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// CUsersInitialAlert.cpp : Implementation of CUsersInitialAlertApp and DLL registration.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "UsersInitialAlert.h"
#include "CUsersInitialAlert.h"
#include <usermsg.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <appliancetask.h>
#include <taskctx.h>
#include <appsrvcs.h>
// Alert source information
const WCHAR ALERT_LOG_NAME[] = L"MSSAKitComm"; const WCHAR ALERT_SOURCE [] = L"usermsg.dll"; //
// Various strings used in the program
const WCHAR SZ_METHOD_NAME[] = L"MethodName"; const WCHAR SZ_APPLIANCE_INITIALIZATION_TASK []=L"ApplianceInitializationTask";
const WCHAR SZ_WINNT_PATH[] = L"WinNT://"; const WCHAR SZ_GUESTUSER_NAME[] = L"/Guest";
// Function: CUsersInitialAlert::OnTaskComplete
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: pTaskContext - The TaskContext object contains the method name
// and parameters as name value pairs
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CUsersInitialAlert::OnTaskComplete(IUnknown *pTaskContext, LONG lTaskResult) { HRESULT hrRet = E_FAIL; LPWSTR pstrApplianceName = NULL; VARIANT_BOOL bIsDisabled;
CComPtr<IADsUser> pUser;
do { hrRet = ParseTaskParameter( pTaskContext ); if( FAILED( hrRet ) ) { break; }
if ( lTaskResult == SA_TASK_RESULT_COMMIT ) { if( FALSE == GetApplianceName( &pstrApplianceName ) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize GetApplianceName failed" ); break; } CComBSTR bstrADSPath;
bstrADSPath.Append( SZ_WINNT_PATH ); bstrADSPath += CComBSTR( pstrApplianceName ); bstrADSPath += CComBSTR( SZ_GUESTUSER_NAME );
hrRet = ADsGetObject( bstrADSPath, IID_IADsUser, (void**)&pUser ); if( FAILED( hrRet ) ) { break; }
hrRet = pUser->get_AccountDisabled( &bIsDisabled ); if( FAILED( hrRet ) ) { break; }
if( !bIsDisabled ) { hrRet = RaiseUsersInitialAlert(); } } else { //
// Do nothing on Commit failure
hrRet = S_OK; } } while( false );
if( pstrApplianceName != NULL ) { ::free( pstrApplianceName ); }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CUsersInitialAlert::OnTaskExecute
// Synopsis: This function is the entry point for AppMgr.
// Arguments: pTaskContext - The TaskContext object contains the method name
// and parameters as name value pairs
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CUsersInitialAlert::OnTaskExecute(IUnknown *pTaskContext) { return ParseTaskParameter(pTaskContext); }
HRESULT CUsersInitialAlert::ParseTaskParameter(IUnknown *pTaskContext) { CComVariant varValue; CComPtr<ITaskContext> pTaskParameter;
try { do { if(NULL == pTaskContext) { break; } hrRet = pTaskContext->QueryInterface(IID_ITaskContext, (void **)&pTaskParameter); if(FAILED(hrRet)) { break; }
hrRet = pTaskParameter->GetParameter( CComBSTR(SZ_METHOD_NAME), &varValue ); if ( FAILED( hrRet ) ) { break; }
if ( V_VT( &varValue ) != VT_BSTR ) { break; }
if ( lstrcmp( V_BSTR(&varValue), SZ_APPLIANCE_INITIALIZATION_TASK ) == 0 ) { hrRet=S_OK; } } while(false); } catch(...) { hrRet=E_FAIL; }
return hrRet; }
HRESULT CUsersInitialAlert::RaiseUsersInitialAlert() { DWORD dwAlertType = SA_ALERT_TYPE_ATTENTION; DWORD dwAlertId = L_GUESTUSER_ENABLED; HRESULT hrRet = E_FAIL; CComVariant varReplacementStrings; CComVariant varRawData; LONG lCookie;
CComPtr<IApplianceServices> pAppSrvcs;
try { do { hrRet = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ApplianceServices, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IApplianceServices, (void**)&pAppSrvcs); if (FAILED(hrRet)) { break; }
// Initialize() is called prior to using other component services.
//Performscomponent initialization operations.
hrRet = pAppSrvcs->Initialize(); if (FAILED(hrRet)) { break; }
hrRet = pAppSrvcs->RaiseAlert( dwAlertType, dwAlertId, CComBSTR(ALERT_LOG_NAME), CComBSTR(ALERT_SOURCE), SA_ALERT_DURATION_ETERNAL, &varReplacementStrings, &varRawData, &lCookie ); } while(false); } catch(...) { hrRet=E_FAIL; }
return hrRet; }
BOOL CUsersInitialAlert::GetApplianceName( LPWSTR* pstrComputerName ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwCount = 1;
do { if( *pstrComputerName != NULL ) { ::free( *pstrComputerName ); } dwSize = MAXAPPLIANCEDNSNAME * dwCount;
*pstrComputerName = ( LPWSTR ) ::malloc( sizeof(WCHAR) * dwSize ); if( *pstrComputerName == NULL ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetApplianceName malloc failed" ); break; }
// Get local computer name.
bReturn = ::GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, *pstrComputerName, &dwSize );
dwCount <<= 1; } while( !bReturn && ERROR_MORE_DATA == ::GetLastError() && dwCount < 8 );
return bReturn; }