// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dllmain.cpp
// Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Steven J. Bailey
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.hxx"
#include <shfusion.h>
#ifndef MAC
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "demand.h"
#include "strconst.h"
#include "oertpriv.h"
#include <BadStrFunctions.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Globals - Object count and lock count
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HINSTANCE g_hInst=NULL; IMalloc *g_pMalloc=NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION g_csTempFileList={0}; LPTEMPFILEINFO g_pTempFileHead=NULL; DWORD g_dwTlsMsgBuffIndex=0xffffffff; OSVERSIONINFO g_rOSVersionInfo ={0};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug Globals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD dwDOUTLevel=0; DWORD dwDOUTLMod=0; DWORD dwDOUTLModLevel=0; #endif
#ifndef WIN16
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetDllMajorVersion
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dll Entry Point
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { // Handle Attach - detach reason
if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == dwReason) { SHFusionInitialize(NULL); // Save the Instance Handle
g_hInst = hInst;
// Create the task allocator
CoGetMalloc(1, &g_pMalloc);
// Critical Section for the tempfile list
// Initialize Demand Loaded libs
// Allocate a TLS index
g_dwTlsMsgBuffIndex = TlsAlloc(); Assert(g_dwTlsMsgBuffIndex != 0xffffffff);
// Allocate a buffer and store it into the tls index
g_rOSVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(g_rOSVersionInfo);
// Initialize Debug Stuff
#ifdef DEBUG
dwDOUTLevel=GetPrivateProfileInt("Debug", "ICLevel", 0, "athena.ini"); dwDOUTLMod=GetPrivateProfileInt("Debug", "Mod", 0, "athena.ini"); dwDOUTLModLevel=GetPrivateProfileInt("Debug", "ModLevel", 0, "athena.ini"); #endif
// Thread Attach
else if (DLL_THREAD_ATTACH == dwReason) { // Allocate a buffer and store it into the tls index
ThreadAllocateTlsMsgBuffer(); }
// Thread Dettach
else if (DLL_THREAD_DETACH == dwReason) { // Allocate a buffer and store it into the tls index
ThreadFreeTlsMsgBuffer(); }
// Process Detach
else if (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH == dwReason) { // Allocate a buffer and store it into the tls index
// Free the tls index
TlsFree(g_dwTlsMsgBuffIndex); g_dwTlsMsgBuffIndex = 0xffffffff;
// Cleanup Global Temp Files
// Kill the temp file list critical Section
// Free demand loaded libs
// Release task allocator
SafeRelease(g_pMalloc); SHFusionUninitialize(); }
// Done
return TRUE; }
#else //WIN16
BOOL FAR PASCAL LibMain( HINSTANCE hDll, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine ) { g_hInst = hDll; OleInitialize( NULL ); CoGetMalloc( 1, &g_pMalloc ); InitDemandLoadedLibs(); #ifdef DEBUG
dwDOUTLevel=GetPrivateProfileInt("Debug", "ICLevel", 0, "athena.ini"); dwDOUTLMod=GetPrivateProfileInt("Debug", "Mod", 0, "athena.ini"); dwDOUTLModLevel=GetPrivateProfileInt("Debug", "ModLevel", 0, "athena.ini"); #endif
return( TRUE ); }
int CALLBACK WEP( int nExitType ) { BOOL fDSExist = FALSE;
// Following ASM code is to check if DS has been loaded properly
// This is because WEP can be called even before DS is initialized in
// some low memory situation.
_asm { push bx push cx mov cx, ds lar bx, cx jnz wrong test bx, 8000h jz wrong mov fDSExist, ax wrong: pop cx pop bx }
if ( fDSExist ) { SafeRelease( g_pMalloc ); } return( TRUE ); }
#endif //WIN16
#endif // !MAC