Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// PURPOSE: sniffing class
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 12-11-98
// NOTES: This is base abstract class which performs sniffing
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.2 12-11-98 OK
#if !defined(AFX_SNIFF_H__13D744F6_7038_11D3_8D3A_00C04F949D33__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SNIFF_H__13D744F6_7038_11D3_8D3A_00C04F949D33__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "Stateless.h"
#include "nodestate.h"
#define SNIFF_FAILURE_RESULT 0xffffffff // as this is a state, and state (IST) is unsigned int
class CSniffController; class CSniffConnector; class CTopic;
typedef vector<CNodeStatePair> CSniffedArr;
// CSniff declaration
class CSniff : public CStateless { public: CSniff() {} virtual ~CSniff() {}
public: virtual CSniffController* GetSniffController() =0; virtual CSniffConnector* GetSniffConnector() =0; virtual CTopic* GetTopic() =0;
public: // we can not set CSniffController here, as CSniffController
// is specific for CSniff... class, inherited from CSniff
virtual void SetSniffConnector(CSniffConnector*) =0; virtual void SetTopic(CTopic*) =0;
public: virtual bool Resniff(CSniffedArr& arrSniffed); virtual bool SniffAll(CSniffedArr& arrOut); virtual bool SniffNode(NID numNodeID, IST* pnumNodeState);
public: void SetAllowAutomaticSniffingPolicy(bool); void SetAllowManualSniffingPolicy(bool); bool GetAllowAutomaticSniffingPolicy(); bool GetAllowManualSniffingPolicy();
protected: virtual bool SniffNodeInternal(NID numNodeID, IST* pnumNodeState); };
#endif // !defined(AFX_SNIFF_H__13D744F6_7038_11D3_8D3A_00C04F949D33__INCLUDED_)