// Module: ISIGNUP.EXE
// File: custom.c
// Content: This file contains all the functions that handle importing
// connection information.
// History:
// Sat 10-Mar-1996 23:50:40 -by- Mark MacLin [mmaclin]
// some of this code started its life in ixport.c in RNAUI.DLL
// my thanks to viroont
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1996
#include "isignup.h"
#pragma data_seg(".rdata")
static const TCHAR cszCustomSection[] = TEXT("Custom"); static const TCHAR cszFileName[] = TEXT("Custom_File"); static const TCHAR cszRun[] = TEXT("Run"); static const TCHAR cszArgument[] = TEXT("Argument"); static const TCHAR cszCustomFileSection[] = TEXT("Custom_File");
static const TCHAR cszNull[] = TEXT("");
#pragma data_seg()
// DWORD NEAR PASCAL ImportCustomFile(LPSTR szImportFile)
// This function imports the custom file
// History:
// Mon 21-Mar-1996 12:40:00 -by- Mark MacLin [mmaclin]
// Created.
DWORD ImportCustomFile(LPCTSTR lpszImportFile) { TCHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTemp[_MAX_PATH];
// If a custom file name does not exist, do nothing
if (GetPrivateProfileString(cszCustomSection, cszFileName, cszNull, szTemp, _MAX_PATH, lpszImportFile) == 0) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; };
GetWindowsDirectory(szFile, _MAX_PATH); if (*CharPrev(szFile, szFile + lstrlen(szFile)) != '\\') { lstrcat(szFile, TEXT("\\")); } lstrcat(szFile, szTemp); return (ImportFile(lpszImportFile, cszCustomFileSection, szFile));
DWORD ImportCustomInfo( LPCTSTR lpszImportFile, LPTSTR lpszExecutable, DWORD cbExecutable, LPTSTR lpszArgument, DWORD cbArgument) { GetPrivateProfileString(cszCustomSection, cszRun, cszNull, lpszExecutable, (int)cbExecutable, lpszImportFile);
GetPrivateProfileString(cszCustomSection, cszArgument, cszNull, lpszArgument, (int)cbArgument, lpszImportFile);