Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /*
  2. -
  3. -
  4. - AnsiWrap.h
  5. *
  6. * Contains the declarations for the Win9x Thunkers implemented in
  7. * ansiwrap.c
  8. *
  9. */
  10. extern BOOL g_bRunningOnNT; //set in entry.c
  11. // ADVAPI32.DLL
  12. LONG WINAPI RegOpenKeyExWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to open key
  13. LPCTSTR lpSubKey, // address of name of subkey to open
  14. DWORD ulOptions, // reserved
  15. REGSAM samDesired, // security access mask
  16. PHKEY phkResult); // address of handle to open key
  17. LONG WINAPI RegQueryValueWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query
  18. LPCTSTR lpSubKey, // name of subkey to query
  19. LPTSTR lpValue, // buffer for returned string
  20. PLONG lpcbValue); // receives size of returned string
  21. LONG WINAPI RegEnumKeyExWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to enumerate
  22. DWORD dwIndex, // index of subkey to enumerate
  23. LPTSTR lpName, // address of buffer for subkey name
  24. LPDWORD lpcbName, // address for size of subkey buffer
  25. LPDWORD lpReserved, // reserved
  26. LPTSTR lpClass, // address of buffer for class string
  27. LPDWORD lpcbClass, // address for size of class buffer
  28. PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
  29. // address for time key last written to
  30. LONG WINAPI RegSetValueWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to set value for
  31. LPCTSTR lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
  32. DWORD dwType, // type of value
  33. LPCTSTR lpData, // address of value data
  34. DWORD cbData ); // size of value data
  35. LONG WINAPI RegDeleteKeyWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to open key
  36. LPCTSTR lpSubKey); // address of name of subkey to delete
  37. BOOL WINAPI GetUserNameWrapW( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer
  38. LPDWORD nSize ); // address of size of name buffer
  39. LONG WINAPI RegEnumValueWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query
  40. DWORD dwIndex, // index of value to query
  41. LPTSTR lpValueName, // address of buffer for value string
  42. LPDWORD lpcbValueName, // address for size of value buffer
  43. LPDWORD lpReserved, // reserved
  44. LPDWORD lpType, // address of buffer for type code
  45. LPBYTE lpData, // address of buffer for value data
  46. LPDWORD lpcbData ); // address for size of data buffer
  47. LONG WINAPI RegDeleteValueWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key
  48. LPCTSTR lpValueName ); // address of value name
  49. LONG WINAPI RegCreateKeyWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to an open key
  50. LPCTSTR lpSubKey, // address of name of subkey to open
  51. PHKEY phkResult ); // address of buffer for opened handle
  52. // in header file wincrypt.h
  53. BOOL WINAPI CryptAcquireContextWrapW( HCRYPTPROV *phProv, // out
  54. LPCTSTR pszContainer, // in
  55. LPCTSTR pszProvider, // in
  56. DWORD dwProvType, // in
  57. DWORD dwFlags ); // in
  58. LONG WINAPI RegQueryValueExWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query
  59. LPCTSTR lpValueName, // address of name of value to query
  60. LPDWORD lpReserved, // reserved
  61. LPDWORD lpType, // address of buffer for value type
  62. LPBYTE lpData, // address of data buffer
  63. LPDWORD lpcbData ); // address of data buffer size
  64. LONG WINAPI RegCreateKeyExWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to an open key
  65. LPCTSTR lpSubKey, // address of subkey name
  66. DWORD Reserved, // reserved
  67. LPTSTR lpClass, // address of class string
  68. DWORD dwOptions, // special options flag
  69. REGSAM samDesired, // desired security access
  70. LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
  71. // address of key security structure
  72. PHKEY phkResult, // address of buffer for opened handle
  73. LPDWORD lpdwDisposition ); // address of disposition value buffer
  74. LONG WINAPI RegSetValueExWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to set value for
  75. LPCTSTR lpValueName, // name of the value to set
  76. DWORD Reserved, // reserved
  77. DWORD dwType, // flag for value type
  78. CONST BYTE *lpData, // address of value data
  79. DWORD cbData ); // size of value data
  80. LONG WINAPI RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query
  81. LPTSTR lpClass, // address of buffer for class string
  82. LPDWORD lpcbClass, // address of size of class string buffer
  83. LPDWORD lpReserved, // reserved
  84. LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, // address of buffer for number of subkeys
  85. LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, // address of buffer for longest subkey
  86. // name length
  87. LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen, // address of buffer for longest class
  88. // string length
  89. LPDWORD lpcValues, // address of buffer for number of value
  90. // entries
  91. LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen, // address of buffer for longest
  92. // value name length
  93. LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen, // address of buffer for longest value
  94. // data length
  95. LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
  96. // address of buffer for security
  97. // descriptor length
  98. PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime); // address of buffer for last write time
  99. //GDI32.DLL
  100. int WINAPI GetObjectWrapW( HGDIOBJ hgdiobj, // handle to graphics object of interest
  101. int cbBuffer, // size of buffer for object information
  102. LPVOID lpvObject ); // pointer to buffer for object information
  103. int WINAPI StartDocWrapW( HDC hdc, // handle to device context
  104. CONST DOCINFO *lpdi ); // address of structure with file names
  105. HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectWrapW (CONST LOGFONT *lplf ); // pointer to logical font structure
  106. //KERNEL32.DLL
  107. int WINAPI GetLocaleInfoWrapW( LCID Locale, // locale identifier
  108. LCTYPE LCType, // type of information
  109. LPTSTR lpLCData, // address of buffer for information
  110. int cchData ); // size of buffer
  111. BOOL WINAPI CreateDirectoryWrapW(LPCTSTR lpPathName, // pointer to directory path string
  112. LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes);// pointer to security descriptor
  113. UINT WINAPI GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of buffer for Windows directory
  114. UINT uSize ); // size of directory buffer
  115. UINT WINAPI GetSystemDirectoryWrapW( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of buffer for system directory
  116. UINT uSize ); // size of directory buffer
  117. BOOL WINAPI GetStringTypeWrapW( DWORD dwInfoType,
  118. LPCWSTR lpSrcStr,
  119. int cchSrc,
  120. LPWORD lpCharType);
  121. UINT WINAPI GetProfileIntWrapW( LPCTSTR lpAppName, // address of section name
  122. LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // address of key name
  123. INT nDefault ); // default value if key name is not found
  124. int WINAPI LCMapStringWrapW( LCID Locale, // locale identifier
  125. DWORD dwMapFlags, // mapping transformation type
  126. LPCTSTR lpSrcStr, // address of source string
  127. int cchSrc, // number of characters in source string
  128. LPTSTR lpDestStr, // address of destination buffer
  129. int cchDest ); // size of destination buffer
  130. DWORD WINAPI GetFileAttributesWrapW( LPCTSTR lpFileName ); // pointer to the name of a file or directory
  131. int WINAPI CompareStringWrapW( LCID Locale, // locale identifier
  132. DWORD dwCmpFlags, // comparison-style options
  133. LPCTSTR lpString1, // pointer to first string
  134. int cchCount1, // size, in bytes or characters, of first string
  135. LPCTSTR lpString2, // pointer to second string
  136. int cchCount2 ); // size, in bytes or characters, of second string
  137. HANDLE WINAPI CreateEventWrapW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, // pointer to security attributes
  138. BOOL bManualReset, // flag for manual-reset event
  139. BOOL bInitialState, // flag for initial state
  140. LPCTSTR lpcwszName); // pointer to event-object name
  141. // CompareStringA
  142. LPTSTR WINAPI lstrcpyWrapW( LPTSTR lpString1, // pointer to buffer
  143. LPCTSTR lpString2 ); // pointer to string to copy
  144. int WINAPI lstrcmpiWrapW( LPCTSTR lpString1, // pointer to first string
  145. LPCTSTR lpString2 ); // pointer to second string
  146. HINSTANCE WINAPI LoadLibraryWrapW( LPCTSTR lpLibFileName ); // address of filename of executable module
  147. int WINAPI GetTimeFormatWrapW( LCID Locale, // locale for which time is to be formatted
  148. DWORD dwFlags, // flags specifying function options
  149. CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpTime, // time to be formatted
  150. LPCTSTR lpFormat, // time format string
  151. LPTSTR lpTimeStr, // buffer for storing formatted string
  152. int cchTime ); // size, in bytes or characters, of the buffer
  153. BOOL WINAPI GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW(HDC hdc,
  154. LPCWSTR pwszBuf,
  155. int nLen,
  156. LPSIZE psize);
  157. int WINAPI GetDateFormatWrapW( LCID Locale, // locale for which date is to be formatted
  158. DWORD dwFlags, // flags specifying function options
  159. CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpDate, // date to be formatted
  160. LPCTSTR lpFormat, // date format string
  161. LPTSTR lpDateStr, // buffer for storing formatted string
  162. int cchDate ); // size of buffer
  163. LPTSTR WINAPI lstrcpynWrapW( LPTSTR lpString1, // pointer to target buffer
  164. LPCTSTR lpString2, // pointer to source string
  165. int iMaxLength ); // number of bytes or characters to copy
  166. HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileWrapW( LPCTSTR lpFileName, // pointer to name of the file
  167. DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // access (read-write) mode
  168. DWORD dwShareMode, // share mode
  169. LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
  170. // pointer to security attributes
  171. DWORD dwCreationDisposition, // how to create
  172. DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, // file attributes
  173. HANDLE hTemplateFile ); // handle to file with attributes to copy
  174. VOID WINAPI OutputDebugStringWrapW(LPCTSTR lpOutputString ); // pointer to string to be displayed
  175. LPTSTR WINAPI lstrcatWrapW( LPTSTR lpString1, // pointer to buffer for concatenated strings
  176. LPCTSTR lpString2 ); // pointer to string to add to string1
  177. DWORD WINAPI FormatMessageWrapW( DWORD dwFlags, // source and processing options
  178. LPCVOID lpSource, // pointer to message source
  179. DWORD dwMessageId, // requested message identifier
  180. DWORD dwLanguageId, // language identifier for requested message
  181. LPTSTR lpBuffer, // pointer to message buffer
  182. DWORD nSize, // maximum size of message buffer
  183. va_list *Arguments ); // pointer to array of message inserts
  184. DWORD WINAPI GetModuleFileNameWrapW( HMODULE hModule, // handle to module to find filename for
  185. LPTSTR lpFilename, // pointer to buffer to receive module path
  186. DWORD nSize ); // size of buffer, in characters
  187. UINT WINAPI GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW( LPCTSTR lpAppName, // address of section name
  188. LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // address of key name
  189. INT nDefault, // return value if key name is not found
  190. LPCTSTR lpFileName ); // address of initialization filename
  191. BOOL WINAPI IsBadStringPtrWrapW( LPCTSTR lpsz, // address of string
  192. UINT_PTR ucchMax ); // maximum size of string
  193. DWORD WINAPI GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW( LPCTSTR lpAppName, // points to section name
  194. LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // points to key name
  195. LPCTSTR lpDefault, // points to default string
  196. LPTSTR lpReturnedString, // points to destination buffer
  197. DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
  198. LPCTSTR lpFileName ); // points to initialization filename
  199. int WINAPI lstrcmpWrapW( LPCTSTR lpString1, // pointer to first string
  200. LPCTSTR lpString2 ); // pointer to second string
  201. HANDLE WINAPI CreateMutexWrapW( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes,
  202. // pointer to security attributes
  203. BOOL bInitialOwner, // flag for initial ownership
  204. LPCTSTR lpName ); // pointer to mutex-object name
  205. DWORD WINAPI GetTempPathWrapW( DWORD nBufferLength, // size, in characters, of the buffer
  206. LPTSTR lpBuffer ); // pointer to buffer for temp. path
  207. DWORD WINAPI ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW( LPCTSTR lpSrc, // pointer to string with environment variables
  208. LPTSTR lpDst, // pointer to string with expanded environment
  209. // variables
  210. DWORD nSize ); // maximum characters in expanded string
  211. UINT WINAPI GetTempFileNameWrapW( LPCTSTR lpPathName, // pointer to directory name for temporary file
  212. LPCTSTR lpPrefixString, // pointer to filename prefix
  213. UINT uUnique, // number used to create temporary filename
  214. LPTSTR lpTempFileName ); // pointer to buffer that receives the new filename
  215. // BOOL WINAPI ReleaseMutexWrapW( HANDLE hMutex ); // handle to mutex object
  216. BOOL WINAPI DeleteFileWrapW( LPCTSTR lpFileName ); // pointer to name of file to delete
  217. BOOL WINAPI CopyFileWrapW( LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName, // pointer to name of an existing file
  218. LPCTSTR lpNewFileName, // pointer to filename to copy to
  219. BOOL bFailIfExists ); // flag for operation if file exists
  220. HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotificationWrapW(LPCTSTR lpcwszFilePath, // Directory path of file to watch
  221. BOOL bWatchSubtree, // Monitor entire tree
  222. DWORD dwNotifyFilter); // Conditions to watch for
  223. HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstFileWrapW( LPCTSTR lpFileName, // pointer to name of file to search for
  224. LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData ); // pointer to returned information
  225. BOOL WINAPI GetDiskFreeSpaceWrapW( LPCTSTR lpRootPathName, // pointer to root path
  226. LPDWORD lpSectorsPerCluster, // pointer to sectors per cluster
  227. LPDWORD lpBytesPerSector, // pointer to bytes per sector
  228. LPDWORD lpNumberOfFreeClusters,
  229. // pointer to number of free clusters
  230. LPDWORD lpTotalNumberOfClusters );
  231. // pointer to total number of clusters
  232. BOOL WINAPI MoveFileWrapW( LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName, // pointer to the name of the existing file
  233. LPCTSTR lpNewFileName ); // pointer to the new name for the file
  234. //SHELL32.DLL
  235. HINSTANCE WINAPI ShellExecuteWrapW( HWND hwnd,
  236. LPCTSTR lpOperation,
  237. LPCTSTR lpFile,
  238. LPCTSTR lpParameters,
  239. LPCTSTR lpDirectory,
  240. INT nShowCmd );
  241. UINT WINAPI DragQueryFileWrapW( HDROP hDrop,
  242. UINT iFile,
  243. LPTSTR lpszFile,
  244. UINT cch );
  245. //USER32.DLL
  246. LPTSTR WINAPI CharPrevWrapW( LPCTSTR lpszStart, // pointer to first character
  247. LPCTSTR lpszCurrent ); // pointer to current character
  248. int WINAPI DrawTextWrapW( HDC hDC, // handle to device context
  249. LPCTSTR lpString, // pointer to string to draw
  250. int nCount, // string length, in characters
  251. LPRECT lpRect, // pointer to struct with formatting dimensions
  252. UINT uFormat ); // text-drawing flags
  253. BOOL WINAPI ModifyMenuWrapW( HMENU hMnu, // handle to menu
  254. UINT uPosition, // menu item to modify
  255. UINT uFlags, // menu item flags
  256. UINT_PTR uIDNewItem, // menu item identifier or handle to drop-down
  257. // menu or submenu
  258. LPCTSTR lpNewItem ); // menu item content
  259. BOOL WINAPI InsertMenuWrapW( HMENU hMenu, // handle to menu
  260. UINT uPosition, // menu item that new menu item precedes
  261. UINT uFlags, // menu item flags
  262. UINT_PTR uIDNewItem, // menu item identifier or handle to drop-down
  263. // menu or submenu
  264. LPCTSTR lpNewItem ); // menu item content
  265. HANDLE WINAPI LoadImageWrapW( HINSTANCE hinst, // handle of the instance containing the image
  266. LPCTSTR lpszName, // name or identifier of image
  267. UINT uType, // type of image
  268. int cxDesired, // desired width
  269. int cyDesired, // desired height
  270. UINT fuLoad ); // load flags
  271. BOOL WINAPI GetClassInfoExWrapW( HINSTANCE hinst, // handle of application instance
  272. LPCTSTR lpszClass, // address of class name string
  273. LPWNDCLASSEX lpwcx ); // address of structure for class data
  274. int WINAPI LoadStringWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to module containing string resource
  275. UINT uID, // resource identifier
  276. LPTSTR lpBuffer, // pointer to buffer for resource
  277. int nBufferMax ); // size of buffer
  278. LPTSTR WINAPI CharNextWrapW( LPCTSTR lpsz ); // pointer to current character
  279. LRESULT WINAPI SendMessageWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window
  280. UINT Msg, // message to send
  281. WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
  282. LPARAM lParam ); // second message parameter
  283. LRESULT WINAPI DefWindowProcWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle to window
  284. UINT Msg, // message identifier
  285. WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
  286. LPARAM lParam ); // second message parameter
  287. int WINAPI wsprintfWrapW( LPTSTR lpOut, // pointer to buffer for output
  288. LPCTSTR lpFmt, // pointer to format-control string
  289. ... ); // optional arguments
  290. int WINAPI wvsprintfWrapW( LPTSTR lpOutput, // pointer to buffer for output
  291. LPCTSTR lpFormat, // pointer to format-control string
  292. va_list arglist ); // variable list of format-control arguments
  293. INT_PTR WINAPI DialogBoxParamWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  294. LPCTSTR lpTemplateName, // identifies dialog box template
  295. HWND hWndParent, // handle to owner window
  296. DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, // pointer to dialog box procedure
  297. LPARAM dwInitParam ); // initialization value
  298. LRESULT WINAPI SendDlgItemMessageWrapW( HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box
  299. int nIDDlgItem, // identifier of control
  300. UINT Msg, // message to send
  301. WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
  302. LPARAM lParam ); // second message parameter
  303. LONG WINAPI SetWindowLongWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of window
  304. int nIndex, // offset of value to set
  305. LONG dwNewLong ); // new value
  306. LONG WINAPI GetWindowLongWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of window
  307. int nIndex ); // offset of value to retrieve
  308. LONG_PTR WINAPI SetWindowLongPtrWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of window
  309. int nIndex, // offset of value to set
  310. LONG_PTR dwNewLong ); // new value
  311. LONG_PTR WINAPI GetWindowLongPtrWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of window
  312. int nIndex ); // offset of value to retrieve
  313. HWND WINAPI CreateWindowExWrapW( DWORD dwExStyle, // extended window style
  314. LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to registered class name
  315. LPCTSTR lpWindowName, // pointer to window name
  316. DWORD dwStyle, // window style
  317. int x, // horizontal position of window
  318. int y, // vertical position of window
  319. int nWidth, // window width
  320. int nHeight, // window height
  321. HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent or owner window
  322. HMENU hMenu, // handle to menu, or child-window identifier
  323. HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  324. LPVOID lpParam ); // pointer to window-creation data
  325. BOOL WINAPI UnregisterClassWrapW( LPCTSTR lpClassName, // address of class name string
  326. HINSTANCE hInstance ); // handle of application instance
  327. ATOM WINAPI RegisterClassWrapW(CONST WNDCLASS *lpWndClass ); // address of structure with class date
  328. HCURSOR WINAPI LoadCursorWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  329. LPCTSTR lpCursorName ); // name string or cursor resource identifier
  330. UINT WINAPI RegisterWindowMessageWrapW( LPCTSTR lpString ); // address of message string
  331. BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoWrapW( UINT uiAction, // system parameter to query or set
  332. UINT uiParam, // depends on action to be taken
  333. PVOID pvParam, // depends on action to be taken
  334. UINT fWinIni ); // user profile update flag
  335. /*
  336. // No A & W version.
  337. BOOL WINAPI ShowWindow( HWND hWnd, // handle to window
  338. int nCmdShow ); // show state of window
  339. */
  340. HWND WINAPI CreateDialogParamWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  341. LPCTSTR lpTemplateName, // identifies dialog box template
  342. HWND hWndParent, // handle to owner window
  343. DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, // pointer to dialog box procedure
  344. LPARAM dwInitParam ); // initialization value
  345. BOOL WINAPI SetWindowTextWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle to window or control
  346. LPCTSTR lpString ); // address of string
  347. BOOL WINAPI PostMessageWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window
  348. UINT Msg, // message to post
  349. WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
  350. LPARAM lParam ); // second message parameter
  351. BOOL WINAPI GetMenuItemInfoWrapW( HMENU hMenu,
  352. UINT uItem,
  353. BOOL fByPosition,
  354. LPMENUITEMINFO lpmii );
  355. BOOL WINAPI GetClassInfoWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle of application instance
  356. LPCTSTR lpClassName, // address of class name string
  357. LPWNDCLASS lpWndClass ); // address of structure for class data
  358. LPTSTR WINAPI CharUpperWrapW( LPTSTR lpsz ); // single character or pointer to string
  359. UINT WINAPI RegisterClipboardFormatWrapW( LPCTSTR lpszFormat ); // address of name string
  360. LRESULT WINAPI DispatchMessageWrapW( CONST MSG *lpmsg ); // pointer to structure with message
  361. /* No A & W version
  362. BOOL WINAPI TranslateMessage( IN CONST MSG *lpMsg);
  363. */
  364. BOOL WINAPI IsDialogMessageWrapW( HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box
  365. LPMSG lpMsg ); // address of structure with message
  366. BOOL WINAPI GetMessageWrapW( LPMSG lpMsg, // address of structure with message
  367. HWND hWnd, // handle of window
  368. UINT wMsgFilterMin, // first message
  369. UINT wMsgFilterMax ); // last message
  370. BOOL WINAPI SetDlgItemTextWrapW( HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box
  371. int nIDDlgItem, // identifier of control
  372. LPCTSTR lpString ); // text to set
  373. ATOM WINAPI RegisterClassExWrapW( CONST WNDCLASSEX *lpwcx ); // address of structure with class data
  374. HACCEL WINAPI LoadAcceleratorsWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  375. LPCTSTR lpTableName ); // address of table-name string
  376. HMENU WINAPI LoadMenuWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  377. LPCTSTR lpMenuName ); // menu name string or menu-resource identifier
  378. HICON WINAPI LoadIconWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
  379. LPCTSTR lpIconName ); // icon-name string or icon resource identifier
  380. int WINAPI GetWindowTextWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle to window or control with text
  381. LPTSTR lpString, // address of buffer for text
  382. int nMaxCount ); // maximum number of characters to copy
  383. LRESULT WINAPI CallWindowProcWrapW( WNDPROC lpPrevWndFunc, // pointer to previous procedure
  384. HWND hWnd, // handle to window
  385. UINT Msg, // message
  386. WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
  387. LPARAM lParam ); // second message parameter
  388. int WINAPI GetClassNameWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle of window
  389. LPTSTR lpClassName, // address of buffer for class name
  390. int nMaxCount ); // size of buffer, in characters
  391. int WINAPI TranslateAcceleratorWrapW( HWND hWnd, // handle to destination window
  392. HACCEL hAccTable, // handle to accelerator table
  393. LPMSG lpMsg ); // address of structure with message
  394. UINT WINAPI GetDlgItemTextWrapW( HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box
  395. int nIDDlgItem, // identifier of control
  396. LPTSTR lpString, // address of buffer for text
  397. int nMaxCount ); // maximum size of string
  398. BOOL WINAPI SetMenuItemInfoWrapW( HMENU hMenu,
  399. UINT uItem,
  400. BOOL fByPosition,
  401. LPMENUITEMINFO lpmii );
  402. BOOL WINAPI PeekMessageWrapW( LPMSG lpMsg, // pointer to structure for message
  403. HWND hWnd, // handle to window
  404. UINT wMsgFilterMin, // first message
  405. UINT wMsgFilterMax, // last message
  406. UINT wRemoveMsg ); // removal flags
  407. // in APIs in ComDlg32.dll
  409. BOOL WINAPI pfnGetSaveFileNameWrapW(LPOPENFILENAMEW lpOf);
  410. BOOL WINAPI pfnPrintDlgWrapW(LPPRINTDLGW lppd);
  411. HRESULT WINAPI pfnPrintDlgExWrapW(LPPRINTDLGEXW lppdex);
  412. // run time loaded APIs in Comctl32.dll
  413. INT_PTR WINAPI gpfnPropertySheetWrapW(LPCPROPSHEETHEADERW lppsh);
  414. HPROPSHEETPAGE WINAPI gpfnCreatePropertySheetPageWrapW(LPCPROPSHEETPAGEW lppsp);
  415. HIMAGELIST WINAPI gpfnImageList_LoadImageWrapW( HINSTANCE hi, LPCWSTR lpbmp, int cx, int cGrow, COLORREF crMask, UINT uType, UINT uFlags );
  416. DWORD WINAPI CharLowerBuffWrapW( LPWSTR pch, DWORD cchLength );
  417. DWORD WINAPI CharLowerBuffWrapW( LPWSTR pch, DWORD cchLength );
  418. LPWSTR WINAPI CharLowerWrapW( LPWSTR pch );
  419. LPWSTR WINAPI CharUpperWrapW( LPWSTR pch );
  420. BOOL IsCharUpperWrapW(WCHAR wch);
  421. BOOL IsCharLowerWrapW(WCHAR wch);
  422. int WINAPI GetWindowTextLengthWrapW( HWND hWnd);
  423. LRESULT WINAPI ToolTip_UpdateTipText(HWND hWnd,LPARAM lParam);
  424. LRESULT WINAPI ToolTip_AddTool(HWND hWnd,LPARAM lParam);
  425. LRESULT WINAPI ToolBar_AddString(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam);
  426. LRESULT WINAPI ToolBar_AddButtons(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
  427. DWORD GetFileVersionInfoSizeWrapW( LPTSTR lptstrFilename, LPDWORD lpdwHandle );
  428. BOOL GetFileVersionInfoWrapW( LPTSTR lptstrFilename, DWORD dwHandle, DWORD dwLen, LPVOID lpData);
  429. BOOL VerQueryValueWrapW( const LPVOID pBlock, LPTSTR lpSubBlock, LPVOID *lplpBuffer, PUINT puLen);