<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' groups.asp: Group area page - lists all the Groups,and provides ' links for creating new groups,editing and deleting groups ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 15-Jan-2001 Creation date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" --> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/ots_main.asp" --> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Constants '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const NAME_COLUMN = 0 Const DESCRIPTION_COLUMN = 1 Const GROUPS_PER_PAGE = 100
' ' Name of this source file Const SOURCE_FILE = "Groups.asp" ' ' Flag to toggle optional tracing output Const ENABLE_TRACING = TRUE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim g_bSearchChanged Dim g_iSearchCol Dim g_sSearchColValue
Dim g_bPagingInitialized Dim g_bPageChangeRequested Dim g_sPageAction Dim g_iPageMin Dim g_iPageMax Dim g_iPageCurrent
Dim g_bSortRequested Dim g_iSortCol Dim g_sSortSequence '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Local Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim page DIM L_APPLIANCE_GROUPS DIM L_DESCRIPTION_HEADING DIM L_COLUMN_NAME DIM L_COLUMN_FULLNAME DIM L_TASKS_TEXT DIM L_NEW_TEXT DIM L_DELETE_TEXT DIM L_PROPERTIES_TEXT DIM L_NEW_ROLLOVERTEXT DIM L_DELETE_ROLLOVERTEXT DIM L_PROPERTIES_ROLLOVERTEXT 'error messages Dim L_FAILEDTOGETGROUPS_ERRORMESSAGE L_APPLIANCE_GROUPS = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H4031001C", "") L_DESCRIPTION_HEADING = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H4031001D", "") L_COLUMN_NAME = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H4031001E", "") L_COLUMN_FULLNAME = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H4031001F", "") L_TASKS_TEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310020", "") L_NEW_TEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310021", "") L_DELETE_TEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310022", "") L_PROPERTIES_TEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310023", "") L_NEW_ROLLOVERTEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310024", "") L_DELETE_ROLLOVERTEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310025", "") L_PROPERTIES_ROLLOVERTEXT = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&H40310026", "") 'error messages L_FAILEDTOGETGROUPS_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("usermsg.dll", "&HC031002E", "") ' ' Create Page Call SA_CreatePage( L_APPLIANCE_GROUPS, "", PT_AREA, page )
' ' Show page Call SA_ShowPage( page ) '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnInitPage ' Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. ' Input Variables: PageIn and EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate ' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned. ' Global Variables: None ' Called to signal first time processing for this page. Use this method ' to do first time initialization tasks. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) OnInitPage = TRUE If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnInitPage") End If g_bPagingInitialized = FALSE g_iPageCurrent = 1 g_iSortCol = 0 g_sSortSequence = "A" End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnServeAreaPage ' Description: Called when the page needs to be served. ' Input Variables: PageIn, EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE to indicate no problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors. ' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned. ' Global Variables: In:g_bPageChangeRequested,g_sPageAction, ' g_bSearchRequested,g_iSearchCol,g_sSearchColValue ' In:L_(*)-Localization Strings ' Called when the page needs to be served. Use this method to serve content. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServeAreaPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnServeAreaPage") End If Dim tableGroup Dim colFlags Dim iGroupCount Dim nReturnValue Dim strFlag Dim strUrlBase strFlag="noval" ' Create the table ' tableGroup = OTS_CreateTable("", L_DESCRIPTION_HEADING)
' ' If the search criteria changed then we need to recompute the paging range If ( TRUE = g_bSearchChanged ) Then ' ' Need to recalculate the paging range g_bPagingInitialized = FALSE ' ' Restarting on page #1 g_iPageCurrent = 1 End If
' ' Name column is searchable and is contains key to row colFlags = (OTS_COL_SORT OR OTS_COL_SEARCH OR OTS_COL_KEY) ' ' Create the column and add it to the table nReturnValue= OTS_AddTableColumn(tableGroup, OTS_CreateColumnEx( L_COLUMN_NAME, "left", colFlags, 25 )) If nReturnValue <> gc_ERR_SUCCESS Then SA_ServeFailurePage L_OTS_ADDCOLOUMNFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF
' ' Description is searchable colFlags = OTS_COL_SORT OR OTS_COL_SEARCH ' ' Create the column and add it to the table nReturnValue=OTS_AddTableColumn(tableGroup, OTS_CreateColumnEx( L_COLUMN_FULLNAME, "left", colFlags, 50)) If nReturnValue <> gc_ERR_SUCCESS Then SA_ServeFailurePage L_OTS_ADDCOLOUMNFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF
' ' Fetch the list of groups and add them to the table ' Dim objContainer Dim objGroup
' ' ADSI call to get the local computer object Set objContainer = GetObject("WinNT://" + GetComputerName() ) ' ' ADSI call to get the collection of local groups objContainer.Filter = Array("Group")
iGroupCount = 0 For Each objGroup in objContainer If ( Len( g_sSearchColValue ) <= 0 ) Then ' ' Search criteria blank, select all rows ' iGroupCount = iGroupCount + 1
' ' Verify that the current group is part of the current page If ( IsItemOnPage( iGroupCount, g_iPageCurrent, GROUPS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableGroup, Array(objGroup.Name, objGroup.Description)) strFlag="yesval" End If Else ' ' Check the Search criteria ' Select Case (g_iSearchCol) Case NAME_COLUMN If ( InStr(1, objGroup.Name, g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then iGroupCount = iGroupCount + 1 ' ' Verify that the current group part of the current page If ( IsItemOnPage( iGroupCount, g_iPageCurrent, GROUPS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableGroup, Array(objGroup.Name, objGroup.Description)) strFlag="yesval" End If End If Case DESCRIPTION_COLUMN If ( InStr(1, objGroup.Description, g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then iGroupCount = iGroupCount + 1 ' ' Verify that the current group part of the current page If ( IsItemOnPage( iGroupCount, g_iPageCurrent, GROUPS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableGroup, Array(objGroup.Name, objGroup.Description)) strFlag="yesval" End If End If Case Else Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Unrecognized search column: " + CStr(g_iSearchCol)) iGroupCount = iGroupCount + 1 ' ' Verify that the current group part of the current page If ( IsItemOnPage( iGroupCount, g_iPageCurrent, GROUPS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableGroup, Array(objGroup.Name, objGroup.Description)) strFlag="yesval" End If End Select End If Next ' ' Set Tasks section title Call OTS_SetTableTasksTitle(tableGroup, L_TASKS_TEXT)
' ' Add the tasks associated with Group objects strUrlBase = "users/group_new.asp" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) Call OTS_AddTableTask( tableGroup, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_NEW_TEXT, _ L_NEW_ROLLOVERTEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_TABBED_PROPERTY, "OTS_TaskAlways") ) strUrlBase = "users/group_delete.asp" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) Call OTS_AddTableTask( tableGroup, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_DELETE_TEXT, _ L_DELETE_ROLLOVERTEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_PROPERTY, "OTS_TaskAny") ) strUrlBase = "users/group_prop.asp" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) Call OTS_AddTableTask( tableGroup, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_PROPERTIES_TEXT, _ L_PROPERTIES_ROLLOVERTEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_TABBED_PROPERTY, "OTS_TaskOne") ) Set objContainer = Nothing
' ' Enable paging feature ' Call OTS_EnablePaging(tableGroup, TRUE) ' ' If paging range needs to be initialised then ' we need to figure out how many pages we are going to display If ( FALSE = g_bPagingInitialized ) Then g_iPageMin = 1 g_iPageMax = Int(iGroupCount / GROUPS_PER_PAGE ) If ( (iGroupCount MOD GROUPS_PER_PAGE) > 0 ) Then g_iPageMax = g_iPageMax + 1 End If g_iPageCurrent = 1 Call OTS_SetPagingRange(tableGroup, g_iPageMin, g_iPageMax, g_iPageCurrent) End If
' ' Sort the table ' Call OTS_SortTable(tableGroup, g_iSortCol, g_sSortSequence, SA_RESERVED) ' ' Set MultiSelection enabled ' Call OTS_SetTableMultiSelection(tableGroup,TRUE) ' ' Send table to the response stream ' Call OTS_ServeTable(tableGroup)
' ' All done... OnServeAreaPage = TRUE End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnSearchNotify() ' Description: Search notification event handler. When one or more columns are ' marked with the OTS_COL_SEARCH flag, the Web Framework fires ' this event ' Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sItem,sValue ' Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sItem,sValue ' Returns: Always returns TRUE '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSearchNotify(ByRef PageIn, _ ByRef EventArg, _ ByRef sItem, _ ByRef sValue ) OnSearchNotify = TRUE
' ' User pressed the search GO button ' If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSearchNotify() Change Event Fired") End If g_bSearchChanged = TRUE g_iSearchCol = Int(sItem) g_sSearchColValue = CStr(sValue) ' ' User clicked a column sort, OR clicked either the page next or page prev button ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSearchNotify() Postback Event Fired") End If g_bSearchChanged = FALSE g_iSearchCol = Int(sItem) g_sSearchColValue = CStr(sValue) ' ' Unknown event source Else If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Unrecognized Event in OnSearchNotify()") End If End IF End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: OnPagingNotify() ' Function name: OnPagingNotify() ' Description: Paging notification event handler. ' Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sPageAction,iPageMin,iPageMax,iPageCurrent ' Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg ' Return Values: Always returns TRUE ' Global Variables: G_* '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPagingNotify(ByRef PageIn, _ ByRef EventArg, _ ByVal sPageAction, _ ByVal iPageMin, _ ByVal iPageMax, _ ByVal iPageCurrent ) OnPagingNotify = TRUE g_bPagingInitialized = TRUE ' ' User pressed either page next or page previous ' If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnPagingNotify() Change Event Fired") End If g_bPageChangeRequested = TRUE g_sPageAction = CStr(sPageAction) g_iPageMin = iPageMin g_iPageMax = iPageMax g_iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent ' ' User clicked a column sort OR the search GO button ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnPagingNotify() Postback Event Fired") End If g_bPageChangeRequested = FALSE g_sPageAction = CStr(sPageAction) g_iPageMin = iPageMin g_iPageMax = iPageMax g_iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent ' ' Unknown event source Else If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Unrecognized Event in OnPagingNotify()") End If End IF End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: OnSortNotify() ' Function name: GetServices ' Description: Sorting notification event handler. ' Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sortCol,sortSeq ' Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg ' Return Values: Always returns TRUE ' Global Variables: G_* '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSortNotify(ByRef PageIn, _ ByRef EventArg, _ ByVal sortCol, _ ByVal sortSeq ) OnSortNotify = TRUE ' ' User pressed column sort ' If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSortNotify() Change Event Fired") End If g_iSortCol = sortCol g_sSortSequence = sortSeq g_bSortRequested = TRUE ' ' User presed the search GO button OR clicked either the page next or page prev button ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSortNotify() Postback Event Fired") End If g_iSortCol = sortCol g_sSortSequence = sortSeq g_bSortRequested = TRUE ' ' Unknown event source Else If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Unrecognized Event in OnSearchNotify()") End If End IF If ( ENABLE_TRACING ) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Sort col: " + CStr(sortCol) + " sequence: " + sortSeq) End If End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: IsItemOnPage() ' Description: Verify that the current group part of the current page. ' Input Variables: iCurrentItem ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE or FALSE ' Global Variables: None '---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function IsItemOnPage(ByVal iCurrentItem, iCurrentPage, iItemsPerPage) Dim iLowerLimit Dim iUpperLimit
iLowerLimit = ((iCurrentPage - 1) * iItemsPerPage ) iUpperLimit = iLowerLimit + iItemsPerPage + 1 If ( iCurrentItem > iLowerLimit AND iCurrentItem < iUpperLimit ) Then IsItemOnPage = TRUE Else IsItemOnPage = FALSE End If End Function %>