<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Log_downloadView.asp : This page displays a special framework window to download logs ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call SAI_EnablePageCaching(TRUE) %> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" --> <!-- #include file="loc_event.asp" --> <!-- #include file="inc_log.asp" --> <% Dim F_strRadSelected 'variable to get selected radio button value Dim F_strEventName 'variable to store eventlog name Dim F_strVirtualRoot 'variable to store virtual root directory path Dim F_strDownloadFile 'download fiel URL Dim F_blnAddHeaders 'variable to determine the state Addheaders Dim arrBtntxt(1) Const G_wbemPrivilegeSecurity=7 'Prilivilege constant F_strEventName = Request.QueryString("Title") F_strRadSelected = Request.Form("hdnstrfiletype")
Call SA_TraceOut("Log_DownloadView.asp", "F_strRadSelected: " + F_strRadSelected)
Select Case Lcase(F_strRadSelected) Case Lcase("Tabdelimitedtextfile"), Lcase("Commadelimitedtextfile") Call getLogEventsTxtCsv() Case Lcase("Windowseventlogfile") Call getLogEventsEvt() Case Else Call ServePage() Response.Write "<Script language=javascript>document.sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = 'Windowseventlogfile' ;</script>" End Select '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Sub: ServePage() 'Description: For displaying outputs HTML to the user 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Nothing 'Global Variables: F_strRadSelected,L_WINDOWSEVENT_TEXT,L_TABDELIMITED_TEXT ' L_COMMADELIMITED_TEXT,F_strEventName,F_strRadValue '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ServePage %> <html> <head> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/admin/style/mssastyles.css"> <script language=javascript> function UpdateHiddenSelect() { var strradno; var count; strradno = sa_formdownload.rdoLogfile.length; //to retain the value of selected radio button for (count=0; count < strradno; count++) { if ((sa_formdownload.rdoLogfile[count].checked)== true) { sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = sa_formdownload.rdoLogfile[count].value; } } } </script> </head> <body onload="UpdateHiddenSelect()"> <form id=sa_formdownload name=sa_formdownload method="POST" target="_self"> <input name="<%=SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY%>" type="hidden" value="<%=SAI_GetPageKey()%>">
<table width=518 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 > <tr> <td class="TasksBody" colspan=2><%=L_PAGEDESCRIPTION_DOWNLOAD_TEXT%></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" colspan=2> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" > </td> <td class="TasksBody" > <% If lcase(F_strRadSelected) = lcase("Windowseventlogfile") or F_strRadSelected = "" then%> <input type=Radio name='rdoLogfile' value='Windowseventlogfile' checked class="FormRadioButton" onClick="sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = this.value;" > <% else %> <input type=Radio name='rdoLogfile' value='Windowseventlogfile' class="FormRadioButton" onClick="sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = this.value;"> <% End if %> <%=L_WINDOWSEVENT_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" > </td> <td class="TasksBody" ><% If lcase(F_strRadSelected) = lcase("Tabdelimitedtextfile") then%> <input type=Radio name='rdoLogfile' value='Tabdelimitedtextfile' checked onclick="sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = this.value;" > <% else %> <input type=Radio name='rdoLogfile' value='Tabdelimitedtextfile' onclick="sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = this.value;"> <% End if %> <%=L_TABDELIMITED_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" > </td> <td class="TasksBody"> <% If lcase(F_strRadSelected) = lcase("Commadelimitedtextfile") then%> <input type=Radio name='rdoLogfile' value='Commadelimitedtextfile' checked onclick="sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = this.value;" > <% else %> <input type=Radio name='rdoLogfile' value='Commadelimitedtextfile' onclick="sa_formdownload.hdnstrfiletype.value = this.value;"> <% End if %> <%=L_COMMADELIMITED_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" > </td> <td class="TasksBody" > <input type=submit name=submitlog value="<%=L_DOWNLOAD_TEXT%>" class=TaskFrameButtons> <input type=hidden name=hdnstrfiletype id=hdnstrfiletype value='<%=F_strRadSelected%>'> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> <% End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getLogEventsEvt ' Description: returns download URL for the logtype EVT ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: None ' Global Variables: L_WMISECURITY_ERRORMESSAGE,L_FILESYSTEMOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE ' L_LOGDOWNLOAD_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getLogEventsEvt() Err.clear On Error Resume Next Dim objWMIConnection 'wmiconnection object Dim objInstances 'for object instances Dim instance 'for looping instance Dim objErr 'temp variable Dim objFileSysObject 'filesystem object Dim strLogFile 'log filename Dim strLogPath 'log path Dim strEventFile 'event file name Dim strQuery 'query to wmi Dim strFileType 'type of the file for output Dim returnvalue 'temp variable Dim DirectoryPath const TempDir = "TempFiles" ' A Temporary directory in web directory const LogDir = "LogFiles" ' A logs directory in Temporary directory const wbemPrivilegeBackup = 16 'Trying to connect to the server set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'Connecting to the server 'ERROR handling is done in the function itself objWMIConnection.Security_.Privileges.Add G_wbemPrivilegeSecurity 'giving the req privelages If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_WMISECURITY_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If objWMIConnection.Security_.Privileges.Add wbemPrivilegeBackup 'giving the req privelages If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_WMISECURITY_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If
strLogPath = Server.MapPath(m_VirtualRoot) 'creating a filesystem object Set objFileSysObject = Server.CreateObject("SCripting.filesystemobject") If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FILESYSTEMOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If strLogPath = GetLogsDirectoryPath(objFileSysObject) strLogFile = left(F_strEventName,3) & "Event.evt" strEventFile = strLogPath & "\" & strLogFile 'delete the file,if already exists if objFileSysObject.FileExists(strEventFile) then objFileSysObject.DeleteFile(strEventFile) end if strQuery = "Select * From Win32_NTEventlogFile where LogFileName='" & F_strEventName & "'" set objInstances= objWMIConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery) For Each instance in objInstances objErr = instance.BackupEventlog(strEventFile) Exit For Next DirectoryPath = m_VirtualRoot & TempDir & "/" & LogDir & "/" & strLogFile Response.Redirect DirectoryPath
If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_LOGDOWNLOAD_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If Set objWMIConnection = Nothing Set objInstances = Nothing Set objFileSysObject = Nothing End sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getLogEventsTxtCsv ' Description: Gets the logevents into the file of CSV type ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: None ' Global Variables: L_GETTINGLOGINSTANCES_ERRORMESSAGE,L_FILESYSTEMOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getLogEventsTxtCsv() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objWMIConnection 'wmiconnection object Dim objInstances 'for object instances Dim objLognames 'name of the logs Dim objInstance 'instances of the queried object Dim instance 'for looping instance Dim objErr 'temp variable Dim strLogFile 'log filename Dim strQuery 'query to wmi Dim strDelimiter 'delimeter in the log file Dim strEventstring Dim objFileSysObject 'FileSystemobject Dim strLogPath 'log path Dim strEventFile 'event file name Dim strDownloadfile Dim blnFlagIE Dim strType,strDate,strTime,strSource,strCategory,strEvent,strUser,strComputer 'variables for the event details const TempDir = "TempFiles" ' A Temporary directory in web directory const LogDir = "LogFiles" ' A logs directory in Temporary directory const wbemPrivilegeBackup = 16 const CONST_STRSECURITY = "Security" 'Trying to connect to the server set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'Connecting to the server 'ERROR handling is done in the function itself If lcase(F_strEventName) = lcase(CONST_STRSECURITY) then objWMIConnection.Security_.Privileges.Add G_wbemPrivilegeSecurity 'giving the req priveleges End If If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_WMISECURITY_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If objWMIConnection.Security_.Privileges.Add wbemPrivilegeBackup 'giving the req priveleges If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_WMISECURITY_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If 'to format the output depending on the file type Select Case lcase(F_strRadSelected) Case lcase("Commadelimitedtextfile") strLogFile = left(F_strEventName,3) & "Event.csv" strDelimiter = "," Case lcase("Tabdelimitedtextfile") strLogFile = left(F_strEventName,3) & "Event.log" strDelimiter = vbtab End Select 'Wmi query for getting all the logevents strQuery ="SELECT * FROM Win32_NTlogEvent WHERE Logfile='" & F_strEventName & "'" 'getting the logevents Set objLognames = objWMIConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",48,null) If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_GETTINGLOGINSTANCES_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If strLogPath = Server.MapPath(m_VirtualRoot) 'creating a filesystem object Set objFileSysObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemobject") If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FILESYSTEMOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE Err.Clear Exit sub End If strLogPath = GetLogsDirectoryPath(objFileSysObject) strEventFile = strLogPath & "\" & strLogFile If SA_IsIE = True Then blnFlagIE = True End If If not blnFlagIE = True Then 'delete the file,if already exists if objFileSysObject.FileExists(strEventFile) then objFileSysObject.DeleteFile(strEventFile) end if Call SA_TraceOut("Log_DownloadView.asp", "strEventFile: " + strEventFile) Set strDownloadfile = objFileSysObject.CreateTextFile(strEventFile, True) End If 'adding AddHeaders in case of IE If blnFlagIE = True Then Response.AddHeader "Content-Type", "text/plain" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & strLogFile Response.Clear End If 'for loop to write all the required event values in text file For each objInstance in objLognames strDate=Mid(objInstance.TimeGenerated,5,2)& "/" & Mid(objInstance.TimeGenerated,7,2) & "/" & Mid(objInstance.TimeGenerated,1,4) strTime=Mid(objInstance.TimeGenerated,9,2)& ":" & Mid(objInstance.TimeGenerated,11,2)& ":" & Mid(objInstance.TimeGenerated,13,2) strType=objInstance.Type strSource=objInstance.SourceName strCategory=objInstance.Category strEvent=objInstance.EventCode strUser=objInstance.User strComputer=objInstance.ComputerName 'to format the output depending on the file type strEventstring=strDate & strDelimiter & strTime & strDelimiter & strType & strDelimiter &strSource& strDelimiter &strCategory& strDelimiter &strEvent& strDelimiter & strUser& strDelimiter &strComputer 'writing to the file If blnFlagIE = True then Response.Write strEventstring Response.Write vbcrlf Else strDownloadfile.WriteLine(strEventstring) End If Next If Err.number <> 0 then Err.Clear Call SA_TraceOut("Log_DownloadView.asp", "Error: " + Err.number) Exit sub End If 'release the objects Set objLognames = Nothing If blnFlagIE = True then Response.Flush Else Call SA_TraceOut("Log_DownloadView.asp", "F_strDownloadFile: " + F_strDownloadFile) 'close the opened file strDownloadfile.Close F_strDownloadFile = SA_GetNewHostURLBase(SA_DEFAULT, SAI_GetSecurePort(), True, SA_DEFAULT) F_strDownloadFile = F_strDownloadFile & TempDir &"/" &LogDir &"/" & strLogFile Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName, "Download file URL: " & F_strDownloadFile) Call ServePage()
%> <script language="javascript"> top.location.href = '<%=F_strDownloadFile%>'; </script> <% End If
End Sub %>