Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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34 lines
882 B

  1. ; SAPI5.INF
  2. [Version]
  3. Signature= "$Windows NT$"
  4. LayoutFile=layout.inf
  5. [DefaultInstall]
  6. CopyFiles = FileSet1,FileSet5,FileSet6
  7. AddReg = SapiReg
  8. [DestinationDirs]
  9. FileSet1 = 24, %CommonDir%\Microsoft Shared\Speech
  10. FileSet5 = 24, %CommonDir%\Microsoft Shared\Speech\%UILanguageID%
  11. FileSet6 = 18,
  12. [FileSet1]
  13. sapi.cpl
  14. [FileSet5]
  15. spcplui.dll
  16. [FileSet6]
  17. sapicpl.hlp
  18. speech.chm
  19. [Strings]
  20. ; localizable strings
  21. CommonDir = Program Files\Common Files
  22. ; UI language of the OS, this needs to be localized
  23. UILanguageID = 1033
  24. [SapiReg]
  25. HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls,"Speech",,"%24%%CommonDir%\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.cpl"
  26. HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Extended Properties\{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2,"%24%%CommonDir%\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.cpl",0x00010001,4