// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inetconv.cpp
// Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Steven J. Bailey
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "inetconv.h"
#include "internat.h"
#ifndef MAC
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <mlang.h>
#endif // !MAC
#include "mimeapi.h"
#include "icoint.h"
#include "demand.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FGROWBUFFER(_pBuffer, _cb) ((_pBuffer)->cb + _cb >= (_pBuffer)->cbAlloc)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QP Encoder
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CHAR g_rgchHex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base64 Decoding Table
// ---------------------
// Decodes one Base64 character into a numeric value
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
// ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char g_rgchDecodeBase64[256] = { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0x00
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0x10
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0x20
64, 64, 64, 62, 64, 64, 64, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, // 0x30
60, 61, 64, 64, 64, 0, 64, 64, 64, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, // 0x40
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, // 0x50
23, 24, 25, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, // 0x60
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, // 0x70
49, 50, 51, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0x80
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0x90
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0xA0
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0xB0
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0xC0
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0xD0
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0xE0
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 0xF0
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base64 Encoder
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern const CHAR g_rgchEncodeBase64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ ";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BinHex Decoding Table
// ---------------------
// Decodes one BinHex character into a numeric value
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
// !"#$%&'()*+,-012345689@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[`abcdefhijklmpqr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#undef XXXX
const UCHAR BINHEX_INVALID = 0x40; const UCHAR BINHEX_REPEAT = 0x90; const UCHAR BINHEX_TERM = ':'; const UCHAR XXXX = BINHEX_INVALID; const ULONG cbMinBinHexHeader = 22; const WORD wBinHexZero = 0;
const UCHAR g_rgchDecodeBinHex[256] = { XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, // 0x00
XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, // 0x20
0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, XXXX, XXXX, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, XXXX, // 0x30
0x14, 0x15, 0x16, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, // 0x40
0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, XXXX, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, XXXX, // 0x50
0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, XXXX, // 0x60
0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, XXXX, XXXX, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, // 0x70
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrCreateLineBreaker
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateLineBreaker(IMLangLineBreakConsole **ppLineBreak) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; PFNGETCLASSOBJECT pfnDllGetClassObject=NULL; IClassFactory *pFactory=NULL;
// Invalid Args
// Init
*ppLineBreak = NULL;
// Thread Safety
// If not loaded yet
if (NULL == g_hinstMLANG) { // Load MLANG - This should be fast most of the time because MLANG is usually loaded
g_hinstMLANG = LoadLibrary("MLANG.DLL"); if (NULL == g_hinstMLANG) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; } }
// Get DllClassObject
pfnDllGetClassObject = (PFNGETCLASSOBJECT)GetProcAddress(g_hinstMLANG, "DllGetClassObject"); if (NULL == pfnDllGetClassObject) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// Get the MLANG Class Factory
CHECKHR(hr = (*pfnDllGetClassObject)(CLSID_CMultiLanguage, IID_IClassFactory, (LPVOID *)&pFactory));
// Finally, create the object that I actually wanted
CHECKHR(hr = pFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, IID_IMLangLineBreakConsole, (LPVOID *)ppLineBreak));
exit: // Thread Safety
// Cleanup
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrCreateInternetConverter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateInternetConverter(LPCONVINITINFO pInitInfo, CInternetConverter **ppConverter) { // Allocate It
*ppConverter = new CInternetConverter(); if (NULL == *ppConverter) return TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Initialize
return TrapError((*ppConverter)->HrInit(pInitInfo)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BinHexCalcCRC16
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BinHexCalcCRC16( LPBYTE lpbBuff, ULONG cBuff, WORD * wCRC ) { LPBYTE lpb; BYTE b; WORD uCRC; WORD fWrap; ULONG i;
uCRC = *wCRC;
for ( lpb = lpbBuff; lpb < lpbBuff + cBuff; lpb++ ) { b = *lpb;
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { fWrap = uCRC & 0x8000; uCRC = (uCRC << 1) | (b >> 7);
if ( fWrap ) { uCRC = uCRC ^ 0x1021; }
b = b << 1; } }
*wCRC = uCRC; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrCreateMacBinaryHeader
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateMacBinaryHeader(LPCONVERTBUFFER prBinHexHeader, LPCONVERTBUFFER prMacBinaryHeader) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPMACBINARY pmacbin; LPBYTE pbBinHex; #ifndef _MAC
WORD wCRC = 0; #endif // _MAC
if ((NULL == prBinHexHeader) || (NULL == prMacBinaryHeader)) { hr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; } pmacbin = (LPMACBINARY)(prMacBinaryHeader->pb); pbBinHex = (LPBYTE)(prBinHexHeader->pb); // Zero it out first
ZeroMemory(pmacbin, sizeof(MACBINARY));
// Write in the filename length
pmacbin->cchFileName = (BYTE)min(pbBinHex[0], sizeof(pmacbin->rgchFileName)-1); pbBinHex += 1; // Copy over the filename
CopyMemory(pmacbin->rgchFileName, pbBinHex, pmacbin->cchFileName); pmacbin->rgchFileName[pmacbin->cchFileName] = '\0'; pbBinHex += pmacbin->cchFileName + 1;
// Copy over the type and creator
CopyMemory(&(pmacbin->dwType), pbBinHex, sizeof(pmacbin->dwType)); pbBinHex += 4; CopyMemory(&(pmacbin->dwCreator), pbBinHex, sizeof(pmacbin->dwCreator)); pbBinHex += 4; // Copy over the finder flags
pmacbin->bFinderFlags = *pbBinHex; pbBinHex++;
pmacbin->bFinderFlags2 = *pbBinHex; pbBinHex++;
// Copy over the data fork length
CopyMemory(&(pmacbin->lcbDataFork), pbBinHex, sizeof(pmacbin->lcbDataFork)); pbBinHex += 4; // Copy over the resource fork length
CopyMemory(&(pmacbin->lcbResourceFork), pbBinHex, sizeof(pmacbin->lcbResourceFork)); pbBinHex += 4;
// Drop on the version stamps
pmacbin->bVerMacBin2 = 129; pmacbin->bMinVerMacBin2 = 129;
// Calculate the CRC
#ifdef _MAC
BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) pmacbin, 124, &(pmacbin->wCRC)); BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(pmacbin->wCRC)); #else // !_MAC
BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) pmacbin, 124, &(wCRC)); BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(wCRC)); // Need to keep it in Mac order
pmacbin->wCRC = HIBYTE(wCRC); pmacbin->wCRC |= (LOBYTE(wCRC) << 8); #endif // _MAC
prMacBinaryHeader->cb += sizeof(MACBINARY); exit: return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInternetConverter::CInternetConverter(void) { m_cRef = 1; m_dwFlags = 0; m_cbConvert = 0; m_ietEncoding = IET_BINARY; m_cpiSource = CP_ACP; m_cpiDest = CP_ACP; m_fLastBuffer = FALSE; m_fEncoder = FALSE; m_uchPrev = '\0'; m_pAppend = NULL; m_pWrite = NULL; m_convtype = ICT_UNKNOWN; m_cchMaxLine = 0; m_pBinhexEncode = NULL; m_eBinHexStateDec = sSTARTING; m_fRepeating = FALSE; m_cAccum = 0; m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rOut; m_cbToProcess = 0; m_cbDataFork = 0; m_cbResourceFork = 0; m_wCRC = 0; m_wCRCForFork = 0; m_fDataForkOnly = FALSE; m_pLineBreak = NULL; ZeroMemory(&m_rIn, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER)); ZeroMemory(&m_rOut, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER)); ZeroMemory(&m_rCset, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER)); ZeroMemory(&m_rBinhexHeader, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::~CInternetConverter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInternetConverter::~CInternetConverter(void) { if (m_pBinhexEncode) delete m_pBinhexEncode; SafeMemFree(m_rIn.pb); SafeMemFree(m_rOut.pb); SafeMemFree(m_rCset.pb); SafeMemFree(m_rBinhexHeader.pb); SafeRelease(m_pLineBreak); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::QueryInterface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CInternetConverter::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::AddRef
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInternetConverter::AddRef(void) { return ++m_cRef; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::Release
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInternetConverter::Release(void) { if (0 != --m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrInit
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrInit(LPCONVINITINFO pInitInfo) { // Locals
// Save Flags
m_dwFlags = pInitInfo->dwFlags;
// Save Format
m_ietEncoding = pInitInfo->ietEncoding;
// Save Source Code Page
m_cpiSource = pInitInfo->cpiSource;
// Save Dest Code Page
m_cpiDest = pInitInfo->cpiDest;
// Are we an encoder..
m_fEncoder = pInitInfo->fEncoder;
// Save Wrap Info
m_cchMaxLine = pInitInfo->cchMaxLine;
// Save MacBinary state
m_fDataForkOnly = !pInitInfo->fShowMacBinary; // InitConvertType
CHECKHR(hr = HrInitConvertType(pInitInfo));
// DoubleCheck
Assert(m_pWrite && m_pAppend && ICT_UNKNOWN != m_convtype);
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrInitConvertType
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrInitConvertType(LPCONVINITINFO pInitInfo) { // Locals
// Time to compute m_pAppend and m_pDump...
if (ICF_WRAPTEXT & m_dwFlags) { // Check Assumptions
Assert((IET_7BIT == m_ietEncoding || IET_8BIT == m_ietEncoding) && TRUE == m_fEncoder);
// Code Page Conversion...
if (ICF_CODEPAGE & m_dwFlags) m_convtype = ICT_WRAPTEXT_CODEPAGE; else m_convtype = ICT_WRAPTEXT;
// Load MLANG
CHECKHR(hr = HrCreateLineBreaker(&m_pLineBreak));
// Set cpiLCID
cpiLCID = m_cpiSource;
// Unicode ?
if (CP_UNICODE == m_cpiSource) { // Get Destination Code Page Info
if (SUCCEEDED(g_pInternat->GetCodePageInfo(m_cpiDest, &CodePage))) { // Set cpiLCID
cpiLCID = CodePage.cpiFamily; } }
// Map m_cpiSource to lcid
switch(cpiLCID) { case 874: m_lcid = 0x041E; break; case 932: m_lcid = 0x0411; break; case 936: m_lcid = 0x0804; break; case 949: m_lcid = 0x0412; break; case 950: m_lcid = 0x0404; break; case 1250: m_lcid = 0x040e; break; case 1251: m_lcid = 0x0419; break; case 1252: m_lcid = 0x0409; break; case 1253: m_lcid = 0x0408; break; case 1254: m_lcid = 0x041f; break; case 1255: m_lcid = 0x040d; break; case 1256: m_lcid = 0x0401; break; case 1257: m_lcid = 0x0426; break; default: m_lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID(); break; } }
// Otherwise, if encoding
else if (TRUE == m_fEncoder) { // If CodePage Conversion
if (ICF_CODEPAGE & m_dwFlags) m_convtype = ICT_CODEPAGE_ENCODE; else m_convtype = ICT_ENCODE;
// Need binhex encoder
if (IET_BINHEX40 == m_ietEncoding) { // Create me an encoder
CHECKALLOC(m_pBinhexEncode = new CBinhexEncoder);
// Initialize
CHECKHR(hr = m_pBinhexEncode->HrConfig(0, 0, &pInitInfo->rMacBinary)); } }
// Otherwise, if not encoding
else { // If CodePage Conversion
if (ICF_CODEPAGE & m_dwFlags) m_convtype = ICT_DECODE_CODEPAGE; else m_convtype = ICT_DECODE; }
// Map Write and Append Buffers from Conversion Type
switch(m_convtype) { // m_rIn --> m_rCset
case ICT_WRAPTEXT_CODEPAGE: case ICT_DECODE_CODEPAGE: m_pAppend = &m_rIn; m_pWrite = &m_rCset; break;
// m_rIn --> m_rOut
case ICT_WRAPTEXT: case ICT_ENCODE: case ICT_DECODE: m_pAppend = &m_rIn; m_pWrite = &m_rOut; break;
// m_rCset --> m_rOut
case ICT_CODEPAGE_ENCODE: m_pAppend = &m_rCset; m_pWrite = &m_rOut; break;
// Error
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "INVALID INETCONVTYPE"); break; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrConvBuffAppendBlock
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrConvBuffAppendBlock(LPBYTE pb, ULONG cb) { // Locals
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, cb)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, cb)); }
// Copy the buffer
CopyMemory(m_rOut.pb + m_rOut.cb, pb, cb);
// Increment Size
m_rOut.cb += cb;
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::PszConvBuffGetNextLine
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline LPSTR CInternetConverter::PszConvBuffGetNextLine(ULONG *pcbLine, ULONG *pcbRead, BOOL *pfFound) { // Locals
UCHAR uchThis, uchPrev; ULONG cbLine=0;
// Invalid Arg
Assert(pcbLine && pcbRead && pfFound);
// Init
*pfFound = FALSE;
// Read to next \n
while(m_rIn.i + cbLine < m_rIn.cb) { // Get a character...
uchThis = m_rIn.pb[m_rIn.i + cbLine];
// Better not be null
// Increment Line Length
// Done
if (chLF == uchThis) { *pfFound = TRUE; break; }
// Remember Previous Char
uchPrev = uchThis; }
// Set Next Line
*pcbRead = cbLine;
// Fixup cbLine
if (chLF == uchThis) cbLine--; if (chCR == uchPrev) cbLine--;
// Set Length
*pcbLine = cbLine;
// Done
return (LPSTR)(m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::CopyMemoryRemoveNBSP
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInternetConverter::CopyMemoryRemoveNBSP(LPBYTE pbDest, LPBYTE pbSource, ULONG cbSource) { // Locals
ULONG iDest=0; ULONG iSource=0;
// Invalid ARg
Assert(pbDest && pbSource && CP_UNICODE == m_cpiSource);
// Do It
while(1) { // If not a null lead, copy next two bytes...
if (iSource + 1 < cbSource) { // Better not be 0x00A0 - insert space
Assert(iSource % 2 == 0); if (0xA0 == pbSource[iSource] && 0x00 == pbSource[iSource + 1]) { // 0x0020 = Space
pbDest[iDest++] = 0x20; pbDest[iDest++] = 0x00;
// Step Over this character...
iSource+=2; }
// Otherwise, copy the character
else { // Copy This Char
pbDest[iDest++] = pbSource[iSource++];
// Copy Next Char
if (iSource < cbSource) pbDest[iDest++] = pbSource[iSource++]; } }
// Otherwise, just copy this once character and stop
else { // Copy It
if (iSource < cbSource) pbDest[iDest++] = pbSource[iSource++];
// Done
break; } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrFillAppend
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrFillAppend(LPBLOB pData) { // Locals
// Invlaid ARg
Assert(pData && m_pAppend);
// Call Internal Function
CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(m_pAppend, pData, (m_dwFlags & ICF_KILLNBSP)));
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrAppendBuffer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrAppendBuffer(LPCONVERTBUFFER pBuffer, LPBLOB pData, BOOL fKillNBSP) { // Locals
// Collapse Current Buffer
if (pBuffer->i != 0) { // Move Memory
MoveMemory(pBuffer->pb, pBuffer->pb + pBuffer->i, pBuffer->cb - pBuffer->i);
// Decrease Size
pBuffer->cb -= pBuffer->i;
// Reset Start
pBuffer->i = 0; }
// Enought Space ?
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(pBuffer, pData->cbSize)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(pBuffer, pData->cbSize)); } // Append the buffer...
if (fKillNBSP) CopyMemoryRemoveNBSP(pBuffer->pb + pBuffer->cb, pData->pBlobData, pData->cbSize);
// Otherwise, this is a simple copy
else CopyMemory(pBuffer->pb + pBuffer->cb, pData->pBlobData, pData->cbSize);
// Increment Amount of Data
pBuffer->cb += pData->cbSize;
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrGrowBuffer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrGrowBuffer(LPCONVERTBUFFER pBuffer, ULONG cbAppend) { // Locals
// Better need a grow
Assert(FGROWBUFFER(pBuffer, cbAppend));
// Compute Grow By
cbGrow = (cbAppend - (pBuffer->cbAlloc - pBuffer->cb)) + 256;
// Realloc the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrRealloc((LPVOID *)&pBuffer->pb, pBuffer->cbAlloc + cbGrow));
// Adjust cbAlloc
pBuffer->cbAlloc += cbGrow;
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrWriteConverted
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrWriteConverted(IStream *pStream) { // Locals
// Anything to write
if (m_pWrite->cb) { // Write the current block
CHECKHR(hr = pStream->Write(m_pWrite->pb, m_pWrite->cb, NULL));
// Nothing in m_rOut
m_pWrite->cb = 0; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrWriteConverted
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrWriteConverted(CInternetConverter *pConverter) { // Locals
// Anything to write
if (m_pWrite->cb) { // Setup Blob
rData.pBlobData = m_pWrite->pb; rData.cbSize = m_pWrite->cb;
// Write the current block
CHECKHR(hr = pConverter->HrFillAppend(&rData));
// Nothing in m_rOut
m_pWrite->cb = 0; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrInternetEncode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrInternetEncode(BOOL fLastBuffer) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HRESULT hrWarnings=S_OK; BLOB rData;
// We Better be an encoder
// Set Last Buffer
m_fLastBuffer = fLastBuffer;
// Text Wrapping ?
if (ICF_WRAPTEXT & m_dwFlags) { // Wrap It: m_rIn -> m_rOut
if (CP_UNICODE == m_cpiSource) CHECKHR(hr = HrWrapInternetTextW()); else CHECKHR(hr = HrWrapInternetTextA());
// Character Set Encoding: m_rOut -> m_rCset
if (ICF_CODEPAGE & m_dwFlags) { // Charset Encode
CHECKHR(hr = HrCodePageFromOutToCset()); if ( S_OK != hr ) hrWarnings = TrapError(hr); } }
// Otherwise
else { // Character Set Encoding: m_rCset -> m_rIn
if (ICF_CODEPAGE & m_dwFlags) { // Charset Encode
CHECKHR(hr = HrCodePageFromCsetToIn()); if ( S_OK != hr ) hrWarnings = TrapError(hr); }
// Handle Conversion type
switch(m_ietEncoding) { // Binary
case IET_BINARY: case IET_7BIT: case IET_8BIT: // Better be at zero
Assert(m_rIn.i == 0);
// Initialize Blob to copy
rData.pBlobData = m_rIn.pb; rData.cbSize = m_rIn.cb;
// Append to outbound buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(&m_rOut, &rData, FALSE));
// Increment offset
m_rIn.i = m_rIn.cb = 0; break;
// Quoted-Printable
case IET_QP: CHECKHR(hr = HrEncodeQP()); break;
// Bas 64
case IET_BASE64: CHECKHR(hr = HrEncode64()); break;
case IET_UUENCODE: CHECKHR(hr = HrEncodeUU()); break;
case IET_BINHEX40: #ifdef NEVER
CHECKHR(hr = HrEncodeBinhex()); #endif // NEVER
// IE v. 5.0:33596 HrEncodeBinhex returns E_FAIL if body size is too small
// Binhex encoding doesn't currently work. I believe that it should work (or almost work)
// if the header CBinhexEncoder::m_lpmacbinHdr is initialized properly. However, this
// requires understanding the Mac file format and parsing the body stream contents into
// data and resource forks.
// - sethco 8/19/1998
// Bummer
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "MIME_E_INVALID_ENCODINGTYPE"); break; } }
exit: // If Last Buffer, we better be done
Assert(m_fLastBuffer ? m_rIn.i == m_rIn.cb : TRUE);
// Done
return (hr == S_OK) ? hrWarnings : hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrInternetDecode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrInternetDecode(BOOL fLastBuffer) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HRESULT hrWarnings=S_OK; BLOB rData;
// We Better not be an encoder
// Set Last Buffer
m_fLastBuffer = fLastBuffer;
// Handle Format
switch(m_ietEncoding) { // Binary
case IET_BINARY: case IET_7BIT: case IET_8BIT: // Better be at zero
Assert(m_rIn.i == 0);
// Initialize Blob to copy
rData.pBlobData = m_rIn.pb; rData.cbSize = m_rIn.cb;
// Append to outbound buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(&m_rOut, &rData, FALSE));
// Increment offset
m_rIn.i = m_rIn.cb = 0; break;
// Quoted-Printable
case IET_QP: CHECKHR(hr = HrDecodeQP()); break;
// Bas64
case IET_BASE64: CHECKHR(hr = HrDecode64()); break;
case IET_UUENCODE: CHECKHR(hr = HrDecodeUU()); break;
case IET_BINHEX40: CHECKHR(hr = HrDecodeBinHex()); break;
// Bummer
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "MIME_E_INVALID_ENCODINGTYPE"); break; }
// Character Set Decoding ?
if (ICF_CODEPAGE & m_dwFlags) { // Charset Decoder
CHECKHR(hr = HrCodePageFromOutToCset()); if ( S_OK != hr ) hrWarnings = TrapError(hr); }
exit: // If Last Buffer, we better be done
Assert(m_fLastBuffer ? m_rIn.i == m_rIn.cb : TRUE);
// Done
return (hr == S_OK) ? hrWarnings : hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrCodePageFromOutToCset
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrCodePageFromOutToCset(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HRESULT hrWarnings=S_OK; BLOB rData; BLOB rDecoded={0}; ULONG cbRead;
// Nothing to convert...
if (0 == m_rOut.cb) return S_OK;
// Setup Convert Blob
rData.pBlobData = m_rOut.pb; rData.cbSize = m_rOut.cb;
// Decode text from m_intformat
hr = g_pInternat->ConvertBuffer(m_cpiSource, m_cpiDest, &rData, &rDecoded, &cbRead); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // save HRESULT from charset conversion
if ( S_OK != hr ) hrWarnings = TrapError(hr);
// Fill m_rIn...
CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(&m_rCset, &rDecoded, FALSE)); }
// Otherwise, just put m_rCset as the inbound buffer
else { // SBAILEY: Raid-74506: MIMEOLE: error decoding text body in q-p encoded iso-2022-jp message
// CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(&m_rCset, &rData, FALSE));
hr = S_OK;
// We read all of it
cbRead = rData.cbSize; }
// Adjust m_rOut if cbRead != m_rOut.cb
if (cbRead != m_rOut.cb) { // Move Memory
MoveMemory(m_rOut.pb, m_rOut.pb + cbRead, m_rOut.cb - cbRead); }
// Decrease Size
Assert(cbRead <= m_rOut.cb); m_rOut.cb -= cbRead;
exit: // Cleanup
// Done
return (hr == S_OK) ? hrWarnings : hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrCodePageFromCsetToIn
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrCodePageFromCsetToIn(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HRESULT hrWarnings=S_OK; BLOB rData; BLOB rEncoded={0}; ULONG cbRead;
// Check State
Assert(m_rCset.i == 0);
// Nothing to convert
if (0 == m_rCset.cb) return S_OK;
// Setup Convert Blob
rData.pBlobData = m_rCset.pb; rData.cbSize = m_rCset.cb;
// Decode text from m_intformat
hr = g_pInternat->ConvertBuffer(m_cpiSource, m_cpiDest, &rData, &rEncoded, &cbRead); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // save HRESULT from charset conversion
if ( S_OK != hr ) hrWarnings = TrapError(hr);
// Fill m_rIn...
CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(&m_rIn, &rEncoded, FALSE)); }
// Otherwise, just put m_rCset as the inbound buffer
else { // SBAILEY: Raid-74506: MIMEOLE: error decoding text body in q-p encoded iso-2022-jp message
// CHECKHR(hr = HrAppendBuffer(&m_rIn, &rData, FALSE));
hr = S_OK;
// Set Read
cbRead = m_rCset.cb; }
// Adjust m_rOut if cbRead != m_rOut.cb
if (cbRead != m_rCset.cb) { // Move Memory
MoveMemory(m_rCset.pb, m_rCset.pb + cbRead, m_rCset.cb - cbRead); }
// Decrease Size
Assert(cbRead <= m_rCset.cb); m_rCset.cb -= cbRead; m_rCset.i = 0;
exit: // Cleanup
// Done
return (hr == S_OK) ? hrWarnings : hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrEncode64
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrEncode64(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG cbRead; ULONG i; UCHAR uch[3]; UCHAR *pbuf;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(1) { // Compute encode buffer length
cbRead = min(CCHMAX_ENCODE64_IN, m_rIn.cb - m_rIn.i);
// Should we encode this buffer ?
if (0 == cbRead || (cbRead < CCHMAX_ENCODE64_IN && FALSE == m_fLastBuffer)) goto exit;
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, CCHMAX_ENCODE64_OUT)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, CCHMAX_ENCODE64_OUT)); }
// Set Buffer Pointer
pbuf = (m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i);
// Encodes 3 characters at a time
for (i=0; i<cbRead; i+=3) { // Setup Buffer
uch[0] = pbuf[i]; uch[1] = (i+1 < cbRead) ? pbuf[i+1] : '\0'; uch[2] = (i+2 < cbRead) ? pbuf[i+2] : '\0';
// Encode first tow
ConvBuffAppend(g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[0] >> 2) & 0x3F]); ConvBuffAppend(g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[0] << 4 | uch[1] >> 4) & 0x3F]);
// Encode Next
if (i+1 < cbRead) ConvBuffAppend(g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[1] << 2 | uch[2] >> 6) & 0x3F]); else ConvBuffAppend('=');
// Encode Net
if (i+2 < cbRead) ConvBuffAppend(g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[2] ) & 0x3F]); else ConvBuffAppend('='); }
// Increment iIn
m_rIn.i += cbRead;
// Ends encoded line and writes to storage
ConvBuffAppend(chCR); ConvBuffAppend(chLF); }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrDecode64
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrDecode64(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; UCHAR uchThis; ULONG i; ULONG cPad=0; ULONG cbRead=0; ULONG cbLine; BOOL fFound; LPSTR pszLine;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(1) { // Increment Index
m_rIn.i += cbRead;
// Get Next Line
pszLine = PszConvBuffGetNextLine(&cbLine, &cbRead, &fFound); if (0 == cbRead || (FALSE == fFound && FALSE == m_fLastBuffer)) goto exit;
// Do I need to grow - decoded line will always be smaller than cbLine
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, cbLine)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, cbLine)); }
// Decodes characters in line buffer
for (i=0; i<cbLine; i++) { // Gets 4 legal Base64 characters, ignores if illegal
uchThis = pszLine[i];
// Decode It
m_uchConvert[m_cbConvert] = DECODE64(uchThis);
// Test for valid non-pad
if ((m_uchConvert[m_cbConvert] < 64) || ((uchThis == '=') && (m_cbConvert > 1))) m_cbConvert++;
// Test for pad
if ((uchThis == '=') && (m_cbConvert > 1)) cPad++;
// Outputs when 4 legal Base64 characters are in the buffer
if (4 == m_cbConvert) { // Validate Buffer
Assert(m_rOut.cb + 4 <= m_rOut.cbAlloc);
// Convert
if (cPad < 3) ConvBuffAppend((m_uchConvert[0] << 2 | m_uchConvert[1] >> 4)); if (cPad < 2) ConvBuffAppend((m_uchConvert[1] << 4 | m_uchConvert[2] >> 2)); if (cPad < 1) ConvBuffAppend((m_uchConvert[2] << 6 | m_uchConvert[3]));
// Reset
m_cbConvert = 0; } } }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrEncodeUU
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrEncodeUU(void) { // Locals
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(1) { // Compute encode buffer length
cbRead = min(CCHMAX_ENCODEUU_IN, m_rIn.cb - m_rIn.i); if (0 == cbRead || (cbRead < CCHMAX_ENCODEUU_IN && FALSE == m_fLastBuffer)) goto exit;
// Copy the bytes
CopyMemory(buf, m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i, cbRead);
// Zero the Rest
ZeroMemory(buf + cbRead, sizeof(buf) - cbRead);
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, CCHMAX_ENCODEUU_OUT)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, CCHMAX_ENCODEUU_OUT)); }
// Encode Line length
// Encodes 3 characters at a time
for (i=0; i<cbRead; i+=3) { ConvBuffAppend(UUENCODE((buf[i] >> 2))); ConvBuffAppend(UUENCODE((buf[i] << 4) | (buf[i+1] >> 4))); ConvBuffAppend(UUENCODE((buf[i+1] << 2) | (buf[i+2] >> 6))); ConvBuffAppend(UUENCODE((buf[i+2]))); }
// Increment i
m_rIn.i += cbRead;
// Ends encoded line and writes to storage
ConvBuffAppend(chCR); ConvBuffAppend(chLF); }
exit: // If last buffer and we can't read anymore
if (TRUE == m_fLastBuffer && FALSE == FConvBuffCanRead(m_rIn)) { // RAID-21179: ZeroLength uuencoded attachments m_rOut may not have been allocated
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, CCHMAX_ENCODEUU_OUT)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, CCHMAX_ENCODEUU_OUT)); }
// Better have space
Assert(m_rOut.cb + 3 < m_rOut.cbAlloc);
// End
ConvBuffAppend(UUENCODE(0)); ConvBuffAppend(chCR); ConvBuffAppend(chLF); }
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::FUUEncodeThrowAway
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CInternetConverter::FUUEncodeThrowAway(LPSTR pszLine, ULONG cbLine, ULONG *pcbActual, ULONG *pcbLine) { // Locals
CHAR ch; ULONG cchOffset, cbEncoded, cbTolerance=0, cbExpected;
// RAID-25953: "BEGIN --- CUT HERE --- Cut Here --- cut here ---" - WinVN post
// partial messages that have the following line at the beginning of
// each partial. B = 66 and the length of this line is 48, so the following
// code thinks that this line is a valid UUENCODED line, so, to fix this,
// we will throw out all lines that start with BEGIN since this is not valid
// to be in uuencode.
if (StrCmpNI("BEGIN", pszLine, 5) == 0) return TRUE;
// END Line
else if (StrCmpNI("END", pszLine, 3) == 0) return TRUE;
// Checks line length
ch = *pszLine; *pcbLine = cbEncoded = UUDECODE(ch);
// Comput tolerance and offset for non-conforming even line lengths
cchOffset = (cbEncoded % 3); if (cchOffset != 0) { cchOffset++; cbTolerance = 4 - cchOffset; }
// Compute expected line length
cbExpected = 4 * (cbEncoded / 3) + cchOffset;
// Always check for '-'
if (cbLine < cbExpected) return TRUE;
// Wack off trailing spaces
while(pszLine[cbLine-1] == ' ' && cbLine > 0 && cbLine != cbExpected) --cbLine;
// Checksum character and encoders which include the count char in the line count
if (cbExpected != cbLine && cbExpected + cbTolerance != cbLine && cbExpected + 1 != cbLine && cbExpected + cbTolerance + 1 != cbLine && cbExpected - 1 != cbLine && cbExpected + cbTolerance - 1 != cbLine) return TRUE;
// Set actual line length
*pcbActual = cbLine;
// Done
return FALSE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrDecodeUU
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrDecodeUU(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG cbLine; LPSTR pszLine; ULONG cbRead=0; ULONG cbLineLength; BOOL fFound; ULONG cbConvert; ULONG cbScan; ULONG i; UCHAR uchConvert[4]; UCHAR uchThis;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(1) { // Increment Index
m_rIn.i += cbRead;
// Get Next Line
pszLine = PszConvBuffGetNextLine(&cbLine, &cbRead, &fFound); if (0 == cbRead || (FALSE == fFound && FALSE == m_fLastBuffer)) goto exit;
// UUENCODE ThrowAway
if (FUUEncodeThrowAway(pszLine, cbLine, &cbLine, &cbLineLength)) continue;
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, cbLineLength + 20)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, cbLineLength + 20)); }
// Decodes 4 characters at a time
for (cbConvert=0, cbScan=0, i=1; cbScan < cbLineLength; i++) { // Gets 4 characters, pads with blank if necessary
uchThis = (i < cbLine) ? pszLine[i] : ' ';
// Decode
uchConvert[cbConvert++] = UUDECODE(uchThis);
// Outputs decoded characters
if (cbConvert == 4) { // Covnert
if (cbScan++ < cbLineLength) ConvBuffAppend((uchConvert[0] << 2) | (uchConvert[1] >> 4)); if (cbScan++ < cbLineLength) ConvBuffAppend((uchConvert[1] << 4) | (uchConvert[2] >> 2)); if (cbScan++ < cbLineLength) ConvBuffAppend((uchConvert[2] << 6) | (uchConvert[3]));
// Reset
cbConvert = 0; } } }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrEncodeQP
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrEncodeQP(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; UCHAR uchThis; ULONG cbLine=0; ULONG iCurrent; LONG iLastWhite=-1; LONG iLineWhite=-1; UCHAR szLine[CCHMAX_QPLINE+30];
// Set iCurrent
iCurrent = m_rIn.i;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while (iCurrent < m_rIn.cb) { // Gets the next character
uchThis = m_rIn.pb[iCurrent];
// End of line...
if (chLF == uchThis || cbLine > CCHMAX_QPLINE) { // Soft Line break
if (chLF != uchThis) { // Lets back track to last white
if (iLastWhite != -1) { cbLine = iLineWhite + 1; iCurrent = iLastWhite + 1; }
// Hex encode the 8bit octet
Assert(cbLine + 3 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = '='; szLine[cbLine++] = chCR; szLine[cbLine++] = chLF; }
// Otherwise, we may need to encode the last space
else { // Encode Straggling '\n'
if (chCR != m_uchPrev) { Assert(cbLine + 4 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = '='; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[uchThis >> 4]; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[uchThis & 0x0F]; szLine[cbLine++] = '='; }
// Detect preceding whitespace ...
if (cbLine && (' ' == szLine[cbLine - 1] || '\t' == szLine[cbLine - 1])) { // Hex encode the 8bit octet
UCHAR chWhite = szLine[cbLine - 1]; cbLine--; Assert(cbLine + 3 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = '='; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[chWhite >> 4]; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[chWhite & 0x0F]; }
// Otherwise, hard line break
Assert(cbLine + 2 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = chCR; szLine[cbLine++] = chLF; iCurrent++; }
// Copy the line
CHECKHR(hr = HrConvBuffAppendBlock(szLine, cbLine));
// Reset
iLastWhite = -1; iLineWhite = -1; cbLine = 0; *szLine = '\0';
// We processed this buffer
m_rIn.i = iCurrent; }
// Encode empty '\r'
else if (chCR == uchThis) { // Overflow detection
if (iCurrent + 1 < m_rIn.cb && m_rIn.pb[iCurrent + 1] != chLF || iCurrent + 1 >= m_rIn.cb) { Assert(cbLine + 3 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = '='; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[uchThis >> 4]; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[uchThis & 0x0F]; }
// Next Character
iCurrent++; }
// Rule #1: Replace 8-bit and equal signs
else if (('\t' != uchThis) && (uchThis < 32 || uchThis == 61 || uchThis > 126 || '=' == uchThis)) { // Hex encode the 8bit octet
Assert(chLF != uchThis); Assert(cbLine + 3 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = '='; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[uchThis >> 4]; szLine[cbLine++] = g_rgchHex[uchThis & 0x0F]; iCurrent++; }
// Otherwise, write the character
else { // Save position of last white space
if (' ' == uchThis || '\t' == uchThis) { iLastWhite = iCurrent; iLineWhite = cbLine; }
// Rule #2: Printable literals
Assert(cbLine + 1 <= sizeof(szLine)); szLine[cbLine++] = uchThis; iCurrent++; }
// Save Previous Char
m_uchPrev = uchThis; }
// Last line
if (cbLine && m_fLastBuffer) { // Append the Line
CHECKHR(hr = HrConvBuffAppendBlock(szLine, cbLine));
// Set i
m_rIn.i = m_rIn.cb; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrDecodeQP
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrDecodeQP(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; UCHAR uchThis; UCHAR uchNext1; UCHAR uchNext2; UCHAR uch1; UCHAR uch2;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while (FConvBuffCanRead(m_rIn)) { // bug #35230 - display trash in trident
// Can I read 2 more characters
if (FALSE == m_fLastBuffer && m_rIn.i + 2 >= m_rIn.cb) break;
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, 3)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, 3)); }
// Gets the next character
uchThis = m_rIn.pb[m_rIn.i];
// Determine next couple of characers for end of line detection...
uchNext1 = (m_rIn.i + 1 < m_rIn.cb) ? m_rIn.pb[m_rIn.i + 1] : '\0'; uchNext2 = (m_rIn.i + 2 < m_rIn.cb) ? m_rIn.pb[m_rIn.i + 2] : '\0';
// Dont break on \r\n
if (chCR == uchNext1 && chLF == uchNext2 && m_rIn.i + 3 >= m_rIn.cb) { // If last buffer, then save characters
if (m_fLastBuffer) { // If not a soft line break
if ('=' != uchThis) { ConvBuffAppend(uchThis); ConvBuffAppend(chCR); ConvBuffAppend(chLF); }
// Done
m_rIn.i += 3; }
// Done
goto exit; }
// If not end of line...
if ('=' == uchThis) { // Soft NL
if (chCR == uchNext1 && chLF == uchNext2) { // Step over =\r\n
m_rIn.i += 3; }
// If not end of line...
else if (m_rIn.i + 2 < m_rIn.cb) { // Step Over Equal Sign
// Convert Hex Characters
uch1 = ChConvertFromHex(m_rIn.pb[m_rIn.i++]); uch2 = ChConvertFromHex(m_rIn.pb[m_rIn.i++]);
// Store Hex characters
if (uch1 == 255 || uch2 == 255) ConvBuffAppend('='); else ConvBuffAppend((uch1 << 4) | uch2); }
else { // Last Buffer ?
ConvBuffAppend(uchThis); m_rIn.i++; } }
// Otherwise store the character
else if (chCR == uchThis && chLF == uchNext1) { // Stuff CRLF
ConvBuffAppend(chCR); ConvBuffAppend(chLF);
// Increment i
m_rIn.i += 2; }
// Otherwise, store the character
else { ConvBuffAppend(uchThis); m_rIn.i++; }
// Set Previous
m_uchPrev = uchThis; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrWrapInternetTextA
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrWrapInternetTextA(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; LONG cchLine; LONG cchSkip;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(FConvBuffCanRead(m_rIn)) { // Not enough to encode a full line and not the last buffer
if ((FALSE == m_fLastBuffer) && ((LONG)(m_rIn.cb - m_rIn.i) < m_cchMaxLine)) goto exit;
// Call LineBreaker
if (*((CHAR*)(m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i)) == '\0') { // This is to prevent the endless loop in case of malformed data stream
hr = TrapError(MIME_E_BAD_TEXT_DATA); goto exit; } CHECKHR(hr = m_pLineBreak->BreakLineA(m_lcid, m_cpiSource, (LPCSTR)(m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i), (m_rIn.cb - m_rIn.i), m_cchMaxLine, &cchLine, &cchSkip));
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, cchLine + 5)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, cchLine + 5)); } // Have some data ?
if (cchLine) { // Write the line
CHECKHR(hr = HrConvBuffAppendBlock(m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i, cchLine)); }
// Write CRLF
Assert(m_rOut.cb + 2 < m_rOut.cbAlloc); ConvBuffAppend(chCR); ConvBuffAppend(chLF);
// Increment iText
m_rIn.i += (cchLine + cchSkip); }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
HRESULT CInternetConverter::_GetEndOfURL(IN LPCWSTR pszLine, DWORD cchSize, DWORD * pdwMax) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cchCurrent = 0;
for (cchCurrent = 0; cchCurrent < cchSize; cchCurrent++) { if ((L' ' == pszLine[cchCurrent]) || (L'\r' == pszLine[cchCurrent])) { (*pdwMax) = (cchCurrent + 2); break; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CInternetConverter::_FixLineBreakingProblems( IN LCID locale, IN const WCHAR* pszSrc, IN long cchSrc, IN long cMaxColumns, OUT long* pcchLine, OUT long* pcchSkip, BOOL * pfDoURLFix) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// There was a bug where a signature marker, which is '-- '
// (dash, dash, space, end-of-line) would get stripped out.
// This happens in ILineBreak::BreakLineW(). It will strip off
// the extra space thinking it is just extra white space.
if ((3 <= cchSrc) && (m_rIn.cb >= 10) && (2 <= *pcchLine) && (1 <= *pcchSkip) && (L'-' == pszSrc[*pcchLine - 2]) && (L'-' == pszSrc[*pcchLine - 1]) && (L' ' == pszSrc[*pcchLine - 0])) { (*pcchLine)++; (*pcchSkip)--; // DebugTrace("MimeOLE - Sig Delimiter: Preserved.\n");
// We do not want to wrap if that causes a break in URLs.
// This is bad because when the receiver's newsgroup reader
// turns the URL into a hyperlink, it will no longer point
// to the right location because part of the URL is missing.
// This happens often with urls that contain '=' or '/', like:
// http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000633EM/qid=1027792220/sr=8-3/ref=sr_8_3/104-5930498-2421552
// http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/detail/-/electronics/B0000633EM/reviews/ref=e_wlt1_de_a_er/104-5930498-2421552#
if ((5 <= *pcchLine) && (cchSrc > *pcchLine) && // Make sure this isn't the end of the line.
(L' ' != pszSrc[*pcchLine]) && (L'\r' != pszSrc[*pcchLine])) // We worry if the char after this break isn't a space.
{ WCHAR szUrl[50]; // We only need the first part.
WCHAR szScheme[30]; DWORD cchScheme = ARRAYSIZE(szScheme);
StrCpyNW(szUrl, pszSrc, (int) min(ARRAYSIZE(szUrl), *pcchLine)); HRESULT hrUrlPart = UrlGetPartW(szUrl, szScheme, &cchScheme, URL_PART_SCHEME, 0); if ((S_OK == hrUrlPart) && szScheme[0] && (!StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"http") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"https") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"mailto") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"file") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"news") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"nntp") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"telnet") || !StrCmpIW(szScheme, L"ftp"))) { *pfDoURLFix = TRUE; } }
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrWrapInternetTextW
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrWrapInternetTextW(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; LONG cchLine; LONG cchSkip; LPCWSTR pszNext = NULL; BOOL fFollowingURLFix = FALSE;
// Invalid State
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(FConvBuffCanRead(m_rIn)) { DWORD cchCurrentLineLen = ((m_rIn.cb - m_rIn.i) / sizeof(WCHAR));
pszNext = (LPCWSTR)(m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i);
// Not enough to encode a full line and not the last buffer
if ((FALSE == m_fLastBuffer) && ((LONG)cchCurrentLineLen < m_cchMaxLine)) goto exit;
// Call LineBreaker
if (pszNext[0] == L'\0') { // This is to prevent the endless loop in case of malformed data stream
hr = TrapError(MIME_E_BAD_TEXT_DATA); goto exit; }
DWORD cchMax = m_cchMaxLine;
if (fFollowingURLFix) { _GetEndOfURL(pszNext, cchCurrentLineLen, &cchMax); fFollowingURLFix = FALSE; }
CHECKHR(hr = m_pLineBreak->BreakLineW(m_lcid, pszNext, cchCurrentLineLen, cchMax, &cchLine, &cchSkip));
BOOL fDoURLFix = FALSE; _FixLineBreakingProblems(m_lcid, pszNext, cchCurrentLineLen, m_cchMaxLine, &cchLine, &cchSkip, &fDoURLFix);
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, ((cchLine + 5) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, ((cchLine + 5) * sizeof(WCHAR)))); }
// Have some data
if (cchLine) { // Write the line
CHECKHR(hr = HrConvBuffAppendBlock((BYTE *) pszNext, (cchLine * sizeof(WCHAR)))); }
// Write CRLF
Assert(m_rOut.cb + (2 * sizeof(WCHAR)) < m_rOut.cbAlloc); if (!fDoURLFix) { ConvBuffAppendW(wchCR); ConvBuffAppendW(wchLF); } else { fFollowingURLFix = TRUE; }
// Increment iText
m_rIn.i += ((cchLine + cchSkip) * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrEncodeDecodeBinhex
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CHAR szBINHEXSTART[] = "(This file must be converted with BinHex"; const ULONG cbBINHEXSTART = ARRAYSIZE(szBINHEXSTART)-1; HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrEncodeBinhex(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HRESULT hrError; ULONG cbLeft; ULONG cbRead; ULONG cbMaxEncode; ULONG cbWrite;
// cbLeft
cbLeft = m_rIn.cb - m_rIn.i;
// cbMaxEncode - this should always insure enough room
cbMaxEncode = cbLeft * 2;
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rOut, cbMaxEncode)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rOut, cbMaxEncode)); }
// Set max amount to read
cbRead = cbLeft;
// Set max amount to write
cbWrite = cbLeft;
// We better want to read some
Assert(cbRead && cbWrite);
// Encode/Decode some data
if (m_fEncoder) { // Encode
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != m_pBinhexEncode->HrEmit(m_rIn.pb + m_rIn.i, &cbRead, m_rOut.pb + m_rOut.cb, &cbWrite)) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; } }
// Increment Amount Read
m_rIn.i += cbRead;
// Increment Amount Wrote
m_rOut.cb += cbWrite;
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrBinhexThrowAway
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrBinhexDecodeBuffAppend(UCHAR uchIn, ULONG cchIn, ULONG cchLeft, ULONG * pcbProduced) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; ULONG cbPad = 0; LPBYTE pbBinHex = NULL; if (m_eBinHexStateDec == sHDRFILESIZE) { // First incoming character is always the size of the stream.
Assert(cchIn == 1); if ((uchIn < 1) || (uchIn > 63)) { hr = E_FAIL; // ERROR_INVALID_DATA
m_eBinHexStateDec = sENDED; goto exit; }
// Allocate the binhex header
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rBinhexHeader, cbMinBinHexHeader + uchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rBinhexHeader, cbMinBinHexHeader + uchIn)); } // Mark how many characters are left to process
m_cbToProcess = cbMinBinHexHeader + uchIn; // Switch to filling the header sHEADER
m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rBinhexHeader; m_eBinHexStateDec = sHEADER; }
if (1 == cchIn) { m_prBinhexOutput->pb[m_prBinhexOutput->cb++] = uchIn; } else { // Check output buffer for space
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn)); }
// Fill output buffer
FillMemory((m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb), cchIn, uchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb += cchIn; }
// Are we done processing this fork?
if (m_cbToProcess <= (LONG) cchIn) { switch (m_eBinHexStateDec) { case sHEADER: // Verify that we have the correct CRC
m_wCRC = 0; BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) m_rBinhexHeader.pb, cbMinBinHexHeader + *(m_rBinhexHeader.pb) - 2, &(m_wCRC)); BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(m_wCRC)); if ( HIBYTE( m_wCRC ) != m_rBinhexHeader.pb[cbMinBinHexHeader + *(m_rBinhexHeader.pb) - 2] || LOBYTE( m_wCRC ) != m_rBinhexHeader.pb[cbMinBinHexHeader + *(m_rBinhexHeader.pb) - 1] ) { hr = E_FAIL; // ERROR_INVALID_DATA
goto exit; } m_wCRC = 0; *pcbProduced = 0; // Switch to using the correct buffer
m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rOut; cchIn -= m_cbToProcess; // Save off the size of the two forks
pbBinHex = m_rBinhexHeader.pb + m_rBinhexHeader.pb[0] + cbMinBinHexHeader - 10; m_cbDataFork = NATIVE_LONG_FROM_BIG(pbBinHex); m_cbResourceFork =NATIVE_LONG_FROM_BIG(pbBinHex + 4); if (FALSE == m_fDataForkOnly) { // Copy extra data into new buffer
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn + sizeof(MACBINARY))) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn + sizeof(MACBINARY))); }
// Write out the MacBinary header
CHECKHR(hr = HrCreateMacBinaryHeader(&m_rBinhexHeader, m_prBinhexOutput)); } if (m_cbDataFork > 0) { // Fill output buffer
FillMemory((m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb), cchIn, uchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb += cchIn; // delete binhex header buffer
SafeMemFree(m_rBinhexHeader.pb); ZeroMemory(&m_rBinhexHeader, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER));
m_cbToProcess = m_cbDataFork; // Switch to doing the data fork.
m_eBinHexStateDec = sDATA; } else { BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(m_wCRC)); // Save off the CRC until we can get the CRC from the fork.
m_wCRCForFork = m_wCRC; m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rBinhexHeader; // Remove the HEADER from the buffer
FillMemory(m_prBinhexOutput->pb, cchIn, uchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb = cchIn; // Switch to filling the data CRC
m_cbToProcess = 2; m_eBinHexStateDec = sDATACRC; } break; case sDATA: // Verify that we have the correct CRC
BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb - cchIn - *pcbProduced, m_cbToProcess + *pcbProduced, &(m_wCRC)); BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(m_wCRC)); // Save off the CRC until we can get the CRC from the fork.
m_wCRCForFork = m_wCRC; m_wCRC = 0; *pcbProduced = 0; cchIn -= m_cbToProcess; // Switch to the proper buffer for CRC calculations
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rBinhexHeader, cchLeft + cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rBinhexHeader, cchLeft + cchIn)); } // Move any current bytes so we don't overwrite anything
CopyMemory((m_rBinhexHeader.pb + m_rBinhexHeader.cb), (m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb), cchIn); m_rBinhexHeader.cb += cchIn; // We only need to pad for a real Mac file...
if (FALSE == m_fDataForkOnly) { // Check to see if the size of the fork is a multiple of 128?
cbPad = 128 - (m_cbDataFork % 128); if (cbPad != 0) { uchIn = '\0'; // Check output buffer for space
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cbPad - cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cbPad - cchIn)); }
// Fill output buffer
FillMemory((m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb - cchIn), cbPad, uchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb += cbPad - cchIn; } } // Switch to filling the data fork CRC
m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rBinhexHeader; m_cbToProcess = 2; m_eBinHexStateDec = sDATACRC; break; case sDATACRC: if ( HIBYTE( m_wCRCForFork ) != m_prBinhexOutput->pb[0] || LOBYTE( m_wCRCForFork ) != m_prBinhexOutput->pb[1] ) { hr = E_FAIL; // ERROR_INVALID_DATA
goto exit; } m_wCRC = 0; cchIn -= m_cbToProcess; *pcbProduced = 0;
if (m_cbResourceFork > 0) { m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rOut; // Switch to the proper buffer for CRC calculations
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn)); } // Move any current bytes so we don't overwrite anything
CopyMemory((m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb), (m_rBinhexHeader.pb + m_rBinhexHeader.cb), cchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb += cchIn; // delete binhex header buffer
SafeMemFree(m_rBinhexHeader.pb); ZeroMemory(&m_rBinhexHeader, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER));
// Switch to filling the resource fork
if (FALSE == m_fDataForkOnly) { m_cbToProcess = m_cbResourceFork; m_eBinHexStateDec = sRESOURCE; } else { m_cbToProcess = 0x0; m_eBinHexStateDec = sENDING; } } else { // Set the CRC for the data fork.
BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(m_wCRC)); // Save off the CRC until we can get the CRC from the fork.
m_wCRCForFork = m_wCRC; // Remove the DATA CRC from the buffer
MoveMemory(m_prBinhexOutput->pb, m_prBinhexOutput->pb + 2, m_prBinhexOutput->cb - 2); m_prBinhexOutput->cb -= 2; // Switch to filling the resource CRC
m_cbToProcess = 2; m_eBinHexStateDec = sRESOURCECRC; } break; case sRESOURCE: // Verify that we have the correct CRC
BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb - cchIn - *pcbProduced, m_cbToProcess + *pcbProduced, &(m_wCRC)); BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) &wBinHexZero, sizeof(wBinHexZero), &(m_wCRC)); // Save off the CRC until we can get the CRC from the fork.
m_wCRCForFork = m_wCRC; m_wCRC = 0; *pcbProduced = 0; cchIn -= m_cbToProcess;
// Switch to the proper buffer for CRC calculations
if (FGROWBUFFER(&m_rBinhexHeader, cchLeft + cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(&m_rBinhexHeader, cchLeft + cchIn)); } // Move any current bytes so we don't overwrite anything
CopyMemory((m_rBinhexHeader.pb + m_rBinhexHeader.cb), (m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb), cchIn); m_rBinhexHeader.cb += cchIn; // Check to see if the size of the fork is a multiple of 128?
cbPad = 128 - (m_cbResourceFork % 128); if (cbPad != 0) { uchIn = '\0'; // Check output buffer for space
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cbPad - cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cbPad - cchIn)); }
// Fill output buffer
FillMemory((m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb - cchIn), cbPad, uchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb += cbPad - cchIn; } // Switch to filling the resource fork CRC
m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rBinhexHeader; m_cbToProcess = 2; m_eBinHexStateDec = sRESOURCECRC; break; case sRESOURCECRC: if ( HIBYTE( m_wCRCForFork ) != m_prBinhexOutput->pb[0] || LOBYTE( m_wCRCForFork ) != m_prBinhexOutput->pb[1] ) { hr = E_FAIL; // ERROR_INVALID_DATA
goto exit; } m_wCRC = 0; cchIn -= m_cbToProcess; m_prBinhexOutput = &m_rOut; *pcbProduced = 0;
// Switch to the proper buffer for CRC calculations
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cchLeft + cchIn)); } // Move any current bytes so we don't overwrite anything
CopyMemory((m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb), (m_rBinhexHeader.pb + m_rBinhexHeader.cb), cchIn); m_prBinhexOutput->cb += cchIn; // delete binhex header buffer
SafeMemFree(m_rBinhexHeader.pb); ZeroMemory(&m_rBinhexHeader, sizeof(CONVERTBUFFER));
// Switch to filling the resource fork
m_cbToProcess = 0x0; m_eBinHexStateDec = sENDING; break; default: Assert(FALSE); break; } }
m_cbToProcess -= cchIn; *pcbProduced += cchIn; hr = S_OK; exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrBinhexThrowAway
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrBinhexThrowAway(LPSTR pszLine, ULONG cbLine) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (m_eBinHexStateDec == sSTARTING) { // Ingore all lines before we start that only have whitespace characters
// or the start tag.
hr = S_OK; for (LPSTR pszEnd = pszLine + cbLine; pszLine < pszEnd; pszLine++) { if (!FBINHEXRETURN(*pszLine)) { // Need to ignore lines that start with the tag
if (((ULONG)(pszEnd - pszLine) >= cbBINHEXSTART) && (StrCmpNI(szBINHEXSTART, pszLine, cbBINHEXSTART) == 0)) { m_eBinHexStateDec = sSTARTED; break; } // We must have gotten bad data
m_eBinHexStateDec = sENDED; goto exit; } } } else if (m_eBinHexStateDec == sENDED) { // We can ignore any lines after we are done.
hr = S_OK; } exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConverter::HrDecodeBinHex
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CInternetConverter::HrDecodeBinHex(void) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG cbLine; LPSTR pszLine; ULONG cbRead=0; ULONG cbLineLength; BOOL fFound; ULONG cbConvert; ULONG cbScan; ULONG i; UCHAR uchConvert[4]; UCHAR uchThis; UCHAR uchDecoded; UCHAR cuchWrite; UCHAR rgbShift[] = {0, 4, 2, 0}; ULONG cbProduced = 0;
// Read lines and stuff dots
while(1) { // Increment Index
m_rIn.i += cbRead;
// Get Next Line
pszLine = PszConvBuffGetNextLine(&cbLine, &cbRead, &fFound); if (0 == cbRead || (FALSE == fFound && FALSE == m_fLastBuffer)) { goto exit; }
// UUENCODE ThrowAway
hr = HrBinhexThrowAway(pszLine, cbLine); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } else if (S_OK == hr) { continue; }
hr = S_OK;
// Do I need to grow
if (FGROWBUFFER(m_prBinhexOutput, cbLine + 20)) { // Grow the buffer
CHECKHR(hr = HrGrowBuffer(m_prBinhexOutput, cbLine + 20)); }
AssertSz((m_eBinHexStateDec != sSTARTING) && (m_eBinHexStateDec != sENDED), "Why haven't we found the start of the stream yet??\n"); // Decodes characters in line buffer
for (i=0; i<cbLine; i++) { uchThis = pszLine[i];
// Check for valid white space
if (FBINHEXRETURN(uchThis)) continue; // Check for start or end of stream
if (BINHEX_TERM == uchThis) { if (m_eBinHexStateDec == sSTARTED) { m_eBinHexStateDec = sHDRFILESIZE; continue; } else if (m_eBinHexStateDec == sENDING) { m_eBinHexStateDec = sENDED; break; } } if (m_eBinHexStateDec == sENDING) { if (('!' == uchThis) || (TRUE == m_fDataForkOnly)) { continue; } else { // ensure that we're not in an invalid state. If we made it to sENDING and we got
// valid CRCs and everything is hunky dory, just ignore the terminating stuff.
continue; } } // Decode It
uchDecoded = DECODEBINHEX(uchThis);
// Test for valid char
if (uchDecoded == BINHEX_INVALID) { hr = E_FAIL; // ERROR_INVALID_DATA
goto exit; }
if ( m_cAccum == 0 ) { m_ulAccum = uchDecoded; ++m_cAccum; continue; } else { m_ulAccum = ( m_ulAccum << 6 ) | uchDecoded; uchDecoded = (BYTE)(m_ulAccum >> rgbShift[m_cAccum]) & 0xff; m_cAccum++; m_cAccum %= sizeof(m_ulAccum); }
// If we are repeating then fill the buffer with char
if (m_fRepeating) { m_fRepeating = FALSE; // Check to see if it's just a literal 0x90
if (0x00 == uchDecoded) { // Just write out one BINHEX_REPEAT char
m_uchPrev = BINHEX_REPEAT; cuchWrite = 1; } else { cuchWrite = uchDecoded - 1; } } // Check for repeat character
else if (BINHEX_REPEAT == uchDecoded) { m_fRepeating = TRUE; continue; }
// Else it's just a normal character.
else { m_uchPrev = uchDecoded; cuchWrite = 1; }
CHECKHR(HrBinhexDecodeBuffAppend(m_uchPrev, cuchWrite, cbLine - i, &cbProduced)); }
BinHexCalcCRC16((LPBYTE) m_prBinhexOutput->pb + m_prBinhexOutput->cb - cbProduced, cbProduced, &(m_wCRC)); cbProduced = 0; }
hr = S_OK;
exit: // Done
return hr; }