* NOTIFY.C * * WAB Notification Engine * * Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * * Notification in the WAB works as follows: * Client apps call Advise to register their interest in particular * notifications. The wab maintains a local list of the notifications * that the client has advised in the processes heap. The wab also * maintains a thread while there are any active advise sessions. This * thread waits on the global notification event. * * When a notification event happens (through HrFireNotification) * the event is written into a shared memory list and the global * notification event is triggered. * * The client thread (one in each process) wakes when this event is * triggered and compares the shared memory list of events against * it's local list of advises. If a match is found, the thread calls * the advise's OnNotify callback. * * There is a reference count in the global notification list's records * so that the record can be cleaned up when all processes have had * a chance to see it. * */
#include "_apipch.h"
#define ADVISE_TIMEOUT 60000 // milliseconds
// #define NEW_STUFF
#ifdef NEW_STUFF
#define NOTIFY_CREATE_TIMEOUT 60000 // milliseconds
#define FIRE_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT 10000 // milliseconds
#define ADVISE_THREAD_TIMEOUT ((ULONG)-1) // Forever
#define NOTIFY_ADVISE_TIMEOUT 60000 // milliseconds
// Per-process globals
// 0 1 2
// 012345678901234567890123
const TCHAR szNotificationName[] = "_MICROSOFT_WAB_NOTIFY_"; const TCHAR szMEM[] = "MEM"; // suffix for shared memory
const TCHAR szEVT[] = "EVT"; // suffix for event
const TCHAR szMTX[] = "MTX"; // suffix for mutex
LPNOTIFICATION_LIST lpNotificationList = NULL; HANDLE hmemNotificationList = NULL; HANDLE hevNotificationList = NULL; HANDLE hmtxNotificationList = NULL; HANDLE hevNotificationUI = NULL; HANDLE hmtxAdviseList = NULL;
ADVISE_LIST AdviseList = {0, NULL}; HANDLE hevKillAdvise = NULL; ULONG ulMaxIdentifierSeen = 0;
// Forward declarations
DWORD AdviseThread(LPDWORD lpdwParam);
Name : WaitForTwoObjects
Purpose : Wait for one of two objects to be signalled
Parameters: handle0 = first object handle handle1 = second object handle dwTimeout = timeout in milliseconds
Returns : index of object or -1 on error (0, 1 or -1)
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ ULONG WaitForTwoObjects(HANDLE handle0, HANDLE handle1, DWORD dwTimeout) { HANDLE rgHandles[2] = {handle0, handle1};
switch (WaitForMultipleObjects(2, rgHandles, FALSE, dwTimeout)) { case WAIT_ABANDONED_0: DebugTrace("WaitFoMultipleObjects got WAIT_ABANDONED_0\n"); case WAIT_OBJECT_0: return(0);
case WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + 1: DebugTrace("WaitFoMultipleObjects got WAIT_ABANDONED_1\n"); case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: return(1);
case WAIT_FAILED: default: DebugTrace("WaitForMultipleObjects got WAIT_FAILED: %u\n", GetLastError()); case WAIT_TIMEOUT: return((ULONG)-1); } }
Name : CompareEntryIDs
Purpose : Are the two entryID's the same?
Parameters: cbEntryID1 = sizeof lpEntryID1 lpEntryID1 = first EntryID cbEntryID2 = sizeof lpEntryID2 lpEntryID2 = second EntryID
Returns : TRUE if the entry IDs are the same
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ BOOL CompareEntryIDs(ULONG cbEntryID1, LPENTRYID lpEntryID1, ULONG cbEntryID2, LPENTRYID lpEntryID2) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
if (cbEntryID1 == cbEntryID2) { if (cbEntryID1 && 0 == memcmp((LPVOID)lpEntryID1, (LPVOID)lpEntryID2, (size_t)cbEntryID1)) { fReturn = TRUE; } }
return(fReturn); }
Name : CreateNotifySession
Purpose : Create/Open the notification lists and thread.
Parameters: lpfExisted -> returned flag TRUE if the session was already setup for this process.
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : Fills in these globals: hmtxNotificationList hevNotificationList hmemNotificationList lpNotificationList
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CreateNotifySession(LPBOOL lpfExisted) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; BOOL fMutex = FALSE; DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwThreadParam = 0; HANDLE hthrdAdvise = NULL; TCHAR szName[CharSizeOf(szNotificationName) + CharSizeOf(szMEM)];
Assert(CharSizeOf(szMEM) == CharSizeOf(szEVT) && CharSizeOf(szEVT) == CharSizeOf(szMTX));
StrCpyN(szName, szNotificationName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); StrCatBuff(szName, szMTX, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if (! (hmtxNotificationList = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szName))) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:CreateMutex(%s) -> %u\n", szName, GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(hmtxNotificationList, NOTIFY_CREATE_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fMutex = TRUE;
StrCpyN(szName, szNotificationName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); StrCatBuff(szName, szMEM, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if ((hmemNotificationList = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // handle
NULL, // security descriptor
PAGE_READWRITE, // reserve more
0, // max size high
szName)) == NULL) { // name
DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession: CreateFileMapping(%s) --> %u\n", szName, GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
*lpfExisted = (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
if ((lpNotificationList = (LPNOTIFICATION_LIST)MapViewOfFile(hmemNotificationList, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(NOTIFICATION_LIST))) == NULL) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession: CreateFileMapping --> %u\n", GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
if (! *lpfExisted) { // Initialize global notification list
lpNotificationList->cAdvises = 0; // Number of advise processes
lpNotificationList->cEntries = 0; // Number of entries in the list
lpNotificationList->lpNode = NULL; // First node in list or NULL if empty
lpNotificationList->ulNextIdentifier = 1; // next value for a notification identifier
} lpNotificationList->cAdvises++; // Number of advise processes
// Notification Event
StrCpyN(szName, szNotificationName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); StrCatBUff(szName, szEVT, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if (! (hevNotificationList = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, // Manual reset
FALSE, // initial state (not triggered)
szName))) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:CreateEvent(%S) -> %u\n", szName, GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
// Advise Kill Event
if (! (hevKillAdvise = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, // Manual reset
FALSE, // initial state (not triggered)
NULL))) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:CreateEvent(Kill Advise) -> %u\n", GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
// Create the Local AdviseList
if (! (hmtxAdviseList = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, // Not initially owned
NULL))) { // no name
DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:CreateMutex(Advise List) -> %u\n", GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
// Local AdviseList should be empty
Assert(AdviseList.cAdvises == 0); Assert(AdviseList.lpNode == NULL);
// Create the Advise thread for this process
if (! (hthrdAdvise = CreateThread(NULL, // no security attributes
0, // default stack size: BUGBUG: Should be smaller
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)AdviseThread, // thread function
&dwThreadParam, // argument to thread
0, // flags
&dwThreadId))) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:CreateThread -> %u\n", GetLastError()); // propbably out of memory?
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
exit: if (fMutex) { ReleaseMutex(hmtxNotificationList); } if (hthrdAdvise) { CloseHandle(hthrdAdvise); } if (hResult) { // Failure, clean up
if (lpNotificationList) { UnmapViewOfFile(lpNotificationList); lpNotificationList = NULL; } if (hmemNotificationList) { CloseHandle(hmemNotificationList); hmemNotificationList = NULL; } if (hmtxNotificationList) { CloseHandle(hmtxNotificationList); hmtxNotificationList = NULL; } if (hevNotificationList) { CloseHandle(hevNotificationList); hevNotificationList = NULL; } if (hevKillAdvise) { CloseHandle(hevKillAdvise); hevKillAdvise = NULL; } }
return(hResult); }
Name : OpenNotifySession
Purpose : Open the global notification list, if it exists.
Parameters: lppNotificationList -> returned notification list lphmemNotificationList -> returned shared memory handle lphmtxNotificationList -> returned Mutex handle lphevNotificationList -> returned event handle
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : This function does not effect the globals!
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT OpenNotifySession(LPNOTIFICATION_LIST * lppNotificationList, LPHANDLE lphmemNotificationList, LPHANDLE lphmtxNotificationList, LPHANDLE lphevNotificationList) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; BOOL fMutex = FALSE; TCHAR szName[CharSizeOf(szNotificationName) + CharSizeOf(szMEM)];
StrCpyN(szName, szNotificationName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); StrCatBuff(szName, szMTX, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if (! (*lphmtxNotificationList = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, // inherit handle?
szName))) { DebugTrace("OpenNotifySession:OpenMutex(%s) -> %u\n", szName, GetLastError()); // No Advise sessions exist, don't bother with this.
hResult = ResultFromScode(WAB_W_NO_ADVISE); goto exit; }
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(*lphmtxNotificationList, NOTIFY_CREATE_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fMutex = TRUE;
StrCpyN(szName, szNotificationName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); StrCatBuff(szName, szMEM, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if ((*lphmemNotificationList = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // handle
NULL, // security descriptor
0, // max size high
szName)) == NULL) { // name
DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession: CreateFileMapping --> %u\n", GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
if ((*lppNotificationList = (LPNOTIFICATION_LIST)MapViewOfFile(*lphmemNotificationList, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(NOTIFICATION_LIST))) == NULL) { DebugTrace("CreateNotifySession: CreateFileMapping --> %u\n", GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
// Initialize global notification list
Assert((*lppNotificationList)->cAdvises != 0); // Number of advise processes
// Notification Event
StrCpyN(szName, szNotificationName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); StrCatBuff(szName, szEVT, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if (! (*lphevNotificationList = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, // Manual reset
FALSE, // initial state (not triggered)
szName))) { DebugTrace("OpenNotifySession:CreateEvent(%S) -> %u\n", szName, GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
exit: if (fMutex) { ReleaseMutex(*lphmtxNotificationList); } if (hResult) { // Failure, clean up
if (*lphmemNotificationList) { CloseHandle(*lphmemNotificationList); *lphmemNotificationList = NULL; }
if (*lphmtxNotificationList) { CloseHandle(*lphmtxNotificationList); *lphmtxNotificationList = NULL; } if (*lphevNotificationList) { CloseHandle(*lphevNotificationList); *lphevNotificationList = NULL; } }
return(hResult); } #endif // NEW_STUFF
Name : HrWaitForObject
Purpose : Wait for an object to be signalled
Parameters: handle = object handle dwTimeout = timeout in milliseconds
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT HrWaitForObject(HANDLE handle, DWORD dwTimeout) { switch (WaitForSingleObject(handle, dwTimeout)) { case WAIT_ABANDONED: DebugTrace(TEXT("WARNING:HrWaitForObject got WAIT_ABANDONED\n")); // fall through to success
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: return(hrSuccess); case WAIT_TIMEOUT: DebugTrace(TEXT("HrWaitForObject timed out\n")); return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_TIMEOUT)); case WAIT_FAILED: default: DebugTrace(TEXT("HrWaitForObject failed -> %u\n"), GetLastError()); return(ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED)); } }
Name : HrWABNotify
Purpose : Scans registered clients and Notifies them of a store modification The first-cut at notifications is extremely simplistic. Any time the WAB store changes, we fire off a store notification. No attempt to check eventmasks or entryids etc
Parameters: lpIAB = THIS object
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : What happens in here:
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT HrWABNotify(LPIAB lpIAB) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess;
if (!lpIAB->pWABAdviseList || !lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->cAdvises) { hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
// Since calling applications may have no idea of container/folder changes, but may
// call container based methods ..
// update the list of WAB containers for that applicaiton so that GetContentsTable etc
// will work correctly ..
if(bAreWABAPIProfileAware(lpIAB)) HrGetWABProfiles(lpIAB);
WABNotif.ulEventType = fnevObjectModified; WABNotif.info.obj.ulObjType = MAPI_ADDRBOOK; WABNotif.info.obj.cbEntryID = WABNotif.info.obj.cbParentID = WABNotif.info.obj.cbOldID = WABNotif.info.obj.cbOldParentID = 0; WABNotif.info.obj.lpEntryID = WABNotif.info.obj.lpParentID = WABNotif.info.obj.lpOldID = WABNotif.info.obj.lpOldParentID = NULL; WABNotif.info.obj.lpPropTagArray = NULL;
lpAdviseNode = lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode; while(lpAdviseNode) { lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink->lpVtbl->OnNotify(lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink, 1, &WABNotif); lpAdviseNode = lpAdviseNode->lpNext; }
Name : HrAdvise
Purpose : Performs client notification registration
Parameters: lpIAB = THIS object cbEntryID = sizeof lpEntryID lpEntryID -> EntryID of object about which notifications should be generated. ulEventMask = events about which to generate notifications fnevObjectCreated fnevObjectDeleted fnevObjectModified fnevTableModified NOTE: WAB currently does not support fnevCriticalError, fnevObjectCopied or fnevObjectMoved. lpAdviseSink -> Client's advise sink object lpulConnection -> returned connection number (client should save to pass to Unadvise.)
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : What happens in here: Store the EventMask and AdviseSink in the local advise list. If there are no other Advise sessions open in this process: Make sure there is one and register it
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT HrAdvise(LPIAB lpIAB, ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, ULONG ulEventMask, LPMAPIADVISESINK lpAdvise, ULONG FAR * lpulConnection) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess;
BOOL fExisted = FALSE; LPADVISE_NODE lpAdviseNode = NULL, lpTemp = NULL; static ULONG ulNextConnection = 1;
if(!lpIAB->pWABAdviseList) { lpIAB->pWABAdviseList = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(ADVISE_LIST)); if(!lpIAB->pWABAdviseList) { hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; } lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->cAdvises = 0; lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode = NULL; }
lpAdviseNode = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(ADVISE_NODE) + cbEntryID); if(!lpAdviseNode) { hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
lpAdviseNode->ulConnection = ulNextConnection++; lpAdviseNode->ulEventMask = ulEventMask; lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink = lpAdvise; if(cbEntryID && lpEntryID) { CopyMemory(&lpAdviseNode->EntryID, lpEntryID, cbEntryID); }
lpAdviseNode->lpPrev = NULL; lpAdviseNode->lpNext = lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode; if(lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode) lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode->lpPrev = lpAdviseNode; lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode = lpAdviseNode; lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->cAdvises++;
// Addref the LPADVISESINK pointer so we have a handle on it ...
lpAdvise->lpVtbl->AddRef(lpAdvise); *lpulConnection = lpAdviseNode->ulConnection;
exit: LeaveCriticalSection(&lpIAB->cs);
#ifdef NEW_STUFF
// Walk the advise list looking for the connection
// Make sure we're safe to monkey with the list
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(hmtxAdviseList, ADVISE_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("HrUnadvise:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fMutex = TRUE;
// Is there an open Advise session for this process?
// If not, set up the advise session for this process.
if (! lpNotificationList) { if (hResult = CreateNotifySession(&fExisted)) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("HrAdvise:CreateNotifySession"), hResult); goto exit; } }
// Add Advise info to Local Advise List.
// Create the new node
if (! (lpAdviseNode = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(ADVISE_NODE) + cbEntryID))) { DebugTrace("LocalAlloc(%u) AdviseNode -> %u\n", sizeof(ADVISE_NODE) + cbEntryID, GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
lpAdviseNode->ulConnection = ulNextConnection++; lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink = lpAdvise; lpAdviseNode->ulEventMask = ulEventMask; lpAdviseNode->cbEntryID = cbEntryID; CopyMemory(&lpAdviseNode->EntryID, lpEntryID, cbEntryID);
// Add the new node to front of the list
// Make sure we're safe to monkey with the list
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(hmtxAdviseList, ADVISE_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("HrAdvise:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fMutex = TRUE;
lpAdviseNode->lpNext = AdviseList.lpNode; AdviseList.lpNode = lpAdviseNode; AdviseList.cAdvises++; *lpulConnection = lpAdviseNode->ulConnection;
exit: if (fMutex) { ReleaseMutex(hmtxAdviseList); } #else
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED); */ #endif
Name : HrUnadvise
Purpose : Removes an Advise from the list
Parameters: ulConnection = connection number to remove
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT HrUnadvise(LPIAB lpIAB, ULONG ulConnection) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess;
if (!lpIAB->pWABAdviseList || !lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->cAdvises) { hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
lpAdviseNode = lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode;
while (lpAdviseNode) { if (lpAdviseNode->ulConnection == ulConnection) { if(lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode == lpAdviseNode) lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode = lpAdviseNode->lpNext;
if(lpAdviseNode->lpPrev) lpAdviseNode->lpPrev->lpNext = lpAdviseNode->lpNext; if(lpAdviseNode->lpNext) lpAdviseNode->lpNext->lpPrev = lpAdviseNode->lpPrev;
// Release the hold on this pointer ...
//Assert(lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->cAdvises == 0 && lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode == NULL);
if(!lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->cAdvises && !lpIAB->pWABAdviseList->lpNode) { LocalFree(lpIAB->pWABAdviseList); lpIAB->pWABAdviseList = NULL; }
goto exit; } lpAdviseNode = lpAdviseNode->lpNext; }
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND);
exit: LeaveCriticalSection(&lpIAB->cs); return(hResult);
#ifdef NEW_STUFF
BOOL fMutex = FALSE; LPADVISE_NODE lpAdviseNode = NULL; LPADVISE_NODE * lppPrevNode = &(AdviseList.lpNode);
if (hmtxAdviseList == NULL || AdviseList.cAdvises == 0) { hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
// Walk the advise list looking for the connection
// Make sure we're safe to monkey with the list
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(hmtxAdviseList, ADVISE_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("HrUnadvise:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fMutex = TRUE;
lpAdviseNode = AdviseList.lpNode;
while (lpAdviseNode) { if (lpAdviseNode->ulConnection == ulConnection) { // Found it, remove from list
*lppPrevNode = lpAdviseNode->lpNext;
// BUGBUG: Don't forget to remove any notifications that haven't been
// processed by this process yet.
// Free the node
LocalFreeAndNull(&lpAdviseNode); goto exit; } lppPrevNode = &(lpAdviseNode->lpNext); lpAdviseNode = lpAdviseNode->lpNext; }
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND);
exit: if (fMutex) { ReleaseMutex(hmtxAdviseList); } #else
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED); #endif
return(hResult); */ }
Name : HrFireNotification
Purpose : Fire a notification
Parameters: lpNotification -> NOTIFICATION structure
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : What happens in here: if shared memory exists Map in the shared memory Add the notification to the global Advise list Set the count on this notification to the global advise count. trigger the Global Advise Event.
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT HrFireNotification(LPNOTIFICATION lpNotification) { HRESULT hResult = hrSuccess; #ifdef NEW_STUFF
LPNOTIFICATION_LIST lpNotifyList = NULL; HANDLE hmemNotifyList = NULL; HANDLE hmtxNotifyList = NULL; HANDLE hevNotifyList = NULL; LPNOTIFICATION_NODE lpNewNode = NULL, lpTempNode, *lppPrevNode; BOOL fNotifyMutex = FALSE, fAdviseMutex = FALSE; BOOL fOpened = FALSE;
// If there is an Advise session, use it, else create a temporary
// Notification session
if (lpNotificationList) { lpNotifyList = lpNotificationList; hmtxNotifyList = hmtxNotificationList; hevNotifyList = hevNotificationList; } else { if (hResult = OpenNotifySession(&lpNotifyList, &hmemNotifyList, &hmtxNotifyList, &hevNotifyList)) { DebugTraceResult( TEXT("HrAdvise:OpenNotifySession"), hResult); // No waiting advise sessions, there's no point in continuing
goto exit; } fOpened = TRUE; }
// Request access to the Global Notification List
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(hmtxNotifyList, FIRE_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("HrFireNotification:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fNotifyMutex = TRUE;
// Add the notification to the beginning of the global notification list
// create a new node for it
if (! (lpNewNode = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(NOTIFICATION_NODE)))) { DebugTrace("LocalAlloc(%u) NotificationNode -> %u\n", sizeof(NOTIFICATION_NODE), GetLastError()); hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; }
lpNewNode->cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFICATION_NODE);
// BUGBUG: This doesn't copy the stuff pointed to in the notification structure!
CopyMemory(&lpNewNode->Notification, lpNotification, sizeof(NOTIFICATION));
// Add the new node to END of the list. Note that it must go to the end
// of the list so that the unique identifiers are kept in order.
// Make sure we're safe to monkey with the Advise list
if (hResult = HrWaitForObject(hmtxAdviseList, ADVISE_TIMEOUT)) { DebugTrace("HrAdvise:Mutex wait failed\n"); goto exit; } fAdviseMutex = TRUE;
lpNewNode->lpNext = NULL;
lpTempNode = lpNotifyList->lpNode; lppPrevNode = &lpNotifyList->lpNode; while (lpTempNode) { lppPrevNode = &lpTempNode->lpNext; lpTempNode = lpTempNode->lpNext; } *lppPrevNode = lpNewNode;
// Set the count on this notification to the global
// advise count.
lpNewNode->ulCount = lpNotificationList->cAdvises;
// Set the unique identifier for this notification
lpNewNode->ulIdentifier = lpNotifyList->ulNextIdentifier++;
// trigger the Global Advise Event.
if (! PulseEvent(hevNotifyList)) { DebugTrace("HrFireNotification:PulseEvent -> %u\n", GetLastError()); // what are ya gonna do?
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED); goto exit; }
exit: if (fNotifyMutex) { ReleaseMutex(hmtxNotifyList); } if (fAdviseMutex) { ReleaseMutex(hmtxAdviseList); }
// Clean up the stuff if we opened it.
if (fOpened) { if (lpNotifyList) { UnmapViewOfFile(lpNotifyList); } if (hmemNotifyList) { CloseHandle(hmemNotifyList); } if (hmtxNotifyList) { CloseHandle(hmtxNotifyList); } if (hevNotifyList) { CloseHandle(hevNotifyList); } }
hResult = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED); #endif
return(hResult); }
#ifdef NEW_STUFF
Name : AdviseThread
Purpose : Thread routine for advise
Parameters: lpdwParam = Thread parameter
Returns : DWORD return code.
Comment : What happens in here: loop until Unadvise wait for trigger of the Global Advise Event or Unadvise event if Advise Event Loop through global advise list if we haven't already dealt with this notification check events in global advise list against local advise list if match call client's NotifCallback Decrement count in this notification if count == 0 remove this item from the global advise list
if Unadvise decrement global advise count exit thread
***************************************************************************/ DWORD AdviseThread(LPDWORD lpdwParam) { BOOL fNotifyMutex = FALSE, fAdviseMutex = FALSE; LPNOTIFICATION_NODE lpNotifyNode = NULL, *lppNotifyPrev; LPADVISE_NODE lpAdviseNode = NULL;
// loop until Unadvise
while (TRUE) { // wait for trigger of the Global Advise Event or Unadvise event
switch(WaitForTwoObjects(hevNotificationList, hevKillAdvise, ADVISE_THREAD_TIMEOUT)) { case 0: // New notification
break; case (ULONG)-1: // error
DebugTrace("AdviseThread:WaitForTwoObjects error\n"); // fall through to kill
case 1: // kill advise
DebugTrace("Terminating AdviseThread\n"); goto exit; }
// New notification
// Loop through global notification list
// Gain access to list
// wait for trigger of the Global Advise Event or Unadvise event
switch(WaitForTwoObjects(hmtxNotificationList, hevKillAdvise, NOTIFY_ADVISE_TIMEOUT)) { case 0: // Got the List Mutex
fNotifyMutex = TRUE; break; case (ULONG)-1: // error
DebugTrace("AdviseThread:WaitForTwoObjects error\n"); // fall through to kill
case 1: // kill advise
DebugTrace("Terminating AdviseThread\n"); goto exit; } Assert(fNotifyMutex);
// Also need to look at the local advise list
switch(WaitForTwoObjects(hmtxAdviseList, hevKillAdvise, NOTIFY_ADVISE_TIMEOUT)) { case 0: // Got the List Mutex
fAdviseMutex = TRUE; break; case (ULONG)-1: // error
DebugTrace("AdviseThread:WaitForTwoObjects error\n"); // fall through to kill
case 1: // kill advise
DebugTrace("Terminating AdviseThread\n"); goto exit; } Assert(fAdviseMutex);
lpNotifyNode = lpNotificationList->lpNode; lppNotifyPrev = &(lpNotificationList->lpNode);
while (lpNotifyNode) { // if we haven't already dealt with this notification
if (lpNotifyNode->ulIdentifier > ulMaxIdentifierSeen) { // We haven't seen this one yet. Process it.
// NOTE: For this to work, new notification nodes must be added
// at the END of the notification list!
ulMaxIdentifierSeen = lpNotifyNode->ulIdentifier;
// check this notification event against local advise list
lpAdviseNode = AdviseList.lpNode; while (lpAdviseNode) { if (lpNotifyNode->Notification.ulEventType & lpAdviseNode->ulEventMask) { // Right event type, is it the right object?
switch (lpNotifyNode->Notification.ulEventType) { case fnevCriticalError: // ERROR_NOTIFICATION
if (CompareEntryIDs(lpAdviseNode->cbEntryID, (LPENTRYID)&lpAdviseNode->EntryID, lpNotifyNode->Notification.info.err.cbEntryID, lpNotifyNode->Notification.info.err.lpEntryID)) { // This is it!
// Call the notification callback
lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink->lpVtbl->OnNotify(lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink, 1, &lpNotifyNode->Notification); } break; case fnevObjectCreated: case fnevObjectDeleted: case fnevObjectModified: case fnevObjectCopied: case fnevObjectMoved: case fnevSearchComplete: // OBJECT_NOTIFICATION
if (CompareEntryIDs(lpAdviseNode->cbEntryID, (LPENTRYID)&lpAdviseNode->EntryID, lpNotifyNode->Notification.info.obj.cbEntryID, lpNotifyNode->Notification.info.obj.lpEntryID)) { // This is it!
// Call the notification callback
lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink->lpVtbl->OnNotify(lpAdviseNode->lpAdviseSink, 1, &lpNotifyNode->Notification); } break;
case fnevTableModified: // TABLE_NOTIFICATION
break; default: break; } } lpAdviseNode = lpAdviseNode->lpNext; }
// Decrement count in this notification
// if count == 0
// remove this item from the global notification list
if (--lpNotifyNode->ulCount == 0) { *lppNotifyPrev = lpNotifyNode->lpNext; LocalFree(lpNotifyNode); lpNotifyNode = *lppNotifyPrev; } else { lpNotifyNode = lpNotifyNode->lpNext; } } }
if (fNotifyMutex) { fNotifyMutex = FALSE; ReleaseMutex(hmtxNotificationList); } if (fAdviseMutex) { fAdviseMutex = FALSE; ReleaseMutex(hmtxAdviseList); } }
exit: // exit thread
return(0); }