#include "precomp.h"
#include "gcchelp.h"
#include "coder.hpp"
#include "drawobj.hpp"
#include "NMWbObj.h"
extern Coder * g_pCoder;
UINT AllocateFakeGCCHandle(void) { return g_localGCCHandle++; }
void SetFakeGCCHandle(UINT fakeGCCHandle) { g_localGCCHandle = fakeGCCHandle; }
// Add drawings/bitmaps etc... to workspace
BOOL AddT126ObjectToWorkspace(T126Obj *pObj) { WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace = GetWorkspace(pObj->GetWorkspaceHandle()); if(pWorkspace) { pWorkspace->AddTail(pObj); g_numberOfObjects++; return TRUE; } else { WARNING_OUT(("Object sent to invalid workspace %d, will be deleted now!!!", GetWorkspace(pObj->GetWorkspaceHandle()))); delete pObj; return FALSE; } }
// Cleanup for all pdus we send
void SIPDUCleanUp(SIPDU *sipdu) { switch(sipdu->choice) { //
// Simple cleanup
case bitmapDeletePDU_chosen: case drawingDeletePDU_chosen: case workspaceDeletePDU_chosen: case workspaceRefreshStatusPDU_chosen: break;
// Bitmap Create cleanup
case bitmapCreatePDU_chosen: { if(sipdu->u.bitmapCreatePDU.nonStandardParameters) { delete sipdu->u.bitmapCreatePDU.nonStandardParameters; }
PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes pAttrib; PBitmapCreatePDU_attributes pNextAttrib; pAttrib = sipdu->u.bitmapCreatePDU.attributes; while(pAttrib) { pNextAttrib = pAttrib->next; delete pAttrib; pAttrib = pNextAttrib; } } break;
case bitmapEditPDU_chosen: { BitmapEditPDU_attributeEdits * pAttrib; BitmapEditPDU_attributeEdits * pNextAttrib; pAttrib = sipdu->u.bitmapEditPDU.attributeEdits; while(pAttrib) { pNextAttrib = pAttrib->next; delete pAttrib; pAttrib = pNextAttrib; } } break;
// Bitmap Continue cleanup
case bitmapCreateContinuePDU_chosen: { if(sipdu->u.bitmapCreateContinuePDU.nonStandardParameters) { delete sipdu->u.bitmapCreateContinuePDU.nonStandardParameters; } } break;
// Drawing Edit Cleanup
case drawingEditPDU_chosen: { if(sipdu->u.drawingEditPDU.bit_mask & DrawingEditPDU_attributeEdits_present) { PDrawingEditPDU_attributeEdits pAttrib; PDrawingEditPDU_attributeEdits pNextAttrib; pAttrib = sipdu->u.drawingEditPDU.attributeEdits; while(pAttrib) { pNextAttrib = pAttrib->next; delete pAttrib; pAttrib = pNextAttrib; } }
if(sipdu->u.drawingEditPDU.pointListEdits.value[0].subsequentPointEdits.u.pointsDiff16) { PPointList_pointsDiff16 drawingPoint = sipdu->u.drawingEditPDU.pointListEdits.value[0].subsequentPointEdits.u.pointsDiff16; PPointList_pointsDiff16 drawingPointNext = drawingPoint; while(drawingPointNext) { drawingPointNext = drawingPoint->next; delete drawingPoint; drawingPoint = drawingPointNext; } } } break;
// Drawing Edit cleanup
case drawingCreatePDU_chosen: { PDrawingCreatePDU_attributes pNextAttrib; PDrawingCreatePDU_attributes pAttrib;
pAttrib = sipdu->u.drawingCreatePDU.attributes; while(pAttrib) { pNextAttrib = pAttrib->next; delete pAttrib; pAttrib = pNextAttrib; }
PPointList_pointsDiff16 pNextPoint; PPointList_pointsDiff16 pPoint; pPoint = sipdu->u.drawingCreatePDU.pointList.u.pointsDiff16;
while(pPoint) { pNextPoint = pPoint->next; delete pPoint; pPoint = pNextPoint; } } break;
// Non Standard cleanup
case siNonStandardPDU_chosen: if(sipdu->u.siNonStandardPDU.nonStandardTransaction.data.value) { delete sipdu->u.siNonStandardPDU.nonStandardTransaction.data.value; } break;
// Workspace Edit cleanup
case workspaceEditPDU_chosen: { if(sipdu->u.workspaceEditPDU.bit_mask & viewEdits_present) { PWorkspaceEditPDU_viewEdits_Set_action_editView pEditView = sipdu->u.workspaceEditPDU.viewEdits->value.action.u.editView; PWorkspaceEditPDU_viewEdits_Set_action_editView pNextEditView = pEditView; while(pNextEditView) { pNextEditView = pEditView->next; delete pEditView; pEditView = pNextEditView; } delete sipdu->u.workspaceEditPDU.viewEdits; } } break;
// Workspace Create cleanup
case workspaceCreatePDU_chosen: {
if(sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.viewParameters) { if(sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.viewParameters->value.viewAttributes) { delete sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.viewParameters->value.viewAttributes; } delete sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.viewParameters; }
if(sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.planeParameters) { PWorkspaceCreatePDU_planeParameters_Seq_usage pNextUsage; PWorkspaceCreatePDU_planeParameters_Seq_usage pUsage = sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.planeParameters->value.usage; while(pUsage) { pNextUsage = pUsage->next; delete pUsage; pUsage = pNextUsage; }
delete sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.planeParameters->value.planeAttributes; PWorkspaceCreatePDU_planeParameters pNextPlaneParameters; PWorkspaceCreatePDU_planeParameters pPlaneParameters = sipdu->u.workspaceCreatePDU.planeParameters; while(pPlaneParameters) { pNextPlaneParameters = pPlaneParameters->next; delete pPlaneParameters; pPlaneParameters = pNextPlaneParameters; } } } break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("UNKNOWN PDU TYPE = %d we may leak memory", sipdu->choice)); break;
} delete sipdu; }
// Cleans the retry list, when we close down or disconnect
void DeleteAllRetryPDUS(void) { SIPDU * sipdu; while((sipdu = (SIPDU *)g_pRetrySendList->RemoveTail()) != NULL) { SIPDUCleanUp(sipdu); } }
// Retry sending buffered pdus and send the new pdu
T120Error SendT126PDU(SIPDU * pPDU) {
// First send buffered pdus
// Now send the current pdu
T120Error rc = SendPDU(pPDU, FALSE);
return rc; }
// Retry sending pdus that couldn't be sent before
void RetrySend(void) {
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "RetrySend");
if(g_fWaitingForBufferAvailable) { return; }
SIPDU * sipdu; while((sipdu = (SIPDU *)g_pRetrySendList->RemoveTail()) != NULL) { TRACE_DEBUG(("RetrySend sipdu->choice = %d", sipdu->choice)); T120Error rc = SendPDU(sipdu, TRUE); if(rc == T120_NO_ERROR) { TRACE_DEBUG(("RetrySend OK!!!")); SIPDUCleanUp(sipdu); } else { TRACE_DEBUG(("RetrySend Failed")); break; } } }
// Send T126 pdus down to the conference
T120Error SendPDU(SIPDU * pPDU, BOOL bRetry) {
T120Error rc = T120_NO_ERROR; //
// If we are in a conference
if(g_pNMWBOBJ->IsInConference() || g_bSavingFile) { ASN1_BUF encodedPDU;
g_pCoder->Encode(pPDU, &encodedPDU); if(g_bSavingFile) { g_pMain->ObjectSave(TYPE_T126_ASN_OBJECT, encodedPDU.value, encodedPDU.length); } else { if(!g_fWaitingForBufferAvailable) {
T120Priority ePriority = APPLET_LOW_PRIORITY; if(pPDU->choice == workspaceCreatePDU_chosen || pPDU->choice == workspaceEditPDU_chosen || pPDU->choice == workspaceDeletePDU_chosen) {
// Do what the standard says send the pdus in 3 different priorities
TRACE_MSG(("SendPDU sending PDU length = %d in APPLET_HIGH_PRIORITY", encodedPDU.length));
rc = g_pNMWBOBJ->SendData(APPLET_HIGH_PRIORITY, encodedPDU.length, encodedPDU.value);
TRACE_MSG(("SendPDU sending PDU length = %d in APPLET_MEDIUM_PRIORITY", encodedPDU.length)); if(rc == T120_NO_ERROR) { rc = g_pNMWBOBJ->SendData(APPLET_MEDIUM_PRIORITY, encodedPDU.length, encodedPDU.value); } }
TRACE_MSG(("SendPDU sending PDU length = %d in APPLET_LOW_PRIORITY", encodedPDU.length)); if(rc == T120_NO_ERROR) { rc = g_pNMWBOBJ->SendData(ePriority, encodedPDU.length, encodedPDU.value); }
if(rc == MCS_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_FULL) { g_fWaitingForBufferAvailable = TRUE;
// We need to add it back to the correct position
if(bRetry) { g_pRetrySendList->AddTail(pPDU); } else { g_pRetrySendList->AddHead(pPDU); } } } else { rc = MCS_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_FULL; g_pRetrySendList->AddHead(pPDU); } }
// Free the encoder memory
g_pCoder->Free(encodedPDU); }
return rc; }
BOOL T126_MCSSendDataIndication(ULONG uSize, LPBYTE pb, ULONG memberID, BOOL bResend) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; SIPDU * pDecodedPDU; ASN1_BUF InputBuffer;
InputBuffer.length = uSize; InputBuffer.value = pb; //
// Decode incoming PDU
if(ASN1_SUCCEEDED(g_pCoder->Decode(&InputBuffer, &pDecodedPDU))) { switch(pDecodedPDU->choice) { // case (archiveAcknowledgePDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a archiveAcknowledgePDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (archiveClosePDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a archiveClosePDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (archiveErrorPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a archiveErrorPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (archiveOpenPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a archiveOpenPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
case (bitmapAbortPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a bitmapAbortPDU")); OnBitmapAbortPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.bitmapAbortPDU, memberID); break; }
case (bitmapCheckpointPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a bitmapCheckpointPDU")); OnBitmapCheckpointPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.bitmapCheckpointPDU, memberID); break; }
case (bitmapCreatePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a bitmapCreatePDU")); OnBitmapCreatePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.bitmapCreatePDU, memberID, bResend); break; }
case (bitmapCreateContinuePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a bitmapCreateContinuePDU")); OnBitmapCreateContinuePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.bitmapCreateContinuePDU, memberID, bResend); break; }
case (bitmapDeletePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a bitmapDeletePDU")); OnBitmapDeletePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.bitmapDeletePDU, memberID); break; }
case (bitmapEditPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a bitmapEditPDU")); OnBitmapEditPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.bitmapEditPDU, memberID); break; }
case (conductorPrivilegeGrantPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a conductorPrivilegeGrantPDU")); TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken")); break; }
case (conductorPrivilegeRequestPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a conductorPrivilegeRequestPDU")); TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken")); break; }
case (drawingCreatePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a drawingCreatePDU")); OnDrawingCreatePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.drawingCreatePDU, memberID, bResend); break; }
case (drawingDeletePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a drawingDeletePDU")); OnDrawingDeletePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.drawingDeletePDU, memberID); break; }
case (drawingEditPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a drawingEditPDU")); OnDrawingEditPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.drawingEditPDU, memberID, bResend); break; }
// case (remoteEventPermissionGrantPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a remoteEventPermissionGrantPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (remoteEventPermissionRequestPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a remoteEventPermissionRequestPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (remoteKeyboardEventPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a remoteKeyboardEventPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (remotePointingDeviceEventPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a remotePointingDeviceEventPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (remotePrintPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a remotePrintPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
case (siNonStandardPDU_chosen): {
if(pDecodedPDU->u.siNonStandardPDU.nonStandardTransaction.nonStandardIdentifier.choice == h221nonStandard_chosen) {
PT126_VENDORINFO pVendorInfo = (PT126_VENDORINFO)pDecodedPDU->u.siNonStandardPDU.nonStandardTransaction.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221nonStandard.value;
if (!lstrcmp((LPSTR)&pVendorInfo->nonstandardString, NonStandardTextID)) { TEXTPDU_HEADER *pHeader = (TEXTPDU_HEADER*) pDecodedPDU->u.siNonStandardPDU.nonStandardTransaction.data.value; switch(pHeader->nonStandardPDU) { case textCreatePDU_chosen: TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a textCreatePDU_chosen")); OnTextCreatePDU((MSTextPDU*)pHeader, memberID, bResend); break;
case textEditPDU_chosen: TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a textEditPDU_chosen")); OnTextEditPDU((MSTextPDU*)pHeader, memberID); break;
case textDeletePDU_chosen: TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a textDeletePDU_chosen")); OnTextDeletePDU(pHeader, memberID); break;
default: TRACE_DEBUG(("Invalid text pdu")); break; } }
break; }
case (workspaceCreatePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspaceCreatePDU")); OnWorkspaceCreatePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspaceCreatePDU, memberID, bResend); break; }
case (workspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU")); OnWorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU, memberID); break; }
case (workspaceDeletePDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspaceDeletePDU")); OnWorkspaceDeletePDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspaceDeletePDU, memberID); break; }
case (workspaceEditPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspaceEditPDU")); OnWorkspaceEditPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspaceEditPDU, memberID); break; }
case (workspacePlaneCopyPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspacePlaneCopyPDU")); OnWorkspacePlaneCopyPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspacePlaneCopyPDU, memberID); break; }
case (workspaceReadyPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspaceReadyPDU")); OnWorkspaceReadyPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspaceReadyPDU, memberID); break; }
case (workspaceRefreshStatusPDU_chosen): { TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a workspaceRefreshStatusPDU")); OnWorkspaceRefreshStatusPDU(&pDecodedPDU->u.workspaceRefreshStatusPDU, memberID); break; }
// case (fontPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a fontPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (textCreatePDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a textCreatePDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (textDeletePDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a textDeletePDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (textEditPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a textEditPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (videoWindowCreatePDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a videoWindowCreatePDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (videoWindowDeleatePDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a videoWindowDeleatePDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
// case (videoWindowEditPDU_chosen):
// {
// TRACE_DEBUG((">>> Received a videoWindowEditPDU"));
// TRACE_DEBUG(("No action taken"));
// break;
// }
default: bRet = FALSE; TRACE_DEBUG(("Receive an Unhandled PDU choice = %d", pDecodedPDU->choice)); break; } }
// Free the decoded pdu
// JOSEF: for performance in the future we could pass
// the decoded buffer to the ui, avoiding more memory allocation.
// But it will be hard to read the code, since the T126 structures
// are a bit confusing.
return bRet; }
// Delete All Workspaces sent and received
void DeleteAllWorkspaces(BOOL sendPDU) { T126Obj * pObj;
if(g_pDraw && g_pDraw->m_pTextEditor) { g_pDraw->m_pTextEditor->AbortEditGently(); }
g_pCurrentWorkspace = NULL; g_pConferenceWorkspace = NULL;
while ((pObj = (T126Obj *)g_pListOfWorkspaces->RemoveTail()) != NULL) { if(sendPDU) { pObj->DeletedLocally(); } else { pObj->ClearDeletionFlags(); } delete pObj; } if(g_pMain) { g_pMain->EnableToolbar(FALSE); g_pMain->UpdatePageButtons(); }
void OnTextCreatePDU(MSTextPDU* pCreatePDU, ULONG memberID, BOOL bForcedResend) { WorkspaceObj* pWObj; WbTextEditor * pText;
// Check for resend
if(!bForcedResend) {
pWObj = GetWorkspace(pCreatePDU->header.workspaceHandle); if(pWObj) { pText = (WbTextEditor *)pWObj->FindObjectInWorkspace(pCreatePDU->header.textHandle); if(pText) { TRACE_DEBUG(("drawingHandle already used = %d", pCreatePDU->header.textHandle )); return; } } }
// New Drawing object
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pText = new WbTextEditor(); if(NULL == pText) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocate new WbTextEditor")); return; } pText->SetWorkspaceHandle(pCreatePDU->header.workspaceHandle); pText->SetThisObjectHandle(pCreatePDU->header.textHandle); if(!bForcedResend) { //
// Some one sent us this drawing, it is not created locally
// Add a this drawing to the correct workspace
if(!AddT126ObjectToWorkspace(pText)) { return; } } else { //
// Add this object and send Create PDU
pText->SetAllAttribs(); pText->SetWorkspaceHandle(g_pCurrentWorkspace == NULL ? 0 : g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetWorkspaceHandle()); pText->ClearSelectionFlags(); pText->GetTextAttrib(&pCreatePDU->attrib); pText->AddToWorkspace(); pText->Draw(); return; }
pText->TextEditObj(&pCreatePDU->attrib); pText->Draw(); pText->ResetAttrib(); }
void OnTextDeletePDU(TEXTPDU_HEADER *pHeader, ULONG memberID) {
T126Obj* pText; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; // We should find this drawing object
if(FindObjectAndWorkspace(pHeader->textHandle, (T126Obj**)&pText, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace)) { pText->SetOwnerID(memberID); pWorkspace->RemoveT126Object(pText); }
void OnTextEditPDU(MSTextPDU *pEditPDU, ULONG memberID) { TextObj* pText; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; // We should find this drawing object
if(FindObjectAndWorkspace(pEditPDU->header.textHandle, (T126Obj **)&pText, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace)) { pText->SetOwnerID(memberID); pText->TextEditObj(&pEditPDU->attrib); } }
void OnDrawingCreatePDU(DrawingCreatePDU * pdrawingCreatePDU, ULONG memberID, BOOL bForcedResend) { WorkspaceObj* pWObj; DrawObj * pDraw; UINT workspace; UINT planeID;
// If we don't have a drawing handle dont take it
if(!(pdrawingCreatePDU->bit_mask & drawingHandle_present)) { TRACE_DEBUG(("Got a DrawingCreatePDU but no drawingHandle" )); return; }
GetDrawingDestinationAddress(&pdrawingCreatePDU->destinationAddress, &workspace, &planeID);
// Check for resend
if(!bForcedResend) {
pWObj = GetWorkspace(workspace); if(pWObj) { pDraw = (DrawObj *)pWObj->FindObjectInWorkspace(pdrawingCreatePDU->drawingHandle); if(pDraw) { TRACE_DEBUG(("drawingHandle already used = %d", pdrawingCreatePDU->drawingHandle )); return; } } }
// New Drawing object
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pDraw = new DrawObj(pdrawingCreatePDU); if(NULL == pDraw) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to alocate DrawObj")); return; } pDraw->SetOwnerID(memberID);
if(!bForcedResend) { //
// Some one sent us this drawing, it is not created locally
// Add a this drawing to the correct workspace
if(!AddT126ObjectToWorkspace(pDraw)) { return; } } else { //
// Add this object and send Create PDU
pDraw->SetAllAttribs(); pDraw->SetWorkspaceHandle(g_pCurrentWorkspace == NULL ? 0 : g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetWorkspaceHandle()); pDraw->ClearSelectionFlags(); pDraw->AddToWorkspace(); pDraw->Draw(); return; }
// Draw it
if(pDraw->GetPenThickness()) { pDraw->Draw(); pDraw->ResetAttrib(); }
void OnDrawingDeletePDU(DrawingDeletePDU * pdrawingDeletePDU, ULONG memberID) {
DrawObj* pDraw; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; // We should find this drawing object
if(FindObjectAndWorkspace(pdrawingDeletePDU->drawingHandle, (T126Obj **)&pDraw, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace)) { pDraw->SetOwnerID(memberID); pWorkspace->RemoveT126Object((T126Obj*)pDraw); }
void OnDrawingEditPDU(DrawingEditPDU * pdrawingEditPDU, ULONG memberID, BOOL bResend) { DrawObj* pDraw; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; // We should find this drawing object
if(FindObjectAndWorkspace(pdrawingEditPDU->drawingHandle, (T126Obj **)&pDraw, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace)) { pDraw->SetOwnerID(memberID); pDraw->DrawEditObj(pdrawingEditPDU); } else { //
// We are reading this pdu from disk add the rest of the line to the previous freehand drawing
if(bResend) { T126Obj * pObj; pObj = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetTail(); if(pObj && pObj->GetType() == drawingCreatePDU_chosen && (pObj->GraphicTool() == TOOLTYPE_PEN || pObj->GraphicTool() == TOOLTYPE_HIGHLIGHT)) { pdrawingEditPDU->drawingHandle = pObj->GetThisObjectHandle(); pObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); ((DrawObj*)pObj)->DrawEditObj(pdrawingEditPDU); } } } }
BOOL FindObjectAndWorkspace(UINT objectHandle, T126Obj** pObj, WorkspaceObj**pWorkspace) { WorkspaceObj * pWrkspc; T126Obj * pT126Obj;
WBPOSITION pos; pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pWrkspc = (WorkspaceObj *) g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); if(pWrkspc) { pT126Obj = pWrkspc->FindObjectInWorkspace(objectHandle); if(pT126Obj) { *pObj = pT126Obj; *pWorkspace = pWrkspc; return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// Retrieves workspace from the list of workspaces
WorkspaceObj * GetWorkspace(UINT activeWorkspace) { WorkspaceObj * pWorkspaceObj; WBPOSITION pos; pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pWorkspaceObj = (WorkspaceObj *) g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos);
if(pWorkspaceObj->GetWorkspaceHandle() == activeWorkspace) { return pWorkspaceObj; } }
return NULL; }
// The remote sent us a new workspace
void OnWorkspaceCreatePDU(WorkspaceCreatePDU * pWorkspaceCreatePDU, ULONG memberID, BOOL bForcedResend) { TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspaceCreatePDU WorkspaceIdentifier = %d", pWorkspaceCreatePDU->workspaceIdentifier.u.activeWorkspace));
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspaceObj;
// Check for resend
if(!bForcedResend) { pWorkspaceObj = GetWorkspace(WorkspaceObj::GetWorkspaceIdentifier(&pWorkspaceCreatePDU->workspaceIdentifier)); if(pWorkspaceObj) { return; }
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pWorkspaceObj = new WorkspaceObj(pWorkspaceCreatePDU, bForcedResend); if(NULL == pWorkspaceObj) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocated new WorkspaceObj")); return; } pWorkspaceObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); } else { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pWorkspaceObj = new WorkspaceObj(pWorkspaceCreatePDU, bForcedResend); if(NULL == pWorkspaceObj) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocated new WorkspaceObj")); return; } pWorkspaceObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); } }
// If we created an unsynchronized workspace the remote has to sen us
// a WorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU. Why???
void OnWorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU(WorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU * pWorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU, ULONG memberID) { TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU WorkspaceIdentifier = %d", pWorkspaceCreateAcknowledgePDU->workspaceIdentifier)); }
// The remote is deleting the workspace
void OnWorkspaceDeletePDU(WorkspaceDeletePDU * pWorkspaceDeletePDU, ULONG memberID) { TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspaceDeletePDU WorkspaceIdentifier = %d", pWorkspaceDeletePDU->workspaceIdentifier.u.activeWorkspace));
// Find the workspace
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspaceObj; pWorkspaceObj = GetWorkspace(WorkspaceObj::GetWorkspaceIdentifier(&pWorkspaceDeletePDU->workspaceIdentifier)); if(!pWorkspaceObj) { return; }
pWorkspaceObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); pWorkspaceObj->ClearDeletionFlags();
// Reason for deleting
TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspaceDeletePDU reason = %d", pWorkspaceDeletePDU->reason.choice));
// Remove it from the List Of Workspaces
pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetPosition(pWorkspaceObj); prevPos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition();
// This is the only workspace we have ?????
if(g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition() == g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetTailPosition()) { RemoveWorkspace(pWorkspaceObj);
g_pCurrentWorkspace = NULL;
if(g_pMain) { g_pMain->EnableToolbar(FALSE); } } else {
// If we had a remote pointer
BOOL bRemote = FALSE; if(g_pMain->m_pLocalRemotePointer) { bRemote = TRUE; g_pMain->OnRemotePointer(); }
// Remove the workspace and point the current one to the correct one.
pWorkspaceObj = RemoveWorkspace(pWorkspaceObj);
g_pConferenceWorkspace = pWorkspaceObj;
if(g_pDraw->IsSynced()) { g_pMain->GoPage(pWorkspaceObj,FALSE); }
// If we had a remote pointer
if(bRemote) { g_pMain->OnRemotePointer(); } } }
// The remote is changing the workspace
void OnWorkspaceEditPDU(WorkspaceEditPDU * pWorkspaceEditPDU, ULONG memberID) { TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspaceEditPDU WorkspaceIdentifier = %d",pWorkspaceEditPDU->workspaceIdentifier.u.activeWorkspace));
// Find the workspace
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspaceObj; pWorkspaceObj = GetWorkspace(WorkspaceObj::GetWorkspaceIdentifier(&pWorkspaceEditPDU->workspaceIdentifier)); if(!pWorkspaceObj) { return; } pWorkspaceObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); pWorkspaceObj->WorkspaceEditObj(pWorkspaceEditPDU); }
void OnWorkspacePlaneCopyPDU(WorkspacePlaneCopyPDU * pWorkspacePlaneCopyPDU, ULONG memberID) { TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspacePlaneCopyPDU WorkspaceIdentifier = %d",pWorkspacePlaneCopyPDU->sourceWorkspaceIdentifier)); }
void OnWorkspaceReadyPDU(WorkspaceReadyPDU * pWorkspaceReadyPDU, ULONG memberID) { TRACE_DEBUG(("OnWorkspaceReadyPDU WorkspaceIdentifier = %d",pWorkspaceReadyPDU->workspaceIdentifier));
// Find the workspace
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspaceObj; pWorkspaceObj = GetWorkspace(WorkspaceObj::GetWorkspaceIdentifier(&pWorkspaceReadyPDU->workspaceIdentifier)); if(!pWorkspaceObj) { return; } pWorkspaceObj->SetOwnerID(memberID);
// This workspace is ready
pWorkspaceObj->m_bWorkspaceReady = TRUE; }
// If we got a refreshStatus == TRUE, we have to refresh late joiners
void OnWorkspaceRefreshStatusPDU(WorkspaceRefreshStatusPDU * pWorkspaceRefreshStatusPDU, ULONG memberID) { if (pWorkspaceRefreshStatusPDU->refreshStatus == TRUE) { g_RefresherID = memberID; } else { //
// The token is out there, try to grab it
g_pNMWBOBJ->GrabRefresherToken(); } }
void OnBitmapCreatePDU(BitmapCreatePDU * pBitmapCreatePDU, ULONG memberID, BOOL bForcedResend) {
TRACE_DEBUG(("drawingHandle = %d", pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapHandle )); //
// If we find this object, it is because T120 is broadcasting the drawing
// we just sent to T126
UINT workspace; UINT planeID; GetBitmapDestinationAddress(&pBitmapCreatePDU->destinationAddress, &workspace, &planeID);
// Check for resend
WorkspaceObj* pWObj; BitmapObj * pBitmap; if(!bForcedResend) { pWObj = GetWorkspace(workspace); if(pWObj) { pBitmap = (BitmapObj*)pWObj->FindObjectInWorkspace(pBitmapCreatePDU->bitmapHandle); if(pBitmap) return; } }
// New Drawing object
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pBitmap = new BitmapObj(pBitmapCreatePDU); if(NULL == pBitmap) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocated new BitmapObj")); return; } pBitmap->SetOwnerID(memberID);
if(!bForcedResend) { //
// Someone else sent us this bitmap, it was not created locally
// Add a this drawing to the correct workspace
if(!AddT126ObjectToWorkspace(pBitmap)) { return; }
} else { //
// If we are reading from disk, this has to be added in the current workspace
// and we have to wait until we have the whole bitmap to send it
if(pBitmap->m_fMoreToFollow) { pBitmap->SetWorkspaceHandle(g_pCurrentWorkspace == NULL ? 0 : g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetWorkspaceHandle()); AddT126ObjectToWorkspace(pBitmap); } else { //
// Add this object and send Create PDU
pBitmap->SetAllAttribs(); pBitmap->AddToWorkspace(); } }
if(!pBitmap->m_fMoreToFollow) { pBitmap->Draw(); }
} void OnBitmapCreateContinuePDU(BitmapCreateContinuePDU * pBitmapCreateContinuePDU, ULONG memberID, BOOL bForcedResend) {
WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; BitmapObj* pBitmap = NULL; // We should find this drawing object
// If we are loading from file it is in the current workspace
if(bForcedResend) { ASSERT(g_pCurrentWorkspace); if(g_pCurrentWorkspace) { pBitmap = (BitmapObj*)g_pCurrentWorkspace->FindObjectInWorkspace(pBitmapCreateContinuePDU->bitmapHandle); } } else { FindObjectAndWorkspace(pBitmapCreateContinuePDU->bitmapHandle, (T126Obj **)&pBitmap, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace); }
if(pBitmap) {
// Found the previous bitmap, concatenate the data
if(!pBitmap->m_fMoreToFollow) { pBitmap->Draw();
if(bForcedResend) { pBitmap->SetAllAttribs(); pBitmap->AddToWorkspace(); } } } } void OnBitmapCheckpointPDU(BitmapCheckpointPDU * pBitmapCheckPointPDU, ULONG memberID) { }
void OnBitmapAbortPDU(BitmapAbortPDU * pBitmapAbortPDU, ULONG memberID) { BitmapDeletePDU bitmapDeletePDU; bitmapDeletePDU.bitmapHandle = pBitmapAbortPDU->bitmapHandle; bitmapDeletePDU.bit_mask = 0;
// Pass it to bitmapDeletePDU
OnBitmapDeletePDU(&bitmapDeletePDU, memberID); } void OnBitmapEditPDU(BitmapEditPDU * pBitmapEditPDU, ULONG memberID) { BitmapObj* pObj; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; // We should find this drawing object
if(FindObjectAndWorkspace(pBitmapEditPDU->bitmapHandle, (T126Obj **)&pObj, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace)) { pObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); pObj->BitmapEditObj(pBitmapEditPDU); }
} void OnBitmapDeletePDU(BitmapDeletePDU * pBitmapDeletePDU, ULONG memberID) { BitmapObj* pObj; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; // We should find this drawing object
if(FindObjectAndWorkspace(pBitmapDeletePDU->bitmapHandle, (T126Obj **)&pObj, (WorkspaceObj**)&pWorkspace)) { pObj->SetOwnerID(memberID); pWorkspace->RemoveT126Object((T126Obj*)pObj); } }