// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996
// File: ossutil.cpp
// Contents: OSS ASN.1 compiler utility helper functions.
// Functions: OssUtilReverseBytes
// OssUtilAllocAndReverseBytes
// OssUtilGetOctetString
// OssUtilSetHugeInteger
// OssUtilFreeHugeInteger
// OssUtilGetHugeInteger
// OssUtilSetHugeUINT
// OssUtilGetHugeUINT
// OssUtilSetBitString
// OssUtilGetBitString
// OssUtilGetIA5String
// OssUtilSetUnicodeConvertedToIA5String
// OssUtilFreeUnicodeConvertedToIA5String
// OssUtilGetIA5StringConvertedToUnicode
// OssUtilGetBMPString
// OssUtilSetAny
// OssUtilGetAny
// OssUtilEncodeInfoEx
// OssUtilEncodeInfo
// OssUtilDecodeAndAllocInfo
// OssUtilFreeInfo
// OssUtilAllocStructInfoEx
// OssUtilDecodeAndAllocInfoEx
// The Get functions decrement *plRemainExtra and advance
// *ppbExtra. When *plRemainExtra becomes negative, the functions continue
// with the length calculation but stop doing any copies.
// The functions don't return an error for a negative *plRemainExtra.
// History: 17-Nov-96 philh created
#include "global.hxx"
#include <dbgdef.h>
#include "badstrfunctions.h"
// All the *pvInfo extra stuff needs to be aligned
#define INFO_LEN_ALIGN(Len) ((Len + 7) & ~7)
#if 0 // JLS
// Reverses a buffer of bytes in place
void WINAPI OssUtilReverseBytes( IN OUT PBYTE pbIn, IN DWORD cbIn ) { // reverse in place
PBYTE pbLo; PBYTE pbHi; BYTE bTmp;
for (pbLo = pbIn, pbHi = pbIn + cbIn - 1; pbLo < pbHi; pbHi--, pbLo++) { bTmp = *pbHi; *pbHi = *pbLo; *pbLo = bTmp; } }
// Reverses a buffer of bytes to a new buffer. OssUtilFree() must be
// called to free allocated bytes.
PBYTE WINAPI OssUtilAllocAndReverseBytes( IN PBYTE pbIn, IN DWORD cbIn ) { PBYTE pbOut; PBYTE pbSrc; PBYTE pbDst; DWORD cb;
if (NULL == (pbOut = (PBYTE)OssUtilAlloc(cbIn))) return NULL;
for (pbSrc = pbIn, pbDst = pbOut + cbIn - 1, cb = cbIn; cb > 0; cb--) *pbDst-- = *pbSrc++; return pbOut; } #endif // 0 // JLS
// Get Octet String
void WINAPI OssUtilGetOctetString( IN unsigned int OssLength, IN unsigned char *OssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG) { if (*plRemainExtra >= 0) { pInfo->cbData = OssLength; pInfo->pbData = OssValue; } } else { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; lData = (LONG) OssLength; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { pInfo->pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->cbData = (DWORD) lData; memcpy(pbExtra, OssValue, lData); } else memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } }
#if 0 // JLS
// Set/Free/Get HugeInteger
// BUGBUG: BYTE reversal::
// - this only needs to be done for little endian
// - this needs to be fixed in the OSS compiler
// For OssUtilSetInteger, OssUtilFreeInteger must be called to free
// the allocated OssValue.
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilSetHugeInteger( IN PCRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB pInfo, OUT unsigned int *pOssLength, OUT unsigned char **ppOssValue ) { if (pInfo->cbData > 0) { if (NULL == (*ppOssValue = OssUtilAllocAndReverseBytes( pInfo->pbData, pInfo->cbData))) { *pOssLength = 0; return FALSE; } } else *ppOssValue = NULL; *pOssLength = pInfo->cbData; return TRUE; }
void WINAPI OssUtilFreeHugeInteger( IN unsigned char *pOssValue ) { // Only for BYTE reversal
OssUtilFree(pOssValue); }
void WINAPI OssUtilGetHugeInteger( IN unsigned int OssLength, IN unsigned char *pOssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { // Since bytes need to be reversed, always need to do a copy (dwFlags = 0)
OssUtilGetOctetString(OssLength, pOssValue, 0, pInfo, ppbExtra, plRemainExtra); if (*plRemainExtra >= 0 && pInfo->cbData > 0) OssUtilReverseBytes(pInfo->pbData, pInfo->cbData); }
// Set/Free/Get Huge Unsigned Integer
// Set inserts a leading 0x00 before reversing. Note, any extra leading
// 0x00's are removed by OSS before ASN.1 encoding.
// Get removes a leading 0x00 if present, after reversing.
// OssUtilFreeHugeUINT must be called to free the allocated OssValue.
// OssUtilFreeHugeUINT has been #define'd to OssUtilFreeHugeInteger.
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilSetHugeUINT( IN PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB pInfo, OUT unsigned int *pOssLength, OUT unsigned char **ppOssValue ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD cb = pInfo->cbData; BYTE *pb; DWORD i;
if (cb > 0) { if (NULL == (pb = (BYTE *) OssUtilAlloc(cb + 1))) goto ErrorReturn; *pb = 0x00; for (i = 0; i < cb; i++) pb[1 + i] = pInfo->pbData[cb - 1 - i]; cb++; } else pb = NULL; fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *pOssLength = cb; *ppOssValue = pb; return fResult; ErrorReturn: cb = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; }
void WINAPI OssUtilGetHugeUINT( IN unsigned int OssLength, IN unsigned char *pOssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { // Check for and advance past a leading 0x00.
if (OssLength > 1 && *pOssValue == 0) { pOssValue++; OssLength--; } OssUtilGetHugeInteger( OssLength, pOssValue, dwFlags, pInfo, ppbExtra, plRemainExtra ); }
// Set/Get BitString
void WINAPI OssUtilSetBitString( IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pInfo, OUT unsigned int *pOssBitLength, OUT unsigned char **ppOssValue ) { if (pInfo->cbData) { *ppOssValue = pInfo->pbData; assert(pInfo->cUnusedBits <= 7); *pOssBitLength = pInfo->cbData * 8 - pInfo->cUnusedBits; } else { *ppOssValue = NULL; *pOssBitLength = 0; } }
static const BYTE rgbUnusedAndMask[8] = {0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x80};
void WINAPI OssUtilGetBitString( IN unsigned int OssBitLength, IN unsigned char *pOssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG && 0 == (OssBitLength % 8)) { if (*plRemainExtra >= 0) { pInfo->cbData = OssBitLength / 8; pInfo->cUnusedBits = 0; pInfo->pbData = pOssValue; } } else { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; DWORD cUnusedBits; lData = (LONG) OssBitLength / 8; cUnusedBits = OssBitLength % 8; if (cUnusedBits) { cUnusedBits = 8 - cUnusedBits; lData++; } lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { pInfo->pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->cbData = (DWORD) lData; pInfo->cUnusedBits = cUnusedBits; memcpy(pbExtra, pOssValue, lData); if (cUnusedBits) *(pbExtra + lData - 1) &= rgbUnusedAndMask[cUnusedBits]; } else memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } }
// Get IA5 String
void WINAPI OssUtilGetIA5String( IN unsigned int OssLength, IN char *pOssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPSTR *ppsz, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData;
lData = (LONG) OssLength; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData + 1); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) memcpy(pbExtra, pOssValue, lData); *(pbExtra + lData) = 0; *ppsz = (LPSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; }
// Set/Free/Get Unicode mapped to IA5 String
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilSetUnicodeConvertedToIA5String( IN LPWSTR pwsz, OUT unsigned int *pOssLength, OUT char **ppOssValue ) { BOOL fResult; LPSTR psz = NULL; int cchUTF8; int cchWideChar; int i;
cchWideChar = wcslen(pwsz); if (cchWideChar == 0) { *pOssLength = 0; *ppOssValue = 0; return TRUE; } // Check that the input string contains valid IA5 characters
for (i = 0; i < cchWideChar; i++) { if (pwsz[i] > 0x7F) { SetLastError((DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING); *pOssLength = (unsigned int) i; goto InvalidIA5; } }
cchUTF8 = WideCharToUTF8( pwsz, cchWideChar, NULL, // lpUTF8Str
0 // cchUTF8
if (cchUTF8 <= 0) goto ErrorReturn; if (NULL == (psz = (LPSTR) OssUtilAlloc(cchUTF8))) goto ErrorReturn; cchUTF8 = WideCharToUTF8( pwsz, cchWideChar, psz, cchUTF8 ); *ppOssValue = psz; *pOssLength = cchUTF8; fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: *pOssLength = 0; InvalidIA5: *ppOssValue = NULL; fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: return fResult; }
void WINAPI OssUtilFreeUnicodeConvertedToIA5String( IN char *pOssValue ) { OssUtilFree(pOssValue); }
void WINAPI OssUtilGetIA5StringConvertedToUnicode( IN unsigned int OssLength, IN char *pOssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPWSTR *ppwsz, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; int cchWideChar;
cchWideChar = UTF8ToWideChar( (LPSTR) pOssValue, OssLength, NULL, // lpWideCharStr
0 // cchWideChar
); if (cchWideChar > 0) lData = cchWideChar * sizeof(WCHAR); else lData = 0; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData + sizeof(WCHAR)); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) UTF8ToWideChar(pOssValue, OssLength, (LPWSTR) pbExtra, cchWideChar); memset(pbExtra + lData, 0, sizeof(WCHAR)); *ppwsz = (LPWSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; }
// Get BMP String
void WINAPI OssUtilGetBMPString( IN unsigned int OssLength, IN unsigned short *pOssValue, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPWSTR *ppwsz, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData;
lData = (LONG) OssLength * sizeof(WCHAR); lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData + sizeof(WCHAR)); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) memcpy(pbExtra, pOssValue, lData); memset(pbExtra + lData, 0, sizeof(WCHAR)); *ppwsz = (LPWSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } #endif // 0 // JLS
// Set/Get "Any" DER BLOB
void WINAPI OssUtilSetAny( IN PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pInfo, OUT OpenType *pOss ) { memset(pOss, 0, sizeof(*pOss)); pOss->encoded = pInfo->pbData; pOss->length = pInfo->cbData; }
void WINAPI OssUtilGetAny( IN OpenType *pOss, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG) { if (*plRemainExtra >= 0) { pInfo->cbData = pOss->length; pInfo->pbData = (BYTE *) pOss->encoded; } } else { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; lData = (LONG) pOss->length; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { pInfo->pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->cbData = (DWORD) lData; memcpy(pbExtra, pOss->encoded, lData); } else memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } }
// Encode an OSS formatted info structure.
// If CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set, allocate memory for pbEncoded and
// return *((BYTE **) pvEncoded) = pbAllocEncoded. Otherwise,
// pvEncoded points to byte array to be updated.
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilEncodeInfoEx( IN OssGlobal *Pog, IN int pdunum, IN void *pvOssInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_ENCODE_PARA pEncodePara, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD cbEncoded; OssBuf OssEncoded; int OssStatus; unsigned char *value;
if (NULL == pvEncoded || (dwFlags & CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG)) cbEncoded = 0; else cbEncoded = *pcbEncoded;
OssEncoded.length = cbEncoded; if (cbEncoded == 0) value = NULL; else value = (unsigned char *) pvEncoded; OssEncoded.value = value;
ossSetEncodingRules(Pog, OSS_DER); OssStatus = ossEncode( Pog, pdunum, pvOssInfo, &OssEncoded); cbEncoded = OssEncoded.length;
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG) { PFN_CRYPT_ALLOC pfnAlloc; BYTE *pbEncoded;
if (0 != OssStatus || 0 == cbEncoded) { ossFreeBuf(Pog, OssEncoded.value); *((void **) pvEncoded) = NULL; goto OssError; }
pfnAlloc = PkiGetEncodeAllocFunction(pEncodePara); if (NULL == (pbEncoded = (BYTE *) pfnAlloc(cbEncoded))) { ossFreeBuf(Pog, OssEncoded.value); *((void **) pvEncoded) = NULL; goto OutOfMemory; } memcpy(pbEncoded, OssEncoded.value, cbEncoded); *((BYTE **) pvEncoded) = pbEncoded; ossFreeBuf(Pog, OssEncoded.value); goto SuccessReturn; } else if (value == NULL && OssEncoded.value) { // Length only calculation with a throw away allocation
ossFreeBuf(Pog, OssEncoded.value); if (pvEncoded && 0 == OssStatus) { // Upon entry *pcbEncoded == 0
goto LengthError; } }
if (0 != OssStatus) { // For MORE_BUF:: redo as a length only calculation
if (OssStatus == MORE_BUF && pvEncoded && OssUtilEncodeInfoEx( Pog, pdunum, pvOssInfo, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pEncodePara
NULL, // pbEncoded
&cbEncoded)) goto LengthError; else { cbEncoded = 0; goto OssError; } }
SuccessReturn: fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *pcbEncoded = cbEncoded; return fResult;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) SET_ERROR(LengthError, ERROR_MORE_DATA) SET_ERROR_VAR(OssError, CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR + OssStatus) }
#if 0 // JLS
// Encode an OSS formatted info structure
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilEncodeInfo( IN OssGlobal *Pog, IN int pdunum, IN void *pvOssInfo, OUT OPTIONAL BYTE *pbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { return OssUtilEncodeInfoEx( Pog, pdunum, pvOssInfo, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pEncodePara
pbEncoded, pcbEncoded ); } #endif // 0 // JLS
// Decode into an allocated, OSS formatted info structure
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilDecodeAndAllocInfo( IN OssGlobal *Pog, IN int pdunum, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT void **ppvOssInfo ) { BOOL fResult; OssBuf OssEncoded; int OssStatus;
OssEncoded.length = cbEncoded; OssEncoded.value = (unsigned char *) pbEncoded;
ossSetEncodingRules(Pog, OSS_BER); *ppvOssInfo = NULL; if (0 != (OssStatus = ossDecode( Pog, &pdunum, &OssEncoded, ppvOssInfo))) goto OssError; fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fResult;
ErrorReturn: *ppvOssInfo = NULL; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR_VAR(OssError, CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR + OssStatus) }
// Free an allocated, OSS formatted info structure
void WINAPI OssUtilFreeInfo( IN OssGlobal *Pog, IN int pdunum, IN void *pvOssInfo ) { if (pvOssInfo) { ossFreePDU(Pog, pdunum, pvOssInfo); } }
// Call the callback to convert the OSS structure into the 'C' structure.
// If CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set allocate memory for the 'C'
// structure and call the callback initially to get the length and then
// a second time to update the allocated 'C' structure.
// Allocated structure is returned:
// *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pvAllocStructInfo
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilAllocStructInfoEx( IN void *pvOssInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, IN PFN_OSS_UTIL_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK pfnDecodeExCallback, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo ) { BOOL fResult; LONG lRemainExtra; DWORD cbStructInfo;
if (NULL == pvStructInfo || (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG)) { cbStructInfo = 0; lRemainExtra = 0; } else { cbStructInfo = *pcbStructInfo; lRemainExtra = (LONG) cbStructInfo; }
if (!pfnDecodeExCallback( pvOssInfo, dwFlags & ~CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, pDecodePara, pvStructInfo, &lRemainExtra )) goto DecodeCallbackError;
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG) { void *pv; PFN_CRYPT_ALLOC pfnAlloc = PkiGetDecodeAllocFunction(pDecodePara);
assert(0 > lRemainExtra); lRemainExtra = -lRemainExtra; cbStructInfo = (DWORD) lRemainExtra;
if (NULL == (pv = pfnAlloc(cbStructInfo))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!pfnDecodeExCallback( pvOssInfo, dwFlags & ~CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, pDecodePara, pv, &lRemainExtra )) { PFN_CRYPT_FREE pfnFree = PkiGetDecodeFreeFunction(pDecodePara); pfnFree(pv); goto DecodeCallbackError; } *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pv; assert(0 <= lRemainExtra); }
if (0 <= lRemainExtra) { cbStructInfo = cbStructInfo - (DWORD) lRemainExtra; } else { cbStructInfo = cbStructInfo + (DWORD) -lRemainExtra; if (pvStructInfo) { SetLastError((DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA); fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; } }
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *pcbStructInfo = cbStructInfo; return fResult;
ErrorReturn: if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG) *((void **) pvStructInfo) = NULL; cbStructInfo = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(DecodeCallbackError) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) }
// Decode the OSS formatted info structure and call the callback
// function to convert the OSS structure to the 'C' structure.
// If CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set allocate memory for the 'C'
// structure and call the callback initially to get the length and then
// a second time to update the allocated 'C' structure.
// Allocated structure is returned:
// *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pvAllocStructInfo
BOOL WINAPI OssUtilDecodeAndAllocInfoEx( IN OssGlobal *Pog, IN int pdunum, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, IN PFN_OSS_UTIL_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK pfnDecodeExCallback, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvOssInfo = NULL;
if (!OssUtilDecodeAndAllocInfo( Pog, pdunum, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, &pvOssInfo )) goto OssDecodeError;
fResult = OssUtilAllocStructInfoEx( pvOssInfo, dwFlags, pDecodePara, pfnDecodeExCallback, pvStructInfo, pcbStructInfo ); CommonReturn: OssUtilFreeInfo(Pog, pdunum, pvOssInfo); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG) *((void **) pvStructInfo) = NULL; *pcbStructInfo = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(OssDecodeError) }