// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vstream.cpp
// Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Ronald E. Gray
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "vstream.h"
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "demand.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline ULONG ICeil(ULONG x, ULONG interval) { return (x ? (((x-1)/interval) + 1) * interval : 0); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::CVirtualStream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVirtualStream::CVirtualStream(void) { m_cRef = 1; m_cbSize = 0; m_cbCommitted = 0; m_cbAlloc = 0; m_dwOffset = 0; m_pstm = NULL; m_pb = 0; m_fFileErr = FALSE; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::~CVirtualStream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVirtualStream::~CVirtualStream(void) { if (m_pb) VirtualFree(m_pb, 0, MEM_RELEASE); if (m_pstm) m_pstm->Release();
DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::QueryInterface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { // check params
if (ppv == NULL) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Init
*ppv = NULL;
// Find IID
if ( (IID_IUnknown == riid) || (IID_IStream == riid) || (IID_IVirtualStream == riid)) *ppv = (IStream *)this; else { *ppv = NULL; return TrapError(E_NOINTERFACE); }
// AddRef It
// Done
return (ResultFromScode(S_OK)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::AddRef
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CVirtualStream::AddRef(void) { return InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&m_cRef); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::SyncFileStream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CVirtualStream::SyncFileStream() { LARGE_INTEGER li; HRESULT hr;
// figure out where to set the file stream be subtracting the memory portion
// of the stream from the offset
#ifdef MAC
if (m_dwOffset < m_cbAlloc) LISet32(li, 0); else { LISet32(li, m_dwOffset); li.LowPart -= m_cbAlloc; } #else // !MAC
if (m_dwOffset < m_cbAlloc) li.QuadPart = 0; else li.QuadPart = m_dwOffset - m_cbAlloc; #endif // MAC
// seek in the stream
hr = m_pstm->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
// reset the file err member based on the current error
m_fFileErr = !!hr;
return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::Release
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CVirtualStream::Release(void) { ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&m_cRef); if (0 != cRef) { #ifdef DEBUG
return cRef; #else
return 0; #endif
} delete this; return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::Read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef WIN16
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::Read(LPVOID pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead) #else
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::Read(VOID HUGEP *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead) #endif // !WIN16
{ // Locals
HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(S_OK); ULONG cbGet = 0;
// Check
AssertWritePtr(pv, cb);
// Thread Safety
// if the steam pointer is possibly out of sync
// resync
if (m_fFileErr) { hr = SyncFileStream(); if (hr) goto err; } // make sure there's something to read
if (m_dwOffset < m_cbSize) { // figure out what we're getting out of memory
if (m_dwOffset < m_cbCommitted) { if (m_cbSize > m_cbCommitted) cbGet = min(cb, m_cbCommitted - m_dwOffset); else cbGet = min(cb, m_cbSize - m_dwOffset); // copy the memory stuff
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)pv, m_pb + m_dwOffset, cbGet);
// if we still have stuff to read
// and we've used all of the memory
// and we do have a stream, try to get the rest of the data out of the stream
if ( (cbGet != cb) && (m_cbCommitted == m_cbAlloc) && m_pstm) { ULONG cbRead;
#ifdef DEBUG
LARGE_INTEGER li = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER uli = {0, 0};
if (!m_pstm->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli)) #ifdef MAC
Assert(((m_dwOffset + cbGet) - m_cbAlloc) == uli.LowPart); #else // !MAC
Assert(((m_dwOffset + cbGet) - m_cbAlloc) == uli.QuadPart); #endif // MAC
hr = m_pstm->Read(((LPBYTE)pv) + cbGet, cb - cbGet, &cbRead); if (hr) { m_fFileErr = TRUE; goto err; }
cbGet += cbRead; }
m_dwOffset += cbGet; } if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = cbGet; err: // Thread Safety
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::SetSize
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CVirtualStream::SetSize(ULARGE_INTEGER uli) { // Locals
HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(S_OK); ULONG cbDemand = uli.LowPart; ULONG cbCommit = ICeil(cbDemand, g_dwSysPageSize); if (uli.HighPart != 0) return(ResultFromScode(STG_E_MEDIUMFULL)); // Thread Safety
EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); // if we haven't initialized memory, do it now
if (!m_cbAlloc) { LPVOID pv; ULONG cb = 32 * g_dwSysPageSize; // use 32 pages
while ((!(pv = VirtualAlloc(NULL, cb, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE))) && (cb > g_dwSysPageSize)) { cb /= 2; } if (!pv) { hr = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto err; } m_cbAlloc = cb; m_pb = (LPBYTE)pv; } if (cbCommit < m_cbCommitted) { // shrink the stream
LPBYTE pb =m_pb; ULONG cb;
// figure out the begining of the last page in the range not used
pb += cbCommit;
// figure out the size of the range being decommitted
cb = m_cbCommitted - cbCommit; #ifndef MAC
VirtualFree(pb, cb, MEM_DECOMMIT); #endif // !MAC
// figure out what we have left committed
m_cbCommitted = cbCommit; } else if (cbCommit > m_cbCommitted) { LPBYTE pb;
// figure out how much memory to commit
cbCommit = (cbDemand <= m_cbAlloc) ? ICeil(cbDemand, g_dwSysPageSize) : m_cbAlloc;
if (cbCommit > m_cbCommitted) { #ifndef MAC
if (!VirtualAlloc(m_pb, cbCommit, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) { hr = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto err; } #endif // !MAC
m_cbCommitted = cbCommit;
// Wow, we've used all of memory, start up the disk
if (cbDemand > m_cbAlloc) { ULARGE_INTEGER uliAlloc;
// no stream? better create it now
if (!m_pstm) { hr = CreateTempFileStream(&m_pstm); if (hr) goto err; } uliAlloc.LowPart = cbDemand - m_cbAlloc; uliAlloc.HighPart = 0; hr = m_pstm->SetSize(uliAlloc); if (hr) goto err; // if the current offset beyond the end of the memory allocation,
// initialize the stream pointer correctly
if (m_dwOffset > m_cbAlloc) { hr = SyncFileStream(); if (hr) goto err; } } }
m_cbSize = cbDemand; err: // Thread Safety
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::QueryStat
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::Stat(STATSTG *pStat, DWORD grfStatFlag) { // Invalid Arg
if (NULL == pStat) return TrapError(E_INVALIDARG);
// Fill pStat
pStat->type = STGTY_STREAM; pStat->cbSize.HighPart = 0; pStat->cbSize.LowPart = m_cbSize;
// Done
return S_OK; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::QueryStat
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVirtualStream::QueryStat(ULARGE_INTEGER *puliOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER *pulSize) { #ifdef MAC
if (puliOffset) ULISet32(*puliOffset, m_dwOffset); if (pulSize) ULISet32(*pulSize, m_cbSize); #else // !MAC
if (puliOffset) puliOffset->QuadPart = (LONGLONG)m_dwOffset; if (pulSize) pulSize->QuadPart = (LONGLONG)m_cbSize; #endif // MAC
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::Seek
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::Seek(LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition) { // Locals
HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(S_OK); BOOL fForward; ULONG ulOffset; #ifdef MAC
ULONG llCur; #else // !MAC
LONGLONG llCur; #endif // MAC
// Thread Safety
EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); // look for starting position
if (dwOrigin == STREAM_SEEK_CUR) llCur = m_dwOffset; else if (dwOrigin == STREAM_SEEK_END) llCur = m_cbSize; else llCur = 0;
#ifdef MAC
Assert(0 == dlibMove.HighPart); llCur += dlibMove.LowPart; #else // !MAC
llCur += dlibMove.QuadPart; #endif // MAC
// limit to 4 Gig
if (llCur > 0xFFFFFFFF) goto seekerr;
// if we have a stream and
// we are currently in the file stream or the new seek seeks into the
// stream and the seek will not grow the stream, reseek in the stream
if ( m_pstm && ( (m_dwOffset > m_cbAlloc) || (llCur > m_cbAlloc)) && (llCur <= m_cbSize)) { LARGE_INTEGER li; #ifdef MAC
LISet32(li ,llCur < m_cbAlloc ? 0 : llCur - m_cbAlloc); #else // !MAC
li.QuadPart = llCur < m_cbAlloc ? 0 : llCur - m_cbAlloc; #endif // MAC
hr = m_pstm->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); if (hr) { m_fFileErr = TRUE; goto err; } }
m_dwOffset = (ULONG)llCur;
if (plibNewPosition) #ifdef MAC
LISet32(*plibNewPosition, llCur); #else // !MAC
plibNewPosition->QuadPart = llCur; #endif // MAC
err: // Thread Safety
return hr; seekerr: hr = ResultFromScode(STG_E_MEDIUMFULL); goto err; // Done
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVirtualStream::Write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef WIN16
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::Write(const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten) #else
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::Write(const void HUGEP *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten) #endif // !WIN16
{ // Locals
HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(S_OK); ULONG cbNew; ULONG cbWrite = 0;
// Thread Safety
// figure out where we'll end up
cbNew = cb + m_dwOffset;
// make sure that we won't wrap
if (cbNew < m_dwOffset) goto stmfull;
// if that is past the end of the stream, make more stream
if (cbNew > m_cbSize) { ULARGE_INTEGER uli = {cbNew, 0}; hr = SetSize(uli); if (hr) goto err; } // figure out what we're putting into memory
if (m_dwOffset < m_cbCommitted) { cbWrite = min(cb, m_cbCommitted - m_dwOffset);
// copy the memory stuff
CopyMemory(m_pb + m_dwOffset, (LPBYTE)pv, cbWrite); }
// if we still have stuff to write, dump to the file
if (cbWrite != cb) { ULONG cbWritten;
Assert(m_pstm); #ifdef DEBUG
LARGE_INTEGER li = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER uli = {0, 0};
if (!m_pstm->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli)) #ifdef MAC
Assert(0 == uli.HighPart); Assert(((m_dwOffset + cbWrite) - m_cbAlloc) == uli.LowPart); #else // !MAC
Assert(((m_dwOffset + cbWrite) - m_cbAlloc) == uli.QuadPart); #endif // MAC
hr = m_pstm->Write(((LPBYTE)pv) + cbWrite, cb - cbWrite, &cbWritten); if (hr) { m_fFileErr = TRUE; goto err; } cbWrite += cbWritten; }
m_dwOffset += cbWrite; if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = cbWrite; err: // Thread Safety
// Done
return hr;
stmfull: hr = ResultFromScode(STG_E_MEDIUMFULL); goto err; }
STDMETHODIMP CVirtualStream::CopyTo(LPSTREAM pstmDst, ULARGE_INTEGER uli, ULARGE_INTEGER* puliRead, ULARGE_INTEGER* puliWritten) { HRESULT hr = 0; UINT cbBuf; ULONG cbRemain; ULONG cbReadMem = 0; ULONG cbWriteMem = 0; #ifdef MAC
ULARGE_INTEGER uliRead = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER uliWritten = {0, 0}; #else // !MAC
ULARGE_INTEGER uliRead = {0}; ULARGE_INTEGER uliWritten = {0}; #endif // MAC
// Initialize the outgoing params
if (puliRead) { ULISet32((*puliRead), 0); }
if (puliWritten) { ULISet32((*puliWritten), 0); } if (!m_cbSize) goto err;
// if the request is greater than the max ULONG, bring the request down to
// the max ULONG
if (uli.HighPart) #ifdef MAC
ULISet32(uli, ULONG_MAX); #else // !MAC
uli.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; #endif // MAC
if (m_dwOffset < m_cbCommitted) { if (m_cbSize < m_cbAlloc) cbReadMem = (ULONG)min(uli.LowPart, m_cbSize - m_dwOffset); else cbReadMem = (ULONG)min(uli.LowPart, m_cbAlloc - m_dwOffset);
hr = pstmDst->Write(m_pb + m_dwOffset, cbReadMem, &cbWriteMem); if (!hr && (cbReadMem != cbWriteMem)) hr = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (hr) goto err;
uli.LowPart -= cbReadMem; }
// if we didn't get it all from memory and there is information in
// the file stream, read from the file stream
if ( uli.LowPart && (m_cbSize > m_cbAlloc) && m_pstm) { hr = m_pstm->CopyTo(pstmDst, uli, &uliRead, &uliWritten); if (hr) { m_fFileErr = TRUE; goto err; } }
m_dwOffset += uliRead.LowPart + cbReadMem; // Total cbReadMem and ulRead because we have them both.
#ifdef MAC
if (puliRead) { ULISet32(*puliRead, uliRead.LowPart); Assert(INT_MAX - cbReadMem >= puliRead->LowPart); puliRead->LowPart += cbReadMem; }
if (puliWritten) puliWritten->LowPart = uliWritten.LowPart + cbWriteMem; #else // !MAC
if (puliRead) puliRead->QuadPart = cbReadMem + uliRead.LowPart;
// Add in cbWriteMem because any written from the file stream was
// already set
if (puliWritten) puliWritten->QuadPart = uliWritten.LowPart + cbWriteMem; #endif // MAC
err: return (hr); }