// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// rfc1522.cpp
// Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Steven J. Bailey
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "internat.h"
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "inetconv.h"
#include "strconst.h"
#include "variantx.h"
#include "mimeapi.h"
#include "demand.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ISQPESCAPE(_ch) \
(IS_EXTENDED(_ch) || _ch == '?' || _ch == '=' || \ _ch == '_' || _ch == '"' || \ _ch == '<' || _ch == '>' || \ _ch == '(' || _ch == ')' || \ _ch == '[' || _ch == ']' || \ _ch == ',')
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RFC1522OUT
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct tagRFC1522OUT { BOOL fWrite; CHAR szBuffer[512]; ULONG iBuffer; LPSTREAM pstm; } RFC1522OUT, *LPRFC1522OUT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522WriteDone
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrRfc1522WriteDone(LPRFC1522OUT pOut, LPSTR *ppszRfc1522) { // We better be writing
Assert(pOut->fWrite && ppszRfc1522);
// Init
*ppszRfc1522 = NULL;
// If we haven't created the stream yet, just use the buffer...
if (NULL == pOut->pstm) { // No data
if (0 == pOut->iBuffer) return S_OK;
// Allocate
*ppszRfc1522 = PszAllocA(pOut->iBuffer + 1); if (NULL == *ppszRfc1522) return TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Copy data
CopyMemory(*ppszRfc1522, pOut->szBuffer, pOut->iBuffer);
// Null term
*((*ppszRfc1522) + pOut->iBuffer) = '\0'; }
// Otherwise, do stream
else { // Commit final data to stream...
if (0 != pOut->iBuffer) { if (FAILED(pOut->pstm->Write(pOut->szBuffer, pOut->iBuffer, NULL))) return TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Commit the stream
if (FAILED(pOut->pstm->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT))) return TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Convert the stream to an ANSI string
*ppszRfc1522 = PszFromANSIStreamA(pOut->pstm); Assert(NULL != *ppszRfc1522);
// Release the stream
SafeRelease(pOut->pstm); }
// Done
return S_OK; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522Write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrRfc1522Write(LPRFC1522OUT pOut, UCHAR ch) { // If not saving data..
if (!pOut->fWrite) return S_OK;
// If buffer + 1 is full, dump to stream
if (pOut->iBuffer + 1 > sizeof(pOut->szBuffer)) { // Do I have a stream yet...
if (NULL == pOut->pstm) { // Create stream
if (FAILED(MimeOleCreateVirtualStream(&pOut->pstm))) return TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Write buffer to the stream
if (FAILED(pOut->pstm->Write(pOut->szBuffer, pOut->iBuffer, NULL))) return TrapError(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Reset buffers
pOut->iBuffer = 0; }
// Add character to the buffer
pOut->szBuffer[pOut->iBuffer++] = ch;
// Done
return S_OK; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522WriteStr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrRfc1522WriteStr(LPRFC1522OUT pOut, LPSTR psz, LONG cb) { HRESULT hr; while(cb) { hr = HrRfc1522Write(pOut, *psz); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; psz++; cb--; }
return S_OK; }
inline BOOL IsRfc1522Token(UCHAR ch) { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
static UINT abToken[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 000-031
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 032-063
0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1, // 064-095
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, // 096-127
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, // 128-159
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, // 160-191
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, // 192-223
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; // 224-255
Assert(sizeof(abToken)/sizeof(abToken[1])==256); Assert(abToken['(']==FALSE); Assert(abToken[')']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['<']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['>']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['@']==FALSE); Assert(abToken[',']==FALSE); Assert(abToken[';']==FALSE); Assert(abToken[':']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['/']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['[']==FALSE); Assert(abToken[']']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['?']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['.']==FALSE); Assert(abToken['=']==FALSE);
return (BOOL) abToken[ch]; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PszRfc1522Find
// Find an RFC1522 word. If the string pointer passed in is NULL, then NULL is
// returned. If a word is not found, then a pointer to the terminatng NULL is
// returned. If a word is found, then a pointer to the word is returned, and
// an output parameter for whether the word was preceeded by non-blank characters
// is set.
// If a word is not found, then the output parameter is undefined.
// The output parameter is optional - it may be NULL, in which case the value
// will not be stored.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPSTR PszRfc1522Find(LPSTR psz, BOOL *pbNonBlankLeading) { LPSTR pszCharset;
if (!psz || !*psz) { goto exit; }
if (pbNonBlankLeading) { *pbNonBlankLeading = FALSE; }
// Skip over any leading blanks.
while (*psz && (*psz == ' ' || *psz == '\t' || *psz == '\r' || *psz == '\n')) { psz++; }
if (*psz && (psz[0] != '=' || psz[1] != '?')) { again: // If we end up here (either through the if above or by a goto from below),
// it means that we have some number of non-blank characters before the
// RFC1522 word.
if (pbNonBlankLeading) { *pbNonBlankLeading = TRUE; } } // Skip until we find an =?.
while (*psz && (psz[0] != '=' || psz[1] != '?')) { psz++; } if (!*psz) { // End of the string.
goto exit; } Assert(psz[0] == '=' && psz[1] == '?');
// Parse out the charset.
pszCharset = psz; psz += 2; while (IsRfc1522Token(*psz)) { psz++; } if (!*psz) { // End of the string.
goto exit; } if (*psz != '?') { // Malformed.
goto again; } Assert(*psz == '?');
// Parse out the encoding.
psz++; while (IsRfc1522Token(*psz)) { psz++; } if (!*psz) { // End of the string.
goto exit; } if (*psz != '?') { // Malformed.
goto again; } Assert(*psz == '?');
// Parse out the data.
psz++; while (*psz && (psz[0] != '?' || psz[1] != '=')) { psz++; } if (!*psz) { // End of the string.
goto exit; } Assert(psz[0] == '?' && psz[1] == '=');
psz = pszCharset;
exit: return psz; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PszRfc1522Decode - *(*ppsz) -> '?'
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPSTR PszRfc1522Decode(LPSTR psz, CHAR chEncoding, LPRFC1522OUT pOut) { // Check params
Assert(pOut && psz && *psz == '?'); Assert(chEncoding == 'B' || chEncoding == 'b' || chEncoding == 'Q' || chEncoding == 'q');
// Step over '?'
// Done...
if ('\0' == *psz) return psz;
// Q encoding
if ('Q' == chEncoding || 'q' == chEncoding) { // Locals
UCHAR uch; CHAR ch, ch1, ch2; LPSTR pszMark;
// While we have characters and '?=' is not found...
while(*psz && (psz[0] != '?' || psz[1] != '=')) { // Get next char
uch = *psz++;
// Encoded hex pair i.e. '=1d'
if (uch == '=') { // Mark position
pszMark = psz;
// Hex char 1 - If no null...
if (*psz != '\0') ch1 = ChConvertFromHex (*psz++); else ch1 = (char)255;
// Hex char 2 - if no null
if (*psz != '\0') ch2 = ChConvertFromHex (*psz++); else ch2 = (char)255; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// raid x5-69640 - Incomplete QP encoded letter causes �
// This is a sign-extension bug - we need to compare against
// (char)255 instead of 255...
// If both are = 255, its an equal sign
if (ch1 == (char)255 || ch2 == (char)255) //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
{ if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, '='))) return NULL; psz = pszMark; }
// Otherwise, build character
else { ch = ( ch1 << 4 ) | ch2; if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, ch))) return NULL; } }
// _ equals space...
else if( uch == '_' ) { if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, ' '))) return NULL; }
// Otherwise, just append the character
else { if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, uch))) return NULL; } } }
// B encoding
else { // Locals
ULONG cbIn=0, cbPad=0; UCHAR ucIn[4], uch;
// While we have characters and '?=' is not found...
while(*psz && (psz[0] != '?' || psz[1] != '=')) { // Gets 4 legal Base64 characters, ignores if illegal
uch = *psz++;
// Decode base64 character
ucIn[cbIn] = DECODE64(uch) ;
// Inc count
if (ucIn[cbIn] < 64 || (uch == '=' && cbIn > 1)) cbIn++;
// Pad it
if (uch == '=' && cbIn > 1) cbPad++;
// Outputs when 4 legal Base64 characters are in the buffer
if (cbIn == 4) { if (cbPad < 3) { if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, (ucIn[0] << 2) | (ucIn[1] >> 4)))) return NULL; } if (cbPad < 2) { if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, (ucIn[1] << 4) | (ucIn[2] >> 2)))) return NULL; } if (cbPad < 1) { if (FAILED(HrRfc1522Write(pOut, (ucIn[2] << 6) | (ucIn[3])))) return NULL; } cbIn = 0; } } }
// Finish stepping
if ('?' == *psz) psz++; if ('=' == *psz) psz++;
// Done
return psz; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PszRfc1522GetEncoding - *(*ppsz) -> '?'
// Returns NULL if '?X?' is not found... or B b Q q is not found
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPSTR PszRfc1522GetEncoding(LPSTR psz, CHAR *pchEncoding) { // Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Should be pointing to '='
if ('?' != *psz) return NULL;
// Next character
// Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Save encoding...
*pchEncoding = *psz;
// Step over encoding character
// Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Should be pointing to '='
if ('?' != *psz) return NULL;
// Invalid encoding
if ('B' != *pchEncoding && 'b' != *pchEncoding && 'Q' != *pchEncoding && 'q' != *pchEncoding) return NULL;
// Continue
return psz; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PszRfc1522GetCset - *(*ppsz) -> '='
// Returns NULL if '=?CHARSET?' is not found
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPSTR PszRfc1522GetCset(LPSTR psz, LPSTR pszCharset, ULONG cchmax) { // Locals
LPSTR pszStart, pszEnd;
// Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Should be pointing to '='
if ('=' != *psz) return NULL;
// Next character
// Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Should be pointing to '?'
if ('?' != *psz) return NULL;
// Step over '?'
// Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Save Start
pszStart = psz;
// Seek to next '?'
while(*psz && *psz != '?') psz++;
// Done
if ('\0' == *psz) return NULL;
// Save end
pszEnd = psz; Assert(*pszEnd == '?');
// Charset name is too large...
if ((ULONG)(pszEnd - pszStart) > cchmax) return NULL;
// Copy charset
*pszEnd = '\0'; StrCpyNA(pszCharset, pszStart, cchmax); *pszEnd = '?';
// Continue
return psz; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522EncodeBase64
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrRfc1522EncodeBase64(UCHAR *pb, ULONG cb, LPSTREAM pStream) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; BYTE rgbEncoded[1024]; ULONG cbEncoded=0; ULONG i; UCHAR uch[3];
// Encodes 3 characters at a time
for (i=0; i<cb; i+=3) { // Setup Buffer
uch[0] = pb[i]; uch[1] = (i + 1 < cb) ? pb[i + 1] : '\0'; uch[2] = (i + 2 < cb) ? pb[i + 2] : '\0';
// Encode first tow
rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[0] >> 2) & 0x3F]; rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[0] << 4 | uch[1] >> 4) & 0x3F];
// Encode Next
if (i + 1 < cb) rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[1] << 2 | uch[2] >> 6) & 0x3F]; else rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = '=';
// Encode Net
if (i + 2 < cb) rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = g_rgchEncodeBase64[(uch[2]) & 0x3F]; else rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = '='; }
// Write rgbEncoded
CHECKHR(hr = pStream->Write(rgbEncoded, cbEncoded, NULL));
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522EncodeQP
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrRfc1522EncodeQP(UCHAR *pb, ULONG cb, LPSTREAM pStream) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; BYTE rgbEncoded[1024]; ULONG cbEncoded=0; ULONG i;
// Loop through buffer
for (i=0; i<cb; i++) { // Replace spaces with underscore - this is a more portable character
if (pb[i] == ' ') rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = '_';
// Otherwise, if this is an escapeable character
else if (ISQPESCAPE(pb[i])) { // Write equal sign (start of an encodedn QP character
rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = '='; rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = g_rgchHex[pb[i] >> 4]; rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = g_rgchHex[pb[i] & 0x0F]; }
// Otherwise, just write the char as is
else rgbEncoded[cbEncoded++] = pb[i]; }
// Write rgbEncoded
CHECKHR(hr = pStream->Write(rgbEncoded, cbEncoded, NULL));
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FContainsExtended
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL FContainsExtended(LPPROPSTRINGA pStringA, ULONG *pcExtended) { // Invalid Arg
Assert(ISVALIDSTRINGA(pStringA) && pcExtended);
// Init
*pcExtended = 0;
// Look for an extended character
for (ULONG cch=0; cch<pStringA->cchVal; cch++) { // Is this an extended char
if (IS_EXTENDED(pStringA->pszVal[cch])) { // Count
(*pcExtended)++; } }
// Done
return ((*pcExtended) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
#define IS_EXTENDED_W(wch) \
((wch > 126 || wch < 32) && wch != L'\t' && wch != L'\n' && wch != L'\r')
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FContainsExtendedW
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL FContainsExtendedW(LPPROPSTRINGW pStringW, ULONG *pcExtended) { // Invalid Arg
Assert(ISVALIDSTRINGW(pStringW) && pcExtended);
// Init
*pcExtended = 0;
// Look for an extended character
for (ULONG cch=0; cch<pStringW->cchVal; cch++) { // Is this an extended char
if (IS_EXTENDED_W(pStringW->pszVal[cch])) { // Count
(*pcExtended)++; } }
// Done
return ((*pcExtended) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522Encode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MIMEOLEAPI MimeOleRfc1522Encode( /* in */ LPCSTR pszValue, /* in */ HCHARSET hCharset, /* out */ LPSTR *ppszEncoded) { // Locals
// Invalid Arg
if (NULL == pszValue || NULL == hCharset || NULL == ppszEncoded) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Init rDest
ZeroMemory(&rDest, sizeof(MIMEVARIANT));
// Setup rSource
rSource.type = MVT_STRINGA; rSource.rStringA.pszVal = (LPSTR)pszValue; rSource.rStringA.cchVal = lstrlen(pszValue);
// Open the Character Set
CHECKHR(hr = g_pInternat->HrOpenCharset(hCharset, &pCharset));
// Setup rDest
rDest.type = MVT_STRINGA;
// Convert the String
CHECKHR(hr = g_pInternat->HrConvertString(pCharset->cpiWindows, pCharset->cpiInternet, &rSource, &rDest));
// Setup Source and Dest Charset
cpiSource = pCharset->cpiWindows; cpiDest = pCharset->cpiInternet;
// Adjust the Codepages
CHECKHR(hr = g_pInternat->HrValidateCodepages(&rSource, &rDest, NULL, NULL, &cpiSource, &cpiDest));
// 1522 Encode this dude
CHECKHR(hr = HrRfc1522Encode(&rSource, &rDest, cpiSource, cpiDest, pCharset->szName, ppszEncoded));
exit: // Cleanup
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrRfc1522Encode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrRfc1522Encode(LPMIMEVARIANT pSource, LPMIMEVARIANT pDest, CODEPAGEID cpiSource, CODEPAGEID cpiDest, LPCSTR pszCharset, LPSTR *ppszEncoded) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; CByteStream cStream; CHAR chEncoding; ULONG cExtended=0; LPBYTE pb; ULONG cb; ULONG i=0; ULONG cbFirstTry; ULONG cbRead; BLOB rBlobSource; BLOB rBlobCset; ULONG cTrys; CHAR szEncoding[1]; ULONG iBefore; ULONG iAfter; ULONG cbExtra; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; LARGE_INTEGER li; //IStream *pStream=NULL;
// Invalid Arg
Assert(pSource && pDest && pszCharset && ppszEncoded); Assert(MVT_STRINGW == pSource->type ? CP_UNICODE == cpiSource : CP_UNICODE != cpiSource); Assert(cpiDest != CP_UNICODE && MVT_STRINGA == pDest->type);
// Init
*ppszEncoded = NULL; uli.HighPart = 0; li.HighPart = 0; rBlobCset.pBlobData = NULL;
// Raid-50014: Will will always rfc1522 encode utf encodings
// Raid-50788: Cannot post UTF news messages
if (MVT_STRINGW != pSource->type) { // If it does not contain 8bit, then no rfc1522 encoding is needed
if (FALSE == FContainsExtended(&pSource->rStringA, &cExtended)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } }
// We should be converting to UTF...
else { // Must be encoding into utf
Assert(65000 == cpiDest || 65001 == cpiDest);
// If it does not contain 8bit, then no rfc1522 encoding is needed
if (FALSE == FContainsExtendedW(&pSource->rStringW, &cExtended)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } }
// Create a Stream
// CHECKHR(hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &pStream));
// Compute Encoding...
chEncoding = (((cExtended * 100) / pSource->rStringA.cchVal) >= 17) ? 'B' : 'Q';
// RAID-21673: If DBCS source codepage, then, encode the entire string so that I don't fragment the character set encoding.
if (IsDBCSCodePage(cpiSource)) chEncoding = 'B';
// Set szEncoding
szEncoding[0] = chEncoding;
// Setup Encoding Loop
pb = (MVT_STRINGW == pSource->type) ? (LPBYTE)pSource->rStringW.pszVal : (LPBYTE)pSource->rStringA.pszVal; cb = (MVT_STRINGW == pSource->type) ? (pSource->rStringW.cchVal * sizeof(WCHAR)) : pSource->rStringA.cchVal;
// Adjust pszCharset
if (CP_JAUTODETECT == cpiDest || 50222 == cpiDest || 50221 == cpiDest) pszCharset = (LPSTR)c_szISO2022JP;
// Compute cbExtra - =?cchCharset?1?<cbFirstTry>?=
cbExtra = 2 + lstrlen(pszCharset) + 3 + 2;
// Compute cbFirstTry
cbFirstTry = 76 - cbExtra;
// cbFirstTry needs to be even if we are encoding unicode
cbFirstTry -= (cbFirstTry % 2);
// Adjust cbFirstTry if its greater than cb
cbFirstTry = min(cb, cbFirstTry);
// Make sure cbFirstTry is even ... That's a good starting point,
// but we need to make sure that we're not breaking on a leading byte
// On Korean (and other DBCS locales) we can have a mix of
// SBCs and MBCs, so just being even isn't enough
if(pb && (MVT_STRINGW != pSource->type)) { LPCSTR pszEnd = (LPCSTR)&pb[cbFirstTry], pszNewEnd = NULL;
pszNewEnd = CharPrevExA((WORD)cpiSource, (LPCSTR)pb, pszEnd, 0); if(pszNewEnd && (pszNewEnd == (pszEnd - 1)) && IsDBCSLeadByteEx(cpiSource, *pszNewEnd)) cbFirstTry-= (ULONG)(pszEnd - pszNewEnd); }
// Loop until we have encoded the entire string
while (i < cb) { // Write Prefix
CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write("=?", 2, NULL)); CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write(pszCharset, lstrlen(pszCharset), NULL)); CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write("?", 1, NULL)); CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write(szEncoding, 1, NULL)); CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write("?", 1, NULL));
// Compute Try Amount
rBlobSource.cbSize = min(cb - i, cbFirstTry); rBlobSource.pBlobData = (LPBYTE)(pb + i);
// Get Index
CHECKHR(hr = HrGetStreamPos(&cStream, &iBefore));
// Encoded blocks until we get one at a good length
for (cTrys=0;;cTrys++) { // Too many Trys ?
if (cTrys > 100) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Too many rfc1522 encode buffer reduction attemps, failing (No rfc1522 encoding will be applied)."); hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// Memory Leak
Assert(NULL == rBlobCset.pBlobData);
// Convert Block
CHECKHR(hr = g_pInternat->ConvertBuffer(cpiSource, cpiDest, &rBlobSource, &rBlobCset, &cbRead));
// Problem
if (cbRead == 0) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad buffer conversion"); hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// Validate
Assert(cbRead <= rBlobSource.cbSize);
// 'B' Encoding
if ('B' == chEncoding) { // ApplyBase64
CHECKHR(hr = HrRfc1522EncodeBase64(rBlobCset.pBlobData, rBlobCset.cbSize, &cStream)); } else { // ApplyQP
CHECKHR(hr = HrRfc1522EncodeQP(rBlobCset.pBlobData, rBlobCset.cbSize, &cStream)); }
// Get Index
CHECKHR(hr = HrGetStreamPos(&cStream, &iAfter));
// Validate
Assert(iAfter > iBefore);
// Too big ?
if ((iAfter - iBefore) + cbExtra <= 76) break;
// Problem
if (rBlobSource.cbSize <= 5) { Assert(FALSE); hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// Cleanup
// Seek Back to iBefore
uli.LowPart = iBefore; cStream.SetSize(uli);
// Seek Backwards
li.LowPart = iBefore; cStream.Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
// Compute Inflation Rate
if (0 == cTrys) rBlobSource.cbSize = (((76 - cbExtra) * rBlobSource.cbSize) / (iAfter - iBefore));
// Otherwise, start taking off 5 bytes
else rBlobSource.cbSize -= 5;
// Make sure it is even ... That's a good starting point,
// but we need to make sure that we're not breaking on a leading byte
// On Korean (and other DBCS locales) we can have a mix of
// SBCs and MBCs, so just being even isn't enough
rBlobSource.cbSize -= (rBlobSource.cbSize % 2); if(rBlobSource.pBlobData && (MVT_STRINGW != pSource->type)) { LPCSTR pszEnd = (LPCSTR)&rBlobSource.pBlobData[rBlobSource.cbSize], pszNewEnd = NULL;
pszNewEnd = CharPrevExA((WORD)cpiSource, (LPCSTR)rBlobSource.pBlobData, pszEnd, 0); if(pszNewEnd && (pszNewEnd == (pszEnd - 1)) && IsDBCSLeadByteEx(cpiSource, *pszNewEnd)) rBlobSource.cbSize-= (ULONG)(pszEnd - pszNewEnd); }
// Should be less than cb
Assert(rBlobSource.cbSize < cb); }
// Write termination
CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write("?=", 2, NULL));
// Increment i
i += cbRead;
// Cleanup
// Write folding
if (i < cb) { // Write Fold
CHECKHR(hr = cStream.Write(c_szCRLFTab, lstrlen(c_szCRLFTab), NULL)); } }
// Return the encoded string
CHECKHR(hr = cStream.HrAcquireStringA(&cb, ppszEncoded, ACQ_DISPLACE)); //cStream.Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
//CHECKALLOC(*ppszEncoded = PszFromANSIStreamA(pStream));
exit: // Cleanup
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MimeOleRfc1522Decode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MIMEOLEAPI MimeOleRfc1522Decode(LPCSTR pszValue, LPSTR pszCharset, ULONG cchmax, LPSTR *ppszDecoded) { // Locals
HRESULT hrEncoded=E_FAIL, hrCsetFound=E_FAIL; RFC1522OUT rOut; LPSTR psz=(LPSTR)pszValue, pszNew; CHAR szCset[CCHMAX_CSET_NAME], chEncoding; BOOL bNonBlankLeading;
// check params
if (NULL == pszValue) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Init out structure
ZeroMemory(&rOut, sizeof(RFC1522OUT));
// Save data..
if (ppszDecoded) rOut.fWrite = TRUE;
// Start decoding loop...
while(psz && *psz) { // Seek to start of 1522 encoding...
pszNew = PszRfc1522Find(psz, &bNonBlankLeading); Assert(pszNew!=NULL);
if (bNonBlankLeading || psz == pszValue || !*psz) { // Either we found non-blank characters before the word,
// or this is the first word on the line, or we didn't
// find a word. Whatever, we need to write all of the
// data before the word.
if (FAILED(HrRfc1522WriteStr(&rOut, psz, (LONG) (pszNew-psz)))) { break; } } // If didn't find start.. were done
if (!*pszNew) break;
// Set psz to new position
psz = pszNew;
// Get charset
pszNew = PszRfc1522GetCset(psz, szCset, ARRAYSIZE(szCset));
// If didn't parse charset correctly, continue
if (NULL == pszNew) { psz++; continue; }
// Character set was found
hrCsetFound = S_OK; // Was caller just looking for the charset...
if (NULL == ppszDecoded) break;
// Otherwise, parse encoding
pszNew = PszRfc1522GetEncoding(pszNew, &chEncoding);
// If didn't parse charset correctly, continue
if (NULL == pszNew) { psz++; continue; }
// Decode the text to the end - THIS SHOULD NEVER FAIL...
psz = PszRfc1522Decode(pszNew, chEncoding, &rOut);
// It is a valid encoded string
if (psz) hrEncoded = S_OK; }
// Were we actually decoding...
if (ppszDecoded && hrEncoded == S_OK) { // Commit the stream
if (FAILED(HrRfc1522WriteDone(&rOut, ppszDecoded))) { *ppszDecoded = NULL; hrEncoded = S_FALSE; } }
// Otherwise, return charset...
if (pszCharset && hrCsetFound == S_OK) StrCpyN(pszCharset, szCset, cchmax);
// Cleanup
// Done
return ppszDecoded ? hrEncoded : hrCsetFound; }