// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1997
// File: gmprop.h
// gmprop.h: Graphical model property and property type declarations
#ifndef _GMPROP_H_
#define _GMPROP_H_
A word about DYNAMICALLY EXTENSIBLE OBJECTS and their usage.
These graphical model object classes are designed to require only very occasional addition of new variables. Most add-on algorithms and functionality do, of course, require new variables, but there are several ways of meeting that need.
1) The standard C++ method of subclassing. This is a reasonable approach for some objects, but typically not for nodes in a belief network. Cascaded types nodes render header files unreadable and cause severe memory bloat. Also, most variables apply to a phase of processing or only certain nodes. These cases are better handled by the subsequence approaches.
2) Dynamic property lists. Every node in a belief network, as well as the network itself, has a property list. New GOBJPROPTYPEs can be easily created, then new PROPMBNs can be added to the appropriate nodes.
3) Dynamic bit flags. Every node and the network has a VFLAG vector, and member functions of the MPSYMTBL symbol table support conversion of names to indicies.
4) New edge types. An "edge" is a real C++ object, and the need for seriously complex and versatile data types can be met by creating a new edge type which connects pairs of other data structures. Edges can even be created which connect a node to itself, thus creating an "add-on" data structure.
*/ #include <list>
#include "basics.h"
#include "symtmbn.h"
#include "enumstd.h"
class MODEL; class MBNET;
// A named property type descriptor living in a belief network.
// The word "choice" connotes an enumerated value (i.e., and
// an integer property where each value from zero on is named).
class GOBJPROPTYPE : public GOBJMBN { friend class DSCPARSER; // So the parser can create them
friend class BNREG; // So they can be loaded from the Registry
public: GOBJPROPTYPE () {} virtual ~ GOBJPROPTYPE() {}
// Return object type
virtual INT EType () const { return EBNO_PROP_TYPE ; }
virtual GOBJMBN * CloneNew ( MODEL & modelSelf, MODEL & modelNew, GOBJMBN * pgobjNew = NULL ); // Return property type descriptor
UINT FPropType() const { return _fType; } // Return the list of enumerated choices
const VZSREF VzsrChoice() const { return _vzsrChoice; } const ZSREF ZsrComment () const { return _zsrComment; }
protected: UINT _fType; // Property type flags
VZSREF _vzsrChoice; // Array of choice names
ZSREF _zsrComment; // Comment
// class PROPMBN:
// A property item definition living in a GNODEMBN
class PROPMBN { friend class LTBNPROP; // for cloning
public: PROPMBN (); PROPMBN ( const PROPMBN & bnp ); PROPMBN & operator = ( const PROPMBN & bnp ); // declare standard operators ==, !=, <, >
bool operator == ( ZSREF zsrProp ) const; bool operator == ( SZC szcProp ) const;
void Init ( GOBJPROPTYPE & bnpt ); UINT Count () const; UINT FPropType () const { return _fType; } ZSREF ZsrPropType () const { return _zsrPropType; } ZSREF Zsr ( UINT i = 0 ) const; REAL Real ( UINT i = 0 ) const; void Reset (); void Set ( ZSREF zsr ); void Set ( REAL r ); void Add ( ZSREF zsr ); void Add ( REAL r );
protected: UINT _fType; // Property type flags
ZSREF _zsrPropType; // Property name
VZSREF _vzsrStrings; // Array of strings
VREAL _vrValues; // Array of reals (or integers or choices)
// class LTBNPROP:
// A list of properties
class LTBNPROP : public list<PROPMBN> { public: // Find an element
PROPMBN * PFind ( ZSREF zsrProp ); const PROPMBN * PFind ( ZSREF zsrProp ) const; // Update or add and element; return true if element was already present
bool Update ( const PROPMBN & bnp ); // Force the list to contain only unique elements
bool Uniqify (); // Clone from another list with another symbol table
void Clone ( MODEL & model, const MODEL & modelOther, const LTBNPROP & ltbnOther ); };
// class PROPMGR:
// Facilitates translation between user declarations of standard
// properties and internal usage.
// N.B.: Remember that all ZSREFs are symbiotic to the MODEL of
// origin and are therefore useless in other networks.
class MODEL; // A belief network
class GNODEMBN; // A node in a belief network
class PROPMGR { public: PROPMGR ( MODEL & model ); // Return a pointer to the requested standard property type
GOBJPROPTYPE * PPropType ( ESTDPROP evp ); // Return the name of the standard property
ZSREF ZsrPropType ( ESTDPROP evp ); // Return the user-defined value of the standard label or -1 if not defined
int ILblToUser ( ESTDLBL elbl ) { ASSERT_THROW( elbl < ESTDLBL_max, EC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "invalid standard label index" ); return _vLblToUser[elbl]; } // Return the standard label for the user-defined label value or -1
int IUserToLbl ( int iLbl ) { return iLbl >= 0 && iLbl < _vUserToLbl.size() ? _vUserToLbl[iLbl] : -1 ; } // Find a standard property in a property list
PROPMBN * PFind ( LTBNPROP & ltprop, ESTDPROP estd ); // Find a standard property in a node's property list
PROPMBN * PFind ( GNODEMBN & gnd, ESTDPROP estd ); // Find a standard property in the associated model's property list
PROPMBN * PFind ( ESTDPROP estd ); // Return a displayable name for a standard label
static SZC SzcLbl ( int iLbl );
protected: // The model we're referring to
MODEL & _model; // Pointers to property types for currently used VOI types
GOBJPROPTYPE * _vPropMap [ ESTDP_max ]; // Map from predefined label index to user label index
int _vLblToUser [ ESTDLBL_max ]; // Map from user label index to predefined label index
VINT _vUserToLbl; // Array of ZSREFs as recorded in the network used during construction
VZSREF _vzsrPropType;
#endif // _GMPROP_H_