Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: dlutil.h
Abstract: header for download library
#ifndef DLUTIL_H
#define DLUTIL_H
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <wusafefn.h>
#include <mistsafe.h>
// const defines & typedefs
#define UNLEN 256
// need to define this here cuz winhttp.h doesn't define it and we get dupe
// definitions if we try to include wininet.h just to get it.
const DWORD c_cbDownloadBuffer = 32 * 1024; // 32k
const DWORD c_cbDownloadBufferLite = 4 * 1024; // 4k
const DWORD c_dwRetryTimeLimitInmsWinHttp = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 120s (2m)
const DWORD c_dwRetryTimeLimitInmsWiuInet = 10 * 1000; // 10s
const DWORD c_cMaxRetries = 3;
const WCHAR c_wszUserAgent[] = L"Industry Update Control"; const char c_szUserAgent[] = "Industry Update Control";
#ifdef UNICODE
#define c_tszUserAgent c_wszUserAgent
#define c_tszUserAgent c_szUserAgent
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfn_ReadDataFromSite)(HINTERNET, LPVOID, DWORD, LPDWORD);
// macro defines
#define sizeofSTRW(wsz) (sizeof(wsz) / sizeof(WCHAR))
#define sizeofSTRA(sz) (sizeof(sz))
#define sizeofSTRT(sz) (sizeof(sz) / sizeof(TCHAR))
// necessary classes
class CAutoCritSec { private: #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
DWORD m_dwOwningThread; DWORD m_cLocks; #endif
public: CAutoCritSec(void) { m_fInit = WUInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_cs, 0x8000FA0); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
m_cLocks = 0; m_dwOwningThread = 0; #endif
~CAutoCritSec(void) { #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
if (m_cLocks > 0 || m_dwOwningThread != 0) { // can't do logging here cuz this could be run during DllMain
} #endif
if (m_fInit) DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
BOOL Lock(void) { LOG_Block("CAutoCritSec::Lock()"); if (m_fInit) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
m_cLocks++; m_dwOwningThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif
} else { LOG_Internet(_T("CAutoCritSec not initialized during Lock.")); }
return m_fInit; }
BOOL Unlock(void) { LOG_Block("CAutoCritSec::Unlock()");
if (m_fInit) { #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
if (m_cLocks == 0) LOG_Internet(_T("CAutoCritSec: trying to unlock when lock count is 0")); else m_cLocks--;
if (m_dwOwningThread != GetCurrentThreadId()) { LOG_Internet(_T("CAutoCritSec: lock not owned by current thread: Owning thread: %d. Current thread: %d"), m_dwOwningThread, GetCurrentThreadId()); } if (m_cLocks == 0) m_dwOwningThread = 0; #endif
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } else { LOG_Internet(_T("CAutoCritSec not initialized during Unlock.")); }
return m_fInit; } };
// prototypes
BOOL IsServerFileDifferentW(FILETIME &ftServerTime, DWORD dwServerFileSize, LPCWSTR wszLocalFile); BOOL IsServerFileDifferentA(FILETIME &ftServerTime, DWORD dwServerFileSize, LPCSTR szLocalFile); #ifdef UNICODE
#define IsServerFileDifferent IsServerFileDifferentW
#define IsServerFileDifferent IsServerFileDifferentA
#endif // !UNICODE
HRESULT PerformDownloadToFile(pfn_ReadDataFromSite pfnRead, HINTERNET hRequest, HANDLE hFile, DWORD cbFile, DWORD cbBuffer, HANDLE *rghEvents, DWORD cEvents, PFNDownloadCallback fpnCallback, LPVOID pCallbackData, DWORD *pcbDownloaded);
HRESULT StartWinInetDownload(HMODULE hmodWinInet, LPCTSTR pszServerUrl, LPCTSTR pszLocalPath, DWORD *pdwDownloadedBytes, HANDLE *hQuitEvents, UINT nQuitEventCount, PFNDownloadCallback fpnCallback, LPVOID pCallbackData, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD cbDownloadBuffer);
HRESULT IsFileHtml(LPCTSTR pszFileName);