// Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1996
// PURPOSE: IMAPIContainer implementation for WAB's LDAP container.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
// 96/08/05 markdu BUG 34023 Always start with a filter that causes
// the search to return only objects of class 'person'.
// If organization is supplied, add it to the base of the
// search instead of the filter to narrow the scope.
// 96/08/06 markdu Changed FindRow to always return the first row.
// This is OK in our current implementation since FindRow
// is used only to create and fill a new table.
// 96/08/07 markdu BUG 34201 If search fails due to undefined
// attribute type, try a second search with different
// attributes.
// 96/08/07 markdu BUG 35326 Added attribute mappings for address.
// 96/08/08 markdu BUG 35481 If search returns no error and no
// results, treat this as "not found".
// 96/08/09 markdu BUG 35604 Use ReAllocString to make sure string
// buffers are large enough to hold the required strings
// before doing wsprintf or lstrcpy.
// 96/09/28 markdu BUG 36766 If the LDAP server says there are
// multiple matches for ResolveName, mark the entry as
// ambiguous if we got some back (these will be displayed
// in the check names box). If we got no results back,
// mark the entry as resolved so we don't display an empty
// list of names.
// 96/09/29 markdu BUG 36529 Search for "OfficePager" attribute
// instead of "pager" since we don't have home pager in the UI.
// 96/09/29 markdu BUG 36528 Fix mappings of home/office fax numbers.
// 96/09/29 markdu BUG 37425 Add "mail" to the simple search.
// 96/10/02 markdu BUG 37426 If the search filter does not include
// common name, add to the filter so that we only get entries
// that have a common name. Otherwise the entry will not be
// displayed.
// 96/10/02 markdu BUG 37424 Improve simple search by breaking the
// search string into multiple components.
// 96/10/09 vikramm - extended the LDAPServerParam structure and
// modified the corresponding Get/Set functions. Added server
// IDs to the server entries
// 96/10/18 markdu Rewrote ParseSRestriction.
// 96/11/10 markdu BUG 9735 Use global handle for cancel dialog.
// 96/11/17 markdu BUG 9846 Only enable the cancel dialog when it is displayed.
// 96/11/18 vikramm - updated params to FixDisplayName
// 96/11/20 markdu Use synchronous bind for Sicily authentication.
// 96/11/22 markdu BUG 10539 Replace dollar signs with line feeds in postalAddress.
// 96/11/27 markdu BUG 6779 Get alternate email addresses.
// 96/11/28 markdu BUG 6779 Do not add primary email address to contacts
// list if it is already present. Also, if not primary address is
// returned, but we have a contacts list, copy one from there to primary.
// 96/12/03 markdu BUG 11941 Don't call lstrlen on NULL pointers.
// 96/12/03 markdu BUG 11924 Restructure return values for cancel dialog.
// 96/12/04 markdu BUG 11923 Escape invalid characters in search filters.
// Also changed all ++ operations on strings to CharNext().
// 96/12/09 markdu BUG 10537 Map error codes returned from ldap_bind to indicate
// that the problem was with the logon credentials.
// 96/12/10 markdu BUG 12699 Call CharNext before setting char to null.
// 96/12/14 markdu Got rid of globals gfUseSynchronousBind and ghDlgCancel.
// 96/12/19 markdu Post- code review clean up.
// 96/12/19 markdu BUG 12608 Commented out temporary work-around for 10537.
// 96/12/22 markdu BUG 11785 Replace wsprintf with lstrcat.
// 97/04/30 vikramm Added labeledURI attribute
// 97/05/19 vikramm Exchange DS wont return display-name attribute
// 97/05/19 vikramm Add username,passowrd for ISV DS binding
#include "_apipch.h"
#define LDAP_NTDS_ENTRY 0x80000000 // When doing LDAP searches, we need to identify if certain entries originate
// on an NTDS server so that we can mark them accordingly when corresponding
// LDAP URLs are passed to extension property sheets .. this enables the NTDS
// extension sheets to make performance optimizations as appropriate
// This flag is saved on the LDAP entryID as part of the ulcNumProps param ..
// It's a bit of a hack but requires least number of changes ...just have to be
// careful to negate this flag before using the ulcNumProps ..
void SetAccountStringAW(LPTSTR * lppAcctStr,LPSTR lpszData); void SetAccountStringWA(LPSTR szStrA, LPTSTR lpszData, int cbsz);
static const TCHAR szBindDNMSFTUser[] = TEXT("client=MS_OutlookAddressBook,o=Microsoft,c=US"); //NULL;
static const TCHAR szBindCredMSFTPass[] = TEXT("wabrules"); //NULL;
extern HRESULT HrGetLDAPSearchRestriction(LDAP_SEARCH_PARAMS LDAPsp, LPSRestriction lpSRes);
static const LPTSTR szNULLString = TEXT("NULL");
// Global handle for LDAP client DLL
// DLL instance handle for account manager dll
static HINSTANCE g_hInstImnAcct = NULL;
// Global place to store the account manager object
IImnAccountManager2 * g_lpAccountManager = NULL;
// LDAP jump table is defined here...
LDAPCONT_Vtbl vtblLDAPCONT = { VTABLE_FILL (LDAPCONT_QueryInterface_METHOD *) IAB_QueryInterface, (LDAPCONT_AddRef_METHOD *) WRAP_AddRef, (LDAPCONT_Release_METHOD *) CONTAINER_Release, (LDAPCONT_GetLastError_METHOD *) IAB_GetLastError, (LDAPCONT_SaveChanges_METHOD *) WRAP_SaveChanges, (LDAPCONT_GetProps_METHOD *) WRAP_GetProps, (LDAPCONT_GetPropList_METHOD *) WRAP_GetPropList, (LDAPCONT_OpenProperty_METHOD *) CONTAINER_OpenProperty, (LDAPCONT_SetProps_METHOD *) WRAP_SetProps, (LDAPCONT_DeleteProps_METHOD *) WRAP_DeleteProps, (LDAPCONT_CopyTo_METHOD *) WRAP_CopyTo, (LDAPCONT_CopyProps_METHOD *) WRAP_CopyProps, (LDAPCONT_GetNamesFromIDs_METHOD *) WRAP_GetNamesFromIDs, (LDAPCONT_GetIDsFromNames_METHOD *) WRAP_GetIDsFromNames, LDAPCONT_GetContentsTable, LDAPCONT_GetHierarchyTable, LDAPCONT_OpenEntry, LDAPCONT_SetSearchCriteria, LDAPCONT_GetSearchCriteria, LDAPCONT_CreateEntry, LDAPCONT_CopyEntries, LDAPCONT_DeleteEntries, LDAPCONT_ResolveNames };
// LDAPVUE (table view class)
// Implementes in-memory IMAPITable class on top of TADs
// This is a copy of vtblVUE with FindRow overridden with the LDAP FindRow.
VUE_Vtbl vtblLDAPVUE = { VTABLE_FILL (VUE_QueryInterface_METHOD FAR *) UNKOBJ_QueryInterface, (VUE_AddRef_METHOD FAR *) UNKOBJ_AddRef, VUE_Release, (VUE_GetLastError_METHOD FAR *) UNKOBJ_GetLastError, VUE_Advise, VUE_Unadvise, VUE_GetStatus, VUE_SetColumns, VUE_QueryColumns, VUE_GetRowCount, VUE_SeekRow, VUE_SeekRowApprox, VUE_QueryPosition, LDAPVUE_FindRow, LDAPVUE_Restrict, VUE_CreateBookmark, VUE_FreeBookmark, VUE_SortTable, VUE_QuerySortOrder, VUE_QueryRows, VUE_Abort, VUE_ExpandRow, VUE_CollapseRow, VUE_WaitForCompletion, VUE_GetCollapseState, VUE_SetCollapseState };
// Interfaces supported by this object
// LDAP function names
static const TCHAR cszLDAPClientDLL[] = TEXT("WLDAP32.DLL"); static const char cszLDAPSSLInit[] = "ldap_sslinitW"; static const char cszLDAPSetOption[] = "ldap_set_optionW"; static const char cszLDAPOpen[] = "ldap_openW"; static const char cszLDAPBind[] = "ldap_bindW"; static const char cszLDAPBindS[] = "ldap_bind_sW"; static const char cszLDAPUnbind[] = "ldap_unbind"; static const char cszLDAPSearch[] = "ldap_searchW"; static const char cszLDAPSearchS[] = "ldap_search_sW"; static const char cszLDAPSearchST[] = "ldap_search_stW"; static const char cszLDAPAbandon[] = "ldap_abandon"; static const char cszLDAPResult[] = "ldap_result"; static const char cszLDAPResult2Error[] = "ldap_result2error"; static const char cszLDAPMsgFree[] = "ldap_msgfree"; static const char cszLDAPFirstEntry[] = "ldap_first_entry"; static const char cszLDAPNextEntry[] = "ldap_next_entry"; static const char cszLDAPCountEntries[] = "ldap_count_entries"; static const char cszLDAPFirstAttr[] = "ldap_first_attributeW"; static const char cszLDAPNextAttr[] = "ldap_next_attributeW"; static const char cszLDAPGetValues[] = "ldap_get_valuesW"; static const char cszLDAPGetValuesLen[] = "ldap_get_values_lenW"; static const char cszLDAPCountValues[] = "ldap_count_valuesW"; static const char cszLDAPCountValuesLen[] = "ldap_count_values_len"; static const char cszLDAPValueFree[] = "ldap_value_freeW"; static const char cszLDAPValueFreeLen[] = "ldap_value_free_len"; static const char cszLDAPGetDN[] = "ldap_get_dnW"; static const char cszLDAPMemFree[] = "ldap_memfreeW"; static const char cszLDAPConnect[] = "ldap_connect"; static const char cszLDAPInit[] = "ldap_initW"; static const char cszLDAPErr2String[] = "ldap_err2stringW"; static const char cszLDAPCreatePageControl[] = "ldap_create_page_controlW"; static const char cszLDAPSearchExtS[] = "ldap_search_ext_sW"; static const char cszLDAPSearchExt[] = "ldap_search_extW"; static const char cszLDAPParseResult[] = "ldap_parse_resultW"; static const char cszLDAPParsePageControl[] = "ldap_parse_page_controlW"; static const char cszLDAPControlFree[] = "ldap_control_freeW"; static const char cszLDAPControlSFree[] = "ldap_controls_freeW";
// Registry keys
const LPTSTR szAllLDAPServersValueName = TEXT("All LDAP Server Names");
// Global function pointers for LDAP API
// API table for LDAP function addresses to fetch
// BUGBUG this global array should be in data seg
APIFCN LDAPAPIList[NUM_LDAPAPI_PROCS] = { { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPOpen, cszLDAPOpen }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPConnect, cszLDAPConnect }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPInit, cszLDAPInit }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSSLInit, cszLDAPSSLInit }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSetOption, cszLDAPSetOption }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPBind, cszLDAPBind }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPBindS, cszLDAPBindS }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPUnbind, cszLDAPUnbind }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSearch, cszLDAPSearch }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSearchS, cszLDAPSearchS }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSearchST, cszLDAPSearchST }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPAbandon, cszLDAPAbandon }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPResult, cszLDAPResult }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPResult2Error, cszLDAPResult2Error }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPMsgFree, cszLDAPMsgFree }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPFirstEntry, cszLDAPFirstEntry }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPNextEntry, cszLDAPNextEntry }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPCountEntries, cszLDAPCountEntries }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPFirstAttr, cszLDAPFirstAttr }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPNextAttr, cszLDAPNextAttr }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPGetValues, cszLDAPGetValues }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPGetValuesLen, cszLDAPGetValuesLen }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPCountValues, cszLDAPCountValues }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPCountValuesLen, cszLDAPCountValuesLen }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPValueFree, cszLDAPValueFree }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPValueFreeLen, cszLDAPValueFreeLen }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPGetDN, cszLDAPGetDN }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPMemFree, cszLDAPMemFree }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPErr2String, cszLDAPErr2String }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPCreatePageControl, cszLDAPCreatePageControl }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSearchExtS, cszLDAPSearchExtS }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPSearchExt, cszLDAPSearchExt }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPParseResult, cszLDAPParseResult }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPParsePageControl,cszLDAPParsePageControl }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPControlFree, cszLDAPControlFree }, { (PVOID *) &gpfnLDAPControlsFree, cszLDAPControlSFree } };
// LDAP attribute names
static const TCHAR cszAttr_display_name[] = TEXT("display-name"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_cn[] = TEXT("cn"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_commonName[] = TEXT("commonName"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_mail[] = TEXT("mail"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_otherMailbox[] = TEXT("otherMailbox"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_givenName[] = TEXT("givenName"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_sn[] = TEXT("sn"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_surname[] = TEXT("surname"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_st[] = TEXT("st"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_c[] = TEXT("c"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_o[] = TEXT("o"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_organizationName[] = TEXT("organizationName"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_ou[] = TEXT("ou"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_organizationalUnitName[] = TEXT("organizationalUnitName"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_URL[] = TEXT("URL"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_homePhone[] = TEXT("homePhone"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_facsimileTelephoneNumber[] = TEXT("facsimileTelephoneNumber"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber[]= TEXT("otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_OfficeFax[] = TEXT("OfficeFax"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_mobile[] = TEXT("mobile"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_otherPager[] = TEXT("otherPager"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_OfficePager[] = TEXT("OfficePager"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_pager[] = TEXT("pager"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_info[] = TEXT("info"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_title[] = TEXT("title"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_telephoneNumber[] = TEXT("telephoneNumber"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_l[] = TEXT("l"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_homePostalAddress[] = TEXT("homePostalAddress"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_postalAddress[] = TEXT("postalAddress"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_streetAddress[] = TEXT("streetAddress"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_street[] = TEXT("street"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_department[] = TEXT("department"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_comment[] = TEXT("comment"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_co[] = TEXT("co"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_postalCode[] = TEXT("postalCode"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_physicalDeliveryOfficeName[] = TEXT("physicalDeliveryOfficeName"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_initials[] = TEXT("initials"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_userCertificatebinary[] = TEXT("userCertificate;binary"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_userSMIMECertificatebinary[] = TEXT("userSMIMECertificate;binary"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_userCertificate[] = TEXT("userCertificate"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_userSMIMECertificate[] = TEXT("userSMIMECertificate"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_labeledURI[] = TEXT("labeledURI"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_conferenceInformation[] = TEXT("conferenceInformation"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_Manager[] = TEXT("Manager"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_Reports[] = TEXT("Reports"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_IPPhone[] = TEXT("IPPhone"); static const TCHAR cszAttr_anr[] = TEXT("anr");
// List of attributes that we ask the server to return on OpenEntry calls
// This list includes the userCertificates property.
// Also includes the labeledURI property
static const TCHAR *g_rgszOpenEntryAttrs[] = { cszAttr_display_name, cszAttr_cn, cszAttr_commonName, cszAttr_mail, cszAttr_otherMailbox, cszAttr_givenName, cszAttr_sn, cszAttr_surname, cszAttr_st, cszAttr_c, cszAttr_co, cszAttr_organizationName, cszAttr_o, cszAttr_ou, cszAttr_organizationalUnitName, cszAttr_URL, cszAttr_homePhone, cszAttr_facsimileTelephoneNumber, cszAttr_otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber, cszAttr_OfficeFax, cszAttr_mobile, cszAttr_otherPager, cszAttr_OfficePager, cszAttr_pager, cszAttr_info, cszAttr_title, cszAttr_telephoneNumber, cszAttr_l, cszAttr_homePostalAddress, cszAttr_postalAddress, cszAttr_streetAddress, cszAttr_street, cszAttr_department, cszAttr_comment, cszAttr_postalCode, cszAttr_physicalDeliveryOfficeName, cszAttr_initials, cszAttr_conferenceInformation, cszAttr_userCertificatebinary, cszAttr_userSMIMECertificatebinary, cszAttr_labeledURI, cszAttr_Manager, cszAttr_Reports, cszAttr_IPPhone, NULL };
// List of attributes that we put in the advanced find combo
// This list needs to be kept in sync with the string resources
// idsLDAPFilterField*
const TCHAR *g_rgszAdvancedFindAttrs[] = { cszAttr_cn, cszAttr_mail, cszAttr_givenName, cszAttr_sn, cszAttr_o, /*
cszAttr_homePostalAddress, cszAttr_postalAddress, cszAttr_streetAddress, cszAttr_street, cszAttr_st, cszAttr_c, cszAttr_postalCode, cszAttr_department, cszAttr_title, cszAttr_co, cszAttr_ou, cszAttr_homePhone, cszAttr_telephoneNumber, cszAttr_facsimileTelephoneNumber, cszAttr_OfficeFax, cszAttr_mobile, cszAttr_pager, cszAttr_OfficePager, cszAttr_conferenceInformation, cszAttr_Manager, cszAttr_Reports, */ NULL };
/* Only use the above list for all kinds of searches since now we do a single
search for all attributes and cache the results
// List of attributes that we ask the server to return on FindRow calls
// This list DOES NOT include the userCertificates property, since when we
// got the certs they would have been added to the WAB store and then would
// have to be deleted. We only get the certs if the user asks for properties.
static const TCHAR *g_rgszFindRowAttrs[] = { cszAttr_display_name, cszAttr_cn, cszAttr_commonName, cszAttr_mail, cszAttr_otherMailbox, cszAttr_givenName, cszAttr_sn, cszAttr_surname, cszAttr_st, cszAttr_c, cszAttr_co, cszAttr_organizationName, cszAttr_o, cszAttr_ou, cszAttr_organizationalUnitName, cszAttr_URL, cszAttr_homePhone, cszAttr_facsimileTelephoneNumber, cszAttr_OfficeFax, cszAttr_mobile, cszAttr_OfficePager, cszAttr_pager, cszAttr_info, cszAttr_title, cszAttr_telephoneNumber, cszAttr_l, cszAttr_homePostalAddress, cszAttr_postalAddress, cszAttr_streetAddress, cszAttr_street, cszAttr_department, cszAttr_comment, cszAttr_postalCode, cszAttr_physicalDeliveryOfficeName, cszAttr_initials, cszAttr_conferenceInformation, // DO NOT PUT cszAttr_userCertificatebinary in here!
// Also no need to pu cszAttr_labeledURI here!
NULL }; */
// MAPI property to LDAP attribute map
// [PaulHi] 3/17/99 We have special PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER parsing code now. If any new
// PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER attributes are added then also add them to the atszPagerAttr[].
// Search on '[PaulHi] 3/17/99' to find the places that use this array.
// BUGBUG this global array should be in data seg
ATTRMAP gAttrMap[NUM_ATTRMAP_ENTRIES] = { { PR_DISPLAY_NAME, cszAttr_display_name }, { PR_DISPLAY_NAME, cszAttr_cn }, { PR_DISPLAY_NAME, cszAttr_commonName }, { PR_GIVEN_NAME, cszAttr_givenName }, { PR_MIDDLE_NAME, cszAttr_initials }, { PR_SURNAME, cszAttr_sn }, { PR_SURNAME, cszAttr_surname }, { PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, cszAttr_mail }, { PR_WAB_SECONDARY_EMAIL_ADDRESSES, cszAttr_otherMailbox }, { PR_COUNTRY, cszAttr_co }, { PR_COUNTRY, cszAttr_c }, { PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE, cszAttr_st }, { PR_LOCALITY, cszAttr_l }, { PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET, cszAttr_homePostalAddress }, { PR_STREET_ADDRESS, cszAttr_streetAddress }, { PR_STREET_ADDRESS, cszAttr_street }, { PR_STREET_ADDRESS, cszAttr_postalAddress }, { PR_POSTAL_CODE, cszAttr_postalCode }, { PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, cszAttr_homePhone }, { PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, cszAttr_mobile }, { PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, cszAttr_pager }, { PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, cszAttr_otherPager }, { PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, cszAttr_OfficePager }, { PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, cszAttr_telephoneNumber }, { PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE, cszAttr_URL }, { PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER, cszAttr_otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber}, { PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER, cszAttr_facsimileTelephoneNumber }, { PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER, cszAttr_OfficeFax }, { PR_TITLE, cszAttr_title }, { PR_COMPANY_NAME, cszAttr_organizationName }, { PR_COMPANY_NAME, cszAttr_o }, { PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, cszAttr_ou }, { PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, cszAttr_organizationalUnitName }, { PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, cszAttr_department }, { PR_OFFICE_LOCATION, cszAttr_physicalDeliveryOfficeName }, { PR_COMMENT, cszAttr_info }, { PR_COMMENT, cszAttr_comment }, { PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE, cszAttr_userCertificatebinary }, { PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE, cszAttr_userSMIMECertificatebinary }, { PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE, cszAttr_userCertificate }, { PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE, cszAttr_userSMIMECertificate }, { PR_WAB_LDAP_LABELEDURI, cszAttr_labeledURI }, };
// Filter strings
static const TCHAR cszDefaultCountry[] = TEXT("US"); static const TCHAR cszBaseFilter[] = TEXT("%s=%s"); static const TCHAR cszAllEntriesFilter[] = TEXT("(objectclass=*)"); static const TCHAR cszCommonNamePresentFilter[] = TEXT("(cn=*)"); static const TCHAR cszStar[] = TEXT("*"); static const TCHAR cszOpenParen[] = TEXT("("); static const TCHAR cszCloseParen[] = TEXT(")"); static const TCHAR cszEqualSign[] = TEXT("="); static const TCHAR cszAnd[] = TEXT("&"); static const TCHAR cszOr[] = TEXT("|"); static const TCHAR cszAllPersonFilter[] = TEXT("(objectCategory=person)"); static const TCHAR cszAllGroupFilter[] = TEXT("(objectCategory=group)");
// Set TRUE if CoInitialize is called
BOOL fCoInitialize = FALSE;
enum { use_ldap_v3 = 0, use_ldap_v2 };
// Definitions
#define FIRST_PASS 0
#define SECOND_PASS 1
// Number of extra characters needed when allocating filters
#define FILTER_EXTRA_BASIC 4 // (, =, ), *
#define FILTER_EXTRA_OP 3 // (, &/|, )
#define FILTER_OP_AND 0 // use AND operator
#define FILTER_OP_OR 1 // use OR operator
// When we allocate a new buffer for the MAPI property array, we will need at most
// as many entries as there were in the input list of LDAP attributes plus a few extras.
// The number of extras is different in each case, but for simplicity (and safety)
// we define NUM_EXTRA_PROPS to be the maximum number of extras that we need to
// allocate space for. Extras are need for:
#define NUM_EXTRA_PROPS 10
// Local function prototypes
HRESULT LDAPSearchWithoutContainer(HWND hWnd, LPLDAPURL lplu, LPSRestriction lpres, LPTSTR lpAdvFilter, BOOL bReturnSinglePropArray, ULONG ulFlags, LPRECIPIENT_INFO * lppContentsList, LPULONG lpulcProps, LPSPropValue * lppPropArray); LPTSTR MAPIPropToLDAPAttr(const ULONG ulPropTag); ULONG LDAPAttrToMAPIProp(const LPTSTR szAttr); HRESULT ParseSRestriction(LPSRestriction lpRes, LPTSTR FAR * lplpszFilter, LPTSTR * lplpszSimpleFilter, LPTSTR * lplpszNTFilter, DWORD dwPass, BOOL bUnicode); HRESULT GetLDAPServerName(LPLDAPCONT lpLDAPCont, LPTSTR * lppServer); BOOL FixPropArray(LPSPropValue lpPropArray, ULONG * lpulcProps); HRESULT HRFromLDAPError(ULONG ulErr, LDAP* pLDAP, SCODE scDefault); HRESULT TranslateAttrs(LDAP* pLDAP, LDAPMessage* lpEntry, LPTSTR lpServer, ULONG* pulcProps, LPSPropValue lpPropArray); ULONG OpenConnection(LPTSTR lpszServer, LDAP** ppLDAP, ULONG* pulTimeout, ULONG* pulMsgID, BOOL* pfSyncBind, ULONG ulLdapType, LPTSTR lpszBindDN, DWORD dwAuthType); void EncryptDecryptText(LPBYTE lpb, DWORD dwSize); HRESULT CreateSimpleSearchFilter(LPTSTR FAR * lplpszFilter, LPTSTR FAR * lplpszAltFilter, LPTSTR * lplpszSimpleFilter, LPTSTR lpszInput, DWORD dwPass); HRESULT GetLDAPSearchBase(LPTSTR FAR * lplpszBase, LPTSTR lpszServer); INT_PTR CALLBACK DisplayLDAPCancelDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ULONG SearchWithCancel(LDAP** ppLDAP, LPTSTR szBase,ULONG ulScope,LPTSTR szFilter,LPTSTR szNTFilter, LPTSTR* ppszAttrs,ULONG ulAttrsonly,LDAPMessage** lplpResult,LPTSTR lpszServer, BOOL fShowAnim,LPTSTR lpszBindDN,DWORD dwAuthType, BOOL fResolveMultiple,LPADRLIST lpAdrList,LPFlagList lpFlagList,BOOL fUseSynchronousBind, BOOL * lpbIsNTDS, BOOL bUnicode); BOOL CenterWindow (HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent); BOOL ResolveDoNextSearch(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, HWND hDlg, BOOL bSecondPass); BOOL ResolveProcessResults(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, HWND hDlg); BOOL BindProcessResults(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, HWND hDlg, BOOL * lpbNoMoreSearching); ULONG CountDollars(LPTSTR lpszStr); void DollarsToLFs(LPTSTR lpszSrcStr, LPTSTR lpszDestStr, DWORD cchDestStr); BOOL IsSMTPAddress(LPTSTR lpszStr, LPTSTR * lpptszName); ULONG CountIllegalChars(LPTSTR lpszStr); void EscapeIllegalChars(LPTSTR lpszSrcStr, LPTSTR lpszDestStr, ULONG cchDestStr); BOOL bIsSimpleSearch(LPTSTR lpszServer); BOOL DoSyncLDAPSearch(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams); ULONG CheckErrorResult(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDALSearchParams, ULONG ulExpectedResult);
BOOL ProcessLDAPPagedResultCookie(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams); void InitLDAPPagedSearch(BOOL fSynchronous, PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, LPTSTR lpFilter); BOOL bSupportsLDAPPagedResults(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams); #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
HRESULT BuildBasicFilter( LPTSTR FAR* lplpszFilter, LPTSTR lpszA, LPTSTR lpszB, BOOL fStartsWith); HRESULT BuildOpFilter( LPTSTR FAR* lplpszFilter, LPTSTR lpszA, LPTSTR lpszB, DWORD dwOp);
// FUNCTION: LDAPCONT_GetHierarchyTable
// RETURNS: This function is not implemented.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
LPTSTR lpszMessage = NULL; ULONG ulLowLevelError = 0; HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT);
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_GetHierarchyTable, hr); return hr; }
// FUNCTION: LDAPCONT_SetSearchCriteria
// RETURNS: This function is not implemented.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
STDMETHODIMP LDAPCONT_SetSearchCriteria( LPLDAPCONT lpLDAPCont, LPSRestriction lpRestriction, LPENTRYLIST lpContainerList, ULONG ulSearchFlags) { HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT);
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_SetSearchCriteria, hr); return hr; }
// FUNCTION: LDAPCONT_GetSearchCriteria
// RETURNS: This function is not implemented.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
STDMETHODIMP LDAPCONT_GetSearchCriteria( LPLDAPCONT lpLDAPCont, ULONG ulFlags, LPSRestriction FAR * lppRestriction, LPENTRYLIST FAR * lppContainerList, ULONG FAR * lpulSearchState) { HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT);
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_GetSearchCriteria, hr); return hr; }
// RETURNS: This function is not implemented.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_CreateEntry, hr); return hr; }
// RETURNS: This function is not implemented.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_CopyEntries, hr); return hr; }
// RETURNS: This function is not implemented.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_DeleteEntries, hr); return hr; }
// FUNCTION: LDAPCONT_GetContentsTable
// PURPOSE: Opens a table of the contents of the container
// PARAMETERS: lpLDAPCont -> Container object
// ulFlags =
// lppTable -> returned table object
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
STDMETHODIMP LDAPCONT_GetContentsTable ( LPLDAPCONT lpLDAPCont, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPITABLE * lppTable) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; LPTABLEDATA lpTableData = NULL; SCODE sc; LPTSTR lpszServer = NULL;
if (IsBadReadPtr(lpLDAPCont, sizeof(LPVOID))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
if (lpLDAPCont->lpVtbl != &vtblLDAPCONT) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
if (ulFlags & ~(MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS|MAPI_UNICODE)) { DebugTraceArg(LDAPCONT_GetContentsTable, TEXT("Unknown flags")); // return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS);
if (IsBadWritePtr(lppTable, sizeof(LPMAPITABLE))) { DebugTraceArg(LDAPCONT_GetContentsTable, TEXT("Invalid Table parameter")); return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
if (hResult = GetLDAPServerName(lpLDAPCont, &lpszServer)) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("GetLDAPServerName"), hResult); goto exit; }
if (FAILED(sc = CreateTableData( NULL, // LPCIID
(ALLOCATEBUFFER FAR *) MAPIAllocateBuffer, (ALLOCATEMORE FAR *) MAPIAllocateMore, MAPIFreeBuffer, NULL, // lpvReserved,
TBLTYPE_DYNAMIC, // ulTableType,
PR_RECORD_KEY, // ulPropTagIndexCol,
(LPSPropTagArray)&ITableColumns, // LPSPropTagArray lpptaCols,
lpszServer, // server name goes here
sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(lpszServer) + 1), // size of servername
lpLDAPCont->pmbinOlk, ulFlags, &lpTableData))) { // LPTABLEATA FAR * lplptad
DebugTrace(TEXT("CreateTable failed %x\n"), sc); hResult = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; }
if (lpTableData) { hResult = lpTableData->lpVtbl->HrGetView(lpTableData, NULL, // LPSSortOrderSet lpsos,
ContentsViewGone, // CALLERRELEASE FAR * lpfReleaseCallback,
0, // ULONG ulReleaseData,
lppTable); // LPMAPITABLE FAR * lplpmt)
// Replace the vtable with our new one that overrides FindRow
(*lppTable)->lpVtbl = (IMAPITableVtbl FAR *) &vtblLDAPVUE; }
exit: FreeBufferAndNull(&lpszServer);
// Cleanup table if failure
if (HR_FAILED(hResult)) { if (lpTableData) UlRelease(lpTableData); }
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_GetContentsTable, hResult); return hResult; }
// PURPOSE: Opens a LDAP MAILUSER object
// PARAMETERS: cbEntryID = size of lpEntryID.
// lpEntryID -> entryid to check.
// The entryid contains all the returned properties on this LDAP
// contact. All we need to do is reverse engineer the decrypted
// props ...
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
// 97/09/18 vikramm Revamped totally
HRESULT LDAP_OpenMAILUSER( LPIAB lpIAB, ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType, LPUNKNOWN * lppUnk) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrDeferred = hrSuccess; SCODE sc; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPMAPIPROP lpMapiProp = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; LPTSTR szBase; ULONG ulResult; ULONG ulcEntries; LPTSTR lpServer = NULL; LPTSTR lpDN = NULL; LPBYTE lpPropBuf = NULL; ULONG ulcNumProps = 0; ULONG cbPropBuf = 0; ULONG i = 0; ULONG i2; LPSPropValue lpPropCert = NULL; ULONG ulcCert = 0; #ifdef PARAMETER_VALIDATION
// Parameter Validataion
if (lpInterface && IsBadReadPtr(lpInterface, sizeof(IID))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); } if (ulFlags & ~(MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS | MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)) { DebugTraceArg(LDAP_OpenMAILUSER, TEXT("Unknown flags")); // return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS));
} if (IsBadWritePtr(lpulObjType, sizeof(ULONG))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); } if (IsBadWritePtr(lppUnk, sizeof(LPUNKNOWN))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
// What interface was requested?
// We've basically got 1 interface here... IMailUser
if (lpInterface != NULL) { if (! ((! memcmp(lpInterface, &IID_IMailUser, sizeof(IID))) || (! memcmp(lpInterface, &IID_IMAPIProp, sizeof(IID))))) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED); goto exit; } }
// Make sure the Entry ID is a WAB_LDAP_MAILUSER.
if (WAB_LDAP_MAILUSER != IsWABEntryID( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, &lpServer, &lpDN, &lpPropBuf, (LPVOID *) &ulcNumProps, (LPVOID *) &cbPropBuf)) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID)); }
// The ulcNumProps entry is overloaded with a flag indicating whether that entry was an NTDS entry or not
// Make sure to clear that flag ...
if(ulcNumProps & LDAP_NTDS_ENTRY) ulcNumProps &= ~LDAP_NTDS_ENTRY;
ulcProps = ulcNumProps; hr = HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer( lpPropBuf, cbPropBuf, ulcNumProps, 3, // add 3 extra props for PR_ENTRYID, RECORD_KEY and INSTANCE_KEY
&lpPropArray); if(HR_FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
// Need to scan these props and see if there is a LDAPCert in there...
// If the LDAP cert exists, need to convert it into a MAPI Cert
// processed. If we find the certsmime then don't do the rawcert version
for (i=0, i2=-1;i<ulcNumProps;i++) { if( lpPropArray[i].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERT ) i2 = i; else if ( lpPropArray[i].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERTSMIME ) { if (i2 != -1) { DWORD j; // Clear out PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERT as unnecessary
for (j=0; j<lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.cValues; j++) { LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].lpb))); lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].cb = 0; } //
// Free up the RawCert as we dont need it now
lpPropArray[i2].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin))); }
// Remember which one is PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERTSMIME
i2 = i; break; } }
if (i2 != -1) { //
// Find the RAWCERT_COUNT - must be one if there is a raw cert
ULONG j = 0, ulRawCount = lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.cValues;
// We are putting the MAPI certs in a seperate MAPIAlloced array
// because 1. LDAPCertToMAPICert expects a MAPIAlloced array
// 2. The lpPropArray is LocalAlloced 3. Mixing them both is a
// recipe for disaster
Assert(!lpPropCert); if(sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(2 * sizeof(SPropValue), &lpPropCert)) goto NoCert; lpPropCert[0].ulPropTag = PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE; lpPropCert[0].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropCert[0].Value.MVbin.cValues = 0; lpPropCert[1].ulPropTag = PR_WAB_TEMP_CERT_HASH; lpPropCert[1].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropCert[1].Value.MVbin.cValues = 0;
for(j=0;j<ulRawCount;j++) { if(lpPropArray[i2].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERT) { // Put the certs into the prop array.
hr = HrLDAPCertToMAPICert(lpPropCert, 0, 1, (DWORD)(lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].cb), (PBYTE)(lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].lpb), 1); } else { hr = AddPropToMVPBin(lpPropCert, 0, lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].lpb, lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].cb, TRUE); } LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].lpb))); lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin[j].cb = 0; } // If no certs were put into PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE, then
// set these props to PR_NULL so they will be removed.
if (0 == lpPropCert[0].Value.MVbin.cValues) { lpPropCert[0].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; lpPropCert[1].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; } else if (0 == lpPropCert[1].Value.MVbin.cValues) { // It's ok to have no entries in PR_WAB_TEMP_CERT_HASH, but
// the prop should be set to PR_NULL in that case.
lpPropCert[1].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; }
// Free up the RawCert as we dont need it now
lpPropArray[i2].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpPropArray[i2].Value.MVbin.lpbin))); NoCert: ; }
// Fill in the entry ID.
lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.cb = cbEntryID; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbEntryID); if (!lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb) { hr = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; } MemCopy(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb, lpEntryID, cbEntryID); lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_ENTRYID; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0; ulcProps++;
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_INSTANCE_KEY; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.cb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 1].Value.bin.cb; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 1].Value.bin.lpb; ulcProps++;
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_RECORD_KEY; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.cb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 2].Value.bin.cb; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 2].Value.bin.lpb; ulcProps++;
// Create a new MAILUSER object
hr = HrNewMAILUSER(lpIAB, NULL, MAPI_MAILUSER, 0, &lpMapiProp); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } HrSetMAILUSERAccess((LPMAILUSER)lpMapiProp, MAPI_MODIFY);
if (ulcProps && lpPropArray) { // If the entry had properties, set them in our returned object
if (HR_FAILED(hr = lpMapiProp->lpVtbl->SetProps(lpMapiProp, ulcProps, // number of properties to set
lpPropArray, // property array
NULL))) // problem array
{ goto exit; } }
if (lpPropCert) { // If the entry had properties, set them in our returned object
if (HR_FAILED(hr = lpMapiProp->lpVtbl->SetProps(lpMapiProp, 2, // number of properties to set
lpPropCert, // property array
NULL))) // problem array
{ goto exit; } }
HrSetMAILUSERAccess((LPMAILUSER)lpMapiProp, ulFlags);
*lpulObjType = MAPI_MAILUSER; *lppUnk = (LPUNKNOWN)lpMapiProp;
#ifdef DEBUG
{ ULONG i; BOOL bFound = FALSE; for(i=0;i<ulcProps;i++) { if(lpPropArray[i].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_LDAP_LABELEDURI) { DebugPrintTrace(( TEXT("***LABELEDURI: %s\n"),lpPropArray[i].Value.LPSZ)); bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(!bFound) { // Put in a test URL for testing purposes only
// Look in the registry for the test URL
TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH]; ULONG cb = CharSizeOf(szKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\WAB\\TestUrl", szKey, &cb)) { lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_WAB_LDAP_LABELEDURI; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(szKey)+1), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ)); StrCpyN(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ, szKey, lstrlen(szKey)+1); ulcProps++; } } } #endif //DEBUG
exit: if(ulcProps) ulcProps -= 2; // -2 because the last 2 props are fake ones RECORD_KEY and INSTANCE_KEY
// Free the temp prop value array
LocalFreePropArray(NULL, ulcProps, &lpPropArray);
if(lpPropCert) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpPropCert);
// Check if we had a deferred error to return instead of success.
if (hrSuccess == hr) hr = hrDeferred;
DebugTraceResult(LDAP_OpenMAILUSER, hr); return hr; }
// PURPOSE: Opens an entry. Calls up to IAB's OpenEntry.
// PARAMETERS: lpLDAPCont -> Container object
// cbEntryID = size of entryid
// lpEntryID -> EntryID to open
// lpInterface -> requested interface or NULL for default.
// ulFlags =
// lpulObjType -> returned object type
// lppUnk -> returned object
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
// Parameter Validataion
// Is this one of mine??
if (IsBadReadPtr(lpLDAPCont, sizeof(LDAPCONT))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
if (lpLDAPCont->lpVtbl != &vtblLDAPCONT) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
if (lpInterface && IsBadReadPtr(lpInterface, sizeof(IID))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
if (ulFlags & ~(MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS | MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)) { DebugTraceArg(LDAPCONT_OpenEntry, TEXT("Unknown flags")); //return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS));
if (IsBadWritePtr(lpulObjType, sizeof(ULONG))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
if (IsBadWritePtr(lppUnk, sizeof(LPUNKNOWN))) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
// Check the entryid parameter. It needs to be big enough to hold an entryid.
// NULL is OK
if (lpEntryID) { if (cbEntryID < sizeof(MAPI_ENTRYID) || IsBadReadPtr((LPVOID)lpEntryID, (UINT)cbEntryID)) { return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
// if (! FValidEntryIDFlags(lpEntryID->abFlags))
// {
// DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAPCONT_OpenEntry(): Undefined bits set in EntryID flags\n"));
// return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER));
// }
// Should just call IAB::OpenEntry()...
hr = lpLDAPCont->lpIAB->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(lpLDAPCont->lpIAB, cbEntryID, lpEntryID, lpInterface, ulFlags, lpulObjType, lppUnk);
LeaveCriticalSection(&lpLDAPCont->cs); DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_OpenEntry, hr); return hr; }
// PURPOSE: Resolve names from this container.
// PARAMETERS: lpLDAPCont -> Container object
// lptagColSet -> Set of property tags to get from each
// resolved match.
// ulFlags = 0 or MAPI_UNICODE
// lpAdrList -> [in] set of addresses to resolve, [out] resolved
// addresses.
// lpFlagList -> [in/out] resolve flags.
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
STDMETHODIMP LDAPCONT_ResolveNames( LPLDAPCONT lpLDAPCont, LPSPropTagArray lptagaColSet, ULONG ulFlags, LPADRLIST lpAdrList, LPFlagList lpFlagList) { LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry; SCODE sc; ULONG ulAttrIndex; ULONG ulEntryIndex; LPSPropTagArray lpPropTags; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; LPSPropValue lpPropArrayNew = NULL; ULONG ulcPropsNew; ULONG ulcProps = 0; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; LDAP* pLDAP = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpResult = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpEntry; LPTSTR szAttr; LPTSTR szDN; ULONG ulResult = 0; ULONG ulcEntries; ULONG ulcAttrs = 0; LPTSTR* aszAttrs = NULL; LPTSTR lpServer = NULL; BOOL fInitDLL = FALSE; BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPTSTR szFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szNameFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szEmailFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szBase = NULL; DWORD dwSzBaseSize = 0; DWORD dwSzFilterSize = 0; ULONG ulMsgID; HWND hDlg; MSG msg; LDAPSEARCHPARAMS LDAPSearchParams; LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); BOOL bUnicode = (ulFlags & MAPI_UNICODE);
if (BAD_STANDARD_OBJ(lpLDAPCont, LDAPCONT_, ResolveNames, lpVtbl)) { // jump table not large enough to support this method
DebugTraceArg(LDAPCONT_ResolveNames, TEXT("Bad object/vtbl")); return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER)); }
// BUGBUG: Should also check lptagColSet, lpAdrList and lpFlagList!
if (ulFlags & ~MAPI_UNICODE) { DebugTraceArg(LDAPCONT_ResolveNames, TEXT("Unknown flags used")); // return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS));
// Load the client functions
if (! (fInitDLL = InitLDAPClientLib())) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED); goto exit; }
// open a connection
hr = GetLDAPServerName(lpLDAPCont, &lpServer); if (hrSuccess != hr) goto exit;
// Set up the search base now so we only have to do it once.
hr = GetLDAPSearchBase(&szBase, lpServer); if (hrSuccess != hr) goto exit;
// Allocate a new buffer for the attribute array. We will need at most
// as many entries as there are in the input list of MAPI properties.
if(lptagaColSet) // use only if requested .. ignore otherwise
{ lpPropTags = lptagaColSet;// ? lptagaColSet : (LPSPropTagArray)&ptaResolveDefaults;
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer((lpPropTags->cValues + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR), // +1 as this needs to be NULL terminated array
(LPVOID *)&aszAttrs); if (sc) return(ResultFromScode(sc));
// Cycle through the properties in the array and build a filter to get
// the equivalent LDAP attributes.
ulcAttrs = 0; for (ulAttrIndex = 0; ulAttrIndex < lpPropTags->cValues; ulAttrIndex++) { szAttr = (LPTSTR)MAPIPropToLDAPAttr(lpPropTags->aulPropTag[ulAttrIndex]); if (szAttr) { // Add the attribute to the filter
aszAttrs[ulcAttrs] = szAttr; ulcAttrs++; } } aszAttrs[ulcAttrs] = NULL; }
ulResult = SearchWithCancel(&pLDAP, szBase, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, TEXT(""), NULL, aszAttrs ? (LPTSTR*)aszAttrs : (LPTSTR*)g_rgszOpenEntryAttrs, 0, &lpResult, lpServer, TRUE, NULL, 0, TRUE, lpAdrList, lpFlagList, FALSE, NULL, bUnicode); // Stuff the parameters into the structure to be passed to the dlg proc
//LDAPSearchParams.ppLDAP = &pLDAP;
//LDAPSearchParams.szBase = (LPTSTR)szBase;
//LDAPSearchParams.ulScope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE;
//LDAPSearchParams.ulError = LDAP_SUCCESS;
//LDAPSearchParams.ppszAttrs = aszAttrs ? (LPTSTR*)aszAttrs : (LPTSTR*)g_rgszOpenEntryAttrs; //if specific props requested, ask only for those else ask for everything
//LDAPSearchParams.ulAttrsonly = 0;
//LDAPSearchParams.lplpResult = &lpResult;
//LDAPSearchParams.lpszServer = lpServer;
//LDAPSearchParams.fShowAnim = TRUE;
//LDAPSearchParams.fResolveMultiple = TRUE;
//LDAPSearchParams.lpAdrList = lpAdrList;
//LDAPSearchParams.lpFlagList = lpFlagList;
//LDAPSearchParams.fUseSynchronousBind = FALSE;
//LDAPSearchParams.dwAuthType = 0;
// Check the return codes. Only report fatal errors that caused the cancellation
// of the entire search set, not individual errors that occurred on a single search.
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ulResult) { hr = HRFromLDAPError(ulResult, pLDAP, MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED); }
exit: FreeBufferAndNull(&lpServer);
// close the connection
if (pLDAP) { gpfnLDAPUnbind(pLDAP); pLDAP = NULL; }
// Free the search base memory
FreeBufferAndNull((LPVOID *)&aszAttrs);
if (fInitDLL) { DeinitLDAPClientLib(); }
DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_ResolveNames, hr); return hr; }
// FUNCTION: LDAP_Restrict
// PURPOSE: Uses the supplied restriction to set the contentstable
// for this LDAP container
// In reality, we just call find rows and let it do the
// LDAP search to fill this table ..
// We only did this because Outlook needed it to be consistent
// and to do PR_ANR searches. If the search is not a PR_ANR search,
// we will default to the standard VUE_Restrict Method ..
// PARAMETERS: lpvue - table view object
// lpres - restriction to convert into LDAP search
// ulFlags -
// 97/04/04 vikramm Created.
STDMETHODIMP LDAPVUE_Restrict( LPVUE lpvue, LPSRestriction lpres, ULONG ulFlags ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; SRestriction sRes = {0}, sPropRes = {0}; SCODE sc; LPTSTR lpsz = NULL; BOOL bUnicode = TRUE; SPropValue SProp = {0};
#if !defined(NO_VALIDATION)
Validate_IMAPITable_Restrict( lpvue, lpres, ulFlags ); #endif
if( lpres->res.resProperty.ulPropTag != PR_ANR_A && lpres->res.resProperty.ulPropTag != PR_ANR_W) { // dont know what this is, so call the default method ..
return HrVUERestrict(lpvue, lpres, ulFlags); }
bUnicode = (PROP_TYPE(lpres->res.resProperty.ulPropTag)==PT_UNICODE);
// Most probably this is an outlook search .. just search and see
// what we can get to fill this table by calling FindRows
lpsz = bUnicode ? lpres->res.resProperty.lpProp->Value.lpszW : ConvertAtoW(lpres->res.resProperty.lpProp->Value.lpszA);
// Change the Restriction so FindRows can understand it ..
if( !lpsz || !lstrlen(lpsz) ) { hr = MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; }
sRes.rt = RES_AND; sRes.res.resAnd.cRes = 1; sRes.res.resAnd.lpRes = &sPropRes; sPropRes.rt = RES_PROPERTY; sPropRes.res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; sPropRes.res.resProperty.lpProp = &SProp;
if(bUnicode) { SProp.ulPropTag = sPropRes.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W; SProp.Value.lpszW = lpres->res.resProperty.lpProp->Value.lpszW; } else { SProp.ulPropTag = sPropRes.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A; SProp.Value.lpszA = lpres->res.resProperty.lpProp->Value.lpszA; } /*
{ // create a new restriction based on the PR_ANR displayname
// passed on to us
if(lstrlen(lpsz) < MAX_UI_STR) StrCpyN(LDAPsp.szData[ldspDisplayName], lpsz); else { CopyMemory(LDAPsp.szData[ldspDisplayName],lpsz,sizeof(TCHAR)*(MAX_UI_STR-2)); LDAPsp.szData[ldspDisplayName][MAX_UI_STR-1]='\0'; }
hr = HrGetLDAPSearchRestriction(LDAPsp, &sRes);
} */
hr = lpvue->lpVtbl->FindRow(lpvue, &sRes, BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0);
// Clear out cached rows from before, if any
{ /*
ULONG cDeleted = 0; hr = lpvue->lptadParent->lpVtbl->HrDeleteRows(lpvue->lptadParent, TAD_ALL_ROWS, // ulFlags
NULL, &cDeleted); if (hrSuccess != hr) goto out;
// Also need to release any current views on the object or caller will get
// hosed ...
// Replace the row set in the view
COFree(lpvue, lpvue->parglprows); lpvue->parglprows = NULL; lpvue->bkEnd.uliRow = 0; */
// Now that we've filled up the table with more entries, set the ANR restriction on it
hr = HrVUERestrict( lpvue, lpres, ulFlags);
out: sc = GetScode(hr);
if(sRes.res.resAnd.lpRes) MAPIFreeBuffer(sRes.res.resAnd.lpRes); */ UnlockObj(lpvue->lptadParent);
if(!bUnicode) LocalFreeAndNull(&lpsz);
return HrSetLastErrorIds(lpvue, sc, 0); }
// PURPOSE: Converts an LDAP entry into a MAPI entry
HRESULT HrLDAPEntryToMAPIEntry(LDAP * pLDAP, LDAPMessage* lpEntry, LPTSTR lpEIDData1, // for creating entryid
ULONG ulcNumAttrs, BOOL bIsNTDSEntry, ULONG * lpulcProps, LPSPropValue * lppPropArray) { LPTSTR szDN; SCODE sc; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; LPBYTE lpBuf = NULL; ULONG cbBuf = 0; LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params = {0}; LPTSTR lpServer = NULL;
// initialize search control parameters
GetLDAPServerParams(lpEIDData1, &Params);
if(!Params.lpszName || !lstrlen(Params.lpszName)) { DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(lpEIDData1)+1); Params.lpszName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!Params.lpszName) goto exit; StrCpyN(Params.lpszName, lpEIDData1, cchSize); }
lpServer = Params.lpszName;
if(!ulcNumAttrs) ulcNumAttrs = NUM_ATTRMAP_ENTRIES; else ulcNumAttrs += 2; //add space for pr_instance_key and pr_record_key
// Allocate a new buffer for the MAPI property array.
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer((ulcNumAttrs+ NUM_EXTRA_PROPS) * sizeof(SPropValue), (LPVOID *)&lpPropArray); if (sc) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; }
// Cycle through the attributes and store them.
hr = TranslateAttrs(pLDAP, lpEntry, lpServer, &ulcProps, lpPropArray); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// Fix up the PR_DISPLAY_NAME
// MSN's ldap server returns cn = email address.
// If this is the case, set it to GIVEN_NAME + SURNAME.
// Exchange DS wont return a display name, just returns a
// sn + givenName. In that case build a display name
FixPropArray(lpPropArray, &ulcProps);
// Generate an Entry ID using the DN of the entry.
szDN = gpfnLDAPGetDN(pLDAP, lpEntry); if (NULL == szDN) { hr = HRFromLDAPError(LDAP_ERROR, pLDAP, MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED); goto exit; }
// Convert the lpPropArray, so far, into a flat buffer which we shall
// cache inside the LDAP entryid .. Important to note that this
// cached prop array does not have entryid information in it ...
// The entryid information will need to be tagged on at such time when
// we extract the prop array from the flat buffer in LDAP_OpenEntry
hr = HrGetBufferFromPropArray( ulcProps, lpPropArray, &cbBuf, &lpBuf); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
hr = CreateWABEntryID(WAB_LDAP_MAILUSER, (LPTSTR)lpEIDData1,// lpvue->lpvDataSource, // server name
(LPVOID)szDN, (LPVOID)lpBuf, (bIsNTDSEntry ? (ulcProps|LDAP_NTDS_ENTRY) : ulcProps), cbBuf, (LPVOID)lpPropArray, (LPULONG) (&lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.cb), (LPENTRYID *)&lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb);
// Free the DN memory now that it is copied.
if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_ENTRYID; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0; ulcProps++;
// Make certain we have proper indicies.
// For now, we will equate PR_INSTANCE_KEY and PR_RECORD_KEY to PR_ENTRYID.
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_INSTANCE_KEY; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.cb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 1].Value.bin.cb; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 1].Value.bin.lpb; ulcProps++;
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_RECORD_KEY; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.cb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 2].Value.bin.cb; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.bin.lpb = lpPropArray[ulcProps - 2].Value.bin.lpb; ulcProps++;
*lpulcProps = ulcProps; *lppPropArray = lpPropArray;
if(HR_FAILED(hr) && lpPropArray) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpPropArray);
if(lpBuf) LocalFreeAndNull(&lpBuf);
return hr; }
// PURPOSE: Search LDAP server, and add rows to the table object
// for server entries that match the restriction.
// PARAMETERS: lpvue - table view object
// lpres - restriction to convert into LDAP search
// bkOrigin - current bookmark
// ulFlags -
// If we are doing an advanced search, we will hack through an advanced
// filter instead of lpres and pass a flag of LDAP_USE_ADVANCED_FILTER
// 96/07/10 markdu Created.
STDMETHODIMP LDAPVUE_FindRow( LPVUE lpvue, LPSRestriction lpSRes, BOOKMARK bkOrigin, ULONG ulFlags ) { SCODE sc; HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrDeferred = hrSuccess; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPMAPIPROP lpMapiProp = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; LPSRowSet lpSRowSet = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpResult = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpEntry; LDAP* pLDAP = NULL; LPTSTR szDN; ULONG ulResult; ULONG ulcEntries; ULONG ulIndex = 0; LPTSTR szFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szNTFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szSimpleFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szBase = NULL; BOOL fInitDLL = FALSE; BOOL fSimpleSearch = FALSE; LPTSTR lpAdvFilter = NULL; LPSRestriction lpres = NULL; BOOL bIsNTDSEntry = FALSE; BOOL bUnicode = lpvue->lptadParent->bMAPIUnicodeTable;
if (ulFlags & LDAP_USE_ADVANCED_FILTER) { lpAdvFilter = (LPTSTR) lpSRes; ulFlags = ulFlags & ~LDAP_USE_ADVANCED_FILTER; } else { lpres = lpSRes; }
#if !defined(NO_VALIDATION)
VALIDATE_OBJ(lpvue,LDAPVUE_,FindRow,lpVtbl); /*
Validate_IMAPITable_FindRow( lpvue, lpres, bkOrigin, ulFlags ); */ if ( FBadBookmark(lpvue,bkOrigin) ) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAP_FindRow() - Bad parameter(s) passed\n") ); return HrSetLastErrorIds(lpvue, MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER, 0); } #endif
if(lpres) { // Convert the SRestriction into filters for ldap_search
hr = ParseSRestriction(lpres, &szFilter, &szSimpleFilter, &szNTFilter, FIRST_PASS, bUnicode); if (hrSuccess != hr) goto exit; } else szFilter = lpAdvFilter;
// Set up the search base now so we only have to do it once.
hr = GetLDAPSearchBase(&szBase, (LPTSTR)lpvue->lpvDataSource); if (hrSuccess != hr) goto exit;
fSimpleSearch = bIsSimpleSearch((LPTSTR)lpvue->lpvDataSource);
if(fSimpleSearch && lpAdvFilter) szSimpleFilter = lpAdvFilter;
// Load the client functions
if (! (fInitDLL = InitLDAPClientLib())) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED); goto exit; }
// Read the matching entries
ulResult = SearchWithCancel(&pLDAP, (LPTSTR)szBase, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, (LPTSTR) (fSimpleSearch ? szSimpleFilter : szFilter), (LPTSTR)szNTFilter, (LPTSTR*)g_rgszOpenEntryAttrs, // Get all the attributes the first time only //g_rgszFindRowAttrs,
0, &lpResult, (LPTSTR)lpvue->lpvDataSource, FALSE, NULL, 0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &bIsNTDSEntry, TRUE); //unicode by default
// BUG 34201 If the search was unsuccessful because of an unknown attribute
// type, try a second search that does not use givenName. This fixes searches
// on ldap.itd.umich.edu, which do not recognize givenName.
if ( lpres && (LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE == ulResult || LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM == ulResult) ) { // close the connection since we will open a new one
if (pLDAP) { gpfnLDAPUnbind(pLDAP); pLDAP = NULL; }
if (!bIsNTDSEntry) { // Free the search filter memory
LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szNTFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter);
DebugTrace(TEXT("First try failed, trying umich semantics...\n")); hr = ParseSRestriction(lpres, &szFilter, &szSimpleFilter, &szNTFilter, UMICH_PASS, bUnicode); } else hr = hrSuccess;
if (hrSuccess == hr) { ulResult = SearchWithCancel(&pLDAP, (LPTSTR)szBase, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, (LPTSTR)(fSimpleSearch ? szSimpleFilter : szFilter), NULL, (LPTSTR*)g_rgszOpenEntryAttrs, //g_rgszFindRowAttrs,
0, &lpResult, (LPTSTR)lpvue->lpvDataSource, FALSE, NULL, 0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &bIsNTDSEntry, TRUE); //unicode by default?
} }
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ulResult) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAP_FindRow: ldap_search returned %d.\n"), ulResult); hr = HRFromLDAPError(ulResult, pLDAP, MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND);
// See if the result was the special value that tells us there were more
// entries than could be returned. If so, we need to check if we got
// some of the entries or none of the entries.
if ((ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE) == hr) && (ulcEntries = gpfnLDAPCountEntries(pLDAP, lpResult))) { // We got some results back. Return MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION
// instead of success.
hrDeferred = ResultFromScode(MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION); hr = hrSuccess; } else { goto exit; } } else ulcEntries = gpfnLDAPCountEntries(pLDAP, lpResult); // Count the entries.
if (0 == ulcEntries) { // 96/08/08 markdu BUG 35481 No error and no results means "not found"
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
// Allocate an SRowSet to hold the entries.
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(sizeof(SRowSet) + ulcEntries * sizeof(SRow), (LPVOID *)&lpSRowSet); if (sc) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Allocation of SRowSet failed\n")); hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; }
// Set the number of rows to zero in case we encounter an error and
// then try to free the row set before any rows were added.
lpSRowSet->cRows = 0;
// get the first entry in the search result
lpEntry = gpfnLDAPFirstEntry(pLDAP, lpResult); if (NULL == lpEntry) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAP_FindRow: No entry found for %s.\n"), szFilter); hr = HRFromLDAPError(LDAP_ERROR, pLDAP, MAPI_E_CORRUPT_DATA); if (hrSuccess == hr) { // No error occurred according to LDAP, which in theory means that there
// were no more entries. However, this should not happen, so return error.
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CORRUPT_DATA); } goto exit; }
while (lpEntry) { hr = HrLDAPEntryToMAPIEntry( pLDAP, lpEntry, (LPTSTR) lpvue->lpvDataSource, 0, // standard number of attributes
bIsNTDSEntry, &ulcProps, &lpPropArray); if (hrSuccess != hr) { continue; }
if(!bUnicode) // convert native UNICODE to ANSI if we need to ...
{ if(sc = ScConvertWPropsToA((LPALLOCATEMORE) (&MAPIAllocateMore), lpPropArray, ulcProps, 0)) goto exit; }
// Put it in the RowSet
lpSRowSet->aRow[ulIndex].cValues = ulcProps; // number of properties
lpSRowSet->aRow[ulIndex].lpProps = lpPropArray; // LPSPropValue
// Get the next entry.
lpEntry = gpfnLDAPNextEntry(pLDAP, lpEntry); ulIndex++; }
// Free the search results memory
gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); lpResult = NULL;
// Add the rows to the table
lpSRowSet->cRows = ulIndex; hr = lpvue->lptadParent->lpVtbl->HrModifyRows(lpvue->lptadParent, 0, lpSRowSet); if (hrSuccess != hr) goto exit;
// Always reset the bookmark to the first row. This is done because the
// restriction passed in may not match any row in the table since the
// attributes returned from the LDAP search do not always include the
// attributes used to perform the search (eg country, organization)
lpvue->bkCurrent.uliRow = 0;
exit: // free the search results memory
if (lpResult) { gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); lpResult = NULL; }
// close the connection
if (pLDAP) { gpfnLDAPUnbind(pLDAP); pLDAP = NULL; }
// Free the search filter memory
if(lpres) { LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szNTFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter); } LocalFreeAndNull(&szBase);
// Free the row set memory
if (fInitDLL) DeinitLDAPClientLib(); UnlockObj(lpvue->lptadParent);
// Check if we had a deferred error to return instead of success.
if (hrSuccess == hr) { hr = hrDeferred; } DebugTraceResult(LDAPCONT_ResolveNames, hr); return hr; }
// FUNCTION: InitLDAPClientLib
// PURPOSE: Load the LDAP client libray and get the proc addrs.
// RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// 96/07/05 markdu Created.
BOOL InitLDAPClientLib(void) { #ifdef WIN16
return FALSE; #else // Disable until ldap16.dll is available.
// See if we already initialized.
if (NULL == ghLDAPDLLInst) { Assert(ulLDAPDLLRefCount == 0);
// open LDAP client library
// BUGBUG: Requires dll to be in system directory (neilbren)
ghLDAPDLLInst = LoadLibrary(cszLDAPClientDLL); if (!ghLDAPDLLInst) { DebugTrace(TEXT("InitLDAPClientLib: Failed to LoadLibrary WLDAP32.DLL.\n")); return FALSE; }
// cycle through the API table and get proc addresses for all the APIs we
// need
if (!GetApiProcAddresses(ghLDAPDLLInst,LDAPAPIList,NUM_LDAPAPI_PROCS)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("InitLDAPClientLib: Failed to load LDAP API.\n"));
// Unload the library we just loaded.
if (ghLDAPDLLInst) { FreeLibrary(ghLDAPDLLInst); ghLDAPDLLInst = NULL; }
return FALSE; }
// Add an additional AddRef here so that this library stays loaded once
// it is loaded. This improves performance.
// The IAB_Neuter function will take care of calling the matching DeInit()
return TRUE; #endif
// FUNCTION: DeinitLDAPClientLib
// PURPOSE: decrement refcount on LDAP CLient library and
// release if 0.
// RETURNS: current refcount
// 96/07/12 BruceK Created.
ULONG DeinitLDAPClientLib(void) { if (0 != ulLDAPDLLRefCount) { if (-- ulLDAPDLLRefCount == 0) { UINT nIndex; // No clients using the LDAPCLI library. Release it.
if (ghLDAPDLLInst) { FreeLibrary(ghLDAPDLLInst); ghLDAPDLLInst = NULL; }
// cycle through the API table and NULL proc addresses for all the APIs
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < NUM_LDAPAPI_PROCS; nIndex++) { *LDAPAPIList[nIndex].ppFcnPtr = NULL; } } }
return(ulLDAPDLLRefCount); }
// FUNCTION: GetApiProcAddresses
// PURPOSE: Gets proc addresses for a table of functions
// PARAMETERS: hModDLL - dll from which to load the procs
// pApiProcList - array of proc names and pointers
// nApiProcs - number of procs in array
// RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if unable to retrieve
// any proc address in table
// 96/07/08 markdu Created.
BOOL GetApiProcAddresses( HMODULE hModDLL, APIFCN * pApiProcList, UINT nApiProcs) { UINT nIndex;
// cycle through the API table and get proc addresses for all the APIs we
// need
for (nIndex = 0;nIndex < nApiProcs;nIndex++) { if (!(*pApiProcList[nIndex].ppFcnPtr = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(hModDLL, pApiProcList[nIndex].pszName))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Unable to get address of function %s\n"), pApiProcList[nIndex].pszName);
for (nIndex = 0;nIndex<nApiProcs;nIndex++) *pApiProcList[nIndex].ppFcnPtr = NULL;
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// PURPOSE: Get LDAP attribute equivalent to MAPI property.
// PARAMETERS: ulPropTag - MAPI property to map to LDAP attribute
// RETURNS: Pointer to string with LDAP attribute name if found,
// NULL otherwise.
// 96/06/28 markdu Created.
LPTSTR MAPIPropToLDAPAttr( const ULONG ulPropTag) { ULONG ulIndex;
for (ulIndex=0;ulIndex<NUM_ATTRMAP_ENTRIES;ulIndex++) { if (ulPropTag == gAttrMap[ulIndex].ulPropTag) { return (LPTSTR)gAttrMap[ulIndex].pszAttr; } }
// PR_WAB_CONF_SERVERS is not a constant but a named prop tag - hence its not
// part of the array above
if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_CONF_SERVERS) return (LPTSTR)cszAttr_conferenceInformation; if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_MANAGER) return (LPTSTR)cszAttr_Manager;
if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_REPORTS) return (LPTSTR)cszAttr_Reports;
if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_IPPHONE) return (LPTSTR)cszAttr_IPPhone;
// property not found
return NULL; }
// PURPOSE: Get MAPI property equivalent to LDAP attribute.
// PARAMETERS: szAttr - points to LDAP attribute name
// RETURNS: MAPI property tag if LDAP attribute name is found,
// PR_NULL otherwise.
// 96/06/28 markdu Created.
ULONG LDAPAttrToMAPIProp( const LPTSTR szAttr) { ULONG ulIndex;
for (ulIndex=0;ulIndex<NUM_ATTRMAP_ENTRIES;ulIndex++) { if (!lstrcmpi(szAttr, gAttrMap[ulIndex].pszAttr)) { return gAttrMap[ulIndex].ulPropTag; } }
// PR_WAB_CONF_SERVERS is not a constant but a named prop tag - hence its not
// part of the array above
if(!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_conferenceInformation)) return PR_WAB_CONF_SERVERS;
if(!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_Manager)) return PR_WAB_MANAGER;
if(!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_Reports)) return PR_WAB_REPORTS;
if(!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_IPPhone)) return PR_WAB_IPPHONE;
// attribute not found
return PR_NULL; }
// FUNCTION: ParseSRestriction
// PURPOSE: Generate Search Base and Search Filter strings for
// LDAP search from MAPI SRestriction structure.
// PARAMETERS: lpRes - MAPI SRestriction structure to "parse"
// receive the search base string.
// lplpszFilter - receives buffer to hold search filter string.
// dwPass - which pass through this function (first pass
// is zero (0)). This allows
// reuse of this function with different behaviour each
// time (for example, to do a backup search with a
// different filter)
// bUnicode - TRUE if the Restriction contains UNICODE strings
// FALSE otherwise
// RETURNS: MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER if the restriction cannot
// be converted in to filters, hrSuccess otherwise.
// 96/07/10 markdu Created.
// 96/08/05 markdu BUG 34023 Always start with a filter that causes
// the search to return only objects of class 'person'.
// If organization is supplied, add it to the base of the
// search instead of the filter to narrow the scope.
// 96/08/07 markdu BUG 34201 Added dwPass to allow backup searches.
// 96/10/18 markdu Removed base string, since it is now in registry.
HRESULT ParseSRestriction( LPSRestriction lpRes, LPTSTR FAR * lplpszFilter, LPTSTR * lplpszSimpleFilter, LPTSTR * lplpszNTFilter, DWORD dwPass, BOOL bUnicode) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; LPTSTR szTemp = NULL; LPTSTR szEmailFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szNameFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szNTFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szAltEmailFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szSimpleFilter = NULL; LPTSTR lpszInputCopy = NULL; LPTSTR lpszInput; ULONG ulcIllegalChars = 0; ULONG ulcProps; ULONG ulIndex; ULONG ulcbFilter; LPSRestriction lpResArray; LPSPropertyRestriction lpPropRes; LPTSTR lpsz = NULL; ULONG ulPropTag = 0;
// Make sure we can write to lplpszFilter.
if (IsBadReadPtr(lpRes, sizeof(SRestriction))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (IsBadWritePtr(lplpszFilter, sizeof(LPTSTR))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } #endif // PARAMETER_VALIDATION
// Currently we only support AND restrictions
if (RES_AND != lpRes->rt) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// We need to have at least one prop
ulcProps = lpRes->res.resAnd.cRes; if (1 > ulcProps) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
lpResArray = lpRes->res.resAnd.lpRes; for (ulIndex=0;ulIndex<ulcProps;ulIndex++) { // Currently expect only SPropertyRestriction structures.
if (RES_PROPERTY != lpResArray[ulIndex].rt) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Currently expect only EQ operations.
lpPropRes = &lpResArray[ulIndex].res.resProperty; if (RELOP_EQ != lpPropRes->relop) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
ulPropTag = lpPropRes->lpProp->ulPropTag; if(bUnicode) { lpsz = lpPropRes->lpProp->Value.lpszW; } else // <note> assumes UNICODE defined
{ LocalFreeAndNull(&lpsz); lpsz = ConvertAtoW(lpPropRes->lpProp->Value.lpszA); if (NULL == lpsz) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } if(PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) == PT_STRING8) ulPropTag = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag, PT_UNICODE); }
// 96/12/04 markdu BUG 11923 See if any characters in the input need to be escaped.
if (lpsz) ulcIllegalChars = CountIllegalChars(lpsz); if (0 == ulcIllegalChars) { lpszInput = lpsz; } else { ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(lpsz) + ulcIllegalChars*2 + 1;
// Allocate a copy of the input, large enough to replace the illegal chars
// with escaped versions - each escaped char needs 2 more spaces '\xx'.
lpszInputCopy = LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == lpszInputCopy) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } EscapeIllegalChars(lpsz, lpszInputCopy, cchSize); lpszInput = lpszInputCopy; }
// If this is the display name property,
// then we make the special filter for SimpleSearch
if (PR_DISPLAY_NAME == ulPropTag) { hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szNTFilter, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_anr, lpszInput, FALSE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { return hr; } hr = CreateSimpleSearchFilter( &szNameFilter, &szAltEmailFilter, &szSimpleFilter, lpszInput, dwPass); if (hrSuccess != hr) { return hr; } }
if (PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS == ulPropTag) { // Only take the text up to the first space, comma, or tab.
szTemp = lpszInput; while(*szTemp != '\0' && (! IsSpace(szTemp)) && *szTemp != '\t' && *szTemp != ',' ) { szTemp = CharNext(szTemp); } *szTemp = '\0';
// Note UMich server does not allow wildcards in email search.
hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szEmailFilter, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_mail, lpszInput, (UMICH_PASS != dwPass)); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } }
// We are done with lpszInputCopy.
LocalFreeAndNull(&lpszInputCopy); } // for
// Put the simple filter togethor
if (szSimpleFilter) { if (szEmailFilter) { // Both fields were filled in, so AND them together
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszSimpleFilter, szEmailFilter, szSimpleFilter, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else if (szAltEmailFilter) { // No email field was given, so OR in the alternate email filter.
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszSimpleFilter, szAltEmailFilter, szSimpleFilter, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else { DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(szSimpleFilter) + 1); *lplpszSimpleFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR) * cchSize); if (NULL == *lplpszSimpleFilter) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } StrCpyN(*lplpszSimpleFilter, szSimpleFilter, cchSize); } } else if (szEmailFilter) { // Email was the only filter we got. This filter will not include common name.
// 96/10/02 markdu BUG 37426 If the filter does not include common name,
// add to the filter so that we only get entries that have a common name.
// Otherwise the entry will not be displayed.
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszSimpleFilter, (LPTSTR)cszCommonNamePresentFilter, szEmailFilter, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } }
// Put the filter together.
if (szNameFilter) { if (szEmailFilter) { // Both fields were filled in, so AND them together
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, szEmailFilter, szNameFilter, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszNTFilter, szEmailFilter, szNTFilter, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else if (szAltEmailFilter) { // No email field was given, so OR in the alternate email filter.
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, szAltEmailFilter, szNameFilter, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszNTFilter, szAltEmailFilter, szNTFilter, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else { DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(szNameFilter) + 1); *lplpszFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == *lplpszFilter) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } StrCpyN(*lplpszFilter, szNameFilter, cchSize);
cchSize = lstrlen(szNTFilter) + 1; *lplpszNTFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == *lplpszNTFilter) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } StrCpyN(*lplpszNTFilter, szNTFilter, cchSize); } } else if (szEmailFilter) { // Email was the only filter we got. This filter will not include common name.
// 96/10/02 markdu BUG 37426 If the filter does not include common name,
// add to the filter so that we only get entries that have a common name.
// Otherwise the entry will not be displayed.
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, (LPTSTR)cszCommonNamePresentFilter, szEmailFilter, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else { // We did not generate a filter
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Free the temporary strings
LocalFreeAndNull(&szNameFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szNTFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szAltEmailFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szEmailFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter);
if(!bUnicode) LocalFreeAndNull(&lpsz);
if (hrSuccess != hr) { LocalFreeAndNull(lplpszFilter); }
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: CreateSimpleSearchFilter
// PURPOSE: Generate Search Filter strings simple search.
// PARAMETERS: lplpszFilter - pointer to receive the search filter
// string buffer.
// lplpszAltFilter - pointer to receive the alternate
// filter string buffer.
// lpszInput - string to put into the filter
// dwPass - which pass through this function (first pass
// is zero (0)). This allows
// reuse of this function with different behaviour each
// time (for example, to do a backup search with a
// different filter)
// 96/10/02 markdu Created to fix BUG 37424.
// 96/10/23 markdu Added UMICH_PASS.
HRESULT CreateSimpleSearchFilter( LPTSTR FAR * lplpszFilter, LPTSTR FAR * lplpszAltFilter, LPTSTR FAR * lplpszSimpleFilter, LPTSTR lpszInput, DWORD dwPass) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; DWORD dwSizeOfFirst = 0; LPTSTR szFirst = NULL; LPTSTR szTemp = NULL; LPTSTR szLast; LPTSTR szCommonName = NULL; LPTSTR szFirstSurname = NULL; LPTSTR szLastSurname = NULL; LPTSTR szGivenName = NULL; LPTSTR szFirstLast = NULL; LPTSTR szLastFirst = NULL;
// Prepare the (cn=Input*) filter
hr = BuildBasicFilter( lplpszSimpleFilter, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_cn, lpszInput, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// Make a copy of the input string
{ DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(lpszInput) + 1); szFirst = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == szFirst) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } StrCpyN(szFirst, lpszInput, cchSize); }
// Attempt to break the input string into multiple strings.
// szFirst will be the string up to the first space, tab, or comma.
// szLast will be the rest of the string.
szLast = szFirst; while(*szLast != '\0' && (! IsSpace(szLast)) && *szLast != '\t' && *szLast != ',' ) { szLast = CharNext(szLast); }
if(*szLast != '\0') { // Terminate szFirst at this delimiter
// 96/12/10 markdu BUG 12699 Call CharNext before setting char to null.
szTemp = szLast; szLast = CharNext(szLast); *szTemp = '\0';
// Set beginning of szLast to be first non-space/comma/tab
while(IsSpace(szLast) || *szLast == '\t' || *szLast == ',') { szLast = CharNext(szLast); } }
// Prepare the (sn=szFirst*) filter
hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szFirstSurname, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_sn, szFirst, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
if (UMICH_PASS != dwPass) { // Prepare the (givenName=szFirst*) filter
hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szGivenName, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_givenName, szFirst, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } }
if(*szLast == '\0') { // The strings was in just one piece
// Prepare the (cn=szFirst*) filter
hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szCommonName, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_cn, szFirst, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// The string is all in one piece. Stick it in the filter.
// Note that we use szFirst instead of szInput, since szFirst
// will have trailing spaces, commas, and tabs removed.
if (UMICH_PASS == dwPass) { // Final result should be:
// "(|(cn=szFirst*)(sn=szFirst*))"
// OR the common name and surname filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, szCommonName, szFirstSurname, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else { // Final result should be:
// "(|(cn=szFirst*)(|(sn=szFirst*)(givenName=szFirst*)))"
// OR the given name and surname filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( &szFirstLast, szFirstSurname, szGivenName, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// OR the common name and first-last filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, szCommonName, szFirstLast, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } }
// Generate the Alternate filter, which contains the email address.
// Note UMich server does not allow wildcards in email search.
hr = BuildBasicFilter( lplpszAltFilter, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_mail, szFirst, (UMICH_PASS != dwPass)); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } } else { // The string is in two pieces. Stick them in the filter.
// Prepare the (cn=lpszInput*) filter
hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szCommonName, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_cn, lpszInput, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// Prepare the (sn=szLast*) filter
hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szLastSurname, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_sn, szLast, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
if (UMICH_PASS == dwPass) { // Final result should be:
// "(|(cn=szFirst*)(|(sn=szFirst*)(sn=szLast*)))"
// OR the first surname and last surname filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( &szFirstLast, szFirstSurname, szLastSurname, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// OR the common name and first-last filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, szCommonName, szFirstLast, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } */ { DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(szCommonName)+1); *lplpszFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(*lplpszFilter) StrCpyN(*lplpszFilter, szCommonName, cchSize); } } else { LPTSTR szFirstLastLastFirst; // Final result should be:
// "(|(cn=lpszInput*)(|(&(sn=szFirst*)(givenName=szLast*))(&(givenName=szFirst*)(sn=szLast*))))"
// AND the first given name and last surname filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( &szLastFirst, szGivenName, szLastSurname, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// Prepare the (givenName=szLast*) filter
LocalFreeAndNull(&szGivenName); hr = BuildBasicFilter( &szGivenName, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_givenName, szLast, TRUE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// AND the last given name and first surname filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( &szFirstLast, szFirstSurname, szGivenName, FILTER_OP_AND); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
// OR the first-last and last-first filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( &szFirstLastLastFirst, szFirstLast, szLastFirst, FILTER_OP_OR); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; } /****/ // OR the common name and first-last-last-first filters together
hr = BuildOpFilter( lplpszFilter, szCommonName, szFirstLastLastFirst, FILTER_OP_OR); /****
*lplpszFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(szCommonName)+1)); if(*lplpszFilter) StrCpyN(*lplpszFilter, szCommonName); ****/ LocalFreeAndNull(&szFirstLastLastFirst); if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
} }
exit: LocalFreeAndNull(&szFirst); LocalFreeAndNull(&szCommonName); LocalFreeAndNull(&szFirstSurname); LocalFreeAndNull(&szLastSurname); LocalFreeAndNull(&szGivenName); LocalFreeAndNull(&szFirstLast); LocalFreeAndNull(&szLastFirst); return hr; }
// FUNCTION: GetLDAPServerName
// PURPOSE: Gets the server name property from the LDAP container
// PARAMETERS: lpLDAPCont -> LDAP container
// lppServer -> returned server name. Caller must
// MAPIFreeBuffer this string.
// 96/07/11 brucek Created.
HRESULT GetLDAPServerName( LPLDAPCONT lpLDAPCont, LPTSTR * lppServer) { HRESULT hResult; SCODE sc; ULONG cProps; LPSPropValue lpProps = NULL; LPTSTR lpServer = NULL;
if ((hResult = lpLDAPCont->lpVtbl->GetProps(lpLDAPCont, (LPSPropTagArray)&ptaLDAPCont, MAPI_UNICODE, &cProps, &lpProps))) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("LDAP Container GetProps"), hResult); goto exit; } Assert(cProps == ildapcMax); Assert(lpProps[ildapcPR_WAB_LDAP_SERVER].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_LDAP_SERVER); { DWORD cchSize = ((lstrlen(lpProps[ildapcPR_WAB_LDAP_SERVER].Value.LPSZ)) + 1); if (sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize, &lpServer)) { hResult = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; }
StrCpyN(lpServer, lpProps[ildapcPR_WAB_LDAP_SERVER].Value.LPSZ, cchSize); }
exit: FreeBufferAndNull(&lpProps); if (hResult) { FreeBufferAndNull(&lpServer); } *lppServer = lpServer; return(hResult); }
// FUNCTION: FixPropArray
// PURPOSE: Fixes the displayname in a proparray if it is
// equivalent to the email address.
// Adds a display name if there isnt one
// PARAMETERS: lpPropArray = MAPIAllocBuffer'ed property array
// ulcProps = number of props in lpPropArray
// RETURNS: TRUE if changes are made, FALSE if not.
// 96/07/12 brucek Created.
BOOL FixPropArray( LPSPropValue lpPropArray, ULONG * lpulcProps) { ULONG ulcProps = *lpulcProps;
BOOL fChanged = FALSE; signed int iSurname = NOT_FOUND, iGivenName = NOT_FOUND, iDisplayName = NOT_FOUND, iEmailAddress = NOT_FOUND, iCompanyName = NOT_FOUND; register signed int i;
for (i = 0; i < (signed int)ulcProps; i++) { switch (lpPropArray[i].ulPropTag) { case PR_SURNAME: iSurname = i; break; case PR_GIVEN_NAME: iGivenName = i; break; case PR_COMPANY_NAME: iCompanyName = i; break; case PR_DISPLAY_NAME: iDisplayName = i; break; case PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS: iEmailAddress = i; break; } }
if (((iSurname != NOT_FOUND && iGivenName != NOT_FOUND) || iCompanyName != NOT_FOUND) && iDisplayName != NOT_FOUND && iEmailAddress != NOT_FOUND) { // PropArray contains all of the props.
// If PR_DISPLAY_NAME is same as PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, regenerate the PR_DISPLAY_NAME from
if (! lstrcmpi(lpPropArray[iDisplayName].Value.LPSZ, lpPropArray[iEmailAddress].Value.LPSZ)) { fChanged = FixDisplayName(lpPropArray[iGivenName].Value.LPSZ, NULL, //szEmpty, //For LDAP assume there is not middle name for now
lpPropArray[iSurname].Value.LPSZ, iCompanyName == NOT_FOUND ? NULL : lpPropArray[iCompanyName].Value.LPSZ, NULL, // NickName
(LPTSTR *) (&lpPropArray[iDisplayName].Value.LPSZ), lpPropArray); } } else if(iSurname != NOT_FOUND && iGivenName != NOT_FOUND && iDisplayName == NOT_FOUND) { //Exchange DS will sometimes not return a display name returning sn and givenName instead
iDisplayName = ulcProps; // This is safe as we allocated space for the display Name in the beginning
lpPropArray[iDisplayName].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME; fChanged = FixDisplayName( lpPropArray[iGivenName].Value.LPSZ, NULL, //szEmpty, //For LDAP assume there is not middle name for now
(lpPropArray[iSurname].Value.LPSZ), (iCompanyName == NOT_FOUND ? NULL : lpPropArray[iCompanyName].Value.LPSZ), NULL, // NickName
(LPTSTR *) (&lpPropArray[iDisplayName].Value.LPSZ), (LPVOID) lpPropArray); (*lpulcProps)++; }
return(fChanged); }
// FUNCTION: HrWrappedCreateAccountManager
// PURPOSE: Load account manager dll and create the object.
// PARAMETERS: lppAccountManager -> returned pointer to account manager
// object.
HRESULT HrWrappedCreateAccountManager(IImnAccountManager2 **lppAccountManager) { IImnAccountManager *pAccountManager; LONG lRes; DWORD dw; HRESULT hResult; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH], szPathExpand[MAX_PATH], szReg[MAX_PATH], szGUID[MAX_PATH]; LPOLESTR lpszW= 0 ; PFNHRCREATEACCOUNTMANAGER pfnHrCreateAccountManager = NULL; LONG cb = MAX_PATH + 1; DWORD dwType = 0; HKEY hkey = NULL;
if (! lppAccountManager) { return(ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG)); }
if (g_hInstImnAcct) { return(ResultFromScode(ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED)); }
*lppAccountManager = NULL;
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = StringFromCLSID(&CLSID_ImnAccountManager, &lpszW))) { goto error; }
StrCpyN(szGUID, lpszW, ARRAYSIZE(szGUID)); StrCpyN(szReg, TEXT("CLSID\\"), ARRAYSIZE(szReg)); StrCatBuff(szReg, szGUID, ARRAYSIZE(szReg)); StrCatBuff(szReg, TEXT("\\InprocServer32"), ARRAYSIZE(szReg));
lRes = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szReg, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey); if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hResult = ResultFromScode(CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND); goto error; }
cb = ARRAYSIZE(szPath); lRes = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szPath, &cb); if (REG_EXPAND_SZ == dwType) { // szPath is a REG_EXPAND_SZ type, so we need to expand
// environment strings
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szPath, szPathExpand, CharSizeOf(szPathExpand)); if (dw == 0) { hResult = ResultFromScode(CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND); goto error; } StrCpyN(szPath, szPathExpand, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); } if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hResult = ResultFromScode(CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND); goto error; }
if (! (g_hInstImnAcct = LoadLibrary(szPath))) { hResult = ResultFromScode(CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND); goto error; }
if (! (pfnHrCreateAccountManager = (PFNHRCREATEACCOUNTMANAGER)GetProcAddress(g_hInstImnAcct, "HrCreateAccountManager"))) { hResult = ResultFromScode(TYPE_E_DLLFUNCTIONNOTFOUND); goto error; }
hResult = pfnHrCreateAccountManager(&pAccountManager); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { hResult = pAccountManager->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pAccountManager, &IID_IImnAccountManager2, (LPVOID *)lppAccountManager); pAccountManager->lpVtbl->Release(pAccountManager); }
goto exit;
error: // Failed to init account manager the fast way. Try the S L O W OLE way...
if (CoInitialize(NULL) == S_FALSE) { // Already initialized, undo the extra.
CoUninitialize(); } else { fCoInitialize = TRUE; }
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ImnAccountManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IImnAccountManager2, (LPVOID *)lppAccountManager))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("CoCreateInstance(IID_IImnAccountManager) -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); }
exit: // Clean up the OLE allocated memory
if (lpszW) { LPMALLOC pMalloc = NULL;
CoGetMalloc(1, &pMalloc); Assert(pMalloc); if (pMalloc) { pMalloc->lpVtbl->Free(pMalloc, lpszW); pMalloc->lpVtbl->Release(pMalloc); } }
if (hkey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkey);
return(hResult); }
// FUNCTION: InitAccountManager
// PURPOSE: Load and initialize the account manager
// PARAMETERS: lppAccountManager -> returned pointer to account manager
// object.
// COMMENTS: The first time through here, we will save the hResult.
// On subsequent calls, we will check this saved value
// and return it right away if there was an error, thus
// preventing repeated time consuming LoadLibrary calls.
// With Identity awareness (IE5.0 plus) .. we need to
// initiate the Account Manager on an identity basis ..
// We do this by passing it an appropriate regkey ..
// If this is a non-identity-aware app, then we always get
// info from the default identity ..
HRESULT InitAccountManager(LPIAB lpIAB, IImnAccountManager2 ** lppAccountManager, GUID * pguidUser) { static hResultSave = hrSuccess; HRESULT hResult = hResultSave; LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); GUID guidNULL = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
if (! g_lpAccountManager && ! HR_FAILED(hResultSave)) { #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); DebugTrace(TEXT(">>>>> Initializing Account Manager...\n")); #endif // DEBUG
if (hResult = HrWrappedCreateAccountManager(&g_lpAccountManager)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("HrWrappedCreateAccountManager -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto end; } Assert(g_lpAccountManager);
if(pt_bIsWABOpenExSession) { if (hResult = g_lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->InitEx( g_lpAccountManager, NULL, ACCT_INIT_OUTLOOK)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("AccountManager->InitEx -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto end; } } else { // [PaulHi] 1/13/99 If a valid user guid pointer is passed in then
// use it to init the account manager
if (pguidUser) { g_lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->InitUser(g_lpAccountManager, NULL, pguidUser, 0); } else if (lpIAB && memcmp(&(lpIAB->guidCurrentUser), &guidNULL, sizeof(GUID)) ) { // Try the existing user guid stored in the IAB
g_lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->InitUser(g_lpAccountManager, NULL, &(lpIAB->guidCurrentUser), 0); } else { // Default. WARNING If the account manager is not initialized at some point then
// it is susceptible to crash.
g_lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->InitUser(g_lpAccountManager, NULL, &UID_GIBC_DEFAULT_USER, 0); } } #ifdef DEBUG
DebugTrace(TEXT(">>>>> Done Initializing Account Manager... %u milliseconds\n"), GetTickCount() - dwTickCount); #endif // DEBUG
end: if (HR_FAILED(hResult)) { *lppAccountManager = NULL;
// Save the result
hResultSave = hResult; } else { *lppAccountManager = g_lpAccountManager; }
return(hResult); }
// FUNCTION: UninitAccountManager
// PURPOSE: Release and unLoad the account manager
// RETURNS: none
void UninitAccountManager(void) { if (g_lpAccountManager) { #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); DebugTrace(TEXT(">>>>> Uninitializing Account Manager...\n")); #endif // DEBUG
g_lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->Release(g_lpAccountManager); g_lpAccountManager = NULL;
// Unload the acct man dll
if (g_hInstImnAcct) { FreeLibrary(g_hInstImnAcct); g_hInstImnAcct=NULL; }
if (fCoInitialize) { CoUninitialize(); } #ifdef DEBUG
DebugTrace(TEXT(">>>>> Done Uninitializing Account Manager... %u milliseconds\n"), GetTickCount() - dwTickCount); #endif // DEBUG
} }
// FUNCTION: AddToServerList
// PURPOSE: Insert a server name in the server list
// PARAMETERS: lppServerNames -> ServerNames pointer
// szBuf = name of server
// dwOrder = insertion order of this server
HRESULT AddToServerList(UNALIGNED LPSERVER_NAME * lppServerNames, LPTSTR szBuf, DWORD dwOrder) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; LPSERVER_NAME lpServerName = NULL, lpCurrent; UNALIGNED LPSERVER_NAME * lppInsert; DWORD cbSize = (lstrlen(szBuf) + 1);
// Create new node
if (! (lpServerName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, LcbAlignLcb(sizeof(SERVER_NAME))))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Can't allocate new server name structure\n")); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
if (! (lpServerName->lpszName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, LcbAlignLcb(sizeof(TCHAR)*cbSize)))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Can't allocate new server name\n")); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
StrCpyN(lpServerName->lpszName, szBuf, cbSize); lpServerName->dwOrder = dwOrder;
// Insert in list in correct order
lppInsert = lppServerNames; lpCurrent = *lppServerNames; while (lpCurrent && (lpCurrent->dwOrder <= dwOrder)) { lpCurrent = (*lppInsert)->lpNext; lppInsert = &(*lppInsert)->lpNext; }
lpServerName->lpNext = lpCurrent; *lppInsert = lpServerName;
exit: if (hResult && lpServerName) { if (lpServerName->lpszName) { LocalFree(lpServerName->lpszName); } LocalFree(lpServerName); }
return(hResult); }
// FUNCTION: EnumerateLDAPtoServerList
// PURPOSE: Enumerate the LDAP servers to a server name linked list.
// PARAMETERS: lpAccountManager -> Account Manager
// lppServerNames -> returned ServerNames (must be NULL on
// entry.
// lpcServers -> returned number of servers. May be NULL
// if caller doesn't care.
HRESULT EnumerateLDAPtoServerList(IImnAccountManager2 * lpAccountManager, LPSERVER_NAME * lppServerNames, LPULONG lpcServers) { IImnEnumAccounts * lpEnumAccounts = NULL; IImnAccount * lpAccount = NULL; DWORD dwOrder; LPSERVER_NAME lpNextServer; char szBuf[MAX_UI_STR + 1]; HRESULT hResult;
Assert(lpAccountManager); Assert(*lppServerNames == NULL);
if (lpcServers) { *lpcServers = 0; }
if (hResult = lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->Enumerate(lpAccountManager, SRV_LDAP, &lpEnumAccounts)) { goto exit; }
while (! lpEnumAccounts->lpVtbl->GetNext(lpEnumAccounts, &lpAccount)) { // Add this account's name to the list
if (! lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf))) {
// What order in the list?
if (lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SERVER_ID, &dwOrder)) { dwOrder = 0xFFFFFFFF; // last
// Add it to the linked list of names
{ LPTSTR lpServer = ConvertAtoW(szBuf); if (lpServer) { if (hResult = AddToServerList(lppServerNames, lpServer, dwOrder)) { goto exit; } LocalFreeAndNull(&lpServer); } else { hResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } } if (lpcServers) { (*lpcServers)++; } }
lpAccount->lpVtbl->Release(lpAccount); lpAccount = NULL; }
exit: if (lpAccount) { lpAccount->lpVtbl->Release(lpAccount); } if (lpEnumAccounts) { lpEnumAccounts->lpVtbl->Release(lpEnumAccounts); } return(hResult); }
// PURPOSE: Read a DWORD registry value, correcting for value type
// RETURNS: RegQueryValueEx error code
DWORD RegQueryValueExDWORD(HKEY hKey, LPTSTR lpszValueName, LPDWORD lpdwValue) { DWORD dwType, dwErr; DWORD cbData = sizeof(DWORD); *lpdwValue = 0; dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpdwValue, &cbData); return(dwErr); }
// PURPOSE: To ensure that all server entries in the registry are
// unique, we will henceforth assign each new entry a
// unique serverID at the time of creation. This will help
// us make sure that all registry entries are unique.
// A running counter is stored in the registry and will
// give us the next available SeverID
// PARAMETERS: dwSet = input value to set the next id to. (Optional,
// ignored if zero.)
// RETURNS: The next available ID for use. Valid IDs range from 1 upwards.
// 0 is an invalid ID, as is -1.
// 96/10/09 vikramm Created
DWORD GetLDAPNextServerID(DWORD dwSet) { DWORD dwID = 0; DWORD dwNextID = 0; DWORD dwErr = 0; HKEY hKeyWAB; LPTSTR szLDAPNextAvailableServerID = TEXT("Server ID");
// Open the WAB's reg key
if (! (dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWABKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyWAB))) { dwNextID = 0; // init in case registry gives < 4 bytes.
if (dwSet) dwNextID = dwSet; else { // Read the next available server id
if (dwErr = RegQueryValueExDWORD(hKeyWAB, (LPTSTR)szLDAPNextAvailableServerID, &dwNextID)) { // The value wasn't found!!
// Create a new key, starting at 100
// (Start high so that we can be guaranteed to be past any
// pre-configured servers.)
dwNextID = 500; } }
dwID = dwNextID++;
// Update the ID in the registry
RegSetValueEx(hKeyWAB, (LPTSTR)szLDAPNextAvailableServerID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwNextID, sizeof(dwNextID)); RegCloseKey(hKeyWAB); } return(dwID); }
- - SetAccountStringAW * * Account manager returns ANSI/DBCS which we need to convert to Unicode as appropriate * */ void SetAccountStringAW(LPTSTR * lppAcctStr, LPSTR lpszData) { *lppAcctStr = ConvertAtoW(lpszData); } //*******************************************************************
// FUNCTION: GetLDAPServerParams
// PURPOSE: Gets the per-server parameters for the given LDAP server.
// Parameters include limit on number of entries to retrieve in
// an LDAP search, the max number of seconds to spend on the
// server, the max number of seconds to wait at the client,
// and the type of authentication to use with this server.
// PARAMETERS: lpszServer - name of the server
// ServerParams - structure containing the per-server parameters
// RETURNS: TRUE if the lpszServer already existed else returns FALSE
// If the given server does not exist, still fills in the lspParams struct.
// 96/07/16 markdu Created.
// 96/10/09 vikramm Added Server Name and search base. Changed return value
// from void to BOOL
// 96/12/16 brucek Added URL.
BOOL GetLDAPServerParams(LPTSTR lpszServer, LPLDAPSERVERPARAMS lspParams) { DWORD dwType; HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; IImnAccountManager2 * lpAccountManager = NULL; IImnAccount * lpAccount = NULL; char szBuffer[513];
// Set defaults for each value
lspParams->dwSearchSizeLimit = LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT; lspParams->dwSearchTimeLimit = LDAP_SEARCH_TIME_LIMIT; lspParams->dwAuthMethod = LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_ANONYMOUS; lspParams->lpszUserName = NULL; lspParams->lpszPassword = NULL; lspParams->lpszURL = NULL; lspParams->lpszLogoPath = NULL; lspParams->lpszBase = NULL; lspParams->lpszName = NULL; lspParams->fResolve = FALSE; lspParams->dwID = 0; lspParams->dwUseBindDN = 0; lspParams->dwPort = LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT; lspParams->fSimpleSearch = FALSE; lspParams->lpszAdvancedSearchAttr = NULL; #ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
lspParams->dwPagedResult = LDAP_PRESULT_UNKNOWN; #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
if (hResult = InitAccountManager(NULL, &lpAccountManager, NULL)) { goto exit; }
SetAccountStringWA(szBuffer, lpszServer, CharSizeOf(szBuffer)); if (hResult = lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->FindAccount(lpAccountManager, AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, szBuffer, &lpAccount)) { //DebugTrace(TEXT("FindAccount(%s) -> %x\n"), lpszServer, GetScode(hResult));
goto exit; }
// have account object, set its properties
// Server Type: Is it LDAP?
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetServerTypes(lpAccount, &dwType))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("GetServerTypes() -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; } if (! (dwType & SRV_LDAP)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Account manager gave us a non-LDAP server\n")); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
// LDAP Server address
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SERVER, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)))) { // This is a Required property, fail if not there.
DebugTrace(TEXT("GetPropSz(AP_LDAP_SERVER) -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; } SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszName, szBuffer);
// Username
if (! (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_USERNAME, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))))) { SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszUserName, szBuffer); }
// Password
if (! (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_PASSWORD, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))))) { SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszPassword, szBuffer); }
// Advanced Search Attributes
if (! (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_ADVANCED_SEARCH_ATTR, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))))) { SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszAdvancedSearchAttr, szBuffer); }
// Authentication method
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION, &lspParams->dwAuthMethod))) { // default to anonymous
lspParams->dwAuthMethod = LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_ANONYMOUS; }
// LDAP Timeout
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_TIMEOUT, &lspParams->dwSearchTimeLimit))) { // default to 60 seconds
lspParams->dwSearchTimeLimit = LDAP_SEARCH_TIME_LIMIT; }
// LDAP Search Base
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)))) { // Don't need to set the default search base here. GetLDAPSearchBase will
// calculate one if needed.
} else { SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszBase, szBuffer); }
// Search Limit
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SEARCH_RETURN, &lspParams->dwSearchSizeLimit))) { // default to 100
lspParams->dwSearchTimeLimit = LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT; }
// Order
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SERVER_ID, &lspParams->dwID))) { lspParams->dwID = 0; } // Make sure we have a valid unique id
if (lspParams->dwID == 0 || lspParams->dwID == 0xFFFFFFFF) { lspParams->dwID = GetLDAPNextServerID(0); }
// Resolve flag
#ifndef WIN16
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_RESOLVE_FLAG, &lspParams->fResolve))) { #else
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_RESOLVE_FLAG, (DWORD __RPC_FAR *)&lspParams->fResolve))) { #endif
lspParams->fResolve = FALSE; }
// Server URL
if (! (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_URL, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))))) { SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszURL, szBuffer); }
// Full Path to Logo bitmap
if (! (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_LOGO, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))))) { SetAccountStringAW(&lspParams->lpszLogoPath, szBuffer); }
// Port
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_PORT, &lspParams->dwPort))) { // default to 100
lspParams->dwPort = LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT; }
// Use Bind DN
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_USE_BIND_DN, &lspParams->dwUseBindDN))) { lspParams->dwUseBindDN = 0; }
// Use SSL
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SSL, &lspParams->dwUseSSL))) { lspParams->dwUseSSL = 0; }
// Do Simple Search
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SIMPLE_SEARCH, &lspParams->fSimpleSearch))) { lspParams->fSimpleSearch = FALSE; }
// Paged Result Support
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_PAGED_RESULTS, &lspParams->dwPagedResult))) { lspParams->dwPagedResult = LDAP_PRESULT_UNKNOWN; } #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
// Is this an NTDS account
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_NTDS, &lspParams->dwIsNTDS))) { lspParams->dwIsNTDS = LDAP_NTDS_UNKNOWN; }
exit: if (lpAccount) { lpAccount->lpVtbl->Release(lpAccount); }
return(!HR_FAILED(hResult)); }
- - SetAccountStringWA * * Account manager needs ANSI/DBCS so if we have UNICODE data we need to convert to ANSI * * lpStrA should be a big enough buffer to get the ANSI data * cb = CharSizeOf(szStrA) */ void SetAccountStringWA(LPSTR szStrA, LPTSTR lpszData, int cbsz) { LPSTR lpBufA = NULL;
Assert(szStrA); szStrA[0] = '\0';
// If the source string pointer is NULL then just return
if (lpszData == NULL) return;
lpBufA = ConvertWtoA(lpszData); if (lpBufA) { StrCpyNA(szStrA, (LPCSTR)lpBufA, cbsz); LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID*)&lpBufA); } }
// FUNCTION: SetLDAPServerParams
// PURPOSE: Sets the per-server parameters for the given LDAP server.
// Parameters include limit on number of entries to retrieve in
// an LDAP search, the max number of seconds to spend on the
// server, the max number of seconds to wait at the client,
// and the type of authentication to use with this server.
// PARAMETERS: lpszServer - name of the server
// ServerParams - structure containing the per-server parameters
// Note: if this parameter is NULL, the key with name lpszServer
// will be deleted if it exists.
// Note: lpszUserName and lpszPassword are only stored if
// dwAuthenticationMethod is LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_SIMPLE. Otherwise,
// these parameters are ignored. To clear one of the strings,
// set it to a NULL string (ie ""). Setting the parameter to
// 96/07/26 markdu Created.
// 97/01/19 brucek Port to account manager
HRESULT SetLDAPServerParams( LPTSTR lpszServer, LPLDAPSERVERPARAMS lspParams) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; IImnAccountManager2 * lpAccountManager = NULL; IImnAccount * lpAccount = NULL; DWORD dwType; char szBuf[513];
if (hResult = InitAccountManager(NULL, &lpAccountManager, NULL)) { goto exit; }
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lpszServer, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (hResult = lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->FindAccount(lpAccountManager, AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, szBuf, &lpAccount)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Creating account %s\n"), lpszServer);
if (hResult = lpAccountManager->lpVtbl->CreateAccountObject(lpAccountManager, ACCT_DIR_SERV, &lpAccount)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("CreateAccountObject -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; } } else { // Found an account. Is it LDAP?
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->GetServerTypes(lpAccount, &dwType))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("GetServerTypes() -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
if (! (dwType & SRV_LDAP)) { DebugTrace(TEXT("%s is already a non-LDAP server name\n"), lpszServer); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_COLLISION); goto exit; }
// Yes, at this point, we know that the existing server is LDAP.
if (NULL == lspParams) { // Are there other account types on this account?
if (dwType == SRV_LDAP) { lpAccount->lpVtbl->Delete(lpAccount); } else { // BUGBUG: If AcctManager ever supports more than one type per account, we
// should add code here to remove LDAP from the type.
// Jump past the property settings
goto exit; } }
// have account object, set its properties
// Account Name
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lpszServer, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, szBuf))) { // account name = server name
DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, %s) -> %x\n"), lpszServer, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// LDAP Server address
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, (!lspParams->lpszName || !lstrlen(lspParams->lpszName)) ? szNULLString : lspParams->lpszName, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SERVER, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_SERVER, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszName ? lspParams->lpszName : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Username
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lspParams->lpszUserName, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_USERNAME, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_USERNAME, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszUserName ? lspParams->lpszUserName : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Password
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lspParams->lpszPassword, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_PASSWORD, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_PASSWORD, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszPassword ? lspParams->lpszPassword : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Advanced Search Attributes
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lspParams->lpszAdvancedSearchAttr, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_ADVANCED_SEARCH_ATTR, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_ADVANCED_SEARCH_ATTR, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszAdvancedSearchAttr ? lspParams->lpszAdvancedSearchAttr : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Authentication method
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION, lspParams->dwAuthMethod))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwAuthMethod, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// LDAP Timeout
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_TIMEOUT, lspParams->dwSearchTimeLimit))) { // account name = server name
DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_TIMEOUT, %y) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwSearchTimeLimit, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// LDAP Search Base
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lspParams->lpszBase, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszBase ? lspParams->lpszBase : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Search Limit
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SEARCH_RETURN, lspParams->dwSearchSizeLimit))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_SEARCH_RETURN, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwSearchSizeLimit, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Order
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SERVER_ID, lspParams->dwID))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_SERVER_ID, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwID, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Resolve flag
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_RESOLVE_FLAG, lspParams->fResolve))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_RESOLVE_FLAG) -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); }
// Server URL
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lspParams->lpszURL, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_URL, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_URL, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszURL ? lspParams->lpszURL : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); }
// Server URL
SetAccountStringWA(szBuf, lspParams->lpszLogoPath, CharSizeOf(szBuf)); if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropSz(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_LOGO, szBuf))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropSz(AP_LDAP_URL, %s) -> %x\n"), lspParams->lpszLogoPath ? lspParams->lpszLogoPath : TEXT("<NULL>"), GetScode(hResult)); }
// Port
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_PORT, lspParams->dwPort))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_PORT, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwPort, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Bind DN
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_USE_BIND_DN, lspParams->dwUseBindDN))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_USE_BIND_DN, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwUseBindDN, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Use SSL
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SSL, lspParams->dwUseSSL))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_SSL, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwUseSSL, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Simple Search
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_SIMPLE_SEARCH, lspParams->fSimpleSearch))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_SIMPLE_SEARCH, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->fSimpleSearch, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Paged Result Support
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_PAGED_RESULTS, lspParams->dwPagedResult))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_PAGED_RESULTS, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwPagedResult, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; } #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SetPropDw(lpAccount, AP_LDAP_NTDS, lspParams->dwIsNTDS))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("SetPropDw(AP_LDAP_NTDS, %u) -> %x\n"), lspParams->dwIsNTDS, GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
// Save the changes to this account
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpAccount->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(lpAccount))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Account->SaveChanges -> %x\n"), GetScode(hResult)); goto exit; }
exit: if (lpAccount) { lpAccount->lpVtbl->Release(lpAccount); }
return(hResult); }
// FUNCTION: LDAPResolveName
// PURPOSE: Resolves against all the LDAP servers. Maintains
// list of ambiguous resolves for UI.
// PARAMETERS: lpAdrBook = IADDRBOOK object
// lpAdrList -> ADRLIST to resolve
// lpFlagList -> FlagList
// lpAmbiguousTables -> list of ambiguous match tables [in/out]
// lpulResolved -> Resolved count [in/out]
// lpulAmbiguous -> Ambiguous count [in/out]
// lpulUnresolved -> Unresolved count [in/out]
// 96/07/15 brucek Created.
HRESULT LDAPResolveName( LPADRBOOK lpAddrBook, LPADRLIST lpAdrList, LPFlagList lpFlagList, LPAMBIGUOUS_TABLES lpAmbiguousTables, ULONG ulFlags) { SCODE sc; HRESULT hResult; LPMAPITABLE lpRootTable = NULL; LPMAPITABLE lpAmbiguousTable = NULL; LPABCONT lpRoot = NULL; ULONG ulObjType; ULONG i; LPABCONT lpLDAPContainer = NULL; LPFlagList lpFlagListOld = NULL; LPSRowSet lpRow = NULL; ULONG ulResolved, ulUnresolved, ulAmbiguous;
BOOL bUnicode = (ulFlags & WAB_RESOLVE_UNICODE);
// Open Root container
if (! (hResult = lpAddrBook->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(lpAddrBook, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpRoot))) { if (! (hResult = lpRoot->lpVtbl->GetContentsTable(lpRoot, MAPI_UNICODE, &lpRootTable))) { SRestriction resAnd[2]; // 0 = LDAP, 1 = ResolveFlag
SRestriction resLDAPResolve; SPropValue ResolveFlag; ULONG cRows;
// Set the columns
lpRootTable->lpVtbl->SetColumns(lpRootTable, (LPSPropTagArray)&irnColumns, 0);
// Restrict: Only show LDAP containers with Resolve TRUE
resAnd[0].rt = RES_EXIST; resAnd[0].res.resExist.ulReserved1 = 0; resAnd[0].res.resExist.ulReserved2 = 0; resAnd[0].res.resExist.ulPropTag = PR_WAB_LDAP_SERVER;
ResolveFlag.ulPropTag = PR_WAB_RESOLVE_FLAG; ResolveFlag.Value.b = TRUE;
resAnd[1].rt = RES_PROPERTY; resAnd[1].res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; resAnd[1].res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_WAB_RESOLVE_FLAG; resAnd[1].res.resProperty.lpProp = &ResolveFlag;
resLDAPResolve.rt = RES_AND; resLDAPResolve.res.resAnd.cRes = 2; resLDAPResolve.res.resAnd.lpRes = resAnd;
if (HR_FAILED(hResult = lpRootTable->lpVtbl->Restrict(lpRootTable, &resLDAPResolve, 0))) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("RootTable: Restrict"), hResult); goto exit; }
CountFlags(lpFlagList, &ulResolved, &ulAmbiguous, &ulUnresolved);
cRows = 1; while (cRows && ulUnresolved) { if (hResult = lpRootTable->lpVtbl->QueryRows(lpRootTable, 1, // one row at a time
0, // ulFlags
&lpRow)) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("ResolveName:QueryRows"), hResult); } else if (lpRow) { if (cRows = lpRow->cRows) { // Yes, single '='
// Open the container
if (! (hResult = lpAddrBook->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(lpAddrBook, lpRow->aRow[0].lpProps[irnPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb, (LPENTRYID)lpRow->aRow[0].lpProps[irnPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb, NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpLDAPContainer))) { ULONG ulAmbiguousOld = ulAmbiguous; __UPV * lpv;
// Create a copy of the current flag list
// Allocate the lpFlagList first and zero fill it.
if (sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer((UINT)CbNewSPropTagArray(lpAdrList->cEntries), &lpFlagListOld)) { hResult = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; } MAPISetBufferName(lpFlagListOld, TEXT("WAB: lpFlagListOld in IAB_ResolveNames")); lpFlagListOld->cFlags = lpAdrList->cEntries; for (i = 0; i < lpFlagListOld->cFlags; i++) { lpFlagListOld->ulFlag[i] = lpFlagList->ulFlag[i]; }
// Resolve against the LDAP container
if (! HR_FAILED(hResult = lpLDAPContainer->lpVtbl->ResolveNames(lpLDAPContainer, NULL, // tag set
(bUnicode ? MAPI_UNICODE : 0), // ulFlags
lpAdrList, lpFlagList))) { // Ignore warnings
hResult = hrSuccess; }
// Did this container report Ambiguous on any entries?
CountFlags(lpFlagList, &ulResolved, &ulAmbiguous, &ulUnresolved); if (ulAmbiguousOld != ulAmbiguous) {
// Find which entries were reported as ambiguous and
// create a table to return.
for (i = 0; i < lpFlagList->cFlags; i++) { if (lpFlagList->ulFlag[i] == MAPI_AMBIGUOUS && lpFlagListOld->ulFlag[i] != MAPI_AMBIGUOUS) { // The search got an ambiguous result. Deal with it!
if (hResult = lpLDAPContainer->lpVtbl->GetContentsTable(lpLDAPContainer, (bUnicode ? MAPI_UNICODE : 0), &lpAmbiguousTable)) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("LDAPResolveName:GetContentsTable"), hResult); // goto exit; // is this fatal?
hResult = hrSuccess; } else { // populate the table
SRestriction resAnd[1]; // 0 = DisplayName
SRestriction resLDAPFind; SPropValue DisplayName;
ULONG ulPropTag = ( bUnicode ? PR_DISPLAY_NAME : // <note> assumes UNICODE defined
if (lpv = FindAdrEntryProp(lpAdrList, i, ulPropTag)) { DisplayName.ulPropTag = ulPropTag; if(bUnicode) DisplayName.Value.lpszW = lpv->lpszW; else DisplayName.Value.lpszA = lpv->lpszA;
resAnd[0].rt = RES_PROPERTY; resAnd[0].res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; resAnd[0].res.resProperty.ulPropTag = ulPropTag; resAnd[0].res.resProperty.lpProp = &DisplayName;
resLDAPFind.rt = RES_AND; resLDAPFind.res.resAnd.cRes = 1; resLDAPFind.res.resAnd.lpRes = resAnd;
if (hResult = lpAmbiguousTable->lpVtbl->FindRow(lpAmbiguousTable, &resLDAPFind, BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0)) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("LDAPResolveName:GetContentsTable"), hResult); // goto exit; // is this fatal?
hResult = hrSuccess; UlRelease(lpAmbiguousTable); lpAmbiguousTable = NULL; } else { // Got a contents table; put it in the
// ambiguity tables list.
Assert(i < lpAmbiguousTables->cEntries); lpAmbiguousTables->lpTable[i] = lpAmbiguousTable; } } } } } }
UlRelease(lpLDAPContainer); lpLDAPContainer = NULL; } } FreeProws(lpRow); lpRow = NULL; } }
UlRelease(lpRootTable); lpRootTable = NULL; } UlRelease(lpRoot); lpRoot = NULL; } exit:
UlRelease(lpLDAPContainer); UlRelease(lpRootTable); UlRelease(lpRoot); if (lpRow) { FreeProws(lpRow); }
return(hResult); }
// PURPOSE: Convert LDAP error code into an HRESULT.
// PARAMETERS: ulErr - error code returned by LDAP, or LDAP_ERROR if the
// LDAP function does not directly return an error code.
// pLDAP - contains ld_errno member that holds the error
// if nErr is LDAP_ERROR.
// scDefault - SCODE for error to default to. If this is
// NULL, default is MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED.
// RETURNS: HRESULT that is closest match for the LDAP error.
// 96/07/22 markdu Created.
DebugPrintError(( TEXT("LDAP error 0x%.2x: %s\n"), ulErr, gpfnLDAPErr2String(ulErr)));
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
if ((LDAP_ERROR == ulErr) && pLDAP) { // Get the error code from the LDAP structure.
ulErr = pLDAP->ld_errno; }
// Translate the error.
switch(ulErr) { case LDAP_SUCCESS: hr = hrSuccess; break;
case LDAP_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: case LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED: case LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: case LDAP_RESULTS_TOO_LARGE: // With these error messages it is still possible to get back some
// valid data. If there is valid data, then the error should be
// It is the responibility of the caller to make this change.
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE); break;
case LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); break;
case LDAP_SERVER_DOWN: hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR); break;
case LDAP_TIMEOUT: hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_TIMEOUT); break;
case LDAP_USER_CANCELLED: hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL); break;
default: if (scDefault) { hr = ResultFromScode(scDefault); } break; }
return hr; }
// Converts a DN into an LDAP URL
static const LPTSTR lpLDAPPrefix = TEXT("ldap://");
void DNtoLDAPURL(LPTSTR lpServer, LPTSTR lpDN, LPTSTR szURL, ULONG cchURL) { if(!lpServer || !lpDN || !szURL) return;
StrCpyN(szURL, lpLDAPPrefix, cchURL); StrCatBuff(szURL, lpServer, cchURL); StrCatBuff(szURL, TEXT("/"), cchURL); StrCatBuff(szURL, lpDN, cchURL); return; }
// FUNCTION: TranslateAttrs
// PURPOSE: Cycle through the attributes in the entry, convert
// them into MAPI properties and return them.
// PARAMETERS: pLDAP - LDAP structure for this session
// lpEntry - Entry whose attributes to translate
// pulcProps - buffer to hold number of properties returned
// lpPropArray - buffer to hold returned properties
// RETURNS: HRESULT error code.
// 96/07/22 markdu Created.
typedef enum { e_pager = 0, // highest priority
e_otherPager, e_OfficePager, // lowest
e_pagerMax };
HRESULT TranslateAttrs( LDAP* pLDAP, LDAPMessage* lpEntry, LPTSTR lpServer, ULONG* pulcProps, LPSPropValue lpPropArray) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; ULONG ulcProps = 0; ULONG ulPropTag; ULONG ulPrimaryEmailIndex = MAX_ULONG; ULONG ulContactAddressesIndex = MAX_ULONG; ULONG ulContactAddrTypesIndex = MAX_ULONG; ULONG ulContactDefAddrIndexIndex = MAX_ULONG; ULONG cbValue; ULONG i, j; SCODE sc; LPTSTR szAttr; BerElement* ptr; LPTSTR* aszValues; LPTSTR atszPagerAttr[e_pagerMax] = {0}; // [PaulHi] 3/17/99 Raid 73733 Choose between three pager attributes
// 0 - "pager", 1 - "otherpager", 2 - "officepager" in this order
if (IsBadReadPtr(pLDAP, sizeof(LDAP))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (IsBadReadPtr(lpEntry, sizeof(LDAPMessage))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (IsBadWritePtr(pulcProps, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (IsBadReadPtr(lpPropArray, sizeof(SPropValue))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } #endif // PARAMETER_VALIDATION
szAttr = gpfnLDAPFirstAttr(pLDAP, lpEntry, &ptr); while (szAttr) { //DebugTrace(TEXT("%s / "),szAttr);
ulPropTag = LDAPAttrToMAPIProp(szAttr);
// [PaulHi] 3/17/99 Raid 73733 Save up to e_pagerMax pager attribute types and skip. Later
// we need to choose a pager property by order of prioriy, in case there is more than one.
if (ulPropTag == PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) { aszValues = gpfnLDAPGetValues(pLDAP, lpEntry, szAttr); if (aszValues && aszValues[0]) { ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(aszValues[0])+1; LPTSTR lptszTemp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cchSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!lptszTemp) goto error; StrCpyN(lptszTemp, aszValues[0], cchSize); gpfnLDAPValueFree(aszValues);
if (!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_pager)) { LocalFreeAndNull(&(atszPagerAttr[0])); atszPagerAttr[e_pager] = lptszTemp; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_otherPager)) { LocalFreeAndNull(&(atszPagerAttr[1])); atszPagerAttr[e_otherPager] = lptszTemp; } else { // If this Assert fires it must mean that the gAttrMap mapping table has changed
// to include yet another LDAP attribute to be associated with PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER.
// Increase the atszPagerAttr[] array to include this too.
Assert(lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_OfficePager) == 0); LocalFreeAndNull(&(atszPagerAttr[2])); atszPagerAttr[e_OfficePager] = lptszTemp; } } goto endloop; }
switch (PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag)) { // BUGBUG currently only works for PT_MV_BINARY, PT_TSTRING or PT_MV_TSTRING properties
case PT_TSTRING: { // Get the value for this attribute
aszValues = gpfnLDAPGetValues(pLDAP, lpEntry, szAttr); if (aszValues) { // BUGBUG for now just use first value (aszValues[0] )
if (aszValues[0] && (cbValue = lstrlen(aszValues[0]))) { ULONG cbExtra = 0; #ifdef DEBUG
if(!lstrcmpi(szAttr, TEXT("cn"))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("cn=%s\n"),aszValues[0]); } #endif
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = ulPropTag; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0;
// If this is a postalAddress attribute, we need to replace $'s
// with \r\n. Add one byte for each $ in the string.
if ((PR_STREET_ADDRESS == ulPropTag) || (PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET == ulPropTag)) { cbExtra = CountDollars(aszValues[0]); }
if (PR_WAB_MANAGER == ulPropTag && lpServer) { cbExtra = lstrlen(lpLDAPPrefix) + lstrlen(lpServer) + 1; }
// Allocate more space for the data
sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*(cbValue + cbExtra + 1), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ)); if (sc) { goto error; }
// Copy the data, replacing $'s if necessary.
if ((0 != cbExtra) && ((PR_STREET_ADDRESS == ulPropTag) || (PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET == ulPropTag))) { DollarsToLFs(aszValues[0], lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ, cbValue + cbExtra + 1); } else if(PR_WAB_MANAGER == ulPropTag && lpServer) { DNtoLDAPURL(lpServer, aszValues[0], lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ, cbValue + cbExtra + 1); } else { StrCpyN(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ, aszValues[0], cbValue + cbExtra + 1); }
// If this is PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, create a PR_ADDRTYPE entry as well
if (PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS == ulPropTag) { // Remember where the email value was, so we can add it to
ulPrimaryEmailIndex = ulcProps; ulcProps++;
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_ADDRTYPE; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ = (LPTSTR)szSMTP; } ulcProps++; } gpfnLDAPValueFree(aszValues); } // if aszValues
break; } case PT_MV_TSTRING: if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_SECONDARY_EMAIL_ADDRESSES) { ULONG ulcValues; ULONG ulcSMTP = 0; ULONG ulProp = 0; UNALIGNED LPTSTR FAR *lppszAddrs; UNALIGNED LPTSTR FAR *lppszTypes;
// Only property of this type that we know how to handle is
// Get the value for this attribute
aszValues = gpfnLDAPGetValues(pLDAP, lpEntry, szAttr); if (aszValues) { // Cycle through the addresses and count the number that are SMTP
ulcValues = gpfnLDAPCountValues(aszValues); for (i=0;i<ulcValues;i++) { if (TRUE == IsSMTPAddress(aszValues[i], NULL)) ulcSMTP++; }
// We are done if there were no SMTP addresses.
if (0 == ulcSMTP) break;
// Set the default address to be the first one for now.
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.l = 0; ulContactDefAddrIndexIndex = ulcProps; ulcProps++;
// Create the PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES entry and allocate space for the array.
// Include space for an extra entry so we can add the PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS later.
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.cValues = ulcSMTP; sc = MAPIAllocateMore((ulcSMTP + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ)); if (sc) goto error; lppszAddrs = lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ; ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lppszAddrs, (ulcSMTP + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR));
// Create the PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES entry and allocate space for the array.
// Include space for an extra entry so we can add the PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS later.
lpPropArray[ulcProps + 1].ulPropTag = PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES; lpPropArray[ulcProps + 1].Value.MVSZ.cValues = ulcSMTP; sc = MAPIAllocateMore((ulcSMTP + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps + 1].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ)); if (sc) goto error;
lppszTypes = lpPropArray[ulcProps + 1].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ; ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lppszTypes, (ulcSMTP + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR));
// Add the SMTP addresses to the list
for (i=0;i<ulcValues;i++) { LPTSTR lptszEmailName = NULL;
if (TRUE == IsSMTPAddress(aszValues[i], &lptszEmailName)) { // Allocate more space for the email address and copy it.
ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(lptszEmailName) + 1; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lppszAddrs[ulProp])); if (sc) goto error; StrCpyN(lppszAddrs[ulProp], lptszEmailName, cchSize);
// Fill in the address type.
lppszTypes[ulProp] = (LPTSTR)szSMTP;
// Go on to the next one. Skip the rest if we know we have done all SMTP.
ulProp++; if (ulProp >= ulcSMTP) break; } }
// Remember where the PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES value was, so we can
// add PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS to it later
ulContactAddressesIndex = ulcProps; ulContactAddrTypesIndex = ulcProps + 1; ulcProps += 2;
gpfnLDAPValueFree(aszValues); } // if aszValues
} else if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_CONF_SERVERS) { // Even though this is MV_TSTRING prop, the ldap server
// will only really return 1 single item which is of the format
// server/conf-email
// All we need to do is put it in the prop with a callto:// prefix ...
ULONG ulcValues; ULONG ulProp = 0; ULONG ulPrefixLen;
// Get the value for this attribute
aszValues = gpfnLDAPGetValues(pLDAP, lpEntry, szAttr);
if (aszValues) { ULONG cchSize;
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_WAB_CONF_SERVERS;
lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.cValues = 1; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(LPTSTR), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ));
if (sc) { goto error; }
lppszServers = lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ;
ulPrefixLen = lstrlen(szCallto) + 1;
// Allocate more space for the email address and copy it.
cchSize = lstrlen(aszValues[0]) + ulPrefixLen + 1; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lppszServers[0]));
if (sc) { goto error; }
StrCpyN(lppszServers[0], szCallto, cchSize); StrCatBuff(lppszServers[0], (LPTSTR) aszValues[0], cchSize);
gpfnLDAPValueFree(aszValues); } // if aszValues
} else if(ulPropTag == PR_WAB_REPORTS && lpServer) { ULONG ulcValues = 0; ULONG ulLen = 0; UNALIGNED LPTSTR FAR *lppszServers = NULL; // Get the value for this attribute
aszValues = gpfnLDAPGetValues(pLDAP, lpEntry, szAttr); if (aszValues) { ulcValues = gpfnLDAPCountValues(aszValues); lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_WAB_REPORTS; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.cValues = ulcValues; sc = MAPIAllocateMore((ulcValues+1)*sizeof(LPTSTR), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ)); if (sc) goto error; lppszServers = lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ; for(i=0;i<ulcValues;i++) { ulLen = (lstrlen(lpLDAPPrefix) + lstrlen(lpServer) + 1 + lstrlen(aszValues[i]) + 1); // Allocate more space for the email address and copy it.
sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*ulLen, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lppszServers[i])); if (sc) goto error; DNtoLDAPURL(lpServer, aszValues[i], lppszServers[i], ulLen); } ulcProps++; gpfnLDAPValueFree(aszValues); } // if aszValues
} break; case PT_MV_BINARY: { ULONG ulcValues; struct berval** ppberval; BOOL bSMIME = FALSE; // Only property of this type that we know how to handle is
Assert(PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE == ulPropTag); DebugTrace(TEXT("%s\n"),szAttr); if(!lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_userSMIMECertificate) || !lstrcmpi(szAttr, cszAttr_userSMIMECertificatebinary)) bSMIME = TRUE; // Get the value for this attribute
ppberval = gpfnLDAPGetValuesLen(pLDAP, lpEntry, szAttr); if (ppberval && (*ppberval) && (*ppberval)->bv_len) { ulcValues = gpfnLDAPCountValuesLen(ppberval); if (0 != ulcValues) { ULONG cbNew = 0,k=0; /* We dont want to translate the LDAP Cert to a MAPI Cert just yet
For now we will put the raw cert data into PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERT and do the conversion when the user calls OpenEntry on this LDAP Contact */ lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = bSMIME ? PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERTSMIME: PR_WAB_LDAP_RAWCERT; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVbin.cValues = ulcValues; if(!FAILED(sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(SBinary)*ulcValues,lpPropArray,(LPVOID)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVbin.lpbin)))) { for(k=0;k<ulcValues;k++) { cbNew = lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k].cb = (DWORD)((ppberval[k])->bv_len); if (FAILED(sc = MAPIAllocateMore(cbNew, lpPropArray, (LPVOID)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k].lpb)))) { //hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
ulcProps--; goto endloop; } CopyMemory(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k].lpb, (PBYTE)((ppberval[k])->bv_val), cbNew); } } ulcProps++; }
gpfnLDAPValueFreeLen(ppberval); } // if ppberval
} break;
case PT_NULL: break;
default: Assert((PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) == PT_TSTRING) || (PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) == PT_MV_TSTRING)); break; } // switch
endloop: // Get the next attribute
szAttr = gpfnLDAPNextAttr(pLDAP, lpEntry, ptr); } // while szAttr
// [PaulHi] 3/17/99 Raid 73733 Add the pager property here, if any. These
// will have been added in order of priority so just grab the first valid one.
{ for (i=0; i<e_pagerMax; i++) { if (atszPagerAttr[i]) { lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0;
cbValue = lstrlen(atszPagerAttr[i]); sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*(cbValue + 1), lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ)); if (sc) goto error; StrCpyN(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ, atszPagerAttr[i], cbValue+1);
++ulcProps; break; } } // Clean up
for (i=0; i<e_pagerMax; i++) LocalFreeAndNull(&(atszPagerAttr[i])); }
if (ulcProps) { // Remove duplicates.
for (i=0;i<ulcProps - 1;i++) { // If there are any entries in the array that have the same
// type as this one, replace them with PR_NULL.
ulPropTag = lpPropArray[i].ulPropTag; if (PR_NULL != ulPropTag) { for (j=i+1;j<ulcProps;j++) { if (ulPropTag == lpPropArray[j].ulPropTag) { lpPropArray[j].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; } } } }
// Fix up the email address properties
if ((MAX_ULONG == ulPrimaryEmailIndex) && (ulContactAddressesIndex < ulcProps)) { LPTSTR lpszDefault; ULONG cchSize;
// We got only secondary email addressess. Copy one to the primary address.
// Take the first one, since it is already set as default anyway.
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0;
// Allocate more space for the email address and copy it.
lpszDefault = lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[0]; cchSize = lstrlen(lpszDefault) + 1; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ)); if (sc) { goto error; } StrCpyN(lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ, lpszDefault, cchSize); ulcProps++;
// Create the PR_ADDRTYPE property as well.
lpPropArray[ulcProps].ulPropTag = PR_ADDRTYPE; lpPropArray[ulcProps].dwAlignPad = 0; lpPropArray[ulcProps].Value.LPSZ = (LPTSTR)szSMTP; ulcProps++;
// Delete the PR_CONTACT_ properties if that was the only one,
if (1 == lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.cValues) { // We don't need the PR_CONTACT_ properties
lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; lpPropArray[ulContactAddrTypesIndex].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; lpPropArray[ulContactDefAddrIndexIndex].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; } } else if ((ulPrimaryEmailIndex < ulcProps) && (ulContactAddressesIndex < ulcProps)) { ULONG ulcEntries; LPTSTR lpszDefault;
// We need to add the primary address to PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES
// and set it as the default
Assert((ulContactAddrTypesIndex < ulcProps) && (ulContactDefAddrIndexIndex < ulcProps));
// Before adding, see if it is already in the list.
lpszDefault = lpPropArray[ulPrimaryEmailIndex].Value.LPSZ; ulcEntries = lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.cValues; for (i=0;i<ulcEntries;i++) { if (!lstrcmpi(lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[i], lpszDefault)) { // Found a match.
break; } }
if (i < ulcEntries) { // The default is already in the list at index i
lpPropArray[ulContactDefAddrIndexIndex].Value.l = i; } else { ULONG cchSize;
// Add the default address to the end of the list.
lpPropArray[ulContactDefAddrIndexIndex].Value.l = ulcEntries;
// Allocate more space for the email address and copy it.
cchSize = lstrlen(lpszDefault) + 1; sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize, lpPropArray, (LPVOID *)&(lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[ulcEntries])); if (sc) { goto error; } lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.cValues++; StrCpyN(lpPropArray[ulContactAddressesIndex].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[ulcEntries], lpszDefault, cchSize);
// Fill in the address type.
lpPropArray[ulContactAddrTypesIndex].Value.MVSZ.LPPSZ[ulcEntries] = (LPTSTR)szSMTP; lpPropArray[ulContactAddrTypesIndex].Value.MVSZ.cValues++; } } }
if (pulcProps) { *pulcProps = ulcProps; } else { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
return hr;
error: gpfnLDAPValueFree(aszValues);
// [PaulHi] clean up
for (i=0; i<e_pagerMax; i++) LocalFreeAndNull(&(atszPagerAttr[i]));
return ResultFromScode(sc); }
// FUNCTION: CountDollars
// PURPOSE: Count the number of $ characters in the string.
// PARAMETERS: lpszStr - string to count.
// RETURNS: Number of dollar signs.
// 96/11/21 markdu Created.
ULONG CountDollars(LPTSTR lpszStr) { ULONG ulcDollars = 0;
while (*lpszStr) { if ('$' == *lpszStr) { ulcDollars++; } lpszStr = CharNext(lpszStr); }
return ulcDollars; }
// FUNCTION: DollarsToLFs
// PURPOSE: Convert all $ characters in the input string to line
// feeds in the output string. The rest of the output
// string is just a copy of the input string.
// PARAMETERS: lpszSrcStr - string to copy.
// lpszDestStr - output string, previously allocated large
// enough to hold the input string with $'s replaced.
// RETURNS: None.
// 96/11/21 markdu Created.
void DollarsToLFs( LPTSTR lpszSrcStr, LPTSTR lpszDestStr, DWORD cchDestStr) { DWORD dw=0;
while (*lpszSrcStr && dw < cchDestStr) { if ('$' == *lpszSrcStr) { *lpszDestStr++ = '\r'; dw++; if (dw < cchDestStr) { *lpszDestStr++ = '\n'; dw++; }
// Eat all whitespace characters that were after the $
// Also get rid of any more $'s so we don't stick to many LF's
while(IsSpace(lpszSrcStr) || *lpszSrcStr == '\t' || *lpszSrcStr == '$') { lpszSrcStr++; } } else { // we're now natively unicode
//if (IsDBCSLeadByte((BYTE)*lpszSrcStr))
// *lpszDestStr++ = *lpszSrcStr++;
*lpszDestStr++ = *lpszSrcStr++; dw++; } } *lpszDestStr = '\0';
return; }
// FUNCTION: CountIllegalChars
// PURPOSE: Count the number of "illegal" characters in the string.
// This consists of the characters that should be escaped
// according to RFC1558: '*', '(', ')'.
// PARAMETERS: lpszStr - string to count.
// RETURNS: Number of illegal characters.
// 96/12/04 markdu Created.
ULONG CountIllegalChars(LPTSTR lpszStr) { ULONG ulcIllegalChars = 0;
while (*lpszStr) { if (('*' == *lpszStr) || ('(' == *lpszStr) || (')' == *lpszStr)) { ulcIllegalChars++; } lpszStr = CharNext(lpszStr); }
return ulcIllegalChars; }
// FUNCTION: EscapeIllegalChars
// PURPOSE: Escape all illegal characters in the input string by
// replacing them with '\xx' where xx is the hex value
// representing the char. The rest of the output
// string is just a copy of the input string.
// Illegal characters are those that should be escaped
// according to RFC1558: '*', '(', ')'.
// PARAMETERS: lpszSrcStr - string to copy.
// lpszDestStr - output string, previously allocated large
// enough to hold the input string with illegal chars escaped..
// RETURNS: None.
// 96/12/04 markdu Created.
static const LPTSTR szStar = TEXT("\\2a"); // '*'
static const LPTSTR szOBracket = TEXT("\\28"); // '('
static const LPTSTR szCBracket = TEXT("\\29"); // ')'
void EscapeIllegalChars( LPTSTR lpszSrcStr, LPTSTR lpszDestStr, ULONG cchDestStr) { ULONG i=0;
lpszDestStr[0] = 0; while (*lpszSrcStr && i < (cchDestStr-1)) { if ('*' == *lpszSrcStr) { StrCatBuff(lpszDestStr, szStar, cchDestStr); i += lstrlen(szStar); lpszSrcStr++; } else if ('(' == *lpszSrcStr) { StrCatBuff(lpszDestStr, szOBracket, cchDestStr); i += lstrlen(szOBracket); lpszSrcStr++; } else if (')' == *lpszSrcStr) { StrCatBuff(lpszDestStr, szCBracket, cchDestStr); i += lstrlen(szCBracket); lpszSrcStr++; } else { // we're now natively unicode
//if (IsDBCSLeadByte((BYTE)*lpszSrcStr))
// *lpszDestStr++ = *lpszSrcStr++;
lpszDestStr[i++] = *lpszSrcStr++; } } lpszDestStr[i] = '\0';
return; }
// PURPOSE: Checks to see if a given string is an SMTP email address
// according to draft-ietf-asid-ldapv3-attributes-01.txt
// section 6.9. For this to be the case, the string must
// begin with the characters "SMTP$".
// NOTE: The remainder of the
// string is not checked to see if it is a valid SMTP email
// address, so this is not a general-purpose function for
// determining whether an arbitrary string is SMTP.
// [PaulHi] Added [out] LPTSTR pointer that points to
// the beginning of the actual address name.
// PARAMETERS: lpszStr - string to check.
// [out] lpptszName, returned pointer in lpszStr for the
// actual email name part of the string.
// RETURNS: TRUE if the string is SMTP, FALSE otherwise.
// 96/11/27 markdu Created.
// 99/2/5 paulhi Modified.
const TCHAR szsmtp[] = TEXT("smtp"); BOOL IsSMTPAddress(LPTSTR lpszStr, LPTSTR * lpptszName) { LPTSTR lpszSMTP = (LPTSTR)szSMTP; LPTSTR lpszsmtp = (LPTSTR)szsmtp;
if (lpptszName) (*lpptszName) = NULL;
while (*lpszSMTP && *lpszsmtp && *lpszStr) { if (*lpszSMTP != *lpszStr && *lpszsmtp != *lpszStr) return FALSE; lpszSMTP++; lpszStr++; lpszsmtp++; }
if ('$' != *lpszStr) return FALSE;
// If requested, return pointer to email name
if (lpptszName) (*lpptszName) = lpszStr + 1; // Account for the '$' delimiter
return TRUE; }
- - GetLDAPConnectionTimeout * The default wldap32.dll timeout for connecting is 30-60 secs .. if the server is hung * the user thinks they are hung .. so the WAB would downsize this timeout to 10 seconds .. * However people using the RAS have a problem that 10 is too short .. so we add a reg setting * that can be customized .. this customization is global for all services so it's at the * user's own risk. Default, if no reg setting, is 10 seconds * Bug 2409 - IE4.0x QFE RAID */ #define LDAP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 10 //seconds
DWORD GetLDAPConnectionTimeout() { DWORD dwErr = 0, dwTimeout = 0; HKEY hKeyWAB; LPTSTR szLDAPConnectionTimeout = TEXT("LDAP Connection Timeout");
// Open the WAB's reg key
if(!(dwErr=RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWABKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyWAB))) { // Read the next available server id
if (dwErr = RegQueryValueExDWORD(hKeyWAB, (LPTSTR)szLDAPConnectionTimeout, &dwTimeout)) { // The value wasn't found!! .. Create a new key
dwTimeout = LDAP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWAB, (LPTSTR)szLDAPConnectionTimeout, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTimeout, sizeof(dwTimeout)); } RegCloseKey(hKeyWAB); } return dwTimeout; }
// FUNCTION: OpenConnection
// PURPOSE: Open a connection to the LDAP server, and start an
// asynchronous bind with the correct authentication method.
// PARAMETERS: ppLDAP - receives LDAP structure for this session
// lpszServer - name of LDAP server to open
// pulTimeout - buffer to hold timeout value for search
// pulMsgID - message id returned by the bind call
// pfSyncBind - upon return, this will be set to TRUE if a
// synchronous bind was used, FALSE otherwise. Not used on input.
// lpszBindDN - the name with which to bind - most probably passed in
// through an LDAP URL. Overrides any other setting
// RETURNS: LDAP error code.
// 96/07/26 markdu Created.
// 96/11/02 markdu Made asynchronous.
// 96/12/14 markdu Added pfSyncBind.
ULONG OpenConnection( LPTSTR lpszServer, LDAP** ppLDAP, ULONG* pulTimeout, ULONG* pulMsgID, BOOL* pfSyncBind, ULONG ulLdapType, LPTSTR lpszBindDN, DWORD dwAuthType) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params = {0}; LDAP* pLDAP = NULL; LDAP* pLDAPSSL = NULL; LPTSTR szDN; LPTSTR szCred; ULONG method; ULONG ulResult = LDAP_SUCCESS; BOOL fUseSynchronousBind = *pfSyncBind; //FALSE;
ZeroMemory(&Params, sizeof(Params));
// initialize search control parameters
GetLDAPServerParams(lpszServer, &Params);
// The LDAP server name can be "NULL" or "" or "xxxx" ..
// The first 2 cases mean that pass a NULL to wldap32.dll for the server name .. if will go out and
// find the "closest" possible server - though I think this only works on NT 5 ..
if(!Params.lpszName || !lstrlen(Params.lpszName)) { // Chances are that if we are here in OpenConnection and the
// name is NULL, then we are trying to open a LDAP server
// So quietly fill in the Params.lpszName with the server name
// <TBD> - fill a flag somewhere so we know the above assumption
// is try
if(lpszServer && lstrlen(lpszServer)) { ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(lpszServer)+1; Params.lpszName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!Params.lpszName) goto exit; StrCpyN(Params.lpszName, lpszServer, cchSize); } else Params.lpszName = szEmpty; } else if(!lstrcmpi(Params.lpszName, szNULLString)) { // The search base is specified as a "NULL" which means use a NULL
LocalFree(Params.lpszName); Params.lpszName = szEmpty; }
if(Params.dwUseSSL) { pLDAPSSL = gpfnLDAPSSLInit( (Params.lpszName && lstrlen(Params.lpszName))?Params.lpszName:NULL, Params.dwPort, TRUE); if(NULL == pLDAPSSL) { DebugTrace(TEXT("ldap_ssl_init failed for this server\n")); ulResult = LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto exit; } }
// Open a connection
// The wldap32.dll has a 30-60 second timeout for the ldapopen call if the call cannot
// go through. To most users, it looks like the app is hung. WAB wants a lower timeout
// maybe close to 10 seconds and we can do that by calling ldap_init and then ldap_connect
// instead of ldapopen
{ LDAP_TIMEVAL timeout;
if(!pLDAPSSL) pLDAP = gpfnLDAPInit((Params.lpszName && lstrlen(Params.lpszName))?Params.lpszName:NULL, Params.dwPort); else pLDAP = pLDAPSSL; timeout.tv_sec = GetLDAPConnectionTimeout(); timeout.tv_usec = 0; ulResult = gpfnLDAPConnect( pLDAP, &timeout ); if(ulResult != LDAP_SUCCESS) goto exit; } #else
pLDAP = gpfnLDAPOpen(Params.lpszName, Params.dwPort); if (NULL == pLDAP) { DebugTrace(TEXT("ldap_open failed for server %s.\n"), lpszServer); // We could not open the server, so we assume that we could not find it
ulResult = LDAP_SERVER_DOWN; goto exit; } #endif
// To do LDAP over SSL we can do:
// 1. Call ldap_sslinit before calling ldap_open which will always use port 636
// 2. To use any port number, set the SSL option using the ldap_set_option method
// Hmm...option 2 doesnt seem to work ...
if(Params.dwUseSSL) { ULONG ulSecure = (ULONG) LDAP_OPT_ON; if(gpfnLDAPSetOption( pLDAP, LDAP_OPT_SSL, &ulSecure) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DebugTrace(TEXT("ldap_set_option failed to set SSL option")); //ulResult = LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED;
//goto exit;
} } */
pLDAP->ld_sizelimit = (ULONG)Params.dwSearchSizeLimit; pLDAP->ld_timelimit = (ULONG)Params.dwSearchTimeLimit; pLDAP->ld_deref = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS;
// Convert timeout from seconds to milliseconds
Assert(pulTimeout); *pulTimeout = (ULONG)Params.dwSearchTimeLimit * 1000;
// Set authentication parameters.
if(lpszBindDN && lstrlen(lpszBindDN)) { szDN = lpszBindDN; szCred = NULL; method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; } else if (dwAuthType == LDAP_AUTH_SICILY || dwAuthType == LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE || LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_SICILY == Params.dwAuthMethod) { // Use Sicily authentication. We need to do a synchronous bind in this case.
szDN = NULL; szCred = NULL; method = LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE; fUseSynchronousBind = TRUE; } else if (LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_SIMPLE == Params.dwAuthMethod) { // Use LDAP simple authentication
szDN = Params.lpszUserName; szCred = Params.lpszPassword; method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; } else { // authenticate anonymously
if(Params.dwUseBindDN) { szDN = (LPTSTR) szBindDNMSFTUser; szCred = (LPTSTR) szBindCredMSFTPass; } else { szDN = NULL; szCred = NULL; } method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; }
// We should try to bind as LDAP v3 client .. only if that fails
// with an LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR should we try to bind as an LDAP 2
// client
if(ulLdapType == use_ldap_v3) ulValue = LDAP_VERSION3;
gpfnLDAPSetOption(pLDAP, LDAP_OPT_VERSION, &ulValue );
if (TRUE == fUseSynchronousBind) { ulResult = gpfnLDAPBindS(pLDAP, szDN, szCred, method); // BUGBUG 96/12/09 markdu BUG 10537 Temporary work-around for wldap32.dll returning
// the wrong error code for invalid password on sicily bind.
// This should be removed later (BUG 12608).
// 96/12/19 markdu BUG 12608 Commented out temporary work-around.
//if ((LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR == ulResult) &&
// (LDAP_AUTH_SICILY == method))
} else { // Start the asynchronous bind
*pulMsgID = gpfnLDAPBind(pLDAP, szDN, szCred, method); /*
ulResult = pLDAP->ld_errno;
if(ulResult == LDAP_SUCCESS) { // make sure its really a success - some of the directory servers are
// sending a LDAP_PROTOCOL error after some time which is screwing up
// searching against those servers ...
LDAPMessage *lpResult = NULL; struct l_timeval PollTimeout; // Poll the server for results
ZeroMemory(&PollTimeout, sizeof(struct l_timeval)); PollTimeout.tv_sec = 2; PollTimeout.tv_usec = 0; ulResult = gpfnLDAPResult( pLDAP, *pulMsgID, LDAP_MSG_ALL, //Get all results before returning
&PollTimeout, // Timeout immediately (poll)
&lpResult); ulResult = gpfnLDAPResult2Error(pLDAP, lpResult, FALSE);
// 96/12/09 markdu BUG 10537 If the bind returned one of these error
// messages, it probably means that the account name (DN) passed to the
// bind was incorrect or in the wrong format. Map these to an error code
// that will result in a better error message than "entry not found".
// free the search results memory
if (lpResult) gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); } */ }
if(ulValue == LDAP_VERSION3 && (ulResult == LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR || ulResult == LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR)) { gpfnLDAPAbandon(*ppLDAP, *pulMsgID); // [PaulHi] 1/7/99 Since we try a new bind we need to relinquish the old binding,
// otherwise the server will support two connections until the original V3 attempt
// times out.
gpfnLDAPUnbind(*ppLDAP); ulValue = LDAP_VERSION2; goto tryLDAPv2; }
exit: if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ulResult) { *ppLDAP = pLDAP; *pfSyncBind = fUseSynchronousBind; }
return ulResult; }
// FUNCTION: EncryptDecryptText
// PURPOSE: Perform simple encryption on text so we can store it
// in the registry. The algorithm is reflexive, so it
// can also be used to decrypt text that it encrypted.
// PARAMETERS: lpb - text to encrypt/decrypt.
// dwSize - number of bytes to encrypt
// RETURNS: None.
// 96/07/29 markdu Created.
void EncryptDecryptText( LPBYTE lpb, DWORD dwSize) { DWORD dw;
for (dw=0;dw<dwSize;dw++) { // Simple encryption -- just xor with 'w'
lpb[dw] ^= 'w'; } }
// FUNCTION: FreeLDAPServerParams
// PURPOSE: Frees allocated strings in the LDAPServerParams struct
// 96/10/10 vikram Created
void FreeLDAPServerParams(LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params) { LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszUserName); LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszPassword); LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszURL); if(Params.lpszName && lstrlen(Params.lpszName)) LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszName); LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszBase); LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszLogoPath); LocalFreeAndNull(&Params.lpszAdvancedSearchAttr); return; }
// FUNCTION: GetLDAPSearchBase
// PURPOSE: Generate Search Base string for LDAP search for the
// given server.
// PARAMETERS: lplpszBase - pointer to receive the search base string buffer.
// lpszServer - name of LDAP server whose base string to get.
// 96/10/18 markdu Created.
HRESULT GetLDAPSearchBase( LPTSTR FAR * lplpszBase, LPTSTR lpszServer) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; BOOL fRet; TCHAR szCountry[COUNTRY_STR_LEN + 1]; LPTSTR lpszCountry;
// Make sure we can write to lplpszBase.
if (IsBadWritePtr(lplpszBase, sizeof(LPTSTR))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (IsBadReadPtr(lpszServer, sizeof(CHAR))) { return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } #endif // PARAMETER_VALIDATION
LocalFreeAndNull(lplpszBase); GetLDAPServerParams((LPTSTR)lpszServer, &Params); if(NULL == Params.lpszBase) { // Generate a default base.
// Read the default country for the search base from the registry.
DWORD cchSize = (lstrlen(cszBaseFilter) + lstrlen(cszAttr_c) + lstrlen(cszDefaultCountry) + 1);
*lplpszBase = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR) * cchSize); if (NULL == *lplpszBase) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } *szCountry = '\0'; fRet = ReadRegistryLDAPDefaultCountry(NULL, 0, szCountry, ARRAYSIZE(szCountry)); if ((fRet) && (COUNTRY_STR_LEN == lstrlen(szCountry))) { lpszCountry = szCountry; } else { lpszCountry = (LPTSTR)cszDefaultCountry; } wnsprintf(*lplpszBase, cchSize, cszBaseFilter, cszAttr_c, lpszCountry); } else if(!lstrcmpi(Params.lpszBase, szNULLString)) { // we've explicitly set this search base to NULL which means
// dont pass in an empty search base
*lplpszBase = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(szEmpty)+1)); if (NULL == *lplpszBase) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } (*lplpszBase)[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(Params.lpszBase)+1; // The search base is configured for this server.
*lplpszBase = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == *lplpszBase) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } StrCpyN(*lplpszBase, Params.lpszBase, cchSize); }
exit: FreeLDAPServerParams(Params);
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: SearchWithCancel
// PURPOSE: Initiates a synchronous of asynchronous LDAP search
// Asynchronous may have a cancel dialog.
// PARAMETERS: ppLDAP - receives the LDAP connection handle
// szBase - The dn of the entry at which to start the search
// ulScope - The scope of the search
// szFilter - The search filter
// szNTFilter - NTDS-specific filter (can be NULL)
// ppszAttrs - A NULL-terminated array of strings indicating
// which attributes to return for each matching entry.
// Passing NULL for this entry causes all available attributes
// to be retrieved.
// ulAttrsonly - A boolean value that should be zero if both
// attribute types and values are to be returned, non-zero
// if only types are wanted
// pTimeout - The local search timeout value
// lplpResult - recieves the result parameter containing the entire
// search results
// lpszServer - name of LDAP server on which the search is to be performed
// fShowAnim - If true, show an animation in the cancel dialog
// RETURNS: Result of ldap_search call.
// 96/10/24 markdu Created.
ULONG SearchWithCancel( LDAP** ppLDAP, LPTSTR szBase, ULONG ulScope, LPTSTR szFilter, LPTSTR szNTFilter, LPTSTR* ppszAttrs, ULONG ulAttrsonly, LDAPMessage** lplpResult, LPTSTR lpszServer, BOOL fShowAnim, LPTSTR lpszBindDN, DWORD dwAuthType,// to override or set the Authentication type if not 0
BOOL fResolveMultiple, LPADRLIST lpAdrList, LPFlagList lpFlagList, BOOL fUseSynchronousBind, BOOL * lpbIsNTDSEntry, BOOL bUnicode) { ULONG ulMsgID; ULONG ulResult; HWND hDlg; MSG msg; LDAPSEARCHPARAMS LDAPSearchParams; LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer();
// Stuff the parameters into the structure to be passed to the dlg proc
ZeroMemory(&LDAPSearchParams, sizeof(LDAPSEARCHPARAMS)); LDAPSearchParams.ppLDAP = ppLDAP; LDAPSearchParams.szBase = szBase; LDAPSearchParams.ulScope = ulScope; LDAPSearchParams.ulError = LDAP_SUCCESS; LDAPSearchParams.szFilter = szFilter; LDAPSearchParams.szNTFilter = szNTFilter; LDAPSearchParams.ppszAttrs = ppszAttrs; LDAPSearchParams.ulAttrsonly = ulAttrsonly; LDAPSearchParams.lplpResult = lplpResult; LDAPSearchParams.lpszServer = lpszServer; LDAPSearchParams.lpszBindDN = lpszBindDN; LDAPSearchParams.dwAuthType = dwAuthType; LDAPSearchParams.lpAdrList = lpAdrList; LDAPSearchParams.lpFlagList = lpFlagList; LDAPSearchParams.bUnicode = bUnicode; if(fShowAnim) LDAPSearchParams.ulFlags |= LSP_ShowAnim; if(fResolveMultiple) LDAPSearchParams.ulFlags |= LSP_ResolveMultiple; if(fUseSynchronousBind) LDAPSearchParams.ulFlags |= LSP_UseSynchronousBind;
if(!pt_hWndFind) // no UI
{ DoSyncLDAPSearch(&LDAPSearchParams); } else { LDAPSearchParams.hDlgCancel = CreateDialogParam(hinstMapiX, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG_LDAPCANCEL), pt_hWndFind, DisplayLDAPCancelDlgProc, (LPARAM) &LDAPSearchParams);
// if called from the find dialog, the find dialog needs to be able
// to cancel the modeless dialog
pt_hDlgCancel = LDAPSearchParams.hDlgCancel;
while (LDAPSearchParams.hDlgCancel && GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(LDAPSearchParams.hDlgCancel, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } }
// If an error occurred in ldap_result, return the error code
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != LDAPSearchParams.ulError) { ulResult = LDAPSearchParams.ulError; goto exit; }
if(bSupportsLDAPPagedResults(&LDAPSearchParams)) ProcessLDAPPagedResultCookie(&LDAPSearchParams); #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
if(lpbIsNTDSEntry) *lpbIsNTDSEntry = (LDAPSearchParams.ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) ? TRUE : FALSE; ulResult = CheckErrorResult(&LDAPSearchParams, LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT);
return ulResult; }
// FUNCTION: DisplayLDAPCancelDlgProc
// PURPOSE: Display a cancel dialog while waiting for results from
// multiple LDAP searches for ResolveNames
// PARAMETERS: lParam - pointer to structure containing all the
// search parameters.
// RETURNS: Returns TRUE if we successfully processed the message,
// FALSE otherwise.
// 96/10/24 markdu Created.
// 96/10/31 markdu Enhanced to allow multiple searches.
INT_PTR CALLBACK DisplayLDAPCancelDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_UI_STR]; LPTSTR lpszMsg = NULL; HWND hWndAnim;
{ LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); HWND hWndParent = GetParent(hDlg); if(hWndParent && !pt_bDontShowCancel) // Find dlg may request not to see the cancel dlg
EnableWindow(hWndParent, FALSE); // Dont want to disable the find dialog in that event
} // lParam contains pointer to LDAPSEARCHPARAMS struct, set it
// in window data
Assert(lParam); SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,DWLP_USER,lParam); pLDAPSearchParams = (PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS) lParam;
if(InitLDAPClientLib()) pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_InitDll;
// Put the dialog in the center of the parent window
CenterWindow(hDlg, GetParent(hDlg));
// Put the server name on the dialog.
LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsLDAPCancelMessage, szBuf, CharSizeOf(szBuf));
0, // dwLanguageId
(LPTSTR)&lpszMsg, // output buffer
0, // MAX_UI_STR
(va_list *)&pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LDAPCANCEL_STATIC_PLEASEWAIT, lpszMsg); IF_WIN32(LocalFreeAndNull(&lpszMsg);) IF_WIN16(FormatMessageFreeMem(lpszMsg);) }
if(bIsSimpleSearch(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer)) pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_SimpleSearch;
if (!(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ShowAnim)) // This means search came from the Search dialog
{ // While the bind is going on, there is no visual feedback to the user
// We turn on the hidden static on the Search dialog that says "Connecting..."
HWND hWndParent = GetParent(hDlg); if( hWndParent && GetDlgItem(hWndParent, IDC_TAB_FIND) && GetDlgItem(hWndParent, IDC_FIND_ANIMATE1)) { // Make sure that the parent is the find dialog and nothing else
TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsFindConnecting, sz, CharSizeOf(sz)); SetWindowText(hWndParent, sz); UpdateWindow(hWndParent); } }
// Perform the bind operation.
Assert(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer); { BOOL fUseSynchronousBind = (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousBind); pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue = use_ldap_v3; pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = OpenConnection( pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, &pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeout, &pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID, &fUseSynchronousBind, pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue, pLDAPSearchParams->lpszBindDN, pLDAPSearchParams->dwAuthType);
if(fUseSynchronousBind) pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_UseSynchronousBind; else pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags &= ~LSP_UseSynchronousBind; }
if (!(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ShowAnim)) // This means search came from the Search dialog
{ // We turn off the hidden static on the Search dialog that says "Connecting..."
HWND hWndParent = GetParent(hDlg); if( hWndParent && GetDlgItem(hWndParent, IDC_TAB_FIND) && GetDlgItem(hWndParent, IDC_FIND_ANIMATE1)) { // Make sure that the parent is the find dialog and nothing else
TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(hinstMapiX, idsSearchDialogTitle, sz, CharSizeOf(sz)); SetWindowText(hWndParent, sz); UpdateWindow(hWndParent); } }
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != pLDAPSearchParams->ulError) { SendMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return TRUE; }
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousBind) { BOOL fRet; // The actions that need to be performed after the bind are done
// in BindProcessResults, so we call this even though there really are
// no results to process in the synchronous case.
fRet = BindProcessResults(pLDAPSearchParams, hDlg, NULL); if (FALSE == fRet) { SendMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return TRUE; } } else { // Start a timer for the server polling.
if (LDAP_BIND_TIMER_ID != SetTimer( hDlg,LDAP_BIND_TIMER_ID,LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_DELAY,NULL)) { // Cancel the bind if we couldn't start the timer.
gpfnLDAPAbandon(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP,pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID); pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; SendMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return TRUE; } pLDAPSearchParams->unTimerID = LDAP_BIND_TIMER_ID; }
// Load the AVI
hWndAnim = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LDAPCANCEL_ANIMATE); Animate_Open(hWndAnim, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_AVI_WABFIND)); Animate_Play(hWndAnim, 0, 1, 0); Animate_Stop(hWndAnim);
// Play it only if this is a resolve operation
if ((pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ShowAnim)) { Animate_Play(hWndAnim, 0, -1, -1); }
EnableWindow(hDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; }
case WM_TIMER: { struct l_timeval PollTimeout; PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams;
Assert ((wParam == LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_ID) || (wParam == LDAP_BIND_TIMER_ID));
// get data pointer from window data
pLDAPSearchParams = (PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS) GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,DWLP_USER); Assert(pLDAPSearchParams);
if(pLDAPSearchParams->unTimerID == wParam) { // Poll the server for results
ZeroMemory(&PollTimeout, sizeof(struct l_timeval));
pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult = gpfnLDAPResult( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID, LDAP_MSG_ALL, //LDAP_MSG_RECEIVED, //LDAP_MSG_ALL, // Get all results before returning
&PollTimeout, // Timeout immediately (poll)
// If the return value was zero, the call timed out
if (0 == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) { // See if the timeout has expired.
pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeElapsed += LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_DELAY; if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeElapsed >= pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeout) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = LDAP_TIMEOUT; } else { // Timeout has not expired, and no results were returned.
// See if the dialog is supposed to be displayed at this point.
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeElapsed >= SEARCH_CANCEL_DIALOG_DELAY) { LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); if(pt_hWndFind && !pt_bDontShowCancel) // Find dlg may request not to see the cancel dlg
{ ShowWindow(hDlg, SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(hDlg, TRUE); } } return TRUE; } } // If the return value was anything but zero, we either have
// results or an error ocurred
else { // See if this is the bind timer or the search timer
if (LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_ID == pLDAPSearchParams->unTimerID) { // Process the results
KillTimer(hDlg, LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_ID); if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ResolveMultiple) { if(ResolveProcessResults(pLDAPSearchParams, hDlg)) return TRUE; // We have more searches to do
} else if(LDAP_ERROR == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = (*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP)->ld_errno; } } else if (LDAP_BIND_TIMER_ID == pLDAPSearchParams->unTimerID) { BOOL fRet; BOOL bKillTimer = TRUE; fRet = BindProcessResults(pLDAPSearchParams, hDlg, &bKillTimer); if(bKillTimer) KillTimer(hDlg, LDAP_BIND_TIMER_ID); if (TRUE == fRet) return TRUE; // We have more searches to do
} else { // Not our timer. Shouldn't happen.
return FALSE; } } } else KillTimer(hDlg, wParam);
//Stop the animation if it is running
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ShowAnim) Animate_Stop(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LDAPCANCEL_ANIMATE));
SendMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return TRUE; }
case WM_CLOSE: { PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams; // get data pointer from window data
pLDAPSearchParams = (PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS) GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,DWLP_USER); Assert(pLDAPSearchParams);
KillTimer(hDlg, pLDAPSearchParams->unTimerID);
//Stop the animation if it is running
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ShowAnim) Animate_Stop(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LDAPCANCEL_ANIMATE));
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_AbandonSearch) { // Abandon the search and set the error code to note the cancel
gpfnLDAPAbandon(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP,pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID); pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = LDAP_USER_CANCELLED; }
// Must set hDlgCancel to NULL in order to exit the message loop.
pLDAPSearchParams->hDlgCancel = NULL;
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_InitDll) DeinitLDAPClientLib();
{ LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); HWND hWndParent = GetParent(hDlg); if(hWndParent) EnableWindow(hWndParent, TRUE); pt_hDlgCancel = NULL; }
DestroyWindow(hDlg); return TRUE; }
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDCANCEL: { PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams = (PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS) GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,DWLP_USER); pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_AbandonSearch; SendMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return TRUE; } } break; }
return FALSE; }
// FUNCTION: CenterWindow
// PURPOSE: Center one window over another.
// PARAMETERS: hwndChild - window to center
// hwndParent - window to use as center reference
// RETURNS: Returns result of SetWindowPos
// 96/10/28 markdu Created.
BOOL CenterWindow ( HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent) { RECT rChild, rParent; int wChild, hChild, wParent, hParent; int wScreen, hScreen, xNew, yNew; HDC hdc;
// Get the Height and Width of the child window
GetWindowRect (hwndChild, &rChild); wChild = rChild.right - rChild.left; hChild = rChild.bottom - rChild.top;
// If there is no parent, put it in the center of the screen
if ((NULL == hwndParent) || !IsWindow(hwndParent)) { return SetWindowPos(hwndChild, NULL, ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - wChild) / 2), ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - hChild) / 2), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
// Get the Height and Width of the parent window
GetWindowRect (hwndParent, &rParent); wParent = rParent.right - rParent.left; hParent = rParent.bottom - rParent.top;
// Get the display limits
hdc = GetDC (hwndChild); wScreen = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES); hScreen = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES); ReleaseDC (hwndChild, hdc);
// Calculate new X position, then adjust for screen
xNew = rParent.left + ((wParent - wChild) /2); if (xNew < 0) { xNew = 0; } else if ((xNew+wChild) > wScreen) { xNew = wScreen - wChild; }
// Calculate new Y position, then adjust for screen
yNew = rParent.top + ((hParent - hChild) /2); if (yNew < 0) { yNew = 0; } else if ((yNew+hChild) > hScreen) { yNew = hScreen - hChild; }
// Set it, and return
return SetWindowPos (hwndChild, NULL, xNew, yNew, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
- - StartLDAPSearch - * Starts the LDAP Search * */ BOOL StartLDAPSearch(HWND hDlg, PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, LPTSTR lpFilter) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPTSTR szFilterT, szFilter = NULL;
if (lpFilter) szFilterT = lpFilter; else { if ((pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) && pLDAPSearchParams->szNTFilter) szFilterT = pLDAPSearchParams->szNTFilter; else szFilterT = pLDAPSearchParams->szFilter; } Assert(szFilterT); if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) { // [PaulHi] 4/20/99 Raid 73205 Allow NTDS group AND people searches.
LPTSTR tszFilterGP = NULL; BOOL bFilterSucceeded = FALSE;
// Put together person and group categories
// [PaulHi] 6/21/99 Put together simpler search string
// ( & ( | (mail=chuck*) (anr=chuck) ) (|(objectcategory=person) (objectcategory=group) ) )
if (BuildOpFilter(&tszFilterGP, (LPTSTR)cszAllPersonFilter, (LPTSTR)cszAllGroupFilter, FILTER_OP_OR) == hrSuccess) { // Add to existing filter
bFilterSucceeded = (BuildOpFilter(&szFilter, szFilterT, tszFilterGP, FILTER_OP_AND) == hrSuccess); LocalFreeAndNull(&tszFilterGP); }
if (!bFilterSucceeded) goto out; } else szFilter = szFilterT; DebugTrace(TEXT("Starting search for%s\n"),szFilter);
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousSearch) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = gpfnLDAPSearchS(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->szBase, pLDAPSearchParams->ulScope, szFilter, pLDAPSearchParams->ppszAttrs, pLDAPSearchParams->ulAttrsonly, pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult);
if(LDAP_SUCCESS != pLDAPSearchParams->ulError) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAP Error: 0x%.2x %s\n"),(*(pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP))->ld_errno, gpfnLDAPErr2String((*(pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP))->ld_errno)); goto out; } } else { #ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
// WAB's synchronous search calls never need to deal with paged results
// so for now (11/5/98) we don't do paged results stuff for synchronous calls.
// Instead we only do that stuff for Async since the UI driven LDAP calls are
// all Async
if(bSupportsLDAPPagedResults(pLDAPSearchParams)) InitLDAPPagedSearch(FALSE, pLDAPSearchParams, lpFilter); else #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
{ pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID = gpfnLDAPSearch(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->szBase, pLDAPSearchParams->ulScope, szFilter, pLDAPSearchParams->ppszAttrs, pLDAPSearchParams->ulAttrsonly); } if(LDAP_ERROR == pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAP Error: 0x%.2x %s\n"),(*(pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP))->ld_errno, gpfnLDAPErr2String((*(pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP))->ld_errno)); goto out; } }
if(!(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousSearch)) { // Start a timer for the server polling.
if (LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_ID != SetTimer(hDlg, LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_ID, LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_DELAY, NULL)) { // Cancel the search if we couldn't start the timer.
gpfnLDAPAbandon( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID); pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; goto out; } pLDAPSearchParams->unTimerID = LDAP_SEARCH_TIMER_ID; }
fRet = TRUE; out: if (szFilter != szFilterT) LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); return fRet; }
// FUNCTION: ResolveDoNextSearch
// PURPOSE: Start an asynchronous search for the next entry in
// the resolve adrlist.
// PARAMETERS: pLDAPSearchParams - search information
// hDlg - cancel dialog window handle
// RETURNS: Returns TRUE if there is a new search in progress.
// Returns FALSE if there is no more work left to do.
// 96/10/31 markdu Created.
BOOL ResolveDoNextSearch( PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, HWND hDlg, BOOL bSecondPass) { LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry; ULONG ulAttrIndex; ULONG ulEntryIndex; ULONG ulcbFilter; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; LPTSTR szFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szNameFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szEmailFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szSimpleFilter = NULL; LPTSTR lpFilter = NULL; BOOL bUnicode = pLDAPSearchParams->bUnicode; LPTSTR lpszInput = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE; ULONG cchSize;
// search for each name in the lpAdrList
ulEntryIndex = pLDAPSearchParams->ulEntryIndex; while (ulEntryIndex < pLDAPSearchParams->lpAdrList->cEntries) { // Make sure we don't resolve an entry which is already resolved.
if (pLDAPSearchParams->lpFlagList->ulFlag[ulEntryIndex] != MAPI_RESOLVED) { // Search for this address
lpAdrEntry = &(pLDAPSearchParams->lpAdrList->aEntries[ulEntryIndex]);
// Look through the ADRENTRY for a PR_DISPLAY_NAME
for (ulAttrIndex = 0; ulAttrIndex < lpAdrEntry->cValues; ulAttrIndex++) { ULONG ulPropTag = lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[ulAttrIndex].ulPropTag; if(!bUnicode && PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag)==PT_STRING8) ulPropTag = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag, PT_UNICODE);
if ( ulPropTag == PR_DISPLAY_NAME || ulPropTag == PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS) { LPTSTR lpszInputCopy = NULL; ULONG ulcIllegalChars = 0; LPTSTR lpFilter = NULL; BOOL bEmail = (ulPropTag == PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS); if(!bUnicode) LocalFreeAndNull(&lpszInput); else lpszInput = NULL;
lpszInput = bUnicode ? // <note> assumes UNICODE defined
lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[ulAttrIndex].Value.lpszW : ConvertAtoW(lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[ulAttrIndex].Value.lpszA);
if (lpszInput) ulcIllegalChars = CountIllegalChars(lpszInput);
if (ulcIllegalChars) { // Allocate a copy of the input, large enough to replace the illegal chars
// with escaped versions .. each escaped char is replaced by '\xx'
cchSize = lstrlen(lpszInput) + ulcIllegalChars*2 + 1; lpszInputCopy = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == lpszInputCopy) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); break; } EscapeIllegalChars(lpszInput, lpszInputCopy, cchSize); lpszInput = lpszInputCopy; }
// We should have figured this out by now
Assert(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & (LSP_IsNTDS | LSP_IsNotNTDS));
// Set up the search filter.
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) { hr = CreateSimpleSearchFilter(&szNameFilter, &szEmailFilter, &szSimpleFilter, lpszInput, FIRST_PASS); if ((hrSuccess == hr) && !bSecondPass) { LocalFreeAndNull(&szNameFilter); hr = BuildBasicFilter(&szNameFilter, (LPTSTR)cszAttr_anr, lpszInput, FALSE); if (hrSuccess != hr) { LocalFreeAndNull(&szEmailFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter); } else lpFilter = szNameFilter; } } else hr = CreateSimpleSearchFilter( &szNameFilter, &szEmailFilter, &szSimpleFilter, lpszInput, (bSecondPass ? UMICH_PASS : FIRST_PASS) );
if(lpszInputCopy) LocalFree(lpszInputCopy);
if (hrSuccess != hr) { continue; }
if (!lpFilter) lpFilter = (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_SimpleSearch) ? szSimpleFilter : szNameFilter;
if (szEmailFilter) { if (bEmail) { cchSize = lstrlen(szEmailFilter) + 1; if(szFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize)) StrCpyN(szFilter, szEmailFilter, cchSize); } else { // No email field was given, so OR in the alternate email filter.
hr = BuildOpFilter( &szFilter, szEmailFilter, lpFilter, FILTER_OP_OR); } if (hrSuccess != hr || !szFilter) { LocalFreeAndNull(&szNameFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szEmailFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter); continue; } } else { cchSize = lstrlen(lpFilter) + 1; szFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if (NULL == szFilter) { LocalFreeAndNull(&szNameFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szEmailFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter); continue; } StrCpyN(szFilter, lpFilter, cchSize); }
LocalFreeAndNull(&szNameFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szEmailFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter);
if(StartLDAPSearch(hDlg, pLDAPSearchParams, szFilter)) { // If no error occurred in ldap_search, return with this as
// our search. Otherwise, go on to the next entry.
pLDAPSearchParams->ulEntryIndex = ulEntryIndex; // Free the search filter memory
LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); bRet = TRUE; goto out; } // Free the search filter memory
LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); } // if value is PR_DISPLAY_NAME
} // for each value
} // if already resolved
// Go on to the next entry.
ulEntryIndex++; } out: if(!bUnicode) LocalFreeAndNull(&lpszInput);
return bRet; }
// FUNCTION: ResolveProcessResults
// PURPOSE: Process the results of the last search and put them
// in the resolve adrlist.
// PARAMETERS: pLDAPSearchParams - search information
// hDlg - cancel dialog window handle
// RETURNS: Returns TRUE if there is a new search in progress.
// Returns FALSE if there is no more work left to do.
// 96/10/31 markdu Created.
BOOL ResolveProcessResults( PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, HWND hDlg) { LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry; SCODE sc; ULONG ulEntryIndex; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; LPSPropValue lpPropArrayNew = NULL; ULONG ulcPropsNew; ULONG ulcProps = 0; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; LDAP* pLDAP = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpResult = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpEntry; LPTSTR szDN; ULONG ulResult = LDAP_SUCCESS; ULONG ulcEntries; ULONG ulcAttrs = 0; LPTSTR* ppszAttrs; BOOL bUnicode = pLDAPSearchParams->bUnicode;
// Set up local variables for frequently-accessed structure members
pLDAP = *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP; lpResult = *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult; ulEntryIndex = pLDAPSearchParams->ulEntryIndex;
ulResult = CheckErrorResult(pLDAPSearchParams, LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT);
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ulResult) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAPCONT_ResolveNames: ldap_search returned %d.\n"), ulResult);
if (LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE == ulResult) { // the search failed we need to search again with a simplified filter ..
// This is true mostly for umich and we need to work against them ..
// free the search results memory
if (lpResult) { gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult = NULL; }
return ResolveDoNextSearch(pLDAPSearchParams, hDlg, TRUE); }
// If this entry was not found continue without error
if (LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT != ulResult) { hr = HRFromLDAPError(ulResult, pLDAP, MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); // See if the result was the special value that tells us there were more
// entries than could be returned. If so, then there must be more than one
// entry, so we might just return ambiguous for this one.
if (ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE) == hr) { // 96/09/28 markdu BUG 36766
// If we mark this as ambiguous, the check names dialog will come up.
// We only want to do this is we actually got some results, otherwise
// the list will be empty.
ulcEntries = gpfnLDAPCountEntries(pLDAP, lpResult); if (0 == ulcEntries) { // We got back no results, so mark the entry as resolved so we
// don't display the check names dialog.
DebugTrace(TEXT("ResolveNames found more than 1 match but got no results back\n")); pLDAPSearchParams->lpFlagList->ulFlag[ulEntryIndex] = MAPI_UNRESOLVED; } else { // We got back multiple entries, so mark this as ambiguous
DebugTrace(TEXT("ResolveNames found more than 1 match... MAPI_AMBIGUOUS\n")); pLDAPSearchParams->lpFlagList->ulFlag[ulEntryIndex] = MAPI_AMBIGUOUS; } } }
goto exit; }
// Count the entries.
ulcEntries = gpfnLDAPCountEntries(pLDAP, lpResult); if (1 < ulcEntries) { DebugTrace(TEXT("ResolveNames found more than 1 match... MAPI_AMBIGUOUS\n")); pLDAPSearchParams->lpFlagList->ulFlag[ulEntryIndex] = MAPI_AMBIGUOUS; } else if (1 == ulcEntries) { // get the first entry in the search result
lpAdrEntry = &(pLDAPSearchParams->lpAdrList->aEntries[ulEntryIndex]); lpEntry = gpfnLDAPFirstEntry(pLDAP, lpResult); if (NULL == lpEntry) { goto exit; }
// Allocate a new buffer for the MAPI property array.
ppszAttrs = pLDAPSearchParams->ppszAttrs; while (NULL != *ppszAttrs) { ppszAttrs++; ulcAttrs++; }
hr = HrLDAPEntryToMAPIEntry( pLDAP, lpEntry, (LPTSTR) pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, ulcAttrs, // standard number of attributes
(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS), &ulcProps, &lpPropArray);
if (hrSuccess != hr) { goto exit; }
if(!bUnicode) // convert native UNICODE to ANSI if we need to ...
{ if(sc = ScConvertWPropsToA((LPALLOCATEMORE) (&MAPIAllocateMore), lpPropArray, ulcProps, 0)) goto exit; }
// Merge the new props with the ADRENTRY props
sc = ScMergePropValues(lpAdrEntry->cValues, lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, // source1
ulcProps, lpPropArray, // source2
&ulcPropsNew, &lpPropArrayNew); // dest
if (sc) { goto exit; }
// Free the original prop value array
FreeBufferAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals)));
lpAdrEntry->cValues = ulcPropsNew; lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals = lpPropArrayNew;
// Free the temp prop value array
// Mark this entry as found.
pLDAPSearchParams->lpFlagList->ulFlag[ulEntryIndex] = MAPI_RESOLVED; } else { // 96/08/08 markdu BUG 35481 No error and no results means "not found"
// If this entry was not found continue without error
exit: // free the search results memory
if (lpResult) { gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult = NULL; }
// Free the temp prop value array
// Initiate the next search.
pLDAPSearchParams->ulEntryIndex++; return ResolveDoNextSearch(pLDAPSearchParams, hDlg, FALSE); }
// FUNCTION: BindProcessResults
// PURPOSE: Process the results of the bind operation. If successful,
// launch a search.
// PARAMETERS: pLDAPSearchParams - search information
// hDlg - cancel dialog window handle
// RETURNS: Returns TRUE if the bind was successful and we should
// go ahead with the searches.
// Returns FALSE if the bind failed.
// 96/11/01 markdu Created.
BOOL BindProcessResults(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, HWND hDlg, BOOL * lpbNoMoreSearching) { LDAPMessage* lpResult = NULL; LDAP* pLDAP = NULL; ULONG ulResult = LDAP_SUCCESS;
// Set up local variables for frequently-accessed structure members
lpResult = *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult; pLDAP = *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP;
// Check for error results here if bind was asynchronous. If sync, we have
// already dealt with this.
if (!(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousBind)) { // If an error occurred in ldap_result, return the error code
if (LDAP_ERROR == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) { ulResult = pLDAP->ld_errno; } // Check the result for errors
else if (NULL != lpResult) { ulResult = gpfnLDAPResult2Error(pLDAP,lpResult,FALSE); }
ulResult = CheckErrorResult(pLDAPSearchParams, LDAP_RES_BIND);
// free the search results memory
if (lpResult) { gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult = NULL; }
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ulResult) { if(ulResult == LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR && pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue == use_ldap_v3) { // This means the server failed the v3 connection
// abort and try again
BOOL fUseSynchronousBind = (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousBind); gpfnLDAPAbandon(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID); gpfnLDAPAbandon(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID); // [PaulHi] 1/7/99 Since we try a new bind we need to relinquish the old binding,
// otherwise the server will support two connections until the original V3 attempt
// times out.
gpfnLDAPUnbind(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP); pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue = use_ldap_v2; pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = OpenConnection( pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, &pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeout, &pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID, &fUseSynchronousBind, pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue, pLDAPSearchParams->lpszBindDN, pLDAPSearchParams->dwAuthType); if(lpbNoMoreSearching) *lpbNoMoreSearching = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// 96/12/09 markdu BUG 10537 If the bind returned one of these error
// messages, it probably means that the account name (DN) passed to the
// bind was incorrect or in the wrong format. Map these to an error code
// that will result in a better error message than "entry not found".
// Bind was unsuccessful.
pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = ulResult; return FALSE; } } // if (FALSE == pLDAPSearchParams->fUseSynchronousBind)
// we need to determine if a particular server is NTDS or not .. this is as good
// a place as any to make the check ...
// See if we need to do the single search or if we need
// to launch the multiple searches
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ResolveMultiple) { // Initiate the first search.
return ResolveDoNextSearch(pLDAPSearchParams, hDlg, FALSE); } else { if(!StartLDAPSearch(hDlg, pLDAPSearchParams, NULL)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// FUNCTION: BuildBasicFilter
// PURPOSE: Build an RFC1558 compliant filter of the form
// (A=B*) where A is an attribute, B is a value, and
// the * is optional. The buffer for the filter is
// allocated here, and must be freed by the caller.
// PARAMETERS: lplpszFilter - recieves buffer containing the filter
// lpszA - part A of (A=B*)
// lpszB - part B of (A=B*)
// fStartsWith - if TRUE, append the * so the filter
// will be a "starts with" filter
// 96/12/22 markdu Created.
HRESULT BuildBasicFilter( LPTSTR FAR* lplpszFilter, LPTSTR lpszA, LPTSTR lpszB, BOOL fStartsWith) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; ULONG cchFilter;
// Allocate enough space for the filter string
cchFilter = (FILTER_EXTRA_BASIC + // includes space for the *
lstrlen(lpszA) + lstrlen(lpszB) + 1); *lplpszFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cchFilter*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == *lplpszFilter) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, cszOpenParen, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, lpszA, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, cszEqualSign, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, lpszB, cchFilter); if (TRUE == fStartsWith) { StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, cszStar, cchFilter); } StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, cszCloseParen, cchFilter);
exit: return hr; }
// FUNCTION: BuildOpFilter
// PURPOSE: Build an RFC1558 compliant filter of the form
// (xAB) where A is an attribute, B is a value, and
// x is either & or |. The buffer for the filter is
// allocated here, and must be freed by the caller.
// PARAMETERS: lplpszFilter - recieves buffer containing the filter
// lpszA - part A of (A=B*)
// lpszB - part B of (A=B*)
// dwOp - if FILTER_OP_AND, x is &, if FILTER_OP_OR, x is |
// 96/12/22 markdu Created.
HRESULT BuildOpFilter( LPTSTR FAR* lplpszFilter, LPTSTR lpszA, LPTSTR lpszB, DWORD dwOp) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; ULONG cchFilter; LPTSTR szOp;
// Allocate enough space for the filter string
cchFilter = FILTER_EXTRA_OP + lstrlen(lpszA) + lstrlen(lpszB) + 1; *lplpszFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchFilter); if (NULL == *lplpszFilter) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
switch (dwOp) { case FILTER_OP_AND: szOp = (LPTSTR)cszAnd; break; case FILTER_OP_OR: szOp = (LPTSTR)cszOr; break; default: hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto exit; }
StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, cszOpenParen, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, szOp, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, lpszA, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, lpszB, cchFilter); StrCatBuff(*lplpszFilter, cszCloseParen, cchFilter);
exit: return hr; }
Name : StrICmpN
Purpose : Compare strings, ignore case, stop at N characters
Parameters: szString1 = first string szString2 = second string N = number of characters to compare bCmpI - compare insensitive if TRUE, sensitive if false
Returns : 0 if first N characters of strings are equivalent.
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ int StrICmpN(LPTSTR szString1, LPTSTR szString2, ULONG N, BOOL bCmpI) { int Result = 0;
if (szString1 && szString2) {
if(bCmpI) { szString1 = CharUpper(szString1); szString2 = CharUpper(szString2); }
while (*szString1 && *szString2 && N) { N--;
if (*szString1 != *szString2) { Result = 1; break; }
szString1=CharNext(szString1); szString2=CharNext(szString2); } } else { Result = -1; // arbitrarily non-equal result
return(Result); }
* FreeLDAPURl - frees the LDAPURL struct * * *///*************************************************
void FreeLDAPUrl(LPLDAPURL lplu) { if(lplu->lpszServer && lstrlen(lplu->lpszServer)) LocalFreeAndNull(&(lplu->lpszServer)); LocalFreeAndNull(&(lplu->lpszBase)); LocalFreeAndNull(&(lplu->lpszFilter)); if(lplu->ppszAttrib) { ULONG i; for(i=0;i<lplu->ulAttribCount;i++) { if(lplu->ppszAttrib[i]) LocalFree(lplu->ppszAttrib[i]); } LocalFree(lplu->ppszAttrib); }
return; }
// Parse the LDAP URL into an LDAPURL struct
// if the URL has only the server specified, we need to show only the
// search dialog with the server name filled in .. however since we
// tend to fill in default values for the items we are not provided,
// we need a seperate flag to track that only the server existed in the
// given URL
HRESULT ParseLDAPUrl(LPTSTR szLDAPUrl, LPLDAPURL lplu) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szLDAP[] = TEXT("ldap://"); TCHAR szScopeBase[] = TEXT("base"); TCHAR szScopeOne[] = TEXT("one"); TCHAR szScopeSub[] = TEXT("sub"); TCHAR szDefBase[32]; TCHAR szBindName[] = TEXT("bindname="); LPTSTR lpsz = NULL; LPTSTR lpszTmp = NULL, lpszMem = NULL; ULONG cchSize; DWORD dwCharCount;
// Form of the LDAP URL is
// ldap://[<servername>:<port>][/<dn>[?[<attrib>[?[<scope>[?[<filter>[?[<extension>]]]]]]]]]
// Translation of above to our parameters is
// lpszServer = ServerName
// szBase = dn default = "c=US"
// ppszAttrib = attrib default = all
// ulScope = scope default = base
// szfilter = filter default = (objectclass=*)
// szExtension = extension default = none
if(!lplu || !szLDAPUrl) goto exit;
lplu->bServerOnly = FALSE;
{ // Fill in the default base as c=DefCountry
LPTSTR lpszBase = TEXT("c=%s"); TCHAR szCode[4]; ReadRegistryLDAPDefaultCountry(NULL, 0, szCode, ARRAYSIZE(szCode)); wnsprintf(szDefBase, ARRAYSIZE(szDefBase), lpszBase, szCode); }
// Make a copy of our URL
// [PaulHi] 3/24/99 Leave room for InternetCanonicalizeUrlW adjustment
{ dwCharCount = 3 * lstrlen(szLDAPUrl); lpsz = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*(dwCharCount+1)); if(!lpsz) goto exit;
StrCpyN(lpsz, szLDAPUrl, dwCharCount+1);
// Since this is most likely a URL on an HTML page, we need to translate its escape
// characters to proper characters .. e.g. %20 becomes ' ' ..
// [PaulHi] 3/24/99 !!InternetCanonicalizeUrlW takes buffer size in CHARS and not
// BYTES as the documentation claims. Also doesn't account for the NULL terminator!!
// DWORD dw = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(szLDAPUrl));
if ( !InternetCanonicalizeUrlW(szLDAPUrl, lpsz, &dwCharCount, ICU_DECODE | ICU_NO_ENCODE) ) { DebugTrace(TEXT("ERROR: ParseLDAPUrl, InternetCanonicalizeUrlW failed.\n")); Assert(0); } }
lpszMem = lpszTmp = lpsz;
// Check if this is an LDAP url
if(StrICmpN(lpsz, szLDAP, CharSizeOf(szLDAP)-1, TRUE)) goto exit;
lpszTmp += CharSizeOf(szLDAP)-1;
StrCpyN(lpsz,lpszTmp, dwCharCount+1);
lpszTmp = lpsz;
// If there is no server name, bail ..
// If the next character after the ldap:// is a '/',
// we know there is no server name ..
lplu->bServerOnly = TRUE; // we turn this on for the server and
// then turn it off if we find a filter or dn
if(*lpsz == '/') { // null server name .. which is valid
lplu->lpszServer = szEmpty; //NULL?
} else { while( *lpszTmp && *lpszTmp != '/') { lpszTmp = CharNext(lpszTmp); } if(*lpszTmp) { LPTSTR lp = lpszTmp; lpszTmp = CharNext(lpszTmp); *lp = '\0'; }
cchSize = lstrlen(lpsz)+1; lplu->lpszServer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!lplu->lpszServer) goto exit;
StrCpyN(lplu->lpszServer, lpsz, cchSize);
lpsz = lpszTmp; }
// The next item in the filter is the <dn> which is out szBase
// If the next char is a \0 or a '?', then we didnt get a <dn>
if(!*lpsz || *lpsz == '?') { cchSize = lstrlen(szDefBase)+1; lplu->lpszBase = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!lplu->lpszBase) goto exit; StrCpyN(lplu->lpszBase, szDefBase, cchSize); lpsz = lpszTmp = CharNext(lpsz); } else { lplu->bServerOnly = FALSE; // if we found a dn, we have something to search for
while( *lpszTmp && *lpszTmp != '?') { lpszTmp = CharNext(lpszTmp); } if(*lpszTmp) { LPTSTR lp = lpszTmp; lpszTmp = CharNext(lpszTmp); *lp = '\0'; }
cchSize = lstrlen(lpsz)+1; lplu->lpszBase = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!lplu->lpszBase) goto exit;
StrCpyN(lplu->lpszBase, lpsz, cchSize);
lpsz = lpszTmp; }
// NExt on line is the attributes for this search ...
// There are no attributes if this is the end of the string
// or the current character is a ?
if(!*lpsz || *lpsz == '?') { lplu->ppszAttrib = NULL; lpsz = lpszTmp = CharNext(lpsz); } else { while( *lpszTmp && *lpszTmp != '?') { lpszTmp = CharNext(lpszTmp); } if(*lpszTmp) { LPTSTR lp = lpszTmp; lpszTmp = CharNext(lpszTmp); *lp = '\0'; }
{ //Count the commas in the attrib string
LPTSTR lp = lpsz; ULONG i; lplu->ulAttribCount = 0; while(*lp) { if(*lp == ',') lplu->ulAttribCount++; lp=CharNext(lp); } lplu->ulAttribCount++; // one more attribute than commas
lplu->ulAttribCount++; // we must get a display name no matter whether its asked for or not
// otherwise we will fault on NT .. so add a display name param
lplu->ulAttribCount++; // for terminating NULL
lplu->ppszAttrib = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(LPTSTR) * lplu->ulAttribCount); if(!lplu->ppszAttrib) goto exit;
lp = lpsz; for(i=0;i<lplu->ulAttribCount - 2;i++) { LPTSTR lp3 = lp; while(*lp && *lp!= ',') lp = CharNext(lp); lp3=CharNext(lp); *lp = '\0';
lp = lp3;
cchSize = lstrlen(lpsz)+1; lplu->ppszAttrib[i] = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!lplu->ppszAttrib[i]) goto exit;
StrCpyN(lplu->ppszAttrib[i], lpsz, cchSize);
lpsz = lp; } cchSize = lstrlen(cszAttr_cn)+1; lplu->ppszAttrib[i] = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!lplu->ppszAttrib[i]) goto exit; StrCpyN(lplu->ppszAttrib[i], cszAttr_cn, cchSize); i++; lplu->ppszAttrib[i] = NULL; }
lpsz = lpszTmp; }
// Next is the scope which can be one of 3 values
if(!*lpsz || *lpsz == '?') { lplu->ulScope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; lpsz = lpszTmp = CharNext(lpsz); } else { if(!StrICmpN(lpsz, szScopeOne, CharSizeOf(szScopeOne)-1, TRUE)) { lplu->ulScope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; lpszTmp += CharSizeOf(szScopeOne); } else if(!StrICmpN(lpsz, szScopeSub, CharSizeOf(szScopeSub)-1, TRUE)) { lplu->ulScope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; lpszTmp += CharSizeOf(szScopeSub); } else if(!StrICmpN(lpsz, szScopeBase, CharSizeOf(szScopeBase)-1, TRUE)) { lplu->ulScope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; lpszTmp += CharSizeOf(szScopeBase); } lpsz = lpszTmp; }
// Finally the filter
if(!*lpsz) { // No filter
lpsz = (LPTSTR)cszAllEntriesFilter;// TBD this should be c=DefaultCountry
} else lplu->bServerOnly = FALSE; // we have something to search for ..
cchSize = lstrlen(lpsz)+1; lplu->lpszFilter = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize); if(!lplu->lpszFilter) goto exit;
// Dont set the lpszFilter to NULL at any point of time or we will leak the above memory
StrCpyN(lplu->lpszFilter, lpsz, cchSize);
// There may be extensions in the filter itself .. so we check for such extensions by
// looking for a '?' .. the extensions are a list of comma-seperated type-value pairs
// e.g bindname=xxx,!sometype=yyy etc ...
// Extensions may be of 2 types - critical (which start with '!') and non-critical which dont
// If a handler can't handle the critical extension, then they should decline from handling
// the complete LDAP URL ..
// If they can handle the critical extension then they must handle it
// If the extension is non critical, then its up to us what we do with it ..
{ LPTSTR lp = lplu->lpszFilter; while(lp && *lp && *lp!='?') lp++; if(*lp == '?') { lplu->lpszExtension = lp+1; // point this to the extension part
*lp = '\0'; // null terminate the middle to isolate the filter from the extension
} // only known extension specified in RFC2255 is the bindname extension which
// is the name that one should bind with - this is critical only if !bindname=xxx is specified
if(lplu->lpszExtension) { LPTSTR lpTemp = lplu->lpszExtension; lp = lplu->lpszExtension;
// walk this list looking at subcomponent extensions
// if there is more than 1 that is critical and we dont know how to handle it
// we can bail
while(lpTemp && *lpTemp) { BOOL bFoundCritical = FALSE;
// Check if the current extension is a critical or non-critical bind name
if(*lpTemp == '!') { lpTemp++; bFoundCritical = TRUE; } // Check if this starts with "bindname="
if(lstrlen(lpTemp) >= lstrlen(szBindName) && !StrICmpN(lpTemp, szBindName, lstrlen(szBindName), TRUE)) { // yes this is a bindname
lpTemp+=lstrlen(szBindName); lplu->lpszBindName = lpTemp; lplu->lpszExtension = NULL; } else if(bFoundCritical) { // it's not a bindname ..
// if this is critical, whatever it is, then we cant handle it
DebugTrace(TEXT("Found unsupported Critical Extension in LDAPURL!!!")); hr = MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT; goto exit; } // else // its not critical so we can ignore it
// check if there are any other extensions - walk to the next one
while(*lpTemp && *lpTemp!=',') lpTemp++;
if(*lpTemp == ',') { *lpTemp = '\0'; // terminate current extension
lpTemp++; } } } }
hr = S_OK;
if(HR_FAILED(hr)) FreeLDAPUrl(lplu);
return hr; }
// We need to decide what to do with this URL.
// Depending on how much information is in the URL, we decide to do
// different things ..
// If the URL looks complete, we try to do a query
// If the query has single results, we show details on the result
// If the query has multiple results, we show a list of results
// If the URL looks incomplete but has a server name, we will show a
// find dialog with the server name filled in ...
// if the flag is set, it means that return a mailuser
// if the URL query returned a single object
// specify MAPI_DIALOG to show mesage dialog boxes
LDAPURL lu = {0}; BOOL fInitDll = FALSE; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL;
if ( (ulFlags & WABOBJECT_LDAPURL_RETURN_MAILUSER) && !lppMailUser) { hr = MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; }
if (! (fInitDll = InitLDAPClientLib())) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED); goto out; }
if(HR_FAILED(hr = ParseLDAPUrl(szLDAPUrl, &lu))) goto out;
/*NULL server is valid .. but only a NULL server is not valid*/ if( ((!lu.lpszServer || !lstrlen(lu.lpszServer)) && lu.bServerOnly) || ( lstrlen(lu.lpszServer) >= 500 ) ) //bug 21240: the combo box GetItemText fails down the line with really big
// server names so reject server names > 500
// which is a completely random number but should be safe (I hope)
{ DebugTrace(TEXT("Invalid LDAP URL .. aborting\n")); hr = MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; }
if (ulFlags & LDAP_AUTH_SICILY || ulFlags & LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE) lu.dwAuthType = LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE; else lu.dwAuthType = LDAP_AUTH_ANONYMOUS;
// Now depending on what we have, we do different things ..
// If there is a server name, but nothing else, show the find
// dialog with the server name filled in ...
if (lu.bServerOnly) { // we only had a server name
hr = HrShowSearchDialog(lpAdrBook, hWnd, (LPADRPARM_FINDINFO) NULL, &lu, NULL); goto out; } else { LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; LPRECIPIENT_INFO lpList = NULL; LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer();
if(hWnd) pt_hWndFind = hWnd;
hr = LDAPSearchWithoutContainer(hWnd, &lu, (LPSRestriction) NULL, NULL, TRUE, (ulFlags & MAPI_DIALOG) ? MAPI_DIALOG : 0, &lpList, &ulcProps, &lpPropArray);
if(hWnd) pt_hWndFind = NULL;
if(!(HR_FAILED(hr)) && !lpList && !lpPropArray) hr = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND;
if(HR_FAILED(hr)) goto out;
lu.lpList = lpList;
if(ulcProps && lpPropArray) { // there is only one item .. show details on it ..
// unless we were asked to return a mailuser
// If we were asked to return a mailuser, then return
// one ...
// We should do IAB_OpenEntry with the LDAP EntryID because that
// will force translation of the UserCertificate property into the
// X509 certificate
// first find the entryid
ULONG i = 0, cbEID = 0, ulObjType = 0; LPENTRYID lpEID = NULL; for(i=0;i<ulcProps;i++) { if(lpPropArray[i].ulPropTag == PR_ENTRYID) { lpEID = (LPENTRYID) lpPropArray[i].Value.bin.lpb; cbEID = lpPropArray[i].Value.bin.cb; break; } }
if(!lpEID || !cbEID) goto out;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpAdrBook->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(lpAdrBook, cbEID, lpEID, NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpMailUser))) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("OpenEntry failed .. %x\n"), hr)); goto out; }
if(ulFlags & WABOBJECT_LDAPURL_RETURN_MAILUSER) { *lppMailUser = lpMailUser; } else { hr = HrShowOneOffDetails( lpAdrBook, hWnd, 0, (LPENTRYID) NULL, MAPI_MAILUSER, (LPMAPIPROP) lpMailUser, szLDAPUrl, SHOW_ONE_OFF); } if(lpPropArray) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpPropArray); } else if(lpList) { // multiple items, display a list of results ..
// unless MailUser was requested in which case return
// ambiguous results ...
hr = HrShowSearchDialog(lpAdrBook, hWnd, (LPADRPARM_FINDINFO) NULL, &lu, NULL); } }
while(lu.lpList) { lpList = lu.lpList->lpNext; FreeRecipItem(&(lu.lpList)); lu.lpList = lpList; }
if(!(ulFlags & WABOBJECT_LDAPURL_RETURN_MAILUSER) && lpMailUser) lpMailUser->lpVtbl->Release(lpMailUser);
if (fInitDll) DeinitLDAPClientLib();
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: LDAPSearchWithoutContainer
// PURPOSE: Searchs a LDAP server which is not registered as a
// container and creates an LPContentList of returned results
// PARAMETERS: lplu - LDAPUrl parameters
// lpres - restriction to convert into LDAP search, used if present
// lppContentsList - returned list of items
// if bReturnSinglePropArray is set to true, then returns the generated
// prop array if the search produced a single result
// 97/11/3 created
HRESULT LDAPSearchWithoutContainer(HWND hWnd, LPLDAPURL lplu, LPSRestriction lpres, LPTSTR lpAdvFilter, BOOL bReturnSinglePropArray, ULONG ulFlags, LPRECIPIENT_INFO * lppContentsList, LPULONG lpulcProps, LPSPropValue * lppPropArray) { SCODE sc; HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrDeferred = hrSuccess; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPMAPIPROP lpMapiProp = NULL; ULONG ulcProps = 0; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpResult = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpEntry; LDAP* pLDAP = NULL; LPTSTR szDN; ULONG ulResult = 0; ULONG ulcEntries; ULONG ulIndex = 0; LPTSTR szFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szNTFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szSimpleFilter = NULL; LPTSTR szBase = NULL; BOOL fInitDLL = FALSE; BOOL bIsNTDSEntry = FALSE;
if(lpAdvFilter) { // Advanced search, just use this filter as is
szFilter = lpAdvFilter; szNTFilter = lpAdvFilter; szSimpleFilter = lpAdvFilter; } else { // Convert the SRestriction into filters for ldap_search
if(lpres) { // Note Simple Search Filter is ignored in searchwithoutcontiner
hr = ParseSRestriction(lpres, &szFilter, &szSimpleFilter, &szNTFilter, FIRST_PASS, TRUE); //assumes UNICODE always
if (hrSuccess != hr) goto exit; } }
// Load the client functions
if (! (fInitDLL = InitLDAPClientLib())) { hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED); goto exit; }
// Read the matching entries
ulResult = SearchWithCancel(&pLDAP, (LPTSTR)lplu->lpszBase, (lpres ? LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE : lplu->ulScope), (LPTSTR)(lpres ? szFilter : lplu->lpszFilter), (LPTSTR)(lpres ? szNTFilter : NULL), (LPTSTR*)(lpres ? g_rgszOpenEntryAttrs/*g_rgszFindRowAttrs*/ : lplu->ppszAttrib), 0, &lpResult, (LPTSTR)lplu->lpszServer, TRUE, lplu->lpszBindName, lplu->dwAuthType, FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &bIsNTDSEntry, TRUE); //unicode by default ?
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ulResult) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAPSearchWithoutContainer: ldap_search returned %d.\n"), ulResult); hr = HRFromLDAPError(ulResult, pLDAP, 0);
// See if the result was the special value that tells us there were more
// entries than could be returned. If so, we need to check if we got
// some of the entries or none of the entries.
if ( (ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE) == hr) && (ulcEntries = gpfnLDAPCountEntries(pLDAP, lpResult)) ) { // We got some results back. Return MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION
// instead of success.
hrDeferred = ResultFromScode(MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION); hr = hrSuccess; } else goto exit; } else { // Count the entries.
ulcEntries = gpfnLDAPCountEntries(pLDAP, lpResult); }
if (0 == ulcEntries) { // 96/08/08 markdu BUG 35481 No error and no results means "not found"
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
// get the first entry in the search result
lpEntry = gpfnLDAPFirstEntry(pLDAP, lpResult); if (NULL == lpEntry) { DebugTrace(TEXT("LDAP_FindRow: No entry found for %s.\n"), szFilter); hr = HRFromLDAPError(LDAP_ERROR, pLDAP, MAPI_E_CORRUPT_DATA); if (hrSuccess == hr) { // No error occurred according to LDAP, which in theory means that there
// were no more entries. However, this should not happen, so return error.
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CORRUPT_DATA); } goto exit; }
while (lpEntry) { LPRECIPIENT_INFO lpItem = NULL;
hr = HrLDAPEntryToMAPIEntry( pLDAP, lpEntry, (LPTSTR) lplu->lpszServer, 0, // standard number of attributes
bIsNTDSEntry, &ulcProps, &lpPropArray); if (hrSuccess != hr) continue;
// Get the next entry.
lpEntry = gpfnLDAPNextEntry(pLDAP, lpEntry);
if(!lpEntry && ulIndex == 0 && bReturnSinglePropArray && lppPropArray && lpulcProps) { // just return this propArray we created instead of wasting time on
// other things
*lppPropArray = lpPropArray; *lpulcProps = ulcProps; } else { // multiple results or prop array not asked for ,
// return an lpItem list
lpItem = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(RECIPIENT_INFO)); if (!lpItem) { DebugPrintError(( TEXT("LocalAlloc Failed \n"))); hr = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
GetRecipItemFromPropArray(ulcProps, lpPropArray, &lpItem); lpItem->lpPrev = NULL; if(*lppContentsList) (*lppContentsList)->lpPrev = lpItem; lpItem->lpNext = *lppContentsList; *lppContentsList = lpItem;
MAPIFreeBuffer(lpPropArray); lpPropArray = NULL; ulcProps = 0; } ulIndex++; }
// Free the search results memory
gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); lpResult = NULL;
exit: // free the search results memory
if (lpResult) { gpfnLDAPMsgFree(lpResult); lpResult = NULL; }
// close the connection
if (pLDAP) { gpfnLDAPUnbind(pLDAP); pLDAP = NULL; }
// Free the search filter memory
if(szFilter != lpAdvFilter) LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); if(szNTFilter != lpAdvFilter) LocalFreeAndNull(&szNTFilter); if(szSimpleFilter != lpAdvFilter) LocalFreeAndNull(&szSimpleFilter); LocalFreeAndNull(&szBase);
if (fInitDLL) { DeinitLDAPClientLib(); }
// Check if we had a deferred error to return instead of success.
if (hrSuccess == hr) { hr = hrDeferred; }
if((HR_FAILED(hr)) && (MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL != hr) && (ulFlags & MAPI_DIALOG)) { int ids; UINT flags = MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION;
switch(hr) { case MAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE: case MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIP: ids = idsLDAPAmbiguousRecip; break; case MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND: ids = idsLDAPSearchNoResults; break; case MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS: ids = idsLDAPAccessDenied; break; case MAPI_E_TIMEOUT: ids = idsLDAPSearchTimedOut; break; case MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR: ids = idsLDAPCouldNotFindServer; break; default: ids = idsLDAPErrorOccured; break; }
ShowMessageBoxParam(hWnd, ids, flags, ulResult ? gpfnLDAPErr2String(ulResult) : szEmpty); } else { if(hr == MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION) ShowMessageBox( hWnd, idsLDAPPartialResults, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: bIsSimpleSearch
// PURPOSE: Checks if this server has Simple Search set on it.
// PARAMETERS: lpszServer - name of LDAP server whose base string to get.
BOOL bIsSimpleSearch(LPTSTR lpszServer) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params; BOOL fRet;
GetLDAPServerParams((LPTSTR)lpszServer, &Params);
fRet = Params.fSimpleSearch;
return fRet; }
- - dwGetPagedResultSupport */ DWORD dwGetPagedResultSupport(LPTSTR lpszServer) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params; DWORD dwRet; GetLDAPServerParams((LPTSTR)lpszServer, &Params); dwRet = Params.dwPagedResult; FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); return dwRet; }
- - SetPagedResultSupport */ void SetPagedResultSupport(LPTSTR lpszServer, BOOL bSupportsPagedResults) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params; DWORD dwRet; if(GetLDAPServerParams(lpszServer, &Params)) { Params.dwPagedResult = bSupportsPagedResults ? LDAP_PRESULT_SUPPORTED : LDAP_PRESULT_NOTSUPPORTED; SetLDAPServerParams(lpszServer, &Params); } FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); } #endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT
- - dwGetNTDS - checks if this is an NTDS or not */ DWORD dwGetNTDS(LPTSTR lpszServer) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params; DWORD dwRet; GetLDAPServerParams((LPTSTR)lpszServer, &Params); dwRet = Params.dwIsNTDS; FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); return dwRet; }
- - SetNTDS */ void SetNTDS(LPTSTR lpszServer, BOOL bIsNTDS) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params; DWORD dwRet; if(GetLDAPServerParams(lpszServer, &Params)) { Params.dwIsNTDS = bIsNTDS ? LDAP_NTDS_IS : LDAP_NTDS_ISNOT; SetLDAPServerParams(lpszServer, &Params); } FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); }
// PURPOSE: Does a synchronous LDAP search (this means no cancel dlg)
DebugTrace(TEXT("Doing Synchronous LDAP Search\n"));
if(bIsSimpleSearch(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer)) pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_SimpleSearch;
pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_UseSynchronousBind; pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_UseSynchronousSearch;
// Perform the bind operation.
{ BOOL fUseSynchronousBind = (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_UseSynchronousBind); pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue = use_ldap_v3; pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = OpenConnection(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, &pLDAPSearchParams->ulTimeout, &pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID, &fUseSynchronousBind, pLDAPSearchParams->ulLDAPValue, pLDAPSearchParams->lpszBindDN, pLDAPSearchParams->dwAuthType); if(fUseSynchronousBind) pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_UseSynchronousBind; else pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags &= ~LSP_UseSynchronousBind; }
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != pLDAPSearchParams->ulError) goto out;
// The actions that need to be performed after the bind are done
// in BindProcessResults, so we call this even though there really are
// no results to process in the synchronous case.
if(!BindProcessResults(pLDAPSearchParams, NULL, NULL)) goto out;
// Process the results
if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ResolveMultiple) while (ResolveProcessResults(pLDAPSearchParams, NULL)); else if(LDAP_ERROR == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = (*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP)->ld_errno; goto out; }
fRet = TRUE;
out: return fRet; }
- CreateLDAPURLFromEntryID - * Takes an EntryID, checks if it is an LDAP EntryID and creates an LDAP URL from it .. * Allocates and returns the URL .. caller responsible for freeing .. */ void CreateLDAPURLFromEntryID(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPTSTR * lppBuf, BOOL * lpbIsNTDSEntry) { LPTSTR lpServerName = NULL, lpDN = NULL; LPTSTR lpURL = NULL, lpURL1 = NULL; DWORD dwURL = 0; LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params = {0}; LPTSTR lpServer = NULL; ULONG ulcNumProps = 0;
if(!lppBuf) return;
if (WAB_LDAP_MAILUSER != IsWABEntryID( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ) return;
// Deconstruct the entryid into server name and DN
IsWABEntryID( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, &lpServerName, &lpDN, NULL, (LPVOID *) &ulcNumProps, NULL); if(lpbIsNTDSEntry) *lpbIsNTDSEntry = (ulcNumProps & LDAP_NTDS_ENTRY) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if(lpServerName) { GetLDAPServerParams(lpServerName, &Params); if(!Params.lpszName) { ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(lpServerName)+1; if(Params.lpszName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TCHAR)*cchSize)) StrCpyN(Params.lpszName, lpServerName, cchSize); } }
// [PaulHi] 12/9/98 Raid NT5 - #26069
// The account manager provides the server name "NULL" for ActiveDirectory servers
// We need to make sure this name doesn't become part of the LDAP URL
lpServer = Params.lpszName ? Params.lpszName : szEmpty; if ( !lstrcmpi(lpServer, szNULLString) ) lpServer = szEmpty; if(!lpDN) lpDN = szEmpty; // [PaulHi] 3/24/99 InternetCanonicalizeUrlW doesn't take buffer count in bytes
// as stated in documentation, but in characters. Also doesn't account for NULL
// terminating character.
dwURL = 3*(lstrlen(lpServer)+lstrlen(lpDN)+10); //worst case - every character needs to be encoded ...
lpURL = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*(dwURL+1)); //10 is enuff space for 'ldap://' and terminating NULL
if(lpURL) { lpURL1 = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*(dwURL+1)); //10 is enuff space for 'ldap://' and terminating NULL
if(lpURL1) { DNtoLDAPURL(lpServer, lpDN, lpURL, dwURL+1); DebugTrace(TEXT("==> pre-encoded: %s\n"),lpURL); if ( !InternetCanonicalizeUrlW(lpURL, lpURL1, &dwURL, 0) ) { DebugTrace(TEXT("ERROR: CreateLDAPURLFromEntryID, InternetCanonicalizeUrlW failed.\n")); Assert(0); } DebugTrace(TEXT("==>post-encoded: %s\n"),lpURL1); FreeLDAPServerParams(Params);
*lppBuf = lpURL1; } LocalFree(lpURL); } }
- - CheckErrorResults - Check for error results here * * ulExpectedResult - ldap_result returns the type of the result retrieved but not the * the actual error code itself. If the expected Result is the same as the last ulResult, * only then do we call ldap_result2error to get the actual error code .. */ ULONG CheckErrorResult(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, ULONG ulExpectedResult) { ULONG ulResult = 0;
// Upon successful completion, ldap_result returns the type of the result
// returned in the res parameter. If it is not the type we expect, treat
// this as an error.
if(ulExpectedResult == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) { // If an error occurred in ldap_result, return the error code
if (LDAP_ERROR == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) ulResult = (*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP)->ld_errno; else if (NULL != *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult) // Check the result for errors
{ ulResult = gpfnLDAPResult2Error(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP,*pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult,FALSE); } } else if( (LDAP_RES_BIND == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_MODIFY == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_ADD == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_DELETE == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_MODRDN == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_COMPARE == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || (LDAP_RES_SESSION == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult) || //(LDAP_RES_REFERRAL == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult)
(LDAP_RES_EXTENDED == pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult)) { ulResult = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; } else ulResult = pLDAPSearchParams->ulResult;
DebugTrace(TEXT("CheckErrorResult: 0x%.2x, %s\n"), ulResult, gpfnLDAPErr2String(ulResult)); return ulResult; }
- bSearchForOID - * Performs a sync search on the server looking for a specific OID in a * specific attribute .. */ BOOL bSearchForOID(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, LPTSTR lpAttr, LPTSTR szOID) { LDAPMessage * pMsg = NULL; LDAPMessage * pMsgCur = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwRet = 0; int nErr = 0;
LPTSTR AttrList[] = {lpAttr, NULL};
DebugTrace(TEXT(">>>Looking for %s in attribute %s\n"), szOID, lpAttr);
if(LDAP_SUCCESS != (nErr = gpfnLDAPSearchS( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, NULL, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, (LPTSTR) cszAllEntriesFilter, AttrList, 0, &pMsg))) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Synchronous OID determination failed: 0x%.2x, %s\n"), nErr, gpfnLDAPErr2String(nErr)); goto out; }
pMsgCur = gpfnLDAPFirstEntry(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pMsg);
if(!pMsg || !pMsgCur) goto out;
while( NULL != pMsgCur ) { BerElement* pBerElement; TCHAR* attr = gpfnLDAPFirstAttr(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pMsg, &pBerElement ); while( attr != NULL ) { if( !lstrcmpi( attr, lpAttr ) ) { TCHAR** pptch = gpfnLDAPGetValues(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pMsgCur, attr ); int i; for(i = 0; NULL != pptch[i]; i++ ) { if( !lstrcmpi( pptch[i], szOID ) ) { DebugTrace(TEXT("Found %s [OID:%s]\n"),pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, pptch[i]); bFound = TRUE; goto out; } } } attr = gpfnLDAPNextAttr(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pMsgCur, pBerElement ); } pMsgCur = gpfnLDAPNextEntry(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pMsgCur ); }
out: if( NULL != pMsg ) gpfnLDAPMsgFree( pMsg );
return bFound; }
- bIsNTDS - * Checks to see if the server is an NTDS or not - if there is no existing info in the registry, * then we do a one-time check and write the results into the registry * */ #define LDAP_NTDS_DISCOVERY_OID_STRING TEXT("1.2.840.113556.1.4.800")
BOOL bCheckIfNTDS(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams) { LDAPMessage * pMsg = NULL; LDAPMessage * pMsgCur = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwRet = 0; int nErr = 0;
LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer();
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) return TRUE;
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNotNTDS) return FALSE;
dwRet = dwGetNTDS(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer);
if(dwRet == LDAP_NTDS_IS) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_IsNTDS; return TRUE; } else if(dwRet == LDAP_NTDS_ISNOT) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_IsNotNTDS; return FALSE; }
if(SubstringSearch(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, TEXT("mich"))) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params = {0}; BOOL bIsUmich = FALSE; GetLDAPServerParams(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, &Params); if(Params.lpszName && SubstringSearch(Params.lpszName, TEXT("umich.edu"))) bIsUmich = TRUE; else if(SubstringSearch(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, TEXT("umich.edu"))) bIsUmich = TRUE; FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); if(bIsUmich) goto out; // The search below hangs on umich so just skip it
} bFound = bSearchForOID(pLDAPSearchParams, TEXT("supportedCapabilities"), LDAP_NTDS_DISCOVERY_OID_STRING);
pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= (bFound ? LSP_IsNTDS : LSP_IsNotNTDS);
// Any LDAP search failure will mean we won't look for this ever again
SetNTDS(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, bFound); DebugTrace(TEXT(">>>%s %s a NT Directory Service \n"), pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, bFound? TEXT("is"): TEXT("is not")); return bFound; }
- bSupportsLDAPPagedResults - * Checks to see if the server supports LDAP paged results or not ... * */ BOOL bSupportsLDAPPagedResults(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams) { LDAPMessage * pMsg = NULL; LDAPMessage * pMsgCur = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwRet = 0; int nErr = 0;
LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer();
* * NOTE: There seems to be an Exchange server problem that if we send * the filter (|(cn=XXX*)(mail=XXX*)) AND the number of matches on the * server exceed the number of matches requested per page, the * search times out. This doesn't happen for other filters so it's * quirky and it's unacceptable. * * Therefore the paged result feature is being disabled. To re-enable it, * comment out the line below *---------------------------------------------------------------*/ return FALSE;
// don't support paged results for non-Outlook
// return FALSE;
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_ResolveMultiple) //dont use paged results for name resolution
return FALSE;
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_PagedResults) return TRUE;
if(pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_NoPagedResults) return FALSE;
dwRet = dwGetPagedResultSupport(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer);
if(dwRet == LDAP_PRESULT_SUPPORTED) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_PagedResults; return TRUE; } else if(dwRet == LDAP_PRESULT_NOTSUPPORTED) { pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= LSP_NoPagedResults; return FALSE; }
if(SubstringSearch(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, TEXT("mich"))) { LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params = {0}; BOOL bIsUmich = FALSE; GetLDAPServerParams(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, &Params); if(Params.lpszName && SubstringSearch(Params.lpszName, TEXT("umich.edu"))) bIsUmich = TRUE; else if(SubstringSearch(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, TEXT("umich.edu"))) bIsUmich = TRUE; FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); if(bIsUmich) goto out; // The search below hangs on umich so just skip it
} bFound = bSearchForOID(pLDAPSearchParams, TEXT("supportedControl"), LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING);
pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags |= (bFound ? LSP_PagedResults : LSP_NoPagedResults);
// persist the fact that the paged-result search succeeded or failed so we don't
// try to do this every single time
// Any LDAP search failure will mean we won't look for this ever again
SetPagedResultSupport(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, bFound); DebugTrace(TEXT("<<<Paged Result support = %d\n"), bFound); return bFound; }
- bMorePagedResultsAvailable - * Checks if more paged results are available * */ BOOL bMorePagedResultsAvailable() { LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); return (pt_pCookie != NULL); }
- CachePagedResultParams - * Temporarily stores the PagedResult Params for * future paged results * */ void CachePagedResultParams(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams) { LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); pt_pCookie = (pLDAPSearchParams->pCookie && pLDAPSearchParams->pCookie->bv_len) ? pLDAPSearchParams->pCookie : NULL; }
- ClearCachedPagedResultParams - */ void ClearCachedPagedResultParams() { LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); pt_pCookie = NULL; }
- GetPagedResultParams - * */ void GetPagedResultParams(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams) { LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer(); pLDAPSearchParams->pCookie = pt_pCookie; }
- InitLDAPPagedSearch - * Initializes and starts a Paged Result search * * */ void InitLDAPPagedSearch(BOOL fSynchronous, PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams, LPTSTR lpFilter) { PLDAPControlA PagedControl[2]; LDAPSERVERPARAMS Params = {0}; LPTSTR szFilterT, szFilter = NULL;
// initialize search control parameters
GetLDAPServerParams(pLDAPSearchParams->lpszServer, &Params);
DebugTrace(TEXT("---Initiating paged result search...\n"));
GetPagedResultParams(pLDAPSearchParams); gpfnLDAPCreatePageControl( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, Params.dwSearchSizeLimit, pLDAPSearchParams->pCookie, FALSE, &(PagedControl[0])); PagedControl[1] = NULL;
if (lpFilter) szFilterT = lpFilter; else { if ((pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) && pLDAPSearchParams->szNTFilter) szFilterT = pLDAPSearchParams->szNTFilter; else szFilterT = pLDAPSearchParams->szFilter; } Assert(szFilterT); if (pLDAPSearchParams->ulFlags & LSP_IsNTDS) { // [PaulHi] 4/20/99 Raid 73205 Allow NTDS group searches.
LPTSTR tszFilterPerson = NULL; LPTSTR tszFilterGroup = NULL; BOOL bFilterSucceeded = FALSE;
// Put together person side
if (BuildOpFilter(&tszFilterPerson, szFilterT, (LPTSTR)cszAllPersonFilter, FILTER_OP_AND) == hrSuccess) { // Put together group side
if (BuildOpFilter(&tszFilterGroup, szFilterT, (LPTSTR)cszAllGroupFilter, FILTER_OP_AND) == hrSuccess) { // Put two together
bFilterSucceeded = (BuildOpFilter(&szFilter, tszFilterPerson, tszFilterGroup, FILTER_OP_OR) == hrSuccess); LocalFreeAndNull(&tszFilterGroup); } LocalFreeAndNull(&tszFilterPerson); }
if (!bFilterSucceeded) goto out; } else szFilter = szFilterT;
if(fSynchronous) { struct l_timeval Timeout; // Poll the server for results
ZeroMemory(&Timeout, sizeof(struct l_timeval)); Timeout.tv_sec = Params.dwSearchTimeLimit; Timeout.tv_usec = 0;
pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = gpfnLDAPSearchExtS( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->szBase, pLDAPSearchParams->ulScope, szFilter, pLDAPSearchParams->ppszAttrs, 0, PagedControl, NULL, &Timeout, 0, // 0 means no limit
pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult); } else { pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = gpfnLDAPSearchExt( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, pLDAPSearchParams->szBase, pLDAPSearchParams->ulScope, szFilter, pLDAPSearchParams->ppszAttrs, 0, PagedControl, NULL, Params.dwSearchTimeLimit, //timeout
0, // 0 means no limit
&(pLDAPSearchParams->ulMsgID)); }
gpfnLDAPControlFree(PagedControl[0]); FreeLDAPServerParams(Params); if (szFilter != szFilterT) LocalFreeAndNull(&szFilter); }
- ProcessLDAPPagedResultCookie - * Processes the cookie returned from one paged result search * */ BOOL ProcessLDAPPagedResultCookie(PLDAPSEARCHPARAMS pLDAPSearchParams) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; PLDAPControl *serverReturnedControls = NULL; LDAPMessage* lpEntry; ULONG ulCount = 0; DWORD dwTotal = 0;
pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = gpfnLDAPParseResult(*pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, *pLDAPSearchParams->lplpResult, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &serverReturnedControls, FALSE);
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != pLDAPSearchParams->ulError) goto out;
pLDAPSearchParams->ulError = gpfnLDAPParsePageControl( *pLDAPSearchParams->ppLDAP, serverReturnedControls, &dwTotal, &(pLDAPSearchParams->pCookie));
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != pLDAPSearchParams->ulError) goto out;
fRet = TRUE; out:
if(serverReturnedControls) gpfnLDAPControlsFree(serverReturnedControls);
return fRet; }
#endif //#ifdef PAGED_RESULT_SUPPORT