer
pDIB_bits += MAX_BITMAP_DATA; sizeOfBmpData-= MAX_BITMAP_DATA; if(sizeOfBmpData > MAX_BITMAP_DATA) { length = MAX_BITMAP_DATA; } else { length = sizeOfBmpData; bMoreToFollow = FALSE; }
// Create a new BitmapCreateContinuePDU
sipdu = NULL; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE sipdu = (SIPDU *) new BYTE[sizeof(SIPDU)]; if(!sipdu) { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to create sipdu")); ::PostMessage(g_pMain->m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); return; }
sipdu->choice = bitmapCreateContinuePDU_chosen; pCreateContinuePDU = &sipdu->u.bitmapCreateContinuePDU; pCreateContinuePDU->bit_mask = 0; pCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters = NULL;
// Pass the bitmap Handle
pCreateContinuePDU->bitmapHandle = GetThisObjectHandle(); //
// Pass the data
pCreateContinuePDU->bit_mask |= BitmapCreateContinuePDU_nonStandardParameters_present; //
// Pass the bitmap info
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters = new BitmapCreateContinuePDU_nonStandardParameters; pCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters->next = NULL; CreateNonStandardPDU(&pCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters->value, NonStandard24BitBitmapID); pCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.length = length; pCreateContinuePDU->nonStandardParameters->value.data.value = (ASN1octet_t *)pDIB_bits;
// We are not passing it into the data field
pCreateContinuePDU->bitmapData.bit_mask = 0; pCreateContinuePDU->bitmapData.data.length = 1; pCreateContinuePDU->moreToFollow = (ASN1bool_t) bMoreToFollow; pCreatePDUList->AddTail(sipdu); } if(hbmp) { DeleteObject(hbmp); } if(hdc) { ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); } } void BitmapObj::CreateBitmapEditPDU(BitmapEditPDU *pEditPDU) { pEditPDU->bit_mask = (ASN1uint16_t) GetPresentAttribs();
// Pass the anchor point
if(HasAnchorPointChanged()) { POINT point; GetAnchorPoint(&point); pEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.xCoordinate = point.x; pEditPDU->anchorPointEdit.yCoordinate = point.y; }
// JOSEF Pass Region of interest (FEATURE)
// JOSEF Pass scaling (FEATURE)
// Pass all the changed attributes, if any.
pEditPDU->attributeEdits = NULL; if(pEditPDU->bit_mask & BitmapEditPDU_attributeEdits_present) { SetBitmapAttrib((PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes *)&pEditPDU->attributeEdits); } pEditPDU->bitmapHandle = GetThisObjectHandle();
} void BitmapObj::CreateBitmapDeletePDU(BitmapDeletePDU *pDeletePDU) { pDeletePDU->bit_mask = 0; pDeletePDU->bitmapHandle = GetThisObjectHandle(); }
void BitmapObj::AllocateAttrib(PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes *pAttributes) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes pAttrib = (PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes)new BYTE[sizeof(BitmapCreatePDU_attributes)]; if(*pAttributes == NULL) { *pAttributes = pAttrib; pAttrib->next = NULL; } else { ((PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes)pAttrib)->next = *pAttributes; *pAttributes = pAttrib; } }
void BitmapObj::SetBitmapAttrib(PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes *pattributes) { PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes attributes = NULL;
// Do the viewState
if(HasViewStateChanged()) { AllocateAttrib(&attributes); attributes->value.choice = BitmapAttribute_viewState_chosen; attributes->value.u.viewState.choice = (ASN1choice_t)GetViewState(); }
// Do the zOrder
if(HasZOrderChanged()) { AllocateAttrib(&attributes); attributes->value.choice = BitmapAttribute_zOrder_chosen; attributes->value.u.zOrder = GetZOrder(); }
// Do the Transparency
if(HasTransparencyMaskChanged()) { AllocateAttrib(&attributes); attributes->value.choice = BitmapAttribute_transparencyMask_chosen; attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bit_mask = 0; attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.choice = uncompressed_chosen; attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.u.uncompressed.length = m_SizeOfTransparencyMask; attributes->value.u.transparencyMask.bitMask.u.uncompressed.value = m_lpTransparencyMask; } //
// End of attributes
*pattributes = attributes;
void BitmapObj::Draw(HDC hDC, BOOL bForcedDraw, BOOL bPrinting) {
if(!bPrinting) { //
// Don't draw anything if we don't belong in this workspace
if(GetWorkspaceHandle() != g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetThisObjectHandle()) { return; } }
RECT clipBox; RECT rect; GetRect(&rect);
if(hDC == NULL) { hDC = g_pDraw->m_hDCCached; } MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "BitmapObj::Draw");
// Only draw anything if the bounding rectangle intersects
// the current clip box.
if (::GetClipBox(hDC, &clipBox) == ERROR) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to get clip box")); } else if (!::IntersectRect(&clipBox, &clipBox, &rect)) { TRACE_MSG(("No clip/bounds intersection")); return; }
if(m_ToolType == TOOLTYPE_FILLEDBOX) { if(m_fMoreToFollow) { return; }
// Set the stretch mode to be used so that scan lines are deleted
// rather than combined. This will tend to preserve color better.
int iOldStretchMode = ::SetStretchBltMode(hDC, STRETCH_DELETESCANS);
// Draw the bitmap
::StretchDIBits(hDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, 0, 0, (UINT) m_lpbiImage->biWidth, (UINT) m_lpbiImage->biHeight, (VOID FAR *) DIB_Bits(m_lpbiImage), (LPBITMAPINFO)m_lpbiImage, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
// Restore the stretch mode
::SetStretchBltMode(hDC, iOldStretchMode); } else { // Create the save bitmap if necessary
// Draw the icon
::DrawIcon(hDC, rect.left, rect.top, m_hIcon); }
// Function: BitmapObj::::FromScreenArea
// Purpose: Set the content of the object from an area of the screen
void BitmapObj::FromScreenArea(LPCRECT lprcScreen) { m_lpbiImage = DIB_FromScreenArea(lprcScreen); if (m_lpbiImage == NULL) { ::Message(NULL, (UINT)IDS_MSG_CAPTION, (UINT)IDS_CANTGETBMP, (UINT)MB_OK ); } else {
m_bitmapSize.x = m_lpbiImage->biWidth; m_bitmapSize.y = m_lpbiImage->biHeight;
RECT rect; GetBoundsRect(&rect); // Calculate the bounding rectangle from the size of the bitmap
rect.right = rect.left + m_lpbiImage->biWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_lpbiImage->biHeight; SetRect(&rect); } }
UINT GetBitmapDestinationAddress(BitmapDestinationAddress *destinationAddress, PUINT workspaceHandle, PUINT planeID) { UINT toolType = TOOLTYPE_FILLEDBOX;
// Get the destination address
switch(destinationAddress->choice) {
case(BitmapDestinationAddress_softCopyImagePlane_chosen): { *workspaceHandle = (destinationAddress->u.softCopyImagePlane.workspaceHandle); *planeID = (destinationAddress->u.softCopyImagePlane.plane); break; } case(BitmapDestinationAddress_softCopyAnnotationPlane_chosen): { *workspaceHandle = (destinationAddress->u.softCopyAnnotationPlane.workspaceHandle); *planeID = (destinationAddress->u.softCopyAnnotationPlane.plane); break; } case(softCopyPointerPlane_chosen): { *workspaceHandle = (destinationAddress->u.softCopyPointerPlane.workspaceHandle); *planeID = (0); toolType = TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER; break; } // case(BitmapDestinationAddress_nonStandardDestination_chosen):
// {
// break;
// }
default: ERROR_OUT(("Invalid destinationAddress")); break; } return toolType; }
// UI Edited the Bitmap Object
void BitmapObj::OnObjectEdit(void) { g_bContentsChanged = TRUE; SIPDU *sipdu = NULL; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE sipdu = (SIPDU *) new BYTE[sizeof(SIPDU)]; if(sipdu) { sipdu->choice = bitmapEditPDU_chosen; CreateBitmapEditPDU(&sipdu->u.bitmapEditPDU); T120Error rc = SendT126PDU(sipdu); if(rc == T120_NO_ERROR) { SIPDUCleanUp(sipdu); } } else { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to create sipdu")); ::PostMessage(g_pMain->m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); }
// UI Deleted the Bitmap Object
void BitmapObj::OnObjectDelete(void) { SIPDU *sipdu = NULL; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE sipdu = (SIPDU *) new BYTE[sizeof(SIPDU)]; if(sipdu) { sipdu->choice = bitmapDeletePDU_chosen; CreateBitmapDeletePDU(&sipdu->u.bitmapDeletePDU); T120Error rc = SendT126PDU(sipdu); if(rc == T120_NO_ERROR) { SIPDUCleanUp(sipdu); } } else { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to create sipdu")); ::PostMessage(g_pMain->m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); }
void BitmapObj::GetEncodedCreatePDU(ASN1_BUF *pBuf) { pBuf->length = DIB_TotalLength(m_lpbiImage); pBuf->value = (PBYTE)m_lpbiImage; }
// UI Created a new Bitmap Object
void BitmapObj::SendNewObjectToT126Apps(void) { SIPDU *sipdu = NULL; CWBOBLIST BitmapContinueCreatePDUList; BitmapContinueCreatePDUList.EmptyList(); CreateBitmapCreatePDU(&BitmapContinueCreatePDUList); T120Error rc = T120_NO_ERROR; WBPOSITION pos = BitmapContinueCreatePDUList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { sipdu = (SIPDU *) BitmapContinueCreatePDUList.GetNext(pos); TRACE_DEBUG(("Sending Bitmap >> Bitmap handle = %d", sipdu->u.bitmapCreatePDU.bitmapHandle )); if(g_bSavingFile && GraphicTool() == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) { ; // Don't send Remote pointers to disk
} else { if(!m_fMoreToFollow) { rc = SendT126PDU(sipdu); } }
if(rc == T120_NO_ERROR) { SIPDUCleanUp(sipdu); } } BitmapContinueCreatePDUList.EmptyList();
// Function: CreateColoredIcon
// Purpose: Create an icon of the correct color for this pointer.
HICON BitmapObj::CreateColoredIcon(COLORREF color, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbInfo, LPBYTE pMaskBits) { HICON hColoredIcon = NULL; HBRUSH hBrush = NULL; HBRUSH hOldBrush; HBITMAP hImage = NULL; HBITMAP hOldBitmap; HBITMAP hMask = NULL; COLOREDICON *pColoredIcon; ICONINFO ii; UINT i; LPSTR pBits; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; BYTE swapByte;
color = SET_PALETTERGB(color); MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "RemotePointerObject::CreateColoredIcon");
// Create the mask for the icon with the data sent through T126
if(pMaskBits && lpbInfo) { hMask = CreateBitmap(lpbInfo->biWidth, lpbInfo->biHeight, 1, 1, m_lpTransparencyMask); } //
// Create the local mask
else { // Load the mask bitmap
hMask = ::LoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(REMOTEPOINTERANDMASK)); if (!hMask) { TRACE_MSG(("Could not load mask bitmap")); goto CreateIconCleanup; } }
// Create a bitmap with the data that sent through T126
if(lpbInfo) { VOID *ppvBits; hImage = CreateDIBSection(m_hMemDC, (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &ppvBits, NULL, 0);
if(!ppvBits) { TRACE_MSG(("CreateColoredIcon failed calling CreateDIBSection error = %d", GetLastError())); goto CreateIconCleanup; }
pBits = DIB_Bits(lpbInfo);
::GetDIBits(m_hMemDC, hImage, 0, (WORD) lpbInfo->biHeight, NULL,(LPBITMAPINFO)lpbInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS); memcpy(ppvBits, pBits, lpbInfo->biSizeImage); if(!hMask) { hMask = CreateBitmap(lpbInfo->biWidth, lpbInfo->biHeight, 1, 1, NULL); } } //
// Create a local bitmap
else { // Load the image bitmap
hImage = ::LoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(REMOTEPOINTERXORDATA)); if (!hImage) { TRACE_MSG(("Could not load pointer bitmap")); goto CreateIconCleanup; }
hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(color); if (!hBrush) { TRACE_MSG(("Couldn't create color brush")); goto CreateIconCleanup; }
// Select in the icon color
hOldBrush = SelectBrush(m_hMemDC, hBrush);
// Select the image bitmap into the memory DC
hOldBitmap = SelectBitmap(m_hMemDC, hImage);
if(!hOldBitmap) { ERROR_OUT(("DeleteSavedBitmap - Could not select old bitmap")); }
// Fill the image bitmap with color
::FloodFill(m_hMemDC, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON) / 2, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON) / 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
SelectBitmap(m_hMemDC, hOldBitmap);
SelectBrush(m_hMemDC, hOldBrush); }
// Now use the image and mask bitmaps to create an icon
ii.fIcon = TRUE; ii.xHotspot = 0; ii.yHotspot = 0; ii.hbmMask = hMask; ii.hbmColor = hImage;
// Create a new icon from the data and mask
hColoredIcon = ::CreateIconIndirect(&ii);
// Create the internal format if we were created locally
if(m_lpbiImage == NULL) { m_lpbiImage = DIB_FromBitmap(hImage, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); }
if(m_lpTransparencyMask == NULL) { ChangedTransparencyMask(); lpbi = DIB_FromBitmap(hMask,NULL,FALSE, TRUE); pBits = DIB_Bits(lpbi); m_SizeOfTransparencyMask = lpbi->biSizeImage; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_lpTransparencyMask = new BYTE[m_SizeOfTransparencyMask]; memcpy(m_lpTransparencyMask, pBits, m_SizeOfTransparencyMask ); ::GlobalFree(lpbi); } if (m_lpbiImage == NULL) { ::Message(NULL, (UINT)IDS_MSG_CAPTION, (UINT)IDS_CANTGETBMP, (UINT)MB_OK ); } else {
m_bitmapSize.x = m_lpbiImage->biWidth; m_bitmapSize.y = m_lpbiImage->biHeight;
RECT rect; GetBoundsRect(&rect); // Calculate the bounding rectangle from the size of the bitmap
rect.right = rect.left + m_lpbiImage->biWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_lpbiImage->biHeight; SetRect(&rect); SetAnchorPoint(rect.left, rect.top);
// Free the image bitmap
if (hImage != NULL) { ::DeleteBitmap(hImage); }
// Free the mask bitmap
if (hMask != NULL) { ::DeleteBitmap(hMask); }
if (hBrush != NULL) { ::DeleteBrush(hBrush); }
m_hIcon = hColoredIcon; return(hColoredIcon); }
// Function: BitmapObj::CreateSaveBitmap()
// Purpose: Create a bitmap for saving the bits under the pointer.
void BitmapObj::CreateSaveBitmap() { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "BitmapObj::CreateSaveBitmap");
// If we already have a save bitmap, exit immediately
if (m_hSaveBitmap != NULL) { TRACE_MSG(("Already have save bitmap")); return; }
// Create a bitmap to save the bits under the icon. This bitmap is
// created with space for building the new screen image before
// blitting it to the screen.
RECT rect; RECT rcVis;
POINT point; POINT delta; HDC hDC = NULL; g_pDraw->GetVisibleRect(&rcVis); GetRect(&rect);
delta.x = rect.right - rect.left; delta.y = rect.bottom - rect.top;
point.x = rect.left - rcVis.left; point.y = rect.top - rcVis.top;
ClientToScreen (g_pDraw->m_hwnd, &point);
rect.left = point.x; rect.top = point.y; rect.right = rect.left + delta.x; rect.bottom = rect.top + delta.y;
// Create the bitmap
m_hSaveBitmap = FromScreenAreaBmp(&rect);
// Function: BitmapObj::Undraw()
// Purpose: Draw the marker object
void BitmapObj::UnDraw(void) { if(GraphicTool() == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) {
// Create the save bitmap if necessary
// Select the saved area
if(m_hSaveBitmap) { m_hOldBitmap = SelectBitmap(m_hMemDC, m_hSaveBitmap); if(!m_hOldBitmap) { ERROR_OUT(("DeleteSavedBitmap - Could not select old bitmap")); } }
// Copy the saved bits onto the screen
UndrawScreen(); } else { RECT rect; GetBoundsRect(&rect); g_pDraw->InvalidateSurfaceRect(&rect,TRUE); } }
// Function: BitmapObj::UndrawScreen()
// Purpose: Copy the saved bits under the pointer to the screen.
BOOL BitmapObj::UndrawScreen() { BOOL bResult = FALSE; RECT rcUpdate;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "DCWbGraphicPointer::UndrawScreen");
// We are undrawing - copy the saved bits to the DC passed
bResult = ::BitBlt(g_pDraw->m_hDCCached, rcUpdate.left, rcUpdate.top, rcUpdate.right - rcUpdate.left, rcUpdate.bottom - rcUpdate.top, m_hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
if (!bResult) { WARNING_OUT(("UndrawScreen - Could not copy from bitmap")); } else { DeleteSavedBitmap(); }
return(bResult); }
void BitmapObj::DeleteSavedBitmap(void) {
// Restore the original bitmap to the memory DC
if (m_hOldBitmap != NULL) { if(!SelectBitmap(m_hMemDC, m_hOldBitmap)) { ERROR_OUT(("DeleteSavedBitmap - Could not select old bitmap")); }
// if(!DeleteBitmap(m_hOldBitmap))
// {
// ERROR_OUT(("DeleteSavedBitmap - Could not delete old bitmap"));
// }
m_hOldBitmap = NULL; }
if (m_hSaveBitmap != NULL) { if(!DeleteBitmap(m_hSaveBitmap)) { ERROR_OUT(("DeleteSavedBitmap - Could not delete bitmap")); } m_hSaveBitmap = NULL; } }