// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1997
// File: gmobj.h
// GMOBJ.H: Grapical model objects declarations
#ifndef _GMOBJ_H_
#define _GMOBJ_H_
#include <list> // STL list template
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "model.h" // Graphical model
#include "gmprop.h" // Properties and proplists
#include "mbnflags.h" // Belief network marking flags static declarations
class CLAMP; // An instantiation for a node, discrete or continuous
class GOBJMBN; // A named object in a belief network
class GNODEMBN; // A node in a belief network
class GNODEMBND; // A discrete node
class GEDGEMBN; // An arc in a belief network
class MBNET; // A belief network
class MBNET_MODIFIER; // An object that alters a belief network
class GOBJMBN_INFER_ENGINE; // Abstract class for inference engine, based on MBNET_MODIFIER
class GOBJMBN_CLIQSET; // A group of junction trees, based on GOBJMBN_INFER_ENGINE
class GOBJMBN_CLIQUE; // A clique in a junction tree
class GEDGEMBN_SEPSET; // An edge in the junction tree (sepset)
class GOBJMBN_DOMAIN; // Named, sharable state space domain
// Define VGNODEMBN, an array of nodes
struct PTPOS { PTPOS( long x = 0, long y = 0 ) : _x(x),_y(y) {} long _x; long _y; };
// class GEDGEMBN:
// An edge of any kind in belief network.
class GEDGEMBN : public GEDGE { public: enum ETYPE { ETNONE = GELEM::EGELM_EDGE, // None
ETPROB, // Probabilistic
ETCLIQUE, // Clique membership
ETJTREE, // Junction tree linkage
ETUNDIR, // Undirected edge for topological operations
ETDIR, // Directed edge for topological operations
ETCLIQSET, // Link to a root clique in a jtree
ETEXPAND // Link from original to expanded node
GEDGEMBN ( GOBJMBN * pgnSource, GOBJMBN * pgnSink ) : GEDGE( pgnSource, pgnSink ) {}
GOBJMBN * PobjSource () { return (GOBJMBN *) GEDGE::PnodeSource(); } GOBJMBN * PobjSink () { return (GOBJMBN *) GEDGE::PnodeSink(); }
virtual GEDGEMBN * CloneNew ( MODEL & modelSelf, // the original network
MODEL & modelNew, // the new network
GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSource, // the original source node
GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSink, // the original sink node
GEDGEMBN * pgdegeNew = NULL ); // the new edge or NULL
virtual INT EType () const { return ETNONE ; }
virtual ~ GEDGEMBN () {}
// Accessors for the array of flag bits
bool BFlag ( IBFLAG ibf ) const { return _vFlags.BFlag( ibf ); } bool BSetBFlag ( IBFLAG ibf, bool bValue = true ) { return _vFlags.BSetBFlag( ibf, bValue ); }
protected: VFLAGS _vFlags; // Bit vector of flags
// class CLAMP:
// A forced value (evidence) for a node, continuous or discrete.
// Use assignment operator to update.
class CLAMP { public: CLAMP ( bool bDiscrete = true, RST rst = 0.0, bool bActive = false ) : _bDiscrete(bDiscrete), _bActive(bActive), _rst(rst) { }
bool BActive () const { return _bActive; } bool BDiscrete () const { return _bActive; }
const RST & Rst () const { assert( BActive() && ! BDiscrete() ); return _rst; } IST Ist () const { assert( BActive() && BDiscrete() ); return IST(_rst); }
bool operator == ( const CLAMP & clamp ) const { return _bDiscrete == clamp._bDiscrete && _bActive == clamp._bActive && (!_bActive || _rst == clamp._rst); } bool operator != ( const CLAMP & clamp ) const { return ! (self == clamp); }
protected: bool _bActive; // Is this clamp active?
bool _bDiscrete; // Is this discrete or continuous?
RST _rst; // State (coerced to integer if discrete)
// class GNODEMBN:
// A node in belief network, continuous or discrete.
// Hungarian: "gndbn"
class GNODEMBN : public GOBJMBN { friend class DSCPARSER; friend class MBNET;
public: GNODEMBN (); virtual ~ GNODEMBN();
virtual INT EType () const { return EBNO_NODE ; }
virtual GOBJMBN * CloneNew ( MODEL & modelSelf, MODEL & modelNew, GOBJMBN * pgobjNew = NULL );
// Node sub-type: use IType() to access.
enum FNODETYPE { // Flag definitions (i.e., bits, not values)
FND_Void = 0, // Node is abstract base class
FND_Valid = 1, // Node is usable
FND_Discrete = 2 // Node is discrete
UINT CParent () const { return CSourceArcByEType( GEDGEMBN::ETPROB ); } UINT CChild () const { return CSinkArcByEType( GEDGEMBN::ETPROB ); }
INT & ITopLevel () { return _iTopLevel; } INT ITopLevel () const { return _iTopLevel; } PTPOS & PtPos () { return _ptPos; } ZSTR & ZsFullName () { return _zsFullName; } LTBNPROP & LtProp () { return _ltProp; }
virtual void Dump (); virtual void Visit ( bool bUpwards = true );
// Add topological elements to given array; if "include self", self is last.
// Fill array with parent pointers (follow directed arcs)
void GetParents ( VPGNODEMBN & vpgnode, // Result array
bool bIncludeSelf = false, // Place self as last entry in list
bool bUseExpansion = true ); // If expanded, use expansion only
void GetFamily ( VPGNODEMBN & vpgnode, bool bUseExpansion = true ) { GetParents(vpgnode,true,bUseExpansion); } // Fill array with child pointers (follow directed arcs)
void GetChildren ( VPGNODEMBN & vpgnode, bool bIncludeSelf = false ); // Fill array with neighbors (follow undirected arcs)
void GetNeighbors ( VPGNODEMBN & vpgnode, bool bIncludeSelf = false ); // Return true if a node is neighbor
bool BIsNeighbor ( GNODEMBN * pgndmb ); // Return the index number of the parent or child or -1 if no relation.
int IParent ( GNODEMBN * pgndmb, bool bReverse = false ); int IChild ( GNODEMBN * pgndmb, bool bReverse = false ); // Build the probability descriptor describing the node and its parents
void GetVtknpd ( VTKNPD & vtknpd, bool bUseExpansion = true );
// Query and access clamping information
const CLAMP & ClampIface () const { return _clampIface; } CLAMP & ClampIface () { return _clampIface; }
protected: INT _iTopLevel; // Topological level
LTBNPROP _ltProp; // The list of user-definable properties
PTPOS _ptPos; // Display position in graphical display
ZSTR _zsFullName; // Full name of node
CLAMP _clampIface; // User interface clamp
protected: // Compare the topology of this node to that of the given distribution
// token list to this. If 'pvpgnode', fill it with pointers to
// the parent nodes
bool BMatchTopology ( MBNET & mbnet, const VTKNPD & vtknpd, VPGNODEMBN * pvpgnode = NULL );
// class GEDGEMBN_U: An undirected edge
class GEDGEMBN_U : public GEDGEMBN { public: GEDGEMBN_U ( GNODEMBN * pgnSource, GNODEMBN * pgnSink ) : GEDGEMBN( pgnSource, pgnSink ) {} virtual INT EType () const { return ETUNDIR; }
virtual ~ GEDGEMBN_U() {} };
// class GEDGEMBN_D: A directed edge
class GEDGEMBN_D : public GEDGEMBN { public: GEDGEMBN_D ( GNODEMBN * pgnSource, GNODEMBN * pgnSink ) : GEDGEMBN( pgnSource, pgnSink ) {} virtual INT EType () const { return ETDIR; }
virtual ~ GEDGEMBN_D() {} };
// A probabilistic arc in a belief network.
class GEDGEMBN_PROB : public GEDGEMBN_D { public: GEDGEMBN_PROB ( GNODEMBN * pgndSource, GNODEMBN * pgndSink ) : GEDGEMBN_D( pgndSource, pgndSink ) {}
virtual INT EType () const { return ETPROB ; }
virtual ~ GEDGEMBN_PROB () {}
virtual GEDGEMBN * CloneNew ( MODEL & modelSelf, // the original network
MODEL & modelNew, // the new network
GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSource, // the original source node
GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSink, // the original sink node
GEDGEMBN * pgdegeNew = NULL ); // the new edge or NULL
GNODEMBN * PgndSource () { return (GNODEMBN *) GEDGE::PnodeSource(); } GNODEMBN * PgndSink () { return (GNODEMBN *) GEDGE::PnodeSink(); }
// class GNODEMBND:
// A discrete node in belief network.
class GNODEMBND : public GNODEMBN { friend class DSCPARSER;
public: GNODEMBND (); virtual ~ GNODEMBND (); virtual GOBJMBN * CloneNew ( MODEL & modelSelf, MODEL & modelNew, GOBJMBN * pgobjNew = NULL );
UINT CState() const { return _vzsrState.size(); } const VZSREF & VzsrStates() const { return _vzsrState; } void SetStates ( const VZSREF & vzsrState ) { _vzsrState = vzsrState; } // Return true if there's an associated distribution
bool BHasDist () const { return _refbndist.BRef(); } // Set the distribution from the given net's distribution map
void SetDist ( MBNET & mbnet ); // Bind the given distribution this node
void SetDist ( BNDIST * pbndist ); // Return the distribution
BNDIST & Bndist () { assert( BHasDist() ); return *_refbndist; } const BNDIST & Bndist () const { assert( BHasDist() ); return *_refbndist; }
// Return true if the distribution is dense (false ==> sparse)
bool BDense () const { assert( BHasDist() ); return _refbndist->BDense() ; } // Return the discrete dimension vector of this node if possible;
// return false if any parent is not discrete.
bool BGetVimd ( VIMD & vimd, // Dimension array to fill
bool bIncludeSelf = false, // Place self as last entry in list
bool bUseExpansion = true ); // If expanded, use expansion only
void Dump ();
void ClearDist() { _refbndist = NULL; } const REFBNDIST & RefBndist () { return _refbndist; } bool BCheckDistDense ();
const ZSREF ZsrDomain() const { return _zsrDomain; } void SetDomain ( const GOBJMBN_DOMAIN & gobjrdom ); protected: VZSREF _vzsrState; // Names of states
ZSREF _zsrDomain; // Domain of states, if any
REFBNDIST _refbndist; // Distribution object
DEFINEVP(GNODEMBND); // A vector containing pointers to nodes
DEFINEV(VPGNODEMBN); // A vector of vectors containing pointers to nodes
DEFINEV(VPGNODEMBND); // A vector of vectors containing pointers to discrete nodes
// MBNET_MODIFIER: A generic superclass for active objects
// which modify a belief network in a reversible fashion.
// The belief network (MBNET) object maintains a stack of these
// things and calls each object's Destroy() function as necessary
// to "unstack".
// These objects should be reusable; that is, the outer level
// creator may call Create(), followed by Destroy(), followed by
// Create() again.
class MBNET_MODIFIER : public GOBJMBN { public: MBNET_MODIFIER ( MBNET & model ) : _model(model) {} virtual ~ MBNET_MODIFIER () {}
virtual INT EType () const { return EBNO_MBNET_MODIFIER; }
// Perform any creation-time operations
virtual void Create () = 0; // Perform any special destruction
virtual void Destroy () = 0; // Return true if positions in modifier stack can be reversed;
// default is "no" (false).
virtual bool BCommute ( const MBNET_MODIFIER & mbnmod ) { return false; } // Return true if construction resulted in no modifications to network
// i.e., operation was moot; default is "no" (false).
virtual bool BMoot () { return false; }
MBNET & Model () { return _model; }
protected: MBNET & _model; // The model we're operating on
// Define an array of pointers to modifiers, "VPMBNET_MODIFIER".
// MBNET_NODE_RANKER: A generic superclass for external objects
// which rank or order nodes by some criteria. Operates as
// a function object; i.e., it is activated by use of the
// function call operator.
// Objects of subclasses of this class must be reusable.
// That is, the functin call operator must be callable
// repeatedly.
class MBNET_NODE_RANKER : public GOBJMBN { public: MBNET_NODE_RANKER ( MBNET & model ) : _model(model) {} virtual ~ MBNET_NODE_RANKER () {}
virtual INT EType () const { return EBNO_NODE_RANKER; }
MBNET & Model () { return _model; }
// The ranking function
virtual void operator () () = 0;
// Return the number of items ranked
INT CRanked () const { return _vzsrNodes.size(); } // Return the nodes in rank order
const VZSREF VzsrefNodes () const { return _vzsrNodes; } // Return the computed values in rank order
const VLREAL VlrValues () const { return _vlrValues; }
protected: MBNET & _model; // The model we're operating on
VZSREF _vzsrNodes; // The names of the nodes in rank order
VLREAL _vlrValues; // THe values associated with the ranking (if any)
protected: void Clear () { _vzsrNodes.clear(); _vlrValues.resize(0); }
// class MBNET: a belief network
class MBNET : public MODEL { public: MBNET (); virtual ~ MBNET ();
// Clone this belief network from another
virtual void Clone ( MODEL & model );
// Accessor for map of distribution
MPPD & Mppd () { return _mppd; } // Return true if an edge is allowed between these two nodes
bool BAcyclicEdge ( GNODEMBN * pgndSource, GNODEMBN * pgndSink ); // Add a named object to the graph and symbol table
virtual void AddElem ( SZC szcName, GOBJMBN * pgobj ); // Delete named objects
virtual void DeleteElem ( GOBJMBN * pgelem ); void AddElem ( GOBJMBN * pgobjUnnamed ) { MODEL::AddElem( pgobjUnnamed ); }
void AddElem ( GEDGEMBN * pgedge ) { MODEL::AddElem( pgedge ); }
// Topology and distribution management
// Add arcs conforming to the defined distributions
virtual void CreateTopology (); // Destroy arcs.
virtual void DestroyTopology ( bool bDirectedOnly = true ) ; // Connect distribution information in MPPD to nodes
virtual void BindDistributions ( bool bBind = true ); void ClearDistributions () { BindDistributions( false ); }
// Write debugging info out
virtual void Dump ();
// Network walking/marking helpers
void ClearNodeMarks (); void TopSortNodes ();
// Index-to-name mapping functions
// Find the named object by index
GOBJMBN * PgobjFindByIndex ( int inm ); // Return the index of a name
int INameIndex ( ZSREF zsr ); // Return the index of an object's name
int INameIndex ( const GOBJMBN * pgobj ); // Return the highest+1 name index
int CNameMax () const { return _vzsrNames.size(); }
// Causal Independence expansion operations (automatic during inference)
virtual void ExpandCI (); virtual void UnexpandCI ();
// Inference operations
// Return the most recently created inference engine
GOBJMBN_INFER_ENGINE * PInferEngine (); // Create an inference engine
void CreateInferEngine ( REAL rEstimatedMaximumSize = 10e6 ); // Destroy an inference engine
void DestroyInferEngine ();
protected: MPPD _mppd; // Declared probability distributions
VZSREF _vzsrNames; // Array associating indicies to names
int _inmFree; // First free entry in _vsrNodes
INT _iInferEngID; // Next inference engine identifier
VPMBNET_MODIFIER _vpModifiers; // The stack of active modifiers
protected: int CreateNameIndex ( const GOBJMBN * pgobj ); void DeleteNameIndex ( const GOBJMBN * pgobj ); void DeleteNameIndex ( int inm );
void PopModifierStack ( bool bAll = false ); void PushModifierStack ( MBNET_MODIFIER * pmodf ); MBNET_MODIFIER * PModifierStackTop (); void VerifyTopology ();
// class MBNETDSC:
// Subclass of MBNET that knows how to load and save DSC from
// the DSC file format.
class MBNETDSC : public MBNET { public: MBNETDSC (); virtual ~ MBNETDSC ();
// Parse the network from a DSC file
virtual bool BParse ( SZC szcFn, FILE * pfErr = NULL );
// Print the network in DSC format
virtual void Print ( FILE * pf = NULL );
// Token translation
// Map a string to a token
static TOKEN TokenFind ( SZC szc ); // Map a distribution type to a token
static SZC SzcDist ( BNDIST::EDIST edist ); // Map a token to a string
static SZC SzcTokenMap ( TOKEN tkn );
protected: // DSC file printing functions
FILE * _pfDsc; // Output print destination
protected: void PrintHeaderBlock(); void PrintPropertyDeclarations(); void PrintNodes(); void PrintDomains(); void PrintTopologyAndDistributions(); void PrintDistribution ( GNODEMBN & gnode, BNDIST & bndist ); void PrintPropertyList ( LTBNPROP & ltprop );
class BNWALKER : public GRPHWALKER<GNODEMBN> { protected: bool BSelect ( GNODEMBN * pgn ); bool BMark ( GNODEMBN * pgn ); };