// Copyright(C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: regpropertybag.h
// Project: Chameleon
// Description: Registry property bag class definition
// Author: TLP
// When Who What
// ---- --- ----
// 12/3/98 TLP Original version
#include "basedefs.h"
#include "propertybag.h"
#include "propertybagfactory.h"
#include <comdef.h>
#include <comutil.h>
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) // template produced long name warning
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CRegError {
CRegError() { } ~CRegError() { } };
class CRegInfo {
CRegInfo(bool& bOK, HKEY hKey) : m_dwSubKeys(0), m_dwValues(0), m_dwMaxSubKeyName(0), m_pSubKeyName(NULL), m_dwMaxValueName(0), m_pValueName(NULL), m_dwMaxValueData(0), m_pValueData(NULL) { bOK = false; LONG lResult = RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, // handle to key to query
NULL, // address of buffer for class string
NULL, // address of size of class string buffer
NULL, // reserved
&m_dwSubKeys, // address of buffer for number of subkeys
&m_dwMaxSubKeyName, // address of buffer for longest subkey name length
NULL, // address of buffer for longest class string length
&m_dwValues, // address of buffer for number of value entries
&m_dwMaxValueName, // address of buffer for longest value name length
&m_dwMaxValueData, // address of buffer for longest value data length
NULL, // address of buffer for security descriptor length
NULL // address of buffer for last write time
); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { m_dwMaxSubKeyName++; m_dwMaxValueName++; auto_ptr<TCHAR> pSubKey (new TCHAR[m_dwMaxSubKeyName]); auto_ptr<TCHAR> pValueName (new TCHAR[m_dwMaxValueName]); m_pValueData = new BYTE[m_dwMaxValueData + 2]; m_pSubKeyName = pSubKey.release(); m_pValueName = pValueName.release(); bOK = true; } }
~CRegInfo() { if ( m_pSubKeyName ) delete [] m_pSubKeyName; if ( m_pValueName ) delete [] m_pValueName; if ( m_pValueData ) delete [] m_pValueData; }
DWORD m_dwSubKeys; DWORD m_dwValues;
DWORD m_dwMaxSubKeyName; TCHAR* m_pSubKeyName;
DWORD m_dwMaxValueName; TCHAR* m_pValueName;
DWORD m_dwMaxValueData; BYTE* m_pValueData;
CRegInfo(); CRegInfo(const CRegInfo& rhs); CRegInfo& operator = (CRegInfo& rhs);
typedef map<wstring, _variant_t> PropertyMap; typedef PropertyMap::iterator PropertyMapIterator;
class CRegPropertyBag : public CPropertyBag {
// CPropertyBag interface functions (see propertybag.h)
bool open(void);
void close(void);
void getLocation(CLocationInfo& location);
LPCWSTR getName(void);
bool load(void);
bool save(void);
bool IsContainer(void);
bool IsProperty(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName);
bool get(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, VARIANT* pValue);
bool put(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, VARIANT* pValue);
bool reset(void);
DWORD getMaxPropertyName(void);
bool current(LPWSTR pszPropertyName, VARIANT* pValue);
bool next(void);
// Only the property bag factory can create a reg property bag
friend PPROPERTYBAG MakePropertyBag( /*[in]*/ PROPERTY_BAG_TYPE eType, /*[in]*/ CLocationInfo& location );
CRegPropertyBag(CLocationInfo& location);
// No copy or assignment
CRegPropertyBag(const CRegPropertyBag& rhs); CRegPropertyBag& operator = (CRegPropertyBag& rhs);
PropertyMapIterator MyFind(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName);
bool IsSupportedType(VARTYPE vt);
VARTYPE getTypeFromBuffer( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwBuffSize, /*[in]*/ PBYTE pBuff );
HKEY getKey(void) const { return m_key.m_hKey; }
void releaseProperties(void);
bool m_isContainer; DWORD m_maxPropertyName; CLocationInfo m_locationInfo; CRegKey m_key; wstring m_name; PropertyMapIterator m_current; PropertyMap m_properties; };
typedef CMasterPtr<CRegPropertyBag> MPREGPROPERTYBAG;
class CRegPropertyBagContainer : public CPropertyBagContainer {
// CPropertyBagContainer interface functions (see propertybag.h)
bool open(void);
void close(void);
void getLocation(CLocationInfo& locationInfo);
LPCWSTR getName(void);
DWORD count(void);
bool remove(LPCWSTR pszName);
PPROPERTYBAG current(void);
bool reset(void);
bool next(void);
// Only the property bag factory can create a reg property bag container
friend PPROPERTYBAGCONTAINER MakePropertyBagContainer( /*[in]*/ PROPERTY_BAG_TYPE eType, /*[in]*/ CLocationInfo& locationInfo ); CRegPropertyBagContainer(CLocationInfo& locationInfo);
// No copy or assignment
CRegPropertyBagContainer(const CRegPropertyBagContainer& rhs); CRegPropertyBagContainer& operator = (CRegPropertyBagContainer& rhs);
HKEY getKey(void) const { return m_key.m_hKey; }
void releaseBags(void);
typedef map< wstring, PPROPERTYBAG > BagMap; typedef BagMap::iterator BagMapIterator;
CLocationInfo m_locationInfo; CRegKey m_key; wstring m_name; BagMapIterator m_current; BagMap m_bags; };
typedef CMasterPtr<CRegPropertyBagContainer> MPREGPROPERTYBAGCONTAINER;