Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <HTML>
  3. <TITLE ID=locTitle>Internet Connection Wizard Tutorial</TITLE>
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  29. <SPAN ID=loc1>Click a topic to browse<BR>through the tutorial</SPAN>
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  32. <BR>
  33. <BR>
  34. <DIV CLASS="wrapper" Style="background:url(toccolor.gif);" ID=loc2><A HREF="" onclick=doNothing() onfocus=selectIt(1) Style="color:red;" ID="menu_1">Welcome</A></DIV>
  35. <DIV CLASS="wrapper" ID=loc3><A HREF="" onclick=doNothing() onfocus=selectIt(2) ID="menu_2">What is<BR>the Internet?</A></DIV>
  36. <DIV CLASS="wrapper" ID=loc4><A HREF="" onclick=doNothing() onfocus=selectIt(3) ID="menu_3">Why use<BR>Internet e-mail?</A></DIV>
  37. <DIV CLASS="wrapper" ID=loc5><A HREF="" onclick=doNothing() onfocus=selectIt(4) ID="menu_4">What's on<BR> the Internet?</A></DIV>
  38. <DIV CLASS="wrapper" ID=loc6><A HREF="" onclick=doNothing() onfocus=selectIt(5) ID="menu_5">Connecting to<BR> the Internet</A></DIV>
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  62. </SPAN>
  63. <SPAN CLASS="content" ID="content_2">
  64. <h5 ID=loc8>What is the Internet?</h5>
  65. <P ID=loc9>Simply put, the Internet is a large set of computer networks that communicate with each other, often over telephone lines. It enables companies, organizations, individuals, schools, and governments to share information across the world.</P>
  66. <P ID=loc10>The Internet includes the World Wide Web, which enables you to see documents in richly formatted text and pictures. Many Web pages link to other Web pages, so it's easy to browse, or &quot;surf&quot;, a large amount of information by just clicking with your mouse.</P>
  67. </SPAN>
  68. <SPAN CLASS="content" ID="content_3">
  69. <h5 ID=loc11>Why use Internet e-mail?</h5>
  70. <P ID=loc12>Do you have business contacts, friends, or family in another part of the world? You can communicate with them in seconds by using <i>e-mail.</i> You can send and receive messages immediately, and you don't have to look for an envelope or stamp! You can even <i>chat</i>, or have an electronic conversation in &quot;real time&quot; with someone on the other side of the world.</P>
  71. </SPAN>
  72. <SPAN CLASS="content" ID="content_4">
  73. <h5 ID=loc13>What's on the Internet?</h5>
  74. <P ID=loc14>Perhaps you're wondering how the Internet might help you. Do you want to plan a trip? Check out sports scores? Shop online for books, clothes, or even cars? Read online newspapers and magazines from around the world?</P>
  75. <P ID=loc15>All this is on the Internet. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can search for all kinds of information by using search services.</P>
  76. <P ID=loc16>After you connect to the Internet, you can learn more from the Internet Explorer 5 Tour. Just click the link on your home page (the page you see when you start Internet Explorer) or click the <B>Help</B> menu.</P>
  77. </SPAN>
  78. <SPAN CLASS="content" ID="content_5">
  79. <h5 ID=loc17>Connecting to the Internet</h5>
  80. <P ID=loc18>Connecting to the Internet involves a modem, a phone line, and an Internet service provider (ISP). An ISP is a company that provides you with Internet connection service through your phone line. You'll find a wide range of ISPs that provide different services, such as e-mail or your own Web page, and pricing levels. If you want, you can choose one in the Internet Connection wizard.</P>
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  82. <!-- End of content spans -->
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  84. </HTML>