// Microsoft Corporation - Copyright 1997
// READDATA.CPP - Reading data helping utilities
#include "pch.h"
// Globals
const char g_cszMultiPartFormData[] = "multipart/form-data"; const char g_cszDebug[] = "debug"; const char g_cszTextPlain[] = "text/plain";
// What: ReadData
// Desc: Reads the rest of the stream from the client. There is dwSize
// bytes left to read and will be stored in lpMoreData.
// lpMoreData is the buffer where the bits will be stored.
// dwSize is the amount of bits to be saved.
// Return: FALSE if there is an error during the read, otherwise TRUE.
BOOL ReadData( LPECB lpEcb, LPVOID lpMoreData, DWORD dwSize ) { BOOL fReturn; BOOL fLastRequestFail = FALSE; DWORD cb, count; LPBYTE lpBytes; TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "ReadData( lpEcb, lpMoreData, dwSize=%u )", dwSize );
lpBytes = (LPBYTE) lpMoreData; count = 0; while ( count != dwSize ) { cb = dwSize - count; fReturn = ReadClient( lpEcb->ConnID, lpBytes, &cb ); if ( !fReturn ) goto Cleanup;
count += cb; // increment the number of bytes read
lpBytes += cb; // move pointer ahead
if ( cb == 0 ) { if ( fLastRequestFail ) { DebugMsg( NULL, "Two ReadClient requests resulted in ZERO bytes read. Aborting rest of read." ); break; }
fLastRequestFail = TRUE; } else { fLastRequestFail = FALSE; } }
TraceMsg( TF_READDATA, "Count= %u", count );
Cleanup: TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "ReadData( lpEcb, lpMoreData, dwSize=%u ) Exit = %s", dwSize, BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // ReadData( )
// What: CompleteDownload
// Desc: Makes sure that we have everything the client is sending.
// Out: lpbData is the pointer to the return pointer where the entire
// data bytes are.
BOOL CompleteDownload( LPECB lpEcb, LPBYTE *lppbData ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; // assume success
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CompleteDownload( )" );
// Point to what the server has already downloaded
*lppbData = lpEcb->lpbData;
// Do we have the whole thing?
BOOL fDownloadComplete = (lpEcb->cbTotalBytes == lpEcb->cbAvailable );
TraceMsg( TF_READDATA, "Does cbTotalBytes(%u) == cbAvailable(%u)? %s", lpEcb->cbTotalBytes, lpEcb->cbAvailable, BOOLTOSTRING( fDownloadComplete ) );
if ( !fDownloadComplete ) { // Get the rest of the data...
*lppbData = (LPBYTE) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, lpEcb->cbTotalBytes ); CopyMemory( *lppbData , lpEcb->lpbData, lpEcb->cbAvailable ); DWORD dwSize = lpEcb->cbTotalBytes - lpEcb->cbAvailable; fReturn = ReadData( lpEcb, *lppbData + lpEcb->cbAvailable, dwSize ); if ( !fReturn ) { TraceMsg( TF_ALWAYS, NULL, "CompleteDownload( ): Error recieving submission." ); goto Cleanup; } }
Cleanup: TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CompleteDownload( ) Exit = %s", BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // CompleteDownload( )
// What: GetServerVarString
// Desc: Asks server for a server variable. It also allocs space for the
// resulting string.
// lpVarName is a pointer the string name of the server variable to
// retrieve.
// In/Out: lppszBuffer will be assign memory for the result string from the
// server.
// lpdwSize (if passed) will be assigned the size of the buffer.
BOOL GetServerVarString( LPECB lpEcb, LPSTR lpszVarName, LPSTR *lppszBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize ) { CHAR szVerySmallBuf[ 1 ]; // bogus buffer
DWORD dwSize; BOOL fReturn;
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "GetServerVarString( lpEcb, lpszVarName='%s', *lppszBuffer=%x, lpdwSize=%x )", lpszVarName, *lppszBuffer, lpdwSize );
// Find out how big our buffer needs to be.
dwSize = 0; fReturn = GetServerVariable( lpEcb->ConnID, lpszVarName, szVerySmallBuf, &dwSize ); DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); if ( dwErr != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { TraceMsgResult( TF_ALWAYS, &ErrtoStr, dwErr, "GetServerVariable( ) returned " ); goto Cleanup; }
// get some memory
*lppszBuffer = (LPSTR) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwSize ); if ( !*lppszBuffer ) { // not enough memory
TraceMsg( TF_ALWAYS, "Operation failed. Out of Memory(?). lppszBuffer == NULL" ); fReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// grab it for real this time
fReturn = GetServerVariable( lpEcb->ConnID, lpszVarName, *lppszBuffer , &dwSize ); if ( !fReturn ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); TraceMsgResult( TF_ALWAYS, &ErrtoStr, dwErr, "GetServerVariable( ) returned " ); goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if ( !fReturn ) { dwSize = 0; *lppszBuffer = NULL; }
if ( lpdwSize ) *lpdwSize = dwSize;
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "GetServerVarString( lpEcb, lpszVarName='%s', *lppszBuffer=%x, lpdwSize=%x ) Exit = %s", lpszVarName, *lppszBuffer, lpdwSize, BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn;
} // GetServerVarString( )
// What: CheckForMultiPartFormSubmit
// Desc: Checks "content-type" to see if it is a "multipart/form-data"
// submission.
// Out: lpfMultipart: TRUE is submission is multipart, otherwise false.
// Return: FALSE is there was an error, otherwise TRUE.
BOOL CheckForMultiPartFormSubmit( LPECB lpEcb, BOOL *lpfMultipart ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; LPSTR lpszBuffer;
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CheckForMultiPartFormSubmit( )" );
*lpfMultipart = FALSE;
fReturn = GetServerVarString( lpEcb, "CONTENT_TYPE", &lpszBuffer, NULL ); if ( !fReturn ) goto Cleanup; // is it found?
if (( lpszBuffer ) && (StrStr( lpszBuffer, g_cszMultiPartFormData ) )) *lpfMultipart = TRUE;
Cleanup: if ( lpszBuffer ) GlobalFree( lpszBuffer );
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CheckForMultiPartFormSubmit( ) Exit = %s", BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // CheckForMultiPartFormSubmit( )
// What: CheckForDebug
// Desc: Checks "query_string" to see if it is "debug".
// Out: lpfDebug is the flag that we set.
// Return: TRUE is the submit is multipart, otherwise FALSE.
BOOL CheckForDebug( LPECB lpEcb, BOOL *lpfDebug ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; LPSTR lpszBuffer;
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CheckForDebug( )" );
*lpfDebug = FALSE;
fReturn = GetServerVarString( lpEcb, "QUERY_STRING", &lpszBuffer, NULL ); if ( !fReturn ) goto Cleanup; // is it found?
if (( lpszBuffer) && ( StrStr( lpszBuffer, g_cszDebug ) )) *lpfDebug = TRUE;
Cleanup: if ( lpszBuffer ) GlobalFree( lpszBuffer );
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CheckForDebug( ) Exit = %s", BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // CheckForDebug( )
// What: CheckForTextPlanSubmit
// Desc: Checks "content-type" to see if it is "text/plain".
// Out: lpfTextPlain is the flag that we set.
// Return: TRUE is the submit is multipart, otherwise FALSE.
BOOL CheckForTextPlainSubmit( LPECB lpEcb, BOOL *lpfTextPlain ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; LPSTR lpszBuffer;
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CheckForTextPlainSubmit( )" );
*lpfTextPlain = FALSE;
fReturn = GetServerVarString( lpEcb, "CONTENT_TYPE", &lpszBuffer, NULL ); if ( !fReturn ) goto Cleanup; // is it found?
if (( lpszBuffer) && ( StrStr( lpszBuffer, g_cszTextPlain ) )) *lpfTextPlain = TRUE;
Cleanup: if ( lpszBuffer ) GlobalFree( lpszBuffer );
TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_READDATA, "CheckForTextPlainSubmit( ) Exit = %s", BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // CheckForTextPlainSubmit( )