// OpenF.cpp : Implementation of COpenF
Copyright information : Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999. All rights reserved File Name : OpenF.cpp Created By : A.V. Kiran Kumar Date of Creation (dd/mm/yy) : 13/02/01 Version Number : 0.1
Brief Description : This file implements COpenF. This file is intended to have the functionality for getting the list of open files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "OpenFiles.h"
#include "OpenF.h"
// COpenF
// ***************************************************************************
// Name : getOpenFiles
// Synopsis : This function gets the list of open files.
// Parameters : VARIANT*(out, retval) pOpenFiles - List of open files
// Return Type : DWORD
// ***************************************************************************
STDMETHODIMP COpenF::getOpenFiles(VARIANT *pOpenFiles) {
DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the total number of openfiles
DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;//Receives the total number of entries read
DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0;//Contains a resume handle which is used to
//continue an existing file search.
LPFILE_INFO_3 pFileInfo3_1 = NULL;// LPFILE_INFO_3 structure contains the
// pertinent information about files.
DWORD dwError = 0;
DWORD dwRetval = S_OK;
DWORD dwCount = 0;//Count which indicates the number of openfiles
LPFILE_INFO_3 dummyPtr = NULL;
//Get information about some or all open files on a server
dwError = NetFileEnum( NULL, NULL, NULL, FILE_INFO_3, (LPBYTE*)&pFileInfo3_1, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, NULL );
if(dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwError == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) return dwError; // The user does not have access to the requested information.
//Get the count of OpenFiles on Macinthosh machine
DWORD dwMacCount = 0; if ( dwError = GetMacOpenFileCount(&dwMacCount) ) dwRetval = dwError;
//Get the count of OpenFiles on Netware machine
DWORD dwNwCount = 0; if ( dwError = GetNwOpenFileCount(&dwNwCount) ) dwRetval = dwError;
//Fill the safearray bounds structure with the dimensions of the safe array. The lower bound
//is 0 and the number of rows is dwTotalEntries and number of columns is 3
pSab[0].lLbound = 0; pSab[0].cElements = dwTotalEntries + dwMacCount + dwNwCount;
pSab[1].lLbound = 0; pSab[1].cElements = 3;
//Create the safe array descriptor, allocate and initialize the data for the array
pSa = SafeArrayCreate( VT_VARIANT, 2, pSab ); if(pSa == NULL) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
//Enumerate all the openfiles
do { //Some more files are to be enumerated get them by calling NetFileEnum again
dwError = NetFileEnum( NULL, NULL, NULL, FILE_INFO_3, (LPBYTE*)&pFileInfo3_1, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, (unsigned long*)&dwResumeHandle );
if(dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwError == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) return dwError;
dummyPtr = pFileInfo3_1;
// Get the open files once NetFileEnum is successully called
if( dwError == NERR_Success || dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { for ( DWORD dwFile = 0; dwFile < dwEntriesRead; dwFile++, pFileInfo3_1++ ) { BSTR userName; BSTR openMode; BSTR pathName; VARIANT vuserName; VARIANT vopenMode; VARIANT vpathName;
// Accessed By
if(lstrlen(pFileInfo3_1->fi3_username)) userName = (BSTR)pFileInfo3_1->fi3_username; else userName = L"NOT_AVAILABLE"; //User name is not available
// Checks for open file mode
switch(pFileInfo3_1->fi3_permissions) { case PERM_FILE_READ: openMode = L"READ"; break;
case PERM_FILE_WRITE: openMode = L"WRITE"; break;
case PERM_FILE_CREATE: openMode = L"CREATE"; break;
case READWRITE: openMode = L"READ+WRITE"; break;
case READCREATE: openMode = L"READ+CREATE"; break;
case WRITECREATE: openMode = L"WRITE+CREATE"; break; default: openMode = L"NOACCESS"; }
//Get the filename from the structure
pathName = (BSTR)pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname;
//Initialize the row index and column index at which filename is to be stored in the Safearray
long index[2] = {dwCount, 0};
VariantInit( &vpathName ); //Initialize the variant
vpathName.vt = VT_BSTR; //Data type to be stored is BSTR
vpathName.bstrVal = SysAllocString(pathName);
//Store the filename in Safearray
HRESULT hr; hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vpathName ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Store username in the second column
index[ 1 ] = 1; VariantInit( &vuserName ); vuserName.vt = VT_BSTR; vuserName.bstrVal = SysAllocString(userName);
//Store the username in the safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vuserName ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; //Store OpenMode in the third column
index[ 1 ] = 2;
VariantInit( &vopenMode ); vopenMode.vt = VT_BSTR; vopenMode.bstrVal = SysAllocString(openMode);
//Store the OpenMode in the safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vopenMode ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Clear all the variants that are initilized
VariantClear(&vuserName); VariantClear(&vopenMode); VariantClear(&vpathName);
dwCount++; }// End for loop
} // Free the block allocated for retrieving the OpenFile info
if( dummyPtr !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( dummyPtr ); pFileInfo3_1 = NULL; }
} while ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
//Get the list of Open Files on Macinthosh OS
if( dwMacCount > 0 ) { if ( dwError = GetMacOpenF(pSa, dwTotalEntries ) ) dwRetval = dwError; }
//Get the list of Open Files on Netware OS
if( dwNwCount > 0 ) { if ( dwError = GetNwOpenF(pSa, dwTotalEntries + dwMacCount ) ) dwRetval = dwError; }
//Return the safe array to the calling function
VariantInit( pOpenFiles ); pOpenFiles->vt = VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY; pOpenFiles->parray = pSa;
return dwRetval; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Name : GetMacOpenF
// Synopsis : This function gets the list of open files on Machinthosh OS.
// Parameters : SAFEARRAY* (out, retval) - List of open files
// : DWORD dwIndex Safe array Index
// Return Type : DWORD
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD COpenF::GetMacOpenF(SAFEARRAY *pSa, DWORD dwIndex) { DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the count of elements
DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;//Receives the total number of entries
DWORD hEnumHandle = 0;//Contains a resume handle which is used to
//continue an existing file search.
AFP_FILE_INFO* pfileinfo = NULL; // Structure contains the
// pertinent information about files
NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success;
DWORD ulSFMServerConnection = 0;
DWORD retval_connect = 0;
LPWSTR ServerName = NULL;
retval_connect = AfpAdminConnect( ServerName, &ulSFMServerConnection );
if(retval_connect) return retval_connect; DWORD dwCount = dwIndex;
DWORD retval_FileEnum;
//Enumerate all the openfiles
do { //Some more files are to be enumerated get them by calling AfpAdminFileEnum again
retval_FileEnum = AfpAdminFileEnum( ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pfileinfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &hEnumHandle );
if( retval_FileEnum == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || retval_FileEnum == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) return retval_FileEnum; // The user does not have access to the requested information.
AFP_FILE_INFO* dummyPtr = pfileinfo;
// Get the open files once NetFileEnum is successully called
if( retval_FileEnum == NERR_Success || retval_FileEnum == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) {
for ( DWORD dwFile = 0; dwFile < dwEntriesRead; dwFile++, pfileinfo++ ) { BSTR userName; BSTR openMode; BSTR pathName; VARIANT vuserName; VARIANT vopenMode; VARIANT vpathName;
// Accessed By
if(lstrlen(pfileinfo->afpfile_username)) userName = (BSTR)pfileinfo->afpfile_username; else userName = L"NOT_AVAILABLE"; //User name is not available
// Checks for open file mode
switch(pfileinfo->afpfile_open_mode) { case PERM_FILE_READ: openMode = L"READ"; break;
case PERM_FILE_WRITE: openMode = L"WRITE"; break;
case PERM_FILE_CREATE: openMode = L"CREATE"; break;
case READWRITE: openMode = L"READ+WRITE"; break;
case READCREATE: openMode = L"READ+CREATE"; break;
case WRITECREATE: openMode = L"WRITE+CREATE"; break; default: openMode = L"NOACCESS"; }
//Get the filename from the structure
pathName = (BSTR)pfileinfo->afpfile_path;
//Initialize the row index and column index filename to be stored in the Safearray
long index[2] = {dwCount, 0};
VariantInit( &vpathName ); //Initialize the variant
vpathName.vt = VT_BSTR; //Data type to be stored is BSTR
vpathName.bstrVal = SysAllocString(pathName);
//Store the filename in Safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vpathName ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Store filename in the second column
index[ 1 ] = 1; VariantInit( &vuserName ); vuserName.vt = VT_BSTR; vuserName.bstrVal = SysAllocString(userName);
//Store the username in the safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vuserName ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Store OpenMode in the third column
index[ 1 ] = 2;
VariantInit( &vopenMode ); vopenMode.vt = VT_BSTR; vopenMode.bstrVal = SysAllocString(openMode);
//Store the OpenMode in the safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vopenMode ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Clear all the variants that are initilized
VariantClear(&vuserName); VariantClear(&vopenMode); VariantClear(&vpathName);
dwCount++; }// End for loop
} // Free the block allocated for retrieving the OpenFile info
if( dummyPtr !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( dummyPtr ); pfileinfo = NULL; }
} while ( retval_FileEnum == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
return 0; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Name : GetMacOpenFileCount
// Synopsis : This function gets the count of open files on Machinthosh OS.
// Parameters : DWORD dwIndex Safe array Index
// Return Type : DWORD
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD COpenF::GetMacOpenFileCount(LPDWORD lpdwCount) { DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the count of elements
DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;//Receives the total number of entries
AFP_FILE_INFO* pfileinfo = NULL; // Structure contains the
// identification number and other
// pertinent information about files
NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success;
DWORD ulSFMServerConnection = 0;
hMacModule = ::LoadLibrary (_TEXT("sfmapi.dll"));
if(hMacModule==NULL) return ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED; AfpAdminConnect = (CONNECTPROC)::GetProcAddress (hMacModule,"AfpAdminConnect"); if(AfpAdminConnect==NULL) return ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED; DWORD retval_connect = AfpAdminConnect( NULL, &ulSFMServerConnection );
if(retval_connect!=0) return retval_connect; AfpAdminFileEnum = (FILEENUMPROCMAC)::GetProcAddress (hMacModule,"AfpAdminFileEnum");
if(AfpAdminFileEnum==NULL) return ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED; //Get information about some or all open files on a server
DWORD retval_FileEnum = AfpAdminFileEnum( ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pfileinfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, NULL );
if( retval_FileEnum == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || retval_FileEnum == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) return retval_FileEnum; // The user does not have access to the requested information.
*lpdwCount = dwTotalEntries;
if( pfileinfo !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( pfileinfo ); pfileinfo = NULL; } return 0; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Name : GetNwOpenFileCount
// Synopsis : This function gets the count of open files on Netware OS.
// Parameters : DWORD dwIndex Safe array Index
// Return Type : DWORD
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD COpenF::GetNwOpenFileCount(LPDWORD lpdwCount) {
DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the count of elements
FPNWFILEINFO* pfileinfo = NULL; // FPNWFILEINFO structure contains the
// identification number and other
// pertinent information about files,
// devices, and pipes.
NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success;
DWORD dwError = 0;//Contains return value for "NetFileEnum" function
DWORD dwCount = 0;//Count which indicates the number of openfiles
*lpdwCount = 0; //Initialize the count to zero
hNwModule = ::LoadLibrary (_TEXT("FPNWCLNT.DLL"));
if(hNwModule==NULL) return ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED; FpnwFileEnum = (FILEENUMPROC)::GetProcAddress (hNwModule,"FpnwFileEnum"); if(FpnwFileEnum==NULL) return ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED;
do { //Get information about some or all open files on a server
retval = FpnwFileEnum( NULL, 1, NULL, (PBYTE*)&pfileinfo, &dwEntriesRead, NULL );
if( retval == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || retval == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) return retval; // The user does not have access to the requested information.
*lpdwCount += dwEntriesRead;
}while( retval == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
if( pfileinfo !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( pfileinfo ); pfileinfo = NULL; } return 0; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Name : GetNwOpenF
// Synopsis : This function gets the list of open files on Netware OS.
// Parameters : SAFEARRAY* (out, retval) - List of open files
// : DWORD dwIndex Safe array Index
// Return Type : DWORD
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD COpenF::GetNwOpenF(SAFEARRAY *pSa, DWORD dwIndex) { DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the count of elements
DWORD hEnumHandle = 0;//Contains a resume handle which is used to
//continue an existing file search.
FPNWFILEINFO* pfileinfo = NULL; // FPNWFILEINFO structure contains the
// pertinent information about files.
NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success;
DWORD dwCount = dwIndex;
//Enumerate all the openfiles
do { //Some more files are to be enumerated get them by calling NetFileEnum again
retval = FpnwFileEnum( NULL, 1, NULL, (PBYTE*)&pfileinfo, &dwEntriesRead, NULL );
if( retval == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || retval == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) return retval; // The user does not have access to the requested information.
FPNWFILEINFO* dummyPtr = pfileinfo;
// Get the open files once NetFileEnum is successully called
if( retval == NERR_Success || retval == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { for ( DWORD dwFile = 0; dwFile < dwEntriesRead; dwFile++, pfileinfo++ ) { BSTR userName; BSTR openMode; BSTR pathName; VARIANT vuserName; VARIANT vopenMode; VARIANT vpathName;
// Accessed By
if(lstrlen(pfileinfo->lpUserName)) userName = (BSTR)pfileinfo->lpUserName; else userName = L"NOT_AVAILABLE"; //User name is not available
// Checks for open file mode
switch(pfileinfo->dwPermissions) { case FPNWFILE_PERM_READ: openMode = L"READ"; break;
case FPNWFILE_PERM_WRITE: openMode = L"WRITE"; break;
case FPNWFILE_PERM_CREATE: openMode = L"CREATE"; break;
case READWRITE: openMode = L"READ+WRITE"; break;
case READCREATE: openMode = L"READ+CREATE"; break;
case WRITECREATE: openMode = L"WRITE+CREATE"; break; default: openMode = L"NOACCESS"; } //Get the filename from the structure
pathName = (BSTR)pfileinfo->lpPathName;
//Initialize the row index and column index filename to be stored in the Safearray
long index[2] = {dwCount, 0};
VariantInit( &vpathName ); //Initialize the variant
vpathName.vt = VT_BSTR; //Data type to be stored is BSTR
vpathName.bstrVal = SysAllocString(pathName);
//Store the filename in Safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vpathName ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Store filename in the second column
index[ 1 ] = 1; VariantInit( &vuserName ); vuserName.vt = VT_BSTR; vuserName.bstrVal = SysAllocString(userName);
//Store the username in the safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vuserName ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Store OpenMode in the third column
index[ 1 ] = 2;
VariantInit( &vopenMode ); vopenMode.vt = VT_BSTR; vopenMode.bstrVal = SysAllocString(openMode);
//Store the OpenMode in the safearray
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSa, index, &vopenMode ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//Clear all the variants that are initilized
VariantClear(&vuserName); VariantClear(&vopenMode); VariantClear(&vpathName);
dwCount++; }// End for loop
// Free the block allocated for retrieving the OpenFile info
if( dummyPtr !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( dummyPtr ); pfileinfo = NULL; }
}while( retval == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
return 0; }