#include "hostenv.h"
#include "cmallspy.h"
#include "apglobal.h"
#define cbAlign 32
#define HEADERSIZE cbAlign // # of bytes of block header
#define TRAILERSIZE cbAlign // # of bytes of block trailer
static XCHAR g_rgchHead[] = XSTR("OLEAuto Mem Head"); // beginning of block signature
static XCHAR g_rgchTail[] = XSTR("OLEAuto Mem Tail"); // end of block signature
#define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2, CB) memcmp((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
#define MEMCPY(PV1, PV2, CB) memcpy((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
#define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) memset((PV), (VAL), (CB))
#define MALLOC(CB) GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, CB))
CMallocSpy myMallocSpy;
UINT g_cHeapCheckInterval = 10; // only check full heap every 100 times.
// implementation of the debug allocator
CAddrNode32 FAR* CAddrNode32::m_pnFreeList = NULL;
// AddrNodes are allocated in blocks to reduce the number of allocations
// we do for these. Note, we get away with this because the addr nodes
// are never freed, so we can just allocate a block, and thread them
// onto the freelist.
#define MEM_cAddrNodes 128
void FAR* CAddrNode32::operator new(size_t /*cb*/) { CAddrNode32 FAR* pn;
if(m_pnFreeList == NULL) { pn = (CAddrNode32 FAR*)MALLOC(sizeof(CAddrNode32) * MEM_cAddrNodes);
for(int i = 1; i < MEM_cAddrNodes-1; ++i) pn[i].m_pnNext = &pn[i+1]; pn[MEM_cAddrNodes-1].m_pnNext = m_pnFreeList; m_pnFreeList = &pn[1]; } else { pn = m_pnFreeList; m_pnFreeList = pn->m_pnNext; } return pn; }
void CAddrNode32::operator delete(void FAR* pv) { CAddrNode32 FAR *pn;
pn = (CAddrNode32 FAR*)pv; pn->m_pnNext = m_pnFreeList; m_pnFreeList = pn; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::CMallocSpy
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Returns:
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
CMallocSpy::CMallocSpy(void) { m_cRef = 0; m_fWantTrueSize = FALSE; m_cAllocCalls = 0; m_cHeapChecks = 0;
MEMSET(m_rganode, 0, sizeof(m_rganode)); }
// Member: CMallocSpy::~CMallocSpy
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Returns:
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
CMallocSpy::~CMallocSpy(void) { CheckForLeaks(); }
// Member: CMallocSpy::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Only IUnknown and IMallocSpy are meaningful
// Arguments: [riid] --
// [ppUnk] --
// Returns: S_OK or E_NOINTERFACE
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
HRESULT CMallocSpy::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppUnk) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppUnk = (IUnknown *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMallocSpy)) { *ppUnk = (IMalloc *) this; } else { *ppUnk = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return hr; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::AddRef
// Synopsis: Add a reference
// Returns: New reference count
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
ULONG CMallocSpy::AddRef(void) { return ++m_cRef; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::Release
// Synopsis: Remove a reference
// Returns: The new reference count
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
ULONG CMallocSpy::Release(void) { ULONG cRef;
cRef = --m_cRef;
if (cRef == 0) { #if 0 // don't delete -- we're statically allocated
delete this; #endif
} return cRef; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PreAlloc
// Synopsis: Called prior to OLE calling IMalloc::Alloc
// Arguments: [cbRequest] -- The number of bytes the caller of
// is requesting IMalloc::Alloc
// Returns: The count of bytes to actually allocate
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
SIZE_T CMallocSpy::PreAlloc(SIZE_T cbRequest) { HeapCheck();
return cbRequest + HEADERSIZE + TRAILERSIZE; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PostAlloc
// Synopsis: Called after OLE calls IMalloc::Alloc
// Arguments: [pActual] -- The allocation returned by IMalloc::Alloc
// Returns: The allocation pointer to return to the caller of
// IMalloc::Alloc
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void *CMallocSpy::PostAlloc(void *pActual) { IMalloc *pmalloc; SIZE_T cbRequest; HRESULT hresult; XCHAR sz[20];
if (pActual == NULL) // if real alloc failed, then
return NULL; // propogate failure
if (FAILED(hresult = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &pmalloc))) { apSPrintf(sz, XSTR("%lX"), hresult); apLogFailInfo(XSTR("ERROR:CoGetMalloc failed!!!"), XSTR("NOEEROR"), sz, XSTR("")); return(NULL); }
m_fWantTrueSize = TRUE; cbRequest = pmalloc->GetSize(pActual) - HEADERSIZE - TRAILERSIZE; m_fWantTrueSize = FALSE;
// set header signature
MEMCPY(pActual, g_rgchHead, HEADERSIZE);
// set trailer signature
MEMCPY((BYTE *)pActual+HEADERSIZE+cbRequest, g_rgchTail, TRAILERSIZE);
// save info for leak detection
AddInst((BYTE *)pActual+HEADERSIZE, cbRequest);
// Return the allocation plus offset
return (void *) (((BYTE *) pActual) + HEADERSIZE); }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PreFree
// Synopsis: Called prior to OLE calling IMalloc::Free
// Arguments: [pRequest] -- The allocation to be freed
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns:
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void *CMallocSpy::PreFree(void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed) { HeapCheck();
if (pRequest == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Undo the offset
if (fSpyed) { CAddrNode32 FAR* pn; SIZE_T sizeToFree;
pn = FindInst(pRequest);
// check for attempt to operate on a pointer we didn't allocate
if(pn == NULL) { apLogFailInfo(XSTR("Attempt to free memory not allocated by this 32-bit test!"), XSTR(""), XSTR(""), XSTR("")); }
// check the block we're freeing
sizeToFree = pn->m_cb + HEADERSIZE + TRAILERSIZE;
// mark entire block as invalid
MEMSET((BYTE *) pRequest - HEADERSIZE, '~', sizeToFree);
return (void *) (((BYTE *) pRequest) - HEADERSIZE); } else { return pRequest; } }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PostFree
// Synopsis: Called after OLE calls IMalloc::Free
// Arguments: [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns:
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void CMallocSpy::PostFree(BOOL /*fSpyed*/) { return; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PreRealloc
// Synopsis: Called prior to OLE calling IMalloc::Realloc
// Arguments: [pRequest] -- The buffer to be reallocated
// [cbRequest] -- The requested new size of the buffer
// [ppNewRequest] -- Where to store the new buffer pointer
// to be reallocated
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns: The new size to actually be allocated
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
SIZE_T CMallocSpy::PreRealloc(void *pRequest, SIZE_T cbRequest, void **ppNewRequest, BOOL fSpyed) { HeapCheck();
if (fSpyed) { CAddrNode32 FAR* pn; SIZE_T sizeToFree;
pn = FindInst(pRequest);
// check for attempt to operate on a pointer we didn't allocate
if(pn == NULL) { apLogFailInfo(XSTR("Attempt to reallocate memory not allocated by this 32-bit test!"), XSTR(""), XSTR(""), XSTR("")); }
sizeToFree = pn->m_cb;
*ppNewRequest = (void *) (((BYTE *) pRequest) - HEADERSIZE);
m_pvRealloc = pRequest;
return cbRequest + HEADERSIZE + TRAILERSIZE; } else { *ppNewRequest = pRequest; return cbRequest; } }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PostRealloc
// Synopsis: Called after OLE calls IMalloc::Realloc
// Arguments: [pActual] -- Pointer to the reallocated buffer
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns: The buffer pointer to return
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void *CMallocSpy::PostRealloc(void *pActual, BOOL fSpyed) { IMalloc *pmalloc; SIZE_T cbRequest; HRESULT hresult; XCHAR sz[50];
if (pActual == NULL) { apLogFailInfo(XSTR("CMallocSpy::PostRealloc - Realloc of a block failed."), XSTR(""), XSTR(""), XSTR("")); return NULL; }
// Return the buffer with the header offset
if (fSpyed) { DelInst(m_pvRealloc);
if (FAILED(hresult = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &pmalloc))) { apSPrintf(sz, XSTR("%lX"), hresult); apLogFailInfo(XSTR("ERROR:CoGetMalloc failed!!!"), XSTR("NOEEROR"), sz, XSTR("")); }
m_fWantTrueSize = TRUE; cbRequest = pmalloc->GetSize(pActual) - HEADERSIZE - TRAILERSIZE; m_fWantTrueSize = FALSE;
if (MEMCMP(pActual, g_rgchHead, HEADERSIZE) != 0) { MEMCPY(sz, pActual, HEADERSIZE); sz[HEADERSIZE] = 0; apLogFailInfo(XSTR("32-bit Memory header not intact!"), g_rgchHead, sz, XSTR("")); }
// set new trailer signature
MEMCPY((BYTE *)pActual+HEADERSIZE+cbRequest, g_rgchTail, TRAILERSIZE);
// save info for leak detection
AddInst((BYTE *)pActual+HEADERSIZE, cbRequest);
return (void *) (((BYTE *) pActual) + HEADERSIZE); } else { return pActual; } }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PreGetSize
// Synopsis: Called prior to OLE calling IMalloc::GetSize
// Arguments: [pRequest] -- The buffer whose size is to be returned
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns: The actual buffer with which to call IMalloc::GetSize
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void *CMallocSpy::PreGetSize(void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed) { HeapCheck();
if (fSpyed && !m_fWantTrueSize) { return (void *) (((BYTE *) pRequest) - HEADERSIZE); } else { return pRequest; } }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PostGetSize
// Synopsis: Called after OLE calls IMalloc::GetSize
// Arguments: [cbActual] -- The result of IMalloc::GetSize
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns: The size to return to the IMalloc::GetSize caller
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
SIZE_T CMallocSpy::PostGetSize(SIZE_T cbActual, BOOL fSpyed) { if (fSpyed && !m_fWantTrueSize) { return cbActual - HEADERSIZE - TRAILERSIZE; } else { return cbActual; } }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PreDidAlloc
// Synopsis: Called prior to OLE calling IMalloc::DidAlloc
// Arguments: [pRequest] -- The buffer whose allocation is being tested
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// Returns: The buffer whose allocation is actually to be tested
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void *CMallocSpy::PreDidAlloc(void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed) { HeapCheck();
if (fSpyed) { return (void *) (((BYTE *) pRequest) - HEADERSIZE); } else { return pRequest; } }
// Function: PostDidAlloc
// Synopsis: Called after OLE calls the IMalloc::DidAlloc
// Arguments: [pRequest] -- The passed allocation
// [fSpyed] -- Whether it was allocated with a spy active
// [fActual] -- The result of IMalloc::DidAlloc
// Returns: The result of IMalloc::DidAlloc
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
BOOL CMallocSpy::PostDidAlloc(void * /*pRequest*/, BOOL /*fSpyed*/, BOOL fActual) { return fActual; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PreHeapMinimize
// Synopsis: Called prior to OLE calling the IMalloc::HeapMinimize
// Returns:
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void CMallocSpy::PreHeapMinimize(void) { HeapCheck(); return; }
// Member: CMallocSpy::PostHeapMinimize
// Synopsis: Called after OLE calls the IMalloc::HeapMinimize
// Returns:
// History: 24-Oct-94 Created.
// Notes:
void CMallocSpy::PostHeapMinimize(void) { return; }
// Instance table methods
VOID CMallocSpy::MemInstance() { ++m_cAllocCalls; }
*PRIVATE CMallocSpy::AddInst *Purpose: * Add the given instance to the address instance table. * *Entry: * pv = the instance to add * nAlloc = the allocation passcount of this instance * *Exit: * None * ***********************************************************************/ void CMallocSpy::AddInst(void FAR* pv, SIZE_T cb) { ULONG nAlloc; UINT hash; CAddrNode32 FAR* pn;
MemInstance(); nAlloc = m_cAllocCalls;
// DebAssert(pv != NULL, "");
pn = (CAddrNode32 FAR*)new FAR CAddrNode32();
// DebAssert(pn != NULL, "");
pn->m_pv = pv; pn->m_cb = cb; pn->m_nAlloc = nAlloc;
hash = HashInst(pv); pn->m_pnNext = m_rganode[hash]; m_rganode[hash] = pn; }
*PRIVATE CMallocSpy::DelInst(void*) *Purpose: * Remove the given instance from the address instance table. * *Entry: * pv = the instance to remove * *Exit: * None * ***********************************************************************/ void CMallocSpy::DelInst(void FAR* pv) { CAddrNode32 FAR* FAR* ppn, FAR* pnDead;
for(ppn = &m_rganode[HashInst(pv)]; *ppn != NULL; ppn = &(*ppn)->m_pnNext) { if((*ppn)->m_pv == pv) { pnDead = *ppn; *ppn = (*ppn)->m_pnNext; delete pnDead; return; } } // didnt find the instance
// DebAssert(FALSE, "memory instance not found");
CAddrNode32 FAR* CMallocSpy::FindInst(void FAR* pv) { CAddrNode32 FAR* pn;
for(pn = m_rganode[HashInst(pv)]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_pnNext) { if(pn->m_pv == pv) return pn; } return NULL; }
void CMallocSpy::DumpInst(CAddrNode32 FAR* pn) { XCHAR szActual[128]; apSPrintf(szActual, XSTR("Block of %ld bytes leaked in test"), pn->m_cb); apLogFailInfo(XSTR("Memory leaked on release of 32-bit test allocator!"), XSTR("no leak"), szActual, XSTR(""));
// Printf("[%lp] nAlloc=0x%lx size=0x%lx\n", pn->m_pv, pn->m_nAlloc, pn->m_cb);
*PRIVATE BOOL IsEmpty *Purpose: * Answer if the address instance table is empty. * *Entry: * None * *Exit: * return value = BOOL, TRUE if empty, FALSE otherwise * ***********************************************************************/ BOOL CMallocSpy::IsEmpty() { UINT u;
for(u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u) { if(m_rganode[u] != NULL) return FALSE; // something leaked
return TRUE; }
*PRIVATE CMallocSpy::DumpInstTable() *Purpose: * Print the current contents of the address instance table, * *Entry: * None * *Exit: * None * ***********************************************************************/ void CMallocSpy::DumpInstTable() { UINT u; CAddrNode32 FAR* pn;
for(u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u) { for(pn = m_rganode[u]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_pnNext) { VerifyHeaderTrailer(pn); DumpInst(pn); } } }
*PRIVATE void CMallocSpy::VerifyHeaderTrailer() *Purpose: * Inspect allocations for signature overwrites. * *Entry: * None * *Exit: * return value = None. * ***********************************************************************/ VOID CMallocSpy::VerifyHeaderTrailer(CAddrNode32 FAR* pn) { XCHAR sz[50]; XCHAR sz2[100]; if (MEMCMP((char FAR*)pn->m_pv + pn->m_cb, g_rgchTail, TRAILERSIZE) != 0) { // DumpInst(pn);
MEMCPY(sz, (char FAR*)pn->m_pv + pn->m_cb, TRAILERSIZE); sz[TRAILERSIZE] = 0; apSPrintf(sz2, XSTR("32-bit memory trailer corrupt on alloc of %ld bytes"), pn->m_cb); apLogFailInfo(sz2, g_rgchTail, sz, XSTR("")); apEndTest(); } if (MEMCMP((char FAR*)pn->m_pv - HEADERSIZE, g_rgchHead, HEADERSIZE) != 0) { // DumpInst(pn);
MEMCPY(sz, (char FAR*)pn->m_pv - HEADERSIZE, HEADERSIZE); sz[HEADERSIZE] = 0; apSPrintf(sz2, XSTR("32-bit memory header corrupt on alloc of %ld bytes"), pn->m_cb); apLogFailInfo(sz2, g_rgchHead, sz, XSTR("")); apEndTest(); } }
*PRIVATE void CMallocSpy::HeapCheck() *Purpose: * Inspect allocations for signature overwrites. * *Entry: * None * *Exit: * return value = None. * ***********************************************************************/ VOID CMallocSpy::HeapCheck() { UINT u; CAddrNode32 FAR* pn;
if (m_cHeapChecks++ < g_cHeapCheckInterval) { return; } m_cHeapChecks = 0; // reset
for (u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u) { for (pn = m_rganode[u]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_pnNext) { VerifyHeaderTrailer(pn); } } }
void CMallocSpy::CheckForLeaks() { if (!IsEmpty()) { DumpInstTable(); apEndTest(); // make sure a failure get recorded
} }
// Helper routines
STDAPI GetMallocSpy(IMallocSpy FAR* FAR* ppmallocSpy) { *ppmallocSpy = &myMallocSpy;
return NOERROR; }