// MODULE: RegistryMonitor.cpp
// PURPOSE: Monitor changes to the registry.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 9-16-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 09-16-98 JM
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "RegistryMonitor.h"
#include "apgts.h"//Added 20010302 for RUNNING_LOCAL_TS macro
#include "event.h"
#include "apiwraps.h"
#include "ThreadPool.h"
#include "apgtslog.h"
// CRegistryMonitor::ThreadStatus
/* static */ CString CRegistryMonitor::ThreadStatusText(ThreadStatus ts) { switch(ts) { case eBeforeInit: return _T("Before Init"); case eInit: return _T("Init"); case eFail: return _T("Fail"); case eDefaulting: return _T("Defaulting"); case eWait: return _T("Wait"); case eRun: return _T("Run"); case eExiting: return _T("Exiting"); default: return _T(""); } }
// CRegistryMonitor
// This class does the bulk of its work on a separate thread.
// The thread is created in the constructor by starting static function
// CDirectoryMonitor::RegistryMonitorTask
// That function, in turn does its work by calling private members of this class that
// are specific to use on the RegistryMonitorTask thread.
// When this goes out of scope, its own destructor calls ShutDown to stop the thread,
// waits for the thread to shut.
// Inherited methods from CRegistryMonitor are available to other threads.
CRegistryMonitor::CRegistryMonitor( CDirectoryMonitor & DirectoryMonitor, CThreadPool * pThreadPool, const CString& strTopicName, CHTMLLog *pLog ) : CAPGTSRegConnector( strTopicName ), m_DirectoryMonitor(DirectoryMonitor), m_bMustStartDirMonitor(true), m_bMustStartThreadPool(true), m_bShuttingDown(false), m_dwErr(0), m_ThreadStatus(eBeforeInit), m_time(0), m_pThreadPool(pThreadPool), m_pLog( pLog ) { enum {eHevMon, eHevInit, eHevShut, eThread, eOK} Progress = eHevMon;
m_hevMonitorRequested = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (the RegistryMonitorTask) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (m_hevMonitorRequested) { Progress = eHevInit; m_hevInitialized = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (this one) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (m_hevInitialized) { Progress = eHevShut; m_hevThreadIsShut = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (this one) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) { Progress = eThread; DWORD dwThreadID; // No need to hold onto dwThreadID in member variable.
// All Win32 functions take the handle m_hThread instead.
// The one reason you'd ever want to know this ID is for
// debugging
// Note that there is no corresponding ::CloseHandle(m_hThread).
// That is because the thread goes out of existence on the implicit
// ::ExitThread() when RegistryMonitorTask returns. See documentation of
// ::CreateThread for further details JM 10/22/98
m_hThread = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)RegistryMonitorTask, this, 0, &dwThreadID);
if (m_hThread) Progress = eOK; } } }
if (m_hThread) { // Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hevInitialized ); } else { m_dwErr = GetLastError(); CString str; str.Format(_T("%d"), m_dwErr); CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), (Progress == eHevMon) ? _T("Can't create monitor event") : (Progress == eHevInit) ? _T("Can't create \"init\" event") : (Progress == eHevShut) ? _T("Can't create \"shut\" event") : _T("Can't create thread"), str, EV_GTS_ERROR_REGMONITORTHREAD ); SetThreadStatus(eFail);
if (m_hevMonitorRequested) ::CloseHandle(m_hevMonitorRequested);
if (m_hevInitialized) ::CloseHandle(m_hevInitialized);
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) ::CloseHandle(m_hevThreadIsShut); } }
CRegistryMonitor::~CRegistryMonitor() { ShutDown(); if (m_hevMonitorRequested) ::CloseHandle(m_hevMonitorRequested);
if (m_hevInitialized) ::CloseHandle(m_hevInitialized);
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) ::CloseHandle(m_hevThreadIsShut); }
void CRegistryMonitor::SetThreadStatus(ThreadStatus ts) { Lock(); m_ThreadStatus = ts; time(&m_time); Unlock(); }
DWORD CRegistryMonitor::GetStatus(ThreadStatus &ts, DWORD & seconds) { time_t timeNow; Lock(); ts = m_ThreadStatus; time(&timeNow); seconds = timeNow - m_time; Unlock(); return m_dwErr; }
// Only for use by this class's own destructor.
void CRegistryMonitor::ShutDown() { Lock(); m_bShuttingDown = true; if (m_hThread) { ::SetEvent(m_hevMonitorRequested); Unlock();
// Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hevThreadIsShut ); } else Unlock(); }
// Must be called on RegistryMonitorTask thread. Handles all work of monitoring the directory.
void CRegistryMonitor::Monitor() { enum {eRegChange, eHev /*shutdown*/, eNumHandles}; HANDLE hList[eNumHandles]= { NULL }; // array of handles we can use when waiting for multiple events
HKEY hk= NULL; // handle to key in registry
DWORD dwNErr = 0; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS + 1; // scratch for returns of any of several
// calls to Win32 Registry fns. Initialize to arbitrary value
// != ERROR_SUCCESS so we don't close what we haven't opened.
SetThreadStatus(eInit); try { // create an event for registry notification
hList[eRegChange] = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (hList[eRegChange] == NULL) { throw CGenSysException( __FILE__, __LINE__, _T("Registry notification event"), EV_GTS_ERROR_REG_NFT_CEVT ); }
CString str = ThisProgramFullKey();
// Technically, KEY_ALL_ACCESS is overkill, but this program should always
// run in an environment where this shoudl succeed, so we haven't bothered
// trying to limit to only the access we need. At the very least, we need
// [BC - 20010302] - Registry access needs to be restricted to run local TShoot
// for certain user accts, such as WinXP built in guest acct. To minimize change
// access only restricted for local TShoot, not online.
REGSAM samRegistryAccess= KEY_ALL_ACCESS; if(RUNNING_LOCAL_TS()) samRegistryAccess= KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_NOTIFY; lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str, 0, samRegistryAccess, &hk ); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("%ld"),lResult);
::SetEvent(m_hevInitialized); // OK to ask this object for registry values;
// of course, you'll just get defaults.
throw CGeneralException( __FILE__, __LINE__, strError, EV_GTS_ERROR_REG_NFT_OPKEY ); }
// ...and we also wait for an explicit wakeup
hList[eHev] = m_hevMonitorRequested;
while (true) { if (m_bShuttingDown) break;
::SetEvent(m_hevInitialized); // OK to ask this object for registry values
// set up to be informed of change
lResult = ::RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( hk, FALSE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, hList[eRegChange], TRUE); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("%ld"),lResult);
throw CGeneralException( __FILE__, __LINE__, strError, EV_GTS_ERROR_REG_NFT_SETNTF ); }
::ResetEvent(m_hevMonitorRequested); // maybe we don't need to do this. JM 9/16/98
SetThreadStatus(eWait); DWORD dwNotifyObj = WaitForMultipleObjects ( eNumHandles, hList, FALSE, // only need one object, not all
INFINITE); SetThreadStatus(eRun); } } catch (CGenSysException& x) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( x.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), x.GetErrorMsg(), x.GetSystemErrStr(), x.GetErrorCode() ); } catch (CGeneralException& x) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( x.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), x.GetErrorMsg(), _T("General exception"), x.GetErrorCode() ); } catch (...) { // Catch any other exception thrown.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_GEN_EXCEPTION ); }
if (hk != NULL) ::RegCloseKey(hk);
if (hList[eRegChange] != NULL) ::CloseHandle(hList[eRegChange]);
// Must be called on RegistryMonitorTask thread.
void CRegistryMonitor::AckShutDown() { Lock(); ::SetEvent(m_hevThreadIsShut); Unlock(); }
// get new registry values into our internal data structure.
void CRegistryMonitor::LoadChangedRegistryValues() { int maskChanged; int maskCreated; Read(maskChanged, maskCreated);
// It actually matters that we set reload delay before we set directory monitor path.
// The first time through here, the call to m_DirectoryMonitor.SetResourceDirectory
// actually sets loose the DirectoryMonitorTask
if ( (maskChanged & eReloadDelay) == eReloadDelay) { DWORD dwReloadDelay; GetNumericInfo(eReloadDelay, dwReloadDelay); m_DirectoryMonitor.SetReloadDelay(dwReloadDelay); }
if ( m_bMustStartDirMonitor || (maskChanged & eResourcePath) == eResourcePath) { CString strResourcePath; GetStringInfo(eResourcePath, strResourcePath); m_DirectoryMonitor.SetResourceDirectory(strResourcePath); // side effect: if the
// directory monitor is not yet started, this tells it what
// directory to monitor so it can start.
m_bMustStartDirMonitor = false; }
if ( (maskChanged & eDetailedEventLogging) == eDetailedEventLogging) { DWORD dw; GetNumericInfo(eDetailedEventLogging, dw); CEvent::s_bLogAll = dw ? true : false; }
if ((maskChanged & eLogFilePath) == eLogFilePath) { // Notify the logging object about the new logging file path.
CString strLogFilePath;
GetStringInfo( eLogFilePath, strLogFilePath); m_pLog->SetLogDirectory( strLogFilePath ); }
if ( m_bMustStartThreadPool || (maskChanged & eMaxThreads) == eMaxThreads || (maskChanged & eThreadsPP) == eThreadsPP ) { m_pThreadPool->ExpandPool(GetDesiredThreadCount()); m_bMustStartThreadPool = false; } return; }
// Main routine of a thread responsible for monitoring the registry.
// INPUT lpParams
// Always returns 0.
/* static */ UINT WINAPI CRegistryMonitor::RegistryMonitorTask(LPVOID lpParams) { reinterpret_cast<CRegistryMonitor*>(lpParams)->Monitor(); reinterpret_cast<CRegistryMonitor*>(lpParams)->AckShutDown(); return 0; }