// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ixppop3.cpp
// Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Steven J. Bailey
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "ixppop3.h"
#include "asynconn.h"
#include "ixputil.h"
#include "strconst.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <ntverp.h>
#include "demand.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Usefule C++ pointer casting
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define POP3THISIXP ((IPOP3Transport *)(CIxpBase *)this)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FreeAuthInfo
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FreeAuthInfo(LPAUTHINFO pAuth) { for (UINT i=0; i<pAuth->cAuthToken; i++) { ZeroMemory(pAuth->rgpszAuthTokens[i], sizeof(pAuth->rgpszAuthTokens[i][0]) * lstrlen(pAuth->rgpszAuthTokens[i])); SafeMemFree(pAuth->rgpszAuthTokens[i]); } pAuth->iAuthToken = pAuth->cAuthToken = 0; if (pAuth->pPackages && pAuth->cPackages) { SSPIFreePackages(&pAuth->pPackages, pAuth->cPackages); pAuth->pPackages = NULL; pAuth->cPackages = 0; } SSPIFreeContext(&pAuth->rSicInfo); ZeroMemory(pAuth, sizeof(*pAuth)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CPOP3Transport
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPOP3Transport::CPOP3Transport(void) : CIxpBase(IXP_POP3) { DllAddRef(); ZeroMemory(&m_rInfo, sizeof(POP3INFO)); m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_NONE; m_command = POP3_NONE; m_fHotmail = FALSE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::~CPOP3Transport
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPOP3Transport::~CPOP3Transport(void) { ResetBase(); DllRelease(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::ResetBase
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::ResetBase(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); FreeAuthInfo(&m_rInfo.rAuth); SafeMemFree(m_rInfo.prgMarked); ZeroMemory(&m_rInfo, sizeof(m_rInfo)); m_command = POP3_NONE; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::QueryInterface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { // Locals
// Bad param
if (ppv == NULL) { hr = TrapError(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
// Init
// IID_IUnknown
if (IID_IUnknown == riid) *ppv = ((IUnknown *)(IPOP3Transport *)this);
// IID_IInternetTransport
else if (IID_IInternetTransport == riid) *ppv = ((IInternetTransport *)(CIxpBase *)this);
// IID_IPOP3Transport
else if (IID_IPOP3Transport == riid) *ppv = (IPOP3Transport *)this;
// If not null, addref it and return
if (NULL != *ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); goto exit; }
// No Interface
hr = TrapError(E_NOINTERFACE);
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::AddRef
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPOP3Transport::AddRef(void) { return ++m_cRef; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::Release
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPOP3Transport::Release(void) { if (0 != --m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::InitNew
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::InitNew(LPSTR pszLogFilePath, IPOP3Callback *pCallback) { // Call Base Class
return CIxpBase::OnInitNew("POP3", pszLogFilePath, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, (ITransportCallback *)pCallback); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HandsOffCallback
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::HandsOffCallback(void) { return CIxpBase::HandsOffCallback(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::GetStatus
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::GetStatus(IXPSTATUS *pCurrentStatus) { return CIxpBase::GetStatus(pCurrentStatus); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::InetServerFromAccount
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::InetServerFromAccount(IImnAccount *pAccount, LPINETSERVER pInetServer) { return CIxpBase::InetServerFromAccount(pAccount, pInetServer); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::Connect
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::Connect(LPINETSERVER pInetServer, boolean fAuthenticate, boolean fCommandLogging) { // Does user want us to always prompt for his password? Prompt him here to avoid
// inactivity timeouts while the prompt is up, unless a password was supplied
if (ISFLAGSET(pInetServer->dwFlags, ISF_ALWAYSPROMPTFORPASSWORD) && '\0' == pInetServer->szPassword[0]) { HRESULT hr;
if (NULL != m_pCallback) hr = m_pCallback->OnLogonPrompt(pInetServer, POP3THISIXP);
if (NULL == m_pCallback || S_OK != hr) return IXP_E_USER_CANCEL; }
return CIxpBase::Connect(pInetServer, fAuthenticate, fCommandLogging); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::DropConnection
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::DropConnection(void) { return CIxpBase::DropConnection(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::Disconnect
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::Disconnect(void) { return CIxpBase::Disconnect(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::IsState
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::IsState(IXPISSTATE isstate) { return CIxpBase::IsState(isstate); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::GetServerInfo
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::GetServerInfo(LPINETSERVER pInetServer) { return CIxpBase::GetServerInfo(pInetServer); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::GetIXPType
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(IXPTYPE) CPOP3Transport::GetIXPType(void) { return CIxpBase::GetIXPType(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::OnEnterBusy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::OnEnterBusy(void) { IxpAssert(m_command == POP3_NONE); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::OnLeaveBusy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::OnLeaveBusy(void) { m_command = POP3_NONE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::OnConnected
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::OnConnected(void) { m_command = POP3_BANNER; CIxpBase::OnConnected(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::OnDisconnect
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::OnDisconnected(void) { ResetBase(); CIxpBase::OnDisconnected(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::OnNotify
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::OnNotify(ASYNCSTATE asOld, ASYNCSTATE asNew, ASYNCEVENT ae) { // Enter Critical Section
// Handle Event
switch(ae) { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case AE_RECV: OnSocketReceive(); break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
default: CIxpBase::OnNotify(asOld, asNew, ae); break; }
// Leave Critical Section
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::OnSocketReceive
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::OnSocketReceive(void) { // Locals
// Enter Critical Section
// Handle Current pop3 state
switch(m_command) { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_BANNER: // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Detect if the banner had the word hotmail in it
Assert(m_pszResponse); m_fHotmail = (NULL == m_pszResponse || NULL == StrStrIA(m_pszResponse, "hotmail")) ? FALSE : TRUE;
// Dispatch the response
// Authorizing
if (m_fConnectAuth) StartLogon();
// Ohterwise were connected
else { m_command = POP3_CONNECTED; DispatchResponse(S_OK); }
// Not yet auth'ed
m_fAuthenticated = FALSE; break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_USER: // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Dispatch the response
DispatchResponse(FAILED(hr) ? IXP_E_POP3_INVALID_USER_NAME : S_OK);
// Authorizing
if (m_fConnectAuth) { // Retry logon
// otherwise send the password
else { hr = CommandPASS(m_rServer.szPassword); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); } } } break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_PASS: // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Dispatch the response
DispatchResponse(FAILED(hr) ? IXP_E_POP3_INVALID_PASSWORD : S_OK);
// Authorizing
if (m_fConnectAuth) { // Retry if failed
// Otherwise, we're authorized
else { OnStatus(IXP_AUTHORIZED); m_fConnectAuth = FALSE; m_command = POP3_CONNECTED; DispatchResponse(S_OK); } } break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_AUTH: // If hotmail, then, we've identified ourselves, so lets send the user command
if (m_fHotmail) { // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Issue the user command
hr = CommandUSER(m_rServer.szUserName); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); } }
// Otherwise, lets continue DPA auth
else if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate != AUTH_ENUMPACKS_DATA) { // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Authenticating
if (m_fConnectAuth) { ResponseAUTH(hr); } else { // Dispatch the response
DispatchResponse(hr); } }
// Otherwise, handle resposne
else { // no HrGetResponse() because we are getting list data
ResponseAUTH(0); } break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_STAT: ResponseSTAT(); break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_NOOP: // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Dispatch the response
DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_UIDL: case POP3_LIST: ResponseGenericList(); break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_DELE: ResponseDELE(); break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_RETR: case POP3_TOP: ResponseGenericRetrieve(); break;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case POP3_QUIT: // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Dispatch the response
DispatchResponse(hr, FALSE);
// Drop the socket
m_pSocket->Close(); break; }
exit: // Done
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::DispatchResponse
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::DispatchResponse(HRESULT hrResult, BOOL fDone, LPPOP3RESPONSE pResponse) { // Locals
// If a response was passed in, use it...
if (pResponse) CopyMemory(&rResponse, pResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE)); else ZeroMemory(&rResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE));
// Set the HRESULT
rResponse.command = m_command; rResponse.rIxpResult.hrResult = hrResult; rResponse.rIxpResult.pszResponse = m_pszResponse; rResponse.rIxpResult.uiServerError = m_uiResponse; rResponse.rIxpResult.hrServerError = m_hrResponse; rResponse.rIxpResult.dwSocketError = m_pSocket->GetLastError(); rResponse.rIxpResult.pszProblem = NULL; rResponse.fDone = fDone; rResponse.pTransport = this;
// If Done...
if (fDone) { // No current command
m_command = POP3_NONE;
// Leave Busy State
LeaveBusy(); }
// Give the Response to the client
if (m_pCallback) ((IPOP3Callback *)m_pCallback)->OnResponse(&rResponse);
// Reset Last Response
SafeMemFree(m_pszResponse); m_hrResponse = S_OK; m_uiResponse = 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrGetResponse
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrGetResponse(void) { // Locals
INT cbLine; BOOL fComplete;
// Clear current response
IxpAssert(m_pszResponse == NULL && m_hrResponse == S_OK);
// Set m_hrResponse
m_hrResponse = S_OK;
// Read Line
m_hrResponse = HrReadLine(&m_pszResponse, &cbLine, &fComplete); if (FAILED(m_hrResponse)) goto exit;
// If not complete
if (!fComplete) goto exit;
// - Response
if ('+' != m_pszResponse[0]) { m_hrResponse = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_RESPONSE_ERROR); if (m_pCallback && m_fCommandLogging) m_pCallback->OnCommand(CMD_RESP, m_pszResponse, m_hrResponse, POP3THISIXP); goto exit; }
// Don't log UIDL or LIST response lines...
else if (m_pCallback && m_fCommandLogging) m_pCallback->OnCommand(CMD_RESP, m_pszResponse, S_OK, POP3THISIXP);
exit: // Exit
return m_hrResponse; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::StartLogon
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::StartLogon(void) { // Locals
// Progress
// If Not Using Sicily or its not installed, then send USER command
if (FALSE == m_rServer.fTrySicily || FALSE == FIsSicilyInstalled()) { // If Hotmail, send the AUTH OutlookExpress command
if (m_fHotmail) { // Otherwise, send AUTH enumpacks command
hr = CommandAUTH(STR_HOTMAILAUTH); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); } }
// Otherwise
else { // Issue the user command
hr = CommandUSER(m_rServer.szUserName); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); } }
// Done
return; }
// Turn Off HOtmail
m_fHotmail = FALSE;
// Otherwise, send AUTH enumpacks command
hr = CommandAUTH((LPSTR)""); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); }
// Otherwise, set the state
m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_ENUMPACKS; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::LogonRetry
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::LogonRetry(HRESULT hrLogon) { // Locals
// Give logon failed status
// OnError(hrLogon);
// Auth Retry
// Enter Auth Retry State
// Logon
if (NULL == m_pCallback || m_pCallback->OnLogonPrompt(&m_rServer, POP3THISIXP) != S_OK) { // Go to terminal state, were done.
OnDisconnected(); return; }
// Finding Host Progress
// Connect to server
hr = m_pSocket->Connect(); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(TrapError(IXP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT_ERROR)); OnDisconnected(); return; }
// Start WatchDog
m_pSocket->StartWatchDog(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::ResponseAUTH
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::ResponseAUTH(HRESULT hrResponse) { // Locals
HRESULT hr; BOOL fPackageInstalled; SSPIBUFFER Negotiate; SSPIBUFFER Challenge; SSPIBUFFER Response; ULONG i;
// We better be in sicily
// If we just started enumerating packages...
if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate == AUTH_ENUMPACKS) { // Free old tokens
for (i=0; i<m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken; i++) { ZeroMemory(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[i], sizeof(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[i][0]) * lstrlen(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[i])); SafeMemFree(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[i]); } m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken = m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED(hrResponse)) { m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_ENUMPACKS_DATA; goto EnumData; }
OnError(IXP_E_SICILY_LOGON_FAILED); hr = CommandQUIT(); if (FAILED(hr)) DropConnection(); return; }
else if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate == AUTH_ENUMPACKS_DATA) { EnumData: int cbLine; BOOL fComplete;
// Clear Response
SafeMemFree(m_pszResponse); m_uiResponse = 0; m_hrResponse = S_OK;
// Read a blob of lines
while (m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken < MAX_AUTH_TOKENS) { // Read the line
hr = HrReadLine(&m_pszResponse, &cbLine, &fComplete); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); }
// If not complete
if (!fComplete) return;
// Add Detail
if (m_pCallback && m_fCommandLogging) m_pCallback->OnCommand(CMD_RESP, m_pszResponse, S_OK, POP3THISIXP);
// StripCRLF
StripCRLF(m_pszResponse, (ULONG *)&cbLine);
// If its a dot, were done
if (*m_pszResponse == '.') break;
m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken++] = m_pszResponse; }
if (!m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken) { OnError(IXP_E_SICILY_LOGON_FAILED); hr = CommandQUIT(); if (FAILED(hr)) DropConnection(); return; }
// Free current packages...
if (m_rInfo.rAuth.pPackages && m_rInfo.rAuth.cPackages) { SSPIFreePackages(&m_rInfo.rAuth.pPackages, m_rInfo.rAuth.cPackages); m_rInfo.rAuth.pPackages = NULL; m_rInfo.rAuth.cPackages = 0; }
// Get installed security packages
if (FAILED(SSPIGetPackages(&m_rInfo.rAuth.pPackages, &m_rInfo.rAuth.cPackages))) { OnError(IXP_E_LOAD_SICILY_FAILED); hr = CommandQUIT(); if (FAILED(hr)) DropConnection(); return; } }
// Otherwise, we must have just tryed a package
else if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate == AUTH_TRYING_PACKAGE) { // Stop the WatchDog
// If Success Response
if (SUCCEEDED(hrResponse)) { // Do Sicily Logon
Assert(m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken < m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken);
if (SUCCEEDED(SSPILogon(&m_rInfo.rAuth.rSicInfo, m_rInfo.rAuth.fRetryPackage, SSPI_BASE64, m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken], &m_rServer, m_pCallback))) { if (m_rInfo.rAuth.fRetryPackage) { // Don't retry again
m_rInfo.rAuth.fRetryPackage = FALSE; }
// Get negotiation string
if (SUCCEEDED(SSPIGetNegotiate(&m_rInfo.rAuth.rSicInfo, &Negotiate))) { // Send AUTH Respons
if (SUCCEEDED(HrSendSicilyString(Negotiate.szBuffer))) { m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_NEGO_RESP; } } else { HrCancelAuthInProg(); } } else { HrCancelAuthInProg(); }
// Start the WatchDog
// Done
return; }
// That failed, free sicinfo and go on with life
// Goto Next Package
m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken++; }
// Otherwise, we got a response from a negotiation string
else if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate == AUTH_NEGO_RESP) { // Start the WatchDog
// Succeeded Response
if (SUCCEEDED(hrResponse)) { // Set Chal String - skip over "+ "
SSPISetBuffer(m_pszResponse + 2, SSPI_STRING, 0, &Challenge);
// Get response from challenge
if (SUCCEEDED(SSPIResponseFromChallenge(&m_rInfo.rAuth.rSicInfo, &Challenge, &Response))) { // Send AUTH Respons
if (SUCCEEDED(HrSendSicilyString(Response.szBuffer))) { // if we need to continue, we keep the state the same
// else we transition to the AUTH_RESP_RESP state.
if (!Response.fContinue) m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_RESP_RESP; } } else { HrCancelAuthInProg(); } } else { // retry current package, with prompt
m_rInfo.rAuth.fRetryPackage = TRUE;
Assert(m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken < m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken); hr = CommandAUTH(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken]); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); return; }
// We are in the TRYING_PACKAGE state
m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_TRYING_PACKAGE;
SSPIFreeContext(&m_rInfo.rAuth.rSicInfo); }
// Start the WatchDog
// Done
return; }
// Otherwise, we got a response from a challenge response string
else if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate == AUTH_RESP_RESP) { // If that succeeded
if (SUCCEEDED(hrResponse)) { // We will free the context, but keep the credential handle
// Connected (Authorized) state
OnStatus(IXP_AUTHORIZED); m_fConnectAuth = FALSE; m_command = POP3_CONNECTED; DispatchResponse(S_OK);
} else { // retry current package, with prompt
m_rInfo.rAuth.fRetryPackage = TRUE;
Assert(m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken < m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken); hr = CommandAUTH(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken]); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); return; }
// We are in the TRYING_PACKAGE state
m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_TRYING_PACKAGE;
SSPIFreeContext(&m_rInfo.rAuth.rSicInfo); } return; } else if (m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate == AUTH_CANCELED) { SSPIFreeContext(&m_rInfo.rAuth.rSicInfo);
// Goto Next Package
m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken++; }
// Loop through the auth tokens, and try to authenticate with each one in order
while(m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken < m_rInfo.rAuth.cAuthToken) { // We will handle basic authentication
if (lstrcmpi(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken], "BASIC") != 0) { // Package not installed ?
fPackageInstalled=FALSE; for (i=0; i<m_rInfo.rAuth.cPackages; i++) { // Null Package ??
if (!m_rInfo.rAuth.pPackages[i].pszName) continue;
// Is this the package I am looking for
if (lstrcmpi(m_rInfo.rAuth.pPackages[i].pszName, m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken]) == 0) { fPackageInstalled = TRUE; break; } }
// Package not installed ?
if (fPackageInstalled) { m_rInfo.rAuth.fRetryPackage = FALSE;
// If the package has a realm, send digest, otherwise, send normal
hr = CommandAUTH(m_rInfo.rAuth.rgpszAuthTokens[m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken]); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); return; }
// We are in the TRYING_PACKAGE state
m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_TRYING_PACKAGE;
// Done
return; } }
// Goto Next Package String
m_rInfo.rAuth.iAuthToken++; }
// If we make it here, we have exhausted all packages, so it is time
// to report an error and drop the connection
OnError(IXP_E_SICILY_LOGON_FAILED); hr = CommandQUIT(); if (FAILED(hr)) DropConnection(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrSendSicilyString
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrSendSicilyString(LPSTR pszData) { // Locals
// Check Param
// Allocate a line
DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(pszData) + 5); pszLine = PszAllocA(cchSize * sizeof(pszLine[0])); if (NULL == pszLine) { hr = TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return hr; }
// Make Line
wnsprintf(pszLine, cchSize, "%s\r\n", pszData);
// Send the lin
hr = HrSendLine(pszLine); ZeroMemory(pszLine, cchSize * sizeof(pszLine[0])); SafeMemFree(pszLine);
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandAUTH
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandAUTH(LPSTR pszAuthType) { // check params
if (NULL == pszAuthType) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Do the command
HRESULT hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_AUTH_STR, pszAuthType, !m_fConnectAuth); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_AUTH;
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrCancelAuthInProg
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrCancelAuthInProg() { // Locals
// Send *, quit and die if it fails
hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_AUTH_CANCEL_STR, NULL, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); DropConnection(); } else { // New state
m_command = POP3_AUTH; m_rInfo.rAuth.authstate = AUTH_CANCELED; } return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandUSER
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandUSER(LPSTR pszUserName) { // check params
if (NULL == pszUserName) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Do the command
HRESULT hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_USER_STR, pszUserName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_USER;
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandPASS
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandPASS(LPSTR pszPassword) { // check params
if (NULL == pszPassword) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Do the command
HRESULT hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_PASS_STR, pszPassword); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_PASS;
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandSTAT
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandSTAT(void) { // Send Command
HRESULT hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_STAT_STR, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_STAT; return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::DoQuit
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::DoQuit(void) { CommandQUIT(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandQUIT
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandQUIT(void) { // Send Command
OnStatus(IXP_DISCONNECTING); HRESULT hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_QUIT_STR, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_QUIT; return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandRSET
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandRSET(void) { // Send Command
HRESULT hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_RSET_STR, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_RSET; return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandNOOP
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandNOOP(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr = S_OK; SYSTEMTIME stNow; FILETIME ftNow; static FILETIME ftNext = { 0, 0 }; LARGE_INTEGER liNext;
// Thread Safety
// Checks for need for NOOP
GetSystemTime (&stNow); SystemTimeToFileTime (&stNow, &ftNow); if (CompareFileTime (&ftNow, &ftNext) < 0) goto exit;
// Sets the next NOOP time (+60 seconds)
liNext.HighPart = ftNow.dwHighDateTime; liNext.LowPart = ftNow.dwLowDateTime; liNext.QuadPart += 600000000i64; ftNext.dwHighDateTime = liNext.HighPart; ftNext.dwLowDateTime = liNext.LowPart;
// Send Command
hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_NOOP_STR, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_command = POP3_NOOP;
exit: // Thread Safety
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandLIST
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandLIST(POP3CMDTYPE cmdtype, DWORD dwPopId) { // Issue complex command
return HrComplexCommand(POP3_LIST, cmdtype, dwPopId, 0); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandTOP
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandTOP (POP3CMDTYPE cmdtype, DWORD dwPopId, DWORD cPreviewLines) { // Issue complex command
return HrComplexCommand(POP3_TOP, cmdtype, dwPopId, cPreviewLines); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandUIDL
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandUIDL(POP3CMDTYPE cmdtype, DWORD dwPopId) { // Issue complex command
return HrComplexCommand(POP3_UIDL, cmdtype, dwPopId, 0); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandDELE
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandDELE(POP3CMDTYPE cmdtype, DWORD dwPopId) { // Issue complex command
return HrComplexCommand(POP3_DELE, cmdtype, dwPopId, 0); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CommandRETR
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::CommandRETR(POP3CMDTYPE cmdtype, DWORD dwPopId) { // Issue complex command
return HrComplexCommand(POP3_RETR, cmdtype, dwPopId, 0); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::MarkItem
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CPOP3Transport::MarkItem(POP3MARKTYPE marktype, DWORD dwPopId, boolean fMarked) { // Locals
// Thread Safety
// No stat yet...
if (FALSE == m_rInfo.fStatDone) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NEED_STAT); goto exit; }
// No Messages...
if (0 == m_rInfo.cMarked || NULL == m_rInfo.prgMarked) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NO_MESSAGES); goto exit; }
// Bad PopId
if (0 == dwPopId || dwPopId > m_rInfo.cMarked) { hr = TrapError(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
// Message Index
i = dwPopId - 1;
// Handle Mark Type
switch(marktype) { // Mark for Top
case POP3_MARK_FOR_TOP: if (fMarked) FLAGSET(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_TOP); else FLAGCLEAR(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_TOP); break;
// Mark for Retrieval
case POP3_MARK_FOR_RETR: if (fMarked) FLAGSET(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_RETR); else FLAGCLEAR(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_RETR); break;
// Mark for Delete
case POP3_MARK_FOR_DELE: if (fMarked) FLAGSET(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_DELE); else FLAGCLEAR(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_DELE); break;
// Mark for UIDL
case POP3_MARK_FOR_UIDL: if (fMarked) FLAGSET(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_UIDL); else FLAGCLEAR(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_UIDL); break;
// Mark for List
case POP3_MARK_FOR_LIST: if (fMarked) FLAGSET(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_LIST); else FLAGCLEAR(m_rInfo.prgMarked[i], POP3_MARK_FOR_LIST); break;
default: hr = TrapError(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
exit: // Thread Safety
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrComplexCommand
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrComplexCommand(POP3COMMAND command, POP3CMDTYPE cmdtype, DWORD dwPopId, ULONG cPreviewLines) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG cMarked; BOOL fDone;
// Thread Safety
// go Busy
CHECKHR(hr = HrEnterBusy());
// Save top preview lines
m_rInfo.cPreviewLines = cPreviewLines;
// Save command type
m_rInfo.cmdtype = cmdtype;
// Locals
switch(cmdtype) { // Single command
// Bad PopId
if (0 == dwPopId) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_POPID_OUT_OF_RANGE); goto exit; }
// Have we done a stat command
if (m_rInfo.fStatDone && dwPopId > m_rInfo.cMarked) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_POPID_OUT_OF_RANGE); goto exit; }
// Save as Current
m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent = dwPopId;
// Do the command
CHECKHR(hr = HrCommandGetPopId(command, dwPopId));
// Done
// Get marked items
// No stat yet...
if (FALSE == m_rInfo.fStatDone) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NEED_STAT); goto exit; }
// No Messages...
if (0 == m_rInfo.cMarked || NULL == m_rInfo.prgMarked) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NO_MESSAGES); goto exit; }
// Are there any messages mared for this command...
cMarked = CountMarked(command); if (0 == cMarked) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NO_MARKED_MESSAGES); goto exit; }
// Init Marked State
m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent = 0;
// Do next marked...
CHECKHR(hr = HrCommandGetNext(command, &fDone)); IxpAssert(fDone == FALSE);
// Done
// Multiple commands or a list operation
// Do the command
CHECKHR(hr = HrCommandGetAll(command));
// done
default: hr = TrapError(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
exit: // Failure
if (FAILED(hr)) LeaveBusy();
// Thread Safety
// Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrCommandGetPopId
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrCommandGetPopId(POP3COMMAND command, DWORD dwPopId) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; CHAR szPopId[30];
// Handle command type
IxpAssert(dwPopId == m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent); switch(command) { case POP3_DELE: wnsprintf(szPopId, ARRAYSIZE(szPopId), "%d", dwPopId); CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_DELE_STR, szPopId, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_DELE; break;
case POP3_RETR: ZeroMemory(&m_rInfo.rFetch, sizeof(FETCHINFO)); wnsprintf(szPopId, ARRAYSIZE(szPopId), "%d", dwPopId); CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_RETR_STR, szPopId, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_RETR; break;
case POP3_TOP: ZeroMemory(&m_rInfo.rFetch, sizeof(FETCHINFO)); wnsprintf(szPopId, ARRAYSIZE(szPopId), "%d %d", dwPopId, m_rInfo.cPreviewLines); CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_TOP_STR, szPopId, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_TOP; break;
case POP3_LIST: m_rInfo.cList = 0; wnsprintf(szPopId, ARRAYSIZE(szPopId), "%d", dwPopId); CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_LIST_STR, szPopId, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_LIST; break;
case POP3_UIDL: m_rInfo.cList = 0; wnsprintf(szPopId, ARRAYSIZE(szPopId), "%d", dwPopId); CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_UIDL_STR, szPopId, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_UIDL; break;
default: hr = TrapError(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::DwGetCommandMarkedFlag
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CPOP3Transport::DwGetCommandMarkedFlag(POP3COMMAND command) { DWORD dw;
switch(command) { case POP3_LIST: dw = POP3_MARK_FOR_LIST; break;
case POP3_DELE: dw = POP3_MARK_FOR_DELE; break;
case POP3_RETR: dw = POP3_MARK_FOR_RETR; break;
case POP3_TOP: dw = POP3_MARK_FOR_TOP; break;
case POP3_UIDL: dw = POP3_MARK_FOR_UIDL; break;
default: IxpAssert(FALSE); dw = 0; break; }
return dw; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::CountMarked
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ULONG CPOP3Transport::CountMarked(POP3COMMAND command) { // Locals
DWORD dw = 0; ULONG c=0, i;
// Check some stuff
IxpAssert(m_rInfo.cMarked && m_rInfo.prgMarked);
// Handle Command type
dw = DwGetCommandMarkedFlag(command); if (0 == dw) return 0;
// Count
for (i=0; i<m_rInfo.cMarked; i++) if (dw & m_rInfo.prgMarked[i]) c++;
// Done
return c; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrCommandGetNext
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrCommandGetNext(POP3COMMAND command, BOOL *pfDone) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; CHAR szPopId[30]; DWORD dw; ULONG i;
// check params
IxpAssert(pfDone && m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent <= m_rInfo.cMarked);
// Init - Assume were done
*pfDone = TRUE;
// Doing all
if (POP3CMD_GET_ALL == m_rInfo.cmdtype) { // Done
IxpAssert(m_rInfo.fStatDone == TRUE); if (m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent == m_rInfo.cMarked) goto exit;
// Next Message..
m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent++; *pfDone = FALSE; CHECKHR(hr = HrCommandGetPopId(command, m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent)); }
// Doing Marked
else { // Check Parms
IxpAssert(POP3CMD_GET_MARKED == m_rInfo.cmdtype);
// Get marked flag
dw = DwGetCommandMarkedFlag(command); if (0 == dw) { hr = TrapError(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
// Step Over Last Marked Item
// Start comparing at iCurrent
for (i=m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent-1; i<m_rInfo.cMarked; i++) { // Is this item marked...
if (dw & m_rInfo.prgMarked[i]) { // Send Command
m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent = i + 1; *pfDone = FALSE; CHECKHR(hr = HrCommandGetPopId(command, m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent)); break; } } }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrCommandGetAll
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrCommandGetAll(POP3COMMAND command) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; CHAR szPopId[30]; BOOL fDone;
// Init current
m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent = 0;
if (POP3_LIST == command) { m_rInfo.cList = 0; CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_LIST_ALL_STR, NULL, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_LIST; }
else if (POP3_UIDL == command) { m_rInfo.cList = 0; CHECKHR(hr = HrSendCommand((LPSTR)POP3_UIDL_ALL_STR, NULL, FALSE)); m_command = POP3_UIDL; }
// Otherwise, we better have done the stat command
else { // No stat yet...
if (FALSE == m_rInfo.fStatDone) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NEED_STAT); goto exit; }
// No Messages...
if (0 == m_rInfo.cMarked || NULL == m_rInfo.prgMarked) { hr = TrapError(IXP_E_POP3_NO_MESSAGES); goto exit; }
// Next Command
CHECKHR(hr = HrCommandGetNext(command, &fDone)); IxpAssert(fDone == FALSE); }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::ResponseSTAT
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::ResponseSTAT(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; DWORD cMessages=0, cbMessages=0; LPSTR pszPart1=NULL, pszPart2=NULL; POP3RESPONSE rResponse;
// Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) return;
// Init Response
ZeroMemory(&rResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE));
// Parse the response
CHECKHR(hr = HrSplitPop3Response(m_pszResponse, &pszPart1, &pszPart2));
// Convert
IxpAssert(pszPart1 && pszPart2); cMessages = StrToInt(pszPart1); cbMessages = StrToInt(pszPart2);
// Are there messages
if (FALSE == m_rInfo.fStatDone && cMessages > 0) { // Set Number of messages
IxpAssert(m_rInfo.prgMarked == NULL); m_rInfo.cMarked = cMessages;
// Allocate message array
CHECKHR(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID *)&m_rInfo.prgMarked, sizeof(DWORD) * m_rInfo.cMarked));
// Zero
ZeroMemory(m_rInfo.prgMarked, sizeof(DWORD) * m_rInfo.cMarked); }
// Success
m_rInfo.fStatDone = TRUE;
exit: // Cleanup
SafeMemFree(pszPart1); SafeMemFree(pszPart2);
// Build Response
rResponse.fValidInfo = TRUE; rResponse.rStatInfo.cMessages = cMessages; rResponse.rStatInfo.cbMessages = cbMessages; DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE, &rResponse);
// Done
return; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::HrSplitPop3Response
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPOP3Transport::HrSplitPop3Response(LPSTR pszLine, LPSTR *ppszPart1, LPSTR *ppszPart2) { // Locals
// No Response...
IxpAssert(pszLine && pszLine[0] != '-' && ppszPart1 && ppszPart2); if (NULL == pszLine) goto exit;
// Parse: '+OK' 432 1234
psz = PszSkipWhiteA(pszLine); if ('\0' == *psz) goto exit;
// Parse response token
pszStart = psz; if ('+' == *pszLine) { // Parse: '+OK' 432 1234
psz = PszScanToWhiteA(psz); if ('\0' == *psz) goto exit;
#ifdef DEBUG
IxpAssert(' ' == *psz); *psz = '\0'; IxpAssert(lstrcmpi(pszStart, "+OK") == 0); *psz = ' '; #endif
// Parse: +OK '432' 1234
psz = PszSkipWhiteA(psz); if ('\0' == *psz) goto exit; }
// Parse: +OK '432' 1234
pszStart = psz; psz = PszScanToWhiteA(psz); if ('\0' == *psz) goto exit;
// Get Message Count
*psz = '\0'; *ppszPart1 = PszDupA(pszStart); *psz = ' ';
// Parse: +OK 432 '1234'
psz = PszSkipWhiteA(psz); if ('\0' == *psz) { // Raid 28435 - Outlook needs INETCOMM to accept empty UIDL responses
*ppszPart2 = PszDupA(c_szEmpty); hr = S_OK; goto exit; }
// Parse: +OK 432 1234
pszStart = psz; psz = PszScanToWhiteA(psz);
// Get Message Count
ch = *psz; *psz = '\0'; *ppszPart2 = PszDupA(pszStart); *psz = ch;
// Success
hr = S_OK;
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::ResponseGenericList
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::ResponseGenericList(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr; INT cbLine; BOOL fDone, fComplete; LPSTR pszPart1=NULL, pszPart2=NULL; POP3RESPONSE rResponse;
// Same response as single LIST x command, but then get next
if (POP3CMD_GET_MARKED == m_rInfo.cmdtype || POP3CMD_GET_POPID == m_rInfo.cmdtype) { // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Otherwise, if failure...
else if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// Get the two parts from the line
hr = HrSplitPop3Response(m_pszResponse, &pszPart1, &pszPart2); if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// Init Response
ZeroMemory(&rResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE));
if (POP3_LIST == m_command) { rResponse.fValidInfo = TRUE; rResponse.rListInfo.dwPopId = StrToInt(pszPart1); rResponse.rListInfo.cbSize = StrToInt(pszPart2); IxpAssert(rResponse.rListInfo.dwPopId == m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent); }
else { rResponse.fValidInfo = TRUE; rResponse.rUidlInfo.dwPopId = StrToInt(pszPart1); rResponse.rUidlInfo.pszUidl = pszPart2; IxpAssert(rResponse.rUidlInfo.dwPopId == m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent); }
// Do Next
if (POP3CMD_GET_MARKED == m_rInfo.cmdtype) { // Give the response
DispatchResponse(S_OK, FALSE, &rResponse);
// Do the next marked list item
hr = HrCommandGetNext(m_command, &fDone); if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// Done Response
if (fDone) DispatchResponse(S_OK, TRUE); }
// Dispatch Done or single item response
else DispatchResponse(S_OK, TRUE, &rResponse); }
// Full LIST response
else if (POP3CMD_GET_ALL == m_rInfo.cmdtype) { // First call...
if (m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent == 0) { // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Otherwise, if failure...
else if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// Current
m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent = 1; }
// Clear Response
SafeMemFree(m_pszResponse); m_uiResponse = 0; m_hrResponse = S_OK;
// Read a blob of lines
while(1) { // Read Line
hr = HrReadLine(&m_pszResponse, &cbLine, &fComplete); if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// If not complete
if (!fComplete) goto exit;
// Add Detail
if (m_pCallback && m_fCommandLogging) m_pCallback->OnCommand(CMD_RESP, m_pszResponse, S_OK, POP3THISIXP);
// If its a dot, were done
if (*m_pszResponse == '.') { // If we haven't done a stat yet, we can use these totals...
IxpAssert(m_rInfo.fStatDone ? m_rInfo.cList == m_rInfo.cMarked : TRUE); if (FALSE == m_rInfo.fStatDone && m_rInfo.cList > 0) { // Have I build my internal array of messages yet...
IxpAssert(m_rInfo.prgMarked == NULL); m_rInfo.cMarked = m_rInfo.cList;
// Allocate message array
CHECKHR(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID *)&m_rInfo.prgMarked, sizeof(DWORD) * m_rInfo.cMarked));
// Zero
ZeroMemory(m_rInfo.prgMarked, sizeof(DWORD) * m_rInfo.cMarked); }
// Were Done
DispatchResponse(S_OK, TRUE);
// Stat Done
m_rInfo.fStatDone = TRUE;
// Done
break; }
// Get the two parts from the line
hr = HrSplitPop3Response(m_pszResponse, &pszPart1, &pszPart2); if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// Init Response
ZeroMemory(&rResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE));
if (POP3_LIST == m_command) { rResponse.fValidInfo = TRUE; rResponse.rListInfo.dwPopId = StrToInt(pszPart1); rResponse.rListInfo.cbSize = StrToInt(pszPart2); }
else { rResponse.fValidInfo = TRUE; rResponse.rUidlInfo.dwPopId = StrToInt(pszPart1); rResponse.rUidlInfo.pszUidl = pszPart2; IxpAssert(rResponse.rUidlInfo.dwPopId == m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent); }
// Count the number of messages
// Dispatch the response
DispatchResponse(S_OK, FALSE, &rResponse); m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent++;
// Cleanup
SafeMemFree(pszPart1); SafeMemFree(pszPart2);
// Clear Response
SafeMemFree(m_pszResponse); m_uiResponse = 0; m_hrResponse = S_OK; } }
// Otherwise failure...
else { IxpAssert(FALSE); goto exit; }
exit: // Cleanup
SafeMemFree(pszPart1); SafeMemFree(pszPart2);
// Done
return; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::FEndRetrRecvHeader
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CPOP3Transport::FEndRetrRecvHeader(LPSTR pszLines, ULONG cbRead) { // If we see CRLFCRLF
if (StrStr(pszLines, "\r\n\r\n")) return TRUE;
// Otherwise, did last block end with a CRLF and this block begins with a crlf
else if (cbRead >= 2 && m_rInfo.rFetch.fLastLineCRLF && pszLines[0] == '\r' && pszLines[1] == '\n') return TRUE;
// Header is not done
return FALSE; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::ResponseGenericRetrieve
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::ResponseGenericRetrieve(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; LPSTR pszLines=NULL; INT cbRead, cLines; ULONG cbSubtract; BOOL fDone, fMessageDone; POP3RESPONSE rResponse;
// First call...
if (FALSE == m_rInfo.rFetch.fGotResponse) { // Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Otherwise, if failure...
else if (FAILED(hr)) { FillRetrieveResponse(&rResponse, NULL, 0, &fMessageDone); DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE, &rResponse); goto exit; }
// Current
m_rInfo.rFetch.fGotResponse = TRUE; }
// While there are lines to read...
hr = m_pSocket->ReadLines(&pszLines, &cbRead, &cLines);
// Incomplete data available...
if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Or if we failed...
else if (FAILED(hr)) { FillRetrieveResponse(&rResponse, NULL, 0, &fMessageDone); DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE, &rResponse); goto exit; }
// Are we receiving the header...
if (FALSE == m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader) { // Test for end of header found
if (FEndRetrRecvHeader(pszLines, cbRead)) m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader = TRUE;
// $$BUG$$ Our good buddies on Exchange produced the following message:
// .
// As you can see there is not CRLFCRLF following the last header line which is very
// illegal. This message caused us to hange because we never saw the end of the header.
// So this is why I also test for the end of the body...
else if (FEndRetrRecvBody(pszLines, cbRead, &cbSubtract)) { cbRead -= cbSubtract; m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader = TRUE; m_rInfo.rFetch.fBody = TRUE; }
// Otherwise, did this block end with a crlf
else if (cbRead >= 2 && pszLines[cbRead - 1] == '\n' && pszLines[cbRead - 2] == '\r') m_rInfo.rFetch.fLastLineCRLF = TRUE; else m_rInfo.rFetch.fLastLineCRLF = FALSE; }
// Also check to see if body was received in same set of lines
if (TRUE == m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader) { // Test for end of header found
if (FEndRetrRecvBody(pszLines, cbRead, &cbSubtract)) { cbRead -= cbSubtract; m_rInfo.rFetch.fBody = TRUE; }
// Otherwise, check for line ending with crlf
else if (cbRead >= 2 && pszLines[cbRead - 1] == '\n' && pszLines[cbRead - 2] == '\r') m_rInfo.rFetch.fLastLineCRLF = TRUE; else m_rInfo.rFetch.fLastLineCRLF = FALSE; }
// Count bytes downloaded on this fetch
m_rInfo.rFetch.cbSoFar += cbRead;
// UnStuff
UnStuffDotsFromLines(pszLines, &cbRead);
// Fill the response
FillRetrieveResponse(&rResponse, pszLines, cbRead, &fMessageDone);
// Dispatch This Resposne...
if (POP3CMD_GET_POPID == m_rInfo.cmdtype) DispatchResponse(S_OK, fMessageDone, &rResponse);
// Otherwise
else { // Check command type
IxpAssert(POP3CMD_GET_MARKED == m_rInfo.cmdtype || POP3CMD_GET_ALL == m_rInfo.cmdtype);
// Dispatch current response
DispatchResponse(S_OK, FALSE, &rResponse);
// If done with current message...
if (fMessageDone) { // Get Next
hr = HrCommandGetNext(m_command, &fDone); if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// If Done
if (fDone) DispatchResponse(S_OK, TRUE); } }
exit: // Cleanup
// Done
return; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::FillRetrieveResponse
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::FillRetrieveResponse(LPPOP3RESPONSE pResponse, LPSTR pszLines, ULONG cbRead, BOOL *pfMessageDone) { // Clear Response
ZeroMemory(pResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE));
if (POP3_TOP == m_command) { // Build Response
pResponse->fValidInfo = TRUE; pResponse->rTopInfo.dwPopId = m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent; pResponse->rTopInfo.cPreviewLines = m_rInfo.cPreviewLines; pResponse->rTopInfo.cbSoFar = m_rInfo.rFetch.cbSoFar; pResponse->rTopInfo.pszLines = pszLines; pResponse->rTopInfo.cbLines = cbRead; pResponse->rTopInfo.fHeader = m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader; pResponse->rTopInfo.fBody = m_rInfo.rFetch.fBody; *pfMessageDone = (m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader && m_rInfo.rFetch.fBody); }
else { IxpAssert(POP3_RETR == m_command); pResponse->fValidInfo = TRUE; pResponse->rRetrInfo.fHeader = m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader; pResponse->rRetrInfo.fBody = m_rInfo.rFetch.fBody; pResponse->rRetrInfo.dwPopId = m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent; pResponse->rRetrInfo.cbSoFar = m_rInfo.rFetch.cbSoFar; pResponse->rRetrInfo.pszLines = pszLines; pResponse->rRetrInfo.cbLines = cbRead; *pfMessageDone = (m_rInfo.rFetch.fHeader && m_rInfo.rFetch.fBody); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPOP3Transport::ResponseDELE
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPOP3Transport::ResponseDELE(void) { // Locals
// Read Server Response...
hr = HrGetResponse(); if (IXP_E_INCOMPLETE == hr) goto exit;
// Otherwise, if failure...
else if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// Clear Response
ZeroMemory(&rResponse, sizeof(POP3RESPONSE)); rResponse.fValidInfo = TRUE; rResponse.dwPopId = m_rInfo.dwPopIdCurrent;
// Dispatch This Resposne...
if (POP3CMD_GET_POPID == m_rInfo.cmdtype) DispatchResponse(S_OK, TRUE, &rResponse);
// Otherwise
else { // Check command type
IxpAssert(POP3CMD_GET_MARKED == m_rInfo.cmdtype || POP3CMD_GET_ALL == m_rInfo.cmdtype);
// Dispatch current response
DispatchResponse(S_OK, FALSE, &rResponse);
// Get Next
hr = HrCommandGetNext(m_command, &fDone); if (FAILED(hr)) { DispatchResponse(hr, TRUE); goto exit; }
// If Done
if (fDone) DispatchResponse(S_OK, TRUE); }
exit: // Done
return; }