// HotSync.c
// Contains code to synchronize addresses and groups with
// HotMail servers
#include <_apipch.h>
#include <wab.h>
#include "HotSync.h"
#include "iso8601.h"
#include "uimisc.h"
#include "ui_cflct.h"
#include "ui_pwd.h"
#include "useragnt.h"
enum { idcisHref = 0, idcisId, idcisType, idcisModified, idcisDisplayName, idcisGivenName, idcisSurname, idcisNickName, idcisEmail, idcisHomeStreet, idcisHomeCity, idcisHomeState, idcisHomePostalCode, idcisHomeCountry, idcisCompany, idcisWorkStreet, idcisWorkCity, idcisWorkState, idcisWorkPostalCode, idcisWorkCountry, idcisHomePhone, idcisHomeFax, idcisWorkPhone, idcisWorkFax, idcisMobilePhone, idcisOtherPhone, idcisBday, idcisPager };
CONTACTINFO_STRUCTURE g_ContactInfoStructure[] = { {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHref)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszId)}, {CIS_DWORD, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, tyContact)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszModified)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszDisplayName)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszGivenName)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszSurname)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszNickname)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszEmail)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomeStreet)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomeCity)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomeState)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomePostalCode)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomeCountry)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszCompany)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkStreet)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkCity)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkState)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkPostalCode)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkCountry)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomePhone)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszHomeFax)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkPhone)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszWorkFax)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszMobilePhone)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszOtherPhone)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszBday)}, {CIS_STRING, offsetof(HTTPCONTACTINFO, pszPager)} };
#define CIS_GETSTRING(pci, i) (*((char **)(&((char *)pci)[g_ContactInfoStructure[i].dwOffset])))
#define CIS_GETTYPE(i) (g_ContactInfoStructure[i].tType)
IHTTPMailCallbackVtbl vtblIHTTPMAILCALLBACK = { VTABLE_FILL WABSync_QueryInterface, WABSync_AddRef, WABSync_Release, WABSync_OnTimeout, WABSync_OnLogonPrompt, WABSync_OnPrompt, WABSync_OnStatus, WABSync_OnError, WABSync_OnCommand, WABSync_OnResponse, WABSync_GetParentWindow };
ieidc_PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES, ieidc_PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS, #endif
// HM Nickname invalid characters
const ULONG MAX_INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX = 123; static BOOL bInvalidCharArray[] = { TRUE, // 0
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, // 32 (x20) Space
TRUE, // !
TRUE, // "
TRUE, // #
TRUE, // $
TRUE, // %
TRUE, // &
TRUE, // '
TRUE, // (
TRUE, // )
TRUE, // 42 *
TRUE, // +
TRUE, // ,
TRUE, // -
TRUE, // .
TRUE, // /
FALSE, // 0
FALSE, // 1
FALSE, // 2
FALSE, // 3
FALSE, // 52 4
FALSE, // 5
FALSE, // 6
FALSE, // 7
FALSE, // 8
FALSE, // 9
TRUE, // :
TRUE, // ;
TRUE, // <
TRUE, // =
TRUE, // 62 >
TRUE, // ?
TRUE, // @
FALSE, // 72 H
FALSE, // 82 R
TRUE, // [
TRUE, // 92 '\'
TRUE, // ]
TRUE, // ^
FALSE, // _
TRUE, // `
FALSE, // a
FALSE, // b
FALSE, // c
FALSE, // d
FALSE, // e
FALSE, // 102 f
FALSE, // g
FALSE, // h
FALSE, // i
FALSE, // j
FALSE, // k
FALSE, // l
FALSE, // m
FALSE, // n
FALSE, // o
FALSE, // 112 p
FALSE, // q
FALSE, // r
FALSE, // s
FALSE, // t
FALSE, // u
FALSE, // v
FALSE, // w
FALSE, // x
FALSE, // y
FALSE, // 122 z
extern HRESULT InitUserIdentityManager(LPIAB lpIAB, IUserIdentityManager ** lppUserIdentityManager);
// Address Book Sync Window Class Name
LPTSTR g_lpszSyncKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\WAB\\Synchronization\\");
LPTSTR g_szSyncClass = TEXT("WABSyncView"); extern VOID CenterDialog(HWND hwndDlg);
#define WM_SYNC_NEXTOP (WM_USER + 5)
#define SafeCoMemFree(_pv) \
if (_pv) { \ CoTaskMemFree(_pv); \ _pv = NULL; \ } \ else
HRESULT HrSynchronize(HWND hWnd, LPADRBOOK lpIAB, LPCTSTR pszAccountID, BOOL bSyncGroups) #else
HRESULT HrSynchronize(HWND hWnd, LPADRBOOK lpIAB, LPCTSTR pszAccountID) #endif
// if (!bIsThereACurrentUser((LPIAB)lpIAB))
// return E_FAIL;
// [PaulHi] Raid 62149 Check to see if user is connected
{ DWORD dwConnectedState; TCHAR tszCaption[256]; TCHAR tszMessage[256];
if ( !InternetGetConnectedState(&dwConnectedState, 0) || (dwConnectedState & INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE) ) { LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSyncError, tszCaption, CharSizeOf(tszCaption)); if (dwConnectedState & INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE) LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsOffline, tszMessage, CharSizeOf(tszMessage)); else LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsNoInternetConnect, tszMessage, CharSizeOf(tszMessage)); MessageBox(hWnd, tszMessage, tszCaption, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
return E_FAIL; } }
// Create the wab sync object
hr = WABSync_Create(&pWabSync); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; // initializing it kicks off the whole process
// [PaulHi] 2/22/99 Hotmail syncing is now done in two passes. The first pass is
// as before and synchronizes the normal email contacts. The second pass synchronizes
// the group contacts. Group contacts contain references to email contacts so email
// contacts must be completely synchronized before groups can be synchronized.
hr = WABSync_Initialize(pWabSync, hWnd, lpIAB, pszAccountID, bSyncGroups); #else
hr = WABSync_Initialize(pWabSync, hWnd, lpIAB, pszAccountID); #endif
exit: WABSync_Release((IHTTPMailCallback*)pWabSync);
return hr; }
static LPSTR _StrDup(LPCSTR pszStr) { LPMALLOC lpMalloc; LPSTR pszResult = NULL; if (!pszStr) return NULL;
CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &lpMalloc); if (lpMalloc) { DWORD cchSize = (lstrlenA(pszStr) + 1); pszResult = (LPSTR) lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Alloc(lpMalloc, cchSize * sizeof(pszResult[0]));
if (pszResult) StrCpyNA(pszResult, pszStr, cchSize); lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Release(lpMalloc); }
return pszResult; }
void _FixHotmailDate(LPSTR pszDate) { if (!pszDate) return;
while (*pszDate) { if (*pszDate == 'T') { *pszDate = 0; break; }
if (*pszDate == '.') *pszDate = '-';
pszDate++; } }
BOOL LogTransactions(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { BOOL fInit = FALSE, fLogging = FALSE; LPTSTR pszLogKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Outlook Express\\5.0\\Mail"); LPTSTR pszLogValue = TEXT("Log HTTPMail (0/1)"); IUserIdentityManager * lpUserIdentityManager = NULL; IUserIdentity * lpUserIdentity = NULL; HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyIdentity = NULL, hkeyLog = NULL; DWORD dwValue, dwType, dwSize;
if(!bIsWABSessionProfileAware((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB))) goto exit;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = InitUserIdentityManager((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB), &lpUserIdentityManager))) goto exit; fInit = TRUE;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpUserIdentityManager->lpVtbl->GetIdentityByCookie(lpUserIdentityManager, (GUID *)&UID_GIBC_CURRENT_USER, &lpUserIdentity))) goto exit;
if (HR_FAILED(hr = lpUserIdentity->lpVtbl->OpenIdentityRegKey(lpUserIdentity, KEY_READ, &hkeyIdentity))) goto exit; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyIdentity, pszLogKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyLog) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyLog, pszLogValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
fLogging = (dwValue == 1); exit: if(fInit) UninitUserIdentityManager((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB));
if(lpUserIdentity) lpUserIdentity->lpVtbl->Release(lpUserIdentity);
if (hkeyLog) RegCloseKey(hkeyLog);
if (hkeyIdentity) RegCloseKey(hkeyIdentity); return fLogging; }
DWORD CountHTTPMailAccounts(LPIAB lpIAB) { IImnAccountManager2 *lpAcctMgr; IImnEnumAccounts *pEnumAccts = NULL; DWORD dwCount = 0; HRESULT hr;
if (FAILED(hr = InitAccountManager(lpIAB, &lpAcctMgr, NULL)) || NULL == lpAcctMgr) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr = lpAcctMgr->lpVtbl->Enumerate(lpAcctMgr, SRV_HTTPMAIL,&pEnumAccts))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr = pEnumAccts->lpVtbl->GetCount(pEnumAccts, &dwCount))) dwCount = 0;
exit: if( pEnumAccts) pEnumAccts->lpVtbl->Release(pEnumAccts);
return dwCount; }
HRESULT _FindHTTPMailAccount(HWND hwnd, IImnAccountManager2 *lpAcctMgr, LPSTR pszAcctName, ULONG ccb) { IImnEnumAccounts *pEnumAccts = NULL; DWORD dwCount = 0; IImnAccount *pAccount = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if (FAILED(hr = lpAcctMgr->lpVtbl->Enumerate(lpAcctMgr, SRV_HTTPMAIL,&pEnumAccts))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr = pEnumAccts->lpVtbl->GetCount(pEnumAccts, &dwCount)) || dwCount == 0) goto exit;
if (dwCount > 1) { if (!ChooseHotmailServer(hwnd, pEnumAccts, pszAcctName, ccb)) { hr = E_UserCancel; goto exit; } } else { if (FAILED(hr = pEnumAccts->lpVtbl->GetNext(pEnumAccts, &pAccount))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr = pAccount->lpVtbl->GetProp(pAccount, AP_ACCOUNT_ID, pszAcctName, &ccb))) goto exit; } hr = S_OK; exit: if( pAccount) pAccount->lpVtbl->Release(pAccount);
if( pEnumAccts) pEnumAccts->lpVtbl->Release(pEnumAccts);
return hr; }
// HrMakeContactId
// Helper function to convert ANSI strings and create UNICODE contact ID
// string.
HRESULT hrMakeContactId( LPTSTR lptszContactId, // [out]
int nCharNum, // [in]
LPCTSTR lptcszProfileId, // [in]
LPCSTR lpcszAccountId, // [in]
LPCSTR lpcszLoginName) // [in]
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR lpwszAccountId = NULL; LPWSTR lpwszLoginName = NULL;
// Validate arguments
if ( !lptszContactId || !lptcszProfileId || !lpcszAccountId || !lpcszLoginName) { Assert(0); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Check buffer size. Account for the two extra '-' characters.
if ( nCharNum <= (lstrlen(lptcszProfileId) + lstrlenA(lpcszAccountId) + lstrlenA(lpcszLoginName) + 2) ) { Assert(0); return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
lpwszAccountId = ConvertAtoW(lpcszAccountId); lpwszLoginName = ConvertAtoW(lpcszLoginName);
if (!lpwszAccountId || !lpwszLoginName) { Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; } else { wnsprintf(lptszContactId, nCharNum, TEXT("%s-%s-%s"), lptcszProfileId, lpwszAccountId, lpwszLoginName); } LocalFreeAndNull(&lpwszAccountId); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpwszLoginName);
return hr; }
// hrAppendName
// Helper function to take a double byte name string, converts it to single
// byte and appends it to the given name string, using ',' as the delimiter.
// The name string pointer will be allocated and reallocated as needed. The
// caller is responible for freeing the name string with CoTaskMemFree().
// Parameters
// [IN/OUT] lpszNameString - name string pointer
// [IN] ulCharCount - current name string size in char
// [IN] double byte character string to append
LPCSTR lpszDelimiter = ",";
ULONG ulAppendName( LPSTR * lppszNameString, ULONG ulCharCount, LPCTSTR lptszName) { ULONG ulLen = 0; ULONG ulNewLen = 0; ULONG ulNew = ulCharCount; LPSTR lpszTemp = NULL;
Assert(lppszNameString); Assert(lptszName);
// Check size of new string
ulNewLen = (ULONG)lstrlen(lptszName) + 2; // Include delimiter character and termination
if (*lppszNameString) ulLen = ulNewLen + (ULONG)lstrlenA(*lppszNameString); else ulLen = ulNewLen; if (ulLen > ulCharCount) { ulNew = (ulNewLen > MAX_PATH) ? (ulCharCount+ulNewLen+MAX_PATH) : (ulCharCount+MAX_PATH); lpszTemp = CoTaskMemAlloc(ulNew * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpszTemp) { Assert(0); goto error_out; } *lpszTemp = '\0';
if (*lppszNameString) { StrCpyNA(lpszTemp, *lppszNameString, ulNew); CoTaskMemFree(*lppszNameString); } *lppszNameString = lpszTemp; ulCharCount = ulNew; }
// Append new string name
{ LPSTR lptsz = ConvertWtoA(lptszName); if (**lppszNameString != '\0') StrCatBuffA(*lppszNameString, lpszDelimiter, ulCharCount); StrCatBuffA(*lppszNameString, lptsz, ulCharCount); LocalFreeAndNull(&lptsz); }
return ulNew;
error_out: // Error, return NULL string pointer
if (*lppszNameString) { CoTaskMemFree(*lppszNameString); *lppszNameString = NULL; } return 0; }
// hrAppendGroupContact
// Helper function to a group's PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES and/or PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS
// names and append to the given name string. This name string is in the same
// format as what is retrieved from a HotMail server, and is compared directly
// with the corresponding HotMail group.
// a) PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES are WAB entry ID contacts that map to HM contacts
// distinquished by nickname.
// b) PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS are WAB entry ID one-offs with user and email embedded
// directly in the entry ID structure.
// Parameters
// [IN] pWabSync
// [IN] ulPropTag
// [IN] lpProp - Pointer to property struct
// [IN/OUT] lppszHMEmailName - HM string with new names appended
// !!NOTE that this needs to be freed by caller using CoMemTaskFree()!!
HRESULT hrAppendGroupContact( LPWABSYNC pWabSync, // [IN]
ULONG ulPropTag, // [IN]
LPSPropValue lpProp, // [IN]
LPSTR * lppszHMEmailName) // [IN/OUT]
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSPropValue lpaProps = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; ULONG ul; ULONG ulCharSize = 0;
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(lppszHMEmailName); Assert( (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES) || (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS) );
// Check each DL entry and check whether it is another WAB (mail user) contact
// EID or a WAB One-Off email/name string EID.
if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS) { // Wab one-off is equivalent to a HM direct email name
for (ul=0; ul<lpProp->Value.MVbin.cValues; ul++) { ULONG cbEntryID = lpProp->Value.MVbin.lpbin[ul].cb; LPENTRYID lpEntryID = (LPENTRYID)lpProp->Value.MVbin.lpbin[ul].lpb; BYTE bType; LPTSTR lptstrDisplayName, lptstrAddrType; LPTSTR lptstrAddress = NULL;
bType = IsWABEntryID(cbEntryID, lpEntryID, &lptstrDisplayName, &lptstrAddrType, &lptstrAddress, NULL, NULL); if (lptstrAddress) { // Append the one-off email name
ulCharSize = ulAppendName(lppszHMEmailName, ulCharSize, lptstrAddress); if (ulCharSize == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; } } else { Assert(0); } } } else if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES) { // WAB mail user contact is equivalent to a HM contact
for (ul=0; ul<lpProp->Value.MVbin.cValues; ul++) { HRESULT hr; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser; ULONG ulObjectType; ULONG cbEntryID = lpProp->Value.MVbin.lpbin[ul].cb; LPENTRYID lpEntryID = (LPENTRYID)lpProp->Value.MVbin.lpbin[ul].lpb;
hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(pWabSync->m_pAB, cbEntryID, lpEntryID, NULL, 0, &ulObjectType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpMailUser);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPSPropValue lpaProps; ULONG ulcProps;
Assert(ulObjectType == MAPI_MAILUSER);
// HM contacts are designated by the nickname field, so this is all
// we need to append to the name string.
hr = lpMailUser->lpVtbl->GetProps(lpMailUser, NULL, MAPI_UNICODE, &ulcProps, &lpaProps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulc; LPCTSTR lptszNickname = NULL; for (ulc=0; ulc<ulcProps; ulc++) { if (lpaProps[ulc].ulPropTag == PR_NICKNAME) break; } if (ulc == ulcProps) { // No nickname. This means that the preceeding contact sync has
// failed or not completed in some way. Skip.
Assert(0); continue; } else lptszNickname = (LPCTSTR)lpaProps[ulc].Value.lpszW;
ulCharSize = ulAppendName(lppszHMEmailName, ulCharSize, lptszNickname); if (ulCharSize == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; } } } } } else { // Trace("Unknown property tag type");
Assert(0); }
return hr; }
// hrParseHMGroupEmail
// Helper function to parse a HM group email string into nickname names
// (contacts) and email names (one-offs). The name arrays are simply pointers
// into the passed in email name string and so are valid as long at that
// input string is valid. Note that this function modifies the input string
// lptszEmailName.
// Parameters
// [IN] lptszEmailName - email string to parse
// [OUT] patszContacts - array of parsed contact (nickname) names if requested
// [OUT] pcContacts - number of contact names
// [OUT] patszOneOffs - array of parsed one-off (email) names if requested
// [OUT] pcOneOffs - number of one-off names
// It looks like HM allows four possible text delimiters: ' ', ',', ';', '+'
const TCHAR tszSpace[] = TEXT(" "); const TCHAR tszComma[] = TEXT(","); const TCHAR tszSemi[] = TEXT(";"); const TCHAR tszPlus[] = TEXT("+"); const TCHAR tszAt[] = TEXT("@");
HRESULT hrParseHMGroupEmail( LPTSTR lptszEmailName, LPTSTR ** patszContacts, ULONG * pcContacts, LPTSTR ** patszOneOffs, ULONG * pcOneOffs) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cCount = 1; ULONG ul; LPTSTR lptszTemp = lptszEmailName; LPTSTR * atszContacts = NULL; LPTSTR * atszOneOffs = NULL; ULONG cContacts = 0; ULONG cOneOffs = 0;
Assert( lptszEmailName && (pcContacts || pcOneOffs) );
// Strip all leading and ending spaces
// Count
while (*lptszTemp) { if ( ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSpace)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszComma)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSemi)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszPlus)) ) { ++cCount;
// Increment to next valid name
++lptszTemp; while ( ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSpace)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszComma)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSemi)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszPlus)) ) { ++lptszTemp; } } else ++lptszTemp; }
// Create Contacts and One-Offs name pointer arrays
atszContacts = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, (cCount * sizeof(LPTSTR))); if (!atszContacts) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; } atszOneOffs = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, (cCount * sizeof(LPTSTR))); if (!atszOneOffs) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; }
// Fill the name pointer arrays and counts
{ LPTSTR lptszName = lptszEmailName; BOOL fIsEmail = FALSE; lptszTemp = lptszName; while(*lptszTemp) { // Determine whether this name is a nickname or email. I am assuning
// that all email names will have the '@' character.
if ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszAt)) fIsEmail = TRUE;
if ( ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSpace)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszComma)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSemi)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszPlus)) ) { *lptszTemp = '\0'; ++lptszTemp;
if (fIsEmail) { atszOneOffs[cOneOffs++] = lptszName; Assert(cOneOffs <= cCount); fIsEmail = FALSE; } else { atszContacts[cContacts++] = lptszName; Assert(cContacts <= cCount); }
// Increment to next valid name
while ( ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSpace)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszComma)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszSemi)) || ((*lptszTemp) == (*tszPlus)) ) { ++lptszTemp; }
lptszName = lptszTemp; } else ++lptszTemp; } // Pick up last item
if (*lptszName) { if (fIsEmail) { atszOneOffs[cOneOffs++] = lptszName; Assert(cOneOffs <= cCount); } else { atszContacts[cContacts++] = lptszName; Assert(cContacts <= cCount); } } }
// Pass back contact name array if requested
if (cContacts && pcContacts) { *pcContacts = cContacts; } if (patszContacts) (*patszContacts) = atszContacts;
// Pass back one-off name array if requested
if (cOneOffs && pcOneOffs ) { *pcOneOffs = cOneOffs; } if (patszOneOffs) (*patszOneOffs) = atszOneOffs;
if ( FAILED(hr) || !patszContacts ) LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *)&atszContacts);
if ( FAILED(hr) || !patszOneOffs ) LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *)&atszOneOffs);
return hr; }
// hrCreateGroupMVBin
// Creates either a PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES or PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS MVBin property and
// adds it to the passed in property array.
// If the proptag is PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES then the atszNames array is assumed to
// contain valid WAB contact nicknames. The first contact's (mail user) EID
// with that nickname is added to the MVBin property. It is assumed that
// nicknames are unique (after contact syncing which is performed first) as is
// required by Hotmail.
// If the proptag is PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS then the atszNames array is assumed to
// contain valid email names. WAB one-off EIDs are created from these and
// added to the MVBin property.
// Parameters
// [IN] pWabSync
// [IN] ulPropTag
// [IN] atszNames - Array of wide char names
// [IN] cCount - Number of items in above array
// [IN/OUT] lpPropArray
// [IN/OUT] pdwLoc - Current lpPropArray index
HRESULT hrCreateGroupMVBin( LPWABSYNC pWabSync, ULONG ulPropTag, LPTSTR * atszNames, ULONG cCount, LPSPropValue lpPropArray, DWORD * pdwLoc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ul;
Assert(atszNames); Assert(lpPropArray); Assert(pdwLoc);
// Set up this property as error. When the MVbin values are added via
// AddPropToMVPBin() the tag type will change to valid PT_MV_BINARY type.
lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].ulPropTag = PROP_TAG(PT_ERROR, PROP_ID(ulPropTag)); lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVbin.cValues = 0; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVbin.lpbin = NULL; if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES) { // Search for WAB mail users with these nicknames
for (ul=0; ul<cCount; ul++) { SPropertyRestriction PropRes; SPropValue Prop = {0}; LPSBinary rgsbEntryIDs = NULL; ULONG ulCount = 1;
// Set up search restriction
Prop.ulPropTag = PR_NICKNAME; Prop.Value.LPSZ = atszNames[ul]; PropRes.lpProp = &Prop; PropRes.relop = RELOP_EQ; PropRes.ulPropTag = PR_NICKNAME;
if (SUCCEEDED(FindRecords(((LPIAB)pWabSync->m_pAB)->lpPropertyStore->hPropertyStore, NULL, // pmbinFolder
0, // ulFlags
TRUE, // Always TRUE
&PropRes, // Propertyrestriction
&ulCount, // IN: number of matches to find, OUT: number found
&rgsbEntryIDs))) { // Add EID property
if (ulCount > 0) { if ( FAILED(AddPropToMVPBin( lpPropArray, *pdwLoc, rgsbEntryIDs[0].lpb, rgsbEntryIDs[0].cb, FALSE)) ) // Don't add duplicates, not
{ Assert(0); } }
FreeEntryIDs(((LPIAB)pWabSync->m_pAB)->lpPropertyStore->hPropertyStore, ulCount, rgsbEntryIDs); } else { // All contacts should be in WAB unless the preceeding mail user contact
// sync failed.
DebugTrace(TEXT("hrCreateGroupMVBin - Failed to find HM group contact\n")); } } } else if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS) { for (ul=0; ul<cCount; ul++) { ULONG cbEID = 0; LPENTRYID lpEID = NULL; LPTSTR lptszName = NULL; LPTSTR lptszSMTP = TEXT(""); LPTSTR lptszEmail = atszNames[ul]; LPTSTR lptszTemp = NULL; int nLen = lstrlen(atszNames[ul]) + 1;
// A WAB DL OneOff must have a valid display name. Take the first
// part of the email name for this.
lptszName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, (nLen * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (!lptszName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; } StrCpyN(lptszName, lptszEmail, nLen); lptszTemp = lptszName; while ( *lptszTemp && (*lptszTemp) != (*tszAt) ) { ++lptszTemp; } (*lptszTemp) = '\0';
// Creates UNICODE string embedded WAB one-off EID
if ( SUCCEEDED(CreateWABEntryID(WAB_ONEOFF, (LPVOID)lptszName, (LPVOID)lptszSMTP, (LPVOID)lptszEmail, 0, 0, NULL, &cbEID, &lpEID)) ) { if ( FAILED(AddPropToMVPBin( lpPropArray, *pdwLoc, lpEID, cbEID, FALSE)) ) // Don't add duplicates, not
{ Assert(0); } }
LocalFreeAndNull(&lptszName); } } else { Assert(0); }
++(*pdwLoc); return hr; } #endif // HM_GROUP_SYNCING
// hrStripInvalidChars
// Helper function to remove disallowed characters. HM only allows
// alphanumeric and '-' and '_' characters in a nickname. All illegal chars
// are removed from the string.
HRESULT hrStripInvalidChars(LPSTR lpszName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSTR lpszAddTo = NULL;
lpszAddTo = lpszName; while (*lpszName) { // @review Currently the look up table only contains 122 characters. Make
// it full 256? How will HM change when it adds intenational suppport?
if ( ((UCHAR)(*lpszName) < MAX_INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX) && !bInvalidCharArray[*lpszName] ) { *lpszAddTo = *lpszName; ++lpszAddTo; } ++lpszName; } *lpszAddTo = '\0';
return hr; }
// ****************************************************************************************************
// C H O T S Y N C C L A S S
// Class to handle the synchronizing of WAB and Hotmail contacts
HRESULT WABSync_Create(LPWABSYNC *ppWabSync) { Assert(ppWabSync);
*ppWabSync = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(WABSYNC)); // fix up the prop tag array structure to take into account the variable values
// fix up the other prop tag array structure to take into account the variable values
ptaEidCSync.aulPropTag[ieidc_PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS] = PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS; #endif
if (*ppWabSync) { (*ppWabSync)->vtbl = &vtblIHTTPMAILCALLBACK; (*ppWabSync)->m_cRef = 1; (*ppWabSync)->m_state = SYNC_STATE_INITIALIZING; (*ppWabSync)->m_ixpStatus = IXP_DISCONNECTED; ZeroMemory(&(*ppWabSync)->m_rInetServerInfo, sizeof(INETSERVER)); } else return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
void WABSync_Delete(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { Assert(pWabSync);
ZeroMemory(&(pWabSync->m_rInetServerInfo), sizeof(INETSERVER)); // Done for security
if (pWabSync->m_pOps) { WABSync_FreeOps(pWabSync); Vector_Delete(pWabSync->m_pOps); pWabSync->m_pOps = NULL; }
if (pWabSync->m_pWabItems) { WABSync_FreeItems(pWabSync); Vector_Delete(pWabSync->m_pWabItems); }
if (pWabSync->m_pszAccountId) CoTaskMemFree(pWabSync->m_pszAccountId);
if (pWabSync->m_pAB) pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->Release(pWabSync->m_pAB);
if (pWabSync->m_pTransport) IHTTPMailTransport_Release(pWabSync->m_pTransport);
if (pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl) CoTaskMemFree(pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl);
// [PaulHi] If we are ending a mail contact sync, kick off a second pass
// to synchronize the group contacts.
// @review - We may want to skip group syncing if an error occurs during the
// first pass contact syncing.
if (!pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups && pWabSync->m_hParentWnd) PostMessage(pWabSync->m_hParentWnd, WM_USER_SYNCGROUPS, 0, 0L); #endif
LocalFree(pWabSync); }
// IUnknown Members
HRESULT WABSync_QueryInterface (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *lpunkobj, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * lppUnk) { SCODE sc; LPWABSYNC lpWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)lpunkobj;
if (IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IHTTPMailCallback) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_ITransportCallback)) { sc = S_OK; } else { *lppUnk = NULL; // OLE requires zeroing [out] parameters
sc = E_NOINTERFACE; goto error; }
/* We found the requested interface so increment the reference count.
*/ lpWabSync ->m_cRef++;
*lppUnk = lpunkobj;
return hrSuccess;
error: return ResultFromScode(sc); }
ULONG WABSync_AddRef(IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This) { LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This; return InterlockedIncrement(&pWabSync->m_cRef); }
ULONG WABSync_Release(IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This) { LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This; LONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&pWabSync->m_cRef); Assert(cRef >= 0);
if (0 == cRef) WABSync_Delete(pWabSync);
return (ULONG)cRef; }
// IHTTPMailCallback Members
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OnTimeout (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, DWORD *pdwTimeout, IInternetTransport *pTransport) { // LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This;
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OnLogonPrompt (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, LPINETSERVER pInetServer, IInternetTransport *pTransport) { LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This; if (PromptUserForPassword(pInetServer, pWabSync->m_hWnd)) { return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
STDMETHODIMP_(INT) WABSync_OnPrompt (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, HRESULT hrError, LPCTSTR pszText, LPCTSTR pszCaption, UINT uType, IInternetTransport *pTransport) { // LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This;
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OnStatus (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, IXPSTATUS ixpstatus, IInternetTransport *pTransport) { // LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This;
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OnError (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, IXPSTATUS ixpstatus, LPIXPRESULT pResult, IInternetTransport *pTransport) { // LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This;
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OnCommand (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, CMDTYPE cmdtype, LPSTR pszLine, HRESULT hrResponse, IInternetTransport *pTransport) { // LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This;
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_GetParentWindow (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, HWND *pHwndParent) { LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This; *pHwndParent = pWabSync->m_hWnd; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OnResponse (IHTTPMailCallback __RPC_FAR *This, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)This; HRESULT hr = S_OK; Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pResponse);
if (FAILED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult)) { switch (pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) { case IXP_E_HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: case IXP_E_HTTP_ROOT_PROP_NOT_FOUND: case IXP_E_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult); break; } }
if (pWabSync->m_fAborted) return E_FAIL;
if (SYNC_STATE_SERVER_CONTACT_DISCOVERY == pWabSync->m_state) { if (pResponse->command == HTTPMAIL_GETPROP) hr = WABSync_HandleContactsRootResponse(pWabSync, pResponse); else hr = WABSync_HandleIDListResponse(pWabSync, pResponse); } else if ((SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_OPS == pWabSync->m_state || SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_MERGED_CONFLICTS == pWabSync->m_state) && pWabSync->m_pOps) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0); Assert(pOp);
if (pOp) hr = Syncop_HandleResponse(pOp, pResponse); else hr = E_FAIL;
if (FAILED(hr)) WABSync_AbortOp(pWabSync, hr); } else hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_Initialize(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, HWND hWnd, IAddrBook *pAB, LPCTSTR pszAccountID, BOOL bSyncGroups) #else
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_Initialize(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, HWND hWnd, IAddrBook *pAB, LPCTSTR pszAccountID) #endif
{ IImnAccountManager2 *lpAcctMgr = NULL; IImnAccount *pAccount = NULL; HRESULT hr; char szAcctName[CCHMAX_ACCOUNT_NAME+1]; DWORD ccb = CCHMAX_ACCOUNT_NAME; LPSTR pszUserAgent = NULL; #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); #endif
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pAB);
pWabSync->m_hParentWnd = hWnd; pWabSync->m_pTransport = NULL; pWabSync->m_fSkipped = FALSE; #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups = bSyncGroups; #endif
pWabSync->m_hWnd = CreateDialogParam (hinstMapiX, MAKEINTRESOURCE (iddSyncProgress), pWabSync->m_hParentWnd, SyncProgressDlgProc, (LPARAM)pWabSync);
if (!pWabSync->m_hWnd) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } ShowWindow(pWabSync->m_hWnd, SW_SHOW); if (pWabSync->m_hParentWnd) EnableWindow (pWabSync->m_hParentWnd, FALSE);
WABSync_BeginSynchronize(pWabSync); InitWABUserAgent(TRUE);
if (FAILED(hr = InitAccountManager(NULL, &lpAcctMgr, NULL))) goto exit;
if (pszAccountID == NULL) { if (FAILED(hr = _FindHTTPMailAccount(pWabSync->m_hWnd, lpAcctMgr, szAcctName, CCHMAX_ACCOUNT_NAME))) goto exit; #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
// [PaulHi] We don't want the user to have to choose the HM account twice (once for contact and
// then for group syncing). So save the account ID here.
LocalFreeAndNull(&(lpPTGData->lptszHMAccountId)); lpPTGData->lptszHMAccountId = ConvertAtoW(szAcctName); #endif
} else { LPSTR lpAcctA = ConvertWtoA((LPWSTR)pszAccountID); StrCpyNA(szAcctName, lpAcctA, ARRAYSIZE(szAcctName)); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpAcctA); }
// Get the account
hr = lpAcctMgr->lpVtbl->FindAccount(lpAcctMgr, AP_ACCOUNT_ID, szAcctName, &pAccount); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = lpAcctMgr->lpVtbl->FindAccount(lpAcctMgr, AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, szAcctName, &pAccount); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pAccount->lpVtbl->GetProp(pAccount, AP_ACCOUNT_ID, szAcctName, &ccb))) pWabSync->m_pszAccountId = _StrDup(szAcctName);
pWabSync->m_pAB = pAB; pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->AddRef(pWabSync->m_pAB);
// Create the Transport
hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_IHTTPMailTransport, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IHTTPMailTransport, (LPVOID *)&(pWabSync->m_pTransport)); if (FAILED(hr) || !pWabSync->m_pTransport) goto exit;
pszUserAgent = GetWABUserAgentString(); if (!pszUserAgent) goto exit;
// Initialize the transport
hr = IHTTPMailTransport_InitNew(pWabSync->m_pTransport, pszUserAgent, (LogTransactions(pWabSync) ? "C:\\WabSync.log" : NULL),(IHTTPMailCallback*)pWabSync); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
// Create the SERVERINFO
hr = IHTTPMailTransport_InetServerFromAccount(pWabSync->m_pTransport, pAccount, &pWabSync->m_rInetServerInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; StrCpyNA(pWabSync->m_szLoginName, pWabSync->m_rInetServerInfo.szUserName, ARRAYSIZE(pWabSync->m_szLoginName));
// Check if I can connect
hr = IHTTPMailTransport_Connect(pWabSync->m_pTransport,&pWabSync->m_rInetServerInfo,TRUE,TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = WABSync_LoadLastModInfo(pWabSync); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = WABSync_BuildWabContactList(pWabSync); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
exit: if (pszUserAgent) LocalFree(pszUserAgent);
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pWabSync->m_pTransport) IHTTPMailTransport_Release(pWabSync->m_pTransport); pWabSync->m_pTransport = NULL; WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, hr);
if (pWabSync->m_pAB) { pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->Release(pWabSync->m_pAB); pWabSync->m_pAB = NULL; } }
// don't release the lpAcctMgr since the WAB maintains a global reference.
if (pAccount) pAccount->lpVtbl->Release(pAccount);
return hr; }
// CHotSync::Abort
// Blow away all of the pending items in the queue.
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_Abort(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, HRESULT hr) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp; TCHAR szMsg[512], szCaption[255], szRes[512]; Assert(pWabSync); pWabSync->m_fAborted = TRUE;
if (pWabSync->m_pOps) { DWORD dwIndex, cOps = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps);
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cOps; ++dwIndex) { pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0);
if (pOp) { Syncop_Abort(pOp); Syncop_Delete(pOp); }
Vector_RemoveItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0); } }
if (FAILED(hr) && hr != E_UserCancel) { switch (hr) { case IXP_E_HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsOutOfServerSpace, szMsg, CharSizeOf(szMsg)); break;
case IXP_E_HTTP_ROOT_PROP_NOT_FOUND: case IXP_E_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSyncNotHandled, szMsg, CharSizeOf(szMsg)); break; default: LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSyncAborted, szRes, CharSizeOf(szRes)); wnsprintf(szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg), szRes, hr); break; } LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSyncError, szCaption, CharSizeOf(szCaption)); MessageBox(pWabSync->m_hWnd, szMsg, szCaption, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); }
WABSync_FinishSynchronize(pWabSync, hr);
return S_OK; }
// CHotSync::AbortOp
// Abort the current operation (for some reason)
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_AbortOp(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, HRESULT hr) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp; Assert(pWabSync); pWabSync->m_cAborts++;
// do something with the knowledge of this abort (log to whatever)
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync);
return S_OK; }
int __cdecl CompareOpTypes(const void* lpvA, const void* lpvB) { LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOpA; LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOpB;
pSyncOpA = *((LPHOTSYNCOP*)lpvA); pSyncOpB = *((LPHOTSYNCOP*)lpvB);
return (pSyncOpA->m_bOpType - pSyncOpB->m_bOpType); }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_RequestContactsRootProperty(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { HRESULT hr;
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pWabSync->m_pTransport);
hr = pWabSync->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->GetProperty(pWabSync->m_pTransport, HTTPMAIL_PROP_CONTACTS, &pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl); if(hr == E_PENDING) hr = S_OK; else if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl) WABSync_RequestServerIDList(pWabSync); else WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, hr); //something went terribly wrong
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_HandleContactsRootResponse(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { Assert(pWabSync);
pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult)) { if (pResponse->rGetPropInfo.type == HTTPMAIL_PROP_CONTACTS) { pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl = pResponse->rGetPropInfo.pszProp; pResponse->rGetPropInfo.pszProp = NULL; } }
if (pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl) WABSync_RequestServerIDList(pWabSync); else WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult);
return S_OK; }
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pWabSync->m_pTransport); Assert(pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl && *pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl);
WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncGathering, -1);
hr = pWabSync->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->ListContactInfos(pWabSync->m_pTransport, pWabSync->m_pszRootUrl, 0);
if FAILED(hr) WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, hr);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_FindContactByServerId(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPSTR pszServerId, LPWABCONTACTINFO *ppContact, DWORD *pdwIndex) { DWORD cItems, dwIndex; LPWABCONTACTINFO pContact;
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pWabSync->m_pWabItems);
cItems = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pWabItems);
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cItems; dwIndex++) { pContact = (LPWABCONTACTINFO)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, dwIndex);
if (pContact && pContact->pszHotmailId && lstrcmpA(pContact->pszHotmailId, pszServerId) == 0) { *ppContact = pContact; *pdwIndex = dwIndex; return S_OK; } } return E_FAIL; } STDMETHODIMP WABSync_HandleIDListResponse(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr; LPHOTSYNCOP pNewOp;
if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult)) { ULONG cItems = pResponse->rContactInfoList.cContactInfo; LPHTTPCONTACTINFO prgId = pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo; DWORD dwItem;
for (dwItem = 0; dwItem < cItems; dwItem++) { #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
// [PaulHi] We synchronize contacts and groups separately
if ( (!pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups && (prgId[dwItem].tyContact == HTTPMAIL_CT_CONTACT)) || (pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups && (prgId[dwItem].tyContact == HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP)) ) #else
if (HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP == prgId[dwItem].tyContact) { // ignore groups for now
continue; } else #endif
{ LPWABCONTACTINFO pContact; DWORD dwIndex; FILETIME ftModTime = {0,0};
pNewOp = NULL; // [PaulHi] 12/17/98 Raid #61548
// The Exchange server will pass in contacts with no file mod time,
// which really hoses the sync process. We could just skip these
// contacts but to keep things simple we abort the sync process here.
// Note that HotMail servers work correctly.
// @todo [PaulHi]
// After IE5 ship of WAB, fix this by creating a conflict op code and
// let user straighten out any differences. Also time stamp so future
// syncs will work.
hr = iso8601ToFileTime(prgId[dwItem].pszModified, &ftModTime, TRUE, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, hr); return hr; }
if (SUCCEEDED(WABSync_FindContactByServerId(pWabSync, prgId[dwItem].pszId, &pContact, &dwIndex))) { if (pContact->fDelete) { // it has been deleted from the wab. Now delete it from the server.
pContact->pszHotmailHref = prgId[dwItem].pszHref; prgId[dwItem].pszHref = NULL;
pContact->pszModHotmail = prgId[dwItem].pszModified; prgId[dwItem].pszModified = NULL;
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateServerDelete(pContact); } else { LONG lLocalCompare = CompareFileTime(&pWabSync->m_ftLastSync, &pContact->ftModWab); LONG lServerCompare = pContact->pszModHotmail && prgId[dwItem].pszModified ? lstrcmpA(pContact->pszModHotmail, prgId[dwItem].pszModified) : -1;
SafeCoMemFree(pContact->pszHotmailHref); pContact->pszHotmailHref = prgId[dwItem].pszHref; prgId[dwItem].pszHref = NULL;
SafeCoMemFree(pContact->pszHotmailId); pContact->pszHotmailId = prgId[dwItem].pszId; prgId[dwItem].pszId = NULL;
SafeCoMemFree(pContact->pszModHotmail); pContact->pszModHotmail = prgId[dwItem].pszModified; prgId[dwItem].pszModified = NULL; if (lLocalCompare >= 0) { // hasn't changed locally since last sync
if (lServerCompare) { // has changed on server, just update here
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateClientChange(pContact); Assert(pNewOp); Syncop_SetServerContactInfo(pNewOp, pContact, &prgId[dwItem]); } else { // hasn't changed anywhere. do nothing.
WABContact_Delete(pContact); pContact = NULL; } } else { // has changed locally.
if (lServerCompare) { // has changed on server, CONFLICT
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateConflict(pContact); Assert(pNewOp); Syncop_SetServerContactInfo(pNewOp, pContact, &prgId[dwItem]); } else { // Local change only, upload changes
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateServerChange(pContact); Assert(pNewOp); Syncop_SetServerContactInfo(pNewOp, pContact, &prgId[dwItem]); } } } //remove the contact from the list of local contacts
Vector_RemoveItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, dwIndex); } else { // its not in the WAB, we need to add it there.
pContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(WABCONTACTINFO)); Assert(pContact);
if (pContact) { pContact->pszHotmailHref = prgId[dwItem].pszHref; prgId[dwItem].pszHref = NULL;
pContact->pszHotmailId = prgId[dwItem].pszId; prgId[dwItem].pszId = NULL;
pContact->pszModHotmail = prgId[dwItem].pszModified; prgId[dwItem].pszModified = NULL;
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateClientAdd(pContact); Assert(pNewOp); Syncop_SetServerContactInfo(pNewOp, pContact, &prgId[dwItem]); } }
if (pNewOp) { Syncop_Init(pNewOp, (IHTTPMailCallback *)pWabSync, pWabSync->m_pTransport); hr = Vector_AddItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, pNewOp); } else { if (pContact) WABContact_Delete(pContact); } } }
if (pResponse->fDone) { //everything left in the contact list needs to either
//be added to the server or deleted locally.
LONG cItems, dwIndex; LPWABCONTACTINFO pContact;
cItems = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pWabItems);
if (cItems > 0) { for (dwIndex = cItems - 1; dwIndex >= 0; dwIndex--) { pNewOp = NULL; pContact = (LPWABCONTACTINFO)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, dwIndex);
if (pContact && pContact->pszHotmailId) { if (pContact->fDelete) { TCHAR tszServerId[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tszKey[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey; // now that the delete has completed, delete the tombstone from the registry.
hr = hrMakeContactId( tszServerId, MAX_PATH, ((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB))->szProfileID, pWabSync->m_pszAccountId, pWabSync->m_szLoginName); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; wnsprintf(tszKey, ARRAYSIZE(tszKey), TEXT("%s%s"), g_lpszSyncKey, tszServerId);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, tszKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hkey)) { LPTSTR lpKey = ConvertAtoW(pContact->pszHotmailId); RegDeleteValue(hkey, lpKey); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpKey); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } else { //needs to be deleted locally
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateClientDelete(pContact); } } else if (pContact) { //needs to be added remotely
pNewOp = Syncop_CreateServerAdd(pContact); }
if (pNewOp) { //remove the contact from the list of local contacts
Vector_RemoveItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, dwIndex); Syncop_Init(pNewOp, (IHTTPMailCallback *)pWabSync, pWabSync->m_pTransport); hr = Vector_AddItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, pNewOp); } }
pWabSync->m_cTotalOps = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps); Vector_Sort(pWabSync->m_pOps, CompareOpTypes);
//Now go on to handling the operations
WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); } } else WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_OperationCompleted(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHOTSYNCOP pOp) { Assert(pWabSync->m_pOps); Assert(pOp == Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0)); //completing op should be first op in the list
Syncop_Delete(pOp); Vector_RemoveItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0);
// get the next operation and start it running.
// if there are no more operations, go to the next state
pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0); if (pOp) Syncop_Begin(pOp); else WABSync_NextState(pWabSync);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_BeginSynchronize(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { //Keep a reference to ourself while the UI is shown
WABSync_AddRef((IHTTPMailCallback *)pWabSync);
// begin ui
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_FinishSynchronize(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, HRESULT hr) { // if there were any failures or the user didn't resolve all of the
// conflicts, then don't update the mod info so we have to do it again.
// [PaulHi] Don't store the current mod time until the synchronization
// process is completely through, meaning that we are ending the second
// group contact syncing pass
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !pWabSync->m_fSkipped && pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups) #else
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !pWabSync->m_fSkipped) #endif
WABSync_SaveCurrentModInfo(pWabSync); else if (!pWabSync->m_fAborted && FAILED(hr)) { TCHAR szMsg[512], szCaption[255];
LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSyncFailed, szMsg, CharSizeOf(szMsg)); LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSyncError, szCaption, CharSizeOf(szCaption)); MessageBox(pWabSync->m_hWnd, szMsg, szCaption, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); }
if (pWabSync->m_pTransport) { IHTTPMailTransport_Release(pWabSync->m_pTransport); pWabSync->m_pTransport = NULL; }
if (pWabSync->m_hWnd) { if (pWabSync->m_hParentWnd) EnableWindow (pWabSync->m_hParentWnd, TRUE);
DestroyWindow(pWabSync->m_hWnd); pWabSync->m_hWnd = NULL; } InitWABUserAgent(FALSE);
WABSync_Release((IHTTPMailCallback *)pWabSync); return S_OK; }
void WABSync_CheckForLocalDeletions(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { TCHAR tszKey[MAX_PATH], tszId[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tszServerId[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwValue = 0; HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwSize; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD cRecords, i, cb, lResult;
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(*pWabSync->m_szLoginName);
// [PaulHi] Assemble the contact ID string
if ( FAILED(hrMakeContactId( tszServerId, MAX_PATH, ((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB))->szProfileID, pWabSync->m_pszAccountId, pWabSync->m_szLoginName)) ) { return; } wnsprintf(tszKey, ARRAYSIZE(tszKey), TEXT("%s%s"), g_lpszSyncKey, tszServerId);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, tszKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryInfoKey(hkey, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cRecords, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) && cRecords > 0) { // Start Enumerating the keys
for (i = 0; i < cRecords; i++) { // Enumerate Friendly Names
cb = CharSizeOf(tszId); lResult = RegEnumValue(hkey, i, tszId, &cb, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult && *tszId) { WABCONTACTINFO *lpWCI;
if (!lpWCI) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DebugPrintError(( TEXT("WABCONTACTINFO Alloc Failed\n"))); goto out; } lpWCI->fDelete = TRUE;
{ LPSTR lpID = ConvertWtoA(tszId); lpWCI->pszHotmailId = _StrDup(lpID); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpID); } if (FAILED(Vector_AddItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, lpWCI))) goto out;
} }
} out: RegCloseKey(hkey); }
STDMETHODIMP WABSync_BuildWabContactList(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulObjType; LPENTRYID pEntryID = NULL; ULONG cbEntryID = 0; LPABCONT lpContainer = NULL; ULONG ulObjectType; LPMAPITABLE lpABTable = NULL; LPSRowSet lpRowAB = NULL; int cNumRows = 0; int nRows=0;
Vector_Create(&pWabSync->m_pOps); if (pWabSync->m_pOps == NULL) { WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
Vector_Create(&pWabSync->m_pWabItems); if (pWabSync->m_pWabItems == NULL) { WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
if (HR_FAILED(hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->GetPAB(pWabSync->m_pAB, &cbEntryID, &pEntryID))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("GetPAB Failed\n"))); goto out; } hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(pWabSync->m_pAB, cbEntryID, // size of EntryID to open
pEntryID, // EntryID to open
NULL, // interface
0, // flags
&ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpContainer);
pEntryID = NULL; if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("OpenEntry Failed\n"))); goto out; }
if (HR_FAILED(hr = lpContainer->lpVtbl->GetContentsTable(lpContainer, MAPI_UNICODE | WAB_PROFILE_CONTENTS, &lpABTable))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("GetContentsTable Failed\n"))); goto out; }
hr = lpABTable->lpVtbl->SetColumns(lpABTable, (LPSPropTagArray)&ptaEidSync, 0 );
if(HR_FAILED(hr)) goto out;
// Reset to the beginning of the table
hr = lpABTable->lpVtbl->SeekRow(lpABTable, BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL );
if(HR_FAILED(hr)) goto out;
// Read all the rows of the table one by one
do {
hr = lpABTable->lpVtbl->QueryRows(lpABTable, 1, 0, &lpRowAB);
if(HR_FAILED(hr)) break;
if(lpRowAB) { cNumRows = lpRowAB->cRows;
if (cNumRows) { LPTSTR lpsz = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.LPSZ; LPENTRYID lpEID = (LPENTRYID) lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb; ULONG cbEID = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb; //
// There are 2 kinds of objects - the MAPI_MAILUSER contact object
// and the MAPI_DISTLIST contact object
if( (!pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups && (lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_MAILUSER)) || (pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups && (lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_DISTLIST)) ) #else
// Only consider MAILUSER objects
if (lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_MAILUSER) #endif
if (!lpWCI) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DebugPrintError(( TEXT("WABCONTACTINFO Alloc Failed\n"))); goto out; }
lpWCI->lpEID = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbEID);
if (!lpWCI->lpEID) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DebugPrintError(( TEXT("WABCONTACTINFO.ENTRYID Alloc Failed\n"))); goto out; }
lpWCI->cbEID = cbEID; CopyMemory(lpWCI->lpEID, lpEID, cbEID); lpWCI->ftModWab = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieid_PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME].Value.ft; lpWCI->pszHotmailId = NULL; lpWCI->pszModHotmail = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(ContactInfo_LoadFromWAB(pWabSync, &hci, lpWCI, lpEID, cbEID))) { lpWCI->pszHotmailId = _StrDup(hci.pszId); lpWCI->pszModHotmail = _StrDup(hci.pszModified); ContactInfo_Free(&hci); }
// search the multi value list of longs for the proper server id. If found,
// then get the appropriate hotmail id and mod id.
if (FAILED(Vector_AddItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, lpWCI))) goto out; } } FreeProws(lpRowAB ); }
}while ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && cNumRows && lpRowAB) ;
out: if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { if (pWabSync->m_pWabItems) WABSync_FreeItems(pWabSync); if (lpContainer) lpContainer->lpVtbl->Release(lpContainer); if (lpABTable) lpABTable->lpVtbl->Release(lpABTable); }
return hr; }
HRESULT WABSync_LoadLastModInfo(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwValue = 0; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwSize; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; FILETIME ftValue; Assert(pWabSync); Assert(*pWabSync->m_szLoginName);
StrCpyN(szKey, g_lpszSyncKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); #ifndef UNICODE
StrCatBuff(szKey, pWabSync->m_szLoginName, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); #else
{ LPTSTR lpName = ConvertAtoW(pWabSync->m_szLoginName); StrCatBuff(szKey, lpName, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpName); } #endif
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Server ID"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize); if (dwValue && ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { pWabSync->m_dwServerID = dwValue; } else goto fail;
dwSize = sizeof(FILETIME); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Server Last Sync"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &ftValue, &dwSize))) { pWabSync->m_ftLastSync = ftValue; } else goto fail; } else { // the key for this user account isn't there.
// create a new one and return default values.
// a random number would be nice here, instead we will
// use the low DWORD of a date time....
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftValue); pWabSync->m_dwServerID = ftValue.dwLowDateTime;
// NULL filetime since we haven't synced yet, everything is after the last sync
ZeroMemory(&pWabSync->m_ftLastSync, sizeof(FILETIME));
hr = WABSync_SaveCurrentModInfo(pWabSync); }
fail: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return hr; }
HRESULT WABSync_SaveCurrentModInfo(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; Assert(pWabSync); Assert(*pWabSync->m_szLoginName);
StrCpyN(szKey, g_lpszSyncKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey));
{ LPTSTR lpName = ConvertAtoW(pWabSync->m_szLoginName); StrCatBuff(szKey, lpName, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpName); }
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == ( hr = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, &hKey))) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&pWabSync->m_ftLastSync);
hr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Server ID"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&pWabSync->m_dwServerID, sizeof(DWORD)); hr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Server Last Sync"), 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)&pWabSync->m_ftLastSync, sizeof(FILETIME)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } return hr; }
void WABSync_Progress(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, DWORD dwResId, DWORD dwCount) { TCHAR szRes[MAX_PATH], szMsg[MAX_PATH]; HWND hwndText;
LoadString(hinstMapiX, dwResId, szRes, CharSizeOf(szRes)); if (dwCount != -1) wnsprintf(szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg), szRes, dwCount); else StrCpyN(szMsg, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg));
hwndText = GetDlgItem(pWabSync->m_hWnd, IDC_SYNC_MSG); if (hwndText) { SetWindowText(hwndText, szMsg); }
SendDlgItemMessage(pWabSync->m_hWnd, IDC_SYNC_PROGBAR, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, pWabSync->m_cTotalOps)); SendDlgItemMessage(pWabSync->m_hWnd, IDC_SYNC_PROGBAR, PBM_SETPOS, pWabSync->m_cTotalOps - dwCount, 0); }
void WABSync_NextState(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { PostMessage(pWabSync->m_hWnd, WM_SYNC_NEXTSTATE, 0, (LPARAM)pWabSync); }
void _WABSync_NextState(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { HRESULT hr;
switch(pWabSync->m_state) { case SYNC_STATE_SERVER_CONTACT_DISCOVERY: WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncConnecting, -1); hr = WABSync_RequestContactsRootProperty(pWabSync); break;
case SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_OPS: WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncSynchronizing, Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps)); if (pWabSync->m_pOps && Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps) > 0) { if (WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, FALSE)) return; } // fall through if there are no ops
case SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_CONFLICTS: WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncConflicts, Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps)); if (pWabSync->m_pOps && Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps) > 0) { if(SUCCEEDED(WABSync_DoConflicts(pWabSync))) return; } // fall through if there are no ops
pWabSync->m_state++; if (pWabSync->m_fAborted) return;
case SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_MERGED_CONFLICTS: WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncFinishing, Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps)); if (pWabSync->m_pOps && Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps) > 0) { if (WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, FALSE)) return; } // fall through if there are no ops
case SYNC_STATE_DONE: WABSync_FinishSynchronize(pWabSync, (pWabSync->m_cAborts == 0 ? S_OK : E_FAIL)); break; } }
BOOL _WABSync_NextOp(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, BOOL fPopFirst) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0);
Assert(pWabSync->m_state == SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_OPS || pWabSync->m_state == SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_MERGED_CONFLICTS); Assert(pOp);
if (pOp && fPopFirst) { LPVECTOR pVector; pVector = pWabSync->m_pOps; Assert(pVector); Vector_Remove(pVector, pOp); Syncop_Delete(pOp); pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0); }
if (pWabSync->m_state == SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_OPS) WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncSynchronizing, Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps)); else if (pWabSync->m_state == SYNC_STATE_PROCESS_MERGED_CONFLICTS) WABSync_Progress(pWabSync, idsSyncFinishing, Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps));
if (pOp) hr = Syncop_Begin(pOp); return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
BOOL WABSync_NextOp(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, BOOL fPopFirst) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, 0);
if (!pOp) return FALSE; PostMessage(pWabSync->m_hWnd, WM_SYNC_NEXTOP, fPopFirst, (LPARAM)pWabSync); return TRUE; }
void WABSync_FreeOps(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp;
if (pWabSync->m_pOps) { LONG dwIndex, cItems = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps);
for (dwIndex = cItems - 1; dwIndex >= 0; --dwIndex) { pOp = (LPHOTSYNCOP)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, dwIndex);
if (pOp) { Vector_RemoveItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, dwIndex); Syncop_Abort(pOp); Syncop_Delete(pOp); }
if (dwIndex == 0) break; } } }
if (pWabSync->m_pWabItems) { LONG dwIndex, cItems = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pWabItems);
for (dwIndex = cItems - 1; dwIndex >= 0; --dwIndex) { lprWCI = (LPWABCONTACTINFO)Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, dwIndex);
if (lprWCI) { if (lprWCI->lpEID) LocalFree(lprWCI->lpEID); LocalFree(lprWCI); }
Vector_RemoveItem(pWabSync->m_pWabItems, dwIndex); if (dwIndex == 0) break; } }
HRESULT WABSync_DoConflicts(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { LONG dwIndex, cConflicts = 0, cItems = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps); LPHOTSYNCOP pOp; LPHTTPCONFLICTINFO pConflicts = NULL; if (cItems == 0) { WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); return S_OK; }
pConflicts = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONFLICTINFO) * cItems); if (!pConflicts) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cItems; dwIndex++) { pOp = Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, dwIndex); Assert(pOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_CONFLICT); if (!pOp || pOp->m_bOpType != SYNCOP_CONFLICT) continue;
Assert(pOp->m_pServerContact); Assert(pOp->m_pClientContact);
pConflicts[dwIndex].pciServer = pOp->m_pServerContact; pConflicts[dwIndex].pciClient = pOp->m_pClientContact; cConflicts++; }
if (ResolveConflicts(pWabSync->m_hParentWnd, pConflicts, cConflicts)) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cConflicts; dwIndex++) { BOOL fChanged = FALSE; DWORD dw;
pOp = Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, dwIndex); Assert(pOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_CONFLICT); Assert(pOp->m_pServerContact); Assert(pOp->m_pClientContact); for (dw = 0; dw < CONFLICT_DECISION_COUNT; dw++) { if (pConflicts[dwIndex].rgcd[dw] != 0) { fChanged = TRUE; break; } }
if (fChanged) { hr = ContactInfo_BlendResults(pOp->m_pServerContact, pOp->m_pClientContact, (CONFLICT_DECISION *)&(pConflicts[dwIndex].rgcd)); pOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_MERGED; } else { // toss out the conflict since they didn't want to change anything
pOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_DONE; }
// if any of it was skipped, we need to remember this and not update the timestamps.
if (pConflicts[dwIndex].fContainsSkip) { pOp->m_fPartialSkip = TRUE; pWabSync->m_fSkipped = TRUE; } } //reset progress to new total ops
pWabSync->m_cTotalOps = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps);
// HACK to get back into processing ops
WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); return hr; } else WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, E_UserCancel);
if (pConflicts) LocalFree(pConflicts);
return E_FAIL; }
void WABSync_MergeAddsToConflicts(LPWABSYNC pWabSync) { DWORD dwOpCount; DWORD dwCliAddIndex, dwSvrAddIndex; LPHOTSYNCOP pCliOp, pOp, pNewOp; BOOL fMerged = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
dwOpCount = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps);
// search for Client Adds. If found, look for a server add for the
// same contact.
for (dwCliAddIndex = 0; dwCliAddIndex < dwOpCount; dwCliAddIndex++) { fMerged = FALSE; pCliOp = Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, dwCliAddIndex); if (pCliOp && pCliOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_CLIENT_ADD) { for (dwSvrAddIndex = 0; dwSvrAddIndex < dwOpCount; dwSvrAddIndex++) { pOp = Vector_GetItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, dwSvrAddIndex); if (pOp && pOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_SERVER_ADD) { if (pOp->m_pClientContact && pOp->m_pClientContact->pszEmail && pCliOp->m_pServerContact && pCliOp->m_pServerContact->pszEmail) { if (lstrcmpiA(pCliOp->m_pServerContact->pszEmail, pOp->m_pClientContact->pszEmail) == 0) { pNewOp = Syncop_CreateConflict(pCliOp->m_pContactInfo); Assert(pNewOp);
if (pNewOp) { pNewOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID = pOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID; pNewOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID = pOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID; pNewOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaContactIds = pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaContactIds; pNewOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaServerIds = pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaServerIds; pNewOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaModtimes = pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaModtimes; pNewOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaEmails = pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaEmails; pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaContactIds = NULL; pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaServerIds = NULL; pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaModtimes = NULL; pOp->m_pContactInfo->pszaEmails = NULL; pOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID = NULL; pOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID = 0;
pCliOp->m_pContactInfo = NULL; pNewOp->m_pServerContact = pCliOp->m_pServerContact; pCliOp->m_pServerContact = NULL;
Syncop_Init(pNewOp, (IHTTPMailCallback *)pWabSync, pWabSync->m_pTransport); hr = Vector_AddItem(pWabSync->m_pOps, pNewOp);
if (dwSvrAddIndex < dwCliAddIndex) --dwCliAddIndex; Vector_Remove(pWabSync->m_pOps, pOp);
Vector_Remove(pWabSync->m_pOps, pCliOp); dwOpCount = Vector_GetLength(pWabSync->m_pOps); fMerged = TRUE; } break; } } } } } if (fMerged) -- dwCliAddIndex; } }
// ****************************************************************************************************
// V E C T O R "C L A S S"
// Basic vector class (resizable / sortable array of LPVOIDs).
HRESULT Vector_Create(LPVECTOR *ppVector) { Assert(ppVector);
*ppVector = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(VECTOR));
if (*ppVector) { (*ppVector)->m_dwGrowBy = 4; return S_OK; } else return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
Clean up any memory that was allocated in the Vector object */ void Vector_Delete(LPVECTOR pVector) { Assert(pVector);
if (pVector->m_pItems) LocalFree(pVector->m_pItems); if (pVector) LocalFree(pVector); }
Get the number of items in the vector. */ DWORD Vector_GetLength(LPVECTOR pVector) { Assert(pVector);
return pVector->m_cItems; }
Add a item to the end of the item list. */ HRESULT Vector_AddItem(LPVECTOR pVector, LPVOID lpvItem) { DWORD dwNewIndex; DWORD dw;
// make more room for pointers, if necessary
if (pVector->m_cSpaces == pVector->m_cItems) { LPVOID pNewItems; DWORD dwOldSize = pVector->m_cSpaces * sizeof(char *);
pVector->m_cSpaces += pVector->m_dwGrowBy; pNewItems = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(char *) * pVector->m_cSpaces);
if (!pNewItems) { pVector->m_cSpaces -= pVector->m_dwGrowBy; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { if (pVector->m_pItems) { CopyMemory(pNewItems, pVector->m_pItems, dwOldSize); LocalFree(pVector->m_pItems); } pVector->m_pItems = (LPVOID *)pNewItems; pVector->m_dwGrowBy = pVector->m_dwGrowBy << 1; // double the size for the next time we grow it.
} } //now put the item in the next location
dwNewIndex = pVector->m_cItems++; pVector->m_pItems[dwNewIndex] = lpvItem; return S_OK; }
Vector_Remove Remove a given item from the vector */ void Vector_Remove(LPVECTOR pVector, LPVOID lpvItem) { DWORD dw;
for (dw = 0; dw < pVector->m_cItems; dw++) { if (pVector->m_pItems[dw] == lpvItem) { Vector_RemoveItem(pVector, dw); return; } } }
Vector_RemoveItem Remove a item at zero based index iIndex */
void Vector_RemoveItem(LPVECTOR pVector, DWORD dwIndex) { int iCopySize; DWORD dw;
Assert(pVector); Assert(dwIndex < pVector->m_cItems); // move the other pItems down
for (dw = dwIndex+1; dw < pVector->m_cItems; dw ++) pVector->m_pItems[dw - 1] = pVector->m_pItems[dw];
// null out the last item in the list and decrement the counter.
pVector->m_pItems[--pVector->m_cItems] = NULL; }
CVector::GetItem Return the pointer to the item at zero based index iIndex.
Return the item at the given index. Note that the char pointer is still owned by the item list and should not be deleted. */
LPVOID Vector_GetItem(LPVECTOR pVector, DWORD dwIndex) { Assert(pVector); Assert(dwIndex < pVector->m_cItems || dwIndex == 0);
if (dwIndex < pVector->m_cItems ) return pVector->m_pItems[dwIndex]; else return NULL; }
void Vector_Sort(LPVECTOR pVector, FnCompareFunc lpfnCompare) { qsort(pVector->m_pItems, pVector->m_cItems, sizeof(LPVOID), lpfnCompare); }
LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateServerAdd(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_SERVER_ADD; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ServerAddResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ServerAddBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; }
LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateServerDelete(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_SERVER_DELETE; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ServerDeleteResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ServerDeleteBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; } LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateServerChange(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_SERVER_CHANGE; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ServerChangeResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ServerChangeBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; }
LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateClientAdd(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); Assert(pContactInfo); Assert(pOp);
if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_CLIENT_ADD; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ClientAddResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ClientAddBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; }
LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateClientDelete(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_CLIENT_DELETE; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ClientDeleteResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ClientDeleteBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; }
LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateClientChange(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_CLIENT_CHANGE; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ClientChangeResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ClientChangeBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; }
LPHOTSYNCOP Syncop_CreateConflict(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPHOTSYNCOP pOp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HOTSYNCOP)); if (pOp) { pOp->m_bOpType = SYNCOP_CONFLICT; pOp->m_pfnHandleResponse = Syncop_ConflictResponse; pOp->m_pfnBegin = Syncop_ConflictBegin; pOp->m_pContactInfo = pContactInfo; }
return pOp; }
HRESULT Syncop_Init(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, IHTTPMailCallback *pHotSync, IHTTPMailTransport *pTransport) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pHotSync == NULL); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pTransport == NULL);
pSyncOp->m_pClientContact = NULL; pSyncOp->m_pHotSync = pHotSync; pSyncOp->m_pTransport = pTransport; pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_INITIALIZING; pSyncOp->m_fPartialSkip = FALSE; pSyncOp->m_dwRetries = 0;
if (pSyncOp->m_pTransport) IHTTPMailTransport_AddRef(pSyncOp->m_pTransport);
if (pSyncOp->m_pHotSync) IHTTPMailCallback_AddRef(pSyncOp->m_pHotSync);
if (pSyncOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_SERVER_ADD || pSyncOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_SERVER_CHANGE || pSyncOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_CLIENT_CHANGE || pSyncOp->m_bOpType == SYNCOP_CONFLICT ) { pSyncOp->m_pClientContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO)); if (pSyncOp->m_pClientContact) hr = ContactInfo_LoadFromWAB(((LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync), pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID); }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_Delete(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { Assert(pSyncOp);
if (pSyncOp->m_pTransport) IHTTPMailTransport_Release(pSyncOp->m_pTransport);
if (pSyncOp->m_pHotSync) IHTTPMailCallback_Release(pSyncOp->m_pHotSync);
if (pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) { ContactInfo_Free(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact); LocalFree(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact); } if (pSyncOp->m_pClientContact) { ContactInfo_Free(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact); LocalFree(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact); } if (pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo) { WABContact_Delete(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo); }
LocalFree(pSyncOp); return S_OK; }
HRESULT Syncop_HandleResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pfnHandleResponse); Assert(pSyncOp->m_bOpType != SYNCOP_SERVER_INVALID);
return (pSyncOp->m_pfnHandleResponse)(pSyncOp, pResponse);
HRESULT Syncop_Begin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pfnBegin); Assert(pSyncOp->m_bOpType != SYNCOP_SERVER_INVALID);
return (pSyncOp->m_pfnBegin)(pSyncOp); }
HRESULT Syncop_Abort(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { Assert(pSyncOp);
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT Syncop_ServerAddResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)(pSyncOp->m_pHotSync);
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pWabSync);
if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszHref) { pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszId = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId; pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId = NULL;
pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszModified = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified; pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified = NULL;
hr = ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pWabSync, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, FALSE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync);
} else { if (IXP_E_HTTP_CONFLICT == pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) { // if we get a conflict, it is probably because the nickname we
// generated is not unique. Lets try to generate a new one, but
// don't try this more than twice.
if (pSyncOp->m_dwRetries <= 2) { pSyncOp->m_dwRetries ++; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = ContactInfo_GenerateNickname(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact))) hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->PostContact(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, ((LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync)->m_pszRootUrl, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, 0); } else { // [PaulHi] 12/3/98 After trying three different nicknames, abort this
// synchronization operation.
hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; } } else { if (pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszHref) { // TODO : delete the server version here?
// we have the reference, just not the timestamp or id. Guess the id, and
// throw in a crappy timestamp so that it will get fixed up next time
char *pszId = NULL, *psz;
psz = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszHref; while (*psz) { if ('/' == *psz) { if (psz[1] == 0) *psz = 0; else pszId = ++psz; } else psz++; } if (pszId) { pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszId = _StrDup(pszId); pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId = NULL;
pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified = _StrDup( "1993-01-01T00:00"); hr = ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pWabSync, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, FALSE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); return S_OK; } } hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; } } return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ServerAddBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { HRESULT hr;
if (!pSyncOp->m_pClientContact) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
if (OP_STATE_INITIALIZING == pSyncOp->m_bState) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_GET;
if (pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszNickname || SUCCEEDED(hr = ContactInfo_GenerateNickname(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact))) hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->PostContact(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, ((LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync)->m_pszRootUrl, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, 0); }
exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pSyncOp->m_pClientContact) { ContactInfo_Free(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact); LocalFree(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact); pSyncOp->m_pClientContact = NULL; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ServerDeleteResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
Assert(pSyncOp); if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult)) { TCHAR tszServerId[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tszKey[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey = NULL;
// now that the delete has completed, delete the tombstone from the registry.
if ( FAILED(hrMakeContactId( tszServerId, MAX_PATH, ((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB))->szProfileID, pWabSync->m_pszAccountId, pWabSync->m_szLoginName)) ) { return hr; } wnsprintf(tszKey, ARRAYSIZE(tszKey), TEXT("%s%s"), g_lpszSyncKey, tszServerId);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, tszKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hkey)) { LPTSTR lpKey = ConvertAtoW(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailId); RegDeleteValue(hkey, lpKey); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpKey); RegCloseKey(hkey); }
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ServerDeleteBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { HRESULT hr;
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref); hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->CommandDELETE(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, 0);
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ServerChangeResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
if (OP_STATE_SERVER_GET == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo) { // assume the whole struct
Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.cContactInfo == 1); if (!pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO));
*pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = *pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo; ContactInfo_Clear(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; if (!ContactInfo_Match(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact)) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_PUT; hr = ContactInfo_PreparePatch(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact); hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->PatchContact(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, 0); } else if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); } } else if (OP_STATE_SERVER_PUT == pSyncOp->m_bState) { // if it succeeded, save the new values mod stamp, etc to the wab
if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo) { SafeCoMemFree(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszId); pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszId = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId; pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId = NULL;
SafeCoMemFree(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszModified); pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszModified = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified; pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified = NULL;
hr = ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pWabSync, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, FALSE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); } } return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ServerChangeBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pTransport); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref); if (OP_STATE_INITIALIZING == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; if (!ContactInfo_Match(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact)) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_PUT; hr = ContactInfo_PreparePatch(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact);
hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->PatchContact(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, 0); } else if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_GET; hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->ContactInfo(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, 0); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ClientAddResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
if (OP_STATE_SERVER_GET == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo) { // assume the whole struct
Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.cContactInfo == 1); if (!pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO));
*pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = *pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo; ContactInfo_Clear(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, NULL, NULL, 0, FALSE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ClientAddBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pTransport); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref); if (OP_STATE_INITIALIZING == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, NULL, NULL, 0, FALSE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_GET; hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->ContactInfo(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, 0); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ClientDeleteResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { Assert(pSyncOp);
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT Syncop_ClientDeleteBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { LPABCONT lpWABCont = NULL; LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cbWABEID = 0; LPENTRYID lpWABEID = NULL; ULONG ulObjType; SBinaryArray SBA = {0};
if(HR_FAILED(hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->GetPAB(pWabSync->m_pAB, &cbWABEID, &lpWABEID))) goto exit;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(pWabSync->m_pAB, cbWABEID, // size of EntryID to open
lpWABEID, // EntryID to open
NULL, // interface
0, // flags
&ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpWABCont))) goto exit;
if(!(SBA.lpbin = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(SBinary)))) goto exit;
SetSBinary(&(SBA.lpbin[0]), pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, (LPBYTE)pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID);
SBA.cValues = 1; if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpWABCont->lpVtbl->DeleteEntries( lpWABCont, (LPENTRYLIST) &SBA, 0))) { hr = S_OK; goto exit; } exit: if(SBA.lpbin && SBA.cValues) { LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(SBA.lpbin[0].lpb))); LocalFreeAndNull(&SBA.lpbin); }
if(lpWABCont) UlRelease(lpWABCont);
if(lpWABEID) FreeBufferAndNull(&lpWABEID);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync);
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ClientChangeResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
if (OP_STATE_SERVER_GET == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo) { // assume the whole struct
Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.cContactInfo == 1); if (!pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO));
*pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = *pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo; ContactInfo_Clear(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; ContactInfo_EmptyNullItems(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact); ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, TRUE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ClientChangeBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pTransport); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref); if (OP_STATE_INITIALIZING == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; ContactInfo_EmptyNullItems(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact); ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, TRUE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_GET; hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->ContactInfo(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, 0); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ConflictResponse(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPHTTPMAILRESPONSE pResponse) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
if (OP_STATE_SERVER_GET == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo) { // assume the whole struct
Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); Assert(pResponse->rContactInfoList.cContactInfo == 1); if (!pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO));
*pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = *pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo; ContactInfo_Clear(pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo); pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; // if the records match as far as we're concerned, we are done.
if (ContactInfo_Match(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact)) { // update the timestamp so it isn't a conflict next time.
ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, TRUE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else { // move this item to the end, once all conflicts are loaded, then we
// will do the dialog
Vector_Remove(pHotSync->m_pOps, pSyncOp); Vector_AddItem(pHotSync->m_pOps, pSyncOp);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, FALSE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } } else hr = pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult; } else if (OP_STATE_SERVER_PUT == pSyncOp->m_bState) { // if it succeeded, save the new values mod stamp, etc to the wab
if (SUCCEEDED(pResponse->rIxpResult.hrResult) && pResponse->rContactInfoList.prgContactInfo) { SafeCoMemFree(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszId); pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszId = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId; pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszId = NULL;
SafeCoMemFree(pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszModified); pSyncOp->m_pClientContact->pszModified = pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified; pResponse->rPostContactInfo.pszModified = NULL;
if (!pSyncOp->m_fPartialSkip) hr = ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, FALSE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT Syncop_ConflictBegin(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWABSYNC pHotSync = (LPWABSYNC)pSyncOp->m_pHotSync;
Assert(pSyncOp); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pTransport); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo); Assert(pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref); if (OP_STATE_INITIALIZING == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_LOADED; // if the records match as far as we're concerned, we are done.
if (ContactInfo_Match(pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact)) { // update the timestamp so it isn't a conflict next time.
ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, TRUE);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } else { // move this item to the end, once all conflicts are loaded, then we
// will do the dialog
Vector_Remove(pHotSync->m_pOps, pSyncOp); Vector_AddItem(pHotSync->m_pOps, pSyncOp);
if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, FALSE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); } } else { pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_GET; hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->ContactInfo(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, 0); } } else if (OP_STATE_LOADED == pSyncOp->m_bState) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); else if (OP_STATE_MERGED == pSyncOp->m_bState) { hr = ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pHotSync, pSyncOp->m_pClientContact, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->lpEID, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->cbEID, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
pSyncOp->m_bState = OP_STATE_SERVER_PUT; hr = pSyncOp->m_pTransport->lpVtbl->PatchContact(pSyncOp->m_pTransport, pSyncOp->m_pContactInfo->pszHotmailHref, pSyncOp->m_pServerContact, 0); } else if (OP_STATE_DONE == pSyncOp->m_bState) { if (!WABSync_NextOp(pHotSync, TRUE)) WABSync_NextState(pHotSync); }
return hr; }
void Syncop_SetServerContactInfo(LPHOTSYNCOP pSyncOp, LPWABCONTACTINFO pWabContactInfo, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { if (!pSyncOp) return;
if (!pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO));
if (!pSyncOp->m_pServerContact) return;
*pSyncOp->m_pServerContact = *pContactInfo; ContactInfo_Clear(pContactInfo); pSyncOp->m_pServerContact->pszId = _StrDup(pWabContactInfo->pszHotmailId); pSyncOp->m_pServerContact->pszModified = _StrDup(pWabContactInfo->pszModHotmail); }
void WABContact_Delete(LPWABCONTACTINFO pContact) { Assert(pContact);
if (pContact->pszHotmailHref) CoTaskMemFree(pContact->pszHotmailHref); if (pContact->pszModHotmail) CoTaskMemFree(pContact->pszModHotmail);
if (pContact->pszHotmailId) CoTaskMemFree(pContact->pszHotmailId);
if (pContact->pszaContactIds) FreeMultiValueString(pContact->pszaContactIds);
if (pContact->pszaServerIds) FreeMultiValueString(pContact->pszaServerIds);
if (pContact->pszaModtimes) FreeMultiValueString(pContact->pszaModtimes);
if (pContact->pszaEmails) FreeMultiValueString(pContact->pszaEmails);
if (pContact->lpEID) LocalFree(pContact->lpEID);
LocalFree(pContact); }
void ContactInfo_Clear(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { ZeroMemory(pContactInfo, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO)); }
void ContactInfo_Free(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { DWORD i, dwSize = ARRAYSIZE(g_ContactInfoStructure); if (!pContactInfo) return;
for (i = 0; i < dwSize; i++) { if (CIS_STRING == CIS_GETTYPE(i)) SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, i)); } }
ULONG rgPropMap[] = { PR_ENTRYID, //href
PR_ENTRYID, //type
PR_ENTRYID, //modified
DWORD ContactInfo_CountProperties(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { DWORD cProps = 0; DWORD dwIndex, dwSize = ARRAYSIZE(g_ContactInfoStructure);
// skip href
for (dwIndex = 1; dwIndex < dwSize; dwIndex ++) { #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
// [PaulHi] Skip email name here if we are group syncing
if ( (pContactInfo->tyContact == HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP) && (dwIndex == idcisEmail) ) continue; #endif
if (CIS_STRING == CIS_GETTYPE(dwIndex) && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, dwIndex) && *(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, dwIndex))) cProps++; }
// [PaulHi] Group syncing
if (pContactInfo->tyContact == HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP) { LPTSTR lptszEmailName = ConvertAtoW( CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail) ); if (lptszEmailName) { ULONG cContacts = 0; ULONG cOneOffs = 0; if ( SUCCEEDED(hrParseHMGroupEmail(lptszEmailName, NULL, &cContacts, NULL, &cOneOffs)) ) { // One property for each set of mail user contacts or one-offs
cProps += (cContacts != 0) ? 1 : 0; cProps += (cOneOffs != 0) ? 1 : 0; }
LocalFreeAndNull(&lptszEmailName); }
// A valid WAB DL must have a display name. HM groups only have nicknames so we
// need to reserve a PR_DISPLAY_NAME property.
// [PaulHi] Note, only do this if there is a valid Nickname field. The ContactInfo_SaveToWAB()
// function, which calls this function, is always in response to a server add or change.
// The pContactInfo fields reflect whatever was changed on the server. If there is a
// valid Nickname field then be sure we translate this to the WAB property DisplayName field.
// The WAB group display name corresponds to a HM group nickname.
if (pContactInfo->pszNickname) ++cProps; // This gets translated to a DisplayName in ContactInfo_TranslateProps()
} else { #endif
if (pContactInfo->pszEmail && *(pContactInfo->pszEmail)) cProps++; //need to make room for the PR_ADDRTYPE too
} #endif
return cProps; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_SetProp(ULONG ulPropTag, LPTSTR pszValue, LPSPropValue lpPropArray, DWORD *pdwLoc) { ULONG ulLen; SCODE sc; UNALIGNED LPTSTR *lppszValues; HRESULT hr; LPSTR lp = NULL;
switch (PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag)) { // BUGBUG currently only works for PT_TSTRING or PT_MV_TSTRING properties
case PT_TSTRING: // Get the value for this attribute
if (ulLen = lstrlen(pszValue)) { lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].ulPropTag = ulPropTag; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0;
// Allocate more space for the data
ulLen = (ulLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); sc = MAPIAllocateMore(ulLen, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.LPSZ)); if (sc) goto error; StrCpyN(lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.LPSZ, pszValue, ulLen);
// If this is PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, create a PR_ADDRTYPE entry as well
if (PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS == ulPropTag) { // Remember where the email value was, so we can add it to
// ulPrimaryEmailIndex = *pdwLoc;
lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].ulPropTag = PR_ADDRTYPE; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.LPSZ = (LPTSTR)szSMTP; } (*pdwLoc)++; } break;
case PT_MV_TSTRING: lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].ulPropTag = ulPropTag; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVSZ.cValues = 1; sc = MAPIAllocateMore((2)*sizeof(LPTSTR), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ)); if (sc) goto error; lppszValues = lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ;
ulLen = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszValue) + 1); // Allocate more space for the email address and copy it.
sc = MAPIAllocateMore(ulLen, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lppszValues[0])); if (sc) goto error; StrCpyN(lppszValues[0], pszValue, ulLen); lppszValues[1] = NULL;
(*pdwLoc)++; break; case PT_SYSTIME: lp = ConvertWtoA(pszValue); hr = iso8601ToFileTime(lp, (FILETIME *) (&lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.ft), TRUE, TRUE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].ulPropTag = ulPropTag; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0; (*pdwLoc)++; } LocalFreeAndNull(&lp); break;
default: return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; error:
return ResultFromScode(sc); }
HRESULT ContactInfo_SetMVSZProp(ULONG ulPropTag, SLPSTRArray *pszaValue, LPSPropValue lpPropArray, DWORD *pdwLoc) { ULONG ulLen; ULONG cbValue; SCODE sc; UNALIGNED LPTSTR *lppszValues; HRESULT hr; DWORD i; LPTSTR lpVal = NULL;
switch (PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag)) { case PT_MV_TSTRING: lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].ulPropTag = ulPropTag; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVSZ.cValues = pszaValue->cValues; sc = MAPIAllocateMore((pszaValue->cValues+1)*sizeof(LPTSTR), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ)); if (sc) goto error; lppszValues = lpPropArray[*pdwLoc].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ;
for (i = 0; i < pszaValue->cValues; i ++) { ScAnsiToWCMore((LPALLOCATEMORE )(&MAPIAllocateMore), (LPVOID) lpPropArray, (LPSTR) (pszaValue->lppszA[i]), (LPWSTR *) (&(lppszValues[i]))); } lppszValues[pszaValue->cValues] = NULL;
(*pdwLoc)++; break;
default: return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; error:
return ResultFromScode(sc); }
HRESULT ContactInfo_TranslateProps(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo, LPWABCONTACTINFO pWabContactInfo, LPSPropValue lpaProps) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwIndex, dwSize = ARRAYSIZE(rgPropMap); DWORD dwPropIndex = 0, dwLoc = 0; TCHAR szFullProfile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwStartIndex = 1;
// [PaulHi] Assemble the contact ID string
hr = hrMakeContactId( szFullProfile, MAX_PATH, ((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB))->szProfileID, pWabSync->m_pszAccountId, pWabSync->m_szLoginName); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // fix up the other prop tag array structure to take into account the variable values
if (pWabContactInfo && pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds) { DWORD i; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
// [PaulHi] 1/21/99 We are assuming that pszaModtimes and pszaServerIds
// pointers are valid too. Check this.
Assert(pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes); Assert(pWabContactInfo->pszaServerIds); for (i = 0; i < pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds->cValues; i++) { LPTSTR lpVal = ConvertAtoW(pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds->lppszA[i]); if (lstrcmp(szFullProfile, lpVal) == 0) { LocalFreeAndNull(&lpVal); fFound = TRUE; break; } LocalFreeAndNull(&lpVal); }
if (fFound) { SCODE sc; ULONG cchSize = lstrlenA(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisModified))+1;
// Allocate new memory for the string, sure the old memory we still be allocated but
// it will still be freed via the magic of MAPIAllocate* once the whole array gets freed.
sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(CHAR) * cchSize, pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes, (LPVOID *)&pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes->lppszA[i]); if (!sc) { // update the mod time
StrCpyNA(pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes->lppszA[i], CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisModified), cchSize); } } else { if (CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisId) && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisModified)) { // add this one to the list at the end
LPSTR lpValA = ConvertWtoA(szFullProfile); AppendToMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds, lpValA); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpValA); AppendToMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaServerIds, CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisId)); AppendToMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes, CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisModified)); } } ContactInfo_SetMVSZProp(PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_CONTACTIDS, pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds, lpaProps, &dwLoc); ContactInfo_SetMVSZProp(PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_SERVERIDS, pWabContactInfo->pszaServerIds, lpaProps, &dwLoc); ContactInfo_SetMVSZProp(PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_MODTIMES, pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes, lpaProps, &dwLoc);
dwStartIndex = 4; } else hr = ContactInfo_SetProp(PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_CONTACTIDS, szFullProfile, lpaProps, &dwLoc);
if (!pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups) { // [PaulHi] Normal contact email addresses
// Set the other e-mail address fields
if (pWabContactInfo && pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail)) { DWORD dw, cStrs; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
cStrs = pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails->cValues;
for (dw = 0; dw < cStrs; dw ++) { if (lstrcmpiA(pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails->lppszA[dw], CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail)) == 0) { pWabContactInfo->dwEmailIndex = dw; fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (!fFound) { SetMultiValueStringValue(pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails, CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail), pWabContactInfo->dwEmailIndex); }
ContactInfo_SetMVSZProp(PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES, pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails, lpaProps, &dwLoc); //set the index
lpaProps[dwLoc].ulPropTag = PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX; lpaProps[dwLoc].dwAlignPad = 0; lpaProps[dwLoc].Value.ul = pWabContactInfo->dwEmailIndex; dwLoc ++; } #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
} else { // [PaulHi] Implement group syncing. If we are synchronizing groups then the HM contact
// email string is a series of contact nicknames and one-off email names. Parse this
// string and add each group contact.
LPTSTR lptszEmailName = ConvertAtoW( CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail) ); if (lptszEmailName) { LPTSTR * atszContacts = NULL; LPTSTR * atszOneOffs = NULL; ULONG cContacts = 0; ULONG cOneOffs = 0; ULONG ul;
// The atszContacts and atszOneOffs arrays are just pointers into the lptszEmailName
// buffer. So these arrays are only valid as long as lptszEmailName is valid.
hr = hrParseHMGroupEmail(lptszEmailName, &atszContacts, &cContacts, &atszOneOffs, &cOneOffs); if (FAILED(hr)) { LocalFreeAndNull(&lptszEmailName); goto out; }
// Add multi-value property tags as appropriate
if (cContacts) hrCreateGroupMVBin(pWabSync, PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES, atszContacts, cContacts, lpaProps, &dwLoc); if (cOneOffs) hrCreateGroupMVBin(pWabSync, PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS, atszOneOffs, cOneOffs, lpaProps, &dwLoc);
// cleanup
LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *)&atszContacts); LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *)&atszOneOffs); LocalFreeAndNull(&lptszEmailName); } } #endif
// skip the first ones since we just did them
for (dwIndex = dwStartIndex; dwIndex < dwSize; dwIndex ++) { if (CIS_STRING == CIS_GETTYPE(dwIndex) && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, dwIndex)) { LPTSTR lptsz = ConvertAtoW(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, dwIndex));
// [PaulHi] Special group syncing logic
if (pContactInfo->tyContact == HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP) { // Don't add email name for groups
if (dwIndex == idcisEmail) continue;
// Copy the nickname to the display name property. All WAB DL items
// MUST have a PR_DISPLAY_NAME property. Since HM groups only contain
// a nickname use the nickname as the display name.
if (dwIndex == idcisNickName) { hr = ContactInfo_SetProp(PR_DISPLAY_NAME, lptsz, lpaProps, &dwLoc); if (FAILED(hr)) { LocalFreeAndNull(&lptsz); break; } } } #endif
hr = ContactInfo_SetProp(rgPropMap[dwIndex], lptsz, lpaProps, &dwLoc); LocalFreeAndNull(&lptsz); if (FAILED(hr)) break; } }
out: #endif
return hr; }
static LONG _FindPropTag(ULONG ulPropTag) { LONG lIndex, lSize = ARRAYSIZE(rgPropMap);
// skip href
for (lIndex = 1; lIndex < lSize; lIndex ++) { if (rgPropMap[lIndex] == ulPropTag) return lIndex; } return -1; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_DetermineDeleteProps(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo, LPSPropTagArray prgRemoveProps) { LPSTR *pProps = (LPSTR *)pContactInfo; LONG lSize = ARRAYSIZE(rgPropMap); LONG dwIndex;
prgRemoveProps->cValues = 0; for (dwIndex = CIS_FIRST_DATA_FIELD; dwIndex < lSize; dwIndex ++) { if (CIS_STRING == CIS_GETTYPE(dwIndex) && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, dwIndex) && *(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, dwIndex)) == 0) { prgRemoveProps->aulPropTag[prgRemoveProps->cValues++] = rgPropMap[dwIndex]; } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_PopulateProps( LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo, LPWABCONTACTINFO pWabContactInfo, LPSPropValue lpaProps, ULONG ulcProps, ULONG ulObjectType) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lSize = ARRAYSIZE(rgPropMap); DWORD dwPropIndex = 0, dwLoc = 0; ULONG i, ulPropTag; LONG lIndex; char szBuffer[255]; ULONG ulIndServerIDs = -1, ulIndContactIDs = -1, ulIndModtimes = -1, ulIndEmails = -1; LPSTR lpszA = NULL;
// fix up the other prop tag array structure to take into account the variable values
// @todo [PaulHi] Instead of using explict numbers create an enum for the array
// indices so we can remain consistent.
ZeroMemory(pContactInfo, sizeof(HTTPCONTACTINFO));
// [PaulHi] Set the contact type flag (mail user or group contact)
if (ulObjectType == MAPI_DISTLIST) { // group contact
pContactInfo->tyContact = HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP; pWabContactInfo->ulContactType = HTTPMAIL_CT_GROUP; } else { // mail user contact
pContactInfo->tyContact = HTTPMAIL_CT_CONTACT; pWabContactInfo->ulContactType = HTTPMAIL_CT_CONTACT; } #endif
for (i = 0; i < ulcProps; i++) { ulPropTag = lpaProps[i].ulPropTag; lIndex = _FindPropTag(ulPropTag);
if (lIndex >= 0 && lIndex != 2) // The index==2 array position is tyContact, which we set above.
if (lIndex >= 0) #endif
{ Assert(lIndex < lSize); SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex));
switch (PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag)) { case PT_TSTRING: Assert(CIS_STRING == CIS_GETTYPE(lIndex)); if (CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex)) SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex));
lpszA = ConvertWtoA(lpaProps[i].Value.LPSZ); CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex) = _StrDup(lpszA); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpszA); if (!CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } break;
case PT_SYSTIME: Assert(CIS_STRING == CIS_GETTYPE(lIndex)); if (SUCCEEDED(FileTimeToiso8601((FILETIME *) (&lpaProps[i].Value.ft), szBuffer))) { CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex) = _StrDup(szBuffer); if (!CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } if (PR_BIRTHDAY == ulPropTag && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex)) { // fix it up to be a hotmail formatted date
_FixHotmailDate(CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, lIndex)); } break;
case PT_MV_TSTRING: if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_SERVERIDS) ulIndServerIDs = i; else if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_MODTIMES) ulIndModtimes = i; break; } } else { if (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_HOTMAIL_CONTACTIDS) ulIndContactIDs = i; else if (ulPropTag == PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES) ulIndEmails = i; else if (ulPropTag == PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX) pWabContactInfo->dwEmailIndex = lpaProps[i].Value.ul; #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
else if ( (ulObjectType == MAPI_DISTLIST) && (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ENTRIES) || (ulPropTag == PR_WAB_DL_ONEOFFS) ) { LPSTR lpszNewEmailName = CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail); hr = hrAppendGroupContact(pWabSync, ulPropTag, &lpaProps[i], &lpszNewEmailName); CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail) = lpszNewEmailName;
if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; } #endif
} }
// [PaulHi] Group syncing. HM group contact information consists only of an email and nickname.
// The WAB group display name becomes the HM group nickname.
if (ulObjectType == MAPI_DISTLIST) { LPSTR lpszDisplayName = CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisDisplayName); LPSTR lpszNickName = CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisNickName);
if (lpszDisplayName) { if (lpszNickName) CoTaskMemFree(lpszNickName);
CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisDisplayName) = NULL;
// [PaulHi]
// A HM group nickname cannot contain certain characters. So we remove all
// invalid characters in the name string. This change will be reflected
// in the WAB group name too (yuck).
hrStripInvalidChars(lpszDisplayName); CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo,idcisNickName) = lpszDisplayName; } } else #endif
{ // Likewise email contact nicknames cannot contain certain characters or
// the post to HM server will fail.
LPSTR lpszNickName = CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisNickName);
if (lpszNickName) hrStripInvalidChars(lpszNickName); }
if (ulIndEmails != -1) { if (pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails) FreeMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails); hr = CopyMultiValueString((SWStringArray *) (&lpaProps[ulIndEmails].Value.MVSZ), &pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails); }
// If we have the indexes to all of the multivalues that we care about,
// try to get the appropriate values for the current identity.
if (ulIndContactIDs != -1 && ulIndModtimes != -1 && ulIndServerIDs != -1) { ULONG ulMVIndex = -1; UNALIGNED LPTSTR *lppszValues; TCHAR szFullProfile[MAX_PATH];
// [PaulHi] Assemble the contact ID string
hr = hrMakeContactId( szFullProfile, MAX_PATH, ((LPIAB)(pWabSync->m_pAB))->szProfileID, pWabSync->m_pszAccountId, pWabSync->m_szLoginName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
// sanity check, all three multi values must contain the same number
// of values. If not they are out of sync and not to be trusted.
if (lpaProps[ulIndContactIDs].Value.MVSZ.cValues != lpaProps[ulIndModtimes].Value.MVSZ.cValues || lpaProps[ulIndModtimes].Value.MVSZ.cValues != lpaProps[ulIndServerIDs].Value.MVSZ.cValues) { Assert(FALSE); goto exit; }
if (pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds) FreeMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds); hr = CopyMultiValueString((SWStringArray *) (&lpaProps[ulIndContactIDs].Value.MVSZ), &pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds); if (pWabContactInfo->pszaServerIds) FreeMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaServerIds); hr = CopyMultiValueString((SWStringArray *) (&lpaProps[ulIndServerIDs].Value.MVSZ), &pWabContactInfo->pszaServerIds);
if (pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes) FreeMultiValueString(pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes); hr = CopyMultiValueString((SWStringArray *) (&lpaProps[ulIndModtimes].Value.MVSZ), &pWabContactInfo->pszaModtimes);
if (PROP_TYPE(lpaProps[ulIndContactIDs].ulPropTag) == PT_MV_TSTRING) { lppszValues = lpaProps[ulIndContactIDs].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ; // find the index for this identity
for (i = 0; i < lpaProps[ulIndContactIDs].Value.MVSZ.cValues; i++) { if (lstrcmp(szFullProfile, lppszValues[i]) == 0) { ulMVIndex = i; break; } }
if (ulMVIndex != -1) { ULONG ulLen; LPSTR lpVal = NULL; lpVal = ConvertWtoA(lpaProps[ulIndServerIDs].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[ulMVIndex]); //Copy the values for this identity to the structure
pContactInfo->pszId = _StrDup(lpVal); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpVal); if (!pContactInfo->pszId) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
lpVal = ConvertWtoA(lpaProps[ulIndModtimes].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[ulMVIndex]); pContactInfo->pszModified = _StrDup(lpVal); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpVal); if (!pContactInfo->pszModified) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } } } }
exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { ContactInfo_Free(pContactInfo); }
return hr; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo, LPWABCONTACTINFO pWabContactInfo, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, ULONG cbEntryID, BOOL fDeleteProps) { LPENTRYID pEntryID = NULL; ULONG cbLocEntryID = 0; HRESULT hr; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPSPropValue lpaProps = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; ULONG ulObjectType; SCODE sc; SBinary sBinary; ULONG uli;
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pContactInfo); Assert(pWabSync->m_pAB);
if (HR_FAILED(hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->GetPAB(pWabSync->m_pAB, &sBinary.cb, (LPENTRYID*)&sBinary.lpb))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("GetPAB Failed\n"))); goto out; } Assert(sBinary.lpb);
if (lpEntryID) { if (HR_FAILED(hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(pWabSync->m_pAB, cbEntryID, // size of EntryID to open
lpEntryID, // EntryID to open
NULL, // interface
MAPI_MODIFY, // flags
&ulObjectType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailUser))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("OpenEntry Failed\n"))); goto out; } } else { #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
ULONG ulObjectType = (pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups) ? MAPI_DISTLIST : MAPI_MAILUSER; #else
ULONG ulObjectType = MAPI_MAILUSER; #endif
fDeleteProps = FALSE; if (HR_FAILED(hr = HrCreateNewObject(pWabSync->m_pAB, &sBinary, ulObjectType, CREATE_CHECK_DUP_STRICT, (LPMAPIPROP *) &lpMailUser))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("HRCreateNewObject Failed\n"))); goto out; } }
Assert(lpMailUser); //Add one for the contact's identity id
ulcProps = ContactInfo_CountProperties(pContactInfo) + 1;
// if we have the data to put in them
if (pWabContactInfo && pWabContactInfo->pszaEmails && CIS_GETSTRING(pContactInfo, idcisEmail)) ulcProps += 2;
// [PaulHi] @review 1/21/99
// This part is ugly - only if these have not already been accounted for in pContactInfo
if (pWabContactInfo && pWabContactInfo->pszaContactIds) { if (!pContactInfo->pszModified) ulcProps += 1; if (!pContactInfo->pszId) ulcProps += 1; }
// Allocate a new buffer for the MAPI property array.
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(ulcProps * sizeof(SPropValue), (LPVOID *)&lpaProps); if (sc) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto out; }
// Initialize the Property array
ZeroMemory(lpaProps, (ulcProps*sizeof(SPropValue))); for (uli=0; uli<ulcProps; uli++) lpaProps[uli].ulPropTag = PR_NULL;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = ContactInfo_TranslateProps(pWabSync, pContactInfo, pWabContactInfo, lpaProps))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("ContactInfo_TranslateProps Failed\n"))); goto out; }
// Set the old guys props on the new guy - note that this overwrites any common props on
// potential duplicates when calling savechanges
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpMailUser->lpVtbl->SetProps(lpMailUser, ulcProps, lpaProps, NULL))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("SetProps Failed\n"))); goto out; }
if (fDeleteProps) { SizedSPropTagArray(ARRAYSIZE(rgPropMap), rgRemoveProps) = {0};
ContactInfo_DetermineDeleteProps(pContactInfo, (LPSPropTagArray)&rgRemoveProps);
if (rgRemoveProps.cValues > 0) hr = lpMailUser->lpVtbl->DeleteProps(lpMailUser, (LPSPropTagArray)&rgRemoveProps, NULL); }
// SaveChanges
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpMailUser->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(lpMailUser, KEEP_OPEN_READONLY))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("SaveChanges Failed\n")));
if (!lpEntryID && HR_FAILED(hr = ContactInfo_BlendNewContact(pWabSync, pContactInfo))) DebugPrintError(( TEXT("ContactInfo_BlendNewContact Failed\n"))); goto out; }
out: if (sBinary.lpb) MAPIFreeBuffer(sBinary.lpb);
if (lpMailUser) UlRelease(lpMailUser);
if (lpaProps) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpaProps);
return hr; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_BlendNewContact(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { LPSPropValue lpaProps = NULL; SizedADRLIST(1, rAdrList) = {0}; SCODE sc; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cbValue; DWORD cCount = 0; ULONG j = 0;
if (pContactInfo->pszDisplayName) cCount++;
if (pContactInfo->pszEmail) cCount++;
if (!cCount) return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// Allocate a new buffer for the MAPI property array.
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(cCount * sizeof(SPropValue), (LPVOID *)&lpaProps); if (sc) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto out; }
cCount = 0; if (pContactInfo->pszDisplayName) { lpaProps[cCount].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME; lpaProps[cCount].dwAlignPad = 0; if(sc = ScAnsiToWCMore((LPALLOCATEMORE )(&MAPIAllocateMore),(LPVOID) lpaProps, (LPSTR) pContactInfo->pszDisplayName, (LPWSTR *) (&(lpaProps[cCount].Value.LPSZ)))) goto out; cCount++; } if (pContactInfo->pszEmail) { lpaProps[cCount].ulPropTag = PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS; lpaProps[cCount].dwAlignPad = 0; if(sc = ScAnsiToWCMore((LPALLOCATEMORE )(&MAPIAllocateMore),(LPVOID) lpaProps, (LPSTR) pContactInfo->pszEmail,(LPWSTR *) (&(lpaProps[cCount].Value.LPSZ)))) goto out; cCount++; }
rAdrList.cEntries = 1; rAdrList.aEntries[0].cValues = cCount; rAdrList.aEntries[0].rgPropVals = lpaProps;
hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->ResolveName(pWabSync->m_pAB, (ULONG_PTR)pWabSync->m_hWnd, WAB_RESOLVE_LOCAL_ONLY | WAB_RESOLVE_USE_CURRENT_PROFILE, TEXT(""), (LPADRLIST)(&rAdrList));
lpaProps = NULL; //it was freed in ResolveName (!)
if (HR_FAILED(hr)) goto out;
for(j=0; j<rAdrList.aEntries[0].cValues; j++) { if(rAdrList.aEntries[0].rgPropVals[j].ulPropTag == PR_ENTRYID && rAdrList.aEntries[0].rgPropVals[j].Value.bin.lpb) { hr = ContactInfo_SaveToWAB(pWabSync, pContactInfo, NULL, (LPENTRYID)rAdrList.aEntries[0].rgPropVals[j].Value.bin.lpb, rAdrList.aEntries[0].rgPropVals[j].Value.bin.cb, FALSE); break; } }
for (j = 0; j < rAdrList.cEntries; j++) MAPIFreeBuffer(rAdrList.aEntries[j].rgPropVals);
if (lpaProps) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpaProps); return hr; }
void UpdateSynchronizeMenus(HMENU hMenu, LPIAB lpIAB) { DWORD cItems, dwIndex; MENUITEMINFO mii; TCHAR szLogoffString[255]; TCHAR szRes[255];
if (!IsHTTPMailEnabled(lpIAB)) { // loop through the other menu items looking for logoff
cItems = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu); mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); mii.fMask = MIIM_ID;
for (dwIndex = cItems; dwIndex > 0; --dwIndex) { GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, dwIndex, TRUE, &mii);
// if this is the logoff item, delete it and the separator
// line that follows
if (mii.wID == IDM_TOOLS_SYNCHRONIZE_NOW) { DeleteMenu(hMenu, dwIndex - 1, MF_BYPOSITION); DeleteMenu(hMenu, IDM_TOOLS_SYNCHRONIZE_NOW, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; } } } else { // if there are no http mail accounts, disable the menu item
if (CountHTTPMailAccounts(lpIAB) == 0) EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_TOOLS_SYNCHRONIZE_NOW, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } }
HRESULT ContactInfo_LoadFromWAB(LPWABSYNC pWabSync, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo, LPWABCONTACTINFO pWabContact, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, ULONG cbEntryID) { LPENTRYID pEntryID = NULL; ULONG cbLocEntryID = 0; HRESULT hr; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPSPropValue lpaProps = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; ULONG ulObjectType; SCODE sc;
Assert(pWabSync); Assert(pContactInfo); Assert(lpEntryID); Assert(pWabSync->m_pAB);
if(HR_FAILED(hr = pWabSync->m_pAB->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(pWabSync->m_pAB, cbEntryID, lpEntryID, NULL, 0, &ulObjectType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailUser))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("OpenEntry Failed\n"))); goto out; } if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpMailUser->lpVtbl->GetProps(lpMailUser, (LPSPropTagArray)(&ptaEidCSync), MAPI_UNICODE, &ulcProps, &lpaProps))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("GetProps Failed\n"))); goto out; }
if (HR_FAILED(hr = ContactInfo_PopulateProps(pWabSync, pContactInfo, pWabContact, lpaProps, ulcProps, ulObjectType))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("ContactInfo_PopulateProps Failed\n"))); goto out; }
// [PaulHi] Group sync. Don't break out a group display name
if ( (pContactInfo->tyContact == HTTPMAIL_CT_CONTACT) && pContactInfo->pszDisplayName && (!pContactInfo->pszGivenName || !pContactInfo->pszSurname) ) #else
if ( pContactInfo->pszDisplayName && (!pContactInfo->pszGivenName || !pContactInfo->pszSurname) ) #endif
{ LPVOID pBuffer; LPTSTR pszFirstName = NULL, pszLastName = NULL; LPTSTR lpName = ConvertAtoW(pContactInfo->pszDisplayName); if (ParseDisplayName(lpName, &pszFirstName, &pszLastName, NULL, &pBuffer)) { LPSTR lp = NULL; if (pszFirstName && !pContactInfo->pszGivenName) { lp = ConvertWtoA(pszFirstName); pContactInfo->pszGivenName = _StrDup(lp); LocalFreeAndNull(&lp); } if (pszLastName && !pContactInfo->pszSurname) { lp = ConvertWtoA(pszLastName); pContactInfo->pszSurname = _StrDup(lp); LocalFreeAndNull(&lp); }
LocalFree(pBuffer); } LocalFreeAndNull(&lpName); } out: if (lpMailUser) UlRelease(lpMailUser);
if (lpaProps) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpaProps);
return hr; }
static BOOL _IsLegitNicknameChar(TCHAR ch) { if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') return TRUE; if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return TRUE; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return TRUE; if (ch == '-' || ch == '_') return TRUE; return FALSE; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_GenerateNickname(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pContactInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSTR pszStr;
if (NULL == pContactInfo->pszNickname) { if (pContactInfo->pszEmail) { pContactInfo->pszNickname = _StrDup(pContactInfo->pszEmail); } else if (pContactInfo->pszDisplayName) { pContactInfo->pszNickname = _StrDup(pContactInfo->pszDisplayName); } else { char szNickname[25], szFmt[25]; LoadStringA(hinstMapiX, idsNicknameFmt, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); if (*szFmt == 0) StrCpyNA(szFmt, "Nickname%d", ARRAYSIZE(szFmt));
wnsprintfA(szNickname, ARRAYSIZE(szNickname), szFmt, ((DWORD)GetTickCount() & 0x0000FFFF)); pContactInfo->pszNickname = _StrDup(szNickname); }
if (!pContactInfo->pszNickname) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
pszStr = pContactInfo->pszNickname; while (*pszStr) { // e-mail address should be unique enough...(?)
if (*pszStr == '@') { *pszStr = 0; break; }
if (!_IsLegitNicknameChar(*pszStr)) *pszStr = '_'; pszStr++; } } else { char szNickname[25], szFmt[25]; SafeCoMemFree(pContactInfo->pszNickname); LoadStringA(hinstMapiX, idsNicknameFmt, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); if (*szFmt == 0) StrCpyNA(szFmt, "Nickname%d", ARRAYSIZE(szFmt));
wnsprintfA(szNickname, ARRAYSIZE(szNickname), szFmt, ((DWORD)GetTickCount() & 0x0000FFFF)); pContactInfo->pszNickname = _StrDup(szNickname); } return hr; }
BOOL ContactInfo_Match(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pciServer, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pciClient) { LONG i, lSize = ARRAYSIZE(g_ContactInfoStructure); BOOL fResult = TRUE;
if (!pciServer) return FALSE;
if (!pciClient) return FALSE;
for (i = CIS_FIRST_DATA_FIELD; i < lSize; i ++) { if (CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i) && CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i)) { if (lstrcmpA(CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i), CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i))) return FALSE; } else if (CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i) || CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i)) { if (idcisNickName == i && CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i)) fResult = FALSE; else return FALSE; } }
// if the only reason they don't match is the lack of local nickname and
// there is a server one, just copy the nickname locally
if (!fResult) { CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, idcisNickName) = _StrDup(CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, idcisNickName)); fResult = TRUE; } return fResult; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_PreparePatch(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pciFrom, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pciTo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG i, lSize = ARRAYSIZE(g_ContactInfoStructure); for (i = CIS_FIRST_DATA_FIELD; i < lSize; i ++) { if (CIS_GETSTRING(pciFrom, i) && !CIS_GETSTRING(pciTo, i)) { CIS_GETSTRING(pciTo, i) = _StrDup(""); if (!CIS_GETSTRING(pciTo, i)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } }
if (CIS_GETSTRING(pciFrom, i) && CIS_GETSTRING(pciTo, i) && lstrcmpA(CIS_GETSTRING(pciFrom, i), CIS_GETSTRING(pciTo, i)) == 0) SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pciTo, i)); } exit: return hr; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_EmptyNullItems(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pci) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG i, lSize = ARRAYSIZE(g_ContactInfoStructure);
for (i = CIS_FIRST_DATA_FIELD; i < lSize; i ++) { if (CIS_GETSTRING(pci, i) == NULL) CIS_GETSTRING(pci, i) = _StrDup(""); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT ContactInfo_BlendResults(LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pciServer, LPHTTPCONTACTINFO pciClient, CONFLICT_DECISION *prgDecisions) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG i, lSize = ARRAYSIZE(g_ContactInfoStructure); for (i = CIS_FIRST_DATA_FIELD; i < lSize; i ++) { if (prgDecisions[i] == CONFLICT_SERVER) { SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i) ); if (CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i)) { CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i) = _StrDup(CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i)); SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i)); } else CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i) = _StrDup(""); } else if (prgDecisions[i] == CONFLICT_CLIENT) { SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i)); if (CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i)) CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i) = _StrDup(CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i)); else CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i) = _StrDup(""); } else { SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pciClient, i)); SafeCoMemFree(CIS_GETSTRING(pciServer, i)); } }
return hr; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK SyncProgressDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Locals
LPWABSYNC pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pWabSync = (LPWABSYNC)lParam; if (!pWabSync) { Assert (FALSE); return 1; } #ifdef HM_GROUP_SYNCING
// [PaulHi] Implement group syncing. Identify what is currently
// being synchronized, email contacts or groups.
{ TCHAR rgtchCaption[MAX_PATH]; UINT uids = pWabSync->m_fSyncGroups ? idsSyncGroupsTitle : idsSyncContactsTitle; rgtchCaption[0] = '\0'; LoadString(hinstMapiX, uids, rgtchCaption, MAX_PATH-1); SetWindowText(hwnd, rgtchCaption); } #endif
CenterDialog (hwnd); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LPARAM) pWabSync); return 1;
case WM_SYNC_NEXTSTATE: _WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); break;
case WM_SYNC_NEXTOP: if (!_WABSync_NextOp(pWabSync, (0 != wParam))) WABSync_NextState(pWabSync); break;
case WM_TIMER: break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch(GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam,lParam)) { case IDCANCEL: if (pWabSync) { EnableWindow ((HWND)lParam, FALSE); WABSync_Abort(pWabSync, E_UserCancel); } return 1; } break;
case WM_DESTROY: // KillTimer(hwnd, IDT_PROGRESS_DELAY);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LPARAM) NULL); break; }
// Done
return 0; }
HRESULT CopyMultiValueString( SWStringArray *pInArray, SLPSTRArray **ppOutArray) { SLPSTRArray *pResult = NULL; SCODE sc; HRESULT hr; DWORD i, cb;
*ppOutArray = NULL;
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(sizeof(SLPSTRArray), (LPVOID *)&pResult); if (sc) goto fail;
pResult->cValues = pInArray->cValues; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(LPSTR) * pResult->cValues, pResult, (LPVOID *)&(pResult->lppszA)); if (sc) goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < pResult->cValues; i ++) { if(sc = ScWCToAnsiMore((LPALLOCATEMORE ) (&MAPIAllocateMore),(LPVOID) pResult, (LPWSTR) pInArray->LPPSZ[i], (LPSTR *) (&(pResult->lppszA[i])))) goto fail; } *ppOutArray = pResult; return S_OK;
fail: hr = ResultFromScode(sc); FreeMultiValueString(pResult);
return hr; }
HRESULT AppendToMultiValueString(SLPSTRArray *pInArray, LPSTR szStr) { LPSTR *ppStrA; SCODE sc; HRESULT hr; DWORD i, cb;
ppStrA = pInArray->lppszA; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(LPSTR) * (pInArray->cValues + 1), pInArray, (LPVOID *)&(pInArray->lppszA)); if (sc) { pInArray->lppszA = ppStrA; goto fail; }
CopyMemory(pInArray->lppszA, ppStrA, pInArray->cValues * sizeof(LPSTR));
cb = lstrlenA(szStr);
sc = MAPIAllocateMore(cb + 1, pInArray, (LPVOID *)&(pInArray->lppszA[pInArray->cValues])); if (sc) goto fail;
StrCpyNA(pInArray->lppszA[pInArray->cValues], szStr, cb + 1); pInArray->cValues++; return S_OK;
fail: hr = ResultFromScode(sc); return hr; }
HRESULT SetMultiValueStringValue(SLPSTRArray *pInArray, LPSTR szStr, DWORD dwIndex) { LPSTR *ppStrA; SCODE sc; HRESULT hr; DWORD i, cb;
if (dwIndex >= pInArray->cValues) return E_FAIL;
ppStrA = pInArray->lppszA;
cb = lstrlenA(szStr);
sc = MAPIAllocateMore(cb + 1, pInArray, (LPVOID *)&(pInArray->lppszA[dwIndex])); if (sc) goto fail;
StrCpyNA(pInArray->lppszA[dwIndex], szStr, cb + 1); return S_OK;
fail: hr = ResultFromScode(sc); return hr; }
HRESULT FreeMultiValueString(SLPSTRArray *pInArray) { if (pInArray) MAPIFreeBuffer(pInArray);
return S_OK; }