Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Shared memory data structures for digest sspi package.
Adriaan Canter (adriaanc) 01-Aug-1998
#include "include.hxx"
// CEntry Functions
// CEntry::Free
// BUGBUG - inline this.
DWORD CEntry::Free(CMMFile *pMMFile, CEntry *pEntry) { BOOL bFree = pMMFile->FreeEntry(pEntry); return (bFree ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); }
// CEntry::GetNext
CEntry* CEntry::GetNext(CEntry *pEntry) { if (pEntry->dwNext) return (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pEntry->dwNext); return NULL; }
// CEntry::GetPrev
CEntry* CEntry::GetPrev(CEntry *pEntry) { if (pEntry->dwPrev) return (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pEntry->dwPrev); return NULL; }
// CSess Functions
// CSess::Create
CSess* CSess::Create(CMMFile *pMMFile, LPSTR szAppCtx, LPSTR szUserCtx, BOOL fHTTP) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pMMFile);
// Unaligned Sess lengths.
DWORD cbAppCtx = szAppCtx ? strlen(szAppCtx) + 1 : 0; DWORD cbUserCtx = szUserCtx ? strlen(szUserCtx) + 1 : 0;
// Aligned Sess lengths.
DWORD cbStructAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(sizeof(CSess)); DWORD cbAppCtxAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbAppCtx); DWORD cbUserCtxAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbUserCtx);
// Total number of required bytes (aligned).
DWORD cbEntryAligned = cbStructAligned + cbAppCtxAligned + cbUserCtxAligned;
// Allocate from mem map.
CSess *pSess = (CSess*) pMMFile->AllocateEntry(cbEntryAligned);
if (!pSess) { DIGEST_ASSERT(FALSE); goto exit; } DWORD cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset = cbStructAligned;
pSess->dwAppCtx = pSess->dwUserCtx = 0; // AppCtx
if (szAppCtx) { memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pSess, cbCurrentOffset), szAppCtx, cbAppCtx); pSess->dwAppCtx = cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset += cbAppCtxAligned; } // UserCtx
if (szUserCtx) { memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pSess, cbCurrentOffset), szUserCtx, cbUserCtx); pSess->dwUserCtx = cbCurrentOffset; }
// No need to advance cbCurrentOffset.
pSess->cbSess = cbEntryAligned; pSess->dwCred = 0; pSess->dwSig = SIG_SESS; pSess->fHTTP = fHTTP; pSess->dwPrev = 0; pSess->dwNext = 0;
return pSess; }
// CSess::GetAppCtx
LPSTR CSess::GetAppCtx(CSess *pSess) { if (pSess->dwAppCtx) return (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pSess, pSess->dwAppCtx); else return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSess::GetUserCtx
LPSTR CSess::GetUserCtx(CSess *pSess) { if (pSess->dwUserCtx) return (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pSess, pSess->dwUserCtx); else return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSess::GetCtx
// Allocates a context string in local heap.
LPSTR CSess::GetCtx(CSess *pSess) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pSess);
LPSTR szAppCtx, szUserCtx, szCtx; DWORD cbAppCtx, cbUserCtx, cbCtx;
szAppCtx = GetAppCtx(pSess); szUserCtx = GetUserCtx(pSess); cbAppCtx = szAppCtx ? strlen(szAppCtx) : 0; cbUserCtx = szUserCtx ? strlen(szUserCtx) : 0;
cbCtx = cbAppCtx + sizeof(':') + cbUserCtx + sizeof('\0');
szCtx = new CHAR[cbCtx]; if (!szCtx) { DIGEST_ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } // "appctx:userctx\0"
// bugbug - macro for sizeof -1
memcpy(szCtx, szAppCtx, cbAppCtx); memcpy(szCtx + cbAppCtx, ":", sizeof(":") - 1); memcpy(szCtx + cbAppCtx + sizeof(":") - 1, szUserCtx, cbUserCtx); memcpy(szCtx + cbAppCtx + sizeof(":") - 1 + cbUserCtx, "\0", sizeof("\0") - 1);
return szCtx; }
// CSess::CtxMatch
BOOL CSess::CtxMatch(CSess *pSess1, CSess *pSess2) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pSess1 && pSess2); LPSTR szAppCtx1, szAppCtx2, szUserCtx1, szUserCtx2; szAppCtx1 = CSess::GetAppCtx(pSess1); szAppCtx2 = CSess::GetAppCtx(pSess2); szUserCtx1 = CSess::GetUserCtx(pSess1); szUserCtx2 = CSess::GetUserCtx(pSess2);
// If both AppCtx values are NULL or
// are equal to same string.
if ((!szAppCtx1 && !szAppCtx2) || ((szAppCtx1 && szAppCtx2) && !strcmp(szAppCtx1, szAppCtx2))) { // And both UserCtx values are NULL or
// are equal to same string.
if ((!szUserCtx1 && !szUserCtx2) || ((szUserCtx1 && szUserCtx2) && !strcmp(szUserCtx1, szUserCtx2))) { // Credentials are shareable.
return TRUE; } } // Otherwise creds are not shareable.
return FALSE; }
// CSess::GetCred
CCred *CSess::GetCred(CSess* pSess) { if (!pSess->dwCred) return NULL; return (CCred*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pSess->dwCred); }
// CSess::SetCred
CCred *CSess::SetCred(CSess* pSess, CCred* pCred) { if (!pCred) pSess->dwCred = 0; else pSess->dwCred = POINTER_TO_OFFSET(g_pHeap, pCred);
return pCred; }
// CList Functions
// CList::CList
CList::CList() { _pHead = NULL; _pCur = NULL; _pdwOffset = NULL; }
// CList::Init
CEntry* CList::Init(LPDWORD pdwOffset) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pdwOffset)
_pdwOffset = pdwOffset;
if (*pdwOffset) { _pHead = (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, *pdwOffset); _pCur = _pHead; } return _pHead; }
// CList::Seek
CEntry* CList::Seek() { // DIGEST_ASSERT(_pHead);
_pHead = (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, *_pdwOffset); _pCur = _pHead; return _pCur; }
// CList::GetNext
CEntry* CList::GetNext() { if (! *_pdwOffset) return NULL;
CEntry *pEntry = _pCur;
if (_pCur) _pCur = _pCur->dwNext ? (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, _pCur->dwNext) : NULL;
return pEntry; }
// CList::GetPrev
CEntry* CList::GetPrev() { if (! *_pdwOffset) return NULL;
CEntry *pEntry = _pCur;
if (_pCur) _pCur = _pCur->dwPrev ? (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, _pCur->dwPrev) : NULL;
return pEntry; }
// CList::Insert
CEntry* CList::Insert(CEntry *pEntry) { // BUGBUG - assert pnext pprev are null
DIGEST_ASSERT(pEntry && (pEntry->dwPrev == pEntry->dwNext == 0));
if (!_pHead) { _pHead = pEntry; } else { pEntry->dwNext = POINTER_TO_OFFSET(g_pHeap, _pHead); _pHead->dwPrev = POINTER_TO_OFFSET(g_pHeap, pEntry); _pHead = pEntry; }
*_pdwOffset = POINTER_TO_OFFSET(g_pHeap, pEntry);
return pEntry; }
// CList::DeLink
CEntry* CList::DeLink(CEntry *pEntry) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pEntry);
if (pEntry == _pHead) { _pHead = (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pEntry->dwNext); *_pdwOffset = POINTER_TO_OFFSET(g_pHeap, _pHead); } else { CEntry *pPrev; pPrev = (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pEntry->dwPrev); pPrev->dwNext = pEntry->dwNext; }
if (pEntry->dwNext) { CEntry *pNext; pNext = (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pEntry->dwNext); pNext->dwPrev = pEntry->dwPrev; }
if (_pCur == pEntry) { _pCur = (CEntry*) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(g_pHeap, pEntry->dwNext); }
return pEntry; }
// CCred Functions
// CCred::Create
CCred* CCred::Create(CMMFile *pMMFile, LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szRealm, LPSTR szUser, LPSTR szPass, LPSTR szNonce, LPSTR szCNonce) { // BUGBUG - assert strings non-null. Nonce can be NULL.
DIGEST_ASSERT(pMMFile && szRealm && szUser && szPass);
CSecureStr EncryptedPassword;
if (szPass && !EncryptedPassword.SetData(szPass)) return NULL;
// Unaligned string sizes.
DWORD cbRealm = szRealm ? strlen(szRealm) + 1 : 0; DWORD cbUser = szUser ? strlen(szUser) + 1 : 0; DWORD cbPass = szPass ? EncryptedPassword.GetStrLen() : 0;
// Aligned string sizes.
DWORD cbStructAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(sizeof(CCred)); DWORD cbRealmAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbRealm); DWORD cbUserAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbUser); DWORD cbPassAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbPass);
// Total number of required bytes (aligned).
DWORD cbEntryAligned = cbStructAligned + cbRealmAligned + cbUserAligned + cbPassAligned;
// Allocate cred and nonce from memmap
// BUGBUG - no, I'm not.
CCred *pCred; CNonce *pNonce, *pCNonce; pNonce = pCNonce = NULL; // Allocate a credential.
pCred = (CCred*) pMMFile->AllocateEntry(cbEntryAligned); if (!pCred) { DIGEST_ASSERT(FALSE); goto exit; } DWORD cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset = cbStructAligned; // Realm.
memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pCred, cbCurrentOffset), szRealm, cbRealm); pCred->dwRealm = cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset += cbRealmAligned; // User
memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pCred, cbCurrentOffset), szUser, cbUser); pCred->dwUser = cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset += cbUserAligned;
// Pass
memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pCred, cbCurrentOffset), EncryptedPassword.GetPtr(), cbPass); pCred->dwPass = cbCurrentOffset; pCred->cbPass = cbPass; pCred->cbCred = cbEntryAligned; pCred->tStamp = GetTickCount(); pCred->dwSig = SIG_CRED; pCred->dwPrev = NULL; pCred->dwNext = NULL;
pCred->dwNonce = 0; pCred->dwCNonce = 0;
// Allocate nonce and client nonce if specified.
if (szNonce) CCred::SetNonce(pMMFile, pCred, szHost, szNonce, SERVER_NONCE); if (szCNonce) CCred::SetNonce(pMMFile, pCred, szHost, szCNonce, CLIENT_NONCE); exit:
return pCred; }
// CCred::GetRealm
LPSTR CCred::GetRealm(CCred* pCred) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pCred); if (pCred->dwRealm) return (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pCred, pCred->dwRealm); else return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCred::GetUser
LPSTR CCred::GetUser(CCred* pCred) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pCred); if (pCred->dwUser) return (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pCred, pCred->dwUser); else return NULL; }
// CCred::GetPass
LPSTR CCred::GetPass(CCred* pCred) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pCred); if (pCred->dwPass) { CSecureStr EncryptedPassword( (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pCred, pCred->dwPass), pCred->cbPass, false); return EncryptedPassword.GetUnencryptedString(); } else return NULL; }
// CCred::SetNonce
VOID CCred::SetNonce(CMMFile *pMMFile, CCred* pCred, LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szNonce, DWORD dwType) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pCred && szNonce);
// First determine if a nonce for the specified host
// already exists and delete it if it does.
CList NonceList; NonceList.Init(dwType == SERVER_NONCE ? &pCred->dwNonce : &pCred->dwCNonce);
CNonce *pNonce; while (pNonce = (CNonce*) NonceList.GetNext()) { if (CNonce::IsHostMatch(pNonce, szHost)) { NonceList.DeLink(pNonce); CEntry::Free(pMMFile, pNonce); break; } } // Create a CNonce object and insert it into the list.
pNonce = CNonce::Create(pMMFile, szHost, szNonce); if (pNonce) { NonceList.Seek(); NonceList.Insert(pNonce); } else { DIGEST_ASSERT(FALSE); } }
// CCred::GetNonce
CNonce *CCred::GetNonce(CCred* pCred, LPSTR szHost, DWORD dwType) { CNonce *pNonce; CList NonceList; NonceList.Init(dwType == SERVER_NONCE ? &pCred->dwNonce : &pCred->dwCNonce);
while (pNonce = (CNonce*) NonceList.GetNext()) { if (CNonce::IsHostMatch(pNonce, szHost)) break; } return pNonce; }
// CCred::Free
VOID CCred::Free(CMMFile *pMMFile, CSess *pSess, CCred *pCred) { CNonce *pNonce; CList NonceList;
// Free up server nonce.
NonceList.Init(&pCred->dwNonce); while (pNonce = (CNonce*) NonceList.GetNext()) { NonceList.DeLink(pNonce); CEntry::Free(pMMFile, pNonce); }
// Free up client nonce.
NonceList.Init(&pCred->dwCNonce); while (pNonce = (CNonce*) NonceList.GetNext()) { NonceList.DeLink(pNonce); CEntry::Free(pMMFile, pNonce); }
// Remove credential from session's list.
CList CredList; CredList.Init(&pSess->dwCred); CredList.DeLink(pCred); CEntry::Free(pMMFile, pCred); }
// CNonce Functions
// CNonce::Create
CNonce* CNonce::Create(CMMFile *pMMFile, LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szNonce) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pMMFile && szNonce);
// Unaligned string sizes.
DWORD cbNonce = szNonce ? strlen(szNonce) + 1 : 0; DWORD cbHost = szHost ? strlen(szHost) + 1 : 0; // Aligned string sizes.
DWORD cbStructAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(sizeof(CNonce)); DWORD cbNonceAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbNonce); DWORD cbHostAligned = ROUNDUPDWORD(cbHost);
// Total number of required bytes (aligned).
DWORD cbEntryAligned = cbStructAligned + cbHostAligned + cbNonceAligned;
// Allocate from mem map.
CNonce *pNonce = (CNonce*) pMMFile->AllocateEntry(cbEntryAligned);
// Failed to allocate.
if (!pNonce) { DIGEST_ASSERT(FALSE); goto exit; } DWORD cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset = cbStructAligned; // Host.
if (szHost) { memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pNonce, cbCurrentOffset), szHost, cbHost); pNonce->dwHost = cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset += cbHostAligned; } else { pNonce->dwHost = 0; }
// Nonce.
memcpy(OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pNonce, cbCurrentOffset), szNonce, cbNonce); pNonce->dwNonce = cbCurrentOffset; cbCurrentOffset += cbNonceAligned; pNonce->cbNonce = cbEntryAligned; pNonce->cCount = 0;
pNonce->dwSig = SIG_NONC; pNonce->dwPrev = 0; pNonce->dwNext = 0;
return pNonce; }
// CNonce::GetNonce
LPSTR CNonce::GetNonce(CNonce* pNonce) { if (pNonce && pNonce->dwNonce) return (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pNonce, pNonce->dwNonce); else return NULL; }
// CNonce::GetCount
// bugbug - what if no nonce?
DWORD CNonce::GetCount(CNonce* pNonce) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pNonce); return pNonce->cCount; }
// CNonce::IsHostMatch
BOOL CNonce::IsHostMatch(CNonce *pNonce, LPSTR szHost) { if (szHost) { if (pNonce->dwHost && !strcmp(szHost, (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pNonce, pNonce->dwHost))) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
if (!pNonce->dwHost) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
// CCredInfo Functions
// CCredInfo::CCredInfo
CCredInfo::CCredInfo(CCred* pCred, LPSTR szHost) { DIGEST_ASSERT(pCred && (pCred->dwPass > pCred->dwUser) && (pCred->dwUser > pCred->dwRealm)); CCredInfo::szHost = NewString(szHost); szRealm = NewString(CCred::GetRealm(pCred)); szUser = NewString(CCred::GetUser(pCred)); LPSTR szPass = CCred::GetPass(pCred);
if (szPass) { BOOL fSetDataSuccess = Password.SetData(szPass);
SecureZeroMemory(szPass, strlen(szPass)); delete [] szPass;
if (!fSetDataSuccess) { dwStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return; } }
// Get server nonce. This is always required.
// BUGBUG - what about pre-loading?
CNonce *pNonce; pNonce = CCred::GetNonce(pCred, szHost, SERVER_NONCE); if (!pNonce) { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return; } szNonce = NewString(CNonce::GetNonce(pNonce)); cCount = pNonce->cCount; pNonce = CCred::GetNonce(pCred, szHost, CLIENT_NONCE); if (pNonce) szCNonce = NewString(CNonce::GetNonce(pNonce)); else szCNonce = NULL;
tStamp = pCred->tStamp; pPrev = NULL; pNext = NULL; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// CCredInfo::CCredInfo
// BUGBUG - special casing for NULLs, especially szNonce.
CCredInfo::CCredInfo(LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szRealm, LPSTR szUser, LPSTR szPass, LPSTR szNonce, LPSTR szCNonce) { CCredInfo::szHost = NewString(szHost); CCredInfo::szRealm = NewString(szRealm); CCredInfo::szUser = NewString(szUser); CCredInfo::Password.SetData(szPass); CCredInfo::szNonce = NewString(szNonce); CCredInfo::szCNonce = NewString(szCNonce);
cCount = 0; tStamp = 0; pPrev = NULL; pNext = NULL; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// CCredInfo::~CCredInfo
CCredInfo::~CCredInfo() { if (szHost) delete [] szHost; if (szRealm) delete [] szRealm; if (szUser) delete [] szUser; Password.Free(); if (szNonce) delete [] szNonce; if (szCNonce) delete [] szCNonce;