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  1. <%@ Language=VbScript%>
  2. <% Option Explicit %>
  3. <% '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. ' Log_download.asp : This downloads the logevents in the specified format
  5. ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  6. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. %>
  8. <!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" -->
  9. <!-- #include file="loc_event.asp" -->
  10. <!-- #include file="inc_log.asp" -->
  11. <%
  12. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. ' Global Variables
  14. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Dim page 'Framework varaibles
  16. Dim rc 'Framework varaibles
  17. Dim F_strEventName 'variable to store eventlog name
  18. Dim arrTitle(1) 'Title
  19. F_strEventName = Request.QueryString("Title")
  20. arrTitle(0) = GetLocalizationTitle(F_strEventName)
  21. L_DOWNLOADTITLE_TEXT = SA_GetLocString("event.dll", "403F00CD", arrTitle)
  22. Call SA_CreatePage( L_DOWNLOADTITLE_TEXT, "", PT_AREA,page)
  23. Call SA_ShowPage(page)
  24. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. 'Function: OnInitPage()
  26. 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page.
  27. ' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks
  28. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
  29. 'Output Variables: None
  30. 'Returns: True/False
  31. 'Global Variables: None
  32. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg)
  34. 'the code that to be place here "F_strEventName = Request.QueryString("Title")"
  35. 'is removed here as already obtained at the top of the page.
  36. OnInitPage = TRUE
  37. End Function
  38. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. 'Function: OnServeAreaPage()
  40. 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this
  41. ' method to serve content
  42. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
  43. 'Output Variables: None
  44. 'Returns: True/False
  45. 'Global Variables: None
  46. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. Public Function OnServeAreaPage(ByRef PageIn, Byref EventArg)
  48. Dim oValidator
  49. Set oValidator = new CSAValidator
  50. If ( FALSE = oValidator.IsValidIdentifier(F_strEventName)) Then
  51. Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "LogName is invalid: " & F_strEventName)
  53. Set oValidator = Nothing
  54. Exit Function
  55. End If
  56. Set oValidator = Nothing
  57. Call SA_ServeDefaultClientScript()
  58. Dim strFrameURL
  59. strFrameURL = "log_downloadview.asp?Title=" & F_strEventName & "&" & _
  60. SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY & "=" & SAI_GetPageKey()
  61. Response.Write("<iframe name=IFDownload src='" & strFrameURL & "' width=100% height=300px frameborder=0>")
  62. Response.Write("</iframe>")
  63. OnServeAreaPage=True
  64. End Function
  65. %>