Related Files: [Section=Compile] %TlViewerDir%:tlviewer.hxx [Platform= 3] %ApGlobalSrcDir%:apglobal.h %OsUtilDir%:osutil.hxx [Section=Link] [Options=NO_COPY] tlviewer.obj OsUtil.obj %OsUtilDir%:OsUtil.cpp [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=CVTRES] _resfile.obj %TlViewerDir%:RcBuild.ins [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=product] ole32.lib [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=product] oleaut32.lib [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=product] uuid.lib [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=SYSTEM_LIB] kernel32.lib [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=SYSTEM_LIB] user32.lib [Platform= 6,7,8 Options=C_LIB] libc.lib
[Platform= 3 Options=C_LIB] libw.lib [Platform= 3 Options=C_LIB] mlibcew.lib [Platform= 3 Options=Product] typelib.lib [Platform= 3 Options=Product] ole2disp.lib [Platform= 3 Options=Product] ole2.lib [Platform= 3 Options=DEFFILE] %TlViewerDir%:%platform%:tlviewer.def
[Platform= 1] %BuildLibs%:Ole2Auto.far.debug.o [Platform= 1] %BuildLibs%:Ole2Lib.far.debug.o [Platform= 1] %BuildLibs%:StdCLib.o [Platform= 1] %BuildLibs%:Stubs.o [Platform= 1] %BuildLibs%:Runtime.o [Platform= 1] %BuildLibs%:Interface.o [Section=end]
[ 0] Created AngelaCh [ 1] Added additional attributes ChrisK [ 2] 17-Mar-1994 Added support for Win32s AngelaCh [ 3] 08-Apr-1994 Added LPWSTR AngelaCh [ 4] 08-Apr-1994 Added check for Licensed attr AngelaCh [ 5] 20-Apr-1994 Added check for Alignment AngelaCh [ 6] 24-May-1994 Added check for Source in method AngelaCh [ 7] 25-May-1994 Added checks for diff attributes AngelaCh [ 8] 19-Dec-1994 Fixed problem in tOutDaul AngelaCh [ 9] 08-Feb-1995 Added support for Null str const AngelaCh [10] 08-Feb-1995 Added support for typeinfo level AngelaCh Restricted attribute [11] 08-Feb-1995 Added support for GetLastError Angelach [12] 18-Apr-1995 Added support for float's Angelach ============================================================================== */
#include "tlviewer.hxx"
const IID IID_ITypeLib2 = {0x00020411,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}}; const IID IID_ITypeInfo2 = {0x00020412,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}};
ITypeInfo2 * ptinfo2 = NULL; ITypeLib2 * ptlib2 = NULL; BSTRX g_bstrHelpDll = NULL; // name of help DLL
VOID FAR mainEntry (LPXSTR lpCmd) { if ( *lpCmd ) { ParseCmdLine (lpCmd) ; // get name of in/output files
ProcessInput () ; // read input file
} else osMessage(XSTR("Usage: tlviewer <tlbfile> [<outputfile> [Alignment] [</o]]"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; // [5]
VOID NEAR ParseCmdLine (LPXSTR lpsz) { XCHAR szlTmp[fMaxBuffer] ; LPXSTR lpszTmp ; // name of input type library
// is expected to be in the
lpszTmp = lpsz ; // first substring; name of
lpszTmp = fGetFileName (lpszTmp, szInputFile) ; lpszTmp = fGetFileName (lpszTmp, szOutputFile) ; // output is in the second
// substring if specified
if ( !*szOutputFile ) // if no ouput file is
osStrCpy ( szOutputFile, defaultOutput ) ; // specified; use default
lpszTmp = fGetFileName (lpszTmp, szlTmp) ; // see if /o
// option is given
isOut = TRUE; // always as if /o was specified
if ( osStrCmp(szlTmp, outOpt) == 0 ) isOut = TRUE ; else // if may be specifying an [5]
if ( *szlTmp ) // alignment value
{ inAlign = (unsigned short) osAtoL(szlTmp); // get alignment value
lpszTmp = fGetFileName (lpszTmp, szlTmp) ; // see if /o
if ( osStrCmp(szlTmp, outOpt) == 0 ) // option is given
isOut = TRUE ; } }
LPXSTR NEAR fGetFileName (LPXSTR lpszIn, LPXSTR lpszOut) { int i = 0 ; LPXSTR lpszTmp ;
lpszTmp = lpszIn ;
while ( *lpszTmp == ' ' ) // remove leading spaces
lpszTmp++ ;
while ( *lpszTmp != '\0' && *lpszTmp != ' ') // copy the substring (up
{ // to the first space) or
lpszOut[i] = *lpszTmp ; // the entire string of
lpszTmp++ ; // lpszIn to lpszOut
i++ ; } lpszOut[i] = '\0' ;
return lpszTmp ; // return the remaining string
VOID NEAR ProcessInput() { HRESULT hRes ; // return code
XCHAR szTmp[fMaxBuffer] ;
hRes = osOleInit () ; // ole initialization
if ( !hRes ) { // load the file
hRes = LoadTypeLibX( szInputFile, &ptLib) ; // [2]
OutToFile (hRes) ; // print result to the
// output file
osStrCpy(szTmp, szOutputFile) ; osStrCat(szTmp, szOutSuccess) ;
if ( isOut ) { mFile = fopenX(szOutMsgFile, fnWrite);// open message file [2]
if (mFile == NULL) { osMessage (XSTR("Fail to open the message file"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; osMessage (szTmp, XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } else { WriteOut(mFile, szTmp) ; fclose(mFile) ; // finish writing to message file
mFile = NULL ; // close done
} } else osMessage (szTmp, XSTR("Tlviewer")) ;
osOleUninit () ; } else { if ( isOut ) { mFile = fopenX(szOutMsgFile, fnWrite);// open message file [2]
if (mFile == NULL) { osMessage (XSTR("Fail to open the message file"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; osMessage (XSTR("OleInitialize fails"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } else { WriteOut(mFile, XSTR("OleInitialize fails")) ; fclose(mFile) ; mFile = NULL ; } } else osMessage (XSTR("OleInitialize fails"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } }
VOID NEAR OutToFile(HRESULT hRes) { FILE *hFile ; // file handle
UINT tInfoCount ; // total number of type info
int i ; // note: szTmp is either UNICODE
XCHAR szTmp[fMaxBuffer] ; // or ANSI
hFile = fopenX(szOutputFile, fnWrite); // but we want to open output file [2]
if (hFile == NULL) // as an ANSI file regardless
{ osStrCpy(szTmp, XSTR("Fail to open the output file")) ; osStrCat(szTmp, szOutputFile) ; if ( isOut ) { mFile = fopenX(szOutMsgFile, fnWrite);// open message file [2]
if (mFile == NULL) { osMessage (XSTR("Fail to open the message file"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; osMessage (szTmp, XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } else { WriteOut(mFile, szTmp) ; fclose(mFile) ; mFile = NULL ; } } else osMessage (szTmp, XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } else { WriteOut(hFile, szFileHeader) ; // output file header
// remove the path.
#if WIN32
wcscpy(szTmp, szInputFile); pchDir = wcsrchr(szTmp, '\\');
if (pchDir) { wcscpy(szTmp, pchDir + 1); } #else // !WIN32
_fstrcpy(szTmp, szInputFile);
pchDir = _fstrrchr(szTmp, '\\');
if (pchDir) { _fstrcpy(szTmp, pchDir + 1); } #endif // !WIN32
// force path to lower case
#if WIN16
AnsiLower(szTmp); #else //WIN16
WCHAR * pch; for (pch = szTmp; *pch != 0; pch++) { if (*pch >= OLECHAR('A') && *pch <= OLECHAR('Z')) *pch = *pch + 'a' - 'A'; } #endif //WIN16
WriteOut(hFile, szTmp) ; WriteOut(hFile, szEndStr) ;
if ( FAILED(hRes) ) // if it is not a valid type ****
WriteOut(hFile, szInputInvalid) ;// library
else { // try to QI the typelib for ITypeLib2
ptLib->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeLib2, (void **)&ptlib2);
if ( fOutLibrary(hFile) ) { tInfoCount = ptLib->GetTypeInfoCount() ; for (i = 0 ; i < (int) tInfoCount ; i++) { if ( FAILED(ptLib->GetTypeInfo(i, &ptInfo)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("type info\n\n")) ; } else { // try to QI it for ITypeInfo2
ptInfo->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, (void **)&ptinfo2); if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetTypeAttr(&lpTypeAttr)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attributes of type info\n\n")) ; } else { expAlign = 0 ; alignFound = FALSE ; switch (lpTypeAttr->typekind) { case TKIND_ENUM: tOutEnum(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_RECORD: tOutRecord(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_MODULE: tOutModule(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_INTERFACE: tOutInterface(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_DISPATCH: tOutDispatch(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_COCLASS: tOutCoclass(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_ALIAS: tOutAlias(hFile, i) ; break ;
case TKIND_UNION: tOutUnion(hFile, i) ; break ;
tOutEncunion(hFile, i) ; break ; */
default: WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("Type of definition is unknown\n\n")) ; } // switch
ptInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr (lpTypeAttr) ; } // if gettypeattr
ptInfo->Release() ;// release the current TypeInfo
if (ptinfo2) { ptinfo2->Release(); } } // if gettypeinfo
} // for i
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("}\n")) ; // output the closing }
// if fOutLibrary
ptLib->Release(); // clean up before exit
} }
fclose(hFile); // finish writing to the output
hFile = NULL; // close done
} if (ptlib2) { ptlib2->Release(); } SysFreeString((BSTR)g_bstrHelpDll) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutCustData (FILE *hFile, LPCUSTDATA pCustData) { XCHAR szTmp[50] ; UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < pCustData->cCustData; i++) { // get a string representation
// for the incoming Guid value
if ( !(osRetrieveGuid (szTmp, pCustData->prgCustData[i].guid)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("insufficient memory")) ; } else { // string is in {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
szTmp[37] = '\0' ; // format, need to remove the {}
WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("CustomGuid"), &szTmp[1], numValue) ; VARIANT * pvar; pvar = &pCustData->prgCustData[i].varValue; if ( FAILED(VariantChangeType(pvar, pvar, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR)) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("VariantChangeType fails\n")) ; else { WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("CustomValue"), (BSTRX)pvar->bstrVal, strValue) ; }
} } // done with it -- release all the memory
ClearCustData(pCustData); }
BOOL NEAR fOutLibrary(FILE *hFile) { TLIBATTR FAR *lpLibAttr ; // attributes of the library
XCHAR szTmp[16] ; BOOL retval = FALSE ;
if ( FAILED( ptLib->GetLibAttr(&lpLibAttr) ) )
{ WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attributes of library\n\n")) ; } else { // output documentational
tOutAttr(hFile, -1) ; // attributes first
// output id-related attributes
osLtoA((long)lpLibAttr->lcid, szTmp) ; // output lcid;
WriteAttr(hFile, attrLcid, szTmp, numValue) ; // default is 0
GetVerNumber (lpLibAttr->wMajorVerNum, lpLibAttr->wMinorVerNum, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, attrVer, szTmp, numValue) ; // output version
tOutUUID(hFile, lpLibAttr->guid) ; // output restricted attribute
if ( (lpLibAttr->wLibFlags & LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED) == LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrRestrict, NULL, noValue) ; if ( (lpLibAttr->wLibFlags & LIBFLAG_FCONTROL) == LIBFLAG_FCONTROL ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrControl, NULL, noValue) ; if ( (lpLibAttr->wLibFlags & LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN) == LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHidden, NULL, noValue) ;
if (ptlib2) { // new-format typelib
XCHAR szTmp[16] ; DWORD cUniqueNames; DWORD cchUniqueNames; HRESULT hresult; hresult = ptlib2->GetLibStatistics(&cUniqueNames, &cchUniqueNames);
osLtoA(cUniqueNames, szTmp); WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("cUniqueNames"), szTmp, numValue) ; osLtoA(cchUniqueNames, szTmp); WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("cchUniqueNames"), szTmp, numValue) ;
CUSTDATA custdata; ptlib2->GetAllCustData(&custdata); tOutCustData(hFile, &custdata); } if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; } ptLib->ReleaseTLibAttr(lpLibAttr) ; // de-allocate attribute
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nlibrary ")) ; tOutName(hFile, MEMBERID_NIL) ; // output name of library
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("{\n\n")) ; retval = TRUE ; } // if GetLibAttributes
return (retval) ; // before exit
VOID NEAR tOutEnum (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ntypedef\n")); // output typedef first
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nenum {\n")) ; tOutVar(hFile) ; // output enum members
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("} ")) ; // close the definition and
tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; // output name of the enum type
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;")) ; if ( inAlign ) // [5]
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != osGetAlignment(VT_INT, inAlign) ) tOutAlignError (hFile) ;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutRecord (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ntypedef\n")); // output typedef first
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nstruct {\n")) ; tOutVar (hFile) ; // output members
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("} ")) ; tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;")) ; if ( inAlign ) // [5]
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != expAlign ) tOutAlignError (hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutModule (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute first
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nmodule ")) ; tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" {\n")) ;
tOutVar (hFile) ; // output each const
tOutFunc (hFile) ; // output each member function
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("}\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutInterface(FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { HREFTYPE phRefType ;
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute first
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ninterface ")) ; tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; // find out if the interface
if ( !FAILED(ptInfo->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &phRefType)) ) { isInherit = TRUE ; tOutAliasName(hFile, phRefType) ; // is inherited from some other
isInherit = FALSE ; // interface
} WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" {\n")) ;
tOutFunc (hFile) ; // output each member function
if ( inAlign ) // [5]
{ if ( expAlign ) // is base-interface exists
{ // alignment depends on the base-
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != expAlign ) // interface
tOutAlignError (hFile) ; } else // otherwise, it depends on
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != osGetAlignment(VT_PTR, inAlign) ) tOutAlignError (hFile) ; // size of a pointer
} WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("}\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutDual (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) // [7]
{ ITypeInfoX FAR *lptInfo ; TYPEATTR FAR *lpAttr ; HREFTYPE phRefType ;
// obtain reference to the
if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetRefTypeOfImplType((UINT)MEMBERID_NIL, &phRefType)) ) { // dual interface
WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("tOutDispach: GetRefTypeOfImpType\n")) ; } else { // get a pointer to the dual
if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetRefTypeInfo(phRefType, &lptInfo)) ) { // interface
WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("tOutDispatch: GetRefTypeInfo\n")) ; } else { if ( FAILED(lptInfo->GetTypeAttr(&lpAttr)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attribute of reftype in tOutDual\n\n")) ; lptInfo->Release () ; // [8]
} else { if ( lpAttr->typekind != TKIND_INTERFACE ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attribute of reftype in tOutDual\n\n")) ; lptInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr (lpAttr) ; lptInfo->Release () ; // [8]
} else { ptInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr (lpTypeAttr) ; ptInfo->Release () ; // release the Dispinterface [8]
lpTypeAttr = lpAttr ; ptInfo = lptInfo ; // now points to the interface
tOutInterface(hFile, iTypeId) ; // output the dual interface
} } // if typekind
} // if GetRefTypeInfo
} // if GetRefTypeOfImplType
VOID NEAR tOutDispatch (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { // dump the dispinterface, and dispinterface versions of dual interfaces
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute first
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ndispinterface ")) ; tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" {\n")) ; // if there is no data nor function
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nproperties:\n")) ; tOutVar (hFile) ; // output each date member
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nmethods:\n")) ; tOutFunc (hFile) ; // output each member function
// alignment depends on the base-
if ( inAlign ) // interface which is stdole.tlb
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != osGetAlignment(VT_PTR, MaxAlignment) ) tOutAlignError (hFile) ; // on that particular system [5]
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("}\n\n")) ;
// also dump the interface version of dual interfaces
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL ) == TYPEFLAG_FDUAL ) // [7]
{ // if dual, also dump the interface portion
tOutDual (hFile, iTypeId) ; } }
VOID NEAR tOutCoclass (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) {
HREFTYPE phRefType ; WORD i ; int iFlags ;
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute first
// output appobject attribute if
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE ) == 0 ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("noncreatable"), NULL, noValue) ; tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ncoclass ")) ;// well
tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" {\n")) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < lpTypeAttr->cImplTypes; i++ ) { if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &phRefType)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetRefTypeOfImpType\n")) ; } else { if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetImplTypeFlags(i, &iFlags)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetImplTypeFlags\n")) ; } else { // output attribute(s)
if ( (iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT) == IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrDefault, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( (iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED) == IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrRestrict, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( (iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) == IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrSource, NULL, noValue) ; if ( (iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULTVTABLE) == IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULTVTABLE) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("defaultvtable"), NULL, noValue) ;
if (ptinfo2) { // new-format typelib -- output more stuff
CUSTDATA custdata; ptinfo2->GetAllImplTypeCustData(i, &custdata); tOutCustData(hFile, &custdata); }
if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; } }
tOutAliasName(hFile, phRefType) ; } }
if ( inAlign ) // alignment depends on the base-
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != expAlign ) // interface [5]
tOutAlignError (hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("}\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutAlias (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { XCHAR szTmp[16] ;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ntypedef ")) ; tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute first
WriteAttr(hFile, attrPublic, szTmp, noValue) ; // public attr
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ;
tOutType(hFile, lpTypeAttr->tdescAlias) ; // output name of base-type
tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; // output name of new type
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(";")) ; if ( inAlign ) // alignment of the alias with
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != expAlign ) tOutAlignError (hFile) ; // that of the basetype [5]
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutUnion (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ntypedef\n")); // output typedef first
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nunion {\n")) ; tOutVar (hFile) ; // output members
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("} ")) ; tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;")) ; if ( inAlign ) // [5]
if ( lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment != expAlign ) tOutAlignError (hFile) ;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutEncunion (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\ntypedef\n")); // output typedef first
tOutAttr(hFile, (int)iTypeId) ; // output attribute
tOutMoreAttr(hFile) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\nencunion {\n")) ; tOutVar (hFile) ; // output members
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("} ")) ; tOutName(hFile, iTypeId) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;\n\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutName (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { BSTRX bstrName ;
if ( FAILED(ptLib->GetDocumentation(iTypeId, &bstrName, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("name of type definition")) ; } else { WriteOut(hFile, bstrName) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ")) ;
if ( iTypeId == -1 ) // record name of the library
osStrCpy(szLibName, bstrName) ;
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrName) ; } }
VOID NEAR tOutType (FILE *hFile, TYPEDESC tdesc) { XCHAR szTmp[20] ;
if ( inAlign && tdesc.vt != VT_USERDEFINED && tdesc.vt != VT_CARRAY && !alignFound ) // [5]
{ if ( expAlign < osGetAlignment(tdesc.vt, inAlign) ) expAlign = osGetAlignment(tdesc.vt, inAlign) ; alignFound = TRUE ; }
switch (tdesc.vt) { case VT_EMPTY: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("notSpec ") ) ; break ; case VT_NULL: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("NULL ") ) ; break ; case VT_I2: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("short ") ) ; break ; case VT_I4: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("long ") ) ; break ; case VT_R4: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("float ") ) ; break ; case VT_R8: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("double ") ) ; break ; case VT_CY: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("CURRENCY ") ) ; break ; case VT_DATE: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("DATE ") ) ; break ; case VT_BSTR: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("BSTR ") ) ; break ; case VT_DISPATCH: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("IDispatch * ") ) ; break ; case VT_ERROR: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("scode ") ) ; break ; case VT_BOOL: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("boolean ") ) ; break ; case VT_VARIANT: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("VARIANT ") ) ; break ; case VT_UNKNOWN: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("IUnknown * ") ) ; break ; case VT_DECIMAL: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("DECIMAL ") ) ; break ; case VT_I1: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("char ") ) ; break ; case VT_UI1: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("unsigned char ") ) ; break ; case VT_UI2: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("unsigned short ") ) ; break ; case VT_UI4: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("unsigned long ") ) ; break ; case VT_I8: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("long long ") ) ; break ; case VT_UI8: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("unsigned long long ") ) ; break ; case VT_INT: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("int ") ) ; break ; case VT_UINT: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("unsigned int ") ) ; break ; case VT_VOID: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("void ") ) ; break ; case VT_HRESULT: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("HRESULT ") ) ; break ; case VT_PTR: tOutType (hFile, *(tdesc.lptdesc)) ; osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("* ") ) ; break ; case VT_SAFEARRAY: if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; } WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("SAFEARRAY ( ")) ; tOutType (hFile, *(tdesc.lptdesc)) ; break ; case VT_CARRAY: cArrFlag = tdesc.lpadesc->cDims ; // get dimemsion of array
tOutType (hFile, tdesc.lpadesc->tdescElem) ; break ; case VT_USERDEFINED: if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; } tOutAliasName (hFile, tdesc.hreftype) ; break ; // output name of the user-defined type
case VT_LPSTR: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("LPSTR ") ) ; break ; case VT_LPWSTR: // [3]
osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("LPWSTR ") ) ; break ; default: osStrCpy ( szTmp, XSTR("unknown type ") ) ; }
if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; }
if ( tdesc.vt != VT_CARRAY && tdesc.vt != VT_USERDEFINED && tdesc.vt != VT_SAFEARRAY ) WriteOut(hFile, szTmp) ;
if ( tdesc.vt == VT_SAFEARRAY ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(") ")) ;
VOID NEAR tOutCDim (FILE *hFile, TYPEDESC tdesc) { USHORT i ; ULONG l ; XCHAR szTmp[16] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < cArrFlag ; i++ ) { l = tdesc.lpadesc->rgbounds[i].cElements ; osLtoA(l, szTmp) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("[")) ; WriteOut(hFile, szTmp) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("]")) ; }
cArrFlag = 0 ; }
VOID NEAR tOutAliasName (FILE *hFile, HREFTYPE phRefType) { ITypeInfoX FAR *lpInfo ; // pointer to the type definition
ITypeLibX FAR *lpLib ; // pointer to a type library
TYPEATTR FAR *lptAttr ; BSTRX bstrName ; UINT iTypeId ; HRESULT hRes;
hRes = ptInfo->GetRefTypeInfo(phRefType, &lpInfo); if ( FAILED(hRes) ) { // get TypeInfo of the alias
WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetRefTypeInfo\n")) ; } else { if ( FAILED(lpInfo->GetTypeAttr(&lptAttr)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attribute of reftype\n\n")) ; } else { if ( inAlign && !alignFound && (lpTypeAttr->typekind != TKIND_DISPATCH) ) { // [5]
if ( expAlign < lptAttr->cbAlignment ) expAlign = lptAttr->cbAlignment ; alignFound = TRUE ; }
switch ( lpTypeAttr->typekind ) { case TKIND_INTERFACE: if ( isInherit ) // output name of base-interface
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" : ")) ; break ; default: if (lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS || lptAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL) { // output type of the referenced interface if we
// are a coclass or if we are referencing a dual
// interface.
if ( lptAttr->typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("interface ")) ; else if ( lptAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("dispinterface ")) ; }
lpInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr(lptAttr) ; }
if ( FAILED(lpInfo->GetContainingTypeLib(&lpLib, &iTypeId)) ) { // get id of the alias
WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetAlias: containing typelib\n\n")) ; } else { // check origin of the alias
if ( FAILED(lpLib->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &bstrName, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("name of import library")) ; } else { // if it is not defined locally
if ( osStrCmp(szLibName, bstrName) != 0 ) { // i.e. name of origin is diff
WriteOut(hFile, bstrName) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(".")) ; } // from the name of library;
// output its origin
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrName) ; }
if ( FAILED(lpLib->GetDocumentation((int)iTypeId, &bstrName, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ) { // retrieve name of the alias
WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("name of alias")) ; } else { WriteOut(hFile, bstrName) ;
if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS || (lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH && isInherit) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;\n")) ; else WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ")) ;
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrName) ; }
lpLib->Release () ; }
lpInfo->Release () ; } }
VOID NEAR tOutValue(FILE *hFile, BSTRX bstrName, VARDESCX FAR *lpVarDesc) { VARTYPE vvt ; VARIANTX varTmp ; // [12]
XCHAR szTmp[25] ;
if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; }
if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_MODULE ) { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("const ")) ; // output the const keyword
tOutType(hFile, lpVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc) ; // output its type
WriteOut(hFile, bstrName) ; // output name of member
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" = ")) ;
vvt = lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->vt ;
if ( vvt == VT_VARIANT ) { vvt = lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->vt ; switch ( vvt ) { case VT_I1: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->cVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_UI1: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->bVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_UI2: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->uiVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_BOOL: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->boolVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_I2: if ( ( lpVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt == VT_UI2 || lpVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt == VT_UINT ) && lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->iVal < 0 ) osLtoA((long)65536+(lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->iVal), szTmp) ; else osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->iVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_R4: // [12]
case VT_R8: case VT_CY: case VT_UI4: case VT_UINT: case VT_DECIMAL: varTmp.vt = VT_EMPTY ; if ( FAILED(VariantChangeType(&varTmp, lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR)) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("VariantChangeType fails\n")) ; else { osStrCpy(szTmp, varTmp.bstrVal) ; SysFreeStringX(varTmp.bstrVal) ; } break ; case VT_DATE: // [12]
varTmp.vt = VT_EMPTY ; if ( FAILED(VariantChangeType(&varTmp, lpVarDesc->lpvarValue, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR)) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("VariantChangeType fails\n")) ; else { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; WriteOut(hFile, (LPXSTR)varTmp.bstrVal) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; SysFreeStringX(varTmp.bstrVal) ; } break ; case VT_BSTR: if ( lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->bstrVal != NULL ) // [9]
{ WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; WriteOut(hFile, (LPXSTR)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->bstrVal) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; } else // [9]
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("0")) ; break ; default: osLtoA((long)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->pvarVal->lVal, szTmp) ; break ; } } else { switch ( vvt ) { case VT_I1: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->cVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_UI1: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->bVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_BOOL: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->boolVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_UI2: osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->uiVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_I2: if ( ( lpVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt == VT_UI2 || lpVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt == VT_UINT ) && lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->iVal < 0 ) osLtoA((long)65536+(lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->iVal), szTmp) ; else osItoA((int)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->iVal, szTmp) ; break ; case VT_R4: // [12]
case VT_R8: case VT_CY: case VT_UI4: case VT_UINT: case VT_DECIMAL: varTmp.vt = VT_EMPTY ; if ( FAILED(VariantChangeType(&varTmp, lpVarDesc->lpvarValue, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR)) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("VariantChangeType fails\n")) ; else { osStrCpy(szTmp, varTmp.bstrVal) ; SysFreeStringX(varTmp.bstrVal) ; } break ; case VT_DATE: // [12]
varTmp.vt = VT_EMPTY ; if ( FAILED(VariantChangeType(&varTmp, lpVarDesc->lpvarValue, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR)) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("VariantChangeType fails\n")) ; else { WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; WriteOut(hFile, (LPXSTR)varTmp.bstrVal) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; SysFreeStringX(varTmp.bstrVal) ; } break ; case VT_BSTR: if ( lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->bstrVal != NULL ) // [9]
{ WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; WriteOut(hFile, (LPXSTR)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->bstrVal) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; } else // [9]
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("0")) ; break ; default: osLtoA((long)lpVarDesc->lpvarValue->lVal, szTmp) ; break ; } }
if ( vvt != VT_BSTR && vvt != VT_DATE ) WriteOut(hFile, szTmp) ; // output value of member
if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_MODULE ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;\n")) ; else WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ,\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutMember(FILE *hFile, LONG idMember, BSTRX bstrName, TYPEDESC tdesc) { XCHAR szTmp[16] ;
if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH ) { osLtoA(idMember, szTmp) ; // output id
WriteAttr(hFile, attrId, szTmp, numValue) ; } else // [5]
if ( inAlign ) alignFound = FALSE ; // output name of base-type
tOutType(hFile, tdesc) ; WriteOut(hFile, bstrName) ; // output name of member
if ( cArrFlag != 0 ) // it is a c-array; output
tOutCDim (hFile, tdesc) ; // dimensions of the array
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(" ;\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutVar(FILE *hFile) { VARDESCX FAR *ptVarDesc ; // [2]
BSTRX bstrName ; // name of member
BSTRX bstrDoc ; // file string
DWORD hContext ; // help context
XCHAR szTmp[16] ; WORD i ; LONG idMember ; BSTRX rgNames[MAX_NAMES]; UINT cNames, j ;
for (i = 0 ; i < lpTypeAttr->cVars; i++) // for every member
{ if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetVarDesc(i, &ptVarDesc)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("variables\n")) ; } else { idMember = ptVarDesc->memid ; // this is readonly var
if ( (ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FREADONLY) == VARFLAG_FREADONLY ) // CK [ 1]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrReadonly, NULL, noValue) ;
// output source attribute // CK [ 2]
if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FSOURCE ) == VARFLAG_FSOURCE) // CK [ 1]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrSource, NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
// output bindable attribute // CK [ 2]
if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FBINDABLE)== VARFLAG_FBINDABLE ) // CK [ 1]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrBindable, NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
// output requestedit attribute // CK [ 2]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrRequestedit, NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
// output displaybind attribute // CK [ 2]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrDisplaybind, NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
// output defaultbind attribute // CK [ 2]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrDefaultbind, NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("immediatebind"), NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
// output hidden attribute
if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FHIDDEN)== VARFLAG_FHIDDEN ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHidden, NULL, noValue) ; // CK [ 1]
if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM)== VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("defaultcollelem"), NULL, noValue) ; if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT)== VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("uidefault"), NULL, noValue) ; if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE)== VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("nonbrowsable"), NULL, noValue) ; if (( ptVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE)== VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("replaceable"), NULL, noValue) ;
// also dump out the varkind
osItoA(ptVarDesc->varkind, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("varkind"), szTmp, numValue) ;
// also dump out the oInst
if (ptVarDesc->varkind != VAR_CONST) { osItoA(ptVarDesc->oInst, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("oInst"), szTmp, numValue) ; }
if (ptinfo2) { // new-format typelib -- output more stuff
CUSTDATA custdata; ptinfo2->GetAllVarCustData(i, &custdata); tOutCustData(hFile, &custdata);
BSTRX bstrHelpDll; if ( FAILED(ptinfo2->GetDocumentation2(idMember, 0x409, &bstrDoc, &hContext, &bstrHelpDll)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail); WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetDocumentation2 failed\n\n")) ; } else { if (hContext != 0) { osLtoA((long)hContext, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("helpstringcontext"), szTmp, numValue) ; }
if ( bstrDoc != NULL ) // output helpstring if exists
WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("localizedhelpstring"), bstrDoc, strValue) ;
// output help dll name if exists && different from main
if (bstrHelpDll && (g_bstrHelpDll == NULL || osStrCmp(bstrHelpDll, g_bstrHelpDll))) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("helpstringdll"), bstrHelpDll, strValue) ; SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrDoc) ; // release local bstr's
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrHelpDll) ; } }
if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetDocumentation(idMember, &bstrName, &bstrDoc, &hContext, NULL)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attributes of variable\n")) ; } else { // output helpcontext; default is 0
osLtoA((long)hContext, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpCont, szTmp, numValue) ;
if ( bstrDoc != NULL ) // output helpstring if exists
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpStr, bstrDoc, strValue) ;
// typedef enum or const in module
if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_ENUM || lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_MODULE ) tOutValue (hFile, bstrName, ptVarDesc) ; else // typedef struct or dispinterface
tOutMember (hFile, idMember, bstrName, ptVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc) ;
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrDoc) ; // release local bstr
// also checking the name
if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetNames(idMember, rgNames, MAX_NAMES, &cNames)) ) { // with GetNames
WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("name of variable\n")) ; } else { if ( cNames != 1 ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetNames return more than one name\n")) ; } else { if ( osStrCmp(rgNames[0], bstrName) != 0 ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("name of variable inconsistent\n")) ; } }
for ( j = 0 ; j < cNames ; j++ ) SysFreeString((BSTR)rgNames[j]) ; }
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrName) ; }
} ptInfo->ReleaseVarDesc(ptVarDesc) ; ptVarDesc = NULL ; } // for i
VOID NEAR tOutFuncAttr(FILE *hFile, FUNCDESC FAR *lpFuncDesc, DWORD hContext, BSTRX bstrDoc) { XCHAR szTmp[16] ;
osLtoA((long)hContext, szTmp) ;// output helpcontext; default is 0
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpCont, szTmp, numValue) ;
if ( bstrDoc != NULL ) // output helpstring if exists
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpStr, bstrDoc, strValue) ; // output restricted attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED)== FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrRestrict, NULL, noValue) ; // output usesgetlasterror attribute [11]
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR)== FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrGetLastErr, NULL, noValue) ; // output soruce attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE ) == FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE ) // [6]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrSource, NULL, noValue) ; // output bindable attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE)== FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrBindable, NULL, noValue) ; // output requestedit attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT)== FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrRequestedit, NULL, noValue) ; // output displaybind attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND)== FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrDisplaybind, NULL, noValue) ; // output defaultbind attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND)== FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrDefaultbind, NULL, noValue) ; if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND)== FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("immediatebind"), NULL, noValue) ; // output hidden attribute
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN)== FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHidden, NULL, noValue) ;
if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM)== FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("defaultcollelem"), NULL, noValue) ; if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT)== FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("uidefault"), NULL, noValue) ; if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE)== FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("nonbrowsable"), NULL, noValue) ; if (( lpFuncDesc->wFuncFlags & FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE)== FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("replaceable"), NULL, noValue) ; // also dump the funckind
osItoA(lpFuncDesc->funckind, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("funckind"), szTmp, numValue) ;
// also dump out the oVft. Only do this if not FUNC_DISPATCH
// if (lpFuncDesc->funckind != FUNC_DISPATCH)
{ osItoA((int)lpFuncDesc->oVft, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("oVft"), szTmp, numValue) ; }
// last parm is optional array
if ( lpFuncDesc->cParamsOpt == -1 ) // of Variants
WriteAttr(hFile, attrVar, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( lpFuncDesc->memid == DISPID_VALUE ) // DISPID designates the
{ // default function
osLtoA((long)DISPID_VALUE, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, attrId, szTmp, numValue) ; } else if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH ) { osLtoA(lpFuncDesc->memid, szTmp) ; // output id
WriteAttr(hFile, attrId, szTmp, numValue) ; }
switch ( lpFuncDesc->invkind ) // Note: if one of these
{ // flag is set, name of
case INVOKE_FUNC: // parm can't be set: i.e.
// WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("invoke_func", NULL, noValue)) ;
break ; // GetNames only returns name
case INVOKE_PROPERTYGET: // of the function
WriteAttr(hFile, attrPropget, NULL, noValue) ; break ; case INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT: WriteAttr(hFile, attrPropput, NULL, noValue) ; break ; case INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF: WriteAttr(hFile, attrProppr, NULL, noValue) ; break ; default: WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("unknown invkind"), NULL, noValue) ; } }
VOID NEAR tOutCallConv(FILE *hFile, FUNCDESC FAR *lpFuncDesc, TYPEKIND tkind) { switch ( lpFuncDesc->callconv ) { case CC_MSCPASCAL: #if WIN16
if (tkind == TKIND_MODULE) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("STDAPICALLTYPE ")) ; else #endif //WIN16
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__pascal ")) ; break ; case CC_MACPASCAL: WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__pascal ")) ; break ; case CC_STDCALL: #if WIN32
if (tkind == TKIND_MODULE) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("STDAPICALLTYPE ")) ; else WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("STDMETHODCALLTYPE ")) ; #else //WIN32
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__stdcall ")) ; #endif //WIN32
break ; case CC_SYSCALL: WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__syscall ")) ; break ; case CC_CDECL: #if WIN16
if (tkind != TKIND_MODULE) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("STDMETHODCALLTYPE ")) ; else #endif //WIN16
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__cdecl ")) ; break ;
case CC_FASTCALL: WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__fastcall ")) ; break ; case CC_FPFASTCALL: WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("__fpfastcall ")) ; break ;
default: WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("unknown calling convention ")) ; break ; } }
VOID NEAR tOutParams(FILE *hFile, FUNCDESC FAR *lpFuncDesc, UINT iFunc, BSTRX bstrName) { BSTRX rgNames[MAX_NAMES]; UINT cNames ; SHORT i ; SHORT iArgOptLast;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("(")) ;
if ( lpFuncDesc->cParams == 0 ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("void")) ; else { if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetNames(lpFuncDesc->memid, rgNames, MAX_NAMES, &cNames)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("parm of func in definition\n")) ; } else { if (bstrName && osStrCmp(rgNames[0], bstrName) != 0 ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("name of function inconsistent\n")) ; } SysFreeString((BSTR)rgNames[0]) ; // release name of function
// figure out the last parameter to be given the [optional]
// attribute
iArgOptLast = lpFuncDesc->cParams; if ( ( lpFuncDesc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT || lpFuncDesc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF)) { iArgOptLast--; } for (i = 1; i <= lpFuncDesc->cParams; i++) { if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & IDLFLAG_FRETVAL ) == IDLFLAG_FRETVAL ) // [7]
iArgOptLast--; if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & IDLFLAG_FLCID ) == IDLFLAG_FLCID ) // [7]
iArgOptLast--; }
for (i = 1; i <= lpFuncDesc->cParams; i++) { if ( i != 1 ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(", ")) ; // output in/out attribute
if ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags != 0 ) { if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & IDLFLAG_FIN ) == IDLFLAG_FIN ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrIn, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & IDLFLAG_FOUT ) == IDLFLAG_FOUT ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrOut, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & IDLFLAG_FRETVAL ) == IDLFLAG_FRETVAL ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrRetval, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & IDLFLAG_FLCID ) == IDLFLAG_FLCID ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrLcid, NULL, noValue) ;
if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT ) == PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT ) { VARIANT varTmp; VARIANT *pVarDefault; pVarDefault = &(lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].paramdesc.pparamdescex->varDefaultValue); varTmp.vt = VT_EMPTY ; if ( FAILED(VariantChangeType(&varTmp, pVarDefault, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR)) ) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("VariantChangeType fails\n")) ; else { WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("defaultvalue"), (BSTRX)varTmp.bstrVal, strValue) ; SysFreeStringX(varTmp.bstrVal) ; } } if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOPT ) == PARAMFLAG_FOPT ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("PARAMFLAG_FOPT"), NULL, noValue) ; if ( ( lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].idldesc.wIDLFlags & PARAMFLAG_FHASCUSTDATA ) == PARAMFLAG_FHASCUSTDATA ) // [7]
if (ptinfo2) { // new-format typelib -- output more stuff
CUSTDATA custdata; ptinfo2->GetAllParamCustData(iFunc, i-1, &custdata); tOutCustData(hFile, &custdata); } } // check for optional parm
if ( lpFuncDesc->cParamsOpt > 0) { if ( ( lpFuncDesc->cParamsOpt + i ) > iArgOptLast && i <= iArgOptLast ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrOption, NULL, noValue) ; // and output optional attr
} // output name of base-type
tOutType(hFile, lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].tdesc) ; if ( i < (SHORT) cNames )// output name of parm if its is
{ // not property-accessor function
if (rgNames[i] == NULL) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("_NONAME_")) ; else WriteOut(hFile, rgNames[i]) ; SysFreeString((BSTR)rgNames[i]) ; // release name of parm's
} else WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("PseudoName")) ;
if ( cArrFlag != 0 ) // it is a c-array; output
tOutCDim (hFile, lpFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i-1].tdesc) ; // dimension of the array
} // for i = 1
} // GetNames
} // if (ptFunDesc->cParams)
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(") ;\n")) ; }
VOID NEAR tOutFunc(FILE *hFile) { FUNCDESC FAR *ptFuncDesc ; BSTRX bstrName ; // name of member
BSTRX bstrDoc ; // file string
DWORD hContext ; // help context
BSTRX bstrDllName; BSTRX bstrEntryName; WORD wOrdinal; XCHAR szTmp[16] ; WORD i ; LONG idMember ;
alignFound = TRUE ; // turn off align checking [5]
for (i = 0 ; i < lpTypeAttr->cFuncs; i++) // for every member function
{ if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetFuncDesc(i, &ptFuncDesc)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("function of definition\n")) ; } else { idMember = ptFuncDesc->memid ; if ( FAILED(ptInfo->GetDocumentation(ptFuncDesc->memid, &bstrName, &bstrDoc, &hContext, NULL)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("attributes of function\n")) ; } else { if ( lpTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_MODULE ) if( !FAILED(ptInfo->GetDllEntry(ptFuncDesc->memid, ptFuncDesc->invkind, &bstrDllName, &bstrEntryName, &wOrdinal)) ) { // check for Dll entry
WriteAttr(hFile, attrDllName, bstrDllName, strValue) ; SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrDllName) ;
if ( bstrEntryName != NULL ) { WriteAttr(hFile, attrEntry, bstrEntryName, strValue) ; SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrEntryName) ; } else { osItoA((int)wOrdinal, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, attrEntry, szTmp, numValue) ; } }
if (ptinfo2) { // new-format typelib -- output more stuff
CUSTDATA custdata; ptinfo2->GetAllFuncCustData(i, &custdata); tOutCustData(hFile, &custdata);
// new-format typelib -- output more stuff
BSTRX bstrHelpDll; BSTRX bstrLocalDoc; DWORD hStringContext; if ( FAILED(ptinfo2->GetDocumentation2(idMember, 0x409, &bstrLocalDoc, &hStringContext, &bstrHelpDll)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail); WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetDocumentation2 failed\n\n")) ; } else { if (hStringContext != 0) { osLtoA((long)hStringContext, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("helpstringcontext"), szTmp, numValue) ; }
if ( bstrLocalDoc != NULL ) // output helpstring if exists
WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("localizedhelpstring"), bstrLocalDoc, strValue) ;
// output help dll name if exists && different from main
if (bstrHelpDll && (g_bstrHelpDll == NULL || osStrCmp(bstrHelpDll, g_bstrHelpDll))) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("helpstringdll"), bstrHelpDll, strValue) ;
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrLocalDoc); SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrHelpDll) ; }
// output attr for function
tOutFuncAttr(hFile, ptFuncDesc, hContext, bstrDoc) ; // output return type
tOutType(hFile, ptFuncDesc->elemdescFunc.tdesc) ; // output calling convention
tOutCallConv(hFile, ptFuncDesc, lpTypeAttr->typekind) ; if (bstrName == NULL) WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("_NONAME_")) ; else WriteOut(hFile, bstrName) ; // output name of member function
tOutParams(hFile, ptFuncDesc, i, bstrName) ; // output parameters
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrDoc) ; // release local bstr's
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrName) ; } ptInfo->ReleaseFuncDesc(ptFuncDesc) ;
} ptFuncDesc = NULL ; } // for i
alignFound = FALSE ; // turn align checking back on [5]
VOID NEAR tOutUUID (FILE *hFile, GUID inGuid) { XCHAR szTmp[50] ; // get a string representation
// for the incoming Guid value
if ( !(osRetrieveGuid (szTmp, inGuid)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("insufficient memory")) ; } else { // string is in {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
szTmp[37] = '\0' ; // format, need to remove the {}
WriteAttr(hFile, attrUuid, &szTmp[1], numValue) ; } }
VOID NEAR tOutAttr (FILE *hFile, int iTypeId) { BSTRX bstrDoc ; // file string
BSTRX bstrHelp ; // name of help file
DWORD hContext ; // help context
XCHAR szTmp[16] ;
if ( FAILED(ptLib->GetDocumentation(iTypeId, NULL, &bstrDoc, &hContext, &bstrHelp)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("documentational attribute\n\n")) ; } else { // output helpcontext; default is 0
osLtoA((long)hContext, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpCont, szTmp, numValue) ;
if ( bstrDoc != NULL ) // output helpstring if exists
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpStr, bstrDoc, strValue) ;
if ( bstrHelp != NULL ) { // output helpfile if exists
// remove the path.
#if WIN32
pchDir = wcsrchr(bstrHelp, '\\');
if (pchDir) { wcscpy(bstrHelp, pchDir); } #else // !WIN32
pchDir = _fstrrchr(bstrHelp, '\\');
if (pchDir) { _fstrcpy(bstrHelp, pchDir); } #endif // !WIN32
// force path to lower case
#if WIN16
AnsiLower(bstrHelp); #else //WIN16
WCHAR * pch; for (pch = bstrHelp; *pch != 0; pch++) { if (*pch >= OLECHAR('A') && *pch <= OLECHAR('Z')) *pch = *pch + 'a' - 'A'; } #endif //WIN16
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHelpFile, bstrHelp, strValue) ; }
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrDoc) ; // release local bstr's
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrHelp) ; }
if (ptlib2) { // new-format typelib -- output more stuff
if ( FAILED(ptlib2->GetDocumentation2(iTypeId, 0x409, &bstrDoc, &hContext, &bstrHelp)) ) { WriteOut(hFile, szReadFail); WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("GetDocumentation2 failed\n\n")) ; } else { if (hContext != 0) { osLtoA((long)hContext, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("helpstringcontext"), szTmp, numValue) ; }
if ( bstrDoc != NULL ) // output helpstring if exists
WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("localizedhelpstring"), bstrDoc, strValue) ;
// output help dll name if exists && different from main one
if (bstrHelp && (!g_bstrHelpDll || osStrCmp(bstrHelp, g_bstrHelpDll))) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("helpstringdll"), bstrHelp, strValue) ;
SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrDoc) ; // release local bstr's
if (iTypeId == -1) { g_bstrHelpDll = bstrHelp; } else { SysFreeString((BSTR)bstrHelp) ; } } } }
VOID NEAR tOutMoreAttr (FILE *hFile) { XCHAR szTmp[16] ;
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL ) == TYPEFLAG_FDUAL ) { WriteAttr(hFile, attrDual, NULL, noValue) ; } if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION ) == TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrOleAuto, NULL, noValue) ; // check for oleautomation attr
WriteAttr(hFile, attrNonExt, NULL, noValue) ; // check for nonextensible attr
#if 0 // messes up old vs new typelib diffs
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE ) == TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("dispatchable"), NULL, noValue) ; #endif //0
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE ) == TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("replaceable"), NULL, noValue) ; if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT ) == TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT ) WriteAttr(hFile, attrAppObj, NULL, noValue) ; if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED ) == TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED ) // [4]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrLic, NULL, noValue) ; // check for license
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL ) == TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrControl, NULL, noValue) ; // check for control attr
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE ) == TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("aggregatable"), NULL, noValue) ; if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FPROXY ) == TYPEFLAG_FPROXY ) WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("proxy"), NULL, noValue) ;
GetVerNumber (lpTypeAttr->wMajorVerNum, lpTypeAttr->wMinorVerNum, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, attrVer, szTmp, numValue) ; // output version
tOutUUID(hFile, lpTypeAttr->guid) ;
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN ) == TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN ) // [7]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrHidden, NULL, noValue) ; // check for hidden attr
if ( ( lpTypeAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED ) == TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED ) // [10]
WriteAttr(hFile, attrRestrict, NULL, noValue) ; // check for restricted attr
osItoA((int)lpTypeAttr->cbSizeVft, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("cbSizeVft"), szTmp, numValue) ; osItoA(lpTypeAttr->cbSizeInstance, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("cbSizeInstance"), szTmp, numValue) ; osItoA((int)lpTypeAttr->cbAlignment, szTmp) ; WriteAttr(hFile, XSTR("cbAlignment"), szTmp, numValue) ;
if (ptinfo2) { // new-format typelib -- output more stuff
CUSTDATA custdata; ptinfo2->GetAllCustData(&custdata); tOutCustData(hFile, &custdata); }
if ( endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szEndAttr) ; endAttrFlag = FALSE ; } }
VOID NEAR WriteAttr(FILE *hFile, LPXSTR lpszAttr, LPXSTR lpszStr, int ivalType) { BOOL firstAttr = FALSE ;
if ( !endAttrFlag ) { WriteOut(hFile, szBeginAttr) ; // output "[" first
endAttrFlag = TRUE ; firstAttr = TRUE ; } // this is not the first
if ( !firstAttr ) // attribute to be written;
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(", ")) ; // need to put a , before
// output name of attribute
WriteOut(hFile, lpszAttr) ; if ( ivalType != noValue ) // attribute has a value
{ WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("(")) ; if ( ivalType != numValue ) // value is a string
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ;
WriteOut(hFile, lpszStr) ; // output value of attribute
if ( ivalType != numValue ) // close the string value
WriteOut(hFile, XSTR("\"")) ; WriteOut(hFile, XSTR(")")) ; } }
VOID NEAR GetVerNumber (WORD wMajorNum, WORD wMinorNum, LPXSTR szVersion) { XCHAR szTmp[6] ;
osLtoA((long)wMajorNum, szVersion) ; osLtoA((long)wMinorNum, szTmp) ;
osStrCat(szVersion, XSTR(".")) ; // major.
osStrCat(szVersion, szTmp) ; // major.minor
VOID NEAR tOutAlignError (FILE * hFile) // [5]
{ XCHAR szTmp1[30] ; XCHAR szTmp2[15] ;
WriteOut(hFile, szAlignErr) ; osLtoA((long)inAlign, szTmp2) ; osStrCpy(szTmp1, XSTR("inAlign = ")) ; osStrCat(szTmp1, szTmp2) ; WriteOut(hFile, szTmp1) ; }
VOID NEAR WriteOut(FILE *hFile, LPXSTR lpszData) { // Note: szBuffer is either UNICODE
// or ANSI depending of the UNICODE
XCHAR szBuffer[fMaxBuffer]; // compiler switch
if ( fputsX(lpszData, hFile) < 0 ) // [2]
{ // regardless the OS enviornment
osStrCpy(szBuffer, XSTR("Fail to write to file ")) ; osStrCat(szBuffer, lpszData) ; if ( isOut ) { mFile = fopenX(szOutMsgFile, fnWrite);// open message file [2]
if (mFile == NULL) { osMessage (XSTR("Fail to open the message file"), XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; osMessage (szBuffer, XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } else { WriteOut(mFile, szBuffer) ; fclose(mFile) ; mFile = NULL ; } } else osMessage (szBuffer, XSTR("Tlviewer")) ; } }
// test routine for use in the typelib dumping routines. Supposed to
// return a help string from a resource. (Called as a result of doing
// a GetDocumentation2). We just fake something out here.
extern "C" HRESULT __declspec(dllexport) DLLGetDocumentation ( ITypeLib * /*ptlib*/, ITypeInfo * /*ptinfo*/, LCID lcid, DWORD dwHelpStringContext, BSTR * pbstrHelpString ) { switch (dwHelpStringContext) { case 99: if (lcid == 0x409) { *pbstrHelpString = SysAllocString(OLESTR("English help for context 99")); } else if (lcid == 0) { *pbstrHelpString = SysAllocString(OLESTR("Default help for context 99")); } else { *pbstrHelpString = SysAllocString(OLESTR("Foreign help for context 99")); } break; default: *pbstrHelpString = NULL; // no help for this item
} return NOERROR; }