// DWORD NEAR PASCAL ImportFile(LPCSTR szImportFile)
// This function imports a file from the given section
// History:
// Mon 21-Mar-1996 12:40:00 -by- Mark MacLin [mmaclin]
// Created.
#include "isignup.h"
#define MAXLONGLEN 80
#define SIZE_ReadBuf 0x00008000 // 32K buffer size
#pragma data_seg(".rdata")
static TCHAR szNull[] = TEXT("");
#pragma data_seg()
//int atoi (LPCSTR szBuf)
// int iRet = 0;
// while ((*szBuf >= '0') && (*szBuf <= '9'))
// {
// iRet = (iRet*10)+(int)(*szBuf-'0');
// szBuf++;
// };
// return iRet;
DWORD ImportFile(LPCTSTR lpszImportFile, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszOutputFile) { HFILE hFile; LPTSTR pszLine, pszFile; int i, iMaxLine; UINT cbSize, cbRet; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Allocate a buffer for the file
if ((pszFile = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, SIZE_ReadBuf * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Look for script
if (GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, NULL, szNull, pszFile, SIZE_ReadBuf, lpszImportFile) != 0) { // Get the maximum line number
pszLine = pszFile; iMaxLine = -1; while (*pszLine) { i = _ttoi(pszLine); iMaxLine = max(iMaxLine, i); pszLine += lstrlen(pszLine)+1; };
// If we have at least one line, we will import the script file
if (iMaxLine >= 0) { // Create the script file
#ifdef UNICODE
CHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH+1]; wcstombs(szTmp, lpszOutputFile, MAX_PATH+1); hFile = _lcreat(szTmp, 0); #else
hFile = _lcreat(lpszOutputFile, 0); #endif
if (hFile != HFILE_ERROR) { TCHAR szLineNum[MAXLONGLEN+1];
// From The first line to the last line
for (i = 0; i <= iMaxLine; i++) { // Read the script line
wsprintf(szLineNum, TEXT("%d"), i); if ((cbSize = GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, szLineNum, szNull, pszLine, SIZE_ReadBuf, lpszImportFile)) != 0) { // Write to the script file
lstrcat(pszLine, TEXT("\x0d\x0a")); #ifdef UNICODE
wcstombs(szTmp, pszLine, MAX_PATH+1); cbRet=_lwrite(hFile, szTmp, cbSize+2); #else
cbRet=_lwrite(hFile, pszLine, cbSize+2); #endif
}; };
_lclose(hFile); } else { dwRet = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; }; } else { dwRet = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; }; } else { dwRet = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; }; LocalFree(pszFile);
return dwRet; }