// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: IULogger.cpp: implementation of the CIULogger class.
// Description:
// See IULogger.h
#if defined(DBG)
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <MemUtil.h>
#include <fileutil.h>
#include <Logging.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
// declare constants used to control log exclusions
const DWORD LOG_BLOCK = 0x00000001; // log function/block in/out
const DWORD LOG_XML_DETAIL = 0x00000002; // log detailed XML operation
const DWORD LOG_INTERNET = 0x00000004; // log action related to Internet activities, e.g., downld
const DWORD LOG_SOFTWARE = 0x00000008; // log details about software detection/installation
const DWORD LOG_DRIVER = 0x00000010; // log actions related to driver detection/installation
const DWORD LOG_TRUST = 0x00000020; // log actions related to wintrust checking
const DWORD LOG_DOWNLOAD = 0x00000040; // log actions related to download
const DWORD LOG_XML_BSTR_DETAIL = 0x00000080; // log XML BSTRs
const DWORD LOG_ERROR = 0x00008000; // you can not exclude this type of logs from output
const DWORD LOG_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF; // default, all above
// const for longest line of XML we will output
// const for specifying the intent array size increament.
// each element in array holds indent data for one thread
const int c_IndentArrayChunk = 16;
// define the log header format
// It is constructed as: <date> <time> <thread id>
const TCHAR szLogHeaderFmt[] = _T("yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn:ss:sss xxxxxxxx ");
// initialization of static members
int CIULogger::m_Size = 0; int CIULogger::m_siIndentStep = 0; // init to use tab char
CIULogger::_THREAD_INDENT* CIULogger::m_psIndent = NULL;
DWORD CIULogger::m_sdwLogMask = LOG_ALL; HANDLE CIULogger::m_shFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; bool CIULogger::m_fLogDebugMsg = false; bool CIULogger::m_fLogFile = false; bool CIULogger::m_fLogUsable = false; HANDLE CIULogger::m_hMutex = NULL; int CIULogger::m_cFailedWaits = 0; int CIULogger::m_fFlushEveryTime = FALSE;
// Defines for Mutex (borrowed from freelog)
// NOTE: globals and statics are per-module (e.g. iuctl, iuengine), but Mutex is per-processes
// due to the name being constructed from the log file name (contains process ID).
#define MUTEX_TIMEOUT 1000 // Don't wait more than 1 second to write to logfile
#define MAX_MUTEX_WAITS 4 // Don't keep trying after this many failures
// global variable
// reference count to control log file open/close
LONG g_RefCount = 0;
// critical sectoin handling multi-threading
// access of indent array case
// we need to declare a global object so refcount wont't
// be zero, otherwise in multi-threading mode ref count
// can be fooled and AV when one object thinks m_psIdent not NULL
// but another object in another (parent) thread freed m_psIndent
// in destructor (only if parent thread quits)
CIULogger g_DummyLogObj(NULL);
// Construction/Destruction
CIULogger::CIULogger(char* szBlockName) : m_Index(-1), m_LineNum(0) { if (0 == g_RefCount) { //
// This must be the g_DummyLogObj (or another global
// instance) during initialization of globals. Since
// this is the first instance created, we must init CS
InitializeCriticalSection(&g_LogCs); }
// Protect the statics while in the ctor
m_dwTickBegin = GetTickCount(); m_dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); m_fProcessLog = (NULL == szBlockName); ZeroMemory(m_szBlockName, sizeof(m_szBlockName));
if (1 == g_RefCount) { //
// this is the first time to call this class, we need to
// find out whether we should log and where to log to
// allocate memory for thread indent array initially
// if the indent level is not negative, then it's okay to log
m_fLogFile = (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_shFile); m_fLogUsable = (m_fLogFile || m_fLogDebugMsg) && (NULL != m_psIndent); }
if (m_fLogUsable) { if (!m_fProcessLog) { //
// this is probably a new thread, so we need to find the index
// for this thread.
// do block logging, if permitted
if (0x0 != (m_sdwLogMask & LOG_BLOCK) && szBlockName && _T('\0') != szBlockName[0]) { StringCchCopyA(m_szBlockName, ARRAYSIZE(m_szBlockName), szBlockName); USES_IU_CONVERSION; char szOut[sizeof(m_szBlockName) + 10]; //
// Implicit "Enter " before block name to save log space
if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintfA(szOut, ARRAYSIZE(szOut), "%hs\r\n", szBlockName))) { _LogOut(A2T(szOut)); } } SetIndent(+1); }
} LeaveCriticalSection(&g_LogCs); }
CIULogger::~CIULogger() { EnterCriticalSection(&g_LogCs);
if (m_fLogUsable) { //
// decrease the indent level by 1 if we increased indent
if (!m_fProcessLog) { SetIndent(-1); }
// write log file for exiting block, if allowed and block name exists
if (0x0 != (m_sdwLogMask & LOG_BLOCK) && _T('\0') != m_szBlockName[0]) { USES_IU_CONVERSION; char szOut[1024]; //
// "Exit " shortened to "~" to save log space
if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintfA(szOut, ARRAYSIZE(szOut), "~%hs, %d msec\r\n", m_szBlockName, GetTickCount() - m_dwTickBegin))) { _LogOut(A2T(szOut)); } } }
// reduce reference cnt
// g_RefCount will go to zero before leaving dtor if this is the last global instance
// in this module
if (0 == g_RefCount) { //
// close file if the file is open
if (m_fLogFile && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_shFile) // redundent?
{ CloseHandle(m_shFile); m_shFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if(NULL != m_hMutex) { CloseHandle(m_hMutex); } //
// free memory of indent array
if (NULL != m_psIndent) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_psIndent); m_psIndent = NULL; } }
// This is the last global instance (probably g_DummyLogObj) and is
// being destructed before the DLL unloads
if (0 == g_RefCount) { DeleteCriticalSection(&g_LogCs); } }
// Mutex stuff borrowed from freelog
// fixcode: This should not be required here since chk logging is per process only
BOOL CIULogger::AcquireMutex() { // In rare case where mutex not created, we allow file operations
// with no synchronization
if (m_hMutex == NULL) return TRUE;
// Don't keep waiting if we've been blocked in the past
if (m_cFailedWaits >= MAX_MUTEX_WAITS) return FALSE;
BOOL fResult = TRUE; if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hMutex, MUTEX_TIMEOUT) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fResult = FALSE; m_cFailedWaits++; }
return fResult; }
void CIULogger::ReleaseMutex() { if (m_hMutex != NULL) // Note: AcquireMutex succeeds even if m_hMutex is NULL
{ ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); } }
// log with no flag, so can not be removed by excluding directives
void CIULogger::Log(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) {
if (m_fLogUsable) { USES_IU_CONVERSION; va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_ALL, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
// log error, so can not be removed by excluding directives
void CIULogger::LogError(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) {
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_ERROR, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
// Helper for LogErrorMsg and LogInfoMsg (which supply message to prepend)
void CIULogger::_LogFormattedMsg(DWORD dwErrCode, LPCTSTR pszErrorInfo) { if (m_fLogUsable) { //
// try to retrive system msg
LPTSTR lpszBuffer = NULL, lpszLogMsg = NULL; LPVOID lpMsg = NULL; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, // no source, use system msg
// if we failed to get the msg, then output generic
// error/info log
LogError(_T("Unknown %s Line %d: 0x%08x\n"), pszErrorInfo, m_LineNum, dwErrCode); } else { lpszBuffer = (LPTSTR) lpMsg; int nLen = lstrlen(lpszBuffer); lpszLogMsg = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(0, (nLen + 128) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL != lpszLogMsg) { //
// insert Error/Info keyword
if (FAILED(StringCchPrintf(lpszLogMsg, ARRAYSIZE(lpszLogMsg), _T("%s Line %d: 0x%08x: %s"), pszErrorInfo, m_LineNum, dwErrCode, lpszBuffer))) { // Couldn't build the right string, so just output the system msg
LocalFree(lpszLogMsg); lpszLogMsg = lpszBuffer; } } else { //
// failed to get buffer? unlikely, anyway,
// we have no option but just output the system msg
lpszLogMsg = lpszBuffer; }
// write log out
// clean up buffer
if (lpszLogMsg != lpszBuffer) { LocalFree(lpszLogMsg); } LocalFree(lpszBuffer); }
} }
// similar to LogError, but try to log the system msg based
// on the error code. If the sysmsg not avail, log
// "Unknown error with error code 0x%08x"
void CIULogger::LogErrorMsg(DWORD dwErrCode) { _LogFormattedMsg(dwErrCode, _T("Error")); }
// similar to LogErrorMsg but prepends with "Info" rather than "Error"
void CIULogger::LogInfoMsg(DWORD dwErrCode) { _LogFormattedMsg(dwErrCode, _T("Info")); }
// log with type INTERNET, this function will do nothing
// if the Internet exclusion directive is detected from reg
void CIULogger::LogInternet(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) {
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_INTERNET, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
// log with type XML, this function will do nothing
// if the XML exclusion directive is detected from reg
void CIULogger::LogXML(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) {
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_XML_DETAIL, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
void CIULogger::_NukeCrLf(LPTSTR pszBuffer) { while (*pszBuffer) { if (_T('\r') == *pszBuffer || _T('\n') == *pszBuffer) { //
// Overwrite <CR> and <LF> with space
*pszBuffer = _T(' '); } pszBuffer++; } }
// log BSTR containing valid XML. This gets around length limitations
// of LogOutput and attempts to break lines following ">". This
// output is sent for both fre and chk builds unless excluded from reg.
LPTSTR pszLine; LPTSTR pszTemp; LPTSTR pszStop; LPTSTR pszLastGT; TCHAR szXmlBuff[LOG_XML_BUFF_LEN]; HRESULT hr; if (NULL == bstrXML) { return; }
if (m_fLogUsable && (m_sdwLogMask & LOG_XML_BSTR_DETAIL) ) { #if !(defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE))
DWORD dwANSIBuffLen = SysStringLen(bstrXML) + 1; LPSTR pszANSIBuff = (LPSTR) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwANSIBuffLen);
if (NULL == pszANSIBuff) { //
// We're toast - just return without logging
return; } LPTSTR pTempTchar = OLE2T(bstrXML); if (NULL != pTempTchar) { if (FAILED(StringCchCopyA(pszANSIBuff, dwANSIBuffLen, pTempTchar))) { goto done; } } pszLine = pszANSIBuff; #else
pszLine = bstrXML; #endif
while (*pszLine) { //
// Skip <CR> & <LF> chars
while (_T('\r') == *pszLine || _T('\n') == *pszLine) { pszLine++; if (NULL == *pszLine) { break; } } if (NULL == *pszLine) { break; }
pszTemp = pszLine; pszStop = pszLine + LOG_XML_BUFF_LEN - 1; pszLastGT = NULL;
// Try to find the last '>' char that will fit in buffer
while (*pszTemp && pszTemp < pszStop) { if (_T('>') == *pszTemp) { pszLastGT = pszTemp; } pszTemp++; }
if (pszLastGT) { //
// Break the line at the last '>' that fits into LOG_XML_BUFF_LEN
hr = StringCchCopy(szXmlBuff, (int) (pszLastGT - pszLine) + 2, pszLine); //
// STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER is returned if the string is truncated.
// This is normal since we are just copying a portion of the XML at
// a time so it won't be too long to log.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == hr) { _NukeCrLf(szXmlBuff); _LogOut(szXmlBuff); pszLine = pszLastGT + 1; } else { break; } } else if (*pszTemp) { //
// We're forced to break the line at LOG_XML_BUFF_LEN with no '>' in range
hr = StringCchCopy(szXmlBuff, LOG_XML_BUFF_LEN, pszLine); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == hr) { _NukeCrLf(szXmlBuff); _LogOut(szXmlBuff); pszLine += LOG_XML_BUFF_LEN -1; } else { break; } } else { //
// Output any leftover XML to end of BSTR
_NukeCrLf(pszLine); _LogOut(pszLine); //
// Set to end of BSTR so we bust out of outer while
pszLine += lstrlen(pszLine); } }
#if !(defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE))
done: if (pszANSIBuff) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszANSIBuff); pszANSIBuff = NULL; } #endif
} }
// log with type SOFTWARE, this function will do nothing
// if the SOFTWARE exclusion directive is detected from reg
void CIULogger::LogSoftware(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) { USES_IU_CONVERSION;
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_SOFTWARE, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
// log with type DOWNLOAD, this function will do nothing
// if the LogDownload exclusion directive is detected from reg
void CIULogger::LogDownload(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) { USES_IU_CONVERSION;
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_DOWNLOAD, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
// log with type DRIVER, this function will do nothing
// if the DRIVER exclusion directive is detected from reg
void CIULogger::LogDriver(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) { USES_IU_CONVERSION;
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_DRIVER, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); } }
// log with type CHECKTRUST, this function will do nothing
// if the CHECKTRUST exclusion directive is detected from reg
void CIULogger::LogTrust(LPCTSTR szLogFormat, ...) {
if (m_fLogUsable) { va_list va; va_start (va, szLogFormat); _Log(LOG_TRUST, szLogFormat, va); va_end (va); }
// actual base logging function
// if it actually logged, or just returned
// because directives say don't make this kind of log
void CIULogger::_Log(DWORD LogType, LPCTSTR pszLogFormat, va_list va) {
USES_IU_CONVERSION; TCHAR szOut[5 * 1024]; LPTSTR pszFormat; DWORD dwFormatLen;
if (!m_fLogUsable || (0x0 == (m_sdwLogMask & LogType)) || NULL == pszLogFormat) { return; }
if (LOG_ERROR == LogType) { //
// for error case, we try to add "Error Line %d: " in front of the log
dwFormatLen = lstrlen(pszLogFormat) + 128; pszFormat = (TCHAR*) MemAlloc(dwFormatLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL != pszFormat) { if (FAILED(StringCchPrintf(pszFormat, dwFormatLen, _T("Error Line %d: %s"), m_LineNum, pszLogFormat))) { pszFormat = (LPTSTR)pszLogFormat; } } else { pszFormat = (LPTSTR)pszLogFormat; } } else { pszFormat = (LPTSTR)pszLogFormat; }
if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchVPrintf(szOut, ARRAYSIZE(szOut), pszFormat, va))) { _LogOut(szOut); } return; }
// function to write the log to log file
// also taking care of indentation
void CIULogger::_LogOut(LPTSTR pszLog) {
if (NULL == pszLog) return;
// Protect static variables and indent values
int n = GetIndent(); int i, nLogLen, // length of log string passed in
nTotalLen; // length of constructed
HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); LPTSTR pszWholeLog; LPTSTR pszCurrentPos; DWORD dwCurrentLen; DWORD dwWritten; TCHAR szTab = (m_siIndentStep < 1) ? szTab = _T('\t') : szTab = _T(' ');
// find out length for log header
if (m_siIndentStep > 0) { //
// if positive number, it means the number of
// space chars to use for each indent, rather
// than using a tab
n *= m_siIndentStep; }
nLogLen = lstrlen(pszLog); //
// verify this log is \r\n ended
if (nLogLen > 1 && _T('\n') == pszLog[nLogLen-1]) { //
// if there is no catriege return, just a \n,
// then remove \n
if (_T('\r') != pszLog[nLogLen-2]) { nLogLen--; pszLog[nLogLen] = _T('\0'); } }
nTotalLen = n + sizeof(szLogHeaderFmt)/sizeof(TCHAR) + nLogLen + 3; //
// allocate memory to construct the log
pszWholeLog = (LPTSTR) HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nTotalLen * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (NULL == pszWholeLog) { //
// nothing we can do in this case, bail.
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_LogCs); return; }
// get log header
GetLogHeader(pszWholeLog, nTotalLen);
// construct indent
pszCurrentPos = pszWholeLog + lstrlen(pszWholeLog); dwCurrentLen = nTotalLen - lstrlen(pszWholeLog); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pszCurrentPos[i] = szTab; } pszCurrentPos[i] = _T('\0');
// add log to whilelog buffer
if (FAILED(StringCchCat(pszCurrentPos, dwCurrentLen, pszLog))) { goto done; } //
// Always terminate lines with <CR> <LF>
if (_T('\n') != pszLog[nLogLen-1]) { if (FAILED(StringCchCat(pszCurrentPos, dwCurrentLen, _T("\r\n")))) { goto done; } } //
// write log
nTotalLen = lstrlen(pszWholeLog); if (m_fLogFile) { if (TRUE == AcquireMutex()) { //
// Another module (e.g. if we are iuengine, maybe iuctl) may have written
// to the iu_xxx.log file, so we need to seek to the end before writing
SetFilePointer(m_shFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END); WriteFile(m_shFile, pszWholeLog, nTotalLen * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (m_fFlushEveryTime) { FlushFileBuffers(m_shFile); }
ReleaseMutex(); } }
if (m_fLogDebugMsg) { OutputDebugString(pszWholeLog); }
HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pszWholeLog);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_LogCs); return; }
// Timestamp Helper
void CIULogger::GetLogHeader(LPTSTR pszBuffer, DWORD cchBufferLen) { SYSTEMTIME st = {0};
if (pszBuffer == NULL) { return; }
// print out as the pre-defined format:
// szTimeStampFmt[]
if (FAILED(StringCchPrintf(pszBuffer, cchBufferLen, _T("%4d/%02d/%02d|%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d|%08x| "), st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds, m_dwThreadId))) { // It wont fit, just set it to an empty string
pszBuffer[0] = 0; } }
// function to retrieve the indent of current thread
int CIULogger::GetIndent(void) {
if (m_Index < 0 || !m_fLogUsable) { return 0; } else { return m_psIndent[m_Index].iIndent; }
// function to change indention of current thread
void CIULogger::SetIndent(int IndentDelta) { int i; bool fQuit = false;
if (m_Index < 0) { //
// try to find the index
if (NULL == m_psIndent) { //
// if no indent array created yet
m_psIndent = (_THREAD_INDENT*) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, c_IndentArrayChunk * sizeof(_THREAD_INDENT) ); if (NULL != m_psIndent) { m_Size = c_IndentArrayChunk; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_LogCs); return; } }
for (i = 0; i < m_Size && m_psIndent[i].dwThreadId != 0; i++) { if (m_psIndent[i].dwThreadId == m_dwThreadId) { m_Index = i; break; } }
if (m_Index < 0) { //
// this thread is not in the array yet
for (i = 0; i < m_Size; i++) { if (0 == m_psIndent[i].dwThreadId) { break; } } if (i < m_Size) { //
// fill the next empty slot in array
m_psIndent[i].dwThreadId = m_dwThreadId; m_psIndent[i].iIndent = 0; m_Index = i; } else { //
// array is full, no empty slot anymore
// need to increase the indent array size
int iSize = m_Size + c_IndentArrayChunk;
_THREAD_INDENT* pNewArray = (_THREAD_INDENT*) HeapReAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, m_psIndent, iSize * sizeof(_THREAD_INDENT) ); if (NULL != pNewArray) { m_psIndent = pNewArray; m_Size = iSize;
m_psIndent[i].dwThreadId = m_dwThreadId; m_psIndent[i].iIndent = 0; m_Index = i; } }
} }
if (m_Index >= 0) { m_psIndent[m_Index].iIndent += IndentDelta; }
// read registry value helper -- protected by g_LogCs in ctor
void CIULogger::ReadRegistrySettings(void) {
// declare constants used to retrive logging settings
const TCHAR REGKEY_IUTCTL[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\IUControlLogging"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGFILE[] = _T("Logging File"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGDEBUGMSG[] = _T("Logging DebugMsg"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGINDENT[] = _T("LogIndentStep"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNOBLOCK[] = _T("LogExcludeBlock"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNOXML[] = _T("LogExcludeXML"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNOXMLBSTR[] = _T("LogExcludeXmlBSTR"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNOINET[] = _T("LogExcludeInternet"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNODRIVER[] = _T("LogExcludeDriver"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNOSW[] = _T("LogExcludeSoftware"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGNOTRUST[] = _T("LogExcludeTrust"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGDOWNLOAD[] = _T("LogExcludeDownload"); const TCHAR REGVAL_LOGFLUSH[] = _T("FlushLogEveryTime"); // added by charlma 11/27/01 to improve logging performance
// only flush everytime if this flag is set to 1
HKEY hKey = NULL; TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szFilePath); DWORD dwData; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_IUTCTL, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { //
// there is no reg key setting available, so we will not
// output any log to anywhere - this is the released mode
return; }
// try to read out the file path for log file.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGFILE, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&szFilePath, &dwSize) && dwSize > 0 && szFilePath[0] != _T('\0')) { TCHAR szLogFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szFName[_MAX_FNAME], szExt[_MAX_EXT]; //
// TODO: changed to use private version splitpath()
//_tsplitpath(szFilePath, szDrive, szDir, szFName, szExt);
MySplitPath(szFilePath, szDrive, szDir, szFName, szExt);
// construct the log file name with process id embedded
if (FAILED(StringCchPrintf(szLogFile, ARRAYSIZE(szLogFile), _T("%s%s%s_%d%s"), szDrive, szDir, szFName, GetCurrentProcessId(), szExt))) { // Can't construct log filename, so nothing we can do.
RegCloseKey(hKey); return; } m_shFile = CreateFile( szLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_shFile) { if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer(m_shFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END)) { CloseHandle(m_shFile); m_shFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { //
// we have successfully opened the log file
// so increase the indent level to 0 for
// top level logging. this will cause
// the indent array created
// Unicode files need a 0xFEFF header
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
const WORD wUnicodeHeader = 0xFEFF;
// if the file is zero length, then this is a new file
// we need to add unicode header
DWORD dwFileSize;
if ( -1 != (dwFileSize = GetFileSize(m_shFile, NULL))) { if (0 == dwFileSize) { WriteFile(m_shFile, &wUnicodeHeader, sizeof(WORD), &dwFileSize, NULL); } } #endif
} //
// Now create the Mutex we will use to protect future writes (we are in global ctor now...)
// construct the log file name with process id embedded, but no drive or '\' in path
// so we can use it to name our mutex (file will be per-process).
if (FAILED(StringCchPrintf(szLogFile, ARRAYSIZE(szLogFile), _T("%s_%d%s"), szFName, GetCurrentProcessId(), szExt))) { // If that doesn't work, just use a simple named mutex
m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szFName); } else { m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szLogFile); } } }
// try to find out if we should output debug msg to debugger
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGDEBUGMSG, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { m_fLogDebugMsg = true; }
// keep reading other *optional* log directives
// read whether we should exlude block data
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNOBLOCK, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_BLOCK); }
// read whether we should exlude XML related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNOXML, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_XML_DETAIL); }
// read whether we should exlude XML BSTR related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNOXMLBSTR, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_XML_BSTR_DETAIL); }
// read whether we should exlude internet related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNOINET, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_INTERNET); }
// read whether we should exlude driver related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNODRIVER, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_DRIVER); }
// read whether we should exlude driver related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNOSW, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_SOFTWARE); }
// read whether we should exlude wintrust checking related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGNOTRUST, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_TRUST); } //
// read whether we should exlude wintrust checking related logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGDOWNLOAD, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && (0x1 == dwData)) { //
// remove block logging bit
m_sdwLogMask &= (~LOG_DOWNLOAD); }
// read whether we should use tab or space(s) for each indent step
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGINDENT, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize) && ((int)dwData > 0)) { //
// use space char(s) (_T(' ')). If nagetive or 0, _Logout will use tab char
m_siIndentStep = (int) dwData; }
// read whether we should flush everytime we do file logging
dwData = 0x0; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (m_shFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_LOGFLUSH, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &dwSize))) { m_fFlushEveryTime = (0x1 == dwData); }
// finished registry checking
#endif // defined(DBG)