Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// PURPOSE: Main header file for DLL
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Roman Mach
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-2-96
// 1. Based on Print Troubleshooter DLL
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
// V3.0 7-24-98 JM Major revision, use STL.
#ifndef __APGTS_H_
#define __APGTS_H_ 1
#include <windows.h>
extern HANDLE ghModule;
// Simple macros used to eliminate unnecessarily conditionally compiled code hopefully
// in a readable fashion.
#define RUNNING_LOCAL_TS() true
#define RUNNING_ONLINE_TS() false
#define RUNNING_LOCAL_TS() false
#define RUNNING_ONLINE_TS() true
// Standard symbolic names for standard (implicit) nodes
#define NODE_PROBLEM_ASK _T("ProblemAsk") // When we're posted a request, the second
// field is ProblemAsk=<problem node symbolic name>
// changed from "TShootProblem" 10/31/97 JM
#define NODE_LIBRARY_ASK _T("asklibrary") // When we're started from the Launcher,
// name field is "asklibrary", and value is empty string
#define NODE_SERVICE _T("Service")
#define NODE_FAIL _T("Fail")
#define NODE_BYE _T("Bye")
#define NODE_IMPOSSIBLE _T("Impossible")
#define NODE_FAILALLCAUSESNORMAL _T("FailAllCausesNormal")
// Field names for HTTP request. These are on the HTML <FORM>
#define C_TYPE _T("type") // pre version 3.0 normal request, now deprecated
// First argument:
// type=<TS topic name>
// Second argument:
// <IDH of Problem Page>=<IDH of Selected Problem>
// or
// ProblemAsk=<IDH of Selected Problem>
// Succeeding arguments may be:
// <number (IDH)>=<number (state)>
// or
// <symbolic node name>=<number (state)>
#define C_FIRST _T("first") // Display "first" page (status page), which
// also provides access to all troubleshooting
// topics.
// No further expected inputs here
#define C_FURTHER_GLOBAL _T("GlobalStatus")
#define C_THREAD_OVERVIEW _T("ThreadStatus")
#define C_TOPIC_STATUS _T("TopicStatus")
#define C_PRELOAD _T("preload") // pre version 3.0 integration with a sniffer,
// now deprecated
// same inputs as C_TYPE
// Only difference is that this means to
// go looking to see if a cause is already
// established.
#define C_TOPIC _T("topic") // version 3.0 normal request
// First argument:
// topic=<TS topic name>
// Second argument:
// ProblemAsk=<NID or name of Selected Problem>
// Succeeding arguments:
// <symbolic node name>=<number (state)>
#define C_TEMPLATE _T("template") // version 3.0 enhancement to permit the
// the use of an arbitrary HTI file to be
// used with an arbitrary DSC file.
#define C_PWD _T("pwd")
#define C_TOPIC_AND_PROBLEM _T("TopicAndProblem") // version 3.x (not yet used in V3.0),
// allows specification of topic & problem by
// a single radio button. This enables an HTML
// page seamlessly to put problems from multiple
// topics in a single form.
// First argument:
// TopicAndProblem=<TS topic name>,<NID or name of Selected Problem>
// The comma in the line above is a literal comma, e.g.
// TopicAndProblem=mem,OutOfMemory
// Succeeding arguments:
// <symbolic node name>=<number (state)>
// Symbols from HTTP query
#define C_COOKIETAG _T("CK_") // V3.2 enhancement to support cookies passed in
// via a GET or a POST.
#define C_SNIFFTAG _T("SNIFFED_") // V3.2 enhancement to allow indication of a
// sniffed state for a particular node (independent
// of its current state).
_T("LAST_SNIFFED_MANUALLY") // To identify that last node was sniffed manually
#define C_AMPERSAND _T("&") // Standard delimiter character.
#define C_EQUALSIGN _T("=") // Standard delimiter character.
// These names serve "AllowAutomaticSniffing" checkbox.
// Currently they are relevant for Local Troubleshooter only.
// Oleg. 10.25.99
#define C_ALLOW_AUTOMATIC_SNIFFING_NAME _T("boxAllowSniffing")
//------------- Config file manager object ---------------//
#define DLLNAME _T("apgts.dll")
#define DLLNAME2 "apgts.dll"
#define CFG_HEADER _T("[APGTS]")
#define TS_REG_CLASS _T("Generic_Troubleshooter_DLL")
#define REG_EVT_PATH _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application")
#define REG_EVT_MF _T("EventMessageFile")
#define REG_EVT_TS _T("TypesSupported")
// Default log file directory.
#define DEF_LOGFILEDIRECTORY _T("d:\\http\\support\\tshoot\\log\\")
// maximum cache for belief networks
#define MAXCACHESIZE 200
// file extensions and suffixes
#define LOCALTS_SUFFIX_RESULT _T("_result")