** p r o p c r y p . c p p ** ** Purpose: ** Functions to provide blob-level access to the pstore ** ** History ** 3/04/97: (t-erikne) support for non-pstore systems ** 2/15/97: (t-erikne) rewritten for pstore ** 12/04/96: (sbailey) created ** ** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1996, 1997. */
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "propcryp.h"
#include <imnact.h>
#include <demand.h>
// Structures, definitions
#define OBFUSCATOR 0x14151875;
#define PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER 0x02 // 2 bytes in the header
#define PROT_VERSION_1 0x01
#define PROT_PASS_XOR 0x01
#define PROT_PASS_PST 0x02
// Layout of registry data (v0)
// /--------------------------------
// | protected store name, a LPWSTR
// \--------------------------------
// Layout of registry data (v1)
// /----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | version (1 b) =0x01 | type (1 b) =PROT_PASS_* | data (see below)
// \----------------------------------------------------------------------
// data for PROT_PASS_PST
// struct _data
// { LPWSTR szPSTItemName; }
// data for PROT_PASS_XOR
// struct _data
// { DWORD cb; BYTE pb[cb]; }
// Prototypes
static inline BOOL FDataIsValidV0(BLOB *pblob); static BOOL FDataIsValidV1(BYTE *pb); static inline BOOL FDataIsPST(BYTE *pb); static HRESULT XOREncodeProp(const BLOB *const pClear, BLOB *const pEncoded); static HRESULT XORDecodeProp(const BLOB *const pEncoded, BLOB *const pClear);
// Admin functions (init, addref, release, ctor, dtor)
HRESULT HrCreatePropCrypt(CPropCrypt **ppPropCrypt) { *ppPropCrypt = new CPropCrypt(); if (NULL == *ppPropCrypt) return TRAPHR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return (*ppPropCrypt)->HrInit(); }
CPropCrypt::CPropCrypt(void) : m_cRef(1), m_fInit(FALSE), m_pISecProv(NULL) { }
CPropCrypt::~CPropCrypt(void) { ReleaseObj(m_pISecProv); }
ULONG CPropCrypt::AddRef(void) { return ++m_cRef; }
ULONG CPropCrypt::Release(void) { if (0 != --m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0; }
Assert(!m_pISecProv); if (FAILED(hr = PStoreCreateInstance(&m_pISecProv, &provId, NULL, 0))) { // this is true because we will now handle
// all transactions without the protected store
return hr; }
// Public encode/decode/delete functions
HRESULT CPropCrypt::HrEncodeNewProp(LPSTR szAccountName, BLOB *pClear, BLOB *pEncoded) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; const int cchFastbuf = 50; WCHAR szWfast[cchFastbuf]; LPWSTR szWalloc = NULL; LPWSTR wszCookie = NULL; BLOB blob; DWORD dwErr; int cchW;
AssertSz (pClear && pEncoded, "Null Parameter");
pEncoded->pBlobData = NULL;
if (m_fInit == FALSE) return TRAPHR(E_FAIL);
if (!m_pISecProv) { // protected store does not exist
hr = XOREncodeProp(pClear, pEncoded); goto exit; }
if (szAccountName) { if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szAccountName, -1, szWfast, cchFastbuf)) { dwErr = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == dwErr) { // get proper size and alloc buffer
cchW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szAccountName, -1, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID *)&szWalloc, cchW*sizeof(WCHAR)))) goto exit;
if (!(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szAccountName, -1, szWalloc, cchW))) { hr = GetLastError(); goto exit; } } else { hr = dwErr; goto exit; } } } else { szWfast[0] = '\000'; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = PSTSetNewData(m_pISecProv, &PST_IDENT_TYPE_GUID, &PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_GUID, szWalloc?szWalloc:szWfast, pClear, pEncoded))) { BYTE *pb = pEncoded->pBlobData; DWORD sz = pEncoded->cbSize;
Assert(pb); pEncoded->cbSize += PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER; //N This realloc is annoying. If we assume the memory allocator used
//N by the PST function, we could be smarter....
if (FAILED(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID *)&pEncoded->pBlobData, pEncoded->cbSize))) goto exit; pEncoded->pBlobData[0] = PROT_VERSION_1; pEncoded->pBlobData[1] = PROT_PASS_PST; Assert(2 == PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER); CopyMemory(&pEncoded->pBlobData[PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER], pb, sz); PSTFreeHandle(pb); }
exit: if (szWalloc) MemFree(szWalloc); if (FAILED(hr) && pEncoded->pBlobData) MemFree(pEncoded->pBlobData);
return hr; }
HRESULT CPropCrypt::HrEncode(BLOB *pClear, BLOB *pEncoded) { HRESULT hr; PST_PROMPTINFO PromptInfo = { sizeof(PST_PROMPTINFO), 0, NULL, L""};
AssertSz (pClear && pEncoded && pClear->pBlobData && pClear->cbSize, "Null Parameter"); if (m_fInit == FALSE) return TRAPHR(E_FAIL);
if (m_pISecProv) { if (FDataIsValidV1(pEncoded->pBlobData) && FDataIsPST(pEncoded->pBlobData)) { Assert(pEncoded->cbSize-PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER == (lstrlenW((LPWSTR)(pEncoded->pBlobData+PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER))+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
tryagain: hr = m_pISecProv->WriteItem( PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &PST_IDENT_TYPE_GUID, &PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_GUID, (LPCWSTR)&pEncoded->pBlobData[PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER], (DWORD)pClear->cbSize, pClear->pBlobData, &PromptInfo, PST_CF_NONE, 0);
if (PST_E_TYPE_NO_EXISTS == hr) { DOUTL(DOUTL_CPROP, "PropCryp: somebody ruined my type or subtype"); hr = PSTCreateTypeSubType_NoUI( m_pISecProv, &PST_IDENT_TYPE_GUID, PST_IDENT_TYPE_STRING, &PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_GUID, PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_STRING); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto tryagain; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG
if (FDataIsValidV0(pEncoded)) DOUTL(DOUTL_CPROP, "PropCryp: V0 to V1 upgrade"); else if (!FDataIsValidV1(pEncoded->pBlobData)) DOUTL(DOUTL_CPROP, "PropCryp: invalid data on save"); #endif
// now we have XOR data in a PST environment
hr = HrEncodeNewProp(NULL, pClear, pEncoded); } } else { // protected store does not exist
hr = XOREncodeProp(pClear, pEncoded); }
return TrapError(hr); }
/* HrDecode:
** ** Purpose: ** Uses the protstor functions to retrieve a piece of secure data ** unless the data is not pstore, then it maps to the XOR function ** Takes: ** IN pEncoded - blob containing name to pass to PSTGetData ** OUT pClear - blob containing property data ** Notes: ** pBlobData in pClear must be freed with a call to CoTaskMemFree() ** Returns: ** hresult */ HRESULT CPropCrypt::HrDecode(BLOB *pEncoded, BLOB *pClear) { HRESULT hr;
AssertSz(pEncoded && pEncoded->pBlobData && pClear, TEXT("Null Parameter"));
pClear->pBlobData = NULL;
if (m_fInit == FALSE) return TRAPHR(E_FAIL); if (!FDataIsValidV1(pEncoded->pBlobData)) { if (FDataIsValidV0(pEncoded)) { DOUTL(DOUTL_CPROP, "PropCryp: obtaining v0 value"); // looks like we might have a v0 blob: the name string
hr = PSTGetData(m_pISecProv, &PST_IDENT_TYPE_GUID, &PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_GUID, (LPCWSTR)pEncoded->pBlobData, pClear); } else hr = E_InvalidValue; } else if (FDataIsPST(pEncoded->pBlobData)) { Assert(pEncoded->cbSize-PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER == (lstrlenW((LPWSTR)(pEncoded->pBlobData+PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER))+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = PSTGetData(m_pISecProv, &PST_IDENT_TYPE_GUID, &PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_GUID, (LPCWSTR)&pEncoded->pBlobData[PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER], pClear); } else { hr = XORDecodeProp(pEncoded, pClear); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CPropCrypt::HrDelete(BLOB *pProp) { HRESULT hr; PST_PROMPTINFO PromptInfo = { sizeof(PST_PROMPTINFO), 0, NULL, L""};
if (m_fInit == FALSE) return TRAPHR(E_FAIL);
if (m_pISecProv && FDataIsValidV1(pProp->pBlobData) && FDataIsPST(pProp->pBlobData)) { Assert(pProp->cbSize-PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER == (lstrlenW((LPWSTR)(pProp->pBlobData+PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER))+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = m_pISecProv->DeleteItem( PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &PST_IDENT_TYPE_GUID, &PST_IMNACCT_SUBTYPE_GUID, (LPCWSTR)&pProp->pBlobData[PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER], &PromptInfo, 0); } else // nothing to do
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// XOR functions
HRESULT XOREncodeProp(const BLOB *const pClear, BLOB *const pEncoded) { DWORD dwSize; DWORD last, last2; DWORD *pdwCypher; DWORD dex;
pEncoded->cbSize = pClear->cbSize+PROT_SIZEOF_XORHEADER; if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID *)&pEncoded->pBlobData, pEncoded->cbSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // set up header data
Assert(2 == PROT_SIZEOF_HEADER); pEncoded->pBlobData[0] = PROT_VERSION_1; pEncoded->pBlobData[1] = PROT_PASS_XOR; *((DWORD *)&(pEncoded->pBlobData[2])) = pClear->cbSize;
// nevermind that the pointer is offset by the header size, this is
// where we start to write out the modified password
pdwCypher = (DWORD *)&(pEncoded->pBlobData[PROT_SIZEOF_XORHEADER]);
dex = 0; last = OBFUSCATOR; // 0' = 0 ^ ob
if (dwSize = pClear->cbSize / sizeof(DWORD)) { // case where data is >= 4 bytes
for (; dex < dwSize; dex++) { last2 = ((DWORD *)pClear->pBlobData)[dex]; // 1
pdwCypher[dex] = last2 ^ last; // 1' = 1 ^ 0
last = last2; // save 1 for the 2 round
} }
// if we have bits left over
// note that dwSize is computed now in bits
if (dwSize = (pClear->cbSize % sizeof(DWORD))*8) { // need to not munge memory that isn't ours
last >>= sizeof(DWORD)*8-dwSize; pdwCypher[dex] &= ((DWORD)-1) << dwSize; pdwCypher[dex] |= ((((DWORD *)pClear->pBlobData)[dex] & (((DWORD)-1) >> (sizeof(DWORD)*8-dwSize))) ^ last); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT XORDecodeProp(const BLOB *const pEncoded, BLOB *const pClear) { DWORD dwSize; DWORD last; DWORD *pdwCypher; DWORD dex;
// we use CoTaskMemAlloc to be in line with the PST implementation
pClear->cbSize = pEncoded->pBlobData[2]; if (!(pClear->pBlobData = (BYTE *)CoTaskMemAlloc(pClear->cbSize))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // should have been tested by now
Assert(FDataIsValidV1(pEncoded->pBlobData)); Assert(!FDataIsPST(pEncoded->pBlobData));
// nevermind that the pointer is offset by the header size, this is
// where the password starts
pdwCypher = (DWORD *)&(pEncoded->pBlobData[PROT_SIZEOF_XORHEADER]);
dex = 0; last = OBFUSCATOR; if (dwSize = pClear->cbSize / sizeof(DWORD)) { // case where data is >= 4 bytes
for (; dex < dwSize; dex++) last = ((DWORD *)pClear->pBlobData)[dex] = pdwCypher[dex] ^ last; }
// if we have bits left over
if (dwSize = (pClear->cbSize % sizeof(DWORD))*8) { // need to not munge memory that isn't ours
last >>= sizeof(DWORD)*8-dwSize; ((DWORD *)pClear->pBlobData)[dex] &= ((DWORD)-1) << dwSize; ((DWORD *)pClear->pBlobData)[dex] |= ((pdwCypher[dex] & (((DWORD)-1) >> (sizeof(DWORD)*8-dwSize))) ^ last); }
return S_OK; }
// Other static functions
BOOL FDataIsValidV1(BYTE *pb) { return pb && pb[0] == PROT_VERSION_1 && (pb[1] == PROT_PASS_XOR || pb[1] == PROT_PASS_PST); }
BOOL FDataIsValidV0(BLOB *pblob) { return ((lstrlenW((LPWSTR)pblob->pBlobData)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) == pblob->cbSize); }
BOOL FDataIsPST(BYTE *pb) #ifdef DEBUG
{ if (pb) if (pb[1] == PROT_PASS_PST) { DOUTL(DOUTL_CPROP, "PropCryp: Data is PST"); return TRUE; } else { DOUTL(DOUTL_CPROP, "PropCryp: Data is XOR"); return FALSE; } else return FALSE; } #else
{ return pb && pb[1] == PROT_PASS_PST; } #endif