Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// PURPOSE: sniffing class
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 12-11-98
// NOTES: This is base abstract class which performs sniffing
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.2 12-11-98 OK
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Sniff.h"
#include "SniffConnector.h"
#include "SniffController.h"
#include "Topic.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW
// the problem is, that JavaScript returns 0xffffffff, but VBScript returns
// 0x0000ffff, so we define SNIFF_FAIL_MASK as 0x0000ffff and use it as mask to
// determine if sniffing was successful. Expression 0xffffffff & SNIFF_FAIL_MASK
// will have the same result as expression 0x0000ffff & SNIFF_FAIL_MASK.
#define SNIFF_FAIL_MASK 0x0000ffff
// CSniff implementation
// called as public interface function when resniffing
bool CSniff::Resniff(CSniffedArr& arrSniffed) { bool ret = false; LOCKOBJECT(); for (CSniffedArr::iterator i = arrSniffed.begin(); i < arrSniffed.end(); i++) { IST state = SNIFF_FAILURE_RESULT;
if (GetSniffController()->AllowResniff(i->nid())) { if (SniffNodeInternal(i->nid(), &state)) { if (state != i->state()) { *i = CNodeStatePair(i->nid(), state); ret = true; } } else { arrSniffed.erase(i); i--; ret = true; } } }
UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// called as public interface function when sniffing on start up
bool CSniff::SniffAll(CSniffedArr& arrOut) { bool ret = false; vector<NID> arrNodes; vector<ESTDLBL> arrTypeExclude;
arrTypeExclude.push_back(ESTDLBL_problem); arrOut.clear();
if (GetTopic()->GetNodeArrayExcludeType(arrNodes, arrTypeExclude)) { for (vector<NID>::iterator i = arrNodes.begin(); i < arrNodes.end(); i++) { if (GetSniffController()->AllowAutomaticOnStartSniffing(*i)) { IST state = SNIFF_FAILURE_RESULT; if (SniffNodeInternal(*i, &state)) { arrOut.push_back(CNodeStatePair(*i, state)); ret = true; } } } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// called as public interface function when sniffing on the fly
bool CSniff::SniffNode(NID numNodeID, IST* pnumNodeState) { bool ret = false;
LOCKOBJECT(); if (GetSniffController()->AllowAutomaticOnFlySniffing(numNodeID)) ret = SniffNodeInternal(numNodeID, pnumNodeState); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
bool CSniff::SniffNodeInternal(NID numNodeID, IST* pnumNodeState) { CString strNodeName;
if (!GetTopic()->IsRead()) return false; strNodeName = GetTopic()->GetNodeSymName(numNodeID);
if (strNodeName.IsEmpty()) return false;
long res = GetSniffConnector()->PerformSniffing(strNodeName, _T(""), _T(""));
if ((res & SNIFF_FAIL_MASK) == SNIFF_FAIL_MASK) { *pnumNodeState = SNIFF_FAILURE_RESULT; return false; } *pnumNodeState = res; return true; }
void CSniff::SetAllowAutomaticSniffingPolicy(bool set) { GetSniffController()->SetAllowAutomaticSniffingPolicy(set); }
void CSniff::SetAllowManualSniffingPolicy(bool set) { GetSniffController()->SetAllowManualSniffingPolicy(set); }
bool CSniff::GetAllowAutomaticSniffingPolicy() { return GetSniffController()->GetAllowAutomaticSniffingPolicy(); }
bool CSniff::GetAllowManualSniffingPolicy() { return GetSniffController()->GetAllowManualSniffingPolicy(); }